In this post, I want to introduce my readers to some wonderful people, some of my fellow bloggers who write about personal development and growth. I’ve known these fantastic people for a long time now, and enjoy their work.
So here is a list of my friends and fellow bloggers that are in write in the Self Development field, as I do.
Sylviane Nuccio – who understands “law of attraction” principles, and works with the subconscious mind. Sylviane has a passion to teach others to get rid of old patterns by transforming their subconscious minds for best results and a changed life.
You can read more about Sylviane on her blog:
Marquita Herald – “Marty” is passionate about personal freedom and accepting the power and authority we each have to create our own best lives. Her blog is about how to live your life with intention, develop greater resilience, understand the process of life transitions, and make a difference in the world You can find out more about her on her blog:
Nick Catricala – Nick is a very interesting man who deals with Health, Wealth, Harmony, Wisdom and Spirituality. These topics have become his obsession and he’s happy to announce that he is now in great shape, optimum health, spiritually connected and grounded, balanced, ready, willing and able to give back 100% into supporting others in whatever way possible, with God as his Guide. His posts are always mind challenging and you can find out more about him on his blog:
Stephen Borgman Steve writes about personal success factors like discovering your life purpose, creating your personal and career development plans, identifying and managing your brand, and personal leadership for success. His blog is:
Harleena Singh – Aha!NOW is a Self-Development, Life, and Family (SELF) help blogzine owned and maintained by Harleena Singh.
She is a working mother – a professional freelance writer and a blogger. As a mom, she understands the importance of family in achieving a better health and life. She has created Aha!NOW as a platform to exchange views, thoughts, and questions about parenting, teenagers, self-improvement, family, and other related aspects of life.
You can find her blog at:
Please visit these awesome people who are doing such great work! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
Be Blessed,
Donna Merrill
thanks for putting this together Donna. I am a sucker fopr personal development and I was not aware of any of these blogs, so i appreciate it for putting it together. I will be sure to visit them!
Lisa recently posted..Let The Past Go
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoy my bloggers I mentioned. They are all great.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Why I’m Reviewing The Empower Network Again
I have heard of Harleena, but not the others. I have some good reading on my hands. It is always nice to read about concepts unfamiliar to me, and see what I can learn from them.
Hi and welcome Dakota!
I’m sure you will enjoy some good reading here. There is never too much to learn.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Guest Posting – Tried And Tested Brand Boosters!
Hi Donna,
thank you for sharing these 5 blogs.
I do enjoy Marquitta’s, Stephen’s and Nick’s posts very much and read at least one a week.
Thanks for introducing me to the other two sites.
Much appreciated!
Love and Light
Yorinda recently posted..Loving Kindness Prayer
Hey Donna, you trick me to write a good comment… I know, this is why you mentioned my name haha 🙂 You are so sweet, I will take the “trick” back, OK????
THANKS so much for adding me in your great blog… it is a privilege and hope I can leave up to the high standard that you placed me…
You do so much for so many people, it is amazing how in the world you manage to do it all.
I am certain you have many more friends who write great blogs and share helpful information… I like to add here a THANK you for all of them, and when you chat with them, you can share it for me, hoping they appreciated it.
Thanks so much once again Donna.
All the best of all you do, say and think with God as Your Guide.
nick catricala recently posted..Everything Happens For a Reason
You already live up to the “standards” because you blog not only with the knowledge that you have, but with your heart.
You have been such an inspiration to me with your kind nature and loving heart.
Yes I do know many more awesome people in this niche, but I only wanted to place 5 at a time. More will come……
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
The sweetness will come back to you ten fold Donna.. thanks once again and wish you all the best in all you do with your Loving Heart. nickc
nick catricala recently posted..Everything Happens For a Reason
Hello Donna,
what a lovely line up. I have been to Harleena’s blog and to be honest with you, i loved it there but i haven’t been to the rest. let me check out the rest blog and see for my self 😉 thanks for this lovely post
Babanature recently posted..Turning Your Pc Into a Wifi Hotspot Without Using Software Or Application
Oh I’m sure that if you know Harleena, you will enjoy my other friends have listed here.
Each one has their unique way to help with personal development.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Donna, thank you for the mention! It’s an honor, as Harleena stated, to be mentioned on your blog. I’ve known and loved Marquita, Sylvia, and Nick for a while now, but I had not known about Harleena. I look forward to getting to know her and her blog better. Thank you, too, for all the great insights you post here on your blog.
Hi Steve,
You have done so much great work, you are worth the mention. I know we run in the same circles of those you know, but when you get to Harleena’s blog she will blow you away!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Awesome Donna! As much as I love personal development, I look forward to visiting your friends. I appreciate how you gave a description for each blogger where you indicate their focus. What a great way to highlight how personal development comes in many forms.
Thanks for sharing!
Dena Lynn
Dena-Lynn recently posted..Maximize Your Potential by Being Open Minded
Yes Deana
Personal Development comes in many forms. Not everyone responds to one certain type. This is way I gave a few of my connections out on this post.
My goal is to see people grow. I know there are many modalities of how to do it. If only one person gets inspired from this post, I’ve done my job!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna,
Thanks so much for sharing your faves! I’ve only started reading Sylviane’s posts and I’m loving it! Harleena is awesome and her posts are so beautiful 🙂
I’ll definitely be looking at the other’s you’ve shared. Coming from you, they have to be good! Hope all is going well 🙂 Have a great day and enjoy the rest of the week!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Making Money As A Freelance Writer
Thank you Corina!
I am sure you will enjoy the others on my list. Each person brings something different in the personal development field.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
February 13, 2013 at 1:47 pm #
Hi Donna.
Thanks for sharing these wonderful people who do self help with us. There are so many people out there who write this, but I prefer a personal reference as you have given here. Trustworthy people you’ve recommended will help alot of people in their endeavors to become who they want to be. Appreciate the info.
Barbara Charles recently posted..The Trouble With Twitter – Feeling Confused About Twitter?
I have learned this method a long time ago Barbara.
This has been the backbone of my off line business. When I had my Psychic Shop Mind over Matter, there were always too many people for me to handle, so I set up a referral system of people in the local area for them to see if they were visiting for the day.
These people were shocked because their mindset was that I was giving up business. But what happened was I earned their trust and respect for being a person looking out for their good.
Hey this is what business is all about.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
One of the best parts of the internet is being able to connect with people I otherwise would never have met. I enjoy reading the blogs of four of the people you have listed here. And the other, I just haven’t read yet, but now I can.
The fact that you are recommending them puts them right at the top of the list of people to pay attention to. Thank you for creating this list, and for sharing some cool stuff and good people around the internet.
Michael Shook recently posted..Positive Thinking Made Simple
Hey Michael,
I just love to share a good thing. In this blog post I decided to share just some of some people in my niche…like you..
I am going to try to do this at least once a month so my readers will have many choices of growth.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
That’s some people you have listed here, Donna. I know Harleena and I will be checking out the others in ‘our never ending quest in finding awesome friends’.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jan,
Harleena rocks! I’m sure you will end up with some awesome friends by connecting with the others. Not only are they are great self development people, but also great bloggers.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Donna! I absolutely love that you’re showing love to the PD community 🙂
I also love that there’s people I’ve interacted with here, as well as some ‘new to me’ faces.
I can tell you love relationships 🙂
Jason “J-Ryze” Fonceca recently posted..6 Examples Of Hater-Handling (To Boost Your Confidence)
Yes Jason,
I love Relationships!!! I like to share others to benefit my readers. There is always someone new that can enhance your life.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: nkeriakos
February 12, 2013 at 12:13 pm #
Hi Donna,
I know Sylviane and I visit her blog on a regular basis and I have read a guest post for Marquita here on your blog but not the others on your list so I will add them to my to-do-list and I will head over and check them out later.
Thanks for sharing Donna, very kind of you.
I hope you have a great rest of the week!!
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
If you get the time, the other bloggers are great to connect with. I Know you are interested in Self Development and am sure you would like them.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna,

Thank you for putting these great blogs together here as a reference..I will definitely check them out.
Have a great day!
Tonya Stephens recently posted..MLM Forums | 5 Things To Know Before Joining
Hi Tonya,
Thanks for coming by. Yes, these are great people to check out. I know you will enjoy it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: suejprice
February 12, 2013 at 2:27 am #
Hi Donna
What a great idea for a post. Given my world has been about Personal Development for so long it is good to be introduced to a couple of blogs I have not visited before.
It is interesting that the 5 blogs have different themes. There are so many different aspects to personal development. I love it!
Thanks Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Be Do Have and Create More Success
Hi Sue,
I knew you would like this one! Yes, they each have different themes that is why I narrowed it down to these five on this post.
People respond to different things, so hopefully whoever comes by can be sparked to grow just a little bit more!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Well I know two and a half of these people 🙂 Sylviane, Marquita and I recently met Harleena so I have to get to know her better. The others are brand new for me and they must be goodies if they’re here. Glad to check them out, thanks for sharing!
Carol Lynn recently posted..Creating A Logo For Your Business Does Not Have To End In Disaster
Oh it’s so good to know that you will visit the others you don’t know Carol.
There is always room for another learning curve to perfect our inner selves.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna,
Thanks for sharing some of my favorite Personal Development blogs! I’m glad to see Sylviane and Marquita listed. Marquita and Steve were recipients in a Top Personal Development contest this year. I love reading these blogs. They are my daily dose of inspiration and positiveness! I have visited and
commented on every blog you listed except Harleena Singh. If you recommended her, I’ll make my way over and check it out!
Raena Lynn
Raena Lynn recently posted..The Prosperity Game Journal Part 2
Hi Raena,
Thanks for visiting the others you don’t know…I think you know Nick from B3….He is such a kind man.
Harleena is constantly writing great stuff.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
February 11, 2013 at 6:17 pm #
Well Donna, I know three of the five so you’ve given me two more to visit and if you recommend them then I know they’re great. Heck the three that I do know are great so there ya have it.
Wow, I know they appreciate it as well because I see they’ve stopped by and commented. I appreciate you introducing us to some other great bloggers.
Enjoy your week Donna and hope your Monday has been a good one.
Adrienne recently posted..My Favorite Social Sharing Plugin, Share Juice Pro
Hi Adrienne!
I’m sure you will enjoy my other Self Development Bloggers. Too bad I cut it down to five.
In the future I will like to bring on another five of them because we all learn differently and respond to different things when on our learning journey.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Great list Donna, I am familiar with two of these bloggers. It is good you have chosen to give a little love to your fellow bloggers.
I think we all should scribe to better ourselves. I enjoy the messages you share and the positivity of your blog.
Sylviane and Harleena are also positive. I will check out the other bloggers.
Michael Belk recently posted..Define Ethical Behavior
Hi Michael,
These are but a few great bloggers in this niche that I work closely with. There are so much more, but I didn’t want to make it an overkill blog post.
When one is writing about personal development, I think it is important to offer readers several different modalities to resonate with. These kind folks above are helpers in many different ways than I.
I sincerely believe that when we are in this niche, we do have the responsibility to SHARE with others so our readers can be the best they can be.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
HI Donna, You are such a Wonderful Lady as well! Sharing these blogs of your friends is an awesome idea. I just finished Sylviane’s interview with Jason,”GOOD STUFF” I can see why you like this guy he has a great way of expressing himself. Then I did go and check out Jason’s blog to, he has done a Great job giving value as well! You are doing a great job here with your blog Donna.. I am off to check out the others.. Chery 🙂
Hi Chery,
I’m sure you will enjoy the bloggers I have listed on this post. Each one is unique in bringing self development modalities to the table.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Oooh thanks Donna! I’m going to enjoy exploring those sites! What a handy blog you have written! *smiles
Hi Robin,
So good to know you are exploring some of my friend’s sites! I know you will find them interesting and they are great to know.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna,
I know all of the blogs on your list except Nick’s. I will have to check out his site. All of these blogs have been around for quite some time and I am proud to consider them my online friends too.
Take Care.
Justin recently posted..David Wilcock – Personal Spiritual Development
Hi Justin,
Great that you know most of my peeps on this blog. I know you will enjoy visiting Nick’s blog. He is such a great guy!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: marquitaherald
February 11, 2013 at 11:29 am #
Thank you Donna, it’s a privilege to be included on your list! I’m familiar with most of those on your list, but not Harleena. I will definitely stop by to say hello. Thanks again 🙂
marquita herald recently posted..Celebrating ALL the Loves in Your Life: I Love Books Blog Hop
Hey Marty,
Harleena is awesome and I’m sure you two will make friends very quickly. Glad that you enjoyed the post and am happy I can include you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
February 11, 2013 at 9:29 am #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for mentioning me here. You’re such a sweet heart.I have to say that I know some of the people you mentioned here, but not all.
That’s what I love about visiting other blogs, you always discover other bloggers you didn’t know yet.I will be sure to visit them.Thank you for sharing this, donna 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Interview With Life Coach And Personal Development Blogger Justin Mazza
Hi Sylviane!
I was compelled to do this blog as a shout out for other readers to see. I love self development as you know.
My main mission is to see people grow. This is why I mentioned others,because there are so many ways to grow and each person I mentioned has different ways to show them how.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna,
This is great! Because you’ve compressed 5 good people and awesome blogs in to one place! 🙂 Personally Aha!NOW is the favorite blog of me out of those five. 🙂 And others are really good too. Thanks for sharing good things with us Donna. 🙂 I Wish you good luck!
Chathu recently posted..My Lovely Brother
I am glad you enjoyed this Chathu!
I only had room for five, but I do know many others that are rock’n the self development platforms.
I’m sure I will do another post on a later date to introduce more!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Hi Donna
I know Sylviane and Harleena and visit them on a regular basis but not the others on your list so I will head over and check them out.
Thanks for sharing, hope you have a great week.
Pauline recently posted..Is Social Media Driving You Crazy?
Hi Pauline,
If you know Sylviane and Harleena, you will also like my other peeps I shared on this blog.
Each one has something different to offer!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
February 11, 2013 at 1:54 am #
Hi Donna,
Really glad to see Sylviane and Harleena mentioned here and those are blogs I never miss for sure 😉 I always find wonderful topics being discussed and else you wouldn’t recommend ’em here. Agree? 😉
I’ve read wonderful post here from Marquita but couldn’t stop by on her blog though I’ve added hers to Pocket Donna 😉
Couldn’t be on regular blogs as I’ve been offline but will check out others including hers after my regular ones dear 🙂
Thanks for sharing ’em here and hey, I think you have missed one ~ 😉
Mayura recently posted..Easily Add Custom CSS to Your Template in Blogger
Thank you Mayura!
You last line made me laugh…but you always make me laugh my friend.
I just have to give a good shout out to some of the people in my niche. I wish I could list 100, but I don’t think Google would like that!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs
Twitter: harleenas
February 11, 2013 at 1:24 am #
Thanks so much Donna!
It’s an honor to be placed among other wonderful personal development blogs, more so to be mentioned on your blog. 🙂
I guess I just love sharing my experiences and exchanging views of other people over at my blog, which could be related to various niches, just as you mentioned.
While I do know Sylviane and Marty and their lovely blogs, I do need to check out the others, which I shall soon after commenting here. So, thanks for introducing some more fellow bloggers here.
And of course, thanks once again for the mention – much appreciated. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s well in advance too. 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..How to Solve Love Problems in Marriage
Hi Harleena,
Of course I had to mention YOU! I have been following your blog for a time now and you always have great content and so much great advice.
I love this niche as much as you do my friend!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..5 Personal Development Blogs