This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
Stress: We all have it in one form or another, and it comes at us from virtually every imaginable direction. At least some of it is getting internalized and making your life a living hell… at least some of the time.
Now, wouldn’t it be great to know how to reduce your stress levels? But how? Where would you begin?
Well boys and girls, here is your chance to join me in a little chill time, stress down, live it up virtual “vacation”.
So, where are we going? Actually, it’s more like what we’ll be “doing”.
Join me in taking the HuffPost Healthy Living’s 14-Day Stress-Less Challenge!
This is a 14 day challenge that won’t take much of your time. There are expert guests that will show you the power of mind/body techniques.
The leader of this challenge is HuffPost’s mental health editor Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D. He seems to be a pretty cool guy. So I’m expecting some great techniques to emerge here.
Each day there will be tips to having less stress in your life. I think we can all use this.
Of course, there’s no perfect world, and stress is a part of our lives. That’s why the emphasis here will be to create tools so you can better cope with your stressors. Hey, didn’t I used to call these “coping mechanisms”? lol.
Anyway, I’m in and will make time each day to learn these techniques. I know and have practiced many of these methods, but there is always a need to learn more. It’s also a good idea to re-learn the old ones that you might have abandoned. And most important, the point of a challenge is to make you put these things to use. It’s really true: practice makes perfect.
So, come on and join me to better health and lifestyle. There’s always room for more learning. And being that stress is a major cause of so many ailments, why the heck not try this out?
Take advantage of this opportunity and let me know, along the way, how it’s working out for you. Excited? Anxious? Don’t get stressed. Just calmly leave your comments below to tell me what you think of this.
And most important... Jump into the HuffPost 14-Day Stress-Less Challenge right here.
Stress? What’s that? Oh yeah, the thing that dominates my life. However, a challenge seems stressful. Clicking on link and taking a closer look. Thanks Donna.
Steven Hughes recently posted..4 Killer Brainstorming methods to produce Magical Content
You are too funny Steven!
You don’t have to commit to the entire challenge, but give it a peek. You never know what will resonate with you.
You may pick up a thing or two to apply to your life so stress won’t take over.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Twitter: saraharrow
April 21, 2013 at 1:27 pm #
Hi Donna, you are about half way through now, how are you finding the challenge? Are you feeling more relaxed and less stressed? I’m sorry that I missed the start of the challenge, I hope they will do it again sometime soon.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..72 Places to promote your Kindle book when it’s free
Hey Sarah,
I think you can find it all at the HuffPost, but to answer your question: YES! Most of it I already know but have not applied.
Some of it is new to me. But each day I go to it and it takes a few minutes to learn and apply.
Once I apply something it sticks! Now I have more tools in my toolbox when faced with stress. I am having a blast with it and yes, I feel much more calm.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
You really hit the nail in the right place as usual, everyone wanna live a stress free live, but no matter how hard we run away from stress the more the stress keep coming back to us, the best way is to stop running and fight back the stress…
Thanks for this lovely post..
Warm regards
King Globalwalyy recently posted..What is sickle cell disease?
Thank you King,
Stress can cause so many dis-easements! I wanted to get as many people as I could to highlight this. There are 14 days of stress-less exercises one can do to reduce stress.
If there is only One that someone could incorporate in their lives, I believe it would be of so much help.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Go-Giving
Stress can be a bear sometimes. I know the stress of me retiring from the military was a tough one to get around. But I accept your challenge and look forward to reading more!!
Clint Butler recently posted..How Often Should You Blog?
Hi Clint.
Yes that must have been stressful. Although retirement is a good thing in a way, it can be stressful.
A whole new different lifestyle opens up. And that can be a wonderful opportunity. But sometimes the “end of a cycle” can cause stress, just because we are used to it.
But knowing you, I have confidence that you will turn that into a great situation.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
why in the world you come up with this invite? I am already into a 30 day challenge and now you ask me to join another challenge… wow, this is stressful:-)
Ok, that was what I would answer you a while back… BUT today I say to you, I am in haha 🙂
Ho, yes, probably just as you, I am aware that we cannot get away from daily stress and actually I was told and believe that we cannot function with out some form of daily stress… so I make certain I have some… or I should say, God make sure I have some because if it was for ,me I am certain I would avoid it haha:-)
We see you on the inside and thanks for your heads up.
nick catricala recently posted..Difficult situations serve us to improve
I just love your sense of humor! You always make me laugh. I know you are on a 30 day challenge. You need to stick to that one.
Here, I share with my readers this 14 day “Challenge” I found to be of help so they can know what to do if stress brings them down.
You will be surprised how many people allow stress to control their lives, when in fact, we do have control over stress.
Be Blessed,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Twitter: coachgladyd
April 19, 2013 at 9:20 pm #
Hello Ms. Donna
What an insightful post.
Stress that touches everyone’s life at one time or another.
The Important thing is to learn how to handle stress when it appears.
Statistics show that stress is the number one killer. It suppresses our Immune system, it elevates the blood pressure, it can cause ulcers and so many other health problems.
Thank you for this post.
Gladys recently posted…Five Commandments To Be An Original Person
Gladys recently posted..Five Commandments To Be An Original Person
Hi Gladys,
Your stats are on target! Stress is the major cause of so many illnesses.
We need to identify it and have techniques of how to deal with it. It is something so important that is why I am inviting so many to check this out.
Even during peaceful times in our lives, it is a great thing to learn how to be stress free when it comes up in our lives.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Being a mom of two very active kids and two dogs, being a wife, having a fulltime job in IT, and having a business to run by myself, and a household to manage, surely gives me a lot of stress. That is if I let it. But I know better, so I try to manage it by making sure I have time to do things I enjoy. Like I try to have a massage at least twice a month if not weekly, regular workouts, meditation, watching movies, playing with family and dogs, sleeping, and reading novels. Where do I still find the time to do those? I just squeeze them in, lol. Chores will never end, what’s important is that I find time to rejuvenate, and come out healthy and happy for my family. I will surely look for the follow-up post on some techniques you’ll learn from the challenge, Donna! Have fun!
Cherrie Bautista recently posted..Grateful Me! Has Launched
That is so Great Cherrie!
Having all that to deal with, it is so important that you find time for YOU!
Getting a massage and reading a good novel is great for “down time” – good for you!
Stress is something in our control. If we let it “get to us” then we are in for some trouble.
Good to hear you are in good balance with your lifestyle.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Donna, this sounds great. We can all relieve a little stress. Most of the times we are not aware of how stressed we are.
I appreciate you for sharing this event. I like the challenge part because it will keep everyone honest.
Thank you Michael!
That is surely the truth. Most of us are not aware of our stress levels.
Better to be safe than sorry and put into practice some stress-less tools in our toolbox.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
Twitter: Barbara Charles
April 19, 2013 at 12:25 pm #
O.K. I need to join it for sure. I’m with you. Can’t wait to decrease my stress.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Sometimes Life Gets In The Way
Hey Barbara,
That’s awesome. With all you are going through, some techniques you can pick up will be of help.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Sounds like a great programme to be a part of. I also wake up with a headache each day and don’t know why. I’m sick and tired of it because pain tablets do nothing to ease it.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I hadn’t heard of it before now.
Anne recently posted..Confidence And Forgiveness
Sure glad you came in Anne!
Waking up with headaches can be from so many different causes. But whatever it is from, a bit of de-stressing can help.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Hi Donna,
thank you so much for sharing this and the link.
Yes, you are so right, there will be stress in our life and by learning how to respond to it we can make our life more pleasant.
I feel fortunate to be part of a group where we learn new tools every week.
Now I have the opportunity to learn more each day thanks to you!
Love and Light
Yorinda recently posted..Oil Pulling may transform general Health
Thanks Yorinda!
I did a 90 week course of stress relief and communications. It was wonderful. But we need to apply it to our lives.
Going through this each day has reminded me of things I had learned in the past, but didn’t apply it.
For me it is a great refresher course and also fun to take some time out each day to apply a different technique to my day.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
How about take a good walk every day for one hour for the next seven days and reduce the stress?
Lawrence Bergfeld
Lawrence Bergfeld recently posted..MLM Truth On Subconscious Mind Today
Hi Lawrence and welcome.
Taking a walk each day for seven days can do the trick! Walking is my favorite exercise, especially in the Spring and Summer seasons when the air is warm and nature is at it’s height.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Go-Giving
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
April 18, 2013 at 4:49 pm #
Hi Donna,
I think everyone has a level of stress and it’s about how we cope with ’em while living through our complex life styles 🙂
Music has been and always will be my best friend as a stress reliever Donna 🙂 Mmm… I can say I’m fine and free from any headaches or so.
Anyway I’d like to take a look at challenge and hope I can learn something new dear. However I’ll have to go there only when I get time for it as you know I’m not online much these days as I’m involved in a new development project. As I can pocket any article to read later even through mobile, I can follow on. Well, let’s jump on and see ;).
Thanks for sharing about wonderful challenge with us Donna 😉 Aha… I’ve noticed that you have been sharing a lot from Huffington Post too.
Mayura recently posted..Manage Your Website in Google Webmaster Tools: Part 3
Hi Mayura,
Oh music is a great stress reliever! It is a great way to change our moods quickly. Sometimes I use it when I start to feel overwhelmed or stressed. Playing up-beat music lifts my spirit. And sometimes I start dancing he he.
I know your time is so full right now. Can’t wait to see that project!
Yes, I have been sharing a lot from the Huffington Post lately because I can leave the newscast on while I work.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: deeannrice
April 18, 2013 at 3:05 pm #
I have had all kinds of stress over the last few months. I am hoping that my stress is starting to go away.
I am going to do the 4-Day Stress-Less Challenge. It might really help me be less stressed.
This is a really neat idea.
Dee Ann
Dee Ann Rice recently posted..Distractions
Hi Dee Ann,
Stress is something that we all have to deal with. Glad this came at the right time for you. Just hop on in to that challenge from time to time and see which one works for you.
I noticed that I have forgotten a certain technique I used to do a long time ago. Applied it and just felt better.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
April 18, 2013 at 7:16 am #
Hi Donna,
Well, I’m glad I’ve FINALLY made it here! I needed this.
I’ve been under quite a bit of stress these past two weeks because of work + preparing for a move + plus my online work, and more. It’s been stressful whether I wanted it or not, so I can use this challenge thing.
Now I guess doing it will be another story, but will try 🙂 I’ve been very tired lately to the point of being in a bad mood. As a matter of fact, my bad mood must have been “felt” yesterday in our hangout 🙂
Thank you for this at the right time for me 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..6 Easy Ways To Invest In Yourself
Hi Sylviane,
I know you have been “under the gun” with all the work you have to do. Complex that with a move and oh boy…what stress that can cause. Not the right time to do a challenge my friend.
I am fully aware you know these modalities already anyway. BTW I didn’t feel your bad mood on our hangout. Maybe it is because my computer crashed in the middle of it.
Hope you are feeling much better,
Much love,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
I used to worry about what was making me stressed then started working on how to handle stress this got me calm enough to think clearer and focus on what I needed to remove from my life would you believe it was ability to stress over every little thing. Remember when “Don’t Stress the Small Stuff” was popular to hear someone say?
Lydia Brown recently posted..The Value of Asking Prospects Questions
Absolutely Lydia!
You have addressed and worked on to handle stress to calm down so you can think clear and be focused. Also you removed the “stressors” in your life. Bravo!
This is why I’m going along with this challenge. I have done the same, but there are some reminders that I forgot to apply.
Thanks for your input,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
April 17, 2013 at 8:52 am #
Oh yes I am definitely in Donna. Living stress free – or close to it – is one of my core ideals. Stress arises but we can resist or embrace and release these energies immediately.Thanks for sharing ;)Ryan
Hi Ryan,
Oh I know you are a stress-free kind of guy! You understand how those energies work!
You my friend are a true free spirit!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Hello Donna, Stress is something that will wear you out if you let it. When I was younger I use to stress about things,these days there’s really nothing I stress about because once you figure out life is a cycle, you’ll stop stressing out so much because if you don’t you will stay stressed.
Thanks so much for sharing this post with us Donna.
RobG recently posted..How-To Help Your Blogs Loading Time, With Out loosing Your Readers
Donna sorry I had to add my comment like this but I have visited your blog a few times this week and I don’t see the comment section just wanted to let you know.
RobG recently posted..How-To Help Your Blogs Loading Time, With Out loosing Your Readers
Hey Rob,
Thanks for the head’s up about my comment section. As for your comment on stress, fortunately, as we grow older, we do get enlightened to the life cycle.
But…That’s only some of us. I’ve known people that allow anything to stress them even through time.
I wanted to share this challenge for those who are and/or will be confronted with a stressful situation.
Always good to have some tools in your inner toolbox!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: suejprice
April 17, 2013 at 4:27 am #
Hi Donna
I don’t think I need it coz I do not have any stress in my life 🙂 Glad you are a friend and know that is total BS!
Seriously mostly I can deal with normal stress. After years on the seminar/event circuit where we dealt with enormous deadlines and constant pressure I learned how to take care of me within it all. But you know a parent dying and so far nothing is helping. Nights of no sleep are the norm for me now.
Thanks for the heads up on this it sounds great and I am sure once I am sort of “back” it will be helpful.
Thanks Donna
Sue Price recently posted..Mindset – Do You Need To Work on it Everyday?
Hi Sue,
Talk about stress! What you just went through with the loss of your dad is very high on the stress list.
I know you have a wonderful self development background and can pull some of your techniques out of your pocket.
But this is a time for mourning for you. A time to be still.
I would say, come back slowly to your business otherwise you will be stressed.
Love to you,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: SusanPCooper
April 17, 2013 at 1:29 am #
I love the whole idea of this. I may jump in for the (stress free) fun. 🙂
Hi Susan,
Jump on in. Even if there is one thing you can apply to your life and use it when stress comes at your door, it is worth it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Just signed up! Thanks, Donna! Looks like it will be valuable even if I pick up just one or two new ideas or simply develop greater awareness of my stressors. Appreciate that you’re spreading the word! Look forward to keeping up with your experience too!
Alli Polin recently posted..Want Something? Pull Together
Hi Alli!
Glad you signed up. As you have noted: even if you pick up one or two new ideas it will help to develop awareness of stressors.
When I find a good thing, I do like to share it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: wonderoftech
April 16, 2013 at 9:48 pm #
Hi Donna, Wow, thanks for sharing this! The recommendations to de-stress over at Huff Po were spot on. Believe it or not, in gym class in high school I took a Rest & Relaxation course that taught me about relaxation. I took it as a goof, but it taught me valuable lessons I have used throughout my life.
Like Adrienne, I am enjoying a fairly stress-free time in my life. Earlier this year was stressful, but I’m in a calm phase for now, though how long that will last, well…time will tell!
I will share this for others who may be enduring a stressful time in their lives.
Carolyn recently posted..Hang w/ – Who Knew the World Was This Much Fun?
Hi Carolyn,
Yes the HuffPost has a great thing going on. This is why I blogged about it.
Stress is ALWAYS in our lives and whatever it takes to learn how to live a stress-less life is a good thing.
Good to hear you are in a calm space right now and thanks for sharing this with others.
The more we can share, the better it can be for others to learn different ways to be stress-less when that nasty stress comes at us.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: cheryschmidt
April 16, 2013 at 8:43 pm #
HI Donna, I really don’t have a lot of stress in my life right now but come Mon may be another story. My 2 1/2 year old Grandson is moving in for 3 months, so count me in 🙂 I have a feeling I am going to be needing some help.. As long as it doesn’t take up to much time that is. I do know my grandson doesn’t like Grandma to work to much when he is around.. This is going to be a change.. That is for sure.. Thanks for sharing.. Chery 🙂
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Someone For Feedback
Hi Chery,
Oh boy are you going to have a great time! When that little one walks in the door, it may raise your stress levels lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Hello Donna,
This truly sound great and sound fun to participate. Who doesn’t like a stress free time 😀 . Thanks
Babanature recently posted..How To Mask Domain On Your Own Servers And Distribute Them? [301 Redirection]
Thank you Babanature.
We all want to live a peaceful life. Stress will always come at us. But if we learn how to battle it, we can conquer it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Count me in Donna! I’m all for learning stress relieving techniques.
Life gets pretty crazy with all those curve balls it throws at us and I’d like to have something I can do right away :).
To minimize my stressors I just remind myself I can only do one thing at a time and I’ve also done breathing techniques like Qi-Gong those seem to help as well.
I’m on board Donna…gonna make out my stressor list tonight 🙂
Corina Ramos recently posted..Today You Can Find Me At Tackling Our Debt
Good for you Corina!
It is not a complicated task. It is really quite simple and easy to do. But there is never enough ways to learn.
Stress in our life is a given. We can know the ways to be stress-less but we do need to put it into action.
When I read this article, I just had to share it because anything that makes us live a calmer lifestyle is great!
I’ll see you on the HuffPost!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Hi Donna! Do you know the majority of my stress comes from whiney, self-centered co-workers who think they deserve the world? I hate to go to work when thinking “Oh, what kind of drama is going to happen today?” It’s pretty bad at times. I’ve even told my boss I can’t stand coming to work anymore, however his hands are tied. So I figured out how to best handle it. We only have a handful of workers at my location so it’s easy for me to disassociate with them. Don’t be around the ones who are so God awful hateful and when I hear stuff about them, don’t feed into it. It’s hard at times but I think it’s working.
Your challenge sounds interesting. I need to click the link and check it out a lil more!
Bren (My Girly Parts) recently posted..Time To Talk About The “Head”
Hey Bren,
So many of my clients share the exact same stress as you mentioned. When you are stuck with people for most of the day, there are certainly stressful situations that pop up.
It is difficult not to let that negative energy glob on to you. It can be from gossip, to clashing personalities. But if you need to stay where you are, there are certain ways to “block” that energy without getting into a confrontation.
The more you don’t feed into it, the more they will stay away from you. Keep it up Bren and Blessings to you.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: Lisapatb
April 16, 2013 at 3:23 pm #
I sure could use some stress reducing Donna. So all we need to do is read and try out the techniques? That is not stressful at all – that in itself may relax me some. Thanks for sharing Donna.
I’m always looking for ways to handle the stresses of life. It’s too short to always be stressed.
Lisa recently posted..Blog Categories – Are Yours Precise or a Mess All Over?
Hi Lisa,
There is never enough times we can learn how to lead a stress-less life. I do have my techniques down, but there is always room to learn more.
It is actually quit fun!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: harleenas
April 16, 2013 at 2:36 pm #
Hi Donna,
I like the idea of taking the challenge, more so because it’s related to stress – which affects each of us in more ways than one. And most of the time we just don’t recognize the stress signs, or tend to ignore them only to realize later once problems come up.
I know you practice a lot of techniques and ways as you had mentioned in my recent blog post on stress relief techniques I’d written, if you remember. So, you are already doing great I feel, though there’s no harm in learning more about it so that you can try eliminating it gradually from your system.
I’d surely check it out after commenting here and learn more about.
Thanks for sharing this with us, and wishing you the best with the challenge too. Have a nice day ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..5 Ways of Helping Children Cope With Change In Life
Thanks Harleena,
Although I know many techniques about how to be stress-less, it creeps up on me sometimes.
I found that this challenge is simple and easy and a great reminder to put those techniques into my life on a more regular basis.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
April 16, 2013 at 2:32 pm #
I don’t have a lot of stress in my life right now Donna but once I start this product creation I know I’m going to have quite a bit I’m sure.
I will tell you, I wake up with a headache almost every single day and I have no idea why. I have one of the most comfortable mattresses money can buy and I can’t tell you how many pillows I’ve been through. That causes me some stress as far as a headache goes but that’s about it.
Huh, I might have to look into this. I guess you can start it at any time? It certainly couldn’t hurt anything right!
Thanks Donna for this heads up. Cool!
Adrienne recently posted..Are You Maximizing Your Blog Income Potential?
Yes Adrienne,
It is pretty cool. It’s not so elaborate, so it won’t be like the learning curve you were just on.
A few tid bits of information at a time and once you apply one, stress levels go down. Like smiling for instance – well you have no trouble with that he he –
Just reminders that we can me mindful of our stress levels. Maybe you can get rid of that headache! Probably stress related. I know, going through the same thing and had to re-structure my entire DMO!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge