This post was most recently updated on January 26th, 2013
My readers know by now I am not a technical person. Heck, I have to ask someone to put in a plug in on my blog because I just don’t have that kind of mind!
I have a good friend, Kimberly Castleberry, who is one of my mentors when it comes to all these new- fangled things. Kim is always on the leading edge of techie things related to web pages, blogs, social sites and whatever else lives out there on the world wide web. She is also lots of fun and we sometimes fool around on Facebook late nights.
It was 2 a.m. and I was doing some work online in the quiet of the evening. I received a message on Facebook from Kim asking me “Are You Up?”
“Yep,” I replied.
She asked me if I can join her on a spontaneous Google+ Hangout.
“Sure…no problem.” So, I did. I had no clue what she wanted to talk about, but hey, that’s what friends are for, right?
Kim had something up her clever little sleeve! She needed a person like me to do something spontaneous. O.K. I’m game!
So here is what happened:
Click to Watch A Techo-Novice Set Up High-Tech Web Page Quickly and Easily! Like… In Minutes!
A feeling of joy overtook me.
You know the feeling of completing a task? Especially one you never thought you’d even attempt?
No longer do I have to depend on my husband to create these web page for me. I CAN DO IT MYSELF!
I never, in my wildest dreams thought I could create a squeeze page on the fly in just 20 minutes. And, have it coordinated with my autoresponder list.
I was so excited by my new accomplishment that I stayed up until 5 am with adrenaline coursing through my body, and spilling out into my talented little techie fingers.
So my friends, it just goes to prove that a non-techie person like me can install this plugin and have a squeeze page done in just a few minutes.
Donna; You have guts! What a great video….and this is what many of us struggle with…It is great to see the web becoming friendlier for all…Great job…you didn’t get flustered and you did it! LOL I loved it. You and Kim, what a team! Teresa
Teresa Farrell recently posted..Scams? Evaluating Biz Opportunities
Hi Teresa,
Guts? Well I guess so lol!
Kim’s a good friend and a great teacher. If she asked me to jump I would say to her how high because she has given so much to me and others.
When she asked me to do this and said she wanted to record it…I said to myself why not?
But the thrill for me was I did it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..What’s Your Why?
Twitter: angeld0ve
February 9, 2013 at 2:02 am #
Hi Donna, I have read what Adrienne said about you on her blog. Your blog sounds interesting and so I thought I’d pay you a visit. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I wish my sister can read this. She’s never blog before neither does she know Facebook or Google. Last time I was with her, teaching her how to create a profile on Linkedin, she panicked. And so if she can read this prolly it will help her encourage to start a new blog about the books she’s writing. -Angela
Angela McCall recently posted..Here’s my new office…
Hi and Welcome Angela!
I think your sister has a lot of “fears” maybe so deep that she is either avoiding going forward, or she may have that low self esteem thing going on.
If she is “panicking” I would just advise her to keep doing it. Of course we all have that panic when learning something new…it’s normal!!!!!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..What’s Your Why?
that’s interesting 🙂
sometimes we don’t learn new stuff until someone pushes us to do it
farouk recently posted..Why happiness advice don’t work for you
Hi Farouk!
I usually leave the tech stuff up to someone else because I want to stay on track of what I do.
Here, I was so surprised that I could actually do something “technical!” I know that I am able to do tech stuff, but rather spend my time on my DMO, and hire people to do that.
It was a shock to me how easy this was!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Haha I love this story Donna you’re a good sport and Kim’s hangouts are fun!
Sometimes being thrown in can be a blessing! Well done to you both! I love you turn of phrase too “Kimberly Castleberry, who is one of my mentors when it comes to all these new- fangled things.” 🙂
Sadie-Michaela Harris recently posted..GoMoSoLo Support the Peace One Day Corporate Coalition
Thanks Sadie!
Yes, that phrase comes straight from the heart! We did have a blast even though I didn’t know what I was in for!
2 a.m. in the morning – Kim asks me to hangout? Of course I did because she is one of my mentors and I’m a loyal gal!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Twitter: Lisapatb
January 31, 2013 at 6:02 pm #
Donna, I think you are more technical than you realize. Just having a WordPress blog is full of technical “stuff.” I remember being overwhelmed at first with mine when I went from Blogger to WordPress.
Kim is amazing too. I really like her stuff. I’ve watched some of her video’s and my favorite was one on Facebook. She really knows her stuff.
And I love the squeeze page 🙂
Thanks for sharing this one with us.
Lisa recently posted..How Do Blog Comments Help Your Blog’s SEO?
Hi Lisa,
If it wasn’t for Kim, I wouldn’t know what plug in to use. I usually follow her instructions, but if I cannot, I hire her to do it for me.
Kim has been my “saving grace” for years. I just love her stuff because she is always on top of things.
This was the best yet! She did chose me because she knows how non-techie I am. It was lots of fun and as you can see from the video. I was so excited to do something all by my self.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Hi Donna,
You’ve made my day – it’s so encouraging to a fellow non-techie like me to discover that ACE blogger Donna is also a techno-phobe! There’s hope for me yet!
This is a brilliant video – great to see how you really did it – congratulations – and thanks so much for sharing it all with us – you’re a star!
Sue Neal recently posted..Writing Tips: How to Turn Your Draft into a Masterpiece
Hi Sue!
I can blog, I can write, I can sell. But when it comes to technical stuff I stink! I know my strengths and I know my weakness. In order for me to push on and do my business, I have given this kind of work to either my husband to do or would hire someone. I just don’t have the time for this kind of learning curve.
But now, with this plugin…woo hoo….I’m getting so creative!
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Hello Donna,
I found this post through Adrienne Smith’s blog and you’re my new best friend! I’m not techie either and I’m just getting the hang of codes and HMTL. I’ve been trying to create a squeeze page for weeks now!
Kim, you’re weren’t lying when you said you wanted the video to be realistic! I was nervous with her while she was trying to minimize windows and login to her dashboard!
I’m off to create my squeeze page! Awesome video!
Corina Ramos recently posted..How To Manage A Work-from-Home Schedule
Hi Corina,
Oh use non-techies must unite! I get all confused with that html stuff too. Either I have my husband do it for me or I pay someone to set things up.
Now with this tool, It is so easy to do. That is what I like….EASY!
My mind just doesn’t work that way. But I can tell you this…I had a blast at two in the morning and was so excited I just couldn’t get to sleep until 5!
Thanks for coming by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Hye Donna,
Just finished the video…you are a riot!
This is an awesome tool!
Tonya Stephens recently posted..10 Ways To Reach Your Goals
He He He Tonya,
Glad you enjoyed the video! It is funny. Two a.m. and Kim asked me to come and hangout on G+ Of course, but I had no idea what I was in for.
It’s like a reality show!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Hi Donna,
This is great stuff, you are giving all of the non-techie’s of the world hope!
Thank goodness for our mentors and gurus’s who lead the way and share what they know.
So happy for you , I could feel your satisfaction in your writing!
Thanks for sharing this experience,
Tonya Stephens recently posted..10 Ways To Reach Your Goals
Thank you Tonya,
When I find a new thing that works, I love to share it. It made my life easy because I just don’t do that html stuff! lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Twitter: ArtaGene
January 31, 2013 at 11:26 am #
Very good!
My first try at a hangout I was by myself and didn’t have my webcam plugged in so I ended up with a Black video with sound!
Awesome way to teach and learn.
I have a similar plugin called paper template(think now closed) but works almost the same.
What an easy way to work, no heavy duty coding (I couldn’t do anyway) so for so many new bloggers, this is going to be great!
Thank you for visiting my blog Carlata!
I do have a program that I have to use html coding and I usually leave that up to my husband to do. It takes too long for me and I don’t like to do that stuff.
When Kimberly showed me this, I was sold! I no longer have to depend on anyone to do this for me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Twitter: enstinemuki
January 29, 2013 at 2:59 pm #
Hi Donna,
I stepped here from Robert Goss’s blog.
I got a mail from Kim when this plugin came to live but have been so absorbed by offline activities. Now I can watch it in action 😉
Sounds really interesting
Hi Enstine,
Welcome to my blog. I know how it is to get absorbed by offline activities, this is why it took a few days to answer you lol.
This was totally candid. I didn’t know what I was in for. But at 2 am, what the heck!
It is very easy to do and I enjoyed working with Kim on this.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Wow…that is so cool. Gives me hope for good old non-techie me! I definitely thought a squeeze page was beyond my capabilities. Thanks for sharing Donna.
Celeste Smucker recently posted..How a Dream can Change the World
Hi Celeste,
Yes, very cool! As you can see, I can’t even plug in a plugin lol. But this is so easy to do and I’m playing with it to do my own pages.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
January 27, 2013 at 2:14 pm #
Well look at you, you created a squeeze page. Okay, so Kim walked you through it but that is so cool. I love that plug-in and she’s right. We’re going to love this one.
Sorry you had so many technical difficulties but so glad you shared this with us Donna. I love it and no more excuses right!
Thank you…
Adrienne recently posted..My Holy Water Came Too Late
Hey Adrienne,
Well you made it! Thanks for your patience with those technical difficulties.
I am celebrating the fact that I don’t have to ask David to make a squeeze page or a sales page for me anymore. He can go about his work, and I can do it all myself! It’s so darn easy.
When I can accomplish something technical (well for me this is) I am so happy I dance around the house.
Thanks again,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Well, that was entertaining 🙂 You did it Donna, and great laugh btw. 🙂
Kim did a great job as well, and the product looks pretty good.
Steve Hughes recently posted..Facebook Graph Search – A first Glance
Thanks Steve,
Yes, I Did It!!!! Kim did a great job with this and this plug in is awesome!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: saraharrow
January 27, 2013 at 6:45 am #
Donna I loved this video, you were both having so much fun it was hard to believe it was nearly 3am!
I love how easy this plugin is to use, many people are going to love it.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..Zero To Social Media
Hi Sarah,
I am loving this plug in also! And yes, we did have tons of fun! I was doing such a happy dance that I could actually do a sales page all by myself, that I couldn’t sleep until 5 am!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: harleenas
January 26, 2013 at 11:10 pm #
Lol…..Loved the video Donna!
Congratulations indeed for your achievement! I can so well imagine how it must be feeling to have accomplished doing this all by yourself, because I am another one almost like you who depends on my hubby for the tech stuff, which just flies over my head. 🙂
Yes, I do know how to install plugins and all that stuff, but I guess when we know we have people we can depend on – we tend to take it easy – isn’t it? 🙂 I am glad you have Kim by your side, she surely is awesome and the way she guided you right through was wonderful indeed. Not to mention the time of the night when you both sat working at it! It must have taken you a few hours getting to bed after that because of the excitement (I can almost feel it till here:) )
Surely seems like a wonderful plugin for marketers and those having something to sell, and if Kim says – it has to be so. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..Will You Stop Overeating
Thanks Harleena,
It was fun! By the time we finished and I finished doing a long happy dance, I couldn’t get to bed at all. I did stay up until 5 am.
But that is the beauty of having our own business. We don’t have to be on a time schedule.
And yes, depending on hubby is one thing that I do, but it does feel great when I can do something like this all by myself.
BTW after I installed mine, hubby is going to install his too. lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Donna it was a hoot watching you ladies. Learned a lot great tool but lady you are a comical.
Lydia Brown recently posted..Why you should Ping your Website Content
He He He
It was totally candid! I think the reality of it shows that anyone can use this tool, even me. And that is saying a lot!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: Barbara Charles
January 26, 2013 at 9:59 pm #
Great for you Donna. It is sometimes so hard to ‘get started’ to learn a new thing. I know the feeling and I’m pretty technical. But sometimes its just easier to have someone else do it for you. I have so many other things to do…but when you actually accomplish the task you wonder what took you so long, right? Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Barbara Charles recently posted..How To Live On The Money You Make and Pay Your Debt
Thanks Barbara.
I know you are pretty savvy when it comes to being Technical. But most of this stuff goes over my head and I want to move on so I hire some one.
Here, I learned something that was very difficult for me to do, but this tool made it easy for me.
Whoopie! I feel like getting a T Shirt that says geek!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: suejprice
January 26, 2013 at 9:47 pm #
Hi Donna
I am here! As you know I had a few attempts to read this. I have not watched all of the video yet but will do for sure.
I laugh Donna as I first learned how to blog, set up my blog etc from Jodie Thompson and Kimberly when they were in business together.
Kim has helped me so many times. She has taken over my screen and fixed things for me a couple of times now. I am just like you Donna re not being techie.
Thanks for sharing this tool.
Sue Price recently posted..Freedom – What Does It Mean to You?
Hi Sue,
I remember those days of Kimberly and Jodie Thompson. Seems like a life time ago. But that is how time flies on the internet doesn’t it?
Kim has always been there for me as well as others. I am so not technical as you know, so when she brought me over to the Hangout, I was surprised.
When you watch the video you will be laughing I am sure!
This tool is awesome and makes me feel like a Techie! I Can Do It! Happy Dance,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
January 26, 2013 at 8:11 pm #
Wow, I’m glad I could finally get your post here, Donna.
That really great. I love this plugin and I will actually use it for a client of mine who needs just that. This info came just at the right time for me. What I wasn’t able to get, though, is the exact name of the plugin. Can you give me the name?
Thank you, for this it was fun and very valuable.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How Much Impact Do Your Words Have On Your Children?
Glad you made it through Sylviane,
I thank you for your patience. It’s called WP Optins 2.0 It is an exclusive license that Kimberly obtained and I am syndicating it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hey Donna,
I watched you in the video I BELIEVE YOU… wow, even so you look like me when it comes to tech stuff (we are very, very similar:-) I could not believe that you made it, wow, that was some kind of surprise at 2:30am haha 🙂
It is always nice to read your post… but this is special since you touched what it hurts (for me since I have some LITTLE challenges when it come to tech stuff haha:-)
Thanks so much for sharing and for being so brave 🙂
nick catricala recently posted..Lost Direction 2
Hi Nick,
Yes, I was caught off guard on this one, but Kim showed me step by step and then I purchased it.
I tried to keep up with David and his sales pages, but it is so confusing.
Now I can do it all by my self!
Glad you enjoyed the video,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Kim is the greatest isn’t she!!! I find that people who say they are technically challenged are often times the best students. Its those that think they know everything that are hard to teach new things to LOL.
Clint Butler recently posted..The Perfect SEO Strategy For 2013
Of course, I had to purchase this plug in after that! It was so amazing.
Kim always keeps me posted of the latest and greatest. And more than that, I am blessed she is in my circle of friends because she has gotten me out of so tough spots!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: marquitaherald
January 26, 2013 at 5:32 pm #
Hey Donna – well first of all I have to give you a BIG pat on the back for being such a good sport! I’m fairly comfortable working with my blog as long as I don’t have to deal with too much code, but I will confess the whole squeeze page thing has eluded me up to now. But I can see why Kim likes this so much, and I am definitely going to invest in it. Thanks again for going through all of this for us.
marquita herald recently posted..The Value of Expressing Praise, Admiration and Appreciation
Hi Marty,
This is one great plug in. I am having a blast with it and I’ve tried to work with others and they were too complicated for me.
Why re-invent the wheel when all we can do now is fill in the blanks!
When something works, I just have to spread it around.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
January 26, 2013 at 4:48 pm #
I think you know I’ve used lots of methods to build squeeze and sales pages, Donna.
But this looks like as powerful and simple a plugin I’ve seen to get this done fast on any WordPress site. I’m lovin’ it!
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Keeping Pace With Online Communications
Hey my readers, If you don’t know by now, David is my husband. He takes care of all the squeeze pages and sales pages that I do! He is far more technical than me which makes us a good team.
But now I can do this all by myself and alleviate David from a task. We both are having fun with this new plug in.
Thanks David for all your help, but watch out boy…I’m catching up to you lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Kim has that effect on all of us. I enjoyed the video. I was up in the middle of the night with both of you. 😉 You did a great job! 🙂
Brian Hawkins recently posted..Contest – Win A Blog Engage Spotlight – On Us!
Thanks Brian.
It was so much fun. I remember you being there too. What a hoot and what a great way to introduce a product!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
January 25, 2013 at 2:01 pm #
Hey Donna,
Sorry I gotta disagree with you dear ~ “My readers know by now I am not a technical person”. You are but you try not to 😉 lol… Now you did it and no excuses again Donna. You are a brilliant techie and welcome onboard dear 😉
The moment when you find that you can do something you thought you couldn’t 😉 The feeling of awesomeness is never go away. Glad to hear Kim was there for you and now you I just wanna say ~ Donna, the TECHIE 🙂
Hope you guys are fine over there 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Schedule Your Posts in Blogger
Thanks Mayura,
You brought a big smile to my face with your comment. This video was a surprise to me. Kimberly had asked me to come over to chat at 2 am So I did!!!
The rest is in the video!
If I can do this anyone can and I am doing a happy dance with my new toy!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
January 28, 2013 at 12:43 pm #
I can hear ya and see your happy dance Donna 😉 You just made me smile with the joy in your words too dear.
Ha ha… I’ve just noticed David’s comment below too. Now who’s the best techie in the house? 😉
Happy dancing Donna 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Schedule Your Posts in Blogger
Donna, I can’t seem to load the video 🙁 Not sure if the link isn’t working or my connection is too slow but I want to know what plugin you’re using! I’m big on plugins. You can do a lot with very little technical knowledge which makes my life a whole lot easier. I know how awesome it is when you see the light and learn to do something that you thought was way beyond you. Sounds like you had a good week… a lot better than last!
Carol Lynn recently posted..The Plagiarism Problem: Is Someone Stealing Your Content? An Interview With Jonathan Bailey
Hi Carol,
It is fixed now. There was some hiccups going on with all the linking, but it’s fixed.
I thought it was an overflow from the week from hell last week. But it wasn’t on my part Phew!
I love plug ins that are easy to use because I am so not technical. This one is awesome and when something works, I like to spread the news.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes