This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2012
I have always believed in the law of attraction, so much so, that I live my life by it. I understand that just a tiny part of our brain is the conscious mind that we run on every day, but being a “psychic” and working every day in that business for years has perfected my radar to the law of attraction.
What it comes down to is Trust. Trusting in God, the Universe, whatever you want to call it. When you have complete Trust…one with no doubts at all, you live a more carefree lifestyle. And that my friends, is where I personally am at.
So here I was typing away, learning, giving, teaching, etc. What every effective Blogger does. I was attracting all sorts of things and life was running pretty smooth with my long and short- term goals. Then BAM!
Real life drama set in. My father-in-law at the ripe young age of 84 suffered a major heart attack, then pneumonia. Bottom line is that my husband and I are care taking him with the help of hospice at home. Now that’s a job my friends.
Although I miss being in the cyber world, our full attention had to be on this one human being. Yikes! There goes all the work and planning I have been doing for months. My life came to a halt in the cyber world. Running back and forth to the hospital, then hospice in the home. You get the picture. I had no frame of mind to even open my laptop.
My mind was still on teaching people how to create income via the internet, and it was in my heart and soul. Because of that, I believe that the good old Law of Attraction came to me in an unusual way.
A friend told me that a new antique mall opened up in our neighborhood. (Backtrack a moment…I used to do Ebay back in the day and have a load of antiques in my basement)
An Aha moment set in. I managed to get the “last” booth available. Hmmmm….
So I loaded up and set my wares into a space. Within one month, I was riding high. Things are still flying out. I am grateful for this awesome opportunity. I know it wasn’t a coincidence, I know it was the Law of Attraction handing me a little support.
From there, I met several people that asked me what I do. They always take a step back when I mention I’m a psychic, but an Internet Marketer sparks their interest. Long story short, I “attracted” a few small business people that have been popping up (another coincidence? I think not!) and I am getting paid for consultations of how to put their business on the map in cyber world.
Moral of the story
I know that I am protected by God, and I am given everything I need. I may have been taken off of my ultimate passion of internet marketing on the cyber world, but I am doing it in the three dimensional world.
Don’t get me wrong here, I am inching my way back into my blog, and of course my dear Tribe. Out of all the things I was working on, I do miss my tribe the most. I not only miss all the education, opportunities and so on, but mostly the close connections I have made with the most wonderful people EVER.
So my friends, I may be sketchy in my commitments these days, but I am back and taking it one day at a time. I trust completely in my journey and I hope this will help all that are reading this. Life goes on my friends. Stuff happens.
Hi Donna,
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. Law of attraction is awesome which is how I found you! 🙂

Alex’s Simple Home Biz recently posted..Why Women Are Better Networkers Than Men
We are what we think about . . . and we DO have control over those thoughts. Why waste time and energy thinking about anything other than your success and best intentions!
So true! Shari, it is all about Mind over Matter!
Thanks so much Cheryl. Spending time online, with all the commitments does take time. Spinning out from this process, changed my focus a bit, but I was still in the game, teaching others in the 3D world how to do it.
Inspiration is my thing…Guess I’m a good Cheerleader in the field lol.
Hi Donna,
I admire your perseverance at a time where most people would have given up. It shows that this really is a huge part of who you are.
Do you find that you are more or less focused with this change of events? What I mean is that sometimes getting away from the computer helps make things more clear. Plus, the time you do have to spend online must be more focused.
Look forward to connecting in the future!
Hi Donna
Very true on talk your about trust. To trust or be trusted is very powerful. As without trust ones mind will never be at ease..
Trust is a very powerful word. It is something that needs time to develop. Thanks for your comment Irene!
Thanks Bill for finding me. Slowly but surely we will get our work done.
Cheers, Donna
It is great to see you making your way back here online. We all have things that come up in our lives that will pull us away. The important thing is that you made a move back online.
I too have taken some time away and slowly but surely making a way back on here.
Hi Teresa,
Yes, through my journey, I found that I took cyberspace to the 3D world. Cyberspace is such a part of me because of my enthusiasm about it. So, when I encountered nurses, cashiers, etc. on my journey away from my mac, I would talk about it and voila…It sparked their interest. Now I am working on and off line, showing people how to take their passions and profit from them.
Thanks again,
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Hi Donna!
Everyone who knows you is aware that you are full of love and giving. It’s what makes you so wonderful to be with. Now we all see that with you family comes first. The best way to make the world a better place!
And thank you for sharing you experiences with the antique booth. It gives me a greater perspective and reminds me that though cyberspace is a wonderful business and social place none of us would want to give up, the “real” world still holds fantastic opportunities. Life keeps showing me that balance is the key.
Take care of yourself as you continue to balance your life!
.-= Teresa Ivory´s last blog ..Find the Missing Insight Game =-.
Donna, you have all your hands full with enough left over for several more! I’m so glad you have hospice at home — it’s such an irony that one of the things that happen is that everyone has more hope. Still…the caregiving is h-u-g-e!
Thanks for you post — This is truly an amazing community, and you are part of the heart!
Thanks so much Linda for your encouraging words. This community is the BEST! When people ask me where to start I always recommend the community. Hey, it’s all you really need.
I’ve spend thousands of dollars and so much of my time with gurus and found that this community has given me so much more.
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Hey girl … I knew you would fly and get your LOA certification. LOA is something I have been practicing for a very long time. It is like a different zone of thought and yes, a leap further than faith. It is total trust and peace of being, knowing that whatever happens in life, you are taken care of. I am so happy I am and I know it. lol
Blessings to you my dear friend,
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
I’m so happy to hear from you; I’ve been wondering where you were up to and what was happening in your world AND of course so happy to hear that Existence is taking care of you as of course it always does if we are able to let go of the oars and just float downstream
(Note to self, NB!!)
As you well know I am becoming more and more adept at the subtleties of the Law of Attraction ~ but, BOY does it take some dedication : “When you trust beyond hope and you KNOW beyond faith… are living from a place of the heart and not from ego in true surrender”
Got my certification for the LOA coaching course I was doing just this last week so now I’m raring to go with lots of clients to help.
Blessings to you, David and his dad.. Happy New Year X
Keep in touch Beloved
.-= Sandhan´s last blog ..Money versus Spirituality- Oneness and How to Heal the Split =-.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I might suggest reading a book called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, if you have not yet done so. It goes in to very detailed ways for you to utilize the law of attraction. Chin Up and eyes forward!
.-= Chef Richard Bishop´s last blog ..Tropical Fruit Soup =-.
Hey Donna…First off, I’m sorry to hear about your father-in-law. That is a very stressful and enlightening experience.
I went through the exact same situation about 4 years ago and it changed my life. My father-in-law was 66. Way too young… That event rocked my foundation. On one hand it was tragic, but on the other it was a wake up call that life is way too damn short.
I love that you got away from your keyboard and were able to share your experiences with Brick and mortar. Let’s connect on this. I have some ideas and I want to hear your ideas and experiences.
Talk to you soon
Thanks Nick! It was a surprise to keep on working, even off the keyboard, but that’s what happens when we are in tune with the universe. I am humbled and grateful for it all.
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
It’s so wonderful to have you taking baby steps back into the online world….you have been missed, Donna! I hope David’s father is doing better. I have no doubt that he had the very best and most loving care possible. And congratulations on attracting the antique booth and the clients ~ what we put out we get back tenfold, so this is only the beginning!
I look forward to reconnecting when the time is right. Welcome back!
.-= Beth Allen´s last blog ..Add More ing to Your Life! =-.
Miss you so much too Beth. But I also miss the tribe more than anything. Now taking baby steps back has made me feel alive again. Will be in touch soon.
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Glad to have you back Donna! Missed you. Caring for a family member can be rewarding and disruptive @ the same time. Having my mother living with us for the past 6 yrs has allowed me to work through the emotional ups & downs and provide her with quality care and the home she desires, but it certainly limits vacations and joint opportunities with my husband. As care facilities are limited and our generation reaches retirement the awareness of preparing for the future is ominous! Reach out whenever you need to vent Donna, we’re all here for you.
.-= Wendy MacKay´s last blog ..Blogging for Profit =-.
Wendy your words brought a tear to my eye. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yes, it is a different life, but there is some kind of humbleness and gratitude when serving another person. It is quite frustrating at times, but that is all how it goes. Back in action now b/c we have so many care takers lined up and it alleviates the burden. Now I created free time to get back to what I’ve started. It is a learning experience!
Thanks again, Donna
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Hi Donna,
It’s good to see you back. It sounds like your life has been an ever evolving process over the last few months. Some good…some challenging. Taking care of family with serious health concerns is always a tough one but it sounds like the plan was just a little different for you for a little while.
I trust things will continue to move in the right direction for all and that we’ll see more of your sassy self again. Looking forward to it. Please give my best to David.
.-= Don Enck´s last blog ..Does This Fitness Mistake Slow You Down =-.
Hey Don, it is so good to be back, especially enjoying working with you. Yea, life is certainly different for us right now, but we are blessed to serve and also blessed that other things came up for us. Thanks for stopping by, Hugs, Donna
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Hey Janette, So good to connect with you again. Yes, I am certainly taking it one day at a time, but not giving up!
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Hi Donna,
It’s good to see you blogging and back to Tribing again. Sometimes life ‘happens’ and we’re forced to focus on what’s most important. I like what you said about you might be sketchy with your commitments but you’re back and taking it one day at a time. Doing the small things daily is what gets to the bigger things :).
Janette Stoll
Hi Donna,
I certainly know what it’s like to have a family member fall ill with pneumonia – my son had it although he was only a baby at the time and I didn’t even know what a blog was back then.
I hope your father-in-law is doing well and glad to hear the law of attraction is working for you!
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Don’t Let This Be You In Your Business =-.
Hi Denise,
I’m sure we all had our share of these experiences. Keeping in mind the Law of Attraction, as our life changes, so do we.
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
Thanks Val for your kind words really gave me a boost. I miss you soooo much!
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..The Law Of Attraction Is An Amazing Thing! =-.
So glad to see you back. I hope David’s Father is doing better. Sounds like quite a challenging experience all around.
It’s nice to hear of your adventures in the past few months. Kept yourself busy, I see! You know we’ve all been missing you immensely. But so very understandable with those circumstances.
Take care now,
Val 🙂
.-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Dream It…Live It! =-.
Hi Donna….
What a great story. It reminds me of an email I received from one of my mentors today, Dennis Karganilla. In this email, he was making the point that life doesn’t stop just because we are building our online businesses. There are bumps in the road… sometimes a minefield that ALWAYS come up. Without exception.
His point was… don’t give up, no matter what.
We have also had an illness in our family recently and it necessitated us to pull up stakes and take our show on the road, to Puerto Rico where Rosemary’s father was having surgery. We also have played the roles of caregiver the last month, and there’s very few things more rewarding than helping someone in need.
But through it all, we’ve managed to move forward in our business. That’s what its all about. Taking life’s bumps and bruises and pushing forward.
Thanks for your great story. Love your blog. I’ll be back.
.-= Dr. Bob Clarke´s last blog ..How To Buy Information Products Without Wasting Your Time and Money =-.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is sort of a blessing of sorts being a care taker, and Yes…sometimes there are minefields. “never give up” are the words I live by.
Thanks so much for your comment.