What is “personal development” anyway?
To some degree, it involves growing through adversity instead of shrinking from it.
I want to share what happened to me last week when EVERYTHING went wrong!
It started when people were telling me that they couldn’t comment on my blog. I checked it out and I could not even leave a reply. Panic struck immediately! Oh my gosh..what the heck do I do now? In the midst of the panic, I heard a big “Ouch” from upstairs. I ran up to see what happened to my husband and his old knee injury from playing football had been exacerbated. Result: a huge swollen knee and total bed confinement.
Priorities! Priorities! I left my blog stagnating while I attended David’s knee. He couldn’t move a muscle without severe pain. I couldn’t even touch his leg, it was so painful. As the adrenaline rushed to my brain I recalled the last time this happened. We went to the hospital where he had to stay for days on end until a nurse came in with a giant needle. Keep in mind, David needs his hand held when he has to take a blood test. (Some football player). But this needle was so huge, that even I wanted to escape.
I forced myself to be calm and strong for him, as I jumped behind him and held him still as the nurse aspirated fluid from his knee. The pain was unbearable, plus it still took a few weeks for him to heal and walk again.
But I digress….
Wanting to call 911 for an ambulance to get him out of this pain, I stopped, regained my composure and did a few breathing techniques that I have learned. A little more clear headed now, we had to make a choice. Do we go to the hospital and revisit the nurse and the needle? Do we dare camp out for hours in the Emergency Room with the flu running rampant? Do we call “The Doctor” which will probably loop us back to the hospital, anyway? NO!
We called our acupuncturist. She was a surgeon in China and now does acupuncture here in the U.S. She advised us to come to her office. After painstakingly helping him get dressed, I wondered how the heck David was going to walk? Oh, it hit me…there is a walker in the basement from this event having occurred several years ago. It took us forever for him to walk from the parking lot to the office. But after one hour, the pain had subsided a wee bit and the swelling began to recede a tiny bit.
Remember, this is a man afraid of needles. So, as he lay on the table, squeezing my hand, he reminded me of a woman giving birth. The acupuncturist and I were doing breathing with him (can anyone say “lamaze”?). It was a funny scene, lol.
As I waited, I thought of my stagnant blog, but this clearly took precedence over business.
We finally got home with our Chinese remedies and I put him to bed. Rushing around to get him well nourished, I slipped and fell. Oh no! I sprained my wrist! How am I ever going to write?
Then the snow began…I had to go out and shovel, sprained wrist and all. Plus, I had to take my three dogs out to do their business every few hours, right up to midnight (can anyone say, “3 Dog Night”?). PHEW!
My Blog? That will have to wait.
The moral to this story is that, in exercising our Daily Method of Operation (DMO), we do have to realize that things sometimes go wrong. Sometimes it happens all at once.
It is not so much the situation, because that can be fixed, but it is the emotion carried with it that I want to point out.
Things go wrong and anxiety sets in. As adrenaline rushes, your head spins so much you may not watch where you are walking… and fall, like I did!
When things go wrong, and they will, breathe. Looking back at that one day, I am grateful that I’ve learned to apply various breathing techniques. Deep breathing, expanding my stomach as I inhale, contracting it while exhaling all the tension; all the while, visualizing my body at peace. I have been doing this one a long time, so it was easy for me to resort to it in a moment of need.
There are other ways to help stop the emotional slide. But if you master, and practice just one modality of focus, you will have your umbrella ready on a stormy day. One of the great truism of life seems to be, that when it rains, it pours.
P.S. David is healing at his body’s pace, my wrist is OK and my blog fixed!
Hi Donna,
you both certainly had an enourmous challenge even just with David’s knee.
I take my hat of to you for handling all of that and staying focused.
It is good to hear that David is healing with a natural method!How is he now?
Keeping level headed and focused is a good skill to practise whe times are rough!
Thank you for sharing your insights.
Love and Light
Yorinda recently posted..Uses of Sole the Himalayan Salt Solution
Hi Yorinda,
Well David is 99% better, but he has to avoid steps. Still testing after all this time, but it did come from an old football injury. Time to move and purchase a ranch!
We all have these kinds of obstacles in our way..it’s life! But we cannot let it over power us.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..11 Limiting Beliefs
Oh my word…this was an article written JUST for me! I get so overwhelmed with all that is happening in my life that when I have the slightest moments of stagnation – or PERCEIVED stagnation – I lock up and stall further. What is happen in actuality is just real life…not stagnation at all! It’s so hard to remember that when you’re in the middle of something. I tell you, the story of David’s lamaze experience was funny, Donna! The laughter helped me a lot, and I’m definitely going to endeavor to keep perspective from here. Thanks for this. You helped me a great deal! **hugs**
I’m glad you enjoyed this Christi!
Bringing a smile to someone’s face is my main goal lol!
Life happens….we just have to learn how to deal with things that do go wrong sometimes. And that is the essence…dealing with it.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..What’s Your Why?
Donna, thank you for such a relevant post. Things will go wrong: that’s one absolute we can count on in life. I appreciate the kindness, compassion and love you modeled for us in how you took care of Dave. Having done some looking inward, I realize that I have tended to go into “helpless” mode when stress strikes. By breathing, calling on God, and reaching out to others, I can overcome that tendency in myself.
Thank you Steve!
There is a lot said about breathing! I’ve been practicing it so long that I can do it in an instant.
That is the thing about self-development. We need not only to read and learn all about it, but we do need to apply it!
Works for me!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..8 Simple Strategies to Nurture Your Online Brand
I know exactly what it feels like to have multiple things go wrong. Its good to hear that you relied on breathing techniques to help relieve stress from these events. I use a hot sauna and to relax fully it helps to breathe through the heat. I feel so much better afterwards. I never realized the full potential of how important breathing is in calming and relieving stress.
Ashley Porter recently posted..Improve Your Life In 2013
Absolutely Ashley,
Breathing is one sure way of lowering our stress levels. It is just one of the things I do when things build up.
Thank you for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hello Donna glad to see you got it all sorted out, I know have upsetting something like this can be.
We spend so much time on our blogs it becomes a part of us.
I wish you have a even better week my friend it’s always a pleasure. Have a wonderful day. Rob
RobG recently posted..How Do Bloggers Start Their Day? Hey You, Wake Up.
Hi Rob,
Thank you! I like to point out to folks that we all have those days or weeks where everything goes wrong.
The point is, we have control and many mechanisms we can use to calm down and deal with it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hello Donna,I have always look at life as a roller-coaster, we have our ups and downs,it seems like n on going cycle.
I think once you realize that you’ll be fine because you know it’s a passing phase.
Thank you for a very interesting post Donna always a pleasure…Rob
RobG recently posted..How Do Bloggers Start Their Day? Hey You, Wake Up.
Twitter: harleenas
January 26, 2013 at 9:19 am #
Gosh Donna! You surely seem to have undergone a lot, and I am sorry for all that. But yes, I am glad you are over that passing phase of your life, which in most of our lives too – comes and goes.
Interestingly, don’t such moments test us and give us a lesson to learn in disguise? Yes, perhaps He was testing your patience, which you passed with flying colors.
I can well imagine how it is like in this biting cold, when the aches and pains double up. Not to mention your three dogs who need to go out! I have a tough time when I have to take mine out, if I am faced with such a situation too, so hats-off to you. But they are great and understand things, and will wait if need be too (though not for too long!)
Blog issues…that’s what Adrienne faced last week too, though nice to know that both of you are over it. It sure makes your pulse race, more so if you haven’t scheduled anything up because you are caught up with other emergencies or priorities.
Thanks for sharing more of you with us, and stay healthy. 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..How Do You Cope With Stress
It was so funny how Adrienne and I both had crazy weeks. We were going back and forth on Facebook seeking help with one thing or another.
But when everything goes wrong all at once, I keep thinking, OK lets get this over with so I can have a great time after this bump in the road.
Good thing I have many techniques up my sleeve that I practice when things go wrong!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Hey Donna
Wow that is very hectic! its great you were so calm even in the midst of such stress and angst!
I always try to think its always going to get better.
Regard Jessica.
Jessica vanZyl recently posted..The ‘Fake’ STONES Get Into Trouble
Hi Jessica
That is the main thing here. When things go wrong, we need to focus and stay calm to handle the situation.
My breathing technique sure came in handy this week!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Donna, you had me laughing when I envisioned David on the table and that nurse with the huge needle,
poor man, most men can’t handle pain when it’s administered like that, and yet they don’t complain
when they get knocked over on the footy field.
I had acupuncture a number of time for my injured knee, and it helped the pain and swelling a lot!
Julieanne van Zyl recently posted..Get Visitors To Blog With Pinterest Marketing
Hi Juieanne,
Yes, I think we all had a good chuckle over David. But he’s a good sport and knows I am writing about him. lol
I find that most men do have a low tolerance for needles. Now he is a pro. He flies to Acupuncture and learned how to relax during that hour session.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: DrErica
January 26, 2013 at 1:03 am #
And I had a sink drain that was clogged. The building manager put a makeshift plastic tube in there, not long enough and on an angle instead of perpendicular. So, the next day, both sinks backed up and there was a flood underneath. I was also dealing with a neighbor intruding upon my parking space. So the anxiety built over worrying about my car and then thinking, “What if it’s not fixed and I can’t use the sink. And I had all these events to attend in the next few days, one for one of my license certification requirements.
Somehow, I focused on watching the Australian Open tennis, writing my next blog in my 30 day blogging challenge, getting to my health club as part of my 365 day challenge of walking 1 mile/day. So, while I was at a local Women in ECommerce event, the sink drain was repaired. The car situation is only temporarily ameliorated. And life gets back to normal.
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..Melatonin and your Health: 11 Factors You Ought to Know. Guest Post by Clare Kelway
Thank you for sharing your experience Erica!
These things do happen and it is even worse when we teach people how to deal with this stuff.
That is why I was inspired to write this post. Just Breathe! There are so many things we can do when things all go wrong.
Here I notice that you took the approach of what I call “opposite action” – instead of wallowing in worries, you focused on tennis, your heath club and blog.
Things do take care of themselves. It is how we handle it that counts.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: alanjenkin
January 25, 2013 at 6:18 pm #
I love it, Donna! Just one word – “Breathe”.
You certainly had a bunch of things happen at once, but the good news is that you probably got a whole lot of bad stuff out of the way very quickly 😉
I really enjoy that you could write about it in in such a droll way. I’m sure it took a while to get a sense of humor about it. Maybe the second action after breathe should be “laugh”!
I’m glad you’re both better now.
Alan Jenkin recently posted..Kill the Java Exploit
Oh I’m laughing at myself Alan!
Sometimes I rather have everything go wrong all at once. This way I get it all over with.lol
That’s how I look at it. I guess the glass of water is half full!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..How I Became A Techie In 20 Minutes
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
January 24, 2013 at 9:29 pm #
Wow, Donna,
Now I have the whole picture of your crazy week. Yes, things good or bad tend to come in bundle because it’s the law of attraction! You know vibration attracts like vibration and that’s why a negative thing rarely comes alone.
I hope the whole bad stuff is behind you now, and things will get back to a more calm state. I’m sure after all that the blog comment wasn’t such a big deal after all. I came to your blog many times recently and never had a problem though.
I had to laugh about David being scared of needles because it’s such a male thing. Men tend to be way more afraid of needles than women are 🙂
Thanks for sharing all that!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How Much Impact Do Your Words Have On Your Children?
Hi Sylviane,
Yes, it was a crazy week, but when looking at it from a view of the Law of Attraction, It made sense.
It was a big wake up call. Sometimes the universe has to push you down so you can bounce up higher.
As all this went on, I remembered to apply my technique of breathing. I had to walk my talk!
Then afterwards, everything became so clear. All the changes we are doing in our lives are bigger than we were seeing. Thinking of moving to another country, filling paper work. Business booming in a good direction. All at once!
No wonder why David’s injury blew up….it was fear he was experiencing in his body. As for me, when I fell and hurt my wrist, I knew then to stop thing of my internet work and deal with issues my body was telling me.
And yes, we are all laughing at David and his fear of needles, but at least he has overcome that now and is a good sport about us laughing!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Twitter: Lisapatb
January 24, 2013 at 8:09 pm #
Oh yes, things always go wrong. Wow, acupuncture for the dog? I go myself and recently for my arm. It does wonders 🙂 Love it.
I hope he is doing best as well as your own wrist. Geez. That’s a lot on one’s plate all at once.
Lisa recently posted..Triberr Quick Tips to Get Your Blog Traffic Going
Twitter: marquitaherald
January 24, 2013 at 5:58 pm #
Okay, I know it’s not funny, but I could not help but chuckle picturing you and the acupuncturist breathing along with David! Obviously your blog is mended, and I hope you and David are both feeling much better. It does seem that things have a way of piling up all at one time, and the only way to get to the other side is – as you say – to go through it.
marquita herald recently posted..The Value of Expressing Praise, Admiration and Appreciation
Thanks so much!
Yes my Acupuncturist and I were both laughing. She said in a strong Chinese Accent “He like a woman in labor!”
And it’s a good thing I was laughing because he squeezed my hand so tightly, I barely felt the pain!
Now his fear of needles are gone! He looks forward to his sessions and is healing nicely.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna…congratulations on breathing through it…what a great opportunity to flow with what is happening. Glad you and David are on the mend and that your blog is back as well.
I had just a small taste of what you experienced when I lost both my phone and my internet connection for the better part of 2 days after some repair person cut a cable. I actually thought about you a few times when I was down because I had read a mini version of your post on Facebook. Clearly this is a message I need to hear… Your blog post was one of the first things that showed up when I finally got back on line a few minutes ago. Thanks for sharing your experience…it is a real inspiration.
Celeste Smucker recently posted..How a Dream can Change the World
Hi Celeste,
I guess you had your share too last week! I found that many people did have things turned upside down. That gave me the incentive to write this blog post!
Funny how when you got back your connection this was one of the first things that showed up.
See…we are not alone in this journey!
Be well,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna,I am so sorry to read about this avalanche of negative events, I had read some pieces while driving up and down from Italy to Switzerland, preparing for my move.Sometimes things happen and we need to breathe. We are so caught up in things that we tend to take our health for granted, our partners health for granted, our pc for granted etc etc…When stuff happens to me I have learned to say thank you.Thank you Universe, God for reminding me to see what are the real priorities in my life and how to appreciate what is.And as you say so wisely Donna, the blog can wait!
ps: If David wants some help with needle phobia let me know, I can help him!
Patricia Gozlan recently posted..5 Easy Ways Spiritual Business Owners Can Prosper in The Midst of Change
Hi Patricia!
You said it all – when these things happen, we need to say Thank You God for reminding me to see what the real priorities are in my life and appreciate them.
I’m always mindful of gratefulness, especially my husband, but now I look at him and am more grateful than ever.
Oh BTW After 5 visits with Acupuncture, David is now well adjusted to needles. The first time he looked like a woman in labor he he, but now he doesn’t need me to hold his hand. He looks forward to that hour of peace while he lays on the table and meditates.
I was going to call you if he was having a problem. You were the first thought in my mind. Thank you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
January 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm #
Boy are you and I on the save wavelength Donna! We both had a crappy week last week and as you very well know, I had issues with my blog too.
Thank goodness I didn’t have anything else happening in my life at the time so for that I am grateful.
I did the same thing Donna, I had to step back, breath and get a hold of myself. Actually, I look at this as a test. It dawned on me that maybe the big man is testing me to see if I’ll walk the talk since I’ve been doing so darn good for quite awhile now. Yes, I read daily devotionals every morning along with my gratitude and prayer so I thought okay, I can handle this.
I’m upset, I’m scrambling, everything is going wrong, but it’s out of my control. Get in touch with the necessary people, get the ball rolling and that’s all you can do. The rest will happen and in other people’s hands.
You’re right, we need to just take a step back and breath. Things happen, it’s just part of life but it will all work out in the end. They always do.
Adrienne recently posted..My Holy Water Came Too Late
I know we had the same kind of week! Now we can look back and laugh. I like to do that when I go through this kind of stuff. Look at myself and just laugh at how I may have gotten caught up in the moment, then fell on my butt and sprained my wrist. (Funny Picture)
The big lesson learned for me was that I am more grateful now than ever that David is in my life. Doing all m stuff and his was exhausting.
Taking the dogs out in the snow with my gear on (have to laugh), Making my own breakfast? David does that. Cleaning up after dinner (another job by David) And answering the phone? Jeez I never do that! I can write a big list.. But I do appreciate him more now than ever.
I read your blog and have to laugh once again because of the holy water you received at the end of your crazy week.
Everything happens for a reason. I think we both learned this past week.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna,
We don’t always have control over what happens. Much of the quality of our life depends on how we deal these unexpected events. Prioritizing is not always easy either. The dog will have to wait is a good example of this. Loved the picture of your doggie.
Funny recount of what can go wrong…in a big way.
Hope David heals fast and you as well.
Enjoyed reading your blog post.
Tonya Stephens recently posted..The Top 10 Home Based Business Tax Deductions
Hi Tonya,
Glad you stopped by.
So true when you say “Much of the quality of our life depends on how e deal with unexpected events.”
They will always be there, but it is how we deal with it that matters.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Whoa, Donna, I know I saw you post some things about your husband’s knee and all that but you always do it without complaining so it never sounded that serious! Yikes, all that stuff going wrong at once is enough to make someone really go crazy. I have had moments like that and it’s not pretty! It’s weird how the universe seems to rain down all these things at once.
No wonder you put your blog on hold… though I’m not sure you did that either because here you are. You’re a little Energizer Bunny… just keep on going.
When a bunch of stuff happens at once it can get really confusing. You’re trying to deal with one thing, then something else comes up so now you split your energy and the next thing you know you’re scattered all over the place and feel like you’re going to fall apart. So you got that right – stop and breathe!
You have to stop your brain from all that spinning and chasing solutions. Take a breath and focus on one thing. I bet you wouldn’t even have thought of the walker in the basement if you didn’t take a moment to stop.
Well, I’m sorry to hear about all your troubles but glad things are looking better. And as always, you use them to inspire! Thanks for my daily dose 🙂
Carol Lynn recently posted..Steal This Editorial Calendar. Your Blog Will Thank You.
Hi Carol,
Yes it was a doozy of a week. But when things happen all at once, we must ground and center ourselves to deal with things efficiently. No need to let our emotions override our decision making process.
I wanted to share my own experience because using just one technique like breathing can pull it all together and make you think in a clear focused manner.
Well, My wrist is fine and David is on a slow recovery process. A little antsy because he is usually very active and this made him slow down. But, the Universe is a wise one – Everything happens for a reason. In fact, he is working on a membership site with a guy from Thailand. Now he can be up in the middle of the night and work together with someone half way around the world.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
January 24, 2013 at 7:34 am #
Hi Donna,
I didn’t see your comments down here though. Glad it’s back. But oh… You have been through enough lately. That’s a lot dear. Hope David is fine up there and your wrist is getting better. Things can get worse as you say and I think it’s not the time to panic either.
Priorities matters. Really it’s true dear. So do what’s necessar for you and I think we all here would understand that perfectly.
That’s wonderful how personal experiences comes to play and teach lessons for others to be aware of. You are very brave enough there Donna 🙂 Proud of you dear.
As I’ve been familiar with meditation, deep breaths are something I used to do to calm myself and focus on what I need to do dear 🙂 I really believe in it and it worked for me too.
You take care there Donna 🙂
Mayura recently posted..How to Use Multiple Google Accounts at Once
Hi Mayura,
Once we practice breathing techniques and meditation, it comes in handy when facing a situation like this.
In my meditation, I have my “safe place” that I created a long time ago. Because I meditate quite often, I can slip into this safe place of mine in a few seconds. It is my haven in a storm.
Thank you for visiting and my wrist is fine with Chinese topical herbs. David is slowly recovering with Acupuncture. Now his fear of needles have gone away!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna
Wow what a week you had!! I would not wish that on anyone. I am glad that David is on the mend and that both your wrist and blog are good now.
Life has a habit of getting in the way! we have to take a step back (and breathe like you say) and prioritize, in my mind our family is most important and they must always come first, the business (although very important) can wait.
The best thing is not to panic, not an easy thing to do, but we need to access the situation and make the decision of what to do first. Sounds like you have it all under control now.
Have a great day.
Pauline recently posted..How To Funnel Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest Users Onto Your Email List
Hi Pauline,
Absolutely! Don’t Panic! Panic only brings more confusion and effects our decision making process.
When things like this happen, we need to take a deep breath, step back and look at the whole picture.
Then, we can make our decisions and focus on family issues, knowing that business will still be there when we get back!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hi Donna, What a week you had! Sometimes life just get’s completely derailed and I often wonder why these things seem to come all at once. Are we somehow in our subconscious setting off a chain reaction?
Anyway, I’m glad to see your blog is back up and running, your wrist is not too bad and your husband is on the road to recovery, although if he’s anything like my husband, he’ll be a terrible patient 🙂 Oh, and please could you send us some of your snow? I’m in Telluride, Colorado and we are in desperate need of some 🙂
Louise recently posted..How To Use Twitter For Business – The Science Of Twitter – 10 Tips
Hi Louise,
Yes, when things all happen at once I always think that it is better that way sometimes. Get it all over with!
I just had to share my experience so others can understand that we need to make room for ourselves when life stuff happens.
No need to stress it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Twitter: suejprice
January 24, 2013 at 2:10 am #
Hi Donna
You did have a challenging week for sure. I am a bit like David with needles but I do have regular acupuncture. I do not mind those little ones but not the big guys!
Glad your blog is fixed as this time last week I could not comment as you know. And good your wrist is healing too.
As you know I too had my DMO get thrown totally last year with family illness and the like. It happens and we need to be flexible. Stuff happens!
Here is to a much better week for you this week Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Freedom – What Does It Mean to You?
Oh Sue,
Those family issues really rocked your boat. But it is Life and we need to be flexible.
Sometimes it is difficult especially if we are in the middle of a project and a family member is ill.
Flexibility is the key!
Thanks Sue and prayers to you and your family,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hey Donna, Great Article. I feel this way sometimes, and you are totally correct when you talk about “breathing”. Sometimes if I get really upset, I just shutdown and take a long walk, and by the time I return, I see so many thing differently and it makes it much easier to cope. Thanks for the article as I did receive value, and it was interesting.
Hi Carol!
It is such a simple method, but one we forget! When too many things happen at once, we must breathe, or take a walk, or do ANYTHING that relieves anxiety.
Glad you enjoyed it
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hey Donna,
Very frustrating when your blog is down (or comments) and your husband is too! I hate needles can’t stand them either. In fact, I just look away. Controlling your breathing is one thing fighters learn. Think about it you train for 6-8 weeks for a fight and you break your body down to nothing. One thing you always here in the corner is breathe. You are relieving your anxiety getting rid of any doubts that the guy you is fighting is killing you and the fact that you can’t see out of your left eye.
I had a similar thing Tuesday. My internet was down and had to call Time Warner Cable. The tech wasn’t very helpful at all. After an hour of talking to her (could hardly understand her) I asked to speak to someone else. Didn’t get anywhere and basically just had a tech come to my house this morning. Got the wireless fixed. In the meantime I just played video games, wrote a couple articles, annoyed my lizards, and worked out. Setting back and looking at it now I have learned from past experiences it makes no sense to get mad about it. I plan for the worst and have all my post ready to go. Even if I am away; I will get caught up soon.
Garen recently posted..How I Do Link-Building In 2013
Hey Garen,
I like the analogy of the fighters. Breathing is an instant calming down.
Seems like lots of people had things go wrong last week. Ohhh Your internet down? The frustration of talking to a tech? I know that feeling.
As I wrote this blog and inserted my dog and his expressions, I thought of you. Wouldn’t it be great to have your lizards posted on your blog post.
Makes it interesting. You can use one as an avatar of a person that needs help. Something edgey! Just sayn
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong
Hehe yeah I will put in some pictures of my lizards on my blog. I use them for contest and stuff. Corny stuff like that interview with Justin. Speedy says hi…lol. I will surprise people with some lizards thrown in there. Maybe I should have one of my gecko’s pop her head up and say join my mailing list mate.
Garen recently posted..Giveaways – Part 1 Interview With Justin Germino
That will be awesome Garen!
We have to share our little friends that we live with don’t we?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Things Go Wrong