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Too Busy For Personal Growth?

Too Busy For Personal Growth

Are you too busy for personal growth?

Many bloggers tell me that they just don’t have time for the personal growth aspect of their business.

You see, here’s the problem with personal growth.

Successful people make time for it.

Unsuccessful people are too busy for it.

That’s just a fact.

I see it all the time.

If blogging keeps you so busy that you don’t have time for your personal growth, then I suggest you make some changes.

You see success doesn’t come from learning “the right technique” or mastering “the best strategy.”

It doesn’t come from that “proven step by step system.”

Those things can be important.

But there’s something far more critical going on in the background.

That is you.

It is your vision.

Your ability to see your growth before it even happens.

It is more important than your blog, even.

Because far more important than any blog is what’s going on inside the mind of the blogger.

And that brings us back to your personal growth.

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Are you working everyday to be the best person you can?

Let’s take a quick look at what personal growth is.

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What Is Personal Growth?

I think personal growth is all about aligning your life with your sense of satisfaction.

Are you…

  • happy being a blogger?
  • thrilled every day to get out there and meet people in your niche?
  • grateful to be able to have the opportunity to help people solve problems in their lives?
  • dedicated to improving the lives of your readers?

Are those the things that bring you a deep sense of satisfaction?

Now, if you could answer “yes” to all of those questions, then you probably have the right mindset to be a successful blogger.

But, if you answered “no” to any of them, then you are probably struggling, right?

Being a successful blogger means always improving yourself.

And that in turn means always being add more value to your readers.

That’s the ultimate goal in personal growth for any blogger.

Related: The 3 Personal Development Goals Successful People Pursue Habitually (from Entrepreneur)

Strength vs Weakness

Many people will tell you that personal growth means to shore up your weak points.

Make yourself strong where you are weak.

To accomplish that, bloggers will attack their personal weaknesses.

They struggle to make up their lack of knowledge or technical skills by learning more.

And this is what they consider to be personal growth.

But I actually think that it’s more important for a blogger to focus on his personal strengths.

You see, overcoming your weaknesses is just not the best use of your time.

To be successful you need to run with what you are best at.

You are already good at those things.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

And you are ready to put them to use today, not some time in the future?

The opposite is true when you get bogged down in the struggle to get better at what you’re weakest at.

If you have a natural inclination to entertain people, then I think that’s what you should develop.

On the other hand, if you’re good at statistics and analytics, that’s what you should focus on in your blogging.

I see little value in trying to be something or someone that you are not.

Start with who you are.

Related: How To Align Your Personal Growth With Your Career Goals (from Your Story)

Improve Strategically

Don’t get me wrong.

You do need to improve yourself… all the time.

But you can’t improve everything about yourself, not even in 10 lifetimes.

So be selective.

Improve on the things that are most important to you.

And… improve strategically.

If you are deathly afraid of public speaking, then why would you force yourself to address 10,000 people from a platform at a blogging convention?

With all the time it would take you to learn the skills for public speaking, and to overcome the fear associated with it…
you could be doing so many other things to build your business faster.

Most successful bloggers are known for their strengths.

They’re known for what they are very good at.

Few bloggers are known for overcoming some particular weakness or flaw in their personality.

So delve into your personal growth strategically.

Sometimes, you’ll need to learn how to do some things you’re not too good at.

It’s not a perfect world out here.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

Know the difference between wasting your time, and doing what you’ve gotta do.

If you stink at public speaking and hate the very thought of doing it… then forget it.

It’s just not your thing.

But on the other hand…
if you absolutely must use YouTube and video in your particular blogging model, then stop procrastinating.

Sit down and learn it.

Then, move on to what you’re best at.

For the most part, just think about what you’re best at, and what you love doing… then run with that.

Either forget the rest, delegate it or hire somebody to do it for you.

Related: 16 Personal Development Goals That Will Make You Happier and Sexier (from Daring to Live Fully)

Evergreen Personal Growth

We have been talking for the most part about personal growth in terms of blogging success.

But there’s another type of personal growth, too.

That’s what I like to call evergreen personal growth.

It’s the kind of personal growth that you have to undertake no matter what you are doing.

I don’t care if you’re a teacher, poet or cab driver.

There are some things you just need to do for yourself.

Here is a short list of some of those things.

Related: Self-Improvement: The Essential Law of World-Class Entrepreneurs (from Huffington Post, by Neil Patel)

Self Love

If you don’t love yourself, then you’re not going to ever find happiness..

And if you’re not happy, then you’re not going to be a good blogger or teacher or whatever you choose.

Self love is not an attribute.

It is not a destination.

Self love is a journey.

Find the journey that is right for you.

Too Busy for Personal Growth

Read more… When The Journey Becomes The Destination
(from Emotionally Resilient Living, by Marquita Herald)


YES… you can do it.

You know you can.

But you deny yourself.


Maybe others have convinced you that you cannot do it.

Don’t listen to them.

Instead, listen to yourself.

Listen to your self that you have come to love and trust.

Know that nothing can stand in your way, except your own lack of self-esteem.

Find a way to get past that.

Related: Explosive Growth Only Comes From Ambition: The Mind Of Elon Musk (from Shout Me Loud)


Anything you attempt in life will require that you be productive.

You need to learn to get past the dreaming and planning stages.

Get your head out of the clouds.

Put your feet on the ground.

Find the best strategies, methods and systems to help you put your time to the best use.

Make sure that every single day you are moving forward with your plans and dreams
…that you’re making them happen.

That’s productivity.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

If you don’t know how to be productive then stop everything right now.

Make it an immediate priority in your personal growth.

Related: Create Your Daily Personal Growth And Development Schedule (from Brian Tracy)


Nothing in life matters if you don’t have health.

You need to take time for yourself.

This comes from loving yourself.

If you don’t love yourself, then you won’t care about yourself.

But once you’ve learned to love yourself, you will be motivated to give yourself the time you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

That means something different to everybody of course.

For you, it could mean making raw juices everyday.

Meanwhile, for someone else it might mean undergoing Physical Therapy.

For everyone, though, a healthy lifestyle means

  • eating properly
  • exercising daily, and
  • reducing stress as much as humanly possible.


Learn to be grateful for everything you have.

This comes from living a well-balanced, harmonious life.

And it comes from understanding that everything you have is a gift.

The start of the day is a gift.

Each breath you take.

Every person you meet.

Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic

And every opportunity you are given to live a meaningful existence, is a gift.

When I wake up each morning, I think of all the things I’m grateful for.

I do this before I get out of bed and start facing the challenges that I will have as a person, as a blogger or anything else.

It’s a nice exercise to even write down a list of things you’re grateful for.

Add to it every single day.

It’s amazing how that list will grow.


You have your own life.

It is separate from everyone else’s.

Yet, it also overlaps with everyone else’s.

If you are not reaching out to other people to help them to have happier, more productive, healthier lives…
then you are missing out on one of the greatest gifts of all.

Altruism simply means thinking of other people instead of just yourself.

And, living your life accordingly.


Happiness is really the culmination of all the things above.

If you have achieved each of the things I’ve talked about, then you will truly have found happiness.

But if you feel like your life is not as happy as you want it to be…
go back and work on your personal growth in the areas listed in this article.

Top Tier Coaching Program

Now, tell me your thoughts.

What kind of personal growth do you undertake?

What do you think is the most important place for you to put your energy at this time?

Most of all…

Do you think you are too busy for personal growth?

Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

I would love to have that conversation with you.



Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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50 Responses to Too Busy For Personal Growth?

  1. Gaurav Kumar
    November 4, 2017 at 6:00 am #

    Hi Donna,

    The personal growth reflects in every action of a professional blogger. Happiness is critical to let people know how fortunate you are. You cannot say you are lucky if you have no social life and just whole sitting time in front of the laptop to write something new.

    Your growth shows when you live for yourself, enjoy your life and appreciate what you have. You can only be more productive when you have good health and a sound mind.

    Your tips about self-growth are beneficial for a person to understand what he/she should do.

    thanks for sharing.

    Gaurav Kumar recently posted..7 Reasons Solo Bloggers Outperform Company Bloggers in InfluenceMy Profile

  2. Jitendra
    October 26, 2017 at 8:42 am #

    Hey Donna,

    This is an excellent article. I also think personal growth is very important for living a successful and happy life. The day you start improving yourself, you will feel the self-satisfaction that it gives. And I always believe that health is always greater than wealth.

    Most people overlook their health is the pursuit of success and then they have no choice other than regretting their bad decisions. Therefore, heath is my number one priority in personal growth, so I always try to stay fit and healthy.

    Thanks for sharing such an awesome article. It was a great time reading this.
    Have a great day ahead.
    Jitendra recently posted..admitad Review: Most Transparent CPA Network With Payment ProofsMy Profile

  3. Ahmad Imran October 22, 2017 at 5:37 am #

    What a powerful message Donna, personal development.

    I repeat here a quote from Jim Rohn which has changed my life and mindset. He said that success is not something you pursue, success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person.

    And the personal development shines in the blogging too. Everything spreads from the inner development. The personality and style is so important in blogging just like many other walks of life. Thanks for a great reminder.

    Ahmad Imran recently posted..Why and How to Write a Good Blog Comment? [3 Insights from Ryan Biddulph]My Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 11:08 pm #

      Hi Ahmad,

      You’re so right.

      Personal development and growth shows in everything you do.

      You can’t try to blog and help people if you are not working continually on your own growth.

      Thanks for sharing the Jim Rohn quote… love it.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Overcome Blogger Overwhelm and Achieve Amazing ResultsMy Profile

  4. Chris October 20, 2017 at 10:56 pm #

    Thanks for this great post, Donna. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of “doing”, rather than being reflective and aware of what our own strengths and weaknesses even are. A great reminder to practice gratitude every day – even when things are going tough.

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 11:04 pm #

      Hi Chris,

      It is easy to get caught up in the busy work that makes us think we’re getting somewhere.

      But the only time we’re really getting somewhere is when we’re improving our lives.

      One great way to do that is to start your day with gratitude as you.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Get Out Of Your Blogging BubbleMy Profile

  5. Fabrizio Van Marciano
    October 18, 2017 at 7:02 am #

    Hi Donna,

    I just read your post here and it really resonated with me and I’ll tell you why.

    About four months ago I was feeling extremely low.

    I had hardly any energy during the day, my focus was all over the place, and some days I would just crawl back into bed after dropping the kids off to school.

    I’d then wake up around 12pm again to try and do some work on my business, but feeling even worst than ever.

    I was also going to bed very late at night, like 2 in the morning late.

    During the kids summer holiday I read the Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod which totally changed my life.

    I’m now out of bed every single day before 5am, sometimes 4am, and I’m spending the first two hours of my day just working on me.

    So that’s doing meditation, yoga, reflecting on strengths and weaknesses, running, sitting in silence, and reading motivation and educational books even.

    I even have time to plan my 9am to 3pm work at home shift to fit around family time.

    Whilst I still think that I struggle to find more time to work on my blog and business, my energy levels are through the roof.

    I no longer feel tired during the day, and I’m a lot more focused on getting my daily tasks done and dusted.

    So I guess I don’t really need more time, right?

    So, do I agree with what you are saying in this post, that taking time out to work on your personal growth is important?

    Absolutely yes!

    It causes a massive chain reaction.

    If you wake up feeling low both mentally and physically, your output into your blog, business and marketing is going to be non-existence, or poor at least.

    Just by changing a few habits in the morning and working on yourself is going to fire you up and transform your way of life, your thinking and you’re going to find success in both your business and in your life.

    Great post Donna, sorry for the long waffle, but I wanted to share how important this post was for me.

    Have a great rest of the week.
    Fabrizio Van Marciano recently posted..Why You Should Start Planning Your Blog Or Online Business For Next Year, Now!My Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 10:56 pm #

      Hi Fabrizio,

      I love that you shared your story here with us.

      It’s always a wonderful thing to see how people actually apply things like “personal growth.”

      Otherwise it just all sounds so vague and mystical.

      I can’t say that I really am a 5 a.m. person that’s for sure.

      But I think the real point is that everybody has to find their own way.

      If you’re not focused and you’re not able to move forward in your life then something’s wrong.

      Take the time to figure it out and do that personal growth.

      Don’t just keep plowing ahead because eventually it will wear you down, make you sick and after all that… success will continue to be elusive.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  6. Reena October 13, 2017 at 2:02 am #

    excellent work….really appreciated

    I agree with you that if blogging keeps you so busy then we have to make some changes in our life.

  7. Dana
    October 12, 2017 at 11:25 am #

    Hi Donna,

    I loved this.
    I especially appreciate you mentioning to work on your strengths instead of battling with your weaknesses. I know I’ve spent time trying to overcome some of my own weaknesses – and while it’s been useful to learn new skills, it hasn’t done much good to try to be someone I’m not.
    To fight with myself.
    So instead, like you mentioned, I’ve chosen to make good use of my natural abilities and use them wisely. This, to me, is the best way to live my truth.

    Beautiful post.

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 10:48 pm #

      Hi Dana,

      Yeah it really is important to stick with what you’re best at.

      Everybody can make a whole list of things that they’re not very good at.

      But to be successful you really want to put your best foot forward.

      That means to develop that which you already are capable of.

      Good luck with your continued growth, my friend.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Blogging Commitments Guaranteed To Boost Your BusinessMy Profile

  8. Praveen Verma
    October 11, 2017 at 1:24 am #

    Hi Donna,
    Great tips over here. I first believe in personal growth and then hard work because all the thing you do it depend in your health. Personal growth is all about physical health, learn from past mistakes. I agree with you that if blogging keeps you so busy then we have to make some changes in our life.

    I am a big believer in the quote “Health is wealth”. Here, I have learned many things to gain personal growth.

    Thanks for sharing this informative post.

    Best wishes,
    Praveen verma

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 10:48 pm #

      Hi Praveen,

      People do tend to forget about their health when they’re all wrapped up in trying to run a successful blog or other kind of online business.

      But you can’t ignore your health forever.

      Ignore it at your own peril.

      Eventually it catches up to you.

      It’s much easier to maintain it now, rather than trying to recapture it later.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Start Making Money With Your BlogMy Profile

  9. Pedro
    October 10, 2017 at 11:34 am #

    Hi Donna,

    Amazing post 🙂

    I love how you say we should be strategic and selective, and improve on the things that are most important because we can’t improve everything about ourselves, not even in 10 lifetimes. The thing about growth is that we are either moving forward or moving backwards. We are either growing or dying. There isn’t really much of a middle ground, in my humble opinion.

    It is Socrates who is credited with saying that the un-examined life is not worth living for any human being! So every now again, I stop to take stock ask where I am in relation to where I should be. I try to be big on continuing professional development (CPD) as a blogger and list grow strategist to keep myself abreast of new trends and better working practices. I do this by attending both paid and free courses and pacing myself to give time for implementation.

    Thanks for sharing!

    best regards,


    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 10:47 pm #

      Hi Pedro,

      Sounds like you’re on a pretty steady passive personal growth.

      Like you said, you’re either moving forward or you’re moving backward.

      There’s really no such thing as staying in one place.

      Once you get used to pushing yourself two Improvement it just becomes a way of life and certainly a way of doing business.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?My Profile

  10. Joy Healey
    October 9, 2017 at 1:20 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Being one of life’s “busy bees” self-improvement is a bit of a work-in-progress for me.

    However, I AM taking more time out now for exercise, and my yoga, and I even walk occasionally LOL.

    Part of the training that comes free with our business focuses on the “internal” self-improvement – so I’m getting there.

    I know you’re right, but sometimes juggling family and offline business demands lead to overwhelm. BUT…. I’m learning to say NO, and NOT to feel guilty when I have taken some time out for myself.

    Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark
    Joy Healey recently posted..Leadership Training: Learn Communication SkillsMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 22, 2017 at 10:59 am #

      Hi Joy,

      You got it girl…Part of the training that comes with our business is to focus on the inside and do “self improvement” Once we do that and grow daily, it reflects on our business growth.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?My Profile

  11. liza October 9, 2017 at 7:41 am #

    What an awesome blog post Donna!

    And it definitely caused me to stop in my
    tracks and take notice.

    Far too many times, we tend to think, real lasting success,
    can and will ultimately be achieved, simply by being
    exposed to specific strategies and or tactics etc.

  12. Deepak October 5, 2017 at 3:14 am #

    Wonderful post I must admit!

    I think personal growth is very important for all individuals to improve productivity and make us positive towards the work.


  13. Lisa Sicard
    October 4, 2017 at 6:52 am #

    Hi Donna, I’m a big believer in personal growth. Last year I did a 26 mile walk and it was for my own satisfaction and challenge. (Though I haven’t walked more than 3 miles since…)
    Tomorrow I’m doing a webinar as a guest speaker and I’ve been scared to death of doing it. But I practiced this and gained a little confidence. I’ve done some public speaking with my day job over the years and helped me to do a few eulogies at funerals. I still get nervous beforehand but nothing like I used to be. (Wish me luck!)
    I think the more we fear something, the more we should do it to get over it.
    Health is #1! I have a miserable cold last night and went to bed at 6 pm. I feel better today and am so glad I said no to everything else and got the much needed rest.
    We all need balance in life and know what matters the most. I always think – is this something that will be important a year from now? Will I have any regrets? Those help me in my decisions daily.
    Great topic Donna!
    Lisa Sicard recently posted..The Case for Social Media AutomationMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 5, 2017 at 9:54 pm #

      Hi Lisa,

      26 miles…

      wow, that’s discipline… not my type of discipline, though, haha

      I like the idea of projecting your actions into the future, as you suggested.

      If you really think that what you’re doing now will be important a year from now then do it.

      It’s however you think it probably won’t make any difference in the long run… then leave it alone.

      That just makes so much sense.

      It’s so easy to get caught up in what seems important at the moment.

      Step back and look at the big picture.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

    • Rajkumar
      October 20, 2017 at 1:05 pm #

      Can’t agree more
      Hats Off
      Rajkumar recently posted..The 3 Best Beats Earphones to DateMy Profile

  14. Rajkumar
    October 4, 2017 at 1:07 am #

    Hi Donna,

    Well, my personal growth is to learn from my past mistakes and be a matured and sensible person over time. For this, I take life easy and has developed the art of patience as well

    Well, I put my energy on constructive things. I value my close friends a lot who motivates me and strengthens my belief of how positive I should be in life. Therefore, I put my energy in looking at the “good aspects” of people as it makes me feel happy of the world. This is where I primarily focus too

    Well, even though I am busy for personal growth, but I do take out time for inner self , my conscience as then only I get fully charged of taking care of the beautiful aspects

    Thanks Donna for sharing such a motivating post 🙂

    • Donna Merrill October 5, 2017 at 9:46 pm #

      Hi Rajkumar,

      The art of patience certainly is a major aspect of personal growth.

      Like you say, you really can’t be productive unless you have first mastered patience.

      It’s what gives you the peace and harmony you need to move forward at your own pace.

      And, of course, staying around positive and productive people is another key to your personal growth journey.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Proven Step by Step Systems for Bloggers SuckMy Profile

  15. Vishwajeet Kumar
    October 3, 2017 at 11:43 pm #

    Hello Donna,

    Another great post from you. Personal growth and branding and very important to connect with people online and build trust among them. Nobody can get that trust in few days, you have to gained it. There is always be a room of improvements and failures lead us to the success. I always take failure as a key lesson and start working on it. Thanks for writing this beautiful post.

    Have a great day 🙂

    • Donna Merrill October 5, 2017 at 9:40 pm #

      Hi Vishwajeet,

      Failure is one of the biggest stepping stones to success.

      You are so right about that.

      Ironically, it’s also one of the biggest fears that stops people from growing.

      Once you embrace failure instead of fear it, you are truly on your way to success.

      It’s a big step to take in your personal growth.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging Success Mindset | You Can Do It When You Believe ItMy Profile

  16. Bren Lee
    October 3, 2017 at 6:24 pm #

    Hey Donna,

    You are a world of inspiration, my friend. When you write about blogging, I’m still taking the “evergreen effect” from it. To me, if you are happy with yourself and the mode of growth you are achieving, keep at it! You don’t need to blog every day. That is such a faux pas anymore. I see people generate a huge amount of traffic by doing so, however, it leaves them no room for the “growth” that they need to do in order to build a Community, Network with others, and Achieve their other Goals.

    I really appreciate this post and can take a few things away from it. Focusing on your personal growth is a must for everyone no matter what they are doing.

    Passing this along, girl! You are the Queen of Inspiration!

    Git er dun!

    Bren Lee recently posted..3 Reasons Why I Love Helping OthersMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 5, 2017 at 9:28 pm #

      Hi Bren,

      Glad you were inspired, my friend 🙂

      You’re so right about people who blog too much.

      They just don’t have time to build any other aspect of their business.

      Those are the kind of bloggers who just don’t have time for personal growth.

      Too busy with content all the time.

      We all need to be reminded to stay in touch of ourselves.

      We’re all too busy, but just gotta MAKE the time for personal growth.

      When you do, I can promise, the business growth will follow.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Overcome Blogger Overwhelm and Achieve Amazing ResultsMy Profile

  17. Shivkumar
    October 3, 2017 at 3:51 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    One can achieve anything in life by their hardwork, but their will achieve happiness only after focusing on personal growth. Personal growth is what add life to days.
    Many people want to do whatever they like but it is discipline which help them to achieve the same. According to me this is called as personal growth ie when you know the difference between what are you doing and how you will be doing. That where you head towards personal growth.

    Thanks for encouraging by your post.

    Have a great day head! 🙂
    >SK Lohar

    • Donna Merrill October 5, 2017 at 9:15 pm #

      Hi Shivkumar,

      The difference between dreaming and “doing” is discipline as you point out here.

      But just getting things done is not always as easy as it sounds.

      That’s where personal growth really does factor in.

      As you suggest, discipline is one of the greatest and most challenging things you can work on in your personal growth.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Get Out Of Your Blogging BubbleMy Profile

      • Shivkumar
        October 6, 2017 at 3:30 pm #

        Personal growth really matters a lot. People think that their personal growth is taking place by getting experience in their work environment but real personal growth happens when we are willing to take responsibilities and make sure everything is working fine. Managing things without disturbing our peace of mind is what I will call as real personal growth.

        Please correct me if I went out of track.

        Thanks again.

        >SK Lohar
        Shivkumar recently posted..Xnspy: Spy app to spy all private data for Android and iOS SmartPhoneMy Profile

  18. Susan Velez
    October 3, 2017 at 6:21 am #

    Hi Donna,

    Personal growth is huge and extremely important for anyone who is striving towards success. When first started my personal growth journey in the past after watching the movie “The Secret.”

    I started visualizing what I wanted to achieve. I’d take the time to visualize every day and the thing that I forgot to do was take action.

    Like you said, it’s important to know what you want to achieve, but nothing great will come about without action.

    I always make take for my personal growth every day. Without it, I think success is impossible. Another thing that I always pay attention to is my health. After all, what good is the success if we’re not healthy.

    That’s one of the reasons that I always make time to exercise every day. Now if I could just get into the habit of stretching more.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, I loved it.

    Have a great day 🙂


    • Donna Merrill October 4, 2017 at 8:35 am #

      Hi Susan,

      Visualization works so well once we practice it. The more we put into it, the better we get at it and then realize we can “attract” what we really need.

      It is great that you take care of your personal growth both mind and body. We do have to exercise to keep ourselves in shape.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  19. Marquita Herald
    October 3, 2017 at 5:39 am #

    Ah, a topic near and dear to my heart and you’ve laid it out beautifully Donna! I especially like your point about improving strategically. We all have certain limiting beliefs, you and I have been down this road before when we collaborated on our book Women Breaking Barriers so you probably know where I’m heading with this. I receive more questions from my readers about how to deal with fear than anything other topics.Even when we try to ignore our fear(s), we’re still hauling it around and over time it wears us down.

    So, I’d just like to share that there was a time when the notion of having to speak in public absolutely terrified me. Then someone volunteered me to make an announcement at a conference of 350 business women. I was furious, but I did it. When it didn’t kill me, I decided I was tired of that fear ruling me and joined a local Toastmaster group. I had no interest in becoming a public speaker, I simply wanted to banish the fear. But one thing led to another and I ended up in sales, speaking to groups, training, and traveling around the world all because I overcame my weakness and greatest fear of speaking in public. I’m not in any way disputing that we should focus on the things that matter, only that it becomes so very easy to justify making choices that keep us comfortable, it’s worth investing some time to make sure that we’re acting in our own best interest rather than allowing fear to determine our destiny. Thanks so much for the awesome advice and inspiration!
    Marquita Herald recently posted..It’s Okay to Feel Sad SometimesMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 3, 2017 at 11:11 am #

      Hi Marquita,

      We sure know that road shared so wonderfully in your book. I too get that “fear” question all the time and sometimes I get the I can’ts or the I’m not ready for it. Fear speaking softly lol.

      I love what you shared about your fear of public speaking and then after facing that fear and doing something about it – Toastmasters – it lead you to speaking in public so many times. Thanks so much for sharing that!

      Indeed, it is always best to invest time for ourselves to make sure we are acting in our own best interest.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  20. Robin Khokhar
    October 3, 2017 at 5:19 am #

    Hi Donna,
    This post is really excellent And I must say that it must be read by every newbie.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good day ahead.
    Robin Khokhar recently posted..6 Industries That Benefit The Most From SEOMy Profile

  21. Shantanu Sinha
    October 3, 2017 at 1:45 am #

    Hello Donna,

    Great shout over here 🙂

    Life is a journey where we learn till our last breath, no body can say he is perfect because there are some loops in every body
    which they want to cut it out. Getting our self improved is something people struggle with, as they have to deal with their
    odds which they are being used too all through this period of time.

    Something creative is done only when we act according to our passion, what we love not what the society wants us to be,
    people will talk about us, but we need to stay focus and find our inner love and get it going to achieve what we want to be.
    Target can be achieved in a single day, we need to put a step further into that positive direction and we need to
    satisfy our self that things are going in a direction we want it to go.
    Self love can only keep us going, yeah family and friends do matter but let them be as a back up, so that when we fall they
    are there to make us stand again and get going, but in love with our self is kick that will help us in a long run.

    There is no benefit of wealth, if our health is not balanced. Being healthy is something we all want to be mentally and
    physically strong.
    People remain the same and hope that the thing outside will change, happens only in fairy tales, if we are not going to
    change from the inside the things outside will never change.

    Thanks for the share.

    Have a great week ahead 🙂

    Shantanu Sinha recently posted..13 Content Marketing Trends Happening NowMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 3, 2017 at 10:44 am #

      Hi Shantanu,

      You put it so wisely because life sure is a journey until our last breath. We can choose to fight growth and stay stagnant, or on the other hand, flow gently through life, continuously growing for our highest good.

      Indeed, no matter what is going on around us – self love keeps us going. We can never give into the negative and stay on the positive side. It may not be easy but as long as we are committed to our personal growth, we will glide through life.

      Thank you so much for adding value to this post,

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  22. Freddy G. Cabrera
    October 3, 2017 at 1:15 am #

    I love this post Donna!

    Personal growth plays such a huge part in Success.

    Success starts with the ‘Self’. Success is created inside. And that alone should tell you a lot.

    I really like what you mentioned at the beginning; “Successful people make time for it. Unsuccessful people are too busy for it.”

    You can drop the mic right after that one sentence right there!

    If you want to grow, you have to make a settled decision to make it happen. It is all about consistency, so you should never worry about your personal development becoming too much. You can always take a few breaks, and even take that time to implement the great things you’ve learned that will improve your life.

    I heard somewhere online, once upon a time a while ago ….. “if you are not growing, you are dying!”

    That has a lot of truth to it!

    Thank you for sharing this awesome post, Donna!

    Cheers! 😀

    • Donna Merrill October 3, 2017 at 10:41 am #

      Hi Freddy,

      Indeed Successful people make time for personal growth hands down! And it is so true that “If you are not growing, you are dying!”

      Personal growth shines through our work, so why the heck not make the time and effort to do so? When we are relaxed and more confident with ourselves, it is like putting on a new pair of glasses. We can have more clarity.

      Thanks for stopping by,

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  23. Mark
    October 3, 2017 at 12:07 am #

    What an awesome blog post Donna!

    And it definitely caused me to stop in my
    tracks and take notice.

    Far too many times, we tend to think, real lasting success,
    can and will ultimately be achieved, simply by being
    exposed to specific strategies and or tactics etc.

    Not fully realizing and or appreciating, until our minds are
    focused and clear, nothing long lasting, of a positive
    nature, can or will transpire!

    Well said Coach! And thanks for the wake up call!
    Mark recently posted..Lead Generation Strategies: Why Your Most Effective Ones Can’t Be Ignored!Part TwoMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 3, 2017 at 10:08 am #

      Hi Mark,

      It is so true that we can get stuck sometimes with those specific strategies and tactics.

      It is OK as long as it is coming from our own inner being. We always need to do a self check-up lol.

      Glad you liked this post.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  24. Ryan Biddulph
    October 2, 2017 at 6:47 pm #


    Love it.

    Things only began to really move for me, success-wise, but more than that, creativity and happiness and fun and love wise, when I devoted my waking hour to personal development.

    Not 5 minutes of thought. Not a few days of meditation, here and there. I am talking 40 minutes or longer every day, for years, of meditation, of yoga, of taking an icy cold shower, of reading and meditating on a line in A Course of Miracles. All that good stuff.

    Nothing changes on the outside until you change on the inside, and the inside world changes when you clear the fear and allow the love you are, to shine through, in all that you do.

    This is highly uncomfortable sometimes, but when you get comfy with these feelings, it ain’t a big deal at all. No worries.

    The growth you experience, the people you meet, and the prolific nature you develop – in addition to increased cash flow – all these sweet benefits make the meditation time, the yoga time, and the exercise time all worth it.

    Actually, I have really augmented my devout self help power 40 minutes with some serious running recently, and it’s been awesome for conquering so many of my fears.

    10 miles every other day, mouth-breathing, and I am learning the miracle of going slowly, setting your pace and doing things from a place of power, nor force. All through my morning self help, and those regular running sessions.

    Thanks for sharing Donna.

    Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Should You Make Income Claims on Your Blog?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill October 3, 2017 at 10:06 am #

      Hi Ryan,

      It is so true that nothing changes outside unless you change inside. Oh that fear thing….once we face it head on, we realize we are unstoppable. Fear is the killer of growth. We can’t give into it otherwise we are stagnant.

      I’ve known you a long time online and seen the leaps and bounds of growth you have done. You ARE coming from that place of power and that is your inner spirit! It shines through all the time from your blog posts to your Live Streams on Facebook. It is not that yang kind of thing, instead it is yin. A peaceful power.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Secrets For Getting Traffic To Your BlogMy Profile

  25. Prosper Noah
    October 2, 2017 at 12:43 pm #

    Great Share here Donna!

    I love the place you made mention of Improving on the things that are most important to you.

    Sure, its ok to blog but having time for personal growth is key!

    Thanks for sharing once more. Have a nice day and remain cool!
    Prosper Noah recently posted..The Best Keyword Research Software or Tool for Finding Easy to Rank Long Tail KeywordsMy Profile

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