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Social Networking Tip

This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014

Over the past week, I have given my special attention to Social Networking. I made it a point to add five to ten new friends every day. I did this by contacting “suggested friends” on my FaceBook Page and also through Twitter. To me, I find social networking very interesting because I meet new people and may comment on their blog, or make friends on FaceBook.


I know this is a long process, but I like to take one person at a time, look up what they are doing and then friend them. This establishes a true and organic rapport with them rather than a mechanized, artificial connection. I usually take the first step by looking at their blog and commenting on it. Then I add them to my FaceBook and invite them to joing my FaceBook Fan Page. It has been working very well so far.


This past week I also decided to pay more attention to Twitter. There were so many people who wanted to friend me, that it took a while to check them out. To my surprise, the majority of the people I was responding to back-linked directly to their own Sales Page!

Of course, I am picky when it comes to that. Self-promotion via social networking is absolutely inappropriate and, rightly so, considered as spam.  Social networking is just that… an opportunity to connect with people on a social basis first and foremost.  Business connections may develop from that, but only through the organic process of getting to know each other better first.  Instead of linking to a sales page,


I usually  direct people to my blog, which is my central hub of information and value that I offer my visitors. Going to a direct sales page turns people off. “Oh that guy is trying to sell me on something” I say to my self. This started to get the wheels spinning in my mind.



So what do you think I did?



I replied directly to certain people who had the same interests as me. I wrote to them saying “I would like to add you to my Twitter and FaceBook, but did you know that going directly to your sales page is NOT what network marketing is all about? It would be a more effective strategy for you to link directly to your blog rather than a sales page.  That way people can build a connection with you, so that you are branding yourself while building relationships.”


That was it.  Just a little nudge to enlighten them. I thought to myself, maybe I’m crossing the line. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this. Oh, my head was swinging back and forth.



Guess what happened next?



I received so many responses of “Tell Me More.” “Why should I do that?” “I don’t have a blog yet, where do I start?” My heart lead me the way, and my little experiment worked. I am now coaching 5 new people that were interested on how network marketing and social media works. They checked out my blog and some responded to it. They also became fans on my FaceBook business page.



Moral of the Story:


When you have the urge to follow what is inside you, do it! I really felt like who am I to tell strangers what to do, but I felt the need to. I felt that if I brought this message to them, they could prosper too. I know it’s all about giving, but like I mentioned before, I was concerned that I may have crossed the line. But my response proved to me that I didn’t. My response was more people opting in to my downline and affiliate sites.


If you feel a little uncertain about nudging people, get over it and just do it. What do you have to lose? You have the knowledge and you are just critiquing their business to lend them a hand.  Isn’t that what “go-giving” is all about?


Well, folks that’s my story of the week!



Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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16 Responses to Social Networking Tip

  1. Janette Stoll June 13, 2010 at 3:52 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    Fantastic post! The approach with Twitter/social media is right on. Taking the time to get to know the person you’re looking and friending. It’s about building relationships. Most people are looking to promote their blog, invite you to an event, or go for the spiel as soon as you friend them … thank you for sharing!

    .-= Janette Stoll´s last blog ..Another product launch? How to use it in marketing your network marketing business =-.

    • admin June 14, 2010 at 8:03 pm #

      Thanks Janette,,
      I really believe that taking the time to know each person as best we can is the corner stone of a great relationship and future business.

  2. Danielle Zack June 11, 2010 at 8:20 pm #

    What an Awesome ‘Go-Giver’ Tip!
    I too have felt the same thing about sharing my opinion/insights with others, Who am I? But when we open up it starts a dialogue that can only get better. As you said, everyone is appreciative of help. Especially those who are starting out, trying to find their way and aren’t going about it in the right manner. What an inspiration you are Donna! This is a powerful lesson in networking, thanks for sharing!

    .-= Danielle Zack´s last blog ..How to Get the Most Out of Your Social Media Relationships =-.

  3. Venus :) June 9, 2010 at 9:56 pm #

    Dear Donna,

    You are shining light on a very hot point.
    Being authentic. This is the only way to fully live by allowing the others to love us for who we are.
    Otherwise is artificial and shows soon or later. Meanwhile we lose our identity pretending to be what we have been erroneously told to do – only so we ensure the others like us. What you think of me is none of my business is a powerful reminder to us all.
    Venus 🙂
    .-= Venus :)´s last blog ..Who Are You Really? (part 4) =-.

  4. admin June 8, 2010 at 3:33 pm #

    Well I am truly honored Faith! I like to take my time and not rush into the numbers game. I like quality instead of quantity. Everyone I have engaged with on the web has been wonderful. 99.9% have been a Blessing.

    Thanks Again

  5. Faith Barnard June 8, 2010 at 2:49 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    This reminds me of the phrase you have to slow down to speed up. When we get in a hurry to speed up to get to some destination with our agenda we miss the whole point.

    What really struck me in your post, is that you take the time to get to know others by checking out their blogs, their profiles and fan pages.

    You are focusing on what is really is important the connection.

    I applaud you. I am doing a weekly social media coaching with my team and an event at my home this weekend and I’m going to share your post with everyone.

    We can all benefit from your example.


  6. Teresa Ivory June 8, 2010 at 6:22 am #

    Wonderful and inspiring, Donna! Following that intuition I see! Thanks for sharing your experience.
    .-= Teresa Ivory´s last blog ..What Have You Done For Yourself Lately? =-.

  7. Don Enck June 8, 2010 at 3:41 am #

    I’d say it is a fair assessment that far too often when I connect with someone the first thing I get is a Sales Page or check this link to find out more about…Blah Blah Blah.

    Somewhere they got Social Networking mixed up with Spam me with your business. The truth is, there are more and more people coming online everyday and many of them just don’t know any better. The urge you felt to reach out and guide them with some simply lessons seems to have been fruitful for you. Congratulations!
    .-= Don Enck´s last blog ..The Power of Being Authentic =-.

    • admin June 14, 2010 at 8:01 pm #

      Thanks Don,
      It takes some courage, but I did it anyway and it proved to be successful.

  8. Glyna Humm June 7, 2010 at 7:25 pm #

    Donna – That is so awesome! You did the right thing and inspired me to step out there too. by no means am I an expert but I do see people I could help in little ways. Thanks for the “nudging”:)
    .-= Glyna Humm´s last blog ..OnlyWire – Social Bookmarking’s BFF! =-.

    • admin June 8, 2010 at 3:23 am #

      Thanks Glyna,
      I was tossing and turning on this one, but it is something that I just took action on and it worked. If someone doesn’t like it, that will be fine by me because I don’t want spammers to be my friends.

  9. Jose H. Caraballo June 7, 2010 at 6:33 pm #

    Love it, love, love it!!

    There are too many people that ignore their “guts” and do not grow because of that.

    Breaking through the layers that are holding us back (whether we know it or not) is a MAJOR key to success and this is exactly what you are doing with these people. There should be more people like you in the world.

    Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

    • admin June 8, 2010 at 4:14 am #

      Why thank you Jose for your kind words. Yes, I have Guts! You can take the gal out of Brooklyn, but you cannot take the Brooklyn out of the gal!
      That’s where the guts come from.
      Thanks Again, Donna

  10. Val Wilcox June 7, 2010 at 4:40 pm #

    You rock! Standing by your conviction and gently steering them in the right direction was great! I’ve had too many people send me sales pitches too. I really like you idea of offering info they might not be aware of.

    The more people that become aware of better social do’s and don’t the better for all. You’re encouraging a mindshift towards relationship building. Great stuff!

    Val 🙂
    .-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Have You Started Your Bucket List? =-.

    • admin June 8, 2010 at 3:22 am #

      Thank you Val.
      I know how irritating it can be when streams of people come into my twitter. I don’t like automation, so I check them out one by one. I know it is time-consuming, but it is well worth the effort to make valuable connections.

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