This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
This is Part 2 in my series “Do You Own Your Own Business Or Does Your Business Own YOU?”
I want to break down some scenarios that can distract you from your business. In this Post, I will address the issue of spouse/partner.
Here’s a common scenario for you to consider.
Your spouse or partner is complaining you are spending too much time on your business.
One of the most common roadblocks to success in this business, I have found through many client consultations, is when my client’s spouse/partner doesn’t understand why the heck you are spending so much time on the computer.
Here are some tips that may work for you.
Get them involved. Now, I’m not saying bore them with the details of your business, because they will look at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
On the other hand, you can…
Show them an article and get their opinion.
Show them your business plan to let them know that you value their opinion.
Show them you would be happy to have them involved, even if it is in a very small way.
Explain your passion and how important it is to you.
Then, switch the focus to them…
Take some time to support them in what is important to them. The best way to earn respect from your spouse/partner is to acknowledge their needs.
If your spouse/partner is complaining you are in front of the computer all the time, the underlying issue may be more pointed. Maybe they complain that you are not making money fast enough. They probably don’t understand the concept of “growing” a business. They probably thought that the internet was a “fast cash machine”. It’s not. But they don’t understand that.
Instead of pulling and tugging, arguing and ranting… compromise. Ask them “what do you need from me?” Maybe it is a date night, an hour or two to watch a movie. Whatever it is, be willing to set time to please your partner and, even more, to enjoy time together.
Goal Setting
It can be frustrating sometimes when your business gets hold of you and you are doing your Daily Method of Operation (DMO), but lose sight of your goal.
Make sure that you work toward your goal the first thing of the day!
Yes, you may have that goal in mind, but it takes many steps to get there. It is so easy to get distracted but remember your Goal is the most important task of your day.
And most importantly when it comes to your spouse/partner, when they see you doing your business daily, consistently and purposefully, they will come to see that you are running a business, not chasing some silly dream. When they see you have goals and work hard every day to get there, they will be more excited for, and understanding of what you are doing.
Working your online business is a process that involves the overwhelming portion of your time and commitment.
It’s a worthy undertaking, but not at the expense of your marriage or partnership.
Nothing is more important than that.
If you’re very fortunate, like me, your spouse will be involved in the business too, and the two of you will become closer than ever by working toward a common goal.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
As long as you can respect your partner’s perspective on what you do, and earn their respect for yours, then mutual support can make your relationship better, and help you feel confident that your hard work and commitment to your business will not undermine your relationship.
I sue hope this helps you out if you are having this problem. Stay tuned to Part 3 in this series, where I will pose another “answer to a problem” on how to have you own your business, rather than it owning you.
Blessings, Donna
Great post (again!). Having a spouse that doesn’t share your MLM dream can be tricky – and unfortunately none of us can be there to moderate a discussion between a distributor and the partner.
One trick I firmly believe in is 2 part:
1. Make sure to tell your spouse your Why! You’re doing this for them, for your future, for the children, etc.
2. To achieve this – you must treat it like a business, and that will take time (and/or money). There’s no point in working 20 hours a day on your business if your goal is to have more time with the family- and your spouse would be angry! So, let them know your schedule – 1 hour in the AM, 1 at lunch, and a few before bed, and the times you will 100% focus on THEM!
Schedule your Work and stick to it just like any important meeting, but let them know you’re scheduling time for them, without interruption, as well!
Jon Patrick recently posted..Car Window Decals done right
This is Fabulous advice! Communication is the key here when a spouse doesn’t understand what you are doing.
Treating our business like a business is the first step. Set up an office, close the door, but most importantly take time out for the family.
Thank you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Lead Magnet Creation
Hi Donna,
Really nice and motivating post and most important thing is that the facts told by you like Goal Setting, Compromise and Nothing more important than it is the very good point which could help any person to persuade his or her spouse.
Siddhartha Sinha
Siddhartha Sinha recently posted..Should I buy Google Adsense Account or Not
Hi Siddhartha,
Thanks and welcome! Lots of people I have met have this issue with their spouse. We must make compromises in order to de-stress that situation.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
I love you for making this post. You spoke like a true woman, a business one who understands it all. Explaining yourself to them and getting them involve will surely help. Thanks once more for this mature post, it going live on twitter right now.

Iteire Apollos recently posted..Should You Avoid Guest Blogging Because Of Google?
Hi Iteire,
Thank you for your kind words. There are so many things that can take us away from our business. The fact is, it is ours and we must be in control in every aspect of it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Hi Donna,
I believe that its difficult to go ahead with any plans if your partner or spouse is unwilling to pitch in.
Fortunately for me my wife has been supporting my decision, ( bored as both of us are from corporate life) and that she will join my business if it takes off.
It gives one enough time to think and plan if the spouse is patient enough.
Ashvini recently posted..Entrepreneurship is not only about getting that “great” idea
That is so wonderful Ashvini,
The way your business is going, it will be a short time before your wife will join you. Hope she is prepared!
It is great when spouses support one another. I am so glad to hear it.
PS Sorry for the late reply…I was on vacaiton!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
My husband is very supportive and has been so for years on end. For a while I made no money online and spent a lot of time in front of the computer.
He supported me financially and otherwise and has never begrudged me working on my business. I’m so lucky to have him. Some other husbands wouldn’t have been as patient as he’s been.
Anne recently posted..Confidence building: You Can Do It!
Oh you lucky gal!
I have always been a self-supporter financially. When I came on to the internet, I had (and still have) another business that supports me. My husband was the one who came into it first.
I demanded he quit his job after a few months into it. He did and has been working as an Internet Marketer for 2 years now.
We support one another and life is grand!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Nice Post Donna,
I love the way explained the points on how to convince one’s spouse. When we sit in front of computers people do get annoyed. I am not married so I dont have such problems but in future may be this post would be useful to me. Now I have problem with my parents who always find me on my computer. I need to convince them on what I do but still find it hard to explain them on what I do. Internet as you have said is not a fast cash making machine it takes some time to gain authority and build relationships with people in order to keep our business going.
Thanks for the post.
Hi Vjesh
It can be a problem not only with one’s spouse, but also family members. It is quite common for family members to not understand what you are doing, especially parents.
Sometimes there is no way you can make them understand that it does take time. But what I would suggest to you is to give your parents the analogy that if you were to open a store, it would require cash up front: rent, filling shelves, etc. Then getting people to find you and come to the store.
There is a rule in offline businesses that it usually takes two years to make a good profit. So, that being said, maybe they can relate to it that way.
Good luck with it and keep on going!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Thank you for this wonderful article about business and family. I am one of the lucky ones. I explained to my wife what is all about, I explained my passion and how important it is to me and she understood.
She also understood there is no magic button and success won’t come overnight.
As for me I am more receptive to her needs. Now I’m going shopping together with her without complaining. This was not possible just a few months ago.
It all comes to respect your partner and pay attention to her or his needs.
Sacrifice a little time and energy for people around you and your business will grow faster and safer.
Beautiful article, full of love and understanding for the human needs.
Thank you for your time

Silviu recently posted..Blog Commenting with Commentluv and My First Impressions
Hi Silviu,
What a great positive message! It takes two doesn’t it? Respecting each other’s needs is so important.
Here you are going shopping with her now and becoming much closer. What a great success story.
I thank you for sharing it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Twitter: angeld0ve
May 13, 2013 at 8:20 am #
Hi Donna,
Excellent post!
I must be doing something right then. When hubby asked me, “Have you made money on that thing yet?” I explained to him that social networking doesn’t happen overnight and that it takes time to build your business online. He’s really not into blogging but he does eBay in a part time basis. He’s a Registered Nurse and though his business is doing pretty good online it’s something he doesn’t wanna do full time.
He tells me sometime, “How could sit in front of your computer 8-16 hours a day, this would bored me to death.” But thank God he understands and supports me.
When I design someone else’s headers, for instance…I do ask him his opinions And he would critique my work. And I would tell him that I e reached some of my goals. Then I also tell him that so-and-so friend started his business in 2008 and it took time to some people before they start seeing the money coming in. And so he understands that.
Anyway, thanks for the great advice!
Angela McCall recently posted..Why You Need Responsive Design
Hi Angela,
I am so glad that hubby understands! It is confusing at first for him because when we say we are starting our own business, people expect instant cash!
Well, it doesn’t happen online as well as off line. Years ago, when I opened my off line business, people asked me why was it taking so long to make money? I ignored them because I knew the reality. People had to find me, I had to stock up some shelves, I had to do the same thing we do on line. I had to have people know, like and trust me!
As long as I made rent each month, I knew I was doing something good. A year after that my business flew and is still flourishing.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
May 12, 2013 at 4:12 pm #
Hey Donna,
You always have wonderful and practical suggestions for problematic scenarios 😉
I really believe that it doesn’t need to be fortunate enough to be successful Donna 🙂 I’ve known a couple involved in same business but yet I feel they don’t understand the nature of business as they don’t know how to be supportive after all with all the businesses going on. More complaining coming out from both sides 🙂
A wife of a friend I know is not much interested in businesses but he’s always sharing about his business plans and ideas with her. Someone not interested in businesses might bore with all that details as they are not interested in them, but actually what matters is the understanding between them, no? 🙂 When I asked her about that, she replied “I know how much he values me than his business and I’m always on his side”.
What more I can say? 🙂
You and David are wise enough on that matter and indeed the reason to feel fortunate enough I guess 🙂
You have a wonderful and successful week ahead Donna 🙂
Mayura recently posted..Manage Your Website in Google Webmaster Tools: Part 4
Thanks Mayura!
Yes, I am the fortunate one in this case.
I like the example you gave in your comment. That’s a good balance because the woman who really wasn’t interested did acknowledge his business and is by his side.
As long as we can have that kind of balance, we can work more clearly.
Thanks again,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
Hi Donna,
I was already a business owner working crazy long hours when I met my wife. So, I guess she kind of knew what she was getting into.
I don worry about it sometimes though. Even though I know she was okay with it, she must have been if she agreed to marry me, I still fear that I might not be spending enough time with her so that she gets all the companionship she needs.
She doesn’t mind discussing my business with me. But, she definitely shies away from getting involved even a little. I have tried to get her more involved so we could spend more time together as I worked. It just isn’t her cup of tea though.
So things have pretty much remained the same throughout our 15 years together.
Hey Ted!
What a great success story! 15 years and still running! My husband met me 23 years ago when I was running my own business. I must say he is my favorite fan and supporter!
He jumped right in with me and helped me in my off line business years ago. Now, we are both internet marketers. We spend a lot of time together sitting side by side in front of our laptops.
But we do have to make it a point to get out of town once in a while and un plug!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Hello Donna, I would have to say yes my wife is supportive and gives me what ever time I need to complete any task I have to do with my online business, But! I limit my time and allow my time with my family no matter what.
You see it’s not all about work and no family time we have to know how to divide the too worlds because you only get to enjoy your family once in a life time.
hanks so much for a GREAT topic.
RobG recently posted..How-To Spice Up Your Blog With vSlider WordPress Image Slider Plugin
Hi Rob
It is great to see that your wife supports you! The reason why we got into our business in the first place was to spend time with our family and friends. Doing things we love to do.
If we get stuck in all “work” we might as well just get a job! he he
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: marquitaherald
May 8, 2013 at 2:53 pm #
Well said Donna. I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs – mostly women – who struggled with this challenge. The funny thing was how often a husband started out complaining about the “side business” but then did a 180 once she started making money. In fact, I’ve known more than a few to quit their day jobs and join the wife! One such couple ended up paying off their home and retiring on the money they made as a team in what started out as her “little side business.” Just love stories like that.
marquita herald recently posted..Maybe it’s Time to Rethink Your Goal Strategy
Hi Marty!
Absolutely! That “little side business” can blow up so fast sometimes that a spouse can join in. I am currently working with a couple. He is a tech guy and his wife a graphic designer.
They are in the process of making a game product. It is going so well, investors are contacting them.
At first it was a family blowout, but now there is a true partnership.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Oh girl, timely post. I use to argue with my man over the time I spent online with my blogs in the beginning. One minute he would appear to be supportive and than other times, it would get thrown in my face that I did this or that too much.
I wish I had read a post like this years ago because it was a huge struggle for me to blog, be online and write content. I use to feel so guilty to even open my laptop and do anything. I always felt as if he was rolling his eyes thinking, “oh here she goes again”. It was far from the truth once I got to the root of the problem. I had to ask point blank how he felt and surprisingly it wasn’t what I expected. He was very supportive actually, but wanted me to balance out my time spent online and family time. There are days when I won’t do anything online and have fun with them.
Some nights we play games and other times we just watch a movie. What I found that worked for me was writing when they were sleeping or not home. It gave me the time to take care of business online without any distractions. Also, I think it had to do with money. I pay a less than $10 for my hosting fees, so in his eyes, he felt I should be getting a return on my investment with my business in the long run.
Sonia recently posted..Is There a Secret Formula to Blog Commenting?
Hi Sonya,
Thank you for sharing your story. Lots of people feel this way. They get those guilt feelings when opening up their laptops. The spouse rolls his eyes….
Looks like you have done a great job balancing things out. I think it is not only the time spent on the computer but also the time it takes to build a business and get a return.
Nothing happens overnight. When we start a business of any kind, our spouse/partner can have a problem with it. Especially if they are not involved in the business.
My husband and I both work the same business on line, but I also get more work done when I’m alone.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: nkeriakos
May 7, 2013 at 3:15 pm #
Hi Donna,
That’s a great post and some great advices.
Spousal Support is critically important and it can make or break. Well, I am in this kind of situation and I can relate. My spouse and all our friends are against my online business and they believe in a “stable job” over owning a home based business.
I tried to involve my husband but he is convinced that he is right and I am just wasting my time. I wrote a blog post before on Spousal support and I gave some advices there which I am following but so far it is not working but I still keep trying and praying and I hope one day he will come around.
Thanks Donna for a great post and I look forward to the 3rd episode in the series.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
All you can do is keep on trying. Plus put invisible ear plugs in when people say it’s wasting your time. I find that people are quick to put our business down. “It’s a scam” “You can Never make money like that” or even worse….”get a job”
These are negative statements and I know you well enough that you understand that. Just don’t let it get to you, nor answer them. Never try to explain to a person in opposition. They just won’t get it.
As for your hubby, as long as you can make compromises on time, give him the “attention” he needs. And most of all communicate, in time things will work.
It is stressful when our husbands cannot understand what we are doing. I hear this stuff all the time. But once money starts rolling in, he will see the proof of the pudding.
Good luck with it my friend,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: suejprice
May 7, 2013 at 1:50 am #
Hi Donna
Oh yes this is so important. If we are in a committed relationship I believe we need our spouse or partners support with our business. Given an online business takes time before we see results if we do not have their support they will probably come to resent us and the time we are in front of our computer.
I know for me Ivan had been the major income provider while I have been learning. We talk about everything though and have always made our plans and set goals together. For us we have had many businesses together over the years and we have had successes and failures along the way. We are in it together.
Great post Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Can a Book Change Lives?
Hi Sue,
You and Ivan sound like David and I. Although I was always the major provider, David and I worked on many of our own businesses. He was always that “man behind the woman” kind of thing. David takes care of scheduling me, finances, dogs, but never dinner..yuck!
We do make all our decisions together. That’s the key to working with our partners. With us, he is involved with internet marketing from a different edge than I, so together, we are learning quickly.
We both understand it takes time, but do have other businesses that are quite passive to keep our eye on. He does all that.
Thanks Sue for your great input,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: Barbara Charles
May 6, 2013 at 11:30 pm #
Hi Donna,
I know so many people who’s spouses are not supportive of their partner’s business. Makes like so much easier when everyone is one the same page. Your tips are excellent advice to those involved so that life can be worked out so that everyone is o.k. Interesting how some spouses can have a problem with an entrepreneur spouse, but have it be o.k. to go work in a unhappy 9 to 5. Anyway, great tips.
Barbara Charles recently posted..Finding Your Purpose In Life – Why Are You Here?
Hey Barbara,
I have been finding more and more people with spouses/partners that are frustrated with them spending so much time with their online business.
It just tears them down and pulls them apart inside. This is one of the big problems I wanted to answer from my last post. It is important that we OWN our business, and it does not own us.
We need to be in control from the household to the world.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
May 6, 2013 at 9:34 pm #
Hi Donna,
This is great advice. You’ve done a great job with this one, Donna again 🙂
It can bring extra stress to anyone having a spouse/partner that doesn’t understand why we spend so much time at the computer, and they don’t realize that they are not making things easier for them in the end, because they are maybe backing up success.
I think that even though our online business is important we need to set some time aside just for those in our family that need it too. But we have to let them know that when it’s time to work, it’s time to work! We need too work with them and they need to work with us.
Hi Sylviane,
Great advice. I am sure that you run into clients that have this problem. I know you are a caring person and would not like to see someone loose an opportunity.
I feel the same way when working with folks. I feel it is important to bring up this subject because we see so much value our clients can bring to the world. We don’t want to have them leave and settle for a low paying job.
And yes, we do need to set some time aside to “smell the roses”
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Ah yes, I have had many “discussions” with my husband about the hours I’m working. As a matter of fact, it was due to the compromise of our discussion last week that I took a mini vacation this past weekend to spend time with the family.
The break ended up doing me some good in that I’m refreshed and ready to do this week :).
I did like you said and involved in my husband in some of my plans and although I got that “deer caught in headlights” look, I think he tried to understand what I was doing. The good thing he knows not to expect an overnight success 🙂
Thanks for sharing this great advice on how to include our significant other Donna 🙂
Have a great week ma-Lady!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Monday Work from Home Job Lead Madness 05-06-13
Hi Corina,
I remember last week you were telling me about your mini vacation. AWESOME! You have made such a successful stride. I have to laugh imagining your hubby looking like “a deer caught in the headlights” Good Girl!
As you keep on going with this, eventually he will understand it does take time and who knows, maybe he will pitch in as you run ideas passed him.
Keep me posted…I just love a work in process.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Hi Donna,
I’ve heard it from others online that their spouse does not support them or understand what they are doing with their online business.
Luckily I don’t have that problem. My husband supports me and believes in me. That support means so much especially when you’re working your fingers to the bone and not seeing any immediate results.
Thanks for this insightful blog post. I’m sure it will help many people trying to earn a living on the internet.
Hi Tonya,
So great that your husband supports you. I know many of my readers have partners that support them too. But what do we teach those who don’t?
I come across this so many times and it is great to have a plan to advise those you work with how to fix this problem.
We are blessed!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
May 6, 2013 at 5:06 pm #
I know this is very important Donna because I speak to people all the time where their spouse is not supportive. They are wanting to hear that they’re having instant results and they want to see the money now. If not then they feel it’s a waste of time. That’s so sad really but they probably are that way because they don’t understand. I feel that getting them involved is the best way.
Now you know I certainly don’t have this issue because I definitely don’t have a spouse. But because I deal with a lot of people online I know this is a huge issue.
Hopefully if they take your advice they’ll see some positive results. One can hope right.
Thanks for sharing another great piece of advice Donna.
Have a rockin week.
Adrienne recently posted..The Death of TweetDeck v0.38.2
I know you must run into tons of people you advise and this is a big problem for lots of folks.
I do feel badly for them because when partners are not balanced it can be such a strain on business. Also, people give up sometimes because their partner is looking for instant cash.
I wrote this for all those who are having this problem. And I’ll deal with other problems in future posts so People can Own Their Own business.
Thanks Adrienne,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Hi Donna,
I think it’s really important to share everything with our spouses. I have the full support of my wife when it comes to my work online and she understands it’s a long game not a fast buck so to speak.
I discuss things with her and involve her by running my posts by her before publishing them. I’ve always done that, with every post. She knows about loads of my online friends as I mention and talk about them and their ideas, products, posts etc.
First thing in the day we deal with all the items for postage, i get them ready and she deals with packaging and posting. A true support both online and off 😀
My only wish was that she understood the PC and was able to assist in some way with the work load ha ha Oh and not to interrupt my work by walking in every time she wants to tell me something…. Bless her 😉
I also support her in everything she does and make sure I set aside some time for her every day. I think it’s really important to keep a balance and always consider our partners, by having that “special time” they’re much more understanding when we NEED to be at the PC longer than normal… as we often find we are 🙂
Thanks Donna,
Barry Wells recently posted..Blog Feed Error Resolved… Sort Of
Hi Barry,
That is a wonderful share. As you might know my husband David also is an Internet Marketer. We start the day with coffee and strategy.
We sit side by side and work together mostly silently. We are both on different platforms, but then share a thing or two with each other as we plod along.
We always were Entrepreneurs together, but since we are on line, we have the benefit of staying home all day parallel playing with our dogs by our side.
We do take breaks, walk, go out to eat and such. But we fully support each other. Life is good!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: timbo1973
May 6, 2013 at 5:29 am #
Hey Donna
I’m sure my wife does wonder what on earth I’m doing on the computer most of the time.
She’s supportive though. I’d better make it work before the kids go to school though, otherwise it’s back to the corporate world for me!
Tim Bonner recently posted..Social Login Buttons – What Do You Think?
Hi Tim,
Great to hear your wife is supportive. Oh my fingers are crossed for you so you don’t have to go back to the corporate world.
Just have a plan and stick to it…
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?
Twitter: harleenas
May 6, 2013 at 12:16 am #
Hi Donna,
I’m sure enjoying these series, and this one IS a very important post too 🙂
I agree that most spouse’s feel neglected and left out if their partner is working online or has a business that keeps him or her busy all day long, and that is so natural. Just as you mentioned, the answer lies in involving them or opening up to them and sharing all that you do, and why you need to do it.
If your aims and goals are shared with each other, there is no question of any kind of doubt or fear your partner might have, which happens in some cases as they keep wondering why their partners are forever online or not back home in time!
Yes, at times working online takes a lot of my time and I’m really not able to devote the time I want to my kids or hubby. But I’m glad they understand me and the situation that time and play their part.
I too am lucky to have a supportive partner, and he’s the real backbone without who I don’t think I could’ve managed my blogging journey. I’m lucky to have found such a person who is always there beside me. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us, and I look forward to the next post in this series. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..How to Boost Self Esteem in 8 Simple Ways
Thank you once again for your fabulous input! Yes, you put it well when you wrote that if your aims and goals are shared there is no question or doubt or fear our partners will have.
The key is communication. I find this such a problem among my clients.
You and I are the lucky ones – our partners support us! I too wouldn’t have managed this journey without my husband by my side.
Thanks again,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Is Your Spouse Supportive Of Online Business?