This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
I am going to get a bit radical in this article and pose a question to you. Should you always blog and build relationships strictly within your niche?
We are trained to stay in our niche right? Yes, I know that’s a very good thing for backlinks, branding, authority blogging and building targeted relationships with both your peers and prospects.
Whatever your niche is, as a blogger, there are many aspects to your business. The social and technical parts of your blog are at the top of the list.
The social and technical aspects of blogging, in fact, are the two most important things you need to be in touch with. If you are like me, and you have that passion for social networking, you may not want to have anything to do with the technical part of blogging.
What would happen to me, though, if I stuck only to a very tight niche of people who were doing strictly social media marketing, and never talked to people about technical things related to blogging and networking?
Let’s just suppose that I never conversed much with any of the techies visiting my blog because they weren’t in my niche, and I wasn’t comfortable with technology? Of course, I’d be courteous, but let’s say I never socialized with them. Now, when something goes wrong with my blog….What do I do?
I have no one to turn to because I haven’t built relationships with people in the more techie niches. I am alone and have no one to turn to that I really know and trust! I’ve never hung out on technology blogs or forums, so I don’t even know the lingo to even ask for help.
The result is that I would be at the mercy of someone I don’t know, and would probably have to pay through the nose to fix even simple things. And that, my friends, is just one example.
Imagine confining yourself to your niche so narrowly that whenever you try to promote something, everyone you talk to already knows about it, or already bought into it. On the other hand, if you extended yourself beyond your immediate core group of blogging friends, you’re far more likely to bump into folks who have a sincere need for the product, system or training you have to offer.
To me, it all comes down to a balancing act!
I believe that we have to broaden ourselves to people in other niches, invite them to come to our blogs, interact with us on our social sites and start building relationships with them. It just comes down to a win-win from my perspective.
If I need help with something, I post it on Facebook and tons of my blogging buddies come to help. Same goes for me. If I see a blogging buddy pose a question that I can answer, I’m there in a heart beat.
Ultimately, though, when it comes time for you to sell a product or promote a service, who are the people that are going to need it the most?
The ones that are in your niche who already know the same stuff as you? Or could it be ones that are in a different, but related niches that are not quite as familiar with your offers?
What do you think? I really would like to know!
Twitter: pvariel
December 30, 2013 at 3:39 am #
Hi Donna,
Good to be here again.
Like any other newbie i too heard lot about stick to your niches and get along with the similar ones to expand your blogging, but at a later stage i notice that so many other blogs of different niches i need to look up, and i started reading and commenting and i made a good number of friends in different niches and it automatically increased my knowledge in other areas. I fully agree with you in the opinion of making good relationship with other niches too that it will be a great help in some area of our blogging, as you said: “The social and technical aspects of blogging, in fact, are the two most important things you need to be in touch with. If you are like me, and you have that passion for social networking, you may not want to have anything to do with the technical part of blogging.” yes, technical aspect is one of the vital part here, and one need to get some basic knowledge about it, and for that you need to visit and get in touch with such blogs and bloggers, i did this in my blogging and i have a good number of such friends here and I take help from them whenever I face a technical problem.
So, Keep visiting and read other niches too so that we will get a general idea, knowledge of many things and in the long run that will be a good help to others who are in contact with Us.
Have a wonderful days of Blogging and friendship ahead, your videos are simple and stick to the point. Good. Keep it up
Philip V Ariel recently posted..50 States of Pray. My Take….A Prayer From India
Hi Philip,
Thank you for your wonderful comment. Yes, the general idea of not staying in your niche is that we can learn so much from others.
As a blogger we need to know so many different things, so it only makes sense that we get out of our own niche and learn all the rest.
The best part is that if we need help in an area we are not familiar with, we can always rely on a friend out of our niche.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How To Make New Year Resolutions Work
Being in the home business niche, I blog mostly on topics related to home business success, but make an effort to reach out to others who aren’t necessarily involved with a business. It’s one of those things – you never know when someone will be interested in what you do, or have a friend who is and you get a referral. That’s how I see it.
Eldon Beard recently posted..One Way to Eliminate Negative Thinking and Open Doors
Hi Eldon,
Writing within our niche is great, but we do need to get out there to others and socialize. Yes, you never know when someone will be interested in what we do.
Works for me!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: workingonthego
November 29, 2013 at 9:36 am #
Hi Donna,
I agree with you as people we have varied interests. If we broaden our niche and experiences we get lots more positive business ideas and inspiration. Which we then can use in our own niche.
Rosemary O’Shaughnessy recently posted..An Inspiring JFK quote for Irish Business ?
Absolutely Rosemary,
It is a whole new world out there and through broadening ourselves, we learn so much every day.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: iblogright
November 29, 2013 at 8:52 am #
Hi Donna, I would say this is a great article. Blogging in just your niche is crap because you do not only need knowledge around your niche, you also need to read wide to learn a few things here and there and you can’t do this just blogging in your niche. I just to be one of such persons until i met harleena who taught me alot and changed me and now i build relationship with people outside my niche and i have gained alot from that. Nice post and thanks for sharing.
Hi Bob,
Well I am so glad that Harleena has helped you out. You are absolutely correct. Once you get out there and make relationships, the magic happens!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: nickcatricala
November 25, 2013 at 4:59 pm #
I guess I am lucky that I am not focusing on any niche, I just write haha 🙂
So I have an open sky for what subjects my articles come up with.
From reading other blogs and subjects, I found a great benefit I can get some type of inspiration from their writing style or what ever it may be at the time I read, and I found interesting is that so many people use different angles to make their subject more appealing and that is very useful to me… well,I do that with books as well haha 🙂 So now you know where my style come from.. correct?
Thanks so much for all your valid points.. as always, learning is fun with your articles.. THANKS so much for doing what you do.
nick catricala recently posted..Let’s Take Control of Our Life and charge towards our dreams!
Hi Nick!
Your niche is broad and appeals to just about anyone. That’s why I just love to go to your blog.
There is ALWAYS something I find interesting or thought provoking. Keep it up my friend!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: rebekahradice
November 25, 2013 at 12:00 pm #
Hi Donna! I couldn’t agree more. It’s so narrow minded to think that we only want to engage with those in our niche. For many, a product or service speaks to people across various niches. To not interact with them would be foolish.
As always, you’re a leader in showing us how true conversations give back to everyone involved!
Rebekah Radice recently posted..10 Golden Rules to Successful Social Media Marketing
Thank you Rebekah,
It never made any sense to me to stick within my niche. I’ve made so many friends and connections through social media and visiting blogs.
You are spot on when you say that a product/service speaks to people across various niches.
We all are experts in our own field, we need one another in other niches!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: usmile
November 25, 2013 at 7:40 am #
Hi My favorite Donna…
I’ve been thinking about one of my niches and how I can infuse new interest to stand out. I think I have come up with something, new ways of thinking. Sometimes you have to do things different from what everyone else is doing… so wish me luck. Your posts help me! Thanks!
Lesly Federici recently posted..Just Wild About Quirky
Hi Lesly,
Glad to know this post got your wheels turning! I just got off your post about Quirky….my wheels are turning too!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hello Donna !
Writing articles on various niche on a single Domain name doesn’t makes any sense to me as there would always be confusion on what article belonging to which niche should be the next blog post.When i started blogging , i blogged on many niche’s like marketing,programming,business,rel-estate ..etc but having learned from my mistakes, i focus on only technology niche. Thanks for sharig the info .
Pramod recently posted..ZOPO ZP998 with Octa core processor,3G,2GB RAM unveiled
Hi Pramod,
Your expertise on technology amazes me. Keep on writing about it. But sharing it with other bloggers would be a big help. Like me! I just read your latest blog and the review you gave was astounding!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Donna, I totally agree with you about broadening who we interact with online in our blogs. I have met many people and followed lots of blogs that are not in my niche which has really helped me to learn so much more about blogging, business, and life. I also have met some fantastic people along the way like yourself which I would have never been able to do if I just only stuck in my niche of healing foods and holistic health. Thanks so much for discussing this topic on your blog.
Shelley Alexander recently posted..92 Delectable Real Food Recipes Perfect for Entertaining
Hi Shelley,
Same goes here Shelley! If I just stuck to my niche I would have never met you. Your blog always inspires me to make something to eat that I normally would never have thought of.
Plus, Recipes go hand in hand with anything! We all have to eat!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
After we have been blogging for a while it is by going to other niches that we can find inspiration for a completely new “slant” on what we do.
And by doing that we can get ourselves in front of people who would not usually get to know us.
Takes time though…..!
Shelagh Jones recently posted..Figuring Yourself Out by Pat Honiotes
Well said! Although it does take some time, we do get inspiration and a new slant on what we do when getting out of our niche!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Twitter: hollyfulfordjef.
November 24, 2013 at 11:29 am #
I like your idea here.. I often spend too much time in my niche.. I think you have a great idea here… and perhaps those out of my niche can help out, or even end up as customers/clients!!
Holly recently posted..Who Is Steering Your Life? Are You Looking In The Rear View Mirror?
Hi Holly,
Spreading your niche would be a good idea because it offers so much to so many people.
I think it would be wise to step out a bit so people can find you and find the awesome content you give. Plus, they can end up becoming customers/clients.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
November 24, 2013 at 10:25 am #
This is pretty good advice, Donna.
For the most part, I think that you need to confine the bulk of your activity to your own niche if you are trying to brand your authority or expertise.
I agree, though, that people can get carried away with that, and not open themselves up to readers who may be in niches that are remotely relevant.
Your example of the cross-over between the IT technical niche and blogging is a good example. The niches are different, but obviously share some important common ground.
There are also many broad niches that you can always keep your doors open too, like personal development or inspiration. I can’t imagine that those things are not relevant to just about any blog.
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Sales Funnel Part 2 | Front-End Products
Hey David,
Good to communicate with you on this blog lol.
You make great points here. We cannot get ourselves carried away with our own niche to much to try to brand our authority.
It takes a whole village….. Crossing over between Techie niches and blogging is the example I liked to give because it is common ground.
See you soon,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
I agree with you in terms of building relationships, who just sticks to their niche for that would be someone who is very shortsighted…HOWEVER on my blog, I do blog to niche which is broad but well defined, although that does not stop me engaging with comments as I myself have more personal interests that my business niche… !
Sarupa Shah recently posted..8 tips to manifest more time for your business
Hi Sarupa,
I love going to your blog because we share the same interests. It may be broad, but it comes down to the niche specific philosophy you share.
Now that’s an art!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: martydia
November 24, 2013 at 2:35 am #
I think it depends on the goals and purpose you have for your blog.
I follow a dog blog – and whenever she gets too far off topic she starts getting a lot of negative comments (and presumably would lose readership if she continued). She can write a bit about life outside of the dogs (work, love life & family ) but there seems to be some “magic” number in the minds of her audience that when she crosses it – she starts losing readership.
So you need to figure out not only what works for you – but also the expectations of your readers and followers. For some it will be a wide variety of topics and for others it will need to be pretty narrowly defined.
Marty Diamond recently posted..Are You Keeping An Active Newsletter?
Hi Marty,
It sure does depend what your goals are. Writing a dog blog is very niche specific. Followers ONLY want to go there to learn about dogs, their behavior and so on.
We really have to find out what works for us. We need to ALWAYS write for our readers otherwise they just won’t come back.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: WillenaRose
November 23, 2013 at 8:45 pm #
I’m glad you posted this, because I was wondering if I should feel guilty for posting about my passion for writing this month!
Most people like it when you post stuff about your personal life, or about something that you feel strongly about. I think we should have a niche, but include other topics which will help build relationships and also break the monotony.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..When Life Gives You Lemons
I love to read your blog lately. The things you have been sharing are teaching me …and I’m sure others… sharing your personal life.
I sometimes go to your blog, say a little prayer for you, and then come away feeling better because life is not so bad!
You inspire me!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hi Donna,
Sounds like I am good for a change because I do ‘socialize’ online with people from diverse niches. I enjoy forming relationships with people from all walks of life–much like my offline friends. Perhaps those outside of my niche were drawn because I write about several topics, which probably is unwise and I am going to pull it in more.
What comes immediately to mind is the 4 to 5 craft bloggers that have been commenting on my blog almost daily. Which reminds me that I need to view Google Analytics more frequently.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..A Healthy Dose of Professional Development
Hi Rachel,
Sounds like those “craft bloggers” are looking for some help in blogging to me. Maybe that’s why they are coming to you.
You can always disable the commentLuv or the link to their blog in your back office if you don’t want to have them linking to your blog.
….A little trick I use when someone is way out of my nice!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Donna, this is a very thought provoking post! I’ve struggled with that very question. It is more difficult to interact with people who are in fields that are foreign to you…but could be much more productive. Using myself as an example: I don’t do MLM, just don’t care for the model. But many of my clients work in MLM and love it. They need me because they don’t have the background or time to deal with technical issues like WordPress. If I don’t hang out in MLM circles, I miss connecting with potential clients. Thanks for the reminder.
Rachel Williamson recently posted..Thankful for Perry Marshall
Hi Rachel,
I hear you loud and clear! It is important that you stick to the MLM crowd because that’s where your client’s are.
Because you have the time to deal with WordPress issues, they do need you. They are focused on that MLM mindset and need your advice and and help.
Just remember, anyone you make friends with out there, no matter what niche they are in may need your help and become a potential client!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: thefoodcurator
November 23, 2013 at 9:26 am #
Donna, I guess I am lucky that my niche is food and therefore has a huge range of subjects that fall within it. I do however read a lot of other blogs on a variety of subjects. One of the benefits of this is you can get inspiration from other peoples writing style and the interesting angles they may approach their subject matter and integrate it with your own style.
The Food Curator recently posted..Kenwood Chef Review
Well food is necessary for life! Although you blog about it, it is necessary for the health crowd, the family crowd that desperately needs to change their habits especially in the U.S. lol
Plus it is something that we all do…eat!
Keep going my friend!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: sueken
November 23, 2013 at 12:40 am #
When i started blogging I knew nothing about niches and blogging advice was thin on the ground. I was not marketing then so blogged just out of interest. I would read all sorts of different blog content.
I offered to help one of my favorite bloggers with a technical problem she was having and this led to us becoming firm friends. I became part of her circle of friends because of commenting on her site. I brought others in and our circle widened.
I was writing about blogging and what was then an emerging social networking scene. No one else in my circle was a techy type blogger, they covered all sorts of different topics. My site became very popular and its ranking still reflects those early days, despite a period where I hardly blogged at all.
Sadly the blogging itch did not last for most of them and their blogs are long gone. I was listed in some comment luv enabled/ do follow blog lists so I still got lots of comments but from people who wanted the backlinks.
Blogging was no longer satisfying for me, hence a block of inactivity. Since I restarted I have tended to stick to blogs within my niche. Writing this and reading your post has shown me that I did not learn from my earlier experiences. Although I will stick with my niche and the great contacts I have made again, it is about time that I spread my wings again.
Sue Bride recently posted..Help My Blog Content Is Being Copied
Hi Sue,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! It’s really helpful for my readers.
We can stick solely to our niche and that is fine, but blogging is something that is inter-twined with so many other niches.
As long as you are hanging around with people who are great bloggers, they most likely won’t fall off the map.
I think we grow and brand our niche out a bit as we blog, and that’s fine! As long as we are putting out good content, you will get good bloggers coming to you.
Go ahead and spread your wings girl!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
The thing is (as I see it:-) in any niche, there are always things related, which take you slightly outside the niche. But – because they’re related to your niche, it’s still “kind of” in the niche.
Like relatives who are only relatives because they’ve married your relative, but after you’ve known them for years, you almost forget they are not your “blood relative”.
Hope I made sense Donna – I do think people should also provide information about material outside their niche, but only if it’s related.
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..How to Set Up Data Tracking on WordPress
Hi Julieanne,
I love your analogy! It does make perfect sense to me. We can provide information that is closely related to our niche as long as it is related, pardon the pun!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hi Donna,
your post is so refreshing!
To me the ‘niche’ advise I came across in the beginning almost put me off getting started on blogging.
Over the time of my life (I am in my 6th decade,lol) I gathered so much information and I have a passion to pass it on. If I would restrict that to my niche it would feel like locking a part of myself away.
I really appreciate your encouragement to ‘loosen it up’!
Love and Light!
Yorinda recently posted..What if Stress was good for us?
Hi Yorinda,
So you have been told too to say in that niche! It just never made sense to me at all because, as you stated you have gathered so much information in your lifetime…you have to pass it on!
I feel the same way too.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Definitely not. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here! 🙂 While I certainly mingle with other food bloggers, it’s definitely not my only interest. There are so many great bloggers to learn from, especially when it comes to marketing and much rather learn directly from them and develop a relationship with them, than learn from a book (and I love to read!). Plus, like you said, you never know when you might need help and having a great group of friends in various niches means someone is bound to have an answer for you!
Tanya recently posted..Yummy Recipes for Your Thanksgiving Feast
Hi Tanya,
Well, you have a recipe blog and I needed something different to cook for Thanksgiving.
Before I replied, I went to our blog and found what I was looking for.
See…it is ALWAYS a win-win situation!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hi Donna,
I just recently started blogging. I don’t really have a niche per say, but I have ideas and passions that I go off of. I want to help people you and and old have better lives, I want to help them enhance their lives for the better.
I have a goal in the next ten years of doing online business and blogging, to build a senior center that allows the elderly that are less able to take care of themselves have better lives when they are coming to the end.
I don’t like the way that they are treated in hospice and nursing homes. My recently passed grandmother was in three or four different nursing homes. Yes, a few good nurses here and there, but the living conditions were horrible. They had her sitting around for too long. So much so that she ended up losing her left leg due to a total loss of circulation there.
I will need help constructing and planning this structure. I won’t be able to do it myself, so the best thing to do is to reach out to architects, nurses, construction contractors, and many other extremely important people that are absolutely necessary for this place’s operations. If I stick to one niche, I could cut myself short of all of the possibilities that could come my way.
sorry had a typo error in the website area.
Ashton Dawson recently posted..Finish Strong!
Hi Ashton.
Got it! Went to your blog and it’s great!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
It seems to me like you have found your passion. Go with it all the way! I don’t like the way elders are treated either in nursing homes. My grandmother was in one too.
I have my mom living with me at the present because if she does get sick I’ll take care of her at home.
I did this with my Father-in-law. We had hospice at home. It wasn’t enough help and it was almost a year of care taking, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m looking forward to seeing you on the social sites too!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Baby Boomer Bloggers
Hi Donna,
This is a difficult question. The dominant idea on the net seems to be that you should choose a targeted niche and blog there and promote products in that niche for their specific needs.
The principle implies two things: 1) a more targeted niche means better conversions and 2) on a global scale a targeted niche is larger enough to have a lot of people in need who don’t know the same stuff as you.
On the other hand your points are very interesting. You should definitely make friends in other niches, too. Technical and not so technical ones.
Now I think I will use the term “distance” here. How far is the respective niche from yours? If you are in the WordPress niche, for example, the Food niche must be considered very far. So it might be difficult for the WordPress blogger to accepts comments from a Cave man diet’s blog.
A related niche is considered close and things are much easier. Internet marketing and network marketing niches are related and you may easily accept comments from one niche to another.
I think the core of our efforts should be targeted to our niche. Maybe 70 % (just a guess). The rest of about 30 % must be targeted to related niches. Occasionally we can accept niches that are not related, if the respective person is a nice person.
For example, I got a comment this morning from a blogger who worked 10 years as a correctional officer and he runs a blog in this field. Normally I wouldn’t approve. However, I liked the person so much that I immediately approved it and gave him all the advantages possible with CommentLuv Premium.
Have a wonderful day
silviu recently posted..Blog Commenting Results. Case Study 1
Thank you for your well thought out comment Silviu!
Yes, we do have to take into consideration how far is that respective niche from ours.
There are some bloggers that only do giveaways, or other promoted articles. They are great people, but if I decide to put their comment on my blog, I have to remove the commentLuv. The back links would kill me 🙂
Oh I know that blogger you are talking about and I absolutely love him. He comes to my blog and I go to his. I think the common ground we share is “caring” about people.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: wonderoftech
November 21, 2013 at 11:20 pm #
Hi Donna, I guess I’m a yes and a no. No, I don’t write outside of my personal technology niche on my blog but my personal technology niche is broad. Many bloggers only write about Apple or Android or mobile but I define personal technology broadly. I can’t imagine discovering great tech and not sharing it with my readers because it was outside my niche!
I write for everyday people, not techies, though I often have techies visit my blog. I do read plenty of tech blogs but I don’t comment on them because, well, it’s a different kind of conversation on those blogs. I prefer to hang out with my friends in the blogging world. So far, people don’t seem to mind me hanging around!
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..10 Top Tech Tools to Help Make Your Life Easier!
Hi Carolyn,
I absolutely love the way you blog about technical stuff. It is so easy for a person like me to understand. I got all excited reading your last blog about 10 top Tech Tools because I realized I use a lot.
That made me feel like a techie pro! It’s not easy for me to feel that way.
As for hanging around, you can hang out with me anytime lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: wiarbu
November 21, 2013 at 7:09 pm #
Hi Donna,
I think, truth be told, we all need each other. You have various skills and abilities that compliment those outside your niche, and vice versa. So, I think overall, the expansion of your sphere of influence outside of the comfort zone of your niche creates the possibility of a win-win.
Have a great time visiting, and a nice weekend ahead.
Love the hairdo! 🙂
William Butler recently posted..25 Traits Of Highly Successful People
Hi Bill,
So true. Once we step out of our comfort zone, it is a win win situation for all.
We all learn from one another and really need to.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
This is a very good point. I think that staying within your niche (to an extent) is needed, but it’s also important to reach out and maintain a friendship even with those that may not be “exactly” your type. That’s the great thing about people! We all have our unique talents and gifts that make not one of us the same.
Josh May
Josh May recently posted..Leverage what you Enjoy to Make you Money
Hi Josh,
Yes staying in our niche to an extent is OK. But yes, stepping beyond that circle can not only bring good friends, but also great business partners!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: DrErica
November 21, 2013 at 2:12 pm #
Having participated in blogging networks for several years, I totally agree with you. For me it is so refreshing to read a blog about an area I know less about. My techy friends provide so much valuable information. In their blogs they inform the reader about the latest changes in Google or Facebook and other social media. They warn about potential problems in building an online presence or about the latest online scams or viruses. And then there are people teaching different aspects of health and wellness or financial improvement or business building. Just by reading these very different niche blogs, I become more and more well-rounded and knowledgable, not to mention I have a group of global colleagues to reach out to for help if needed.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Your Heroes – How They Affect Your Relationships Today
Hi Erica!
Took the words right out of my mouth here. The love of getting out of my niche keeps me well rounded and I love it!
Where else can we be soaking up so much information? Blogging networks are so great to be in for a diversified community where I find learning every day keeps me so inspired.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: blogcooters
November 21, 2013 at 1:56 pm #
Hey Donna,
I agree with you, if you get stuck in any problem and your friends circle is limited then there will be no one to help you out. You need to grow your circle. Especially! you need to have some techies in your circle but this is the hardest for me. I can’t help techies in networking as i’m not at all interested in tech stuff and reading tech stuff is too annoying for me. Well, you’ve got a valid point. I have to work on it. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Siraj Wahid recently posted..Interview with Lisa Buben of Inspire To Thrive
Hi Siraj,
I’m with you. When it comes to techies, it is like a different language to me. But we do need our techie friends when running our blog. Even though I don’t have an interest in technical stuff, I need to get that language down somehow. If I need support with something, at least I can explain to a techie what it is.
Plus, I just love to learn things. Not that I have any intention to be a techie, but understand it. And those folks have been so kind to me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
November 20, 2013 at 2:41 pm #
Hi Donna,
Ha ha… Radical is healthy. Isn’t it? 😉
Interesting question and I’ve never given much thought about it Donna. I’ve built relationships with bloggers on other niches and I can’t really think of many blogging friends fit into my niche. For example, we both doesn’t belong to exact niche (Eventhough there’s some common parts), but yet we enjoy each others’ posts 😉
I’ve read many times about connecting with bloggers in same niche as the first and foremost thing to do, and I know that techies usually have so many techie friends around too. As I know, they stop by blog directories and start connecting with bloggers in same niche.
Having folks in same niche is very helpful and I know it extends discussions into more interesting developments 🙂 But I love having different bloggers from different niches around, as so far I have learnt a lot of stuff which I’ve never heard of Donna.
I’m interested in Technology and keeps up with it, but I would have never looked into personal development, marketing and stuff on my own though. Including you, I’m thankful enough for my friends 😉
As one of my lecturers used to say “Knowing a little of everything is often better than having one expert skill” 😉
As always, I’ve enjoyed your video and it’s with full of energy Donna. How come I ignore liking it? 😉
BUT, hey, where’s the scenery? I was expecting your lovely beach and sea on your background too. May be, next time 😀 lol…
You have a lovely week there dear 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Set Up Trusted Contacts to Recover Your Facebook Account
You always bring a smile to my face! I always enjoy going to your blog because it is a big learning curve for me.
As you well know how fascinated I am with the way you teach those techie things.
I had left a comment on your blog telling you that I actually have a bookmark page on my computer called Mayura’s School. Really!!!
Because when I want to implement what you have taught in a post, I go back when I can and do it.
I really think you should have your own school my friend!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: marquitaherald
November 20, 2013 at 12:44 pm #
Absolutely agree Donna and amazing things can happen when you nudge yourself into new areas. After publishing several books in the personal growth niche I wrote a book about my book marketing experiences to help new authors and before I knew what happened it mushroomed into another blog and a whole different business. I was having fun but worried about stretching myself too thin, and more importantly I didn’t want to lose site of my core mission to teach the power of harnessing resilience. But I needn’t have worried because my readers from the author blog began reading my personal growth articles and asking questions – and next thing I knew a whole new coaching program was born – The Resilient Writer. All because I decided to try something outside my niche.
marquita herald recently posted..How Do You Measure Balance In Your Life?
Hi Marquita,
Thanks for sharing your amazing story. Well you know that good old law of attraction and what it can do.
Sometimes we are lead to a place unknown, springing out of our box and into another great thing we have to do.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
November 20, 2013 at 11:10 am #
Good point, Donna. My niche is helping people get into a home business, but I tend to throw in other things that I list under the category “Off the Beaten Path”. I’m also very happy to visit blogs of others who aren’t in my niche. We’d be in trouble in B3 if we didn’t want to do that.
We can support and encourage each other, no matter what niche we are in. That’s the point of networking, right?
Thanks, you rebel, from another rebel.
All the best,
Leslie Denning recently posted..Emerging From My Most Recent Coma …
Hi Leslie,
Being part of B3 says it all my rebel friend. We sure would be in trouble there if we wanted to stick to one niche. And how boring would that be.
Just take our syndication group B3 for example. We have bloggers in so many niches, but each week, as we rotate, we get a chance to connect with different people. Plus new ones coming in all the time.
Encouraging each other is the best part of it all!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: suejprice
November 20, 2013 at 4:09 am #
Hi Donna
You know no one ever told me about staying in my niche. I am glad they didn’t because I agree with you it is too narrow.
I have learned so much from other bloggers and love reading things like Sylviane’s French blog as an example. It would be very boring if we all just stayed in a tiny little niche. Curious but who teaches that?
I see that Adrienne also said she was taught this. Glad I came into the scene later 🙂
A great post Donna and I love your video. Your energy is so good to see you also doing more of these.
Sue Price recently posted..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue,
Thank goodness no one ever told you to stay in your niche. Many of us were told that when we first came on line. It’s funny because I still see it around.
It makes no sense to me! I’m like you when it comes to going to other blogs. I love to go to Sylviane’s French blog too. I get to learn things about the culture that I never knew. Plus I have relatives living in Paris that I don’t really know well, so I find it interesting.
There are so many blogs that I read each day and find that I’m learning so much and the variation is incredible.
Thanks for liking my video…yes, I’m trying to get back on track with doing more.
I’ve been seeing you out there on yours and I love it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: Daringblogger
November 19, 2013 at 7:24 pm #
I think it depends upon the niche. Sure, it is nice to venture out of our niche and learn more things, but time wise, that may not be the best move.
Some people define blogging as a niche, and everything else associated with it (social media marketing, content marketing etc) as sub niches instead of niches. So, yeah, it depends.
Having a working knowledge of different topics/niches is always good for producing new ideas to write about – for inspiration. And, of course, don’t forget the relationships we build while visiting, reading and commenting on those blogs 😀
It certainly wouldn’t hurt to venture out 😀 Interesting topic, Donna 🙂
Note: I couldn’t watch the video (For some reason, my speaker is not working). I will come by later to check the video 😀
Hi Jeevan,
I think that building relationships is what we all need to do, so going out of our niche is just fine.
I’ve made the most incredible relationships with people that are not even close to my own niche.
One never knows where a friendship will lead.
Oh…thanks for the heads up on the video. Youtube was having glitches for a few days.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: Lisapatb
November 19, 2013 at 6:44 pm #
Hi Donna, I agree with you. I have 3 niches on my blog and sometimes I vary quite a bit. Life would be boring if we only had choice to read and write about, don’t you think? I have other blogs for other “interests” too. I’m not one for dull moments 🙂 I’ve debated on talking about personal issues too on mine. When the time is right, I may. Excellent points Donna.
Lisa recently posted..Does The Facebook Algorithm Change Your Friends?
Hi Lisa,
Oh goodie…I can’t wait until you will reveal some personal issues. It’s always great to get to know a blogging friend so much better when we share things.
I know you are a busy gal with those 3 niches, and have many interests. It is so much fun isn’t it?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: GarSpecialties
November 19, 2013 at 6:14 pm #
Donna- I couldn’t agree with you more that it is not necessary to stay in your niche. I know I know I read that all the time you should stay in your niche. Well if I did no one would respond and who know if I would be still be blogging today.
It is important to drive traffic to your blog and build relationships. If the blog site is reputable the search engines are going to look at in a good way for SEO. I don’t think I would go to a site that discussed lima beans, but if the blog site has good content, which is what Google preaches all the time, then that is what I look for.
I have also learned so much that I am happy I do not stay in my niche. It is funny, I feel like so many of the people that I have met blogging, I look like at as my friends. It has been a wonderful journey and experience.
I liked your video and you made such valid points.
Arleen recently posted..6 Healthy Habits During the Holidays
I’m with you there Arleen,
Our blog is a place called home and that’s where we start building relationships. That’s the essence of it.
Now all the people I know and have been meeting are great to know and I do feel like you all are my friends. It is a wonderful experience.
As long as someone has good content, I’m there!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
For me it’s a matter of time. It’s not that I’m not interested in many things in life, it’s just that I don’t have the time to devote to all those other things and still be present to my niche.
Heck, if I would you’d not only hear about healthy eating and nutrition, you’d hear about what’s happening in aviation, the Upstate of South Carolina, my grand son, my 87 year old mother and her antics at her assisted living facility, how entertaining my 3 cats are, why I love humor, the ageing process, whether I believe in God or not and pleading for justice in a world that seems to have forgotten. Whew, and that’s not the half of it.
So, belonging to the BBB tribe has certain kept me abreast of many other’s views, but for me, I think I’m going to stick to what I know and love.
Best to you and thanks for always making us think.
Rick Lelchuk recently posted..105 Pounder Considered Obese! You May Believe It, You May Not
Awesome Rick!
I love your blog and would love to hear more about your cats!
I sure that if you wrote about pleading for justice in a world that seems to have forgotten, it would be a good one! You radical you! But I sure do know what you mean.
Although you are present in your niche, I see you on Facebook and always enjoy the things you share there!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hey Donna,
You made a valid point here. We’re always taught to stay within your niche to get the best results, but as you said what if something happens, lets say your blog that can be easily fixed by someone else outside your niche, but yet they’re not within your circle of friends.
I guess we would be pretty much assed out LOL…. This is why it’s important to have some rapport with people outside of your niche. You might end up calling them for help and vice versa!
Diversity is key! this is how Henry Ford did it!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sherman.
Diversity is the key and yes, that’s how Henry Ford did it. Thanks for that gem!
The more relationships we make in different niches, the better in my book.
Plus, when it comes time to doing some business, you never know who may want to take you up on your offer.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
I’m so glad you brought this up. My blog was started strictly for my health concern. But that is not ALL of who I am. After tossing around the idea of starting a 2nd blog, I decided to put all of me on my original site. I simply don’t have the time or energy to do anything else.
Let me add that I met Harleena and Adrienne about that time while looking for website help and motivation! I found so many blogs that told me the story of the entire person, not just a specific niche. It also opened up a whole new world of bloggers… and led me here!
I have begun to write more broadly about my experiences. A lot of it has application that relates to my health concern, but it also is general life application.
My opinion is that we can link out in other areas of expertise and not be limited to one niche. So now, I am not just my disease, but feel that my niche has expanded to health, wellness, lifestyle, and nutrition.
I loved your commenter’s ideas and feel pretty good about my decision now. Whew. Thanks for opening it up for us!
Karen Hoyt recently posted..Green Tea Multiple Health Benefits for Liver
Hi Karen and welcome to my blog.
I just came off of your blog post about Green Tea! You have done an excellent job with that.
I’m glad you are broadening your niche. Writing about health benefits really fit into your blog.
Plus…we all need as much help as we can get about our health. It sure fits into any niche. Even the most technical blogger needs to learn how to take care of themselves.
I’m so glad to meet you and wish you all the best!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: harleenas
November 18, 2013 at 10:59 pm #
Hi Donna,
Just like everyone mentioned and what I strongly believe – you really don’t have to narrow your reach and stay in your niche at all!
Yes, most bloggers tend to do that, or shall I say the pro-bloggers more so, while the rest of us do tend to mingle around and build relationships, because we like doing that as it binds us a great deal.
Speaking of my blog, as you already know it caters to a lot of categories, so I get ALL kind of people there, and surprisingly, very few come from the niche I might have written about. At least their blogs aren’t related to that particular niche, but I can understand that because even though they are bloggers, they are people like you and me who also have a separate life other than blogging or SEO, or gadgets and technical related topics! They too are parents, or in love, or need inspiration and a self-development kind of read for a change.
Similarly, I’ve never really limited myself to only visiting a particular niche related blog and visit a large range because I find nothing wrong with it. I’ve noticied the same thing when it comes to leaving comments. Some bloggers would do that ONLY when and IF it relates to their niche, even though they might just read your post and leave….makes me really wonder as to why they do that!But we really cannot judge anyone’s life and decision – each to their own, isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing and making us all think on this. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..What the Dead Have to Do With the Living
Hi Harleena,
Well your blog rocks because it has different subjects that many can relate to. I see you mingling out there and what a way to make good connections. Isn’t that why we are here anyway?
I don’t limit myself on visiting one particular niche either and have found a wonderful world full of great people. Like you!!!
As for people not leaving comments? Hmmm I cannot judge them either but I do find that peculiar. I have people commenting on a blog post via email. Go figure? But I can make some good connections there too, as long as they are not giving me a sales pitch!
Thanks for your awesome comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: wonderoftech
November 21, 2013 at 11:13 pm #
Harleena, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to stretch my wings and write on a topic unrelated to tech for a guest post on your blog. My guest post for Aha-Now! was I believe the only article I’ve published outside of my technology niche. Thanks for that, Harleena!
That being said, I am so happy you expanded your niche to blogging. I have learned so much already but now I’m learning even more from you, Harleena!
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..10 Top Tech Tools to Help Make Your Life Easier!
That is so Awesome Carolyn!
Harleena is really expanding and going strong these days. Once you are a guest on Aha-Now! her followers are so loyal that they come to your blog, make friends, etc.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
November 18, 2013 at 10:52 pm #
I totally agree with you Donna. It wouldn’t be a good idea to stay within our niche. Everyone I have an online relationship with is not in the telecommuting industry…in fact there only a handful of bloggers I interact with that are in my niche.
And it has been a blessing. I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting great folks like Mayura who is great at Google stuff and he’s been very helpful when I’ve asked for it. And then there are bloggers like you and a handful of others I read to learn how to be a successful blogger in my niche. 🙂
It’s how we improve and increase our knowledge as bloggers…
Hope you had a great weekend Donna and that Monday was a great day! Have a good night and talk to ya in the socialsphere tomorrow.
Corina Ramos recently posted..It’s A Christmas Baker’s Edition Giveaway!
Hi Corina,
Girl I see you rock’n and roll’n all over the place these days! I also want to thank you for including me on your latest blog post. I met so many great ladies there and connected with them all.
Now no one there was in my particular niche, but it is a fine example of how we can build relationships with new people.
They all captured my interest from cat lovers, to money managers. That’s what the point is. The more friends we make through others, the better!
Plus the best thing is I went down that list and learned so much!
I thank you for doing a wonderful job at blogging,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
November 18, 2013 at 10:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
No I don’t always stay within my niche. I find that I broaden my net across and as you say, find help when it’s needed just because I socialize and interact with many, many others.
That’s what social networking is all about so I couldn’t agree with you more on this topic. We sometimes need to be reminded and you’ve done this so well.
Thanks for reminding us. I’m glad I’m not the only one who socializing and works outside of her niche. 🙂
Have a great week!
Barbara Charles recently posted..What To Write About When There Is Nothing Else to Write About
Hi Barbara,
Yes, I had to post this reminder because I was getting the question from people that they were told only to blog within their niche. NOT!
How the heck would we practice our social media skills if we weren’t going to other people’s blogs.
And…as for asking for help with our blogging buddies..I know I’ve been pulled out of many situations with other bloggers’s expertise!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Donna, i believed it is important to educate yourself on all aspects of blogging and it is also a good idea to branch out every now and then.
If you can not talk about anything but one subject, that makes you boring. I reach out to all types of niches.
I realize I am not as informed, but I can usually add something.
Good stuff.
Michael Belk recently posted..10 things you did not know about correctional officers.
Hi Michael,
It is important to stay well informed when you are a blogger. There are so many aspects to it and then there are always the changes going on.
Once you learn something it changes. The internet is a quick place to be and the more knowledge we gain the better.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: kgauraw
November 18, 2013 at 7:47 pm #
Hi Donna,
I have never believed in that myth even though people all over the web are teaching that idea of sticking to your niche. I understand Google’s perspective from SEO standpoint. But why will I spend my time and energy networking and cultivating relationships only from my niche?
My online identity represents me and that means, I have many interests in my life. I love Cricket, I like to watch a few good movies, I also do social media marketing and I like content marketing. Sometimes, I also read books and I love sales topics. I also have many friends in network marketing industry as I have a good size network marketing business in a few countries.
So, I can’t limit myself to one niche. I build my relationships in virtually ever industry except a few banned ones where nobody wants to go. And that’s fair. But staying in one niche? That’s not me. I want web to represent true me.
Therefore, I agree with you and thank you for posting the question!
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Leadership Lessons From The Life Of The Legendary Little Master
Hi Kumar,
I see Google’s perspective too, but I never bought into it. Just like I never bought into systems of SEO.
I just read your blog about the “Little Master.” Now how would I ever know this if it wasn’t for you. You love cricket and blogged about this amazing man. The video was 20 minutes long, but one that I was riveted to.
Now, I never seen a cricket game but the analogy you gave in your blog using this man was genius!
I must say I get so excited learning about different things. That’s why I love different niches. I like building relationships with people that share interests with me.
I love dogs and have a lot of blogging buddies that write about them. I love food and have some bloggers that only write about how to cook.
Those are only two examples of my interests. There are many more and the relationships I have built and still building all comes from the heart.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hi Donna and Kumar,
I agree with you, I never really cared about SEO strategies or sticking to one particular Niche. Blogging for me is writing my thoughts, opinions or about my interests and social networking.

There is only so much we can learn from other bloggers and other niches to say the least sometimes you rediscover your own interest.
However google’s perspective is also important to get going with your blog in initial days.
Nilesh Goswami recently posted..The awesome world of Augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
November 18, 2013 at 6:34 pm #
Hey Donna,
I know I was taught this when I first came online and started blogging. I think that’s why a lot of people get so freaked out because if you remain just in your niche then you’re not able to experience other things. Your example of the techie type things that we need to know is a perfect example.
As you know, I blog about blogging, driving traffic to your blog and building relationships. I can help so many people in different niches because they are also blogging. In my particular case it’s so important to build relationships with them even if we aren’t in the same niche.
I’ve blogged about this too where I spent the time building relationships with people who were not in my niche and boy did it ever save my life. Ashvini is the perfect example and now I promote him and he promotes me and we’re not in the same niche. But I know people who can benefit from what he shares and he knows people who can benefit from what I share. It doesn’t get much better then that. 😉
Great topic Donna and enjoyed your video. Man, I need to do a few more because it’s been awhile. lol… Oh boy, put that one on the list now.
Adrienne recently posted..11 Essentials of Social Networking
Hi Adrienne,
What a perfect example of you and Ashvini. Cross promoting one another is a great thing to do. Plus He benefits from your expertise and you benefit from his.
I know that when we first came on line we learned that we should stay in our niche.
I just can’t believe that some people are still teaching that!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: maryjstephenson
November 18, 2013 at 5:28 pm #
Hi Donna
Totally agree with you. Being only in the same niche with others that you hang out with can be quite limiting. Pretty soon there is nothing to talk about, as you say everyone already knows about it. I like to think I am more than one line of thinking.
Years ago I used to belong to a cat club. The majority were cat breeders and although I could spend a whole weekend at the show and talk about cats, my life was more than cats. I love cats but I do have other interests and they seemed to have nothing else to talk about. It became very boring rather quickly. Where as the artist group I once belonged to seemed to have many interests.
We definitely need to keep a variety of friends online, whether you need them or not they give you inspiration for your own site.
Mary Stephenson recently posted..Crime and Laws That Make No Sense
Hi Mary,
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful comment. It is a great analogy to this blog post.
Things do get a bit dull if you are talking about the same thing over and over again.
We as human beings have so many interests and stepping out of our niche to me is just fine.
I have loads of blogging buddies that are not niche related and I don’t give a hoot about their back links. They are rather good bloggers so If Mr. Google doesn’t like it ….it’s too darn bad! lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
November 18, 2013 at 5:18 pm #
Hi Donna,
I totally agree with you. I don’t think that we should stick to just one or two niches when it comes to build relationships.
I go on many blogs of different niches myself and not only because I have 3 blogs of 3 different niches, but because I would be bored to read blogs of the same topic all the time 🙂
As a matter of fact, I would advise anyone to get out of their niche as much as they can and read other blogs out there. It’s good to broaden your knowledge and meet other people who can teach you things you don’t know about. As we talked about the other day, we learn so much reading blogs. Don’t we?
Have a great week, Donna!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How To Find Writing Jobs That Pay Top Dollar?
Hi Sylviane,
I like to get out of my niche as much as I can so I can broaden my knowledge. Even those techie blogs that I struggle through. At least I can learn the language if something breaks.
Plus, as a blogger it is a never ending process of learning and I just love it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?