This post was most recently updated on July 30th, 2016
I consider these to the best 3 ways to brand yourself as a blogger.
They’re looking for a leader, teacher, authority, and expert.
People who visit your blog are looking for answers to their problems.
You should position yourself as the person who can help them move forward in their lives or business.
Keep in mind, your readers may be struggling to move forward. They’re stuck because they don’t know how to get around obstacles.
This is a big problem for them.
You provide the solution to that big problem.
Clear the path of whatever obstacles stand between them and their desired goal.
Now they can continue moving forward and they’ll view you as the leader, teacher, authority and expert who helped them find their way.
Now, that’s personal branding at its best.
Here’s The Best 3 Ways To Brand Yourself
1. Images
Images are really popular right now.
People don’t want to read a lot of words anymore.
Like I said before, people want answers, not hype.
But they don’t want it to be hard.
When they come to a blog that has tons of text with outbound links and complicated explanations, they’ll probably bounce.
When you have lots of images in your articles, it makes people feel more at ease.
There’s not so much to read, this is going to be a fun way to solve my problem.
Screen captures are probably the best sort of images to use when you need to demonstrate how something works.
Just snag your screen and show your readers how it’s done.
Use tools like Canva to make those cool arrows to point out exactly where to click, or circle a word or sentence to highlight parts of the image.
Special: Do You Know How To Build Your Blogging Brand? Find Out Here.
There’s so much you can do to give people a real “over-the-shoulder” experience when you are teaching them how to do something.
Even if you’re not demonstrating a “how-to” process, images are still important.
Use photos to add warmth to your topic, or even purchase some images to illustrate what your article is about.
Whatever you need to do to get some images in your articles, it’s well worth the effort.
It will keep people on your blog longer, and it will brand you as someone who can really help them without over-complicating things or boring them to death.
2. Video
Video is the best way to give your readers a virtual handshake.
When they walk through the front door of your blog, looking for leadership and guidance, be there to greet them.
A “welcome” video is always great in your “About Me” or “Welcome” page.
Nothing fancy.
A nice smile tells people you’re happy to meet them, and just being you helps them understand they’re with a real person who cares.
Use videos in your blog posts so people get to put your face on their solution.
Now it doesn’t have to be your face.
You can use screen capture videos in much the same way as you use screen capture images.
That way, people hear your voice and feel like they’re sitting beside you while you demonstrate things.
If you’re comfortable being on camera, that’s great too because the more people see and hear you, the more they feel like you’re real, authentic and approachable.
That’s the kind of person they want to follow.
That’s the kind of person they’ll entrust their biggest issues to.
Video puts you in a real position of authority.
3. Offer Your Own Product
If you’re using images and videos in your blog posts, people are going to become very comfortable with you.
If they see that you have your own product or products, they’ll be impressed.
Now you want people to be comfortable with you, but you also want them a little bit “wowed” by your authority and leadership.
Not that of someone else.
Nothing will give you that “wow” factor more than having your own product.
Imagine if you’re writing a blog post about how to create digital images and at the end of the post you tell your reader… “for my complete guide to creating digital images, just click here.”
People really, really see you as an authority now.
And why not?
You’re a legitimate author or product creator.
You “wrote the book” that has all the solutions to their biggest problems.
They’ll not be leaving your side anytime too soon.
You’ve got a repeat visitor, a subscriber to your list and probably a customer and client for life.
People often think that it’s really difficult to create a product though.
I’m doing a “product creation walk-through” in a live training event in the upcoming days.
I’ll show you how easy it is to create a product… like in a day.
Then I’ll have you look over my shoulder while I put that product up for sale in minutes.
You’re in business!
Not only are you in business to profit from your new digital product, but you can use it to build a list of followers and prospects.
I think you’ll be pretty amazed at how easy it is to do something that you’ve probably thought would take months.
If you’d like to join in on the training, just click below.
Instant Info Product
Now, once you’ve got this method down, you’ll be integrating all of the best 3 ways to brand yourself.
Have you ever created a digital product?
Do you promote it on your blog to brand yourself?
Or, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and create your first one?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Such an awesome article, yes branding is crucial, even when we see celebrities these days, they all try to build their brand. Brand value is even important in blogging world. Thanks for this awesome post.
Twitter: MarketingKM
June 21, 2015 at 5:46 pm #
Hi Donna, A favortite subject, I think I commented before on this.
People of course want to know who you are when they visit your blog. Are you someone who can help them?
They are looking for someone to help with their problems so you need to appear as the expert with the answers.
Images are so important. I like using snag it. Canva and Picmonkey. I will purchase some at but they also have ones for free.
Saying hello in almost person is great. I am experimenting using Video and have started a experimental journal on Video for Sat mornings on a fan page of mine.
This takes some practice.
Offer you Own Product.
Working on this one. Coming soon.
Great article Donna, and the video at the end was a really nice touch. Perfect!
Kathryn recently posted..How To Write A Blog Post
Hi Kathryn,
People sure do want to know who is writing a blog, so a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is amazing. I call it the “Virtual Handshake” because we can really resonate from others when they are on a video. A one minute video will do the trick. Have it on Youtube – connecting it on your blog post and even Twitter and other social sites.
I love images and make my own on Canva because of all the confusion of terms and conditions, even when I purchase them. I stopped that a long time ago.
Offering your own product really can clinch it! Can’t wait to see yours so keep me posted.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Very good on suggesting these 3 ways to brand yourself. Right now, I’ve been working on ebooks so I can offer something more than my blog posts and relying on my services all the time. Those bring in money, but people get a lot from my site. The ebooks will still allow me to give back, but finally get some back for myself too.
Nile recently posted..Podcast Presentation: Making Money Using WordPress
Hi Nile,
You sure do give a lot of information on every post you do. That’s the free way lol. Doing e-books is a great idea.
This way you will create something to give back to yourself. I know the information you will provide will be top notch!
And it is great for branding. Somehow people see others as an authority when we do that. But I see you as an authority already!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: DZthe13
May 18, 2015 at 2:08 pm #
Hi Donna,
Love visiting your blog always something interesting here. I am just starting a new website in the cake decorating niche, and I was thinking of a 2 minutes or so welcome video, you know just to introduce myself and give you heads up what to expect to find on my website. What are your thoughts?
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Emi,
I think that is a wonderful idea. A two minute video to introduce yourself will be great for people to get to know who you are and it creates a warm welcome to your site.
That cake decorating niche sounds great! I could just imagine the videos you can do showing people the how tos.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: MarketingKM
May 17, 2015 at 6:03 pm #
Great article Donna on branding. I agree pics are number one. They say so much about the subject of a post or article or even pics with quotes show your personality. The most engagement is always with a video. I want to put one on each of my blogs on the home page. Great tip. Having your own product shows great authority.
Hi Kathryn,
We sure do need our images to reflect what we want to convey. And yes, we can get the most engagement with our videos. A short video on your pages is a great idea. Even one embedded in a post will surely pump up engagement.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: JacsHenderson
May 17, 2015 at 5:04 pm #
I so agree with these Donna…
images I love, videos, I do a few… but, you know after reading this I think I will do a short one for my ‘Meet Jacs’ page.
And the product, hmm I’m starting with a free report… but I have plans!!
Thank you for those pointers!
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Do You Leave Your Footprint Wherever You Roam And Generate Leads Behind You?!
Hi Jacs.
I absolutely agree that doing a short video for “Meet Jacs” page is a great idea. Two minutes is all you need for that “virtual handshake”
As for your product, if you have put together a free report, you can build upon that, or create a digital one.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: andrea_ansari
May 17, 2015 at 1:17 pm #
Good summary, Donna, those are real and simple the best 3 ways to brand yourself and you incorporate them all perfectly! Love your energy!
Andrea Ansari recently posted..OptimizePress Review & Special Bonuses!
Hi Andrea,
Glad you enjoyed these three simple ways to brand yourself. Awww thanks…you are making me blush when you said Love your energy.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: pritamnagrale
May 16, 2015 at 1:46 am #
Hi Donna ,
Branding your self is very important thing.
You have given wonder full 3 ways.
I have used images and videos.
Using images is very important , readers mostly get attracted by what images you have published with your posts . when you demonstrate anything or give review at that time showing actual result is very important.
Videos are always play great role in branding.
some readers always wants to see who is the master mind behind this great post.
I have not used your 3rd way of branding, I must use that.
Thanks for sharing this 3 ways with us .
Pritam Nagrale recently posted..Best & Tested Online Jobs from Home Without Investment – Work Part Time or Full Time
Hi Pritam,
Welcome to my blog. Images do play an important role in our business. People are so attracted to an image that conveys a message.
I do like video’s best of all. It gives people a chance to know who you are and brands you well.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Images are always good 🙂 My articles are always photo-intensive, but I seem to put too many words in. I really need to cut down on them 🙂
Sarah E. Albom recently posted..Sarah’s Sunday Snapshots #30 – Very Vintage Day Out
Hi Sarah,
I have visited your blog and just love those photos you have. I don’t think there are too many words in it at all….you need some words there for people to understand what you are trying to convey.
I think it is a perfect blend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: DrErica
May 12, 2015 at 11:55 pm #
You are so right – images are where it is at. Blogs appear so much more friendly when there are lots of interesting and appealing images. And videos help to either attract people, catch their attention or reveal who you are so that your potential customers feels as if they know you and begin to feel that you are a person they can trust.
Having your own products can give you credibility and authority but promoting other high quality products can also give you credibility – and with affiliate links you can sometimes make a good deal of profit.
And of course, it helps to show that you care about others, are interested in what they are offering, provide special discounts for loyal customers and even free trials for beta testers.
You do so much of what you are talking about here, and you do it so gracefully.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..What are the Benefits of a Long-Term Business Relationship?
Hi Erika,
Indeed, Images do reflect the message we want to give to others. My favorite is videos to catch people’s attention. And especially be transparent to others.
Having our own products sure does give us credibility and those affiliate links can be a great sourse of income.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: WillenaRose
May 11, 2015 at 11:40 pm #
Good points here, Donna, and great lesson as always. I’m not set up to do videos, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn from what you’ve said here.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..A Baby for Mother’s Day
Hi Willena,
It is good to know that you have learned some things from this post!
Thanks so much for stopping by
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: BeckyWillis
May 11, 2015 at 10:52 pm #
My biggest ‘nervousness’ is the video taping. But I do like the idea of it being your voice with ‘images’. You bring a lot of great points to your post. I have always been told to market yourself, and the rest will come. As you aren’t selling “x” but yourself. That has always seemed to work for me.

I have not sold any downloadable items. But again I loved all of the points you covered.
Thank you for your insightful post.
Becky Ryan- Willis recently posted..The Clock Strikes Midnight Book Tour (ends 5/24) |Giveaway
Hi Becky,
You are not alone! So many people get nervous with video. I still do myself lol. The only way I got over it was to do a 30 day video challenge. By day 20 I was able to lift my confidence.
It is so difficult to be in front of a camera but like anything else, when you do something for the first time, it is scary but the more you do it the less of a job it becomes.
When I have to do webinars I still get butterflies in my stomach, but once the camera is on, I can’t shut up lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: CopyWarner
May 11, 2015 at 9:35 pm #
Hey Donna,
Great post.
I love the video concept and I actually just started recording video last week. Experimenting with it. Trying to learn how to edit it. It’s actually fun. And it’s something that I’ll start incorporating in my posts, like you did for this one.
Question, do you do any editing afterwards or once you record it, that’s it?
– Andrew
Andrew recently posted..What Farming Can Teach Us About Content Marketing
Hi Andrew,
Video is great and it is great to know that you will be doing it on your blog.
Yes, I do editing. I use Screenflow and it is a great way to edit and even re-do my videos when I goof up. Sometimes I goof up several times, but I have a trick….I clap my hands and it causes a spike. So when I run the video I can delete things by seeing a high spike.
Then I upload it to Youtube and it gets a great reach.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: denseymour
May 11, 2015 at 7:50 pm #
I’m still not comfortable with video yet like you are Donna, but I’m open to try that out sometime soon. I’m halfway done with planning my podcast (unless I scrap it LOL) so that sounds more appealing to me.
My timeline to creating products is still a year away but reading this makes me want to jump in and start lol.
Anyway, great tips as always! 🙂
Dennis Seymour recently posted..SEO Checklist: Never Forget Anything About SEO Ever Again
Hi Dennis,
It does take some time to get in front of that camera doing a face to face video. But I do find that when I do it does build that know, like and trust factor.
I was camera shy a while back, but I knew I had to get over it for my business. 🙂
It is good to know that you have a plan of creating your own product. You would be great at that.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
May 11, 2015 at 4:36 pm #
Hi Donna.
These are 3 simple tips, all right. I love short and actionable. I know a lot of people go for 5,000 word posts, but my eyes just glaze over.
I think I’m about there on all three, but I need to get on camera more. As soon as I finish the video products I’m working on, I’m going to do just that.
Thanks so much for this post.
All the best,
Leslie Denning recently posted..WordPress Share Button Plugin: HugeIt
Hi Leslie,
I wanted to have actionable tips here and thank you. I just seen your latest post where you did a video tutorial and it was fantastic.
Using video also pumps up your posts on Google so there ya go!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: siphosith
May 11, 2015 at 12:02 pm #
Thanks Donna for sharing your secrets and you show this by example. You are such an encouragement and inspiration. I am working on my product.
Siphosith recently posted..Using WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast Doesn’t Have To Be Hard
Hi Siphosith,
It is so great to know that you are working on your product. Once you have done that it really is a game changer. Best to you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Silent Inner Voice
Twitter: telesalesking
May 10, 2015 at 6:14 pm #
Ok, So I have 2 out of 3. My videos are coming on… Images..I have some on google…. atleast they get ranked for some reason. The info product is going to come soon… Might take me a few months but I will get there. You are such an inspiration always giving us great ideas and way to help engage our audience.
Thank You Donna
WILLIAM O’TOOLE recently posted..Meet Robert Hollis – Multi Millionaire
Hi William,
Aha 2 out of 3 is great! Once you do your own product you will not believe how it ups your game. People take us more seriously when we do that.
Plus, it is so great when we go out to the marketplace. We meet a whole new network of other product creators and they are working just as hard as we are.
Remember the first time you started blogging and meeting new people? Well it is the same thing. Fascinating stuff!
Go for it and you know that as a part of PAC I’m there if you need any help.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: tigerlilyva11
May 10, 2015 at 5:46 pm #
Hey there Donna,
Awesome post! You know I LOVE images. Ha!
I’m currently working on #3 – my own product. I have to say it’s a lot of work however it will be all worth it.
I love that you’re at ease with video. I know I’ll get comfortable eventually. My issue is the girly stuff. What color lipstick should I wear? How should I fix my hair? It’s never ending and then I’ve wasted valuable time. Screenshare has been working well for me and I do agree that the voice is another way people connect.
Thanks for sharing this great post!
Lillian De Jesus recently posted..Creating A Blog Title Image Using Canva With 6 Easy Steps (For YOUR Brand)
Hi Lillian,
Working on your own product is a lot of work, but well worth it. As for the girly stuff: I had the exact same problem. But once you get used to it, you don’t even go in front of the camera with make up on. Just a pair of glasses and lipstick will rock!
I think women have a hard time in front of the camera due to the fact that all we see is plastic faces all over the major media. We are real people here on the internet, and face to face always works best.
Even when doing a screen share, to begin with a one minute intro of yourself goes a long way. Hey, If I can do it, anyone can lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Hi Phillip,
Welcome to my blog. I just visited your blob and love the look. The Bonsai tree is a very soothing background. I love the picture of you and Louise! Great feeling when I seen it.
Videos sure do a lot – a short one is wonderful in a post. You mentioned Charlie Chaplain in his film The Great Dictator..yes I know that well and it is unforgettable. We, as bloggers need to have that unforgettable approach also lol.
As a developer, you sure have a great idea of making a video tutorial using Camtasia. I’m a non geek and sure would love that kind of service. On this blog I have it on a manage host whereby everything is done for me. Would you believe I don’t even update my blog? Yes, I probably would press the wrong button so I have my service do it for me lol..
A free product does the trick when you are building your list and it is great to have people to subscribe to especially to non geeks like me!
If you are thinking about offering how to build WordPress from the ground up, yes, it will take a lot of work, but that could be your paid product. There is a niche for that! As long as you aim it to that niche, I think people would love it. There are many out there that do want to build things themselves and with your knowledge it would be a great help. But…at the end of it all you do have to put “If this is too complicated, I can do it for you” That will stir up another niche for those like me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: BrDeUK
May 10, 2015 at 8:30 am #
Hi Donna,
First time here after seeing you all over the place especially on Ryan’s blog. anyway I thought it about time that i should pay a visit. this post interested me very much as I am developing my brand new old blog (Thats 2 I have now) And I goto agree with you on the pictures front. I just finished my 2nd about me page and I have 2 images of both myself an my partner Louise one there. I have also used a bonsai tree as my background for the site. Visually appealing blogs in my opinion make the grade.
as a developer and designer I use the Adobe Fireworks and Photoshop programms to create my images but I will check out Canva as a lot of people rave about it and it’s kinda surprised me that I have not yet checked it out to date.
Ah a greeting video, yep i could not agree with you more. Again going back to my about page I wanted to be a little different and I added the Greatest ever speech to he very top of it! Have you ever seen the one from Charlie Chaplain in his film The Great Dictator?
Another thing I do for my clients when I build a website is that I sometimes make tutorial videos using camtasia. Showing them how to use the backend of WordPress as I find a lot of my clients have no clue so to find a video right in the dashboard of their site I think is a nice touch!
I read somewhere that the best peice of advice for new bloggers (or experienced ones like me who are building new blogs) is to affer a product for free for when people signup to a newsletter.
I kinda took that to heart and now Im giving away an eBook i wrote a while back thats still very much relelvant on my blog thats aimes at non-geeks wanting to install WP the proper way. Im thinking about offering one showing how to build a bespoke WordPress theme from the ground up and that can be included in the WordPress dor Org library. But I think that will take a lot of work away from me and might be a little too technical for some! what do you think?
you got some great and inspiring tips here Donna and I found it really easy to digest. Thankf for sharing and I will deffo be back now for mure of your nuggets. Sharing shortly.
~~ Phillip Dews
Phillip Dews recently posted..Are you ‘Living Your Dream?’
Hi Donna, great advice! Facebook proved how important photos and videos are to people. And, having your own product is really the only way to brand yourself properly – even those who sell affiliate programs do MUCH better if they create something they own as well.
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..Is This My Last Scuba Dive? Will I Get Out Alive? (Part 2)
Hi Julieanne,
Absolutely…Facebook sure has proved the importance of photos and videos. Yes, having a product and branding it properly sure is like a feather in our cap lol.
Indeed, affiliate marketers can do so much better if they create their own product along with those they are selling.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
May 9, 2015 at 7:21 pm #
Hi Donna ,
like always a great post and lots to learn .
I am going to post video soon and I am
looking forward to see what you teach us
about product creation .
Thank you for inspiring us
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted..A Story – From Poor Boy to Dream Man
Hi Erika,
I am going to teach product creation. I am focusing more on digital production rather than an ebook. Once doing your first product, the rest becomes easy.
It is like writing your first blog post and then look back over a year and know that it is much easier to do.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: 344pmstyle
May 9, 2015 at 6:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
Once again, I’ve learned a ton from you. This post was very eyeopening because I’m only doing 1 out of the 3 (sort of). I do use lots of images (and I love Canva :)). The product I have is OK- I definitely need to figure out something that I can market better and I completely lack on video.
Thanks to your post I’m motivated to work on the 2 aspects that will help build my brand!!!
Thank yo Donna!
Monisha Kapur recently posted..What to Wear to a Summer Event
Hi Monisha,
I love the images you have on your posts. I need them so I know what to wear lol! Canva is great because we can make our own unique images.
I love your product! Just have to work on marketing it a bit more. I know you will get to that after all the stuff on your plate is gone.
I can just imagine you doing video especially in your niche!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: joantruesuccess
May 9, 2015 at 5:21 pm #
Loved this post Donna! I know I can always count on you to bring the value!! Thanks so much!!! I utilize all of these 3 ways! YEAH!! Need to work on my video more though 🙂 100% agree that having video is more personal and allows your readers to actually get to know you a little better by seeing you instead of reading 😉
Awesome post!!
Joan Harrington recently posted..Welcome To Success With Joan!
Hi Joan,
I know how wonderful your content and graphics are on your blog. Absolutely…a short video here and there on a post will get more attraction to you via Youtube also. Something to think about!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: bgjen
May 9, 2015 at 4:35 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great tips. I also need a video intro on my blog, so I will have to get busy.
I agree that graphics tend to pull you into the blog more because it
breaks things up a bit, and Canva is wonderful. Thanks always for
the education.
BG Jenkins recently posted..Little Things Matter
Hi BG,
A nice video intro on your blog would be great…yes.get busy lol.
Graphics are wonderful and I’m sure glad we have Canva. I use it all the time.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: berget
May 9, 2015 at 3:46 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great advice. I’m using images on most of my posts, they’re related to my content (most of the time). But, I’ve been thinking about using Infographics as I find them very easy to understand and they look great.
I haven’t used much video, but I agree with you that if the video isn’t too long, I’d love to watch it and espcecially if it’s the author speaking to me and giving me advice (or telling me a great story). The same goes for my own product. I have written a book (a novel in Norwegian, and that’s about it). I have thought about creating my own marketing product, but I just haven’t found the time and not sure what I’ll create either, but it would be awesome to do it.
Jens-Petter Berget recently posted..How to increase Facebook organic reach in 2015 [infographic]
Hi Jens,
I just seen the wonderful infographic on your latest post about Facebook. It sure had the wow factor!
Indeed, as long as the video is just not too long….a three minute video can do the trick…it is a wonderful way to connect with others..
Products are wonderful. Nice to know you have written a book! When you get the time to do a marketing product I’m sure it would be great.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: msellithorpe
May 9, 2015 at 12:02 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great idea of a welcome video on the about me page. I used to do that a long time ago but haven’t thought of it again. I must do that this week.
Thanks for sharing the tips on branding. Have a great day.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..What’s In It For Me?
Hi Monna,
I see that you are doing more videos these days. Absolutely put one up on your about me page!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: leannechesser
May 7, 2015 at 11:37 pm #
Donna, these are great ways to brand yourself, for sure. I think there are many aspects to branding and many ways to brand yourself. But images and videos are obviously very visible and eye-catching, so they’re kind of an up-front facet of it.
Leanne Chesser recently posted..The “Why You Need Self Care” Top 10 Countdown
Hi Leanne,
Absolutely….Images do the trick. But when we do a video, especially a face-to face, it is that virtual handshake we get with others.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
May 7, 2015 at 3:49 pm #
TOTALLY loving each tips Donna! Folks dig eye candy. I find my images and videos are getting more pop, and my eBooks help me to stand out from the crowd. I am adding every eBook in a link form, to my current, soon to be released ebooks. That’s 24 eBooks! LOL….taking me a while, but that’s 24 branding tools for me and for my Blogging from Paradise brand, to help us – can a brand be a living thing LOL – make that impact we want to make.
Eye candy. It’s a biggie. Image. Video. Go for it.
I find that my podcasts – new podcasts I should say – are becoming a nice little branding tool too. With the popularity of this medium I figure, run with it, plus, I LOVE chatting and feel natural running my mouth into a mic, recording it, and releasing it to help folks live their dreams. We all have a special, authentic delivery, verbally, and I feel podcasts can help you brand yourself powerfully. Adds that nice little personal touch. Thanks Donna, dead on points!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..How to Retire to a Life of Island Hopping Episode 1: Why?
Hi Ryan,
I see you rolling out with those books like crazy. It is all about taking action and you my friend are doing it so well. Now that sure is Branding! When I think of you it’s the guy who lives in paradise writing books! Doesn’t get better than that!
Yep…Eye Candy is a biggie with images and video.
I have listed you your podcasts and they too are becoming a great branding tool. Yes…run with it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Hi Glenn,
I do like to break things down for others so that they can understand they can do it too, especially those who have never done something. I find that keeping things simple is a good way to convey to someone to take a bit of action.
When it comes to images, I too look back and shake my head lol. But they are important, especially now, when people are image crazy. They do have to reflect the content, but as long as they are our own that we may make ourselves, it does carry more weight. Ever look up Google images? Some people do and they see our image with our attached link. What a great way to get newcomers to our site.
I had many people come over just because they found an image I had made. Some even have asked permission to use it. Sure…because it brand me Win Win
When it comes to videos, a short one will do in a face to face. If someone is shy I say get over it! I was shy too at first and had to take the plunge of a 30 day challenge to get comfortable in front of the camera. But when we think of our business seriously, they can take me or leave me.
Women especially have this problem because everything they see on the media are either botox babes or that “perfect” look. They find it difficult to get over that. But we, as marketers need to realize that we are who we are. Love me or leave me lol.
I like what you said about product creation. So true! A simple newsletter especially the kind you have given in your comment will make a huge difference.
Thank you so much for enhancing this post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: glennshep
May 7, 2015 at 6:41 am #
Hi Donna,
I really liked this post (but then I like all your posts, so it wasn’t hard!). What’s great about it is you took a subject that can appear a little difficult or overwhelming to some, especially beginners, and made it so very simple, highlighting how anyone can do the things you mentioned.
Images – yes, images are important. When I go back and look at my early blog posts I often think “Ugh!” because visually they were bland, boring and a bit overbearing even. Now I always make sure to drizzle a few images throughout my writing. Not only can they be used to convey information rather than doing so in writing, as you mentioned, but they simply break things up a bit whilst, at the same time, adding a visual impact to the point you’re making at that point. Some of my recent posts have been much longer than some of my early posts, yet my recent ones are far more easy and pleasant to read, one of the reasons being the use of images.
Videos – yes, for sure. If you can present yourself to your readers than this is a huge contributing factor to KLT. Even if you don’t get on camera but just do a voiceover, that’s good too. But when people can actually experience you as a person then they will feel that bit more connected to you (or not! But in those cases they probably won’t do anyway, no matter what you do!).
Your own product – again, an excellent KLT builder. The thing is, as you mentioned, people can feel as though it’s beyond them. But it doesn’t have to be, for example, some mega-fancy membership website that contains an archive of videos, software and deep marketing strategies. Heck, it doesn’t even have to be paid product, especially at first. It could simply be a one page report – even a .doc if you don’t know how to create a .pdf – that explains something that you know about about. For example, going back to the point about images, if you know about how to insert images into WordPress posts then it could be a short report that explains how to do it. Just something simple like that could be enough to motivate someone to opt in to your mailing list. There will always be someone who doesn’t know how to do something that you know, so you just have to have a think about something that you know that is valuable and present it in a simple, helpful way.
Just a further point about product creation, what I would say is: have a go! The more you get used to creating, the easier it will become. Sean Mize says that you should write something each day. Now, this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but even if they don’t do it every day, the principle is sound and it makes sense to always be creating something whenever possible, even if it’s just writing down ideas. Again, the more you do it, the easier it will become and the more ideas you will get going forward. As the old saying goes: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Thanks for the great post, Donna, I hope you have an awesome weekend. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted..Read the Manual!
Twitter: atishranjan
May 7, 2015 at 6:19 am #
Images and videos are the proven ways to brand yourself. If you are able to create a custom image for every blog post, you can build a better brand gradually. As you said in video that videos are great and its like saying hi face to face, I agree with that.
Nice read Donna!
Atish Ranjan recently posted..Make Money with Infolinksâ Smart Ad Units
Hi Atish,
I love using videos on my posts. As long as they are short ones, people do have a tendency to click on them. It is a nice way to get to know each other.
A picture says a thousand words, but a video is more engaging.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
May 6, 2015 at 7:06 pm #
Hi Donna,
What I mean to say…
I never actually thought of using your product was a way for people to view you as an expert but you’re right. When you see that someone is selling something around the topic you tend to think to yourself that they must know a thing or two.
Great point!
Lea Bullen recently posted..Life After Being Rejected: How to Move on Unfazed
Hi Lea,
It is true…when we have our own product it does relate to others that we must know a thing or two
This is why I am so passionate about people creating their own products; from a simple ebook to a digital one.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
May 6, 2015 at 3:22 pm #
Hi Donna,
Wellll, I’v never created a digital product although I’m interested in doing so. One issue is finding the time to do it so it would to be nice to know who can do this for us – hire it out to someone? Anyway, I’ve heard that this is a great idea.
Yes of course it would be idea to promote it on your blog. Hands down as branding ourselves are definitely our goal to continued success.
I’ve got many things on my plate right now, but I’ve got this on my to-do list. 🙂 Thanks for keeping it in the forefront for me.
So much to do, so little time. Very excited about getting into it though. I know where to find you. 🙂 haha!
Have a great week.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Six Important Blog Commenting Rules
Hi Barbara,
If you can do an ebbok, you can do a digital product lol. I’m sure once you clean your plate off, you will be ready to do so.
I know you are a good teacher and putting together some videos with screen shares and a keynote presentation would be a wonderful thing for your students.
I’ll bee talking to you about that one lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Hey Donna,
These three tips will always do you some good. I’ve notice that when I do a tutorial with images and the few videos I did I got a great response.
People do like to see images. Yes we’ve gotten to that time that many want to see more images than just reading text. Study shows tha 60% of people are visual learners and it’s to your advantage to include images and videos to you blog.
I like when you said that doing a video is like a virtual handshake .. that is very true! Your audience will trust you more if they’re able to see the person behind the blog. It’s a great way to introduce yourself and show how you physically express yourself.
Thanks Donna for the share! Have a good one!
Sherman Smith recently posted..My Top 6 Blog Posts For The Month Of April
Hi Sherman,
Indeed, 60% of people are visual learners and we do have to apply that into our blog posts. I use one image that is congruent to the post.
When it comes to a video, I make sure it is not too long, because people don’t want to waste their time, but each time I insert a short video it is a virtual handshake. People want to know who it is behind the words we write.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: rrwebdesign
May 6, 2015 at 7:00 am #
Excellent article, Donna, and advice on ways to brand yourself.
You are absolutely right about Images. As a reader, I find that images that help illustrate the article are golden. I have used screen captures to help illustrate tutorials.
I love how you put this: “Video is the best way to give your readers a virtual handshake.” There are so many that are uncomfortable in front of a camera, but with the value of video becoming more and more important, it is time to embrace it. I love how you included your video on this blog post. I do feel like we’ve met face-to-face.
Thanks for the great advice! Have a wonderful week!
Robin Strohmaier recently posted..WordPress SEO by Yoast Tutorial: How to Avoid Duplicate Content
Hi Robin,
Images do play a strong part these days. People are more visual than we think. When we have a good image to illustrate our article, there tends to be more clicks to our posts.
Yes, video is powerful in our blog posts. Although I don’t do it ever time, whenever I do, people get the feeling like you and feel like we’ve met face-to-face. It doesn’t get better than that!
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: donpurdum
May 5, 2015 at 4:01 pm #
Hi Donna,
Branding ourselves is so powerful and the truth is we can ether have some control around our brand or we can lose the control and allow others to brand us.
If you can strike a balance that is HUGE!
That’s exactly what happened to me. I didn’t set out to be branded as the guy who always asks “what business are you “really” in?” but that is what happened because of the topics I’m writing about and how important those topics or subjects are to any given business.
Personally, I’ve started adding both a podcast and a video for each article. I use the podcast longer format and I ideally like to stay around 20 – 25 minutes. Video I like 3-5 minutes.
I have noticed when I have a video in the article that engagement is up and people share more often. I believe it’s because as you said they are feeling more confident in a person when they can experience them. It just makes sense.
Great post Donna!
Have a great week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..What is a Vision and How Can It Transform My Business?
Hi Don,
You sure have branded yourself well. You sure have hit a great balance in a very short time. I’ve known people who have taken years to do this. It is so impressive how you ran with what worked for you and turned that into a great business.
Your blogs are always informative. I love it when you put in a short video. That works so well for the reader not only to get value, but the KLT factor. Absolutely, people feel more confident in a person when you get to experience them.
Your podcasts are wonderful!
Keep it up my friend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
May 5, 2015 at 2:12 pm #
Great advice Donna.
I would love to meet the person who doesn’t love images. When they are really good they just draw us in. As others have mentioned as well though, placing our keywords in our images is a great way for them to be found as well when you’re just searching for something online. I don’t put more than one on my post for the most part though. It’s hard enough to find a good one that relates to the post itself and having to create or find more than that is hard for me.
Videos are always good and so is the one you shared with us here. I totally agree with you about that and I keep telling myself I need to do more of them. I just haven’t but you probably know why. I’m almost back on the right track now so things might be changing up soon.
You really can’t go wrong not promoting your own product which is why I feel it’s really important. Let’s face it, people will view you as more of an authority figure when you’ve got one under your belt. I think if you’re going to grow your business online than you should have your own product. I know that some have their own services but maybe even writing a book that you’re selling will help you much more than just giving everything away for free. It will help you stand out.
As always, great information and thanks for always coming through for us Donna. You are a fabulous teacher and leader. I admire what you and David have built here. Rock on my friend.
Adrienne recently posted..How To Rediscover Your Desire For Blogging
Hi Adrienne,
I only use one image per post. I do it myself using Canva because they show up in many places and I’ve actually had people coming to my blog, or even opting into my products/services just from one image alone…go figure.
I know you have plans in the working and will be using more videos. I like the turn you are making in your business… (clapping hands)
When it comes to creating your own product, well you know about that one because you have stepped up and done it yourself. It sure helps us stand out of the crowd – Even a simple ebook can do the trick. As bloggers, people need to stand out and a product is one of the best ways to do it.
Thanks so much for your compliment, it means so much to me,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: kimseasok
May 5, 2015 at 11:07 am #
Donna, you did another awesome here, on your blog.
I agree with what you said.. image is really important for attracting readers attention. I think that my personal reading experience would be the best example to your support this opinion.
You know…? When I came online read other bloggers’ post with over 3000 words plus, I feel like a bit tired. You know..? The most problem is that computer bright hurt my eyes.
I feel it is more comfortable when I found some post like inforgraphic, or more image. I don’t what the reason, but I feel love to read more.
Another, I love you mention here is that to use video in post. Of course, it is more for me to learn some new from other bloggers because I need to keep patenting in reading. I just plugin my handset, and then look to video sometime.
A nice post, honestly…! 🙂
Kimsea Sok recently posted..6 Monster Blog Marketing Mistakes You Have to Stop It
Hi Kimsea,
Yes, sometimes when there is a pillar post of more than 3000 words, it does get tiring to read. It is great if they are providing value, but it is a lot to take in.
Infographics are wonderful and I still have to learn how to use them lol.
To me, videos are wonderful in a post because it is easy for people to communicate as long as it is not too long.
If it is a long one, it is better to chop it up into a few videos.
So glad you liked this post,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: kimseasok
May 5, 2015 at 8:52 pm #
Donna, have ever think about audio . Actually, I think that it will useful to add some audio inside our post. Honestly, I will appreciate to list to the audio inside your post..! Thanks for responding…
Kimsea Sok recently posted..How Important of Web Hosting to Your Business
Hi Kimsea,
Yes, I have thought about audio, I’m so busy on the marketing end of my business right now that I am focused on that a good portion of my day.
Yes, I do plan on podcasting in the future.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: ikechiawazie
May 5, 2015 at 7:38 am #
Hi Donna
There is always something to learn here and what an awesome post.
You are truly right about branding. People are drawn to an authority and expert in your niche. You listed 3 cool ways which I so agree.
Pictures do have a lot of benefit in branding. A nice smile and cheerful look makes people relaxed and having tutorials on images is easily digestable.
Videos too have a way with audience. I like videos a lot and I have been thinking of doing a video as soon as I am comfortable. I did one once but it was just my hands that was showing. 🙂
Creating a product is a worthy cause because you are solving people’s problems which is exciting. If one’s product does its job, think about the thousands of people that are reached out.
Thanks for sharing. Sorry I missed the recent interview you sent on Google. In my country, ISP’s aren’t reliable and I can get a steady connection only at midnight. Thanks
Hi Ikechi,
Pictures of ourselves are worth a thousand words. A smile can be a great greeting to others as they read what we put out.
Videos are powerful. So you have done it once? Do it again my friend and no worries about getting it done perfect. So many tend to do that, and that will only stop you from being productive.
Creating a product, even as small as an ebook, can help you brand yourself with more authority. Plus a great way to build a list!
The interview is on my other blog There you will find Adriene Smith, and Lesly Federici and a huge surprise in a few days. They are on Youtube also and I know in some countries, Youtube is difficult to get. But if you ever want to see it you can find it there.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
May 5, 2015 at 6:36 am #
Hi Donna,
I’m sorry for being late. It is a pleasure to be here. I get busier than usual lately. I’m still adjusting to it. But, I want it, so I enjoyed it. 😀
I remember that in the past, I do not quite understand about branding yourself as a blogger. However, when I started to make myself as a blogger, I thought, I know about it.
Well, I totally agree with putting a lot of images on our article. As you said, it will be easier for readers to digest solutions we provide.
Indeed, everyone does not have much time to read a lengthy article. It would be more convenient if we provide a solution with little words. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this great post, Donna.
Hope you are having an awesome day!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..THANKS To My Comment Authors ~ April 2015 Engagement Report!
Hi Nanda,
He He you are so not late lol. I see how busy you are these days and although it is a good thing, it does take a while to adjust to. As with anything else, the more we grow, the more we need to adjust. I think I did a post on that somewhere
As bloggers, we do blog hop many times during the day. Having shorter posts and more images sometimes does the trick. It has to be a mixture: Our pillar posts, video face to face or tutorial screen shares, and shorter ones. Always bearing in mind that our readers need something to take away and take action on.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: harleenas
May 5, 2015 at 3:51 am #
Hi Donna,
You are right about all that you mentioned 🙂
Being bloggers, if we can’t help people through our posts and otherwise, then we don’t serve the purpose. There is so much you can teach others, especially if one’s been in the blogosphere for a while because there are many new comers who are all willing to learn the right things.
Loved your mentioned ways. Yes, a picture can speak a thousand words and you are right, people can relate a lot better to images as the visual impact is much stronger than the text – anything that catches the eye is quick to be clicked! You can use images, infographics, and even Slideshares for the same – and have a little color I’d add, to fill in some quick tips or takeaways from the post. I think they grasp the readers attention.
I still have to get started with videos, which I know you are so wonderful with. Yes, if you have your own product and offer it to people, the trust factor always plays up there and they’d take it from you than from an unknown person. I know you mentioned this at the PAC video with Lesley at your new blog too! (See I am learning…lol..)
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..Google Mobile Friendly Websites – The Complete How-To Guide
Hi Harleena,
Yes as bloggers being here for a while it is our responsibility to teach the many new people that are coming in fresh and new. Also, as we grow, we do share with other bloggers what works and many how-tos.
A picture does say a thousand words, and I believe that there has to be a good picture of ourselves for good branding. It’s memorable! Images, infographics and slideshares are great to use also because people just love visual learning.
Indeed, videos are so important. Once you get comfortable doing at least a one minute video the rest comes easier. It did take me a while to get up the nerve to do this myself but because it was good for business, I jumped in.
It was so good to see you on my other blog, where Lesly and I talked about videos being a good trust factor. I thank you for visiting that blog. It’s new and there will be so many people on it…my list is growing!
I do want to introduce people to others. They can have a product, service, launch or community (like you) I’ll be notifying you lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: mitch_m
May 5, 2015 at 1:26 am #
I’m hoping the videos will work for me. They’re not viewed all that much but if anyone stops by to watch then they’ll see what I’m all about.
I put at least one image on every blog post and if it’s a long post then there will be more than one. Every once in a while I pop in an image of myself just to remind people who I am, even though I have an image of myself in the sidebar. It’s harder branding myself by name since it’s also the name of Jimi Hendrix’ former drummer. lol
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..9 Relationships Between Blogging And Social Media
Hi Mitch,
When I think of you, I immediately have a picture of you in my mind. So your images are working. Especially your warm smile..
Videos work so well if we put them into our blog post, like I did here…very short, but somehow it sticks in people’s mind.
Now, I never knew Jimi Hendrex real name was yours. Shame on me because as a kid, I really thought I would marry him lol. The day he died was a sad day for me, but I still never get enough of his music.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: WellGal
May 4, 2015 at 10:50 pm #
Hello Donna.
I absolutely loved reading this article. You always offer such great tips that seem really clear and attainable. I always end up thinking to myself: “Hey, I should try that!”
After reading through your three best ways to brand yourself, two of them stood out as something that I need to explore. One in particular being videos. I’ve always wanted to do them, but I think what has held me back was worrying about editing them. But after seeing some videos out there I realize fancy video editing skills are probably not really that necessary. So maybe I’ll give it a try as you give some really good reasons to include videos.
Karen Peltier recently posted..How to Make Garlic Roasted Beet Leaf Chips with Sea Salt
Hi Karen,
You don’t have to have all the glitz to a video. Simple and straight forward works just as well. I would love to see a video of you cooking. It would be Karen’s healthy cooking show.
I always love to come to your blog and learn not only healthy recipes, but also the nutritional value of it.
I use Screenflow when doing videos. I can easily edit them through that program. I have so many bloopers, he he he.
Screenflow allows you to cut out parts and paste things together. So check it out!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: labousquet
May 4, 2015 at 10:25 pm #
Great tips Donna, it seems the more technology we bring into our lives the faster we want everything to be. I am guilty of that and will be taking your tips to spice up future writings. I have even looked at several videos to find the shortest one to see it I can get what I need within the least amount of time.
Lawrence Bousquet recently posted..Introduction to Chakras
Hi Lawrence,
When it comes to videos, shorter ones work best. People don’t have the time to listen to long ones. However, if you have a longer video, I would suggest you make it into parts. It’s all trial and error.
Test Test Test is always the name of the game!
P.S. I LOVE your videos
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
May 4, 2015 at 9:20 pm #
Hi Donna,
Shame on me because I’m only doing two out of the ways you showed us here.
I also love using canva to create my images. I recently discovered their photos tab and there are a lot of great images that are free.
The one thing I need to do more are videos. I’ve only done one so far hehe. I like the idea of doing screen capture videos versus using my face but I am working on an About Me video…I just wish I knew how to edit to hide my dark circles hehe 🙂
Another thing I need to do is offer my product more consistently. I do offer it on a work-from-home related blog post but I realized I need to add it to my homepage somewhere to get it noticed.
Thank you for these great reminders! I hope you had a great Monday.
Take care,
Corina Ramos recently posted..20 Things You Don’t Know About Me
Hi Corina,
I love using Canva too and especially that new addition of photos. How much fun is that?
When it comes to videos, it is all about lighting. Oh those dark circles…why do you think I have my glasses on he he he Once you get comfortable in front of the camera, it’s a breeze. The video on this blog I did without fixing my hair or putting make up on. Guess I got nerve lol. But when it comes to business… I know that the face to face is a virtual handshake and it is important to do.
Oh yes, I would offer your product….I don’t see it, so it is a good idea to pump that one up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
May 4, 2015 at 6:30 pm #
So that’s your secret?LOL!
And you certainly do see all three methods that you’re advocating for,
being use all over the place!
That’s for sure. And the fact that we can use screen captures is a great
advantage as well!
Because now, even the camera shy to make a go of it as well!
And i really love those really cool infographics as well!
So it looks like mastering the basics of Canva is next! Thanks for supplying
yet another proven blueprint Donna!
Mark recently posted..Three Extremely Powerful Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From The Mayweather VS Pacquiao Fight!
Hi Mark,
I love it when I go to your blog and you have inserted a video and I hear your voice. You have a wonderful tone and calmness that people can listen to. Also it is so instructive. Even if you are still hiding behind that camera, keep on doing those videos my friend. I love them!
I’m sure you will love Canva. If I can do it…so can you. They make it so easy, even I can do it lol. It is also great for status updates. Once someone sees something original, they love it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: cheryschmidt
May 4, 2015 at 4:46 pm #
Hello Donna, Loved this post and of course your video! I to love images as well as video’s and do think it it time I start to think about my own product,, Thanks for that much needed push my friend..
You’re The Best!!!
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..4 Tips To Help Develop Better Work Habits For Online Success
Hey Chery,
When it comes to images you are awesome! I love the way you put your own images into your posts of yourself. Talk about branding lol. You are the queen when it comes to images.
Yes…I think it would be great to have your own product. You have branded yourself so well, that even a little one would be great to build more juice to your list.
Then…the sales funnel! What fun that would be!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: awakenandbegin
May 4, 2015 at 3:27 pm #
Hi Donna, great post and video! I have compiled content from a bunch of blog posts I have written on dealing with email and am working to use that as the basis for my first ebook. Thanks for the inspiration to get back into it!
Annie recently posted..Feel Good Through Breakfast
Hi Annie,
What great news and thank you for sharing it with us. I know many people who have done the same thing. After writing so many blog posts why not compile them, put them in order and use it as a basis for your first ebook.
Yes…get on it and don’t stop until you finish!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
May 4, 2015 at 2:38 pm #
Hi Donna,
I think that a lot of people don’t realize that images are searchable by keywords too, so when writing a post it’s very important to have our own owned images, sign them and make sure that we give the image a keyword description.
It’s interesting how this morning I was just thinking how I will start doing a video journal to promote myself as soon as I land on the other side of the pond. Videos work so well to promote ourselves and our business.
Of course it’s always good to have our own product or service to promote, rather than promoting someone else’s.
Those are very good reminder and thanks for sharing them with us.
Have a wonderful week!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Why You’re Not Attracting Your Ideal Clients As A Freelance Writer
Hi Sylviane,
You raise a great point here … Yes images are searchable by keywords. This is why it is so important to have our own images, sign them and make sure we give them a keyword description.
I do have some people from time to time email me and ask permission if they can use my pictures. Sure.. Funny how that happens with Google images lol.
I see there is more Law of Attraction going on here because right before you came to this post you were thinking how you will start doing a video journal to promote yourself. It is a great idea and you can do it so well.
It is like a friendly handshake to others when they see who we are behind our words.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: ArtaGene
May 4, 2015 at 1:30 pm #
Hi Donna,
Always love your graphics..which blends right in with your posting advice…
Branding is a task for me, guess I need to sign up and get some feedback!
You and David do such a great job…your videos are outstanding…and really do the job for you.
From what I am reading here today, it is back to the drawing board and with a
map from you it might just be an easy journey!
It is true, I’m uncomfortable in front of the camera (plus my webcam bit the dust!), but I have a few videos that are screen capture…mostly reviews for affiliate marketing programs that I like.
Thanks for your suggestions…now to use them!
Cararta recently posted..About
Hi Cararta,
First I would like to thank you for your kind words about me and David. We work like crazy people lol.
If you are uncomfortable in front of the camera, a screen share will do the trick. There are so many people who are camera shy.
I was too way back, but I knew the importance of getting in front of that camera. I used to have “girly attacks” You know…My hair doesn’t look good, I look this way or that way. But I pushed myself to get over that. I joined a 30 day video challenge a few years ago.
Now I can wake up, put my glasses on because I don’t want to get all dolled up, and shoot a video like I did here. Just wanted to share that!
Good to know that you can use my suggestions!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: Techbluemoon
May 4, 2015 at 12:51 pm #
Hi Donna ma’am,
I couldn’t agree more. It all starts with being helpful to readers and helping them find solutions to their problems.
Agreed. Visual content do grab lots of attention. As they say, A picture is worth thousand words. 🙂 Who doesn’t loves images? I don’t think anyone hates them LOL. The first thing I look at when I land on a post is the featured image. Even before I read the post title, I prefer checking out the featured image. Humans naturally are attracted to visuals more than texts.
Vlogs are great for branding! And I must mention that I loved your idea of having video interviews on your new blog. I think that is more effective than those text-based interviews. Love them! But I am a bit camera shy and I don’t even like posting pictures Lol but I am getting myself comfortable. Maybe I would do videos too in the near future. 🙂
Creating a product is an effective strategy. Don’t we get naturally attracted to those e-books, audio books, etc.? YES! It does shows authority.
All the three points are great and proven methods for branding. Thanks for sharing and have a fantastic week ahead.
Rohan Chaubey recently posted..Blogger Help Forum – The Encyclopedia For Blogspot Blogs
Hi Rohan,
Indeed a picture says a thousand words. Having our own picture up does make what we do more user friendly.
Having a short video, like I posted in this post is like a handshake to others. I can understand you being camera shy, but when it comes to business, you can add so much more with a photo, or even a video.
I know it is difficult for many people to do face to face videos, so a screen share is great to use in the meantime.
When it comes to developing your first product, authority is immediately gained. After that first one, everything else is a breeze.
Thanks for coming by and have a great week ahead,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: marquitaherald
May 4, 2015 at 12:31 pm #
Excellent advice as always Donna! There is one other thing so many bloggers take for granted as a branding tool that you ace and that is commenting on other blogs. Many people do this of course, but not that many seem to recognize that what they say in their comments is says a lot about their viewpoint and professionalism. For example I came across a great comment by someone the other day and clicked on their link to learn more about them – sadly what I learned was that it had been 4 months since their last blog post so i just moved on. You just never know when something you say or do online may need to a new connection – or not. Thanks for the inspiration!
Marquita Herald recently posted..The Paradox of Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Improvemet
Hi Marquita,
Commenting on other blogs is imperative as a blogger. Just like you mentioned, you read a comment that was interesting, but when you went to that blogger, there wasn’t an updated post, so you moved on. I’m finding that sometimes also.
We are always branding ourselves no matter where we go. We do need to keep up our professionalism on comments, and especially social media. I’ve seen some blunders out there whereby people just had their brand go down the tubes because of something they did on social media.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Got Business Swag?
Twitter: bloggerspassion
May 17, 2015 at 9:32 am #
Hi Donna,
Excellent stuff! I think it’s better to use the same image across all your online platforms (including social media, gravatar, blog author, forums etc).
This way, people will easily remember you by looking at your gravatar. This is a surefire way to increase your brand awareness. Great insights!
Anil Agarwal recently posted..How Your Website Loading Times Affect Search Rankings
Hi Anil,
I have been giving that some thought..using the same image across all online platforms. A bit of a project to do but I plan to do it in the future.
Thanks so much for the advice,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog