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Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

Foolproof Marketing Strategies For BloggersEmploying these “Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers” will elevate your business to a whole new level.

You may think you do some pretty good marketing on your blog.

In other words, you think your blog is giving you a fair opportunity to sell products and services.

I’d like you to think that through more carefully after reading this article.

The Road To Riches

Most bloggers think the way to make money from their blog is this:

1. Find a niche to blog in… something you’re passionate about, or interested in.

2. Locate a product to review and promote on your blog

3. Convince your readers that they should buy that product

So, basically, you find a product and then convince people to buy it.

What Sales Tactics Do You Use On Your Blog?

You can get banners for the products you want to sell.

Put them on your sidebar and link to them within your articles.

Get people on your email list and promote those products to them in your emails.

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Social Media Promotion

You can also promote your products on social media sites.

Hopefully, you know better than to just post links to sales pages.

That is very ineffective and can get you banned from most social media sites.

Send out tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn status updates, for instance, but don’t link directly to sales pages.

Instead, link back to your blog posts.

That will help drive more traffic to your blog, and people will be exposed to your sales links from there.

Paid Advertising

You can also pay for advertising.

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Facebook ads and solo ads are very popular with bloggers, and they will get the attention of potential buyers.

But you need to have a budget to pay for ads, and you need to know what you’re doing.

It’s pretty easy to lose a lot of money pretty quickly when you rely on paid advertising.

Marketing Strategies

Bloggers are not limited to using “sales tactics,” though.

They can also engage in marketing.

Most bloggers think that the sorts of promotional tactics I just described are really what marketing is all about.

It sounds like the same thing to the casual observer.

Create or find a product and then market it.

This all makes a lot of sense if you know how to market.

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Do You Know How To Market?

Most bloggers think marketing is the same as advertising.

They talk about “free marketing campaigns” using social media platforms.

They use “paid marketing” to link to sales pages.

So here’s the problem with both free promotion and paid advertising.

You may engage in these campaigns without ever knowing what your prospects want.

You get your hands on a product link and decide you’re going to convince them that they need it.

It doesn’t sound like a very strategic campaign, does it?

Nonetheless, it may even work a little bit.

But it’s an awful lot of work and oftentimes an awful lot of money for results that are usually… awful.

What makes it so hard?

Why do so many bloggers give up because it just won’t work for them?

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The Problem With Marketing

Well, because it has a major, central flaw.

Most bloggers don’t know how badly their prospects want what they’re offering.

You have to ask yourself a few things.

Do the people that you are…

  • advertising to, or
  • sending links on social media to, or
  • writing blog post reviews for,

…do these people actually want and need what you’re selling?

The reason it is so difficult to market a product in the ways we’ve talked about is because most people actually have very little interest in what you’re selling.

That’s because you’re not marketing the product, you are selling the product.

There is a big difference between marketing and selling

Marketing a product does not mean sending people to sales pages.

That’s selling.

Here’s a typical scenario.

Somebody’s not making enough money online and they decide it’s because they don’t have enough traffic.

They believe they just don’t have  enough exposure for their product or exposure to their landing page.

Special: Start Your Blog Today: 3 Easy Steps

If only they could get more eyeballs to their offer, then the sales would start piling up.

So without really questioning what they are selling, and barely knowing who they are selling it to… they try to sell more of it to more people they know hardly anything about.

Marketing is about getting to know your prospects

Marketing is about getting to know

  • exactly what those people really want,
  • what they value,
  • what they need, and most of all
  • what they will buy.

Okay so how do you get to know your prospect?

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

Sure, you can start going to Facebook pages and forums and blogging comment-threads.

This will take a lot of time, but it will give you some idea and some working model for just what your audience wants.

Then, you can test it with some paid ads.

You can also test it with a free social media campaign.

These tactics take money in the first case, and time in the second.

It’s the typical way that people go about marketing, though.

Find Your Best Prospects

What marketing really means is exposing your offers to people who are already looking for them.

If you’re a fruit vendor, you want to bring your fruit to some place where people want to buy fruit right?

You don’t bring fruit to an antique show.

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You bring it to a farmer’s market.

But that’s not just because you know people there are interested in fruit, it’s because you know those people are looking to buy fruit.

You know they’re there to buy fruit because…

  • it’s a farmer’s market,
  • they’ve been there before,
  • they probably come every single week, and
  • every time they come they buy more fruit.

These people have a proven track record of being interested in buying fruit, of needing, wanting and liking fruit.

These are the prospects your marketing tells you will convert well for your offer.

Marketing Online

To market things online, you need to know who will buy them.

The best way to find that out is to find out what who is already buying them.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

If bought it once, they are likely to buy again.

One of the big determining factors is always this…

  • who has already purchased a similar product?

Another is this…

  • what is the recency of that purchase?

We want to know…

  • that they really are interested in your product,
  • that they really will buy,

and we know that because…

  • they already did buy, and
  • because they bought it recently, so
  • they are probably still interested in buying more of it.

This is marketing.

Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

The best way to do that online is to sell products to people who have already bought similar products.

Try to sell products to people who’ve already brought from you before.

You see, when you put yourself into the equation it’s adds a new dimension to marketing.

Somebody may be very interested in buying fruit from one farmer, but not from another farmer who has a bad reputation.

Somebody may be interested in buying one thing from an expert, but they won’t buy it from someone else.


you need to find people will buy something from you.

You need to determine who those people are and what they want.

Now when you run an offer past that crowd, you’re going to have a much better conversion rate.

Special: Start Your Blog Today: 3 Easy Steps

You’ll spend far less time and far less money promoting and selling things to them.

Know What Your Prospects Want

So what do your prospects want?

You can begin by knowing what their problem is.


you can find out what problem they have by seeing what problem solving products they have recently purchased.

So, now you’re not just supposing that they have the problem, but they’re very purchasing history proves to you that they had that problem, and that they have a track record of paying money to get that problem solved.

You also want to know why they want to solve that problem.

In other words, what benefit will they get by solving that problem?

This helps you craft your sales offer.

Rather than just telling prospects that you can solve their problem, tell them that you can give them the benefit they’re looking for.

So somebody may say that they just want more Facebook traffic.

Will new Facebook traffic give them the benefit they want?

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Probably not.

The benefit will be something like “building a great business.”

So your prospect doesn’t really want Facebook traffic, but the thing that Facebook traffic can give them… a great business.

This is an important distinction when you’re creating a sales offer.

How These Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers Lead To Sales

Finally, you must ask yourself what you can give your prospects to help them solve their problem.

Make sure what you are trying to sell will truly solve their problem and deliver them the benefit that they’re looking for.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is to sell them something similar that solves that same problem.

If they don’t buy the “similar product” then they don’t really want to solve that problem… or, at least, not bad enough to actually pay for the solution you have.

So, what “similar product” can you sell them?

You can sell them a 10 minute coaching session, or an eBook or anything that solves their problem.

If they buy it, they are the ideal customer for your product.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

If they don’t, then they probably are somebody you need to convince to buy your product, and that’s just not worth your time and investment.

Do your marketing properly to make sure you’re selling your products and services to the people who want them, are willing to pay for them, and have proven that through their past purchasing history.

Stop struggling to get accurate market research.

Make your customers pay to help you do your market research.

Do this by offering products that they will pay for and in so doing, will give you the best market research possible.

  • Set up a support desk.
  • Set up a coaching platform.
  • Do regular Q&A calls.

All these things give you the opportunity to actually talk to your paying customers, the people who you are going to sell more related products to.

Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

Have you used these Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers?

Are you ready to give them a try in your blogging business?

Leave a comment below to let me know, and let me know how this may be a solution to your own problem… learning to sell and market products on your blog.

Don’t forget to share this post on your social sites, too 🙂


Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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38 Responses to Foolproof Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

  1. Darrell Harris
    November 30, 2016 at 4:30 pm #

    Hello Donna
    Great post ! It was very insightful and very detailed. In other words alot of meat and potatoes. I liked how you showed the difference between marketing and selling a product. BUT what I got out of the post was market to the right target audience and selling becomes easy . Again thanks for sharing such a useful and value packed post.

  2. ikechi
    November 27, 2016 at 8:14 pm #

    Hi Donna

    It is great to know that concepts like Marketing can be misused . You certainly opened my eyes to the difference between sales and marketing even though these terms go together.

    You are right that a product should be sold to those who need them and this is just simple. Rather than convince people about a product, it is easier to give them what will solve their problems. Thanks for sharing. Take Care
    ikechi recently posted..5 Common Thinking Errors That Prevents You From Standing Out From The CrowdMy Profile

  3. Joseph Chikeleze
    November 26, 2016 at 12:17 pm #

    As usual, a great post from you madam. This post made my day.

    Building relationship with your readers and friends via social media is a great way of increasing market conversion.

    thanks ma
    Joseph Chikeleze recently posted..Drop Your Website For Free Review on W3HowTo.comMy Profile

  4. Atish Ranjan
    November 24, 2016 at 2:07 pm #

    Hello Donna,

    What an awesome content you have published. Enjoyed it!

    I agree that marketing and selling are different. However, the ultimate goal of marketing is selling only. But when you are marketing your product, you should not just focus directly on selling rather building relationships and connections with the audience. You should try to win the trust of the audience, and once they start knowing and trusting you, they will be happy to buy from you.

    Have a great time ahead, Donna.
    Atish Ranjan recently posted..How to Create a Powerful and Influential Blog?My Profile

  5. Lisa P Sicard
    November 22, 2016 at 6:51 am #

    Hi Donna, marketing and selling are really 2 different things. I work at a multi-media company and the departments are 2 separate and distinct departments. Marketing helps me to sell more to my clients there.
    I must use that mindset more for blogging. I’m thinking in my next neweletter to do a survey. Maybe one on Twitter and FB page too. I’m working on an eBook but maybe a webinar would be better?
    You got me thinking about Donna and that’s a good thing! Thank you and have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Donna Merrill November 22, 2016 at 9:11 am #

      Hi Lisa,

      It is so great to know I’ve got you thinking Lisa. Also interesting to know that where you work there are two different departments; one for marketing and one for selling…..

      Indeed, if you use that mindset for blogging, things will change quicker than you think. Whatever you are working on, just make sure you have it done in a certain amount of time you set up for yourself. eBooks are great as a segway to a higher ticket offer.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How Can Black Friday 2016 Make You Successful In 2017My Profile

  6. Dr. Elise Cohen Ho
    November 19, 2016 at 11:04 am #

    Knowing what your readers want can be very tricky but if you listen to what they are saying, read their comments closely and have genuine interactions you can definitely do it. Great post, very insightful.
    Dr. Elise Cohen Ho recently posted..Fun With Friends at Tavern BowlMy Profile

  7. Lesly T. Federici
    November 18, 2016 at 11:47 am #

    Hi Donna,
    Very in depth article… to market, to sell, one must first get “Out” there to spread the news of who you are and what you have. All excellent suggestions and discussion, as well as a good guide! There is a lot of confusion between selling and marketing. Selling we do everyday, we just don’t think of it in that way, right?
    Lesly T. Federici recently posted..Robin Hood Mentoring Case Study – Part OneMy Profile

  8. LH Louis
    November 18, 2016 at 1:13 am #

    Love your post, haven’t heard of difference between marketing and sale are different but I’m definitely going to dig deeper into that.
    LH Louis recently posted..Top 3 Marketing Tactics to Increase Website TrafficMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 19, 2016 at 8:48 pm #

      Hi Louis,

      It may sound like splitting hairs, but marketing is about knowing WHO you should be trying to sell things to, before spending a lot of time and effort selling to people who really don’t care about your offers. So it’s really a critical thing to understand or else everything you do will lead to a dead end.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own ProductsMy Profile

  9. Chery Schmidt
    November 18, 2016 at 12:51 am #

    Hello Donna, Wowsy girlfriend you really did a great job with this post, so many things for us to think about! So many people just throw links out there without really knowing what they are after nor whom!

    It just baffles me.. HEHE I guess we all have to start somewhere though HUH?

    I read something just yesterday that I found interesting. Kind of what you touched on here.. But it had to do with sending out emails to your list. This guy said to send them to a Facebook post or to a YouTube video. They said that your emails won’t go into spam and that the chances of getting them opened are far better.

    Curious what are your thoughts on this Donna?

    Great post my friend
    Chery :))
    Chery Schmidt recently posted..How To Crank Up Your Productivity Online ( Round Up Post)My Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 19, 2016 at 7:24 pm #

      Hi Chery,

      I understand that sending people to YouTube and Facebook helps your open rates with your email list, but tactics like those don’t matter much if your subscribers are the wrong people for your offers to begin with.

      On the other hand, if they are a match, then they’ll open your emails just because they really value your conversation and guidance.

      That gets back to marketing properly so that you fill your list with properly targeted people.

      Thanks for checking in gf 🙂

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan BiddulphMy Profile

  10. Mark
    November 17, 2016 at 6:13 pm #

    What an outstanding post Donna!

    You really have touched on so many different aspects of
    successful positioning, research and finally understanding
    the real differences between sales and marketing.

    And I definitely love the proven advice you touched with regards to effectively
    targeting buyers who have ready spent money on specific products
    and services.

    That one proven strategy alone, is a huge time saver and definitely
    prevents from constantly spinning your wheels!

    Very thoughtful advice coach and greatly appreciated!
    Mark recently posted..Why Being An Entrepreneur Means Finding Proven Ways To Add Value!My Profile

  11. Sherman Smith November 16, 2016 at 8:09 pm #

    Hey Donna,

    I totally agree with you on Marketing.

    You want to get to know your prospects so that you can give them the opportunity to by from you. This is why those that do marketing research get paid the big bucks.

    But when you build enough rapport with your audience to know their pain points, you can direct them to a “similar product’ as you mentioned. If they purchase is, then they’re more than likely the person that’s going to purchase products from you.

    This was a great lesson here! Thanks for sharing!
    Sherman Smith recently posted..How Can Solopreneurs Promote Their New Blog Posts?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 19, 2016 at 7:09 pm #

      Hi Sherman,

      Glad you enjoyed this.

      I know I got a bit geeked-out on drawing the distinction between selling and marketing, but it really is important to know what people want, and what they are willing and able to buy, before you stand on your head trying to sell to them.

      Like you said, it’s really not a lot more complicated than just building rapport with your audience.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..36 Loyal Readers of Donna Merrill TribeMy Profile

  12. Cori Ramos
    November 16, 2016 at 4:57 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Thank you for sharing these tips with us. I need to invest more on paid advertising. I did a test run on Facebook and Twitter and got somewhat of a good response. Next time, I plan on upping the budget and trying out Pinterest and see how it works.

    I do like the suggestion you shared about using our Facebook pages and blog comment thread to determine what our audience needs before paying for ads.

    Thanks for pointing out the difference between marketing and selling a product. I agree that at first glance it seems like the same thing but not quite.

    As always, great post Donna! Hope you’re having a great week.

    Cori Ramos recently posted..8 Places To Find Typing Jobs From HomeMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 19, 2016 at 7:02 pm #

      Hi Cori,

      Paid advertising can get you more prospects fast, but 1. it can be expensive and 2. if you haven’t done really careful market research, you can be buying ads to reach the wrong people… people who will never buy your products and services because they just aren’t the right target audience.

      So, it’s good you’ve had some success with Twitter and FB ads. I hope it continues, and that Pinterest works out well, too.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your BlogMy Profile

  13. Sathish Arumugam
    November 16, 2016 at 5:48 am #

    A long post but still an interesting article. Though myself follow this fool marketing strategy on my blog. I think this is my major problem, because of this only I was not able to achieve the goal yet. After reading this article I clearly understand the benefit of the content and marketing strategies and their impact. So from now I’m completely going to analyse the audience needs and will start my research on the main element of the business. And I can assure this will undoubtedly lead me to a successful way. And my marketing knowledge will also get increased. Thanks for sharing this fantastic post
    Sathish Arumugam recently posted..7 Foolproof Ways To Build An Authority Blog In 2016 And BeyondMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 18, 2016 at 11:21 pm #

      Hi Sathish,

      Good marketing will help you reach your conversion goals if you carefully assess what it is teaching you about your audience.

      Learning what they are actually buying is a key to this, and selling them your own products is an especially great way to find out exactly what your target crowd is not just interested in, but willing to invest in.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Crazy Simple Ways To Become A Successful Blogger | Interview With Marquita HeraldMy Profile

  14. Helyz Akande
    November 16, 2016 at 4:26 am #

    Hi Donna,
    Great post! Traffic is different from conversion rate. That sounds convincing.
    Marketing your products and business has little or a bit to do with traffic. The number goal is a strategized marketing habit. Like you said, distinguish the active buyers from the passive ones. Know the main reason they never try to buy from you and then convince them.
    Yeah! To market things online you need to know who will buy them. Email listing makes it easier for better outreach or you could perhaps make a survey to analyse their need. You’ll extract those in need of your marketing products and eventually make a good sale.
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post
    Helyz Akande recently posted..How To Overcome Blogging TensionMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 18, 2016 at 11:10 pm #

      Hi Helyz,

      Surveys are a good way to understand your market better, for sure.

      It’s one of those things that I think a lot of people know they should be doing, but they just don’t.

      You can survey people when they’re on your email list, of course, but you can even do it in a less formal way on social media by asking people to rate their top 3 challenges etc.

      Anything you can do to get people to tell you what they want vs. what they struggle with gives you invaluable marketing insights.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil PatelMy Profile

  15. Mi Muba
    November 16, 2016 at 4:18 am #

    Hi Donna

    Very thoughtful post and it is a big misconception even many experienced bloggers have that they intermingle marketing, selling, publicity, public relation and that’s why get confused while setting their marketing goals.

    I learnt in my final class in University that those who can sell would never be poor and those who can market would rule the wealth.

    Being online marketers we need to develop a marketing system quite adaptable with day to day changes because ways of marketing online are changing fast as compare to offline marketing.

    But online marketing has more challenges than its offline counterpart because we don’t have benefit of physical presence and have to stimulate certain demand of our target audience staying invisible miles away from them.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this very valuable post that is a guiding beacon for online marketers.
    Have a nice rest of the week.
    Mi Muba recently posted..3 maddening puzzles in blogging and their safest way outMy Profile

  16. Umesh Singh
    November 16, 2016 at 12:16 am #

    Hi Donna,

    Great advice. I agree with all the points you have mentioned in your post.

    The biggest blogging mistake newbie does that they don’t know how to market themselves as a blogger.

    Most bloggers don’t know who are their audiences and what types of content they should create for them.

    Understanding audience is key element of any business and no one can be sussessful unless they know their audience.

    Thanks Donna for bringing such a wonderful topic in the light.

    – Umesh Singh

    • Donna Merrill November 18, 2016 at 10:55 pm #

      Hi Umesh,

      We do really need to know who our audience is and what their precise needs are.

      This is the foundation of serving their needs and helping them solve their problems… which is the key to marketing.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan BiddulphMy Profile

  17. Ravi Chahar
    November 15, 2016 at 9:27 pm #

    Hey Donna,

    I totally agree with your point. There are many differences between marketing and selling but most of the people get confused.

    Sending the product links via email isn’t marketing. It’s selling. Promotion of the product on the social media is one the biggest tools.

    People need to have a foolproof marketing strategy. Whether it’s about getting exposure to the blog or promoting the product.

    Marketing requires the smart approach with the value.

    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Ravi Chahar recently posted..10 Riveting Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up Blogging?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 17, 2016 at 8:56 am #

      Hi Ravi,

      People do get confused between marketing and selling. It is so important that people need to have a marketing strategy. Indeed, marketing requires that smart approach with the value.


      Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Productivity Tips For BloggersMy Profile

  18. Ryan Biddulph
    November 15, 2016 at 8:32 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Great post 😉 For me, smart marketing is playful marketing. Or, note you made about blogging in a niche you’re passionate about. Most struggle to market because they carry a force-filled, strained, un-fun energy around what they’re doing, marketing-wise. TRYING. Versus just being, having fun and cleverly but clearly connecting with your ideal readers via energized, intelligent promoting.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Ryan Biddulph recently posted..1 Failing Aspect of Expert Round Ups (and the Solution)My Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 16, 2016 at 8:51 am #

      Hi Ryan,

      Ha…trying..that is like carrying a huge sack of bricks on our shoulders. Being is like floating on water. I know that difference so well. Trying gets me depressed, so I rather have fun and just relax my way through my marketing.

      Just be who I am and know that the energies will follow. It does come down to that. It is quite simple but some people make it all complex.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Productivity Tips For BloggersMy Profile

  19. Don Purdum
    November 15, 2016 at 1:36 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    I think one of the biggest problems is that people pursue marketing and sales without understanding the underlying their message, which is really the “why?” behind the consumer’s mindset.

    In today’s post, which you were included, I said that digital marketing is nothing more than creating relationships that is driven by content.

    Content and strategies without relationships will not equal sales… especially for service professionals (of which many bloggers are).

    Our content must be so persuasive and relevant that people have that “OMG, how did they know… ?” moment and feel like they are being understood.

    They don’t know us except for what’s on the screen or monitor. That means our relevance has to be high and they need reasons to keep consuming our content. In turn, that builds competency and trust and which can lead to a full sales funnel.

    I appreciate that you are talking about the need to solve a problem. As you know, my mantra is that each piece of content should solve one problem, meet one need or fulfill one desire… for one person.

    That’s my working definition of value.

    Have a great week Donna!

    ~ Don
    Don Purdum recently posted..Should Digital Marketing Lead or Follow?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 16, 2016 at 8:11 am #

      Hi Don,

      I first want to thank you in your recent article for the wonderful mention. I appreciate that!

      Relationships, are the most important thing we can do in order to equal sales. They must be real, and from the heart and head. Some relationships don’t work and it is up to us to say no in a kind way of course. I have run into that a few times offline and online whereby I knew we were not a perfect fit. That kind of relationship is golden because I can refer that person to someone else that they will do so much better with. But I digress…..

      It is al about our content and we have to solve one problem at a time. Take for instance this post. I could have written a book about it, but rather took a concept and made it simple for people to understand and apply.

      Thanks for your input.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Productivity Tips For BloggersMy Profile

  20. Joy Healey
    November 15, 2016 at 12:18 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Interesting post. Just the other day I was chatting to someone about something I’m offering on my blog, but when we talked about it, it was obvious to me that this particular solution was not right for my prospect because it’s “country-specific”. So in fact, this was a targeting mistake on my part!

    Happily I was able to source a different product, being sold by another of my blogging friends, and passed my prospect over to him.

    Result: brownie points from my blogging friend, a clear conscience because I pulled away from “make a sale at all costs”, and NOT having a dissatisfied customer.

    Another spin-off is that I am now aware of this alternative product to suggest the next time I come across a prospect interested in this solution, but not in the right country.

    To me that’s “win-win-win-win”. (Although perhaps it would have been even smarter to sell them the “coaching session” that identified the different solution – LOL)

    Joy – Blogging After Dark
    Joy Healey recently posted..Grammar Checker For Your BlogMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill November 16, 2016 at 7:55 am #

      Hi Joy,

      It sure sounds like a win win win to me. And you know what is so important? The fact that this man will never forget you. YOU had HIS best interest in mind and matched him up with something he could use. Your blogging buddy is happy too. People don’t forget these things. But this is a fine example of marketing.

      When we market, we need to know alternatives as much as we can for people who come to us. Even though you didn’t sell him on your product, you helped him and that makes you unforgettable. And keep in mind that there is still word of mouth out there. So KUDOS for your reputation girl.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Productivity Tips For BloggersMy Profile

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