As you may have read, David (my husband) and I are joining forces to better educate people about Blogging.
David had looked into The Empower Network (EN) and thought it was a great idea to have newbies that come to us go into because of the simple to use platform, and the trainings that Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe had. Both were superb. I was a bit hesitant, because it just didn’t feel right, but made the rational decision to check it out.
So we bought into it at the top level, hey why not right?
I went through all the trainings… excellent! And the platform was so user-friendly… good for any newbie or even a seasoned pro for that matter. So, I started to blog every day, following the trainings. As a good little triber that I am, I was an admin on one Empower Facebook group and made friends in others.
What I found, though, was that people weren’t fully listening to what Dave and Dave were telling them in their trainings. Blog about anything – true. A good way to get people started. But blog about things in their business and life, not turn their blog into nothing more than a sales vehicle for Empower.
Instead, I was finding so many blogs about all the money people were making with EN, all the recruits they were picking up every day… that’s all fine and well, but really, blog posts are NOT the place to go on and on about the particulars of your business, especially when your business IS your blogging platform.
So, like an idiot, I reached out to a certain number of people telling how and why there is a better way to blog than the “buy buy buy” idea. I also tried to help them syndicate. But most of them just dropped and ran. Hmmmm So I found a select few that were good bloggers and buddied up with them.
Then…The big Facebook Slap.
Well, that was inevitable. With all the spamming going on, everybody just crashing in on groups and telling everyone to join EN… well, of course Facebook was bound to step in. Everyone was syndicating as Facebook comments, since the EN blog format was totally connected to Facebook and there was no other way to post comments.
Then on Mondays, there was the big weekly inspiration call. Dave Sharpe was on the call. He is very good at rallying people. He explained they were going to talk to Facebook. But in the midst of the pep rally was a never-ending “call to action”: “Everyone get to San Diego” … for the EN live event in September.(thank God I didn’t buy a ticket lol). I gave it a shot and listened to the entire call which was “Lets fight the forces of Evil” cry. Well… I’m a pacifist. I don’t fight, and I don’t like this sort of group mentality.
Meanwhile, Facebook warned me that I was making too many friends (which I was not) Then another warning. For all the years I have been on line this never happened. I am no way blaming the Empower Network, but I ask you… isn’t that a bit strange that just 2 weeks after I started using the EN platform, Facebook was all over my case?
Back to Monday night call. Dave Sharpe explained that there would probably be another call on Wednesday. No call, just an email. Some of the people that I had met in the EN network were messaging me what to do. I told them to hang tight and just wait until the problem was settled. Mind you, these are the people that came in at the basic, beginner level and had no idea how to blog. Hmmmm
Just before the big Facebook slap, David (my husband) and I sent out a solo ad promoting EN. I got 20 people interested. I ask you my fellow business people, what would YOU do with these 20 people if your faith in a company was dwindling down? I told them this was not the time to jump in… to wait and see how things progress and resolve… or don’t. I will contact them later. It is bad Karma to sell someone something you don’t want to use or are losing faith in isn’t it? I think it is.
Some EN people were pretty annoyed with me because of this. But it is my reputation that I have always upheld, and that was clearly at stake. Yes, I affiliate products I use myself and will pass on the info if it has value.
But my friends answer me this: How could I go for a few dollars and have this on my conscience? No Way…Bad Business.
So I have opted out of this system. Yes, they will call me a “wussy” as they say, but my business decision came from this.
1. The platform is great, but a lot of people are mis-using and/or misunderstanding it.
2. There is no administration to police all the spamming going on with people’s posts.
3. The eggs were all put in one basket – Facebook –
4. I was not updated by the company of another back door plan. Working with a business, I do deserve that much.
5. I am not a follower, but a leader. I make my own business decisions.
6. I know what the hell I’m doing! I’m doing fine with my own blog and lists.
7. We will create a WordPress blog together (David and I) so we can have control of it.
8. Why am I being pushed to go to San Diego to high-five people? I have personally worked with people in many industries, and have never had allowed myself to be forced into cheer-leading rallies. Just not my style.
9. Seems to me like EN people are scrambling right now with no direction for how to market while overcoming this hump.
So there you have it a word (or more). This is why I made my business decision. Nothing against the program, but I do not want my online reputation that I have worked so hard to build, to be cheapened.
For all you Empower Network peeps: Hang tight. They will fix the problem eventually, but hear this message loud and clear: don’t be a spammer. You look desperate. And…if you listened carefully to your trainings, D & D told you that. They clearly teach you to let them do the selling, while you offer great and VALUE-based content. So blog on, go for Quality and Value in your posts, and good luck to you all.
As always, your comments are greatly appreciated!
Twitter: cheryschmidt
September 25, 2014 at 12:13 am #
Hello Donna, Wow How did I miss this article? I visit here on a weekly basis HUM?? I think we were all taken in with EN and Yes the training is Good, Not the best that I have seen but Good!
For me the calls were just to much all the Rah-Rah Stuff just did not sit well with me.. I to have had a few people want to join under me BUT Like yourself I could not let this happen..
How could I sponsor someone into something that I myself do not feel comfortable about??
Thanks for sharing my friend, I know you and David are on a much better path, just doing your own thing.. YOU ROCK!! Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..6 Tips To Improve Your Communication Skills With Your Prospects
Twitter: angeld0ve
July 22, 2014 at 12:43 am #
Hi Donna,
This headline caught my attention while I was reading your other post. I know this is an old post but I thought I’d contribute my thoughts on this.
One of my blogger friend actually joined Empower Network. She paid like $30 a month for this. You know in my “Commenting Rules” I actually blocked the whole Empower Network websites since they are blacklisted by Facebook. But since my friend joined them, I actually let loose on this a bit for the sake of her. Anyway, she ended up quitting on this one also. She thought it would benefit her business despite of the bad reputation she heard out there. But still…how can a leopard change its skin? Bad business is BAD business. No doubt about that.
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 17 | How to Get Clients
I’m a 20 year veteran of the Network Marketing & Direct Sales industry.
And I appreciate your stance that you took. I summed it by saying, you have Integrity and you were unwilling to just go along with the program just to Earn Money. Good for you!!
Way too many people in this industry are here for all the wrong reasons and Earl Nightingale said it best by saying (paraphrasing) ‘You can NEVER hope to achieve Real Success or become Wealthy by USING others to do it. It is ONLY by your SERVICE to others that Real, Lasting Wealth will come to you’ And that’s a fact!!
I remember walking away from at least 2 companies in my Networking career due to Ethical issues and in one of those programs I had a Nice residual income coming in monthly. But there are things that are more Important or Valuable than Money. My philosophy has and always will be if you chase money, it will Run from you but IF you CHASE the Dreams of others Money will Chase You!! Kudos to you for the stand you took. Take care!!
Because YOU Matter,
Ivan Harris, Sr. “The Value Creator”
Greetings Ivan!
That is a wise saying and I like your philosophy “If you chase money, it will run from you, but if you chase the dreams of others money will chase you. Excellent!
It really doesn’t matter what business we are in. It all comes down to that saying!
To me, that is the True Law of Attraction.
Thank you for your wonderful comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..People Should Know These Things!
WOW, your post is great.
I’ve just joined EN in recent months and do agree with the ‘spamming’ aspect of things. I really don’t like it either and feel as though I must compete with all that as well. I’m also a very new to Blogging so was getting rather confused at times as to what i must blog about given all this. I joined in with EN as I’m a stay-home mum of 2 and happily married just wanting to make an extra income to help out at home. If more comes of it great!
Anyway, just wanted to say thank you again for being so honest and laying it all out.
(I dont have a website as yet but just EN site)
Hi Grace,
I would say the best thing you can do is get your own WordPress hosted site. Keep your EN also, but you can blog on your own site and have an opt-in on the side bar for EN.
Being new at blogging is confusing, but you’ll get the hang of it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..People Should Know These Things!
Online marketing can be very challenging for the newbie marketer. The marketing practices that you highlighted, Donna, were spot on in terms of excessive spamming and in this case Facebook for Empower Network biz opp owners, as well as, users, but in fact, this commom spamming practice seems to be systemic across many marketing outlets. Writing articles that you are passionate about that is rich in keywords that you want people to know about that offers value seems to not be in vouge with a majority of new marketers. Most will not make a dime and ultimately quit. I’ve met quite a few that have done just that and blamed EN for their failures. I was a member of EN, but chose to leave for a better platform in my opinion. Of, course I try to avoid spamming. Thanks for you timely post and candidness about why you left EN. You have educated many from it. Hopefully, they have learned from it.
Many thanks Jimmie,
Spamming will be everywhere in any company or service. It just comes down to people’s personalities. Well, as marketers, we know that will get them nowhere and people will avoid them like the plague!
We can be on our own, A part of EN, or any other network. And yes, we can make money. As long as we are keeping things ethical, we are OK
Thanks for your comment a all the best to you,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Own Your Business or Does It Own You?
Very well written blog and well thought out comments but I can\\\\\\\’t believe you left this amazing opportunity just because of a minor glitch with facebook. Very soon after that happened a work around was publicized so we are able to post our blogs on facebook. Although facebook is a great source of marketing, it is not the only source out there. And as you said- you should never put your eggs in one basket. I use a variety of free sources of marketing/advertising as well as some paid advertising. I\\\\\\\’m putting more and more into paid now since my EN income has grown significantly and I can afford to do so. I hope you give this a second look and come back to our EN family.
Hi Amy,
I didn’t leave just because of the Facebook glitch back then. If you read the post carefully, you would see that it was purely a business decision that I made.
I was looking for a place to send my “newbies” to instead of coaching them myself. Lesson learned: it was an AHA moment for me to take the coaching under my own wing. That’s all.
For a more updated version, check out the my newer post of this one see what Aki Wood and I have updated from this post.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Do You Own Your Business or Does It Own You?
I too left empower and nearly had my facebook account retracted. They settled for a 30 day block. Now I cannot post any of my custom domains that were once linked to empower and have now since been changed. The links work but my forwarding domain names are blocked due to previous affiliation with empower. Does anyone know how to remove the association with empower from my forwarding domain names?
Hi Cam,
I was blocked also, but it resolved itself. I had this blog going at the same time.
I really don’t know how to answer you, but from the little knowledge I have, if it is a WP blog, go to your back office and remove all the back links that you may have connected to Empower or Empower comments.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Go-Giving
Hi Donna, Thank you so much for taking the time to write this post and educate others. I am grateful I got to read your experience before I signed up. Although this may work for others, I am sure it is not the program for me. Thanks again!
A new follower, Sofia
Hi Sofia,
I have a follow up to this article that I did with Aki Wood. Maybe you would like to read that because so many things have changed since this writing.
I don’t want to deter anyone to join. Lots of people are doing well with EN, it just wasn’t a fit for me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Donna I do think you have a valid point however the empowernetwork blog is authority site by being ranked in the the top 160 of the Alexa didnt get that way over night it took alot of hard work to get it that stage that’s 160 of all the websites in the world that\\\’s quite an accomplishment.As far as going to the events I think why would you not want to hang out with millionaires and rub shoulders with them and be in on special training\\\’s i think that is one of the best parts and the comradeship is amazing sorry you had a bad experience but I think the products are second to none the Dave\\\’s built the company with a vision to help people take control of their lives i think its the most amazing thing ever have a outrageous day thanksJack
I agree Jack.
The products are great and I like the personal development part of it. You need both to make a go of it!
It just didn’t fit me! Since this writing, so long ago, I have been hanging out on the first page of Google. People have been coming into this post so much ….ergo my late response ….. that it is difficult to keep up.
Therefore, I did a part two with Aki Wood as my guest. It is quite interesting if you would like to hop over and check out what Aki Wood has to say.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Thanks for your kind words Michael!
Well that’s good to hear. You joined after reading through these comments?
How awesome is that!
This is what I just love about blogging. This one in particular created quite the buzz didn’t it and I had no idea it would do so.
All I did was write to my readers at the time, explaining my choice and journey.
I find the comments quit interesting and try my best to give the best advice I can.
Hope you are doing well with this Michael. I know many people are!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Hi Donna, appreciate the post here about EN.I\\\’m looking at it as a number of legitimate networkers and bloggers are joining. I have a littleexperience in blogging as I am part of the GVO family andlearned the basics through their training.Again… thanks for the information on EN without justbashing it.I think that anything can be bad if a bunch of people spamm it all over the place.thanksdave g.
You said it Dave!
Bashing is a no no! We may not agree with a system or product and we can give our opinion, but never bash. It does no good for anyone. People that do that are called Trolls in this business and marketers stay far away from them.
EN is a legitimate business and I have so many friends that are doing quite well with it. But they just love it.
We all have do do what we love. Whatever resonates works!
Thanks for your comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hi Donna,I just became a member of EN…and i do agree with you about blogging about anything without content…I believe it should be something that will interest people,with substance…I like their idea but if i’m going to blog,i want it to be something with value and will benefit people…I’m new at this and never blogged,would you mind sharing some ideas to get me started or sites that will help me out…When i signed up for this i thought there would be more training about blogging…they tell me to just blog about anything…that doesn’t make any sense to me…I’m only on the first level for 25.00,the sponsor is very cooperative and even gave me a month free cause i had a problem with them at the beginning.I would very much appreciate any insight you can give.
Hey Gary,
I know the pains of being new at blogging. I was there myself. I am in the middle of producing a product about it.
I have been coaching one on one for several months, but cannot humanly handle so many people.
So, I am creating a product getting down the the basics of blogging. You can sign in to my free procrastination video series on the right side of this blog OR email me that you are interested. Don’t worry, the product is going to be great and extremely affordable.
Meanwhile, I would suggest to click the CommentLuv below where I did a part two to this series with Aki Wood. Lots of questions will be answered there.
If you are blogging, write about what you know, what you have learned no matter how small it is. Keep in mind new people are coming into this business every day. So if you learned something write about it. From there you will find your way.
Ask yourself what are you passionate about. Then that would be your niche. Try that for starters.
Wishing you well,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: Chrishooker17
April 11, 2013 at 9:25 am #
Hey Donna,
respect and congratulations to you for the way you have handled your ‘challenges’ (we don’t have ‘problems’, we have ‘challenges’) with EN. I have been in for a few months, blogged non-stop for the first three weeks – and then it hit me, as you said, everyone else was just big-noting themselves as to the size of their incomes, or where they had just come back from, or who they met while they were there.
The “Macho” gene is also very evident right from the word ‘go’. Like some others of your correspondents, I am hanging in there. I have switched my blogging to another avenue for the moment and I will also tag along (if I may) with your goodself for a while.
Chris Hooker
Wollongong NSW
Hello Cris,
Thanks for your comment and yes, by all means hang in there! Yes, we don’t have problems but “challenges.”
For me, it was the wrong place at the wrong time and I had to follow my path. I was merely side-tracked. I wrote this post so long ago, and did a follow up you may be interested in because it is FOR EN folks.
I interviewed Aki Wood and he has done an awesome video on my post. Just click the comment luv below.
Good luck to you Cris!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
With empower you have to go all in and buy all of the products. they show you everything you need to do. so the basic level is not enough to really get you anywhere in EN. you have to go all in and they show you everything. if you follow and apply what you learn then you will see results.
And for this spamming business, you have to use blocked links to your empower blog. go to you can promote and post all your en blogs here and share on FB.
Also its about the mindset and belief levels to make it happen for you. its all working for me, but i respect all your comments.
Hey Dani,
Great advice! Mind you this post was written months ago. There have been so many changes that I wrote a part two to this blog because people keep coming to it.
I wanted to provide more information for people that are in EN.
Click the commentluv below and you will get a blog post with my guest Aki Wood.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
I’ve just joined a week ago. I have never network marketed and I am completely overwhelmed. It may sound simple…. just keep blogging, but I didn’t even know of the term ‘blog’! I have attempted to do the WordPress provided, but it is a silly feeling as I don’t even know where that ‘blog’ ends up?!?
I don’t know if I’m trying to sell to the converted, or where or who is going to see it!
I’m just about to pull the pin, but as I owe a fair bit of money (elsewhere), I was going to try and give it my best shot. Cheers
Hi Adele,
It takes some time to make money on line no matter where you start. It’s a business, and like any business, it takes time.
If you only joined a week ago, I would hang in there and learn as much as you can.
We all have to start somewhere. Just keep in mind that there is no such thing a get rich quick. Take your time and learn. If you hit the commentluv below, you will go to the next post of my part 2 of this. Aki Wood has done a great video for folks. He will help lead you in the right direction.
Be Blessed,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hi Donna,
It is always fun and entertaining to come to your site. and that is on top of the things I always seem to be learning from you and your members!!!
Well Done!
In Empower Network, the main thing they try and get you to understand is to copy the one who is getting the results you want. I really like your style, attitude and advice, so I hope it is alright if I can hang around and get involved with some of your discussions?
Hope to hear from you soon.
In the meantime…….
…..enjoy many good things!
Michael Alvanos
Sydney Australia
Michael Alvanos recently posted..Bipolar and My First Social Outing
Hey Michael,
Thanks so much for your kind words. Of course you can hang around lol
Empower works if you work it! I did another follow up post about this and you can click the Comment Luv below. Aki Wood explains so much on that blog.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hi Donna I\’m glad that I ran into your post about this with Empower Network. Everything you say in this post is true. I am not sure if you heard of as of march 26 2013 being that Empower Network is from wordpress software, wordpress is has changed their policy and not allowing any affiliate links in the post. Meaning that any link that is connected to a product or service for someone to get paid. you can Google it. I was doing some research and that\’s how I found you.Try Google \”Lambert Matias wordpress blocks wordpress\” There is a guy that posted it on his Empower blog about it. I can also email you the link for the policy. I am not sure why they had changed their policy but I think A lot of Empower Network people will not like that.Wow! And to think I was about to join EN 3 weeks ago until I saw this other Blogging Network that just launched called Level One Network and is claiming to be unlike any other blogging platform and He goes into details why. The owner Dan Miller is a computer programmer and developer that has been in the industry for 10 years.It\’s been 2 weeks since I\’ve been in, and the training every Tuesdays and Thursdays is awesome he really stresses the value of blogging and how to do it right. Well hopefully everything works out for EN.Thanks Donna
Hi Rodney,
Thanks for your input. There are so many “systems” out there. I feel it is a matter of your best fit.
There are many people in Empower that are doing well. I’m not referring to the “big guys” but the regular folks.
I have many blogging friends that use EN and they are doing well. There are other systems out there also like Dan, who you are training with.
As long as you find that perfect fit for you, you will be fine.
Good luck on your journey,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
I have to agree that this spamming on EN blogs is cause for real concern. I am new to EN, but not to blogging. My experiences that made me cringe was trying to drive traffic with Facebook and Ezinearticles. Both denied my EN blog as spam. I was not spamming anyone with my EN posts.
I see this all over the place when new people come into Internet Marketing. They believe that they have to sell their wares in every
If they understood Attraction Marketing, that EN blogs are optimized for conversions, and set up for SEO, they would concentrate on writing good informative posts.
I thinks this a issues like you said that needs to be address. Yes, there needs to be some training on the $25 level on “Attraction Marketing and Basic SEO.”
Mike Cleveland recently posted..Blog commenting tips, to build relationships, traffic, and your brand
Hi Mike,
Many changes have been made since I have written this post. I was concerned about those people that were on the $25 level and were complaining that there was no training.
So I had to dig deeper and did another post interviewing Aki Wood. So much is explained on the video he did on my blog.
You can click the comment luv below and see!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
I am a newbie to EN and I have to thank you for your honesty. I didn’t know about the Facebook issue and did become a bit frustrated at the fact that they didn’t mention anything to us about it. However, as you mentioned, I began looking into ways of promoting my blog posts. I decided that I would blog about the passions in my life. I mention EN as to how they recommend blogging about what’s closest to your heart.
Hopefully, EN will resolve the issue with FB, but until that day arrives, I will continue to blog about what’s near and dear to my heart and hopefully, I will build a great following.
Again, thanks for your complete and total honesty.
Hi Andres,
As a blogger, I agree you must blog from your heart. Regarding the Facebook issue, it has been a while since that happened, but things are worked out now.
This was written ages ago, but you can click the link below for an updated post I did with Aki Wood.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hello Donna ,
Thank you for posting but I must tell you that most of the reasons of Facebook is a very small problem and in fact I don’t don’t even like to market on Facebook at all but that my opinion . As of spamming you are100% right in that. I believe EN is more then a business but rather a movement. I never seen more people make money like this in all 6 years of working online, and the people that share that are just excited . Why not share it right ? I also want to say that nobody forces anyone to go to the events and they just want peor to go to strengthen there belief in themselves I think…
Well thanks again and I wish you the best .
Hi Christopher,
Well it’s been a long time since I wrote this post. It has been updated with an interview I did with Aki Wood. You can see it below and click the link if you like.
Aki explains so much in this interview..he rocks!
At the time of this writing, there was much confusion about EN. Since then, quirks have been worked out. And yes, people are making money. My friends love it!
As for sharing on social sites…yes we can. The only problem I have and it is just a personal one, is that people are showing their checks. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I just don’t like sharing how much money I make for the world to see. But that’s just my quirk!
Best for your growing business,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hey, Donna,
Greeting to you
and your husband Dave,
My name is James Hilding, and i to was thinking very strongly about joining the Empower Network, on account of there low $25 price tag, but i too was starting to become very troubled with the marketing practices that so many members of this company are and have been doing for sometime now. And i must say that i have just read your article on why you left empower network, and i have to say that i strongly agree with your business decision. let me first tell you who i am like i explained in the start of my comment, my name is James Hilding and i am just now learning how to market on the internet, and social media, with sites like face book, twitter, ZNZ, Instant Rewards, 5 Minute Mogul, and now Click Bank. And i do really want to make a good first impression to all my customers, friends, family, and anyone else that visits my website’s or blog’s or fan pages etc. So i am taking the time to study everything that i can find on YouTube tutorials about target keywords, and best ways to market on social media sites and especially how to find market and place the best click bank products for a quick turn around profit and still i find the time to write a good experience that i might of had for that day that i was searching for these videos and maybe even the comments that i read from a subscriber but i too think and feel that its not a bad company and i can see and i know of a lot of real people that are making a ton of money with the EN but i still think if its God’s will then it will happen for me and if its not then i can still learn to make money with other income steams out there
and if you know of any tips that can help me to get started that not on you tube feel free to message me her [email protected]
Thank you for your time….
Hey James,
There are so many ways you can go. From what I understand you want to use clickbank products to have a quick turn around.
If you have a list, work on engaging people there. If you don’t ….another story, you need one.
I don’t know if you have a blog, but if you do, you can write whatever your niche is, and then have an opt-in on the right side of your blog. It can be a free offer, or a “subscribe to my newsletter.”
As long as you are giving people good content, they will opt-in, and give them MORE good content. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% good emails and 20% an offer.
Hope this helps,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Hi Donna I like your style very honest and upright, Hey I have a question about empower, since they changed payment processors from paypal to some other company, my bank charges an international fee 35 bucks! so that monthly mandatory ewallet payment of 19.95 is really 54.95, and no one is discussing this it seems deceptive in my book, what do you think?
I cannot honestly answer that question. I guess it depends on international fees and such. I have heard about this problem with an MLM company also.
I would contact your sponsor, or reach out to others in EN to have that question answered.
Deceptive? Hmmm is it the bank? I wonder.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Thank you Donna I just joined them. What I don’t see in your blog is when you joined and when you left.
Hi Robert,
It has been so long since I wrote this article, I can hardly remember the dates lol!
I was there for two months I think. Took all the trainings that were great, but as I mentioned in my post, I had the AHA moment that it just didn’t fit into my plan.
Different strokes for different folks!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Go-Giving
Well i guess I’ll be the first to say I feel disappointed that I even wasted my time to even read blog after reading all these comments. From what I understand is you took what you learned from Empower Network. Wrote a blog to ” farm thru newbie” bashing empower Network to get attention. Because you know a a lot of people are marketing empower Network and that would result to people searching for information about empower Network. In the mist of your bashing parade your pretty much selling what you learned working with Empower Network thru your webinars or whatever. So how are you any better???/ Your not !!! I haven’t blog from anyone in Empower Network bashing you even though your sweeping in on their hard work! You should be ashamed of yourself!!! I’m a member of Empower Network. I feel discussed to read this and see how many people you mislead and pushed away from making a amazing income to benefit yourself. Don’t say you haven’t. Read the comments from the people on here you turned away. To bad they over looked where u stated in your blog that you did turned people away that wanted to be apart of Empower Network. Is it Empower Network and the New people who wanted to join fault that you decided to cut off your nose despite your face because of your ego trip??? Your darn lucky Dave doesn’t take you to court for ruining future business and bashing his company with your lies >:( I’m done reading your bs!!!!
Hey Jaime, what article are you commenting on? I don’t think this one. If so, maybe you should do a quick re-read to get some of your facts straight.
BTW, I’d love to hear how you’re doing with Empower. Hope it’s working out for you… if you’re doing it the way it’s designed, I’m sure it will. Stick with it and best of luck.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Here is one question I would like answered:
Why do I see so many Empower Network affiliates/associates/salespeople creating really bad made-up reviews on other other MLM companies – and then quickly changing the subject on those reviews to signing up to EMP because it will help them promote the company that they are negatively targeting in their review?
They all appear to be just leeching of the search traffic of other MLM companies’ names to get people to sign up for Emp Network and to either pay for training or to sign up and sell EMP.
I have seen this done to the detriment of more than 1 company I do business with and I would like an explanation from somebody in the know. It almost seems like part of EMP’s blogging training is for people to target other MLM companies by bashing them thru SEO results, then to get them to sign up for the Empower Network opportunity. Your comments would be appreciated since you do seem like you are in the know 😉
Hey Nick,
Yes, I see that often also. It is not a good way to do business in my book!
You will see this over and over again. One company will bash another just to try to get attention to their opportunity. Does it work? I have no idea!
I wouldn’t want to join anything that bashes another company. I don’t believe this is the training of Empower Network. I have been there and never seen anyone train to do that. I can only speak for EN.
When it gets down to it Nick, people are people. Some like to do business in an ethical way, some don’t. Some, even are mislead.
I would say when you come across these articles, ignore them. As for EN, there are plenty of good people there doing business correctly. Don’t let some rotten apples spoil the bunch!
You will see this in every company. It is a foolish way I think to attract business.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Go-Giving
Hi Donna Merrill. I like your blog. I think this is a great post but I wanted to put my point of view with regard to the 9 reasons you left.
1. The platform is great, but a lot of people are mis-using and/or misunderstanding it.
1. My Response. I agree on both points.
2. There is no administration to police all the spamming going on with people’s posts.
2. My Response. I agree but I don’t think it’s the responsibility of Empower Network to police what people say. It is totally impractical.
3. The eggs were all put in one basket – Facebook –
3. My Response. This is completely INCORRECT. I have been getting leads and signups from Solo ads, Craiglist, Banner Advertising, SEO and other social media. It is
also still possible to recruit through conversations on facebook. I have recruited into my EN business by simply asking for an email address after a good relationship
building conversation with the prospect. There is also offline advertising as well. Dropcards, magazine advertising and other events. All you need is a business
card and good relationship building skills.
4. I was not updated by the company of another back door plan. Working with a business, I do deserve that much.
4. My Response. Back door plan? I have already listed other traffic and lead getting options. Losing facebook wasn’t the end of the world for people’s EN businesses.
5. I am not a follower, but a leader. I make my own business decisions.
5. My Response. In Network Marketing you are responsible for getting people into your business and making sure they can build their business as well. I do this with videos and training on my EN and personal blog. You have to been a leader.
6. I know what the hell I’m doing! I’m doing fine with my own blog and lists.
6. My Response. That’s great. With all due respect if you have the results to show for it good for you. If you can make $20,000 a month without EN excellent.
7. We will create a WordPress blog together (David and I) so we can have control of it.
7. My Response. Good. Nice Idea.
8. Why am I being pushed to go to San Diego to high-five people? I have personally worked with people in many industries, and have never had allowed myself to be
forced into cheer-leading rallies. Just not my style.
8. My Response. So many people don’t understand this. Going to the events is very important for several reasons. Success through association, be seen and learn from the people who are successful and make a lot of money. Also you need to network. You never know who you will meet to help you build your business. Take as many videos and pictures as possible.
9. Seems to me like EN people are scrambling right now with no direction for how to market while overcoming this hump.
9. My Response. Sorry you have lost me. The people I know in EN are doing fine. If they are totally lost they should have gone through all the training in the 15K formula. I did and I wasn’t disappointed.
While I respect everyones opinion I just think it’s a shame people have been leaving Empower Network because they either haven’t understood the training or were misguided by someone.
This reply wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. It just concerned me how miss guided this post is. All the best with your blog.
Wow Dan,
You have made such a great intelligent comment! No way are you being disrespectful. You have given intelligent answers to the problem. I won’t comment on all nine points here, but in short when this was written months ago, it was around the time of the Facebook slap.
There were many people not listening how to be effective on Facebook and others were turned off by it. Since this writing, I have learned that the San Diego event was more that just high fiving.
Also since this writing, there have been many changes in EN. I did a follow up post because many people were coming to this blog and also emailing me.
Aki Wood is my host on that blog that explains many of the changes and great ways to learn even on the $25 level (that is where many of my readers were getting lost)
As for me, I wrote this for my readers to keep them up to date of what I was doing. I am friends with many EN members and hold them in high regard.
I thank you again for your input to this blog. It is greatly appreciated.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Internet Marketing Bashing
Wow, thankyou from a newbie, I appreciate your advice. I too care about my reputation and working with integrity.
I don’t have a website.
Hi Merepeka,
Thanks for stopping by. If you came across this blog, there is an updated version done in early March if you would like further information. Aki Wood was kind enough to do a video for my readers.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Internet Marketing Bashing
HI Donna,
I appreciate your view on Empower and you made many valid pionts.I think a lot of people whether or not they are fans of EN, will agree that the mentoring and Training products are exceptional.
Thank you Siobhan!
Welcome to my blog. I am glad you appreciate my view on Empower. Weather we like it or not, we are all marketers.
We need to learn from one another and respect one another!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Thank you for this info! It was very informative and answered some questions and concerns I had about EN.
Hi and I’m glad to be of help. If you need more “answers” just hit the comment luv below for my follow up to this blog.
I am sure you will find it interesting.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hello Donna,Thanks for the very informative post!I agree with what you said. Have you ever been in Amway or similar MLM? You see I have and as soon as I saw some of their videos I realized that the leaders in EN are mostly ex MLMers. Their is no way I would get involved in that type of behavior again.Just like you I like the products and the program. EN is ideal for beginners. One of the reasons I want to get into an online business is so I can work it anytime, from anywhere.To me EN is not just blogging, but an entire success system. Step1, step2, step3, repeat step1…So easy to replicate and teach it to beginners, as they tend to copy what the people above tend to do. And that is a problem if some at the top are behaving in way that the beginners find hard to replicate. Or they do not follow the system themselves, beginners will follow bad habits easier than good.Anyway, I heard on the grapevine that there is a competitor to EN out there……Maybe this will be a wake up call.In the meantime…..….enjoy many good things!Michael AlvanosUnique ResultsSydney, Australia+61403120462
Hi Michael,
I can see your point! In the past I have joined MLM groups and Network Marketing companies. Truth be told I stink at it. It is not where my heart is.
The energy just is not compatible with mine. I do my own thing and am very happy every day with my work. That’s all that matters right?
But for the people who join EN and have no clue what to do, I recently did a follow up on this blog. Many of the questions people have are being answered there and it is right below on my commentluv if you want to take a peek.
Thanks for coming by and voicing your opinion,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
I heard from a very reliable source that Empower Network is in big trouble. I also have a big problem with Empower Networkites shaming people into coming up with $5,000 or “They aren’t serious.” Too many people have heard the same hardcore sales pitches, and they all stink.
I agree, Don.
Many people are abusive and misguided in their approach to others.
Just like many folks are spamming like crazy while others are marketing responsibly.
I’m pretty convinced that these shortcomings are strongly discouraged by EN leaders. Unfortunately, they probably can’t control the actions of others in their organization in the ways they might like to.
Donna, Thank you for your insight. I too, had signed up for EN, however, I did not continue due to the fact that initially my credit card company would not automatically authorize the international charges, and calling to approve them every month would be difficult, to say the least. It did, thankfully, give me a chance to look at other blogging platforms, and although I wonder about how much “valuable training” I might have missed out on by not continuing, I never felt comfortable with the forced, sell or “be a wussy” feel to the program. Instead I have opted to explore other ways to expand my internet/affiliate marketing business. Its a slow road, but I really don’t think EN was the right road for me. Thanks again.
I completely understand, Joann.
I think most of what you were feeling was my experience, too.
I really got a better understanding of EN as a personal development platform from my conversation with Aki Wood… I think you’ll really enjoy his video on my updated article: Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again –
But I agree, it’s a bit strong with the “wussy” intimidation thing. But clearly, some EN folks are over the top with it, while others are far more respectful of our individuality.
Sounds like Sour Grapes. When we are working with or for other people,it is a great asset to exhibit a little humility.Warm regards,Marian Simpson,
Humility is a wonderful thing to cultivate in our approach to others… at all times.
I try to never denigrate anyone for choices they make… they are theirs and they have a right to them if they’re not infringing on others.
I think you might be interested in seeing the sequel to this post, Marian…
It’s called “Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again” at – It’s got a “surprise guest” video that I think you’ll find quite interesting.
Hi Donna,
Posted this comment before not sure it went through.
I joined EN in Sept 2012 and even though i was new to internet marketing I picked it up pretty quickly and started to get leads and sales almost immediately. I was initially capitvated by Dave Woods selling style, and thought this product is great. It wasn’t until I took a closer look at the success of my downline that I realised the product is not as great as it first appears.
Having quickly signed up 6 people to my team I would say no wrong about EN , this is until I realised that my team were not having the same success as me. I offered my help and instructed my team to get ‘all in’ as that is where the bulk of the training lies really with the higher cost products. Some of them couldnt afford it and then i realised they wouldnt really make any more at the $25 level product as there is simply not enough training there.
After initially being very enthusiastic about signing up new members, I started to become doubtful that anyone I signed up would make any real money.
I spoke to my downteam regularly and realised they were hard working sinbgle mothers , unemployed people etc, and they simply did not have the money to spend on getting all in, or to spend on marketing and advertising such as buying solo ads or facebook ppc advertising.
The bottom line is the majority of people WILL NEVER make money from Empower Network. I think it has been said on here before- the idea that people like Lawrence Tam is aking $100,000 a month is misleading as Tam is a very experienced internet marketer with links to other products such as My lead system pro, and other paid traffic sources. These success stories are great, but unfortunately will not translate to Joe Public who is just starting out and wants to make significant additional income.
When you get started with Empower Network you see that EN members are everywhere!! The internet is simply saturated with EN promotion all the time= you buy a banner ad on a website and soon see 5 other people promoting EN with you. Over saturation is clearly occuring here in my opinion.
Dave Wood seems like a decent guy, but calling people ‘wussies’ who question the system isnt really the most helpful way to approach the company. I worked very closely with my downline for ages, but could not justify telling them to buy all the products if they could not afford it- especially as I had not yet made back my investment.
I know it has been said a million times before but the truth is, if you really want to make money online or in life- over people something of value. Sit down and think about what you are good at and how this can benefit them and how you can make money from it. Selling a blogging platform to people in the hopes they will make you money, who then have to sell the same blogging platform to someone else, and so on, is not a viable business model- not long term. It will work for a few and for a while but is simply not sustainable.
Hey DJ
Thank you for your comment. I did a second blog on this post to keep folks up to date.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hi Donna,
Interesting post. I’m still not entirely clear why you left EN. I understand your frustration with the growing pains EN is going through. All rapidly growing companies go through this. Some make it, some don’t. My hunch is EN will survive this.
That said, had you remained in EN, that would have given you an interesting platform to role model appropriate bolgging process and etiquite. As you may have sensed I am in EN ( and do share some of your concerns.
There is a fixation at EN with Facebook. For that reason, I have opted to not go with the masses and instead have selected alternate avenues to market EN; some online & some off line. Moderate success thus far. I look forward to your part two sequel to the above post.
Hi John,
Here is my sequel to this blog and I hope you enjoy it. As for me getting back in? Hmmmm Sometimes I do think about it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Hi Mamadou,
I know that Empower has been “banned” from some social media sites. I always tell people, no matter what business they are in to have their own blog! Then sell at the side bar. Create a free offer, then have a squeeze page of YOU first, then lead into the sales page of EN.
This way people are following YOU and take it more seriously. However, due to all these comments, and most of them, I have not approved yet, I am doing a part 2 on this because I believe it is needed.
So many changes since I wrote this post. As a fellow marketer, I do believe that I have the responsibility to help my readers get to the best possible learning curves they need.
I have been keeping my eye on EN and there are places one can go to get the education the need in marketing. Each marketer needs to learn the proper way of marketing.
Not a simple task! But I want to steer them to EN learning modules that will give them more knowledge.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Great insight. I too joined then quickly exited EN. I’ve heard David Wood on some training sessions – seems like a really decent guy, but the structure of the plan as well as the “foreign” transaction exchange worried me.
Thanks again for your post. I would appreciate any critique of my blog site (I believe you have the url)
Hey Joe,
Stay tuned to part 2 coming up soon. I went over and checked your blog and it looks great. You are giving good content and I can’t find a spam in there lol.
It is clean and neat also and I like the way your sidebar works.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Yes, I’m finding that a lot of the blog info that I’m supposed to write is just stuff I should be putting on my own Internet Marketing blog. Honestly, I don’t see why people would pay $25.00 per month for a blog as a retail customer–because we have to have those, right?–and not get what is needed to really run a WordPress blog. You can’t put in your own plugins. You can’t have your own domain name as far as I know. I’m a bit apprehensive about keeping the account.
I was very dismayed about the facebook deal. Yes, there are other ways to put links on facebook, but you know what? Once you’re flagged on a social network it’s hard to get back on. I have a lot of facebook friends and some facebook fans. I would lose ALL of that is I was banned on facebook. I have twitter followers who would all be gone if twitter canned me thinking my empower link was spam.
I don’t think it’s worth it. My members and followers are worth more than a $1000 commission that may or may not last.
geekmom recently posted..How to Get Facebook Subscribers to Your Mail List
Hold on before you make a decision.
Look for my part 2 in this series. It’s been such a long time since I wrote this and I am interviewing someone special to keep you and many others posted on new changes since this writing.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How To Tribe
Hi, I have to admit I got frustrated with EN myself. After blogging for about 4 months with no sales, I was going to just cancel my subscription. But something told me to stick with it one more month. So I paid that months sub fee and submitted a couple more post. About three days later i made my first $25 sale. I came in at the $25 level and that is where I still am. I want to do the next level up because i want the knowledge –that’s $100 but…I would like to make at least that much first. I have several blogs and they get lots of hits..Donna I will take your advice and put some EN opt in boxes on them. My main website gets lots of views and comments i just wish i could get the same with my Empower blog, They both use Word Press but it just seems that EN is not attracting the traffic. My other WP blog gets butt loads of traffic without me even trying or syndicating it. Donna any idea why EN would not get traffic even though it still uses WP?
I’m already gone. I did some research and the amount of duplicate content on one domain and the social networking issue is a major concern for me. I found a few articles that are blatantly copied from other sites. I’m sure Empower would frown upon this sort of thing, but there is no control structure to protect all of us from google just completely killing it. I’ve worked for companies where google kills the market and it isn’t pretty.
geekmom recently posted..Why I Left the Empower Network
Hi Geekmom!
Many systems out there do have “duplicate content.” I just am comfortable having my own blog and going from there.
Marketing is another strategy…one that I work on via my email opt-ins.
I am sure Empower would frown on duplicate content, but it is such a large company, it is hard to control.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Hi Ruth,
Unfortunately lots of folks keep far away from EN blogs because of backlinks. They don’t want comments from EN Blogs because those back links can de-rank your blog. Now, I don’t know if this is true, but that is what I’m reading all the time.
Who knows? Google has all its robots de ranking too much SEO, Facebok has their restrictions and things are always changing.
Even though EN uses Word Press, it is still under EN. I don’t understand why this is going on. It would be a great thing for you to Google and blog about lol.
Meanwhile, I have done an update on this old post and you can find it below on the commentluv.
Be blessed,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
Has EN fixed the problem? and at what range would have to buy in, at to make some money? I like your honesty. Like you I will not rip somebody off to make a buck. Whats the point you reap what you sow. Look forward to hearing from you. God bless James
Hi James,
These are the exact questions I have too. Please stand by and look for part 2 coming soon.
I will answer loads of questions for you. I think this will come out some time next week – Early March 2013.
So many changes have happened since this writing, that I feel responsible to do a part two to answer them all.
Be well,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Lots of real good points in your article, but as of today Feb 2013 do you have any regrets leaving or do you ever think of signing back up? Did you sign back up?
Hey Al,
I know this is an oldie, but stay tuned for part 2 coming up soon with a special “surprise” guest.
As for me, no regrets at all. No, I didn’t sign back up lol. What I can tell you is that I’m working on my own products.
Things are going swell at my end.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How To Tribe
Hi Donna,
I would like to ask you some questions.Few days before I got conntacted by one person about EN,she wanted me to work for EN.But I am not enough informed what is it about,and my english is not so good,because I am from Europe.Can you please answer what is it about?What they exactly do? What is their mission? Is it good or bad idea to deal with them?Can I really make more money? Please give some informations.Beacuse you allready have experions in bussines with them and I would like if you shared it with me.Thank you so much 🙂
Tough questions, Matete.
You CAN make money… doesn’t mean you will. But the opportunity is there if it’s the right thing for you.
I’d say the best answer to your questions is contained in the article I just posted today. It’s called “Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again” and you can see it right here:
Hey Donna I loved this post. I would love to chat with you about blogging I am new to blogging and find myself becoming a spammer it’s all I see on the Internet it just seems like the way it’s supposed to be done. I personally have more interesting things to blog about than that. At least in my mind lol. I don’t really know where to start or the proper protocol about blogging. I would love to hear from you. Thank You so much!
Hey Allen, I’m always happy to talk with folks about blogging.
Feel free to contact me anytime on Skype. My Skype name is “donnamerrilltribe”. I tried to stick close to it… when I can…
Meanwhile, you’ll probably learn quite a bit more about blogging on another post I wrote called “Blogging Basics”. Click here for that:
Nice honest point, have been in almost since start and get what your saying, have not made any sales and do not want to give up, will stick to leading with value and no spam, thanks again.
Keep it up Stephen,
There are so many modules to learn from in Empower Network. Seek and you shall find. The great part I like about Empower is their personal development strategies.
Look within my friend and see which way you want to use this business to make an income. Sometimes it takes a little time, but never give up!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Oh contrare! No one is ever a “wussie” when they stand for the truth despite what “they” say; and when they look out for others who are not as seasoned. You’ve got inner strength – it’s better than a sociopathic montage any day!
Kudos to you and your double strength!
Thanks for your comment Magdalena
So much has changed since I wrote this blog, so look out for my part two coming up soon.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Strengths and Weaknesses
Hi Donna,
Somehow I came across your post, thank GOD!! I was brought to the EN site by someone else, which was pretty odd I thought. She connected with me on another website, then reached out, wanted to correspond, then forwarded me to her EN site!?!. I was considering looking into EN, however, with a little trepidation. Then, I read your blogg and knew my gut was right….stay away from EN. Thank you for your post. Wishing you the best of luck!!
Hi Linda,
As with anything, you always have to go with your gut! If it was for you, I am sure you would have opted in. Following your “gut” is actually called your intuition.
Most people dismiss that feeling, but it is usually correct. Best of luck to you too.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Basic Blogging
G’Day Donna,
Sometime the gut feeling is anxiety and fear of the unknown…Not that there is anything wrong with that, however you are trying to make a decision about something…….And it may be prudent to find out more.
Especially if you ask yourself….What is the most I can lose if I go ahead?… Verses what is the most I can lose if I do not go ahead? 🙂
All things being equal, people today still think 70 year old Amway is a scam!
The most important though, is what you have said on another one of your posts…..That is ‘be true to yourself’ and do only what fits in with your plans.
Hope to hear from you soon.
In the meantime……
…..enjoy many good things!
Michael Alvanos
Unique Results
Sydney, Australia
Whoops Michael, I missed your comment and I’m late in my reply…Sorry!
I like that example of our “gut” feeling. We do have to weigh our decisions by asking ourselves these questions.
I did chuckle to myself when you mentioned that people still think 70 year old Amway is a scam.
People have their opinions. As long as they are respectful to one another, that’s OK.
I believe that anything you set your mind out to do with passion and persistence can be successful. As long as we are “true to ourselves” and that is a whole other issue I can write a book on!
Thanks again Michael for your refreshing comment!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Hello Donna,
Kudos to you for “telling it like it is”. Yes, I too was an EN member but quit my membership also. I guess, like to many others, II was attracted by the real possibility of earning some revenue from home. I have recently become disabled (with MS) and I am no longer able to work outside my home. I maintain a professional degree (masters level) and have worked with some of the largest/multi-million dollar companies in the US. I say this not to brag in any way, nor looking for any pity, I just believed that EN would be a good vehicle in order to generate some revenue for myself & my family. Well, it became quite obvious that utilizing the EN was NOT going to accomplish this. As some of your other commenters said, not going “all in” as their only means of success, is a poor strategy for anyone just starting out. Your chances of even getting your investment back via commissions is pretty poor/slim. Although, they do offer some decent training at the beginning level ($25.00 level), that in reality is really all you going to get. I have to generally agree with your poster who stated that attempting to propagate/increase you downline is very difficult, as they also can’t really envision where they are going to make any money either. The two Dave’s seem to be honest, but not so much “up front” on their business. I also have to really agree with you, that my reputation is to important to me & my family to risk it on “possibly” getting a few hundred dollars, if even that. Being a “wussie” is trying to stiff arm, trick, manipulate your contacts on this system. In my opinion, as we say In the real business world, EN is really NVA or no value added. Thanks again, keep up the excellent work?
Well, Steven, you’ve obviously done a lot of soul searching on this and made the decision that you are comfortable with.
That’s the place to be… as long as “comfort” doesn’t translated into “complacency”. I’m not saying it does for you, I’m just saying too often, people will hide behind comfort and familiarity as a way to avoid growth. I know, I do it all the time 🙂
As far as not being able to get your “team” to make money, that’s a different issue and one that doesn’t get enough attention, I believe.
In fact, building a downline or team is altogether different that properly training and motivating you team.
I think you’ll get a good sense of this if you watch the video on the follow-up post I did on this subject… just put it up and I think you’ll like it. Tell me what you think! It’s called “Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again”. Link to it right here:
Hi Donna
I too am a EN newbie.I have learnt a lot through the training but there are times when frustration kicks in. I have only been blogging for 9 days. The biggest frustration is that there is no explanation in the $25 sign up about how you get traffic to your blog. This is the biggest learner you need for your blog to start making you any income This comes further down the line when you buy into another level.I have another wp blog but put it on hold as I wasn’t getting traffic to it and the company I signed upto then weren’t as helpful as I have found EN. However the knowledge I have gained in such a short time, I feel I could use my other blog page that way as you say I would have something that is mine. Is there a way I can connect the two.I am really passionate about my businessas a wellness couch helping people through my knowledge of nutrition I would prefer that to be my main focus with EN as a sideline. Could you share any advise how to have both.
Thanks Debbie
Hi Debbie
I would say to work on your your own blog and keep an opt-in page on the side bar for EN. You can do this in 2 ways. Have the opt-in showing it is EN…OR..create a squeeze page of your own possibly with a video of you saying something about the benefits. Have the folks sign in thereby giving you permission to email them.
Then you can build a relationship via your emails on your list about EN! That’s what comes to me at this time.
Sorry that the company you were working with on your blog wasn’t helpful. Sometimes it is so difficult to find a good person. I’m blessed with mine lol.
And yes, I can understand the frustration on the $25 level. But, the good news is that there are many groups on Facebook or Google+ Communities that you might want to search to find others to mastermind with.
Hope this helps,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Basic Blogging
Hi Debbie; Just wanted to note that EN has made repeated attempts to contact Facebook, however, the Facebook gurus are not listening. There were some developments in regards to go arounds so that you could still use facebook as a marketing platform. The biggest change has been with google+ and hangouts. This has exploded and has proven to be a very lucrative platform for marketers in any business. They have also picked up on detailed training seminars on placing ads etc. but that is for those that have purchased the 15k formula training… the hangouts and call ins are basically the same, the successful ones sharing their ‘stories’ as the training is the product so there’s no training on these calls, just ra-ra’s. I have maintained a “blog” mentality since day one and use it to share and write about anything I want, but have many cohorts who use it to write about their marketing business which is their choice, right? I too only affiliate products that I use or have used. There’s some integrity and authenticity that goes along with being a business owner.
G’Day Debbie,
It is much slower building an Empower Network Viral Blogging Business at the $25 entry point, which is OK if you are a real beginner.
You must learn certain things and be very focused when one starts an online business. So obviously at this level it is meant for you to learn and make some core commitments.
You have enough info in the Fast Start program to get you over your current frustrations…Sorry, but you do not sound as if you are completely following this, or are you?
Debbii, you do not sound like a beginner, as you already have another blog that you have set up.
Maybe it is time to see what the video on the next level has, and see if this will help you?
I also suggest you find out what extra FREE services and programs some of the leaders in you group have to offer!
Many people do give up after reaching their pain threshold. This is not only in Empower Network, but the figures for retention for EN are much, much better than this industry in general…..This should tell you something.
Hope to hear from you soon.
In the meantime……
…..enjoy many good things!
Michael Alvanos
Unique Results
Sydney, Australia
Michael Alvanos recently posted..Bipolar and My First Social Outing
Thank you so very much for all your insite Donna. In my opinion, Empower Network absolutely does not work..We have been blogging, blogging, blogging, blogging and then blogging somemore, for months now and I mean months, and as of this date we have yet to receive one red cent. Oh yes, we made plenty of money for other people and month after month we continue to pay our $150 plus per month to EN, while we continue to get poorer and poorer.
We have asked MANY times for our Team Leader to please help us and give us some clues as to how we are suppose to make a living by blogging. We not only asked our Team Leader but also asked David Sharp and David Wood for their advise, but I guess they are all just too busy dealing with the BIG BOYS to take the time to deal with mere little pee-ons like us. We did get one friend to join for one month, but he was disappointed in the program, as well as with us for getting him involved with EN. We are afraid that we lost a good friend. Besides that, we did not even get the money that he put up that we were suppose get.
We have about fifty blog posts up and as yet we have not even had one person even so much as leave a comment. No one, really,not one person was kind enough to show us what is the secret to this fabulous program. We try too do exactly as David Wood tells us to to do and it seems like the only people we help get rich is someone else. We are losing our home and have depleted our bank account…but who cares??? As long as others are able to pay their bills and go on expensive vacations. We had so much faith in David and his EN program that we gave it everything that we had. We even borrowed money so that we could buy the 15K program that he offers. This 15K program was suppose to be the answer to all our problems. Well it is not! How sad this whole mess is…We don’t know what to do next. We have no idea where our next meal will come from. I would sit down and cry about it, if I even had any tears left. But, who really cares? I guess it is like they say, “A sucker is born every minute!”
Remember these quotes from the EN videos: 1. No recruiting or cold calling….FALSE. 2. Sales are immediately deposited into your bank account. FALSE. 3. New landing and opt-in pages are consistently upgraded automaticly…FALSE 4. We were told that this word press site was ours to do with what we wanted…FALSE Widgets cannot be added! 5. You can promote EN through your social networks..FALSE Facebook and others do not allow EN because of being quote, “Too Spammy” There are simply too many other reasons to list.
It seems like all we are encouraged to do is to attend “Kick Ass Conferences” ever six months, where we see the same people receive their oversized symbolic checks, over and over again. Incidentally, the same people can be seen in David Wood’s previous marketing group, Numisnetwork, that can be seen at the EN Conferences. Strange, Huh!
I am confident that no one will bother to read this post and if by some strange coincidence some person may happen to “accidentally” read this. No One Will Care! The problem with the world today is that no one seems to care about their fellow man. No one matters except themselves. It is a sad, sad day!
I am positive that EN works wonderfully for some, and I am honestly happy for those people. My husband and I have been envolved with the Internet for well over 20 years now. We have never been involved in a MLM type business before and maybe that is the reason that we can’t seem to make this EN thing work. We have a lot of clients but we would never ask them to join something that we don’t have a great deal of confidence in. God knows we have worked our hearts out trying to make this work and we will most likely stay with it as long as it is humanly possible.
One thing I know for sure is that if we ever get a team under us, we will give them all the help they could ever ask for. It is just too bad that our Team Leader won’t even acknowledge us. I am pretty sure that if we ever do get this thing rolling, our Team Leader will acknowledge us then.
Sorry to bother you with my rantings, I really do wish the best to come to all family’s! May God bless us all, we really need it!!
I’ve joined also, I went up to the Inner Circle level. I too are finding it difficult to make that first sale. I’m begginning to feel like its more like a Pyramid scheme. Those at the top are making a killing by selling to us newbies.
Anyway, what i wanted to tell you is to join the ‘Ultimate success’ Group on Facebook. Put your question to the group and someone I’m sure will get back to you.
Hi Donna,
Great article. I have a lot to say and don’t know where to start.
Long story super short. I joined Empower Network, loved it, went all in, got my own WP blog too, failed,Debt free to $5k in debt, got mad at MLM & EN, quit, wait 2 months, started window cleaning business, desire to blog about entrepreneurship, decided to try again.
Now… I don’t want to use EN. but I like the training, and I like EN, but I can’t sell it with my own blog unless I know EN works. So I decided to test EN’s 15k formula using EN blog platform.
So for 90 days I will only blog with EN, and follow the training exactly as they tell me to. If it works, I can sell EN as a good tool. What do you think of this idea?
I’m still new to the Internet marketing industry, and I would like to be honest like you. The only thing I can’t stand is how they sell it for $25 and then tell you you NEED to be all in.
Maybe I just need to tell people “Before you buy, read this post” and then explain what to expect when getting into EN.
What are your thoughts? Being new, I could use their sales funnels, higher PR, and everything else that is set up. It makes sense to me, along with a high paying commission.
Obviously my own blog would be ideal, but to see if it works, I should try it and see if it works before I sell it using my own blog. Any thoughts?
thank you as I was considering joining a spin off called take massive action…Can you suggest a good service to build a blog from scratch from?scott
Hey Donna… I just wanted to say that this was the first and only EN site that I actually enjoyed reading…seriously. Thank you for sharing and, if you do not mind, I want to show this site off to some people I know who are looking at your business model. I am not interested myself, I have far too much on my plate, but this was and is a great site that ALL EN affiliates should learn from.
Donna, Great blog! I agree with you 100%. My wife and I are in EN. She is 100% in. I am 100% in, but with the same reservations you mention in your blog. I too am a leader… but am currently feeling like I am being led. I really don’t like the feeling. Anyway… thank you for your in-sight.
Kerry J. Young
Hi Donna, I found your article on my third day at EN. I am a free lance marketing consultant by trade and now at 60 I tell most people I am semi retired. I do like to write and have been encouraged to start a blog. I have given out a lot of good free advice over the years and people have made a ton of money from it. I chose EN because I wanted to be able to make some money by blogging.This is not my first rodeo so I was cautious. I signed up as an affiliate and chose to wait to go all in. Their videos are inspiring and done well and I came within seconds of sending them the money for at least two of their upsell products. I was hesitant at first because some of the pages were taking 30 to 40 seconds to load. I was making updates to my profile and they weren’t taking effect. Glitches I thought. Then I wrote my first blog. I have a pretty good social network base on my two facebook pages so it seemed a natural place to announce my blog. When I was denied I wrote to my sponsors asking them for some advice and have yet to hear back from them. One of the things in the training video that rings true is “How can you sell something if you don’t own it or believe in it?” At this point I’m pretty glad I didn’t go all in. Thanks for posting your article.
Hello Donna,
Thanks for the review. I’m actually a member of Empower Network,and I would like to say that Empower Network has made a few changes since you left the company.
But to start off Empower Network is a great company but like any other company it has its flaws. Most people are saying EN does not let you brand yourself,but now you can redesign your whole blog you don’t have to have any type of EN logos on your site with the exception of your domain name.
But EN gives people the opportunity to start some where with online marketing,everyone does not no how to set up a blog,how to learn seo,or how to drive traffic to their blog. I had my own personal blog before I joined Empower Network and it was hard for me to get a single visitor to my blog with Empower Network (since it is a high authority blogging platoform) I get many visitors to my blog and I have even ranked on the front pages of google a few times. So as far as branding yourself you can link your personal blog to your EN blog. No other blogging system out there will pay you 100% commissions to refer others to get a ready made blog and pay residual income while learning internet marketing.
Empower Network is nothing more than an affiliate company (you get paid for each sale),and as far as those that are fussing about the comp plan you keep your first sell,second goes to your sponser,you keep your third and fourth and so on.
Many indiviuals that are a member of EN have used the trianing to start their own product or succeed with other online programs.
And when people say the trianing is high cost you must realize you have to pay for quality. Guru’s online have paid thousands to be trained by other guru’s. Like you have to pay for a college education you have to pay for internet marketing trianing in most cases.
I’m not forcing anyone to join Empower Network I’m just stating the facts.
Hey Donna- great job on explaining this. I had been thinking about going into EN, specifically because of the platform. I would rather be able to build blogs and create content from one source, but I too noticed the spamming going on. I am not a cheerleader either. I’ll leave that to MLM’s and Japanese car factories.
Thanks for the heads up.
You made the right decision!
I was going to go on a full scale recruit drive on a couple of other ‘online businesses’ i was in. Deep down – it didn’t feel right(morally and ethically) so i didn’t.
Now one of them is dying and trying like mad to get new ‘suckers’ to join and not pay anyone. This behavior personally makes me sick.
Good on you – proud of you. Im glad there are still people ‘like me’ out there who do the right thing and not just think of the $$$’s that can be made.
I just signed up for Empower Network yesterday and have been worried I could have completely wasted 25 bucks signing due to like you said Facebook has cracked down on this type of marketing. I don’t have a team leader for Empower Network and was seeing if you knew someone that could potentially help me out.
We’re you and your husband ever successful when you joined EN? I’m thinking of joining were people helpful because I’m good at sales but still have alot to learn about the computer and making videos so far I’m impressed and what was the monthly cost to join? Truly thank Kris
I have been following EN for a year now and have been looking for a way and have a coach who can help me get started with making money. So, I have hope for a good experience and will give it a good shot.
Great Points about EN. I see tons of people everyday spamming all over the place and when you look through there blog every post is trying to sell to you. You have a great blog, lots of activity and great content, you dont need EN at all!! Keep it up!
i like many others have the low end program and i\’ve made nothing. i\’ve blogged daily and nothing. i see the SEO to the right of the blog system but it never gets above 4.44. whatever that means. i guess it means i\’m not getting paid i\’ve watched the videos and in my opinion, he never really gives a step by step course of action as to how to get traffic. i\’m thinking of getting out all together.leon
Hi. My husband and I are in EN and in some ways we love it and some ways we agree with your comments. I do believe that DW shoves the events down everyone’s throats too much as well as the premise of just getting ALL IN.
However, I do know how important it is to be involved and be a part of the training events. I see it the same way as someone who has a career in the medical field having to do “continuing credits”.
As for the originality of the blogs, I partly agree with you on that point but I think that’s an easy fix.
Lastly, I don’t agree at all that EN has a “tribe mentality”, and, in fact, I’ve been in a few online networking companies and I feel that this is the first one I’ve been in where people seem to genuinely care about each other and take part in each other’s success. Really it doesn’t even matter what team you’re in because information is everywhere.
I think the number one reason why people don’t have success in any business is because they give up when things become challenging and they don’t take responsibility for studying and learning how to master whatever skills they need to in order to be successful. NO BUSINESS, whether online or offline, whether mlm or not, is cut and dry to the point where you just get in and make money easily. That’s where people mess up because they think the people who are the most successful got there over night and with little work. Yes, they may have a list but how did they get it??? Ask yourself that question and do it!
Stop making excuses! THAT’s what DW and DS means about not being a wussy: Doing whatever it takes to be successful and not letting the obstacles and challenges (and in any business there will be some) hold you back. Being accountable and going for it, that’s what it’s all about.
Hey Donna
Well it took me a while to get here, but I’m here now! 🙂
I can totally relate to your comments and appreciate the fact that you have given this a fair shot. In my experience my “gut feel” about a business is the right one.
I joined something at the back end of 2011 that deep down I knew I had been “sold” rather than making the decision myself. A guru level marketer had sold me on a company that was launching over in the UK and even though I was open to looking at a new opportunity at that time, deep down I didn’t think that the product interested me that much.
As it turned out I was right. I realised very quickly that I personally needed to have a passion for the product and I totally agree with you that to promote something that you don’t feel comfortable with goes against your core values and authenticity. People would have very little chance of success with me in the company that I had no passion for.
I have kind of gone the opposite way – after losing my Mum last year it made me evaluate everything I was doing and overnight it seemed I decided I had no passion for the MLM industry anymore – I could market online but I could see too many people struggling for such low commissions.
It was only then that I took a second look at Empower in the fall of 2012 and although you are right – there is no training at the $25 blog level, it is more about the way it is sold and I don’t see that this is any different from any other company. I.e they don’t teach you how to “market”.
For me it was something I could get passionate about again, because I could see exactly who my target market was, my own personal knowledge (documented on a training website) could get them blogging and I could see a way for people stuck at home as carers, maybe disabled people, redundant people could all blog about their life experiences.
Anyway being an English girl, we don’t do the hype either and I don’t need all the high fives and “hell- yeah’s” but having come back from the long trip to Austin, Texas, I feel it with a passion I have never felt before and am now excited about the future.
I know that you too will find something you a passionate about if you haven’t already Donna and this is a fair and honest review you have here!
Nicky recently posted..Success With Empower Network – Felix Mack Interviews Nicky Price
Hi Nicky,
Good to see you here! I was never one for MLM’s or anything of that sort. I gave things a shot in the past that I loved, but I learned to stick to what I know works best for me and that is Personal Development…
I just love to focus on the inside of the a marketer. Helping them overcome fears, giving up, finding their strengths, etc. I love it when I have a client and he or she builds a business no matter what niche, and see the progress.
I don’t know if you are aware, but I have a psychic business and have been doing that for many many years. I’ve always been an entrepreneur offline and when I found my way online, my passion was to help others find a way to become self employed.
I considered myself as a forerunner for my existing clients to either create a “back door” business while they had a 9-5 job. Or create a business full time.
Over the years, they have done well and there is no better feeling like that.
Now I’m focusing more on webinars and other things to teach.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..What’s Your Why?
Hi Donna and thank you for this review.
I’m a newbie that has been with EN since January. I’m still trying to make that first sale.
The problem I see is:
1. I’m new so still trying to figure out stuff, therefore, not sure people would be encouraged to join under me. What can I teach them when I’m still learning the ropes myself.
2. The Leaders in this programme I think, are the ones that are making the money. When I myself decided to join, I scoured the net for someone I knew could lead me in the right direction. This person had hundreds of people under him.
3. I blog about stuff that interest me, i.e. beauty and health products and I have a post about my main MLM business also. But thinking I need to create a niche and stick with that to attract traffic. What do you think.
I am seriously thinking about creating my own WordPress site and branding myself as you have mentioned. I think I have learnt enough to get started on my own. I have joined affiliate programs in the beauty and health industy. I’m thinking that could be my niche.
I’m not sure I am cut out to sell the products on EN. I think I may drop to the $25 and $19.95 and promote that to newbies that may just want a quick blog they can use straight away without any technical know how and then use my personal blog as my main and make money off my affiliate products.
What do you think?
After reading through the article and every single comment I felt the need to add to the discussion. I recently joined EN though I have yet to part with any money as their payment processing system has my credit card flagged up as equivalent to ‘extremely risky – do not touch with a 10ft pole’ and therefore will not permit me to pay them with it. After contacting their billing department I’m pleased to say it’s not because I have been linked to some shady underworld activity, it’s because their pre-payment processing has screened me out because the card I used was issued in a different country to the one I currently reside in. So much for all of this globalisation we hear about.
I have since made arrangements to circumvent this little obstacle and if the postal service is all they are cracked up to be I should have a shiny new card issued in the country I now reside in my grubby little paws in a few days. That said I’m now left scratching my head and, after reading your very well written post, pondering whether or not to make that leap of faith and buy in.
I don’t lack the commitment and I know how to set up my own domain and how to install WP on it however I have no list and have so far made the princely sum of $10 exactly as a result of my previous online marketing efforts (though it has to be said that it took me less than a week to do that following my first advertising effort).
I have been wondering how the EN blog platform was supposed to work as everyone has identical blogs (minus the content of course). Further to that everyone seems to target the same keywords so writing a piece about EN hoping to rank for the keyword “Empower Network” is a waste of time especially for the new guys. As for the Facebook slap I’m assuming (as I had no idea it existed until today) FB have code in place to prevent EN members promoting their blog posts if their links point to the EN domain (if I’m wrong can you explain what the FB slap is pls).
My take, from reading a tremendous amount of content and watching even more video content plus soaking up as much of the free videos available that Dave Wood has provided, is that it is possible to do well with EN, even guys like me who come into it with no list. The taking action part is what will determine whether or not someone will make money with EN. I hope I’m right and would welcome your thoughts that hopefully arrive before my new card does 🙂
One tactic I saw being touted by one of their up and coming affiliates is to basically copy and paste articles to your blog that appear on well respected sites and somewhere in the article post a link back to the original article thereby crediting the original author. So basically duplicating content. I thought Google wasn’t too keen on that? As a blogger I only ever write my own stuff so it won’t be a tactic I will use, however having said that I’ll struggle to write a post every day for 90 days as is suggested in the training.
Anyway, there you have it. These are some of the thoughts that are currently occupying part of the space in my consciousness that is set aside for such things. Can the committed newbie to internet marketing make a go of this or not?
So do you teach others to do “your” system. I came here because I answered a Craigslist ad for EN, and decided to do a search to see if they are for real. I appreciate your comments above, and would like to learn more because this sounds like something that could work.
Dear Donna,
Thank God for people like you who have the integrity, honesty and professionalism to tell the TRUTH and not just look out for yourself.
So you’re saying if we use this system and just BLOG that D&D actually will handle the traffic and sales conversion??? I got that but I think I also understood you to advise that we wait until D&D resolve the issues with Facebook??
Do you know if those issues have been resolved because they are marketing the system to beginners (like me) and saying NOTHING about any issues with Facebook or any other internet mogul. . .not totally honest and transparent.
I do like the system and you sound as though you do too so now I don’t know WHAT to do or how to proceed.
Please get back to me at my email address and keep me posted and updated on Empower or any other system you use that works like Empower because I have NO internet skills (esp blogging) at all and am totally intimidated to begin anything on my own without mentors.
Thanks so much and continued success to you,
Hello Donna….I am trying to get a blog up and running and I am trying to make some money from it. Do you have any suggestions on which route I should take?? Thanks in advance!!
Hi Donna thanks for this very valuable information. I’m in the process of looking at the EN product. What would you suggest as an alternate.
You’re great and amazing. I’m glad to have found this and intend to follow from a distance.
Thank you for your kind words Victor!
Great and amazing? I don’t know about that, but I’m learning how to accept compliments lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
I think as a whole, MLM/direct sales is getting a big slap in the face by facebook. I just stepped out of Visalus and I’m sure you’ve seen the “desperate” promoters on Facebook. They are everywhere. Not good for business. What I’ve learned is that I need to market myself so that when these companies fail, I’m still able to keep my following.
Thanks for blogging and sharing!
No matter what company you are with, the best thing is to promote yourself. Whatever you have learned on your journey in marketing, just give as good content.
Promoting yourself is being a leader. You get your email list going, and you are in business. Through Email marketing, you can make your sales.
Hey I go by the old saying “the money is in the list” lol.
Thanks for visiting and I appreciate your comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Bout time someone higher up said something! I believe I’m at the 7th or 8th level in the company. I can’t expect to make the kind of money that the 1st level people are making! I’m most likely one that would get to $1,000 a month eventually. Good thing I have 2 other on-line businesses up An I have an idea for a members only business on line. If that works, my talents will be put to the test!
Hi! Good article by the way.
I find it interesting because I joined few days ago. Yes I got peeved by the facebook slap…which is permanent.But it is a great blessing because now people empowernetwork won’t be able to be so spammy on social media.
I took me out of the normal facebook strategy and I learned how to focus on other area.
I wish you great success on your journey
Hi and welcome to my blog Renaud.
There have been many changes in Empower Network since I have written this. I personally feel that it is a great company and helps those who want to start an income.
Good to know that you are learning from them. The modules are great! The “movement” is awesome! Dave Wood is a great leader and is a sincere person. I honestly believe his motivation stems from helping the “little guy” so that being said, you are in the right place.
Many blessings to you,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
I do understand where some of these comments are coming from. I 100% agree with the fact that if you get very little training at the $25 level. If it weren’t for my sponsor educating, training and motivating me and the other people on my team I would be so lost. I guess I got lucky. But there are probably millions of other people who were not as lucky as I am and didn’t have sponsor to help them succeed. I feel bad for those that did because it really is a great opportunity.
There are only 2 reasons for failure in the Empower Network. 1. A terrible sponsor and 2. You (you just are not sure how to do it and that’s okay).
But I respect this post. I’m sorry you all had a bad experience. I usually blog encouraging and empowering words. I am a Christian and I think the fact that my blog is about that instead of how to make money is why I am successful. I actually have a degree in writing and want to help people with my blog and make money of course. I am a firm believer in if you go into it positive you get positive results and vice versa. I also believe if you do things for the right reasons you will get good karma in your direction.
I wish you all success regardless in your other endeavors and goals.
Thank you Neci for your comment.
My blog is also empowering people with self help posts and positive ways to grow.
For me, as I mentioned above, I joined so I can have some place for all the newbies coming into my fold could go.
Lesson I learned is that I had to take the initiative and do it myself. It just wasn’t working out with my branding also.
It is good to hear that you found a great sponsor and doing well. It is the only way things can work! It is just like any other business opportunity.
I wish you ongoing success with your business,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Gee this is very interesting, as an EN member newbie I am seriously rethinking it.
Hi Anna,
I would say if you are new, give it a chance. People are making money with Empower even on lower levels.
I don’t know what level you are in, but there are a lot of learning modules on the network.
Other than that, you can find others in Empower Network to help you out.
I will be doing part 2 soon so I can further help people with this company.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
I’ve made a good amount of money with empower network but none of my sales would be possible if i continued being that down, discouraged, zero confidence, negative person i was before empower network.
Empower Network has had alot of indirect positive effects on my life. last semester was my last semester and hardest semester as a Biological pre-medical student. I was the average student; mostly B’s. took biological chemistry lab, bio chemistry lecture, special topics marine biology, immunology lecture, immunology lab and WORST of all….speech lecture and speech recitation all in one semester. empower network training inspired and encouraged the crap out me and some how awaken something in me after one mind set training. I found my self wanting to be on top of every class…not just to simply get by with a B. I was also motivated to study (havent been that way since freshmen year) and beat the best students in all my classes.
I put off speech for as long as i can because of obvious reasons; my confidence was shot, i had zero convinced in my self and my ability to do good in that class, and so i didn’t till i couldn’t avoid the class any longer. Even that speech class could not hold me. Finished that semester with my lower grade being an A- (the best semester GPA ever in the history of undergraduate career). The blog is cool…the money is great… but this new person i am, because of them, is priceless.
When i joined empower network, i was forced to learn every thing on my own. i appreciate my sponsor for being such a sucky sponsor. It allowed me to learn alot more than if i was being spoon fed by him. perhaps i would of learned only what he knew, which is far less than what i know now.
All that would be nothing if i were to forget where i came from and who i was and not at least share what i learned. I’ve helped people(who were already signed up under other sponsors who weren’t much help at all), with no money for paid advertisement money, make their first sales. Yes, i even figured out free ways to make fast sales because of the motivation i got from training and the lack of help i got from my sponsor. That would have been impossible had I remained that down and out character i was before empower.
I look forward to problems cause i enjoy overcoming them now. from a Just to get by to a positive go getter. Man screw the blogging system and money. they are just a bonus compared to the impact it makes on MULTIPLE aspects of your life (when you make it your business to listen to them).
again…DO NOT JOIN EMPOWER NETWORK UNLESS YOU HAVE ADVERTISING MONEY TO MAKE QUICK SALES UNTIL YOUR BLOG BEGIN RANKING (also found a google trick for this no thanks to my sponsor). If you got tricked into empower network and are in already…might as well make it work. Get motivated and get past the obstacles. i did it….while a full time biology pre-medical student.
If you already been in empower network for close to a month and about to be charged the monthly fee… cut your loses. its ok, there’s plenty of free ways to make money online. Dont worry about it.
The one great thing of Empower is the trainings. Especially the motivational trainings. When I was in it I must say it helps with confidence building.
It is great to hear how you used this in your life and became a better student and raised your confidence level.
When all is said and done, a business is a business and we have to learn the best way we can market it. It’s great to know that your sucky sponsor lead you toward a journey of learning marketing strategies on your own.
This is the foundation of success.
There are so many out there “blaming their sponsors” but enough with the blame game. Here you show that one can overcome that! Good for you!
I like your advice that if you are already in empower already you might as well make it work. Getting motivating past obstacles exists in EN as well as any business.
And here you are as a full time pre med student running a successful business. If you can find the time so can others.
Thank you for your comment on this post. It will encourage others!
Donna Merrill
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hi Donna,
I am also an experienced marketer and I read carefully what you wrote.
I have encountered kind of the same questions that I have asked myself.
But then I have decided that I should go for Empower Network, since it is a strong content base and the way Google treats their domain is different.
After all it is a WP platform, with a lot of inner restrictions. The minute I have found how to utilize it for my needs it started to do the job.
By the way, a question that I am dealing with right now is how to automate my backlinking submission. Have any idea for me?
Thanks for a great article, and for your honesty. PEACE!
Yariv Peled
Yariv Peled recently posted..Article distribution websites
Hi Yariv.
Nice to see you’ve carefully weighed the pros and cons of joining Empower Network, and have arrived at a decision.
Making clear decisions is an important aspect of being an entrepreneur.
Not everyone looks at the same data and arrives at the same conclusions. You’ve assessed the data in relation to your specific needs, and that’s the right way to do it.
I wish you the best success. Many people in EN have had great success, and I suggest you follow their lead.
I do recommend you look closely for leadership from your team leader in EN. Education is the best way to succeed with EN or with anyone else.
Your question about automated back linking is a good example of the sort of concern you should feel comfortable presenting to your team leader.
I have definite opinions about automated back-linking. Without going into great detail, I’d say that it can do your site more harm than good if you don’t really know you stuff.
That’s why the #1 place to turn is your EN team leader.
If you don’t have a team leader in EN for any reason, I could refer you to someone. There’s a great wealth of talent there, and you really should take advantage of it.
In the long run, what you can learn about blogging and internet marketing as an EN player is far more valuable than any immediate commissions. So don’t short change yourself. If you’re in, be ALL IN and take advantage of the education available.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hi, Donna.. I recently decided to opt out of empower network but I can’t seem to find the way to.. Could you please help me? I keep trying to unsubscribe but I can’t find any option to leave.. I don’t want to continue paying them every month.. I don’t have the money… I would really appreciate help. Thank you!
I wish I could help you Gabriel, but I’m not a part of Empower.
I would say the best advice I could give to you is to contact your sponsor. Or even reach out to others in Empower. I’m sure there is a way to do it. I will shortly be doing a part 2 to this blog with an Empower Network leader.
I wish you well,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Actually Donna, even though I am on the flip side of the coin and do promote and fully endorse the Empower Network, this is the kind of feedback I can appreciate.
Your not a ‘Wussy’ for deciding not to stick with the Empower Network. People are ‘Wussies’ when they give up on their dreams, and whine and complain about how things don’t work after ‘trying’ for a couple of minutes.
Our vision might not be your vision, and that is perfectly fine. What you are doing in life should be aligned with YOUR purpose.
The only thing I will say is that we’ve gotten through most of the problems, so you may want to consider editing parts of this post because some of them no longer apply, and that I would recommend attending an event before making statements as to whether or not they are good to attend.
Our events aren’t like other ones in the industry. I speak those words from a standpoint of experience. They are designed to help people have breakthroughs, not ‘give hi-fives.’
Best of luck to you,
-Aki Wood
You must be Psychic Aki!
Just had a conversation with one of my friends in Empower and we are doing a follow up to this blog.
I know things have changed, but because I wrote this, it received a lot of attention not only here, but on my email.
Because there are so many people coming to me that are in EN or on the fence, I want them to make up their own minds and not have any influence on their journey.
That being said, look out for my part 2 coming soon!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi donna thanks sooo much for your great clear content. My sponsor that I trust has pointed me in ENs direction and while there is so much emphasis on BLOGGING he reckons you dont NEED to blog, just set up your own capture pages and follow up emails with an autoresponder doing that you will overtime build your own list and develop a relationship with them.
On the other end I have a crises of conscience ,when comes to getting people ALL IN and calling people WUSSIES if they dont,I also would fell terrible if one of my dowline got ALL IN but couldnt make the system work.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated Thanks for your time.
Hi Damien,
Your sponsor has one school of thought on marketing that many follow, and it does work out well.
The only thing is you need to have a good learning curve on how to do it. There is truth that “The Money Is In The List.” But you have to know how to have a good capture page that people will opt into. (An Empower Network Brand will probably not get much attention because there is too much out there to compete with) You will need your own edge and brand, then sell Empower. Also You need to be sending emails out giving good content, just as you would on a blog. There is an art to email marketing effectively.
So bottom line, your sponsor has a good idea as long as he/she is teaching you how to do it.
As for your conflict – if you believe in this product, you wouldn’t have a problem with your downlines coming all in. But the problem there is if they can afford it. You don’t want to push a person too far if their funds are low.
I can understand what you are going through. I wish you the best!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
\”Why am I being pushed to go to San Diego to high-five people? I have personally worked with people in many industries, and have never had allowed myself to be forced into cheer-leading rallies. Just not my style.\”
Funny and true. I hate that BS myself. Good call, Donna.
Many people like the cheer leading stuff. I am not one of them myself, but many of my friends come away with great stuff going to events.
I cannot speak for anyone but myself. I don’t have the personality to get involved with anything like this.
And…I don’t think it is required, so maybe you can learn from what others came away with.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna
I appreciated your post, I at one time left EN myself due to other reasons, but I totally agree with you about the spamming going on.
I remember right before EN got slapped, I was wondering why people spam their business just as you were saying. I too was never one to spam, and never have.
I am back with EN, because when I left I lost something, and that was doing something that I can get a message out to the masses. I have my own blog as well that I paid to have set up, but knowing that the EN blog has more authority then mine does I can use it to the best I can.
I have been struggling in this industry for close to 5yrs now, and need something to believe in. I can only hope and pray that this platform will produce an income for me as it has for others.
Thank you for your post and God Bless
Hi Phil,
Good choice of having your own blog. Most people do that are involved with EN. I do think there is possibility with selling this service. Dave Wood is a smart cookie! There are many big names associated with Empower.
I think you need to do more research on the marketing aspect. I wonder, do you have a list? i.e. an opt in on your own blog so you can capture people’s emails.
Also do you know how to build relationships with your list?
If not, there is plenty of information out there.
Blessings to you,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Donna, I’m not in EN but am in the process of looking at it. Your comments hit a nerve, echoing my internal thoughts that most EN blogs are mostly about EN . But being totally new to the world of blogging, I have a question: what is a spammer & what does it mean to be a Facebook group spammer. Thanks much. . I look forward to your response.
Hi Bob,
A “spammer” on any platform is someone who is always offering you to purchase something.
We need to follow the Pareto principle – usually it is 90% content and 10% sales.
Spammers write about “join me” in their blogs all the time and you will find them on Facebook and all other sites.
No one wants to read that poop. This is not how to do an ethical business.
Hope that answers your question,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna
I just read through all of the EN posts here. A real Eye Opener. I am very new to this whole thing. So imagine how nervous I am to begin with. Now I am seeing all of these comments. I’m not sure what direction to head with this now(and am certainly not looking for that answer here). However, now I have a lot more thinking to do. I do think that they push way too hard on the whole “ALL IN” thing. I came in hoping for a chance to make a future. I don’t have all the money it takes to buy all of their stuff at once(which I guess makes me a “wussy” I certainly can’t just leave on a weekend trip and risk the job I have that pays the bills. My goal is financial freedom not financial crash. Anyway. I really do appreciate that someone out there is finally honest and felt it in their heart to share a little insight on things. I don’t have my own list and really don’t know how to get one. I thought this program could help with that. But now I’m not so sure. Now I’m rambling. So I let it end with that. Thanks for the heads up.
Hi Cris!
I hope this was helpful to you. You are not a wussy if you don’t go on a trip! You also can only do what you can afford to do.
As for a list? Either you buy one or slowly can make one of your own, and that will take time. There is no get rich quick things anywhere! So keep that in mind.
Internet marketing takes time, a learning curve and persistence. The best advice I can give you is to have your own blog so you can brand yourself. An EN blog brands EN not you!
Yes, the trainings are good, but you must understand there are plenty of trainings out there that are free. Google or Youtube questions you may have on internet marketing.
It will take time, but as long as you have your own blog, it is your property and no one can take that away from you.
To your best,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Voice Of Freedom – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
thank you for the reviewi am considering the basic membership – without the affiliate optionjust to get my site rankedanything more you can say about the training would be appreciated
Hi Stewart,
There is nothing more I can say about the training because I’ve been away from EN for so long.
The best way you can get your site ranked by Google to my knowledge is to have a hosted WordPress blog. Write content that is in your niche, giving people value. DO NOT SELL!!!
Follow the 90/10 rule: 90percent content, 10percent sales pitch. Google robots like good original content.
Then, get out there and visit other blogs or join tribes or blogging alliances. There are many out there just look for them.
After a while you will get highly ranked
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Voice Of Freedom – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I had already decided that Empower Network wasn’t worth my time…but then I found out my sponsor in my MLM biz had joined! I am with you on 6 and 7, and so far every EN blog I’ve seen is all about how great EN is (except, to her credit, my sponsor’s)!
Here’s the deal, as far as I understand: EN is great if you are a total newbie and have absolutely no interested in trying to figure out WP, AND it’s worth $25/month to you.
BUT beyond that, it seems to me it is totally being turned into a pyramid scheme, where they only reason you should join is because I will get your money. Sorry, but I ain’t into that.Thanks for having the guts to leave. You are not a “wuss”, you are brave.
Emily recently posted..The Dark Side Of Internet Marketing
Hi Emily,
No I’m not a wussy lol. For whatever reason, I cannot figure out a newbie coming in to any business where there is no support. Yes there are those cheerleader calls, but that’s it.
I’m still waiting for things to change there and thought they would have found a better solution by now.
Yes, people make money with EN, but they are the more seasoned marketers.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Mastermind Groups
I had a very similar experience. You gave a very rational explanation of how business people who have been around the block see EN. I know I’m trying to brand Hale and for the longest time my blog header was a half-naked Dave. That plus the replicated ads were just too much.
Thanks for taking the time to write four or five drafts until it came out just right!
Hale recently posted..Sail the 7 C’s to Better Blogging- C #4- Content is King
Actually Hale,
I wrote this from the hip. No drafts, just from my heart. You made me chuckle when you said that your blog header was a half-naked Dave lol!!!
I never liked that image myself.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Inner Marketer Day 1
Hey Donna, thank you for you candor and honesty, I’m at day 5 with EN I think…its all a blurr. I do have to say I’ve learned a heck of a lot in a short amount of time, but still I’m struggling because my sponsor doesn’t know a thing, and there are all the ala carte things, like Aweber (20.00) hypertracker (25.00) Solo…? At first I was thinking ok… I’ll join the spam crew just to make some income then work on blog. I even got a GoDaddy more $ to avoid the facebook slap and connected to capture page… but I took it off… and directed back to my blog. Even though it’s ugly, it’s at least mine and there is plenty of copy to pull someone in if they are interested, if I just get the traffic there. But I don’t even know what my traffic is.. can’t put google analytic in… tried another but they have tighten it up a bit so I can’t put the code in the footer… anyway, they are obviously make a commision from the third party sites.. or you’d be able to put your own code in there. So I’m back to being a bit bummed out with a Sponsor who “paid” someone to set his stuff up. *rolls eyes I’m a quick study… but this is really starting to bum me out. I guess I’ll just do the whole post for 90 days thing… and see what happens, I am circulating a bit trying to attract some attention… but I have a feeling unless you SPAM you won’t get results. 🙁 Ps you don’t have to post this.. but it would be nice to get a pat on the shoulder. and thanks… for being one of the good guys
Hey Kat,
It’s just been a few don’t get bummed out. There are so many people on EN. Check out some Facebook Groups. You may find some good leadership there that can help you out.
I’ve been keeping an eye on EN and as you can see from the many comments people have, it is a bit confusing for them.
If you are staying in it for at least 90 days, and your sponsor isn’t guiding you, please reach out to groups and ask to join. There are so many people in your boat.
Hey, you never know…it may pay off? Lots of my friends are having success with it. But they are the ones that have an existing list and sell it to their peeps. Also they are seasoned marketers that have good leadership skills for people who sign under them.
It’s a business like any other. Good luck with it and thanks for your comment.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A 30 Day Blog Challenge
Hi, I have so far stayed in Empower Network for almost 2 months. Am an affiliate, that means paying $25 for the platform and $19 for the affiliate program monthly. That’s $44 every month. at the end of 2 months am going to pay another $44 yet I haven’t received any follower. I feel like am throwing my money. This is what I was thinking; how about coming up with my own website, pay $7 monthly (Some hosting companies will charge that) and I’ll be accessed to the wordpress (most hosting companies give it free once you host with them). With this I might fight for traffic but I’ll be building my own brand. Anyway, I have written blogs, advertised to my facebook friends but none has joined. I am goint to try the coming month, write many blogs, do everything. If I don’t receive anyone, I’ll opt out, but first I’ll take every post i have written and transfer them to my own site. It’s my sweat, why should EN use them when I quit?
It is always better to have your own blog. It is your property and you won’t have to depend on a platform that might fold.
Also, keep in mind that it has just been 2 months and it does take a while to get customers. Well, unless you have an email list in place whereby you can offer people the product.
Marketing takes some time. It does get a bit complicated at first, but whatever you market remember: “The money is in the list”
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Blog Review Of 2012
Hi Donna,Compliments of the season to you and your family.I just listened to a webinar rub By Dave, being totally ignorant of EN.The problem for me is this is not about building a business in IM, it is about recruiting people; to buy EN products; to collect commissions. So it is just about making money via a network – MLM when the system is boiled down.I was in Amway for 12 years and did pretty well. The language, rationalisations, and subtle psychological pressure I hear in the webinar are a mirror of what we did in Amway.If you listen to the dialogue on the Webinar, rationalisation is a large percentage of what is going on, as is the \”buy speak\” that occurs at set times through the webinar.How often do you hear the term \”The truth of the matter\”.OK I have no real knowledge of EN, all I am saying is the content, language, and culture evident in the webinar I just watched is very similar to what I have been part of in another organisation and as I have said the rhetoric is pretty shallow in terms of actually building a business in IM, as opposed to just making money.Are the systems and protocols being put in place to stabalise EN as it goes through its growing pains…………….I have got to hand it to Dave and Dave though, a good idea for some quick cash generation.Cheers,Mike FD
Hi Mike!
I agree that when you boil down to it, Empower Network is an MLM. One has to constantly recruit people. Because you were in Amway for 12 years, you “get it” – Yes there can be money to be made just like any other MLM or Binary system.
Your comparison of Empower Network to Amway is quite true.
To me, they are set up in a similar way. Go Go Go …it feels like a cheerleader call. And for some folks it fits their personality. I have been through MLM’s and Binary systems before, have done well, but now I have morphed into other ways of marketing.
I realize EN has to go through their growing pains. I do have to give KUDO’s to Dave and Dave for keeping this business a float. Also there are some heavy hitters on the “top” that have large lists of people they can sell to. Hey, nothing wrong with that!
It is a good idea for that “quick cash” generation, but for me, I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time. I like a long lasting business. One I can call my own and have full control of.
Thank you for your comment,
It is much appreciated
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
Great Post. Very informative and fair and balanced. If you get involved in EN and stay with it and promote it then your reputation does become inextricably linked to EmpowerNetwork whether you like it or not. Since you and Dave (your husband) are now on your own, your reputation rises and falls 100% based on what you two do and the decisions and actions you make. You two already have a blog and website and know how to create relevant, Useful blog posts, so it’s better to just keep doing what you are doing as you steadily rise to the top! If people start working with you, you can decide if they need more training, etc and then do it. You don’t need to worry that people are joining for $25 and Not getting the proper training. There will be some people at EN that will not be happy with your decision or analysis. That’s just life. My opinion of you and Dave just went WAY UP!
Have a Happy and Successful New Year in 2012!!!
~ Jupiter Jim
Jupiter Jim recently posted..No More Mass Shootings on TV for ME
Thanks Jim!
I do feel that if one really doesn’t know how to enter the internet marketing world, it is a good place for them to start.
Lots of my seasoned marketer friends are in it too, the only difference is that they keep their own Personal Blog for Branding.
We have webinars in the works for specific marketing techniques and also for the newbies.
For me personally, EN is like an MLM mindset. I just don’t have that personality so it conflicted with me personally. But that is just me!
There are so many systems out there, one can go around in circles. But after what David and I learned, we are focused and rock’n and roll’n.
Thanks for your time to visit.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
I do like Network Marketing. But I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that EmpowerNetwork has an MLM mindset. That is exactly right. I do not in my heart think that the founders of EN are placing the emphasis on training and blogging. I think they are putting the emphasis on recruiting and recruiting — that’s what really puts big money in the pockets of the founders. But like MOST (but not all) MLM (aka Network Marketing) companies, the Vast majority of the people enrolled do not make any money, but the people at the top do.
However, when you have a legitimate, stand-alone product that can be bought and sold on the free marketplace based on it’s own merits, then Network Marketing might be a proper venue for that product or service.
I am just not really seeing that with EmpowerNetwork. The emphasis seems to be more on the Networking and Recruiting to find more people who will Network and Recruit.
Maybe a year from now it will be a great vehicle of reputaable success. It’s just that right now, I’m not really seeing or feeling it.
Hi Again Jim!
I do agree Empower Network has that MLM mindset. Recruit Recruit!!! But like most MLM’s /Network Marketing companies, the people on top make the most money. As long as people know that, it’s fine.
But so many join not only EN but others and do not have the information that it works that way. I have made money in the past with MLM’s but it was just too exhausting for me.
What I want to explain to folks is just that and also having an Empower Network heading, doesn’t do anything at all for their hard work of blogging every day.
I have been watching and seeing that it seems like a mob rush when they are told to blog about something. Then I go to Google and see sales pages on the first page. A day later, they are gone. The Google bots are doing a good job with this.
I’m sure Empower Network is trying to get around this. If you dig really deep, you will find that the heavy hitters in marketing are in it, but won’t mention their names lol!
But that’s the way it goes!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
This is a very interesting conversation, I too am a senior citizen, and trying to get a handle on all of this online stuff!!!
Just wanted to add a comment on the earnings factor with network marketing.
Tim Sales has an excellent youtube video where he addresses the stats regarding incomes.
People never stop to think that those stats are a cross section of our economy and most of the developed world 97% of the wealth is controlled by 3% of the people. Doesn’t matter what the business is. Network marketing has been bashed because of the high failure rate–it is brought to public attention. But the truth is , it is a mirror of society.
Blessings to all,
Hello Donna, did you really mean to dissuade people from joining EN? I read Alex’s Simple Home Buz comment and saw where after reading your blog is now considering not joining EN. What I have found is that my blogs, which are all entitled “Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy–(followed by the herb I am blogging about)” is now appearing on Google search pages without mentioning empowernetwork. So, doesn’t this mean I am personally being recognized and that I ‘own’ my blog? Since Face Book has banned EN from using it as a platform, I just tell my friends to go to Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy–. What’s your take on that?
Sonja recently posted..Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy–Rosemary for Mental Alertness and Memory Recall
Hi Sonja,
Yes, your BLOG POSTS are appearing in Google search, but when you click on the link…what is the first thing visitors see at the top of the page? EMPOWER NETWORK. NOT your name, nor your brand “Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy”. Yes, your picture is there underneath, your blog post is there…but don’t think that translates into people thinking that you “own” the blog; only that you’re an affiliate utilizing its platform. The fact that you feel you have to insert that disclaimer (your “Friendly Reminder”) at the beginning of every post proves that. Just as Donna mentioned in an earlier comment…suppose EN disappeared? All of your content would disappear along with it, and where would you be? It’s about controlling your brand (YOU) AND your content.
Now before you think I’m an EN hater…I actually joined at the end of November. I heard about it when it first appeared back in October 2011…and I resisted joining big time. I couldn’t understand the value of having essentially a replicated blog which looked like everybody else’s. If it offered different themes/formats, I would have considered it, but I passed on it. And I kept resisting, even when I saw others I know get in…and started earning with it. I’ll be honest and say I couldn’t ignore the successes I was seeing anymore and finally joined (folks earning a side residual income and they’re NOT “ALL IN”). I agree the Facebook slap is due to newbies spamming it all over the place (frankly, EN and other biz opps have been slapped by FB; you can mask your EN blog post URL with a SocialMediaBar link and post to FB with no problem, but care should always be taken in how any business is promoted and should be done responsibly.)
But I’m in with my eyes wide open, and not putting all my eggs in one basket. 😉
Many thanks Ellyn for your awesome input!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
Hi Sonja,
If you read my post you will see that I do not want to dissuade people from joining EN. I cannot speak for Alex, but that was his decision.
It is good that your blog “Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy” is reaching high on Google. You are being recognized for your work and I think that’s great.
My personal take on it is that you have successfully branded yourself. Using the EN blog is also branding EN. If that is your choice, and it is working for you Awesome!
My take on EN blogs vs a WordPress one is that you own it. If EN suddenly went out of business, there goes your work. However, if it was your own blog, nothing would be lost.
Hope I answered your question,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
Thanks so much Donna for giving us ‘cry babies’ a platform to vet our complaints, doubts and fears. Is there some way I can purchase something from you to financially support your website. You see, that is what I was after in 2010 when I owned my own blog site entitled, Enamored of Natural Healing. As I told you earlier, I received over 28,000 hits but because it was not monetized, I did not receive any money. And also, Google froze me out of my WordPress blog site once I joined Empower Network. (I could not access it any more.) So how others have two WordPress blogs, is ‘Greek’ to me. I also want to thank Ellen for her kind and informative words. My eyes are open, too, and I’m working on getting my own sponsors along with
EN. I’m a senior citizen on a fixed income and I need moo-lah. Happy New Year, Donna…you’re the greatest.
Sonja recently posted..Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy–Black Cohosh…Your Relief from Hot Flashes

Hi again Sonja!
How sweet of you to offer to support my blog, I greatly appreciate your kindness.
My blog is my Home Base whereby I don’t do any selling, well only 10% of the time. My selling comes from webinars and so forth. I used to do affiliate marketing until last year.
My husband is an internet marketer also, so together we joined forces and do webinars and classes for people.
We have learned that this is our journey and to make our own product and services are a total direct sales flow. Our conversion rates are pretty well. We are launching more in 2013.
As for you, I would say focus on your EN and recruit as much as possible. That’s the way you an profit from this platform. You are on a fixed income and do not want to spread yourself too thin.
To make your EN a more profitable place, maybe try to join Facebook Groups or Google+ Communities that are EN based. I say this so you may pick up some tips on marketing.
I wish you a Happy New Year and will keep you in my prayers for a healthy, happy and abundant New Year!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
Hello Sonja, Donna, and All,
I have found this post and comments very informative and useful.
I must say I completely agree with the idea of having your own blog in case of any unforeseen occurrence. However, I was just wondering…I don’t know if Sonja or Donna could explain why Google would block Sonja’s WP when she started her EN blog.
Thanks for this information on Empower Network. I was considering this company but now have changed my mind due to your information.
Alex’s Simple Home Biz recently posted..Excellent WordPress Plugins To Have
Hi Alex
I wrote this from my own experience and bottom line is that we need to brand ourselves and not a company.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Inspirational Quotes
I always appreciate informative quality posts likes this. Thank you for your genuine approach. Yes, reputation matters. Sometimes it comes and goes so quickly on the web, we are left with our heads spinning. Sometimes we even go all in with a system or plan just to be let down later. Funny, relationships can be like that too! The best we can do is make good sound decisions with the information at hand and forward think as much as possible. We aren’t always going to get everything right, but we can sure keep on trying and educating ourselves for better future decisions. Great find here Donna, Thanks.
Absolutely Heather!
There are so many systems out there it can make your head spin. But what I found is that
1. Know what you want to sell
2. Understand that in the market, it is best to sell you! You can create a product and sell it via webinars, etc.
3. Keep your eye on the ball: Only opt into systems that would help you on your goals.
You need to have a plan of why you are here, what you want to sell, and of course, get your list going.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Google+ Community
Hi Donna,thank you for unbiased posting about EN. I found that for keyword \”empower network\” EN website is not in number 1 spot in Google. This is not a good sign for me. No wonder by having so many blogger on EN website that can post anything it is not easy to control the content of each blogger. If spamming happen on and on i think EN will soon change to subdomain for each affiliates blog. And it\’s mean not too easy to rank in SE.
Hi Yunar
I know I was on the first page, but didn’t know this was number one! Lots of people are scrambling not knowing what to do with their Empower Network blogs.
I don’t know where EN is going, but I thought they would have worked out the kinks by now. As not part of it anymore I’m not on the inside, but I do have many friends that are in it.
The seasoned marketers seem to be doing well from what I “heard” but who knows?
Most people who come to me via this blog or email are new and don’t know where to turn. The best advice I can give is to get a WordPress hosted blog. Google pays attention to that so rankings will get noticed.
Plus there is a huge learning curve when it comes to marketing. One has to brand themselves and cannot do it via an EN blog. They give their branding up to the network.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Google+ Community
Donna, I’m another newbie at EN. However, my first blog sight with WP was in 2010 and after becoming an affiliate with EN in 2012, WP ‘froze’ my first blog site and I couldn’t access it. I wrote only 13 blogs on herbs on the first website “Enamored of Natural Healing” and to date have received over 28,000 hits. But I had to request that GoDaddy put a ‘forward’ web address on that earlier site to EN in order to transfer any traffic. I believe my new herb blogs on are of quality content but my upline pushes the ‘get all in’ concept and hardly any training. I am not disillusioned yet and will continue posting blogs. All of my blog titles are written under “Our Daily Bread Herbal Remedy–(here I name the herb being written about).
Your blog on EN was highly informative and i also learned a lot from the other comments. Thanks for your unbiased opinion.
Hi Sonja,
I have read some great content on EN blogs, but the problem is that it is an EN blog and not yours. So if anything tweaks in EN, your blogs will tweak as well.
I feel that one is better off with their own branded blog also if you have an EN one. Your brand is YOU!
The problem here is that the “get all in” concept does work in a way for trainings and higher commissions. BUT…keep in mind that you are branding EN! Hmmmmm
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Google+ Community
This is the first fair analysis of EN that I’ve seen. Most people go overboard in one direction or the other, but you lend perfectly unbiased opinion that reflects what I believe is a problem that was indirectly created by the “Daves”.
I’m still weighing whether or not to get involved with EN, and what holds me back thus far is Dave Wood’s (not necessarily Sharpe’s) increasingly bland attitude towards “blog about whatever you’d like”. I’ve seen videos of them from a year or so ago and then the ones they’ve been making more recently. There’s been an attitude change, and I think it’s come about because DW has let his own personal fortune get in his head. That, and they’re starting to rail against the naysayers instead of dealing with their heartfelt objections head-on.
Some of the top earners (sorting by popularity of their EN blogs in Google) actually post about ways to make money online, but don’t always tie there posts directly into EN. In other words, they push out original (not spun) content that deals with SEO, keyword research, etc.., writing content from scratch. You’re right about picking a subject and sticking to it (from a SERP perspective), and that’s what these people need to learn.
From what I can gather, not much in the way of training is included in their $25/m blog package, and they need to change this. This is the heart (IMHO) of their problems with FB. I disagree with you in the respect that all they teach is how to market with FB. I’ve seen intros to some of their more expensive trainings that show a wide variety of marketing tools, even some offline stuff. I think the “tribe mentality” that has been inadvertently created by DW’s “blog about or do anything” approach (especially lately) has fueled a bunch of poorly trained new people to sort of swarm FB. In their mind, that’s what makes the logical sense for them to grow a business.. go where all the people hang out opposed to drawing people through original content that’s been properly social bookmarked.
I have a feeling that DW and DS will be correcting this in the near future, and the funny thing is.. it would be very easy for them to correct. People listen to what they say, but they’re not giving enough of the basics in the intro package. Instead of learning how to pacify the “wussies” (come on DW 🙁 ..they’re going out of their way to say, “no wussies allowed”. Well.. what’s a “wussy”? I think a “wussy” (per their definition)is someone that has questions, doubts, and concerns, and voices those concerns. Granted, they may come across as naysayers and whiners, but the Daves need to learn how to deal with them instead of writing them off.
How? By stopping the “get all in” vendetta and including a little more practical training in their intro package. Get people pointed in the right direction from the beginning and get them blogging about their own passion. The Daves need to point out to people that the global 502 Alexa ranking (US 270) works in ALL their favor, each individual’s blog. That’s precisely what makes their program so damn powerful (if used correctly) ..a “noob” can go in from day one and start posting content onto a platform that outranks CBS News and Business Week!
Maybe the Daves haven’t yet realized the true clout that the EN platform wields. The platform left Amway in the dust (rank-wise) after the first month or so. That’s pretty dang powerful. It’s like they have this incredible tool that they can share with anyone (and they do), but they don’t even realize how diverse and powerful their own tool is, so they say, “Play with it however you’d like.” Ack!
Hi John,
What a wonderful comment you have left! I thank you.
It has been a while since I wrote this post, so I am sure things have changed a bit since then. However, I do have many friends that are EN but they are the “seasoned marketers” that have their own blogs and know how to work EN into their sales funnel.
The main complaint I have been getting from private emails and some comments on this blog is that those in the $25 level really don’t know what to do.
There needs to be training for those folks. At that level, one doesn’t get the trainings that others get when they are “all in” and that causes a problem.
It all depends who you sign up under such as any other network marketing team. If one is fortunate enough to sign under a good marketer with a sense of leadership, they can make a go of it.
But, on the other hand, if their sponsor is just after numbers, those folks get lost in the shuffle. We must keep in mind that most of them are newbies and have no idea how marketing works.
I have taken the trainings from Dave Wood and he is one smart cookie! He does provide great information.
My pet peeve is that this information needs to be given to those on the $25 level so that they can have a better understanding of the marketing platform.
I thank you for your well thought out comment,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Google+ Community
Hi again.
I just can’t get over looking at their income disclosure and how few people are making over $30K/year (assuming that’s even accurate). I know I personally have the skills to make a go at it, but at the expense (and sometimes terrible expense) of how many people? This is the type of program with a strong emotional sell, and I can see more than a few people scraping together “all in” money to the tune of $5,125! Good flippin’ night.. that’s a down payment for a small house or a year of college tuition. You said Dave’s one smart cookie, and I’d have to add.. he’s one persuasive cookie.
I don’t know what’s in his $3500 package, but most people needs years of experience in sales to even put together a halfway decent marketing site, regardless of technical know-how. I just hope people aren’t quitting their jobs early or tapping into retirement savings to fund that stuff. The Daves need to realize that a lot of people are actually hurting and don’t have the type of cash flow to sling around like they did in the ’90s.
One last huff and I’ll quit. The Reverse 2-Up plan looks great on the surface, but a little digging into how it naturally grows out reveals huge gaps everywhere. I think some of these big checks the gurus have generated are resulting from a wave of “all in” buys at various times, as opposed to a solid residual payout from the lower tier buy-ins. Of course they’ll never come out and say that, but they’ll take big checks, blow ’em up, and parade them around their events. Yeesh…
Hi John,
You really did your homework on this one! As in all network markets, it seems to me that the “big guys” with the big lists do make most of the money. The longer one has been in marketing the more education one has about it.
David Wood has been an MLM guy for years. He has that MLM personality and that works for him. But as in all MLM and binary sales, there is always that struggle to the top.
Some people get mislead if they never stepped into the marketing world. This brings me to my pet peeve: In any market place, there needs to be a Pareto Principle in leadership. That is 80% teaching and 20% selling.
In order for any group of people or a company to work, we must be leaders before we sell to those “under us” so they can learn how things work.
OK…I’ll stop ranting here.
I have many EN people that are discouraged and have helped them in various ways. But it goes beyond this…. You know the stats: 97% of marketers fail, while 3% stick to it.
But I’m getting off the track here. If someone wants to invest in EN or anything else and took too much of their funds to do so, then it is their mistake. Really….
A good and ethical business must FIRST give people the knowledge of leveraging their cash. Put a certain percent of what they have into a new business. I feel that is what is lacking in the industry itself.
With the power of the internet, and the low economy, people seem to sell on the Pain factor too much. You know, Out of a job? Want to buy a new car, etc. To me it is just bad business.
You cannot hype things too much because you end up cheating a person hitting their emotions. It’s like karma, what goes around comes around.
With EN I feel that their reputation is not a good one. So its up to other marketers to give a “shout out” to those entering the internet world and tell them the truth about marketing. It takes a lot of learning and time to get yourself up and running like any other business.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Google+ Community
I was about to become one of those newbies until I read this. I’m literally watching the EN video as we speak and decided to open another tab and do a little research on EN. Thank God I did! I appreciate your comments since I’m ready to branch out from being in the corporate world to working for myself. Like you, I also don’t subscribe to the tribe mentality. I want to learn how to earn residual income from home, but am not willing to become someone else’s hyper foot soldier. Is there some advise you can give me to get myself started? Thanks. Ana Acosta
Thanks for your great comment.
I really appreciate it
Thank you Daniel.
Hoped it helped.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
What I have to say are absolute facts, and people can make their own minds up from my story. I signed up for Empower under my husband. My husband had come in at the highest level, so commissions from anyone coming in under me at a higher level than myself would have gone straight to my husband. When I signed up, I then found out something they don’t tell you – they did not put me under my husband at all, but under HIS sponsor! I immediately stopped my membership. I had lost my joining-up fee and the first month’s subscription, but in the circumstances was prepared to swallow this. The worst bit is that my husband apparently has HUNDREDS of people who have signed up under him, but they are just free members so he is receiving no commissions at all. Empower claim that 1 in 4 people who sign up will come in as paid members, but he hasn’t got a single paid member out of hundreds of sign-ups. As I have said, what I have told you here is completely truthful and honest. You just need to make your minds up for yourselves.
Wow, that’s an unfortunate story!
I’m surprised that they didn’t put you under your husband like most binary markets do. Some companies do that though, the first sign up goes to the sponsor, and then thereafter goes under you.
I cannot recall what the “rules” were on the Empower Network, but I think id did say something like that, but I could be wrong.
When joining any company and having people under you, it then becomes your responsibility to teach these folks how to market. A good example of Empower Network is to have your own blog other than your Empower one. Then Offer either on your side bar or through an email list, or even a webinar for people to join. That’s the usual status quo in marketing.
Because I have been studying and applying Internet Marketing Systems for my own business, I’ve come to one conclusion. If you want to make money on the internet
1) You need your own “hosted” blog with commentLuv
2) You need to “brand” yourself in whatever specialty you can offer people
3) Your blog is your “home base” whereby you write good content and then
go out there and join a tribe or a group to go on each other’s blogs and comment. Track-backs are great for your Google standing.
4) While creating your blog, use the Pareto principle whereby you give 80% good content and 20% a sales opportunity.
5) Start list building! Create a free or paid offer for people to get on your email list. “the money is in the list” so true.
6) Start an email campaign I won’t go into detail because it will take too much time
7) RELATIONSHIPS….Building relationships with other bloggers and groups are so important on the social media side of your marketing plan. When Google changed their algorhythms the bots are searching for fresh new content that is real! Building relationships with others is a trust builder. Wouldn’t you rather purchase anything from someone you know and trust?
Also Relationship building can also be on your email list.
8) What if EN fell down? All that work you did would disappear. So you need to have your own blog.
I hope this helped out somehow.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
I agree with you on what it takes to build a profitable Internet Marketing Business, but EN has it’s up’s & down’s just like any other affiliate marketing system out here.
What I have found that works best is using my own WP blog instead of EN’s I never really started out using their blog much may be just a few articles posted on there, for some reason I didn’t want to use a blog that everyone else was using.
So far I haven’t had much of a problem with Facebook because I use my own website instead of theirs.
Thanks for being honest & sharing your story!!!
hi Toshiba
So you have done it correctly from the beginning? That is awesome. You were able to keep your own branding while dealing with EN.
This is the only way to go when marketing. Unfortunately, there were so many people that used the EN blog and were newbies. They didn’t realize that they were giving up their brand.
Thanks for joining in the conversation.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
The need for ‘branding’ as a newbie is one of the big lies of internet marketing. Results create the brand. Its a long conversation that I don’t feel like getting into right now, but I will say this:
Some of my richest friends in the industry(and I have a lot of rich friends in the niche), nobody knows their face. Some of the poorest marketers I know have a beautiful website.
What’s really more important? The brand or the money?
‘No Brainer’ for me.
You made a some good and effective points. I always prefer to read good quality contents and I think I have found it on your post here. Thanks!
Empower Network recently posted..Find Out From Where You Can Get Money To Advertise Your Online Business!
Thanks for your kind words.
I can only write from my own experience and opinions.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
Hi, would you please be able to tell me what is the product they selling? I have watched the videos and still don’t know what it is. They keep on saying product, buy the product?
Many thanks
The “product” is the blogging platform itself. It’s a great platform to blog on because it ranks so high in the searches, but as you can see, I had other issues with it that just didn’t make it the right platform for me to use.
Your blog promotes others to use the same EN platform, and for the privilege to do so, they pay $25 a month, and that’s how you get commission.
Then, there’s backend training products you can sell (last time I saw, one was for $497, the other for $1000)… but you must buy them in order to sell them. That’s what the Dave’s mean when they keep saying to get “all in”. They’re saying to buy all their programs so you can sell all of them and increase your commissions.
It’s a great business model, it’s why I joined initially. But as with anything, a business is only as strong as all the folks in it, and I found there were just too many people getting “all in” that didn’t know what they were doing as marketers, as so they resorted to (and often were taught to) simply spam social sites with their EN links).
So it caused problems with FB and others, and it caused me problems with my FB account, and I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. But many people are happy and successful there.
Your choice 🙂
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
Hey Donna,
Thanks for this website. I have too been wrestling with my conscience and Empower Network. My reasons are this. I have been in in 3 months and been doing pretty well with 8 signups already and a few more coming. However, in speaking to people I have realised something, my conscience has been telling me that the majority of people I am recruiting will not make money from Empower Network, and deep down I know this is the case and think that the leaders know this too. You see Empower Network training is brilliant when you get all in and buy the products. However, to do so is expensive, of course if you are serious you can find a way, however most people will not. Maybe that is their own problem one might say, but the truth is, the majority of people who remain at the $25 a month level will not see any benefit. You really need the $1000 a month product to actually learn how to make this system work.
Secondly you have to be internet and online savvy to really know how to make this business work. There are of course exceptions which the leaders talk about again and again, however, the average person is going to take months and months and thousands of dollars to really get to grips with solo ads, ppc, blogging, blog syndication etc. Now again, this might just be how things are, but I can no longer use my sales skills and experience to persuade people into a system I know they are not going to thrive in- it is really bothering me.
My team are struggling, they do not blog daily (which is a bloody hard thing to do for more than a couple of months) and are just not sure what to do. They do not realise they need to spend a lot more money on PPC advertising or solo ads etc, to even begin to get sign ups, and if they cannot afford this, then they will have to wait months and months for free traffic which is very very slow in coming
For anyone to be successful in EN they need to buy the upsells, you will not succeed on $25 a month plan and I have told my team this, but naturally they want to make some money before buying more products and I understand their concern as they were originally told that they only needed to spend $25 a month to join. I know I can make money on EN im a pretty good sales person and have some marketing experience, however I have a massive problem getting people into a system which I am not convinced will actually work for them
I am not sure if i will remain as an affilliate of EN just because deep down something tells me recruting people into a company I know they are likely to fail in is not ethical.
This is no slur on EN or Dave and Dave themselves as the products and training they give are SENSATIONAL and definitely worth the money. In terms of online training this are the best products I have ever seen.
My issue is with EN as a business model. The whole recurring charges and blogging as a way to make money is misleading- YES it works, but it is a damn hard system to figure out and takes time and more money.
I personally would be happy selling people the EN products as marketing training videos on their own etc on how to make money but as a business model which encourages people to promote EN itself as the product to be promoted to make money, rather than promoting their own products or websites and services im kinda seeing that there is something wrong there. YES EN is great training, but it is better used as that in my opinion and not an MLM system.
Its just a gut feeling but I know the feeling is legitimate.
Thanks for your comments and your feelings mirror mine- for those thinking of joining, YES this system does work and can make you money but you will have to work VERY VERY hard to do so if you have no prior online marketing training. You will also have to spend a LOT on advertising, to even get a few sign ups and it will take time and money to really get the hang of it.
Make no mistake $25 a month WILL NOT lead you to online success.
Free traffic can take months and months, so you might not earn anything for a while and certainly not make a profit for some time.
Good luck
I have to agree with you on EN. I still have the basic plan, but I just don’t believe in all the high end trainings to be honest with you. For $25, ($45 Really) its a decent way to get traffic to a blog without knowing anything, but the mentality they have doesn’t align with mine. THanks for sharing your thoughts. Your blog looks great btw
Hi Dean,
If you are new to blogging, those trainings are critical. But, if you have been around a while and know the ropes, you can use the low end of EN.
It is always better to have your own hosted WordPress blog, even if you still use the EN one. This will brand YOU.
What would happen to those that rely on their EN Blog and EN goes out of business? Hmmmm All that work for nothing Ehh?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Blogging Ethics
How long were you with the Empower Network?
It sounds like you gave up too soon before
really giving it a chance. Even though a lot
of people were misusing the information,
that doesn’t mean that YOU
would misuse the information.
What are the real odds of success in the Empower Network?
Your chances are 100%.
Why? I’ll explain to you with this example.
Do you know what the odds of becoming a black-belt in Tae Kwon Do are?
About 100%.
Really. Because if you buy the uniform….pay for the lessons….show up every week and actually do what they tell you to do….
…and you actually learn the stuff and give it your best….
….then you will eventually get a black-belt.
Period. End of story.
It’s not luck.
It’s a predictable outcome from:
a.) Following the steps and
b.) Not quitting.
That’s all.
And it’s pretty much the same thing in any direct sales company.
Especially if you’re in a good company that actually has a system in place
and a marketing funnel that takes all the complexities out of the process.
A. Follow the steps
B. Don’t quit.
That’s all. It’s not hard.
When I got started in this industry, I was committed to getting RICH
The moment I made that commitment and decided that I WOULD NEVER QUIT…
…guaranteed my success 100%.
But the problem is that people like to look at a company’s income disclosure — ( Empower Network has a great one) — and see that X number of people are in the lower levels of income…
…and they want to know what the “odds” are that they will be able to do better than them.
And again, it’s not about the “odds”.
Just as a person can DECIDE (ah, there’s that word!) to show up at Tae Kwon Do, do the steps and not quit until they succeed…..
…. The Same is True with Empower Network.
There are no “odds” of success.
The question is: will you follow the steps and get what you came for?
I’ll close with this:
MOST people who get married get divorced.
MOST people who start college drop out.
MOST people who start medical school quit.
It’s common human nature to quit before getting the rewards.
And staying OUT of that group is just a decision.
It’s got nothing to do with the “odds”.
So the only thing that determines your success with the
Empower Network is that YOU DECIDED to Succeed. And then if you followed up on that decision with CONSISTENT ACTION…..and wouldn’t quit until achieving it.
Hi Brian,
I do appreciate your comment because it is well structured. There are many that “quit” a company because they may be disillusioned or get frustrated or overwhelmed.
The only reason I left was because I had built my “brand” and being in Empower for a while, I noticed that my Facebook had trouble (shortly after that so did Empower) Other seasoned bloggers weren’t coming to my blog and I kept this one, but also had an Empower one.
I was “all in” and went through the trainings. The were great! I’ve also trained with many others in the industry and know that this platform would work.
But it didn’t work for me. It was bringing my Alexa ranking down and also my status on Google.
I am consistent with my business and do pretty well. The points you mention above are correct and apply to any business one is in.
I had made a commitment long before EN. It was to my business and my brand.
The only mistake I made was to take an easy way out to bring in my newbie traffic and put them on that platform. That was not so easy. They were totally confused and so were other newbies.
I decided to pull out and do my usual consultations with my newbies. There is no easy way! That was my lesson.
If you are happy about EN that is great and I wish you well. I think EN is a good company and have many long time blogging friends that are in it.
The only thing I would not do is accept a comment from an EN blog because the back links will have an effect on my blog. I don’t even accept one liners usually.
So that’s where I stand and I wish you success,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
Hi Donna,
Sad to see you leave EN and i do agree some ENers are going in the wrong direction with the blogging platform D&D provided. I mean its great you can ride on their ranking while you just need to concentrate on your content. Best of all, They do the selling for you. I just got in less than a week and although my blog there is not high up yet but the group i am joining is great!
I will hang on and stick to posting value contents. Thanks for the honest review on EN!
I do hope they will fix this soon if not we will see EN site being block pretty soon in all social media.
Hi Stanley,
It is great that it’s working for you. I chose to do my own selling via webinars, teaching and keeping my list growing.
I have branded myself before EN, so it did pull my rankings down a bit, but I’m holding steady now.
It is a good platform for those who choose it and I know a lot of my friends that are making a profit from it.
But for me, it worked the opposite, so that’s why I jumped out.
Good luck with it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Self-Confidence
I Love this Donna! I just quit after a year in it (since they started). I made a video on it as well to let others know.
It’s totally an Ethics thing for me and I’m not hating on EN.
Great write up!
William recently posted..How to Increase Downline Retention in Network/Online Marketing
Hi William,
I don’t hate EN either, but it is also an ethics thing for me too. I do wish D&D well in their business. What gets me the most is those poor folks that come in to the lowest level and don’t have the support they need of how to blog.
Also, I won’t accept EN backlinks on my blog. It just destroys my Google ratings.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Blogging Ethics
Hi Donna,
Really interesting, with a unique point view that I like.
yes EN was everywhere and the launch was totally crazy with all big marketing “guru’s” talking and promoting.
I was so suspicious that I did not join.
I am glad I made this choice.
I sticked with my current online business
and actually added an isane passive income stream…
Wish you the best in your online ventures
Lelia recently posted..Profitable Internet Marketing Tips and Tricks: Your Ticket to the Party
Thank you Lelia for your input.
I, myself usually keep away from those huge launches! I know the top dogs really get the cream.
It is good to hear that you stuck to your current business and added some passive income.
Best to you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
I thought that was a very good analysis of your view on EN.
I have been looking at EN myself. I am part of the Six Figure Mentors and it’s quite common for SFM people to be in EN as well. I find EN a bit too much “in your face” myself so have have not joined. A friend of mine did though and let me have a look at the back office but I thought it was a bit bare bones myself. I also felt that listening to an hour of waffle on the webinar before DW actually said anything useful was a bit much (as you touch on yourself above). I like it pretty much straight to the point myself.
I hope in the SFM we can keep our integrity etc.
Anyway, good post.
Many thanks Stuart!
When I had joined I did it for the sole purpose to farm out my “newbie” followers, rather than teaching them myself.
The biggest blessing I had in this experience was the lesson learned: “If you want to do something right, you have to do it yourself!”
I, too have the same feeling that EN is too much “in your face” and also, if you look closely at it, the people that are doing well are those who do have many many followers. “Guru’s in the field”
Donna Merrill recently posted..Living Gratitude
Hello Donna…
I enjoyed reading your article. I’m involved with the Empower Network. A person I like and respect from another MLM company that we are both associated with invited me to look at the Empower opportunity and encouraged me to join. This individual has attained success in network marketing, affiliate marketing, and owned a successful brick and mortar business for many years as well. I owned a successful brick and mortar business for three decades but have never made a dime (of profit) in network marketing. I got in Amway back in 1979 and have been around the industry ever since but presently involved with another MLM.
I joined Empower with the hope that the training would help me get my footing in this industry and with the possibility of connecting with some like-minded people. I wanted to be able to, in some way, help others learn a little of what it will take to succeed in this industry using offline and online methods.
My blogging efforts, with Empower, did not yield any results for me. Partly because I did not blog daily and partly because I wasn’t sure if I should have some keyword SEO mindset before writing. I don’t know much about SEO or online site building but I have some basic understanding and I learned a bit about outsourcing which is valuable for a newbie or oldbie!
I’m writing this post because I’m a loyal person. I know my Empower sponsor is ready to help me but I’m not sure if this Empower company isn’t destined to be shut down somewhere down the road. Facebook is just perhaps the first barrier for Empower to overcome. ZeekRewards just got shut down… I’ve had people contact me for that opportunity.
Creating a site like you have done where you have a chance to connect with people, build a relationship of trust, and then possibly share a good opportunity with them if they’re open to it, seems like the best way to go.
Thanks for reading my book!
To Your Continued Success…
Hi John,
The best advice I could give you is to open up a WordPress blog like this one. Have commentluv in it so people can see a few of your posts and click on one that interests them.
It is all about engagement. As you can see on my blog, many people come in and leave great comments (like you did).
Lots of Empower People have opened up a separate blog so they can continue blogging and also have a place for comments.
While keeping in Empower, I would ride out the storm and see what D&D will come up with. They are having great leaders of the industry pow wow ing witn them.
I’m sure they will come up with a new platform. But for me, as a long time blogger, it wasn’t congruent with my own branding. So I had to make the choice to let it go.
However, I did have many Empower friends come to me with the big question? Where do I blog. Hence, they have opened up a hosted WordPress site.
Those that didn’t are still stagnant and cannot get their message across.
If I were in your shoes, I would open up a good blog and put good content in it, without the “selling” aspect – you can see my blog about the 80/20 rule.
People like to read information, not sales. I think that is what brought EN down. Too many people were pushing it. They came in at a low level and wanted instant gratification.
There is no quick fix when it comes to marketing like that. Like your brick and mortar business, you must have started slowly and then revved up. Same applies here.
Hope that helped.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Stop Complaining
Hey Donna, I actually had no idea of what “Empower” was about other than I was getting spammed like crazy with it and knew it was something I wanted no part of. (Plus I didn’t have time to be honest)
I just decided today (and added it to my to do list in evernote) to actually go research it and noticed your post on it.
Thanks for your honest opinion, I think I’ll take an official “I’ll wait and see” approach with it. 🙂
It’s not like I don’t have a million other areas I need to spend time on within my business anyway.
Warren recently posted..Looking for a Blogging Triberr Tribe to Join
Hi Warren,
As of this date, there is a lot going on in Costa Rica. Deagan Smith is down there with D&D. I assume they will rise again.
However, if you do want to join someday, get in touch with me because I know some great leaders out there that can train you to do use this platform without all the spamming.
I have many friends that are still in it and enjoy it. I agree with the “wait and see” that you have decided to do.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Guest Blogger M. Farouk Radwan, MSc
Hello Donna,
Don’t know about Empower network, but as far as spammers are concerned I hate them very badly. Spammers thinks that if they interrupt us long enough then we’ll pay attention to them. and many time they succeeds we end up on opening their links, viewing what they are bluffing about.
But now we have option like unfollow, unfriend, block to stop spammers, And i’m using it very very frequently. 🙂
Hi Romy,
When you bring up the topic of spammers, we do have control over that I agree. I also am frequently using blocks and “unfollows” more now than ever.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Masterminding
Hello Donna, you are a woman of integrity I wish you and your husband the best with all that you do. I am glad you mention more than once that the members of EN were trained correctly there are some good people associated with the business.
Hi Lydia,
Absolutely…The trainings are great, if one follows them. I believe that was the problem. A company growing too fast. I think D & D had no idea how fast this was going to boom.
I am confident that leaders in the industry like they are, will fix this.
Thanks for your comment Lydia,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Masterminding
Hi Donna,
This is a great post! I’m so happy that I could read another person’s thoughts about EN. I was looking to get into EN to blog about my challenge with Visalus. I was thinking of starting my challenge maybe next month, we’ll see. EN looked simple to use but I still had my doubts about it and couldn’t fully commit to it. I think it was mostly because I couldn’t customize it to how I want it to look.
I also did notice that a lot of people try to constantly sell in their blog posts and a lot of FB friends have been bombarding me with EN. I’m still not exactly sure if I want to commit to EN or just start a new WordPress Blog for my challenge. What do you think? Any ideas would help 🙂
Have a great day!
Melanie Legaspi
Melanie recently posted..Be More Productive Building Your Home Business – 6 Different Ways
Hi Melanie,
The best thing you can do is have your own hosted blog. WordPress is the best I know. This will help you Brand Yourself. When going on to any system, you have no control. But, having your own blog, you do!
Give good content and don’t mention your company….only 10% of the time otherwise, you won’t be engaging people. Whatever your niche is…write about it. You say you are into Visalus. You can engage people with your blog and get to know them, thereby selling them via an opt-in page. Also when you are blogging there is social proof that people are reading your blog.
Then you can set up campaigns of PPC or list building and email prospects.
That’s it in a nutshell…
Donna Merrill recently posted..Masterminding
I just decided to read your blog today and I am glad that I did. I saw the Empower Network come on the scene and everyone was jumping on it. I had a few people try to recruit me but I never felt comfortable joining it. I just never did. Plus I had just started my own blog and learning what I needed to, to build it plus build my business. I just did not have time for something else that would require a lot of training. I appreciate people like you who tell the truth and display integrity. Thank you for sharing your honest feedback, it will help a lot of people. Continue to keep up the awesome work that you do online!
Anecia Finch recently posted..Very Exciting News to Share
Thank you Anecia,
So glad you stuck to your guns and focused on your own blog. Even those that have EN blogs do have their own also.
There are so many shinny objects out there that can lead us out of focus, but you stood on course Bravo!
Thanks for your kind words,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Masterminding
Brave decision Donna and well done for taking it and airing it. It shows great integrity. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from EN and it’s now that the real leaders will emerge.
EN seems to have developed a herd mentality and I’m watching with interest to see how the ‘Two Daves’ deal with it – I suspect there will be a lot more learned over the coming weeks.
I’m watching them too Kelvin! It is interesting to see what will emerge from all this.
I still see that “heard” mentality and postings on Facebook of how much money people are making. I don’t find it tasteful.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Masterminding
Hi Donna,
thank you for sharing your experience and decision about Empower Network. You just gave me more fuel to make my own decision which is the same as yours. I’m really not motivated to promote E.N. anymore and for me at least one thing is for sure: it’s not so easy to make money with E.N. as they say in the sales pitch. And I’m afraid many people already are or will be frustrated very soon.
And I really agree with you that “it is bad Karma to sell someone something you don’t want to use or are losing faith”.
Best of all,
Luis recently posted..Best Affiliate Marketing Strategy
Hi Luis
I don’t know how it is going to be “fixed” but all I’m seeing is much chatter on Facebook of how much money people are making. I am honestly glad they can, but I do have a problem with that.
I don’t think it is a good idea to bombard anyone with your income. Look at the top leaders in the industry. They usually don’t do that. It is getting “in your face” kind of thing.
The best thing to do is to have your own blog. That is something you own and there are many ways of making money from it.
Thanks for visiting,
Your story was great to hear. Thank you for sharing so that we may all learn. Take care.
Hi Gary,
I appreciate you coming by and thanks for your kind words. I think sharing this particular story has lent a helping hand to some folks.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
I have no idea about the network, but this definitely has taught me a lesson – don’t put all your eggs in one basket. I definitely can’t take a slap from any large network right now. I don’t get enough traffic to risk this.
Anne recently posted..Confidence Quotes 3
Absolutely Anne,
Fortunately I don’t have my eggs in one basket…maybe they are in too many, lol. I do believe in multiple streams of income on line as well as off line.
Maybe it is because I’m a Libra??? Who knows? I like balance!
I am coaching many in EN and trying to help them ride the wave as they learn that they need their own personal blog for personal branding.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna,
I just watched your video over on facebook which prompted me to come over here and get “the whole story”. First let me say that I have had a lot of respect for both of you for some time as we have commented and shared each other’s content in the tribes, and know you to be excellent bloggers, teachers and entrepreneurs.
When I heard about EN at first, I was intrigued, but it was not good timing for me, and I took a pass. Recently though, in the past few months I have been working with many EN people through a tribe I am a leader in, and learned quite a bit about it, simply because I have had the commitment to visit my group’s blogs and comment etc. I made it a personal policy to NOT share EN blogs right from the start, UNLESS they had content that was exceptional. For the most part I found cookie cutter type content, and very little that I would share with my audience. Moreover, it was not so much that it was an EN blog, but affiliate advertising in nature, with links etc. I truly wanted to help my group!! I just won’t share that stuff. I felt bad that they are not writing the proper content, and wondered if they were being trained to put that stuff on there? I can’t imagine so!
As for branding and having a self-hosted blog, my question is:
Why did David and David not provide 4 or 5 different templates for these newbies to pick from so that the blogs don’t all look exactly alike everywhere? Facebook got pretty saturated, and unless you were spending money on PPC, I doubt lots of traffic was flowing from facebook, from those affiliate posts.
I have seen a few clever EN people take a banner or an optin and put it on their self-hosted blog, and write wonderful content. They are almost always seasoned bloggers.
The point is, and I really HEARD YOU, we need more blogging education out there, just nuts and bolts “how to” stuff, from seasoned writers like you two, and others in the tribes.
I appreciate your forthright post and video with David, and look forward to seeing more of the two of you together! I will tell you on a side note that I am a very intuitive person, and was getting “tugs” inside not to get into EN. I had the feeling that something was not right, and I could not put my finger on it. My gut did not let me down this time I guess!
Laura Morris recently posted..Expect A Miracle
Hi Laura,
I know how you feel. I shared some EN blogs and Facebook slapped me twice saying I was making too many friends – which I was not – but had that funny feeling it was connected to my EN blog and others I would talk to on FB. Then they got slapped….hmmmm
I, like you had many EN bloggers in a tribe. I shared some from my EN blog, but not from this one! This one is highly guarded.
As for their blogs. If they had purchased the entire system, they would have known not to spam on their blogs. We had purchased it and went through every training and it was very good.
I think the problem was this: Many people jumped in as they would any kind of Network Marketing business. They paid the lowest price, got a blog and started saying “buy me” – It all depended on who they signed under, if that person was guided them well, and if they took that person’s advice.
I did try to reach out in those 10 days of my blogging to tell others how-to’s Some actually took my advice, some didn’t. If they really listened in the first place, even at the lowest level. Dave and Dave had told them to blog about anything. They did give them examples of subjects they could blog about. The DID SAY don’t do the selling, we will do it for you.
Now, based on that, it makes sense. There are opt-ins everywhere on that platform, so why would you say “buy me” – I think that this grew too fast and it was like a bunch of wild horses running all over Facebook because the comment section was linked to Facebook.
So now what was created was spam city. I do know many of the leaders were telling their “down lines” not to spam, and also provided them with a PPC add that they could personalize and put out there instead of going to EN’S sales page. That’s good marketing.
But many out there had no idea what they were doing. I did feel bad about the whole thing and that motivated me to reach out to those I have encountered to help them learn some blogging techniques.
David and I started our FB page Donna and David Merrill so we can keep our videos going and talk about blogging and marketing. We are having fun creating this. So come on over and visit us for a cup of coffee sometime.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
HI Donna,
One of the key reasons that I remember from you sharing on your initial hesitation with EN was you strong belief in Branding Yourself. What I have come to love about my mentors is that they insisted that I brand myself, not some company, product or opportunity. I have remained grateful for that advice, and my brand has become more recognized as I have remained consistent and persistent with Being Me, online, over the past few years.
I was the Follow Your Bliss guy long before I found Mentoring for Free and my network marketing company. And I will continue to be Me, video Me, blog about Me, and share the truth about Me to whomever chooses to listen and finds value.
Most people don’t now it, but you only need to meet a hand full of best friends for life (online or off) to join you in business. So stop “pitching your deal” and just take the volunteers. If your are “Velveteen Rabbit Real”, follow a proven system and stay consistent, they will come. It’s just a matter of time.
To Your Peace and Prosperity,
David H. Paul
PS- Hope you don’t mind me “preaching to the choir”, Donna. I love you, my friend.
David Paul recently posted..Take Your Subconscious Mind and Creative Imagination to Infinity and Beyond
You are absolutely correct. When I hear your name, my mind goes to the follow your bliss guy and the Mentoring For Free guy. Your kind words flowing through your blogs in your videos.
That’s branding my friend!
You are so correct when you say that all you need is to meet a hand full of best friends on or off line to join your business. It goes viral very quickly and to me the best way to do business is by that good old world of mouth.
I have (and still do) do that with my Psychic business. I never advertized, but word spread internationally before the internet.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
#5 was what I was looking for, Donna… YOU ARE A LEADER!
You are and that’s why leaving EN made sense for you and David.
I also applaud your decision to forego pitching a business that you had lost faith in.
It would have been easy to give a “let’s not waste our solo ad leads” kind of mentality and go through with it anyway, but you took the high road.
If you were criticized for it, well…. you know what they say in the Bronx! 🙂
Anyway, glad you and David are doing well.
Dr. Bob Clarke recently posted..Does Attraction Marketing Really Work?
I do know what they say in he Bronx and in Brooklyn…he he
I don’t like to knock anything like this down. I am not a master marketer like these top dogs. Plus, I do believe that whatever a company goes through, using mud slinging isn’t the way.
Yes, I am a leader, that is why I still connect with my peeps on EN and all their confusion. David and I started a FB Business page to deal with bloggers – mostly through our morning coffee chats. Stop by and visit us
on Facebook
our page is Donna and David Merrill
Thanks for stopping by
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna
I’ve seen a few promotional things for EM and did take a look at it a few weeks ago.
To be honest I found it too in your face and too good to be true so I left it alone.
I’m sure it can be great for business but I don’t like overly pushy sales pitches and the whole ra ra ra thing is just annoying. It’s kind of there to suck in newbies like me I guess.
Anyway, I really appreciate you sharing your experience. There’s really no point in being part of something you don’t believe in.
Tim Bonner recently posted..Is Your Website Blacklisted? Find Out Now!
I had the same feeling all along. What I did was use my head and not my intuition. But sometimes we need to explore a platform.
Did I loose anything? No I did pay top dollar for the entire package, but I learned so much.
Did I gain? Yes..I learned that there is no easy way out. I must still teach my newbies, but start a different platform for them to come on.
I am not that ra ra person but some of my Network Marketer clients are. That’s why I thought it would be good for them.
Thank you for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
August 10, 2012 at 10:15 am #
Hey Donna,
What I’m gonna say? Honestly, I’m not much familiar about EN and how that network thing work out. But what I need to say is we need to take RIGHT decisions at RIGHT moment. That is a leadership skill and glad you made it with reasonable factors.
Someone can point out and say you are totally nuts. It’s all opinions. But I like the way you have ’em justified and wish you all success with your business relationships 🙂
Mayura recently posted..Shorten and Track Your Links with Google URL Shortener
Thank you Mayura,
We all have to make our business decisions. This platform was something I was going to use as part of a business plan. But, I decided not to and now that I merged with my husband, we are working harder than ever.
This was my lazy way out, but what I learned from this experience is that if you want something done well, you must do it yourself.
Thank you for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
August 10, 2012 at 3:25 am #
Hi Donna,
Well, being part of the Network Superstar group where 70% of the people are with EM I learned that they got that Facebook slap earlier this week.
As you are saying, it was bound to happen. When so many people are using a same system and that system is relying way too much on one given social media platform, it’s bound to go bad, because we know that some people will not follow the rules.
I was never interest by EM myself because I have my own blogs and I don’t like to have a blog that looks like another few hundreds out there 🙂
I am sure you made the right decision, Donna. No doubt about it.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Are You Afraid Of Letting Go? Or How To Trust The Process Of Deliberate Creation
Hi Sylviane,
Oh yes, our decision lead us to bigger and better ideas. I didn’t follow my intuition, but when this happens, good things come out of it. I wanted to use it as part of a platform we are building, but I must build that one myself!
I’m full of energy and so many ideas are surrounding my head from this. I feel like it is a new and exiting adventure for me and my husband to work on.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna, I noticed you mention the Facebook slap a couple of times but I had no idea what was behind it. Now it all makes sense. To be honest I never spent any time learning about the network and now I know for sure that I don’t need to.
It good to try new things but you followed your gut and I’m happy that you are moving on!
Ileane recently posted..How To Become A Professional Blogger – Change Your Habits
Hi Ilaene,
If I did follow my gut in the first place I wouldn’t have joined lol.
But, I wanted to step into that pool out of curiosity. The trainings were excellent, but there was no organization of what people were doing. Now, I just hope for Dave Wood’s sake, that they will fix the problem. He is a nice guy and means well. I like him and I think this grew too fast for him.
Also, the comment section was a Facebook one. That’s a red flag! I’m moving on with lessons learned about business, but most of all about myself.
Thank you, I appreciate you coming over!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
I have been approached by many people to join up with EN but resisted the urge. I have my own websites and blogs and they rank better than the individual blogs on EN. I could not see the advantage for me and without any enthusiasm I could not have marketed it to anyone else either.
There is some good content on there but a lot of repetition too. I imagine it would be a good social networking platform though and better still with a different commenting system.
Sue Bride recently posted..Managing Multiple Gmail Accounts
So would I Sue. It would be a good social networking platform if they didn’t have FB as a comment section.
As you have read above, I was hesitant to join, but it seemed like the “easy way” for me to send my newbies to.
Lesson learned: There is no easy way! I have to create a program for blogging 101. On it as I speak.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Oh Donna, Oh Donna (I suspect you might hear that in your head)
No beating of self for not listening to your intuition and no apologies for making your own decisions. Good move on your part to do what you think is the right thing.
I have an opinion about this based on a few years of internet marketing experience. And not from being inside EN, but this is what it looks like to someone who is on the outside with a bit of marketing experience
EN took a model that has worked for a long time and was attractive to many people. Loud red headlines, breathless marketing tactics and ease of consumption.
Every pitch I have ever read for EN says you can get started for only 25.00. True enough, but in order to get paid, you need to have an e-wallet account, which is another cost. That is where the money is made, in a captive currency. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that Amway does not have their own internal payment system that you must be a part of to collect an commissions. Maybe they do, I don’t really know. But from the company point of view it is a brilliant move.
Almost reminiscent of the old e-gold kind of trading accounts.
EN was sold on example: here is what a blog looks like, and here is a commenting system.
It was perfect for keeping people who wanted something easy. just pay money and you have a website. Like Squidoo used to be easy. And Zimbio. And MySpace. And WetPaint.
But they are the best I have seen n a long time at building evangelists. I look at what people are writing about EN, holding it up, saying wait and see what is going to happen. It has already happened and your upline is out in commission preservation mode. And if you have a downline, you already have the message from your sponsor to go and rally your troops.
Facebook did not shut down Empower because of spamming. They shut down Empower because they are holding EN hostage. Don’t think for a minute that if EN offered up a pay for play scenario that was acceptable that FB would have your account back up in record time.
FB’s goal is to charge businesses for using their system , and EN was not paying. Besides which, everybody that was posting on their EN blogs was doing exactly what they were supposed to do. Could there have been some more posts about things besides join my opportunity? Sure, but the fact is there are 900,000,000 million FB users and maybe what? 40,000 of them are in EN.
Even if every single EN person posted 20 posts a day with 20 comments each, FB is a giant time ordered blog and those posts are plopping down to the bottom of everyone’s feed anyway.
Donna is the real deal. She can show you how to run a business online which is centered on blogging in a way that adds value to people’s lives. She already does this, and is very skilled at it. And besides which, she is a genuinely good person. 🙂
Thank you Michael!
Because I have an energy connection with EN, I feel that it is my responsibility to carry that energy over to those who asked me what to do. To me it is all part of the energy flow. You know how that works!
So I had to write this post in order to shout out to my friends my “why” and also, to give he answer to the question. It was my business decision that’s all. But because there was a “coincidence” of being slapped by FB for me, it is just my feeling that I was running with what is called a “bad neighborhood site”
Now, on this blog, if someone has a commentluv that is connected to a site of porn, gambling or even digested health products, these are “bad neighborhood sites” The backlinks could effect my blog. If you ever took a course by my dear friend and mentor Kimberly Castlebury, one would now what and what not to do.
So getting back to EN..I made many friends there and used my reciprocity t their blogs. Hey, It’s what I always do. I didn’t syndicate anyone with a “buy Me” blog. I only syndicated those people with value on their blogs. The big mistake I made was that they were putting links to “buy me” at the bottom of their blog. Hmmmm I believe that got me in trouble in the first place. I claim total responsibility because I do know better.
I did not listen to my intuition…another thing I am responsible for. But when I decided on a cognitive level that “hey…this is good for all the newbies coming into my fold to get started” there was my biggest mistake. I took people who were coming to me and wanted to put them on another platform.
AHA moment….Gotta do it all myself…always did always will.
Thank you for your great comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
You are totally right, we (Empower Network Members) brought this upon ourselves…I dare say. It’s just that the majority of people do not listen. Dave and Dave would issue out clear instructions on how to market on facebook and most of us did not do it.
I would find one post in more than three groups per day.
And because people are lazy, very few are still blogging one post per day (I do two).
My thinking is that the EN team should install something like DISQUS to enable blog commenting on the EN blogs as they sort out the issue with Facebook
Hi Sunganani and welcome to my blog.
I feel the same way. People weren’t aware that they were misusing the product. I have noticed that the people at lower levels were doing that a lot. But I think it is a wake up call for EN because they need more structure. They grew very fast and too many people came in dropped their links which contained blogs about buying the system. No one wants to hear that.
They want to hear some good content. Whatever it is – From learning how to train a dog to the most complicated technical platform. They could brand themselves that way and get followers. Then, the network itself does the marketing for you. It is very simple and D&D have always said to do so.
I’m sure they are re-structuring the system as we speak.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
August 9, 2012 at 9:14 pm #
Donna, Donna, Donna! Bravo young lady! I can’t tell you how many people tried to talk me into joining this platform but I didn’t get a good feeling about it from the beginning.
Like you, I totally respect both Davids and I have no doubt that they have created a wonderful platform but I feel it’s more for the lazy beginners then for the entrepreneurs. Oh sure, it helps people who want to make that “quick buck” and have that feeling that they’ve accomplished something. I get that but to me it’s pretty misleading.
I just felt that there was no way I was promoting someone else’s brand when it took me this long to create my own. Of course this is just my own personal opinion that is and I’m not putting this platform down at all. I will admit that I’m so sick and tired of hearing about it I could scream.
I don’t blame Facebook for banning them, I’m so glad they did. Some people will never listen and take the time to learn. That’s just the nature of the beast I’m afraid.
I respect yours and David’s decision to leave and I do hope they get it all straightened out. I don’t know if I can actually respect you any more than I already do but you continue to move up that ladder girl.
Thanks for sharing even though you didn’t have to. I always say, go with your gut because it will never steer you wrong.
Adrienne recently posted..Why I Will Not Share Your Blog Posts
Hi Adrienne,
Yes, this time I didn’t go with my gut, but with my head. I usually don’t do that. But, here we are and there is a good lesson learned.
I cannot push off people who come to me as newbies to another company.
Although I went through all the trainings an it did make sense, It wasn’t my brand.
Lesson 2: I somehow didn’t listen to my intuition and got there. Reason, to help others that are in. And that’s what I’m doing on a Google Hangout
I feel the responsibility to do this for all those great people I have met during this journey.
I must tell you that the phone doesn’t stop ringing, the pop ups on FB are going wild and people are confused and asking for help.
So here I am doing it. I know you and you would do the same.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna,
Interesting post. I am not with EN, so I din’t know much about what’s going on with that system.
Only thing I know is MANY people including some close associates invited me to join, but it didn’t resonate with me. I have been following you and your blog for many months, honestly only now I got to know that you are a part of EN.
I congratulate you for making a decision you truly believe in.
Damayanthi recently posted..How to build great relationships and get your prospects to trust you?
Thank you Damayanthi,
I was only in for a short while…thank goodness I didn’t bring anyone else into it. I did do a PPC add but those who opened it did not join because by then it was shut down.
I had a response written in case they did want to join that said something to the effect of …wait..wait until this is settled.
I believe in karma…what goes around comes around and I do not want to bring someone into dead space.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna,
After reading you post I thought I would give you my take on EN. Of course nothing is perfect and some of the techniques might offend people, but why are we on the internet? To make money is most people’s goals. I have had my own blog for over a year and have spend so much money trying to get it set-up, trying to get traffic, and trying to make money. As I progessed I found that all I was doing was making money for other people. You say that EN is all hype to buy their products, but isn’t that the very same thing that others in some of the groups we were in are doing? I sorry but I didn’t do a blog to only be of service, I am doing it so I can make money so I can survive in this economy. I sought out other people in EN to learn from them to start earning income and I have finally started to make money. EN is an easy way to start earning to grow your business that I didn’t find with my personal blog. David Wood may not be for eveybody but he does have a vision that I do not see in anyone else. I did join one of the guru in a new project and lost money. This guru’s training was much more than the cost to get into EN and if you wanted to learn more it was going to cost more and more money. I have never learned so much in such a short period of time than I have being with EN. I just wonder why you bothered if you were doing so well with your personal blog? Just my thoughts.
Hi Joyce,
The answer to your question ” I just wonder why you bothered if you were doing so well with your personal blog?” is written in the post. It was a decision David and I made to have a way to lead newbies that we coach into a system to start with.
Yes, I am here to make money, No doubt about that! But I don’t sell on my blog only 10% of the time. That is not how I market. My blog is my home base where I provide information. It is a place for people to get to know me.
How do I market? With email lists, PPC, and other adds. It has nothing to do with my blog at all.
With EN it is a good platform to be on for people to make money. And I’m not saying EN is all hype to buy products. What I am saying is that many PEOPLE are blogging that way, not Empower Network. In fact, as I mentioned above, D&D tells people in the trainings to blog, but they will do the selling. And that is a perfect model to follow. But many people didn’t understand that and blogged about buy me buy me. That is what I was saying.
Hope this clarifies it. And…by the way, I do encourage those who have EN blogs to ride the wave. I have so many asking me how, that I am doing a G+ Hangout to help them out.
I appreciate your comment and am glad you are making money on this platform.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hey Donna,
Appreciate you being honest 🙂
As with Empower network, I have heard a lot about it. I wanted to join, but I previously had bad experiences in a tribe and because I have mainly seen many EN members writing just about the money they make. I mean, no offense, but I don’t really care that much about how much money a blogger makes, sure you make money, but you don’t have to say that in all your blog posts. Another thing I noticed some members doing is that they write their post around the affiliate offers. Take for instance: They write about hard work and at the end, they recommend a specific product/tribe. I am okay with that, as long as they provide real value in their blogs, unfortunately, most don’t.
A collaborative tribe only works if everyone is willing to spend time and energy (even if one person decides to slack off, that’s going to affect the entire group). Right now, I am in networking superstars tribe (you are too, right?). So far, it has been working great (I am glad that Gavin and others are trying to remove the inactive members from the group; they should – well, first we should try to educate them, then let them go. Because, they are just going to cost us more effort and time.
Anyways, thank you for the post, Donna!
Jeevan Jacob John
Hi Jeevan,
Yes I am in Gavin’s Networking Superstars and he has had to make that business decision which was wise to do.
I know Gavin a long time and he is a great leader. The people in Empower Network that signed up with him are a lucky group. He is taken leadership during this crash of EN.
Gavin immediately lead his followers on EN to use proper ways to market. I’ve been following his advice to them. If only other leaders in EN would do the same, people can ride this storm.
He has gone above and beyond to help people in his network. These people will ride the wave with his leadership.
As for the issue of tribes, I’ve been in them ever since I started marketing. It is a wonderful platform to be on for so many reasons. Gavin is doing a great job on the tribe we are on. I’m on others also with great leaders.
Reciprocity is the key and it leads to relationships and masterminding but most of all many friendships. Thanks for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Yes, of course.
He is a great leader and I am glad he is stepping up to remove the “unwanted” guys.
Of course, he also spending so much effort into making those webinars (I only attended one, the first one about persuasive techniques).
You are right, reciprocity is indeed the key. I didn’t believe in joining any tribes, because I have had bad experiences with it and for a tribe to work well, everyone has to put in the same kind of effort and energy. In the case of networking superstars, I think most people are putting that effort in.
No problem, Donna.
PS: What comment notification plugin are you using? You may want to use ReplyMe, because the plugin you use now alerts the commentators about every comment posted here (So the reply to their comment might not get noticed by them).
Thanks Jeevan…I look into the ReplyMe I am so bad at technical stuff. I can arrange for my blog editor to do it. Each time I try, I break my blog ha ha ha
I am glad you are enjoying Networking Superstars…it is a great group!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hey Donna, you HAVE to follow your heart! Leaders make all the difference in these types of businesses. If there’s no communication, no direction, things fall apart. It’s tough to write a post like you did, but I have a lot of respect for |calling” out things that don’t jive with your standards. That’s called integrity. You and Dave withh be just fine. And you know, there’s lots to be said about having a blog on another companies platform … Owning and creating your own is the best way to go.. much love to ya 🙂
Lesly Federici recently posted..Simple Yet Challenging
Hey Lesly,
Thanks and yes it was difficult to write this, but I just felt the need to. Owning and creating our own is the best way to go.
This is what we have done all along and it works, but as mentioned above, we thought that the numbers of newbies coming into our funnel would benefit from EN.
Wake up call: that was the easy way for us to do. But in reality, there is no easy way. So, we will keep on training our newbies but need to do it on a larger platform we need to set up. And are working on. lol
Thank you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Thanks for the post Donna, was feeling off about the EN push to “get all in” and only got as far as signing up for the Blog platform and IC. When the slap came, I pulled the plug on those as well. It does not serve to “fight the forces of evil” with the constant message of how much money you will make vs how much are you serving the world with your message. I was grateful that I listened to my intuition and will follow my path to what better serves me, my biz and others. Looking forward to the blog you & David are putting together and will be redoing my own as well!
Peace & Blessings,
Hi Karen,
I was “all the way in” and it was worth the money I spent because I own those trainings which are excellent! But I must agree with you that I could not stand the money issue. I feel that is bad business.
Yes, we are here to make money. BUT…not flaunt it. I don’t feel good about showing anyone how much money I make…especially the IRS ha ha ha
When people get hyped up on who made enough to pay their mortgage, or who is making 30K a month, the mindset goes to making money.
In marketing, if your mindset is giving value to people, money will follow. If it is on money…well enough said!
Blessings to you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Thanks for explaining the background your decision, I can picture myself that it must have been a really hard to decide. The experiences you have shared could help and warn a lot of people who are thinking about to join the EN platform. I really like it how you described the whole decision process, not only the bad things, both the pros and cons about the platform. That’s what I’d call objectivity and professionalism. Thanks for this nice text!
Helga recently posted..Szeresd a tested!
Thanks Helga,
Just because it didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean that it cannot work for others. That is why I wrote it in the format of pros and cons. I also have many people I know on this platform and want to help them ride the wave.
I have decided to do a Google Hangout to help them stay calm and show them ways to keep a float.
I appreciate your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna,
sorry to hear that, so we have something in common (no, not Empower Network) because we got kind of screwed by our companies recently.
What you describe here rather supports my theory that network companies have a predetermined breaking point – some are more obvious, others less.
Could it be possible that it is part of the business model of certain network marketing companies that the field doesn’t follow their leaders’ advice despite all the nice speeches they make and that the “leaders” take this “misbehaviour” into account on purpose ?
By the way, I myself got an auto-dialler call from Mr. W. on my US Skype number, just saying…it’s just nauseating, isn’t it ?
Thanks for sharing Donna and I know for a fact that you and your husband David are going to make it. Quitting fast when things go wrong is an asset !
Be blessed
Hi Oliver,
Getting involved in any Network Marketing does have it’s risks because we are not in control of it. However, any business can have a breaking point, problems, etc.
Having our own business gives us more control over things that happen. I’ve been in business for 30 years and had my share of ups and downs. But because I was in control of it, I found my way around things and kept it going.
Maybe I’m just a control freak ha ha
But being a part of a Network Marketing system or any other system can always go belly up, or take different directions.
This is why I like leveraging. I don’t like to put my eggs in one basket.
It is just like leveraging your finances. You wouldn’t put all your money in one place right? You would have to spread it out to different investments.
Same applies to business strategies. We have to have multiple streams of income on and off line. In this economy, I feel it is the only way.
As for that Skype number ….that’s is a hoot!
Thanks for your awesome input,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: learn_to_blog
August 9, 2012 at 9:32 am #
You are the kind of marketer I love – an HONEST marketer! I believe it is the right thing to tell someone if you find out something that makes you believe differently. I have a policy never to recommend anything I haven’t tried myself. If I was in your shoes I would have done the same thing. The boundaries had moved so you have to respond to that honestly, or your integrity is lost.
Enjoy the journey.
Mandy Allen recently posted..Making Sure Your Video Is Centred
Hi Mandy
Thanks for your kind words. I was only in for three weeks and must say that the trainings were very well done. But, you see, the trainings that I received were because I was “all the way in” which means that I purchase the entire product.
I dedicated myself to each and every training and it clearly states that people should blog and they would do the selling. Sounds good to me! But what happened is that people who purchased at the low end didn’t get all this information. It was up to their leaders to guide them how to blog. And not to spam.
I visited a group where people were dropping their blogs and running. Yikes no reciprocity? No one wants to do that.
If EN gets to revamp this and learn from lessons I do believe it will be a good thing for many people. They just need to understand that the leadership in small groups must be monitored.
D&D are savvy marketers. I’m sure they will come up with something. Personally it wasn’t a good fit for me.
My lesson learned: there is no easy way. I have to set up another platform for the newbies I’m coaching.
Thank you for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Good Morning Donna,
I’ve been keeping up with your latest updates on the Facebook front. But I did not realise it was connected with the EN. Blogging everyday, wow that takes some guts. Few months ago I watched an interesting video that explained that what EN model is a little unscrupulous, anyway jumping ship is the best move if you’ve lost faith in the product – Plus your reputation takes so much hard work to build, you don’t want it demolished in days.
Simmeon recently posted..Overcoming My Fear – Failing, Doubts And Public Speaking
Thanks Simmeon,
It just wasn’t for me. I do know many people that are still in and it is working for them. That’s OK and I have nothing against EN. It was just a matter of structure. When you purchase the entire product, the trainings are really great.
What I think the problem was is that many people who have no marketing or blogging experience joined in at a low level, and not receiving the trainings. So they went out and spammed.
But here is the interesting part: If their “up line” person was savvy enough to train them properly, this probably wouldn’t have happened. I know for instance several people that are training their downlines properly.
Even now, with everything going crazy, they are giving them good solid advice as to how to ride this wave. I wish I can mention all the names, but it wouldn’t be fair for the others.
I have decided to do a Google+ Hangout tonight because of all the messages I received from people that are trying to hang on and ride the storm.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: Amis Interactive Communities
August 9, 2012 at 2:18 am #
Donna, I feel ya!
I read lots of blogs every week even the ones that are new to me. I notice most people are stuck in following the rest of the pack with sales and self-promotion type of blogs. Too much making money with this or purchase this new system and you will drive traffic.
I guess people will try anything that some may bite. I believe in writing like you spoke of before. With sharing you life stories of positive activities with courage and hope. Giving your readers you insight on the topics based on your experience is best.
When your transparent with each article and speak with authority on you. Most people are drawn towards your blog. You give empowering stories and it will hit most people in the heart. You are doing your part in making their lives better with sharing usable information honestly. Not promoting this or that.
I love reading just your articles based on they are simple and understandable. Yet, they call you to challenge yourself to do better in some way. Just get up and do something.
That is why your one of our greatest coaches in our industry. I do appreciate all you continue to do for my life. Thank you Donna.
That is so touching that it brought a tear to my eye. I thank you for your beautiful response.
I am here to encourage the marketer mind body and spirit. Of course there is a financial part of what I do, but it is not on this platform.
I enjoy this blog and all who come to it because in reciprocating I learn from my readers…like YOU!
I love reading your blog because your words pour from your heart.
Thanks again,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: suejprice
August 9, 2012 at 4:38 am #
Hi Donna
I agree with much of what you say but like Ken I have been in since pretty much the beginning and seen them get through much worse than this.They have managed to get things resolved in the past.
I do not particularly like the hype the Dave’s go on with either. I am Aussie and we are not so much like that. I do see they have great hearts though and I also have seen many people make money through EN. And like everyone says their training is good.
I am currently deciding whether I will stay. I have a fundamental problem in that I signed up with Beth Hewitt ( an online friend). As we are both not in the US there were all sorts of merchant issues in the beginning. Beth became overwhelmed with it and left and I got passed up to her sponsor.
He (I will not name him) is a big hitter and earns well from it. But he does not help anyone. So my next sign up goes to him and if they are novices then left to find their own way. I maybe should not care but I do so maybe I too should leave. I think what keeps me hanging in is there are some great internet marketers in there who I really respect.
Thanks for writing this Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Work from Home – Conclusion
Hi Sue,
I know how you feel about this issue. They are some great marketers on EN.
I know EN had issues before and resolved them. I have faith in D&D to make a great comeback because they are great marketers.
The training is very good also.
As for anyone that signs up with you, even if they go up to the next guy, you can still obtain leadership by creating a FB group and invite those in to help them. Or simply contact them and do a G+ Hangout.
It is difficult when someone doesn’t help. But I’m sure that you know how to step up to the plate of leadership.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
August 9, 2012 at 2:23 am #
Hi Donna. I’m all in with Empower, and I have had some of the same feelings that you have expressed. You may find this odd, but a couple of things that have turned me off a bit are 1) I find the use of crude language offensive and unprofessional; 2) In the first Costa Rica training, I discovered that David Wood was raised as a Mormon and served a mission. As a Mormon myself, I know what kind of covenants with God he made before he went on his mission, and he’s basically turned his back on those promises. It makes me wonder how much I can trust him. I’m not for all the rah-rah stuff, either. I’ve about made up my mind to go through the training and then see how things are going before I do a lot of promoting. I do think the marketing training is excellent and I can look at that as a tuition payment if I am not happy with the program. Thanks for laying this out. I’ve had some issues in my mind, and it helps me to clarify.
All the best,
Leslie Denning recently posted..Do You Have the Mindset of an Entrepreneur?
Hi Leslie
I know, that surprised me too that he was a Mormon. Lots of people are a bit unnerved about his language. It just doesn’t click. But I feel he is a good person at heart.
The rah rah stuff doesn’t resonate with my personality. I guess I like business to be business.
However, I am all the way in and the trainings are wonderful. If people followed instructions, I don’t think Facebook would have slapped them. But that is their responsibility.
If Empower Network would just change two things: Having a comment section that is not linked to Facebook and having Administrators making sure the people will not spam on their blogs, they would have a much stronger business.
I know people cannot control other people, but the rules must be clear! Well they were clear enough for me. As they stated, just blog and let us do the selling time and time again..
Maybe they need to stress that point more.
I went through all the trainings before I set out to promote, but as we were running our first campaign, things fell apart.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
You’re absolutely correct and I respect you even more for making your decision as the leader that you are… But yes, there are tons of people misunderstanding it the process and the format.. I teach my team to ALWAYS make sure they have their blog outside EN, train them to post value, and always teach them NO SELLING allowed on my team! It works (for us) all the time when I teach them to do it this way… It’s sad
Donna, but people who use their platform that’s all they have. Lack of education is the problem and it’s really not their fault. They’re not educated meaning no one is teaching them correctly… And all honesty, this is my enroller is not pursuing the EN opportunity, there are just some things that do not sit well with him neither, so he is not actively working/ promoting it at all…
I honestly do not think anyone was spamming on purpose to abuse the tools, I just believe people are only using EN blogs as their primary blog and constantly posting over and over then people are getting tired of seeing that link and clicks that “report to spam” option.. After a while to many “report to spam” clicks will indeed shut down the entire network.. Thank goodness I DO NOT put all my eggs in one basket… Since I recently got back started, I’ve had great success
To your success!
Janelle McLeod recently posted..Tips For Creating Social Media Marketing For Your Business
You are one of the ethical great leaders. And that is why your success in this came very quickly. I also know that people who were uneducated to this process were spamming without even knowing what they were doing. It was an honest mistake.
What I think is that EN will work out the kinks, but need people like you and other good leaders to Admin the entire network. Instead of the hype, the hype can be ‘DO NOT SPAM” I know people come in, especially at low levels and try to make money quickly but do not understand the marketing concept.
Even when we ran PPC adds, the opt in was not the EN page itself but rather our own that led to it. We knew it was overkill using that.
Another reason why I had to make this decision is because this blog works! I do sales via ppc and lists but not on the blog. lol
Let’s stay in touch!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: saraharrow
August 9, 2012 at 1:19 am #
Donna, in all the time we’ve been connected I’ve always been impressed by your integrity. I took a look at EN but for the life of me I didn’t see the value in it and then when you got told off for too many friend requests, I thought something was up.
I think you’ve done the right thing with the people you spoke to, to recommend something for the money rather than it’s ability just isn’t you. You’ll lose that trust you’ve worked so hard to build.
I’m sorry your good nature was taken advantage of, and I wish you well in your blogging without EN
Sarah Arrow recently posted..10 things you probably shouldn’t do on Facebook…
Thanks so much Sarah,
It was a very short time and a very big lesson. “Always follow your intuition” Hey, even a psychic can goof up. When I was first approached by a friend that joined EN…my intuition said NO WAY!
But I used rationalization. Went down the road for 2 weeks and then realized oops….this stuff is not for me.
Plus all those pep talks gave me a panic attack lol
But, when all said is done, I wish all my friends on EN the best.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Twitter: msellithorpe
August 9, 2012 at 12:58 am #
Awesome post and I totally agree with you. As a matter of fact I just had a discussion about something similar to this. I was asked to use a phrase in an email to someone that I did not believe was true.
I was then told, “it’s just marketing,” there are different definitions of the word; which is true but I can only go by what MY definition of the word is. I cannot and will not say something is phenomenal if I only believe it is only good or so-so.
I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in. If more people followed their gut instincts of right and wrong, then this industry would not have the “reputation” that it has.
Thank you. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Oops, This is What Happens When You Don’t Follow Directions
Well said Mona!
We all have to keep in mind that we are in control of our business. No one could or should tell us to do something against what our gut tells us not to do.
I applaud you Mona for doing what you believe in.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
I totally hear you on the fact that you should be comfortable with what you promote. But there are many times when something breaks and repairs need to happen.
Empower has been through bigger issues than this recent Facebook slap. And i don’t see this issue as a bad thing at all. In fact I’m really hoping those who were spamming get the message.
Empower does have the best training around. And the fact that they have grown so big in such a short time is a testament to that fact. Now with that comes growing pains.
Having been with Empower long and closer to the leadership, I know there are issues that need attention and that’s happening. I also know that Facebook is only a small portion of their traffic. It just seems like a lot of noise when most of the newbies are on the biggest social platform.
But here’s what I also see. The top 100 people earning substantial incomes are not flaunting their Empower blog posts all over social media. They are marketing Empower the right way.
So it seems that those making the most “noise” on Facebook are actually NOT making the most money nor are they bringing in the most traffic.
Things that make you go hmmmmm.
The other thing I see is that the entrepreneur leaders know how to ride the waves. Issues come and go. We don’t need to do to many knee jerk reactions and these things happen. It’s a shame that those who are leaderless don’t have the same resolve. That may be why you see, what appears to be so many running 1/2 cocked.
Ken Pickard
The Network Dad
Ken Pickard recently posted..How to Handle Limiting Beliefs
Hey Ken,
Those are very good points about EN. I do understand them well. I didn’t do a knee jerk reaction on this, but rather I had contemplated what I needed to do.
I am confident that this will all be worked out because Dave Wood is a very smart guy. I am also grateful for all the trainings I had learned because they were excellent. I was all the way in so I listened to each and every one.
The problems I had that I explained above were basically due to the platform. David (my husband) and I are working on so much these days and building a place where we can both join our forces together. I have decided that a WordPress Blog is the way to go, rather than the EN platform.
It will take a little extra work with the newbie part (that is the reason why I joined) but that will be OK.
This has been a wonderful learning experience for me. In leaving the group, I have come up with many different marketing methodologies it is crazy. A true blessing in fact.
There are leaders like YOU, and Gavin and a few more that fail me now, that are taking control of the situation and guiding people to do the correct thing. I only wish the rest signed under you lol
But I am sure things will work out for people. It is just not part of my journey right now. As we set up sales funnels, webinars, etc. It just cannot fit in.
Also, I know the top marketers are savvy enough not to flaunt, but it is the little guys that are misusing the system.
As I said before in my post. Dave and Dave suggested that you blog and THEY will do the selling. Well done if one follows that platform of marketing.
I do, however think that one of the things they have learned is to police it better and also not rely on FB for their comments.
Thanks Ken,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Hi Donna. Interesting post. I agree with you about the spamming and the need to write quality posts…and I am disappointed about the tie in to facebook that is now keeping people from commenting on my posts there. I will be using my other blog until things get straightened out which I have no doubt they will…and will continue to maintain it regardless…that is one of the lessons I have learned here as a relative newbie online.
I have learned a lot from my association with Empower and expect to continue there. I also think its great that you are going with what makes sense for you. Hope to stay in touch at Networking Superstars.
Celeste Smucker recently posted..Healthy Diet Plans are Not Enough
I intend to stay in touch Celeste.
It is good to hear that you have another blog to do business on. As far as the Empower Network…this too shall pass.
I’ve been online for a while now and getting back to my good old reliable blog where it has never failed me. It is my home base and from there I can do all kinds of businesses.
I need to keep my energy here, where things are working well.
Thanks for your comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
You’re most certainly NOT a wuss for standing up for what you believe in, Donna. I’ve been keeping an eye on the EN folks for awhile and like your friend Jacqueline says, the site just seemed WAY over hyped to me. Too much salesy stuff and ra-ra-sis-boom-ba for my taste.
Authenticity might be old school, but I say bring it on!
Tea Silvestre, aka the Word Chef recently posted..Coming to a Computer Screen Near You: YOU!
Hi Tea,
That was my intuitive thought at first, but sometimes I have to go with a conscious decision. It never works!
I’m a psychic…I knew what would happen, but I guess I had to take that journey to emerge into another phase.
I’m glad I did. It taught me well and now the ideas are flowing.
Thanks for your kind words,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Wow Donna, while I do not agree with everything you have posted here. I will say this. It is unfortunate that not more of the team leaders were doing training for those that were completely new to blogging or marketing.
However I did not notice any scrambling other than in the Networking group we belong to and that had more to do with people telling other people how to use a system they them selves did not own. Other than that all the groups I belonged to the team leaders rallied their troops and told them exactly what to do. Most of which everyone was doing anyway.
I find it very funny how people can be part of the same company and have two very different experiences. I am sorry that we have lost you as a blogger and a voice, but I do understand and respect your business decision. It is great that you took the time to explain. So others know your views and beliefs. And kudos for sticking to what feels right for you because business is about building relationships that is based on honesty, trust, and integrity.
Gen recently posted..Intentions, Focus, and Eating a Little Crow
Hi Jen, You are in a great group. Gavin is a great teacher and has been giving great advice this entire week. He is just that kind of guy!
Yes, Jen my motto is integrity, honesty and trust. I’ve built many great relationships that way. I will continue doing what I do because it works for me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Donna, you are definitely a leader. And, every good leader must first follow their conscious. You have made a decision that you can live with and that is what is important.
Now you can move on, and with your husband, build on your present skills and help those who respect your advise to develop a better blog than they ever expected.
Elaine Horner recently posted..One of the Most Important Ways to Manifest Integrity!
Oh Elaine, You are too kind my friend!
Your words are encouraging and I thank you. I know there are many out there that disagree with my decision, but I think I have explained it as best as I could.
I did come up with more ideas through this process and am grateful that I did.
Thank you Elaine,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
Donna dahling, this is a sane and logical business decision, thoroughly and methodically explained.
And it thrills me to the core!
I also looked at EN.
And I also felt a tweak of ‘something’s not right’,
so I didn’t sign up.
But I’ve been watching, listening to the income claims and grimacing at the endless spamming that seemed to suck in even the most well-meaning blogger.
I also tried to offer some guidance to help them not shoot themselves in the proverbial foot, only to be told that I’m ‘old school’. LOL
Anyway, it’s good to know that they’re not actually being TAUGHT that strategy, but some policing is going to have to happen if they are ever going to repair the damage to their reputation.
Thank you for your frank honestly, angel.
You have once again demonstrated why you are a Goddess of Blogging, a savvy business woman and a leader of note.
the goddess known as Jacqui
Jacqueline Gates recently posted..Choose Deliberately
Hi Jacqui
I appreciate your wise words! I had that intuitive feeling at first, but made the decision to jump in because of my dear husband.
I must say the trainings were brilliant BUT….to run a business like that there has to be some kind of “policing” going on. Just like a tribe, when people drop a link a go, someone will warn them not to do it.
I do sense that David Wood was doing this from his heart. But there were so many newbies that haven’t been guided. In this case, it is up to the person they have signed under to “police them” Hmmm Some of those guys were spammy too.
But, on the other hand, there are some people in the industry that were teaching their group correctly.
It was just like running with wild horses…the energy was giving me a panic attack! lol
And…what is the deal about San Diego??? They have put that on the top of the list. I never liked pep rallies since I was a kid. It all seemed pointless to me and it still does.
I had funny visions of me in a high school uniform going ra ra ra….Is there a point to that? If there is, I don’t get it.
What makes me laugh is that in my psychic business, I have met so many people in the public sector and never said a word about it. Hey, it is confidentiality.
If I took a picture with them, would that make me any better of what I do? Of course not.
Thanks for your support,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network
I respect you all the more Donna, for explaining your reasons. Keep the faith!
Thanks Cass!
I will keep on my target marketing plan!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why I Left The Empower Network