This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
I’ve written before how important being on Social Media is for your business. Social Media is just that…Social! Engaging with so many people can lead not only to business ventures, but also masterminds, friends that can help you when you are in a bind, or just plain enjoyment.
In this article, I want to share a story about how being social offline can benefit you, as well. Now if you are involved in Network Marketing or an MLM business, you have heard many ways to strike up a conversation. I remember learning the “Elevator Speech” when I joined my first MLM.
For the record, I’m not into Network Marketing or any MLM business now, but was for a while. Now I coach people effective ways of marketing, whether they are network marketers, internet marketers or any other type of marketer. It’s just so much fun for me!
Ready for a true story? Well here goes…
If you know me well, you already know that I have a hobby of selling mid-century vintage items. I just enjoy doing it! Well, I’m downsizing now and moving along to a smaller place, so I’m giving up my little hobby. I’ve collected so much stuff, it’s incredible. So I decided to have a moving sale. I had my garage, basement and a few rooms in my house open for people to wander around and find their treasures.
It did take some work to organize things, but once done, everything you can imagine was priced to go. All the advertising was done and I was determined to sell my wares as quickly as possible.
Now, there is a funny thing that happens when people enter your home and ask you about your stuff. They want to know the history of it, or they come to chat. I’m a very social person and enjoy talking to people. I always keep in mind that people like to talk about themselves. So I ask them questions like “where are you from?”, or I might say “Oh, what a pretty necklace you are wearing.” Stuff like that, just to open up a conversation. When I talk about them, even the shyest people will start talking.
So here’s the good part….ready?
During my chit chatting, I came across a woman who was interested in my depression glass collection. “I love this glassware so much, I wish I can buy it all,” she remarked. “You can!” I told her. But, she asked, what would she do with it all. I told her that if she loved it so much she could easily sell it at the low price I was giving it to her for.
As we chatted, I found out that she once owned a store, but it didn’t work out. This woman knew everything there was to know about glass. The era, the different manufacturers who produced it, what region of the world it came from, etc. She was a powerhouse of information.
Then I slipped it in… the big question! “Did you ever want to write a blog about this?”
To make a very long story short, I explained how beneficial her knowledge was on particular glassware. I told her how people would find it interesting if she taught them the little marks or designs on it to distinguish what was old or what was a reproduction. This immediately peaked her interest. My wheels turned faster. I suggested that she start writing a blog and use it as a launchpad for selling her products and even appraisal services.
She is now my client!
Socializing is so important online, but even offline for the internet marketer. As long as you are not pushy then you are ok. From this experience, I have learned to get out of my box more and socialize with people offline. I have done this in the past with a few business owners I know. I got them set up and started blogging. Even those who knew nothing about social media are now Facebooking and Tweeting like crazy.
I know how to make a complicated thing simple so people can turn their ideas into businesses. Oh, and that “know, like and trust” factor. I find comes so easily when I am socializing offline.
I am making business cards, now, and having them ready to give out when I make a point to step up and socialize more with strangers.
But Wait I have a happy ending for you.
After 2 weeks of experimenting with this, I have picked up 5 clients.
I am currently in the middle of the mayhem of moving. Still, I’m doing a meet-up with this little group at a quiet, local cafe. I’m taking my laptop there and teaching them how to start their own businesses online. It’s all got me doing a happy dance, and these five woman are dancing too. After all, just days ago they had no direction for their business or ambition. Now they are on a path to fulfilling their dreams. Each one has a different niche, but none of them know a blog from an e-commerce website. They don’t even know how to register for a webinar to learn some of the skill-sets they’ll need to get started.
So my dear friends, I’m out on the streets now, offline and building my internet business like crazy.
I wanted to write this to encourage those of you who, like I was, keep your internet business strictly online. Get a business card, give a person a compliment and find out who they are and what they like. And then ask….”Did you ever want to share your knowledge with the world?”
What do you think? Are you strictly an online marketer or do you engage in the real world too? Have an experience to share? I would love to hear it.
Many Blessings,
Twitter: workingonthego
September 24, 2013 at 8:21 am #
Hi Donna,
So true it is very important to build contacts online and offline for business. Online it is very important to know which are the right social networks that are the right fit for you and your business.
That’s a good example of socializing at its best. I picked up one client like that when I was at an outdoor show. She was looking through a few clothes and we both laughed about picking up the same handbag. Before I knew it we were chatting and she stated she had a physical store and was looking for other ways to promote her business.
She didn’t care for the idea of blogging because she said her time was limited, but she was intrigued on how to promote her business on social media. I couldn’t believe she wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter, but there are alot of people that still don’t use social media. Either they don’t know or don’t want to know. Great story Donna! Go girl!
Sonia recently posted..ThirstyAffiliates Plugin Review & Giveaway
Thanks for sharing that story Sonia!
We meet people all the time and it is a bit shocking to us that they are not on line at all. But that is because we are in the business and they just need some information.
In giving them the information they need, it is paying it forward to help them. Then it can be the beginning of a great friendship or partnership.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Hi Donna,
Wonderful sharing! I am in Network Marketing. The main reason that I came on line about 3 years ago was that I wanted to reach out to more people from the social media platforms.
Over a period of over a year, I finally realized that real world networking is the BEST way to build trust. While online is a great place for creating the first point of contact with targeted leads, the real world contacts cannot be ignored. As my business mentor once said, the real world contacts are the ‘lowest hanging fruits that needed to be picked.”.
Blending the online and offline is an excellent strategy. Others will Google us in today’s world, for sure!
Congratulations on your offline results, Donna!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Viola Tam recently posted..Stay-at-Home Mums – Q for Quitting is NOT an Option
Thank you Viola!
I came on line for almost the same reason too. I was working with many people that wanted to obtain financial freedom and work from home.
I just had to find a way to do that and the on line world gave us a place to widen their world.
Hey, we would have never met if it wasn’t for the on line world and I am blessed to know you.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Blogger’s Rolodex
Donna, that is a great story. That is how we did business in the past and that is a great time to talk to people.
That story gives me a lot of hope and it makes me want to think of a way to be more creative. thanks a lot
Glad this can help out Michael.
I know this is “old school,” but sometimes we get so caught up being on line, that we somehow forget there are real people out there.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
I love reading your stories Donna!
The story of how to naturally convert new connections into our clients is fascinating.
Living in Switzerland since 3 months I have decided last week to experiment on creative offline strategies.
I believe being creative exactly as you did with this woman in love with your glassware.
The more ” out of the box” crazy we are with our ideas the more fun for us and for our future prospects and clients.
Thanks for sharing this eyeopening marketing lesson Donna, today you have added a smile on my face when thinking to connect with people here in my new town!
Hi Patricia,
I am so happy you have that smile on your face! Sure…get out there and connect girl. Talk to the local shop keepers, and share that smile with a stranger.
You know that law of attraction!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Hi Donna,
What a great story and congratulations on your new clients! I know you are in the middle of your move…selling, inspections, garage sale etc. and you managed to generate business by doing what you do naturally…socialize!
Your story proves that the key is to focus on the needs of the other person. You asked questions and listened and that is the best way to learn about another person. It works the same offline and online.
I love what I do, but sometimes I miss the personal contact of marketing the “old school” way. I used to host home parties. I always had my business cards with me and I networked at chamber of commerce meetings. Nothing beats the person to person contact. I think that is the reason I love live events. Live events serve a different purpose, but the networking and connections are great!
You’ve inspired me to reconsider doing a little “offline” socializing. The offline market is huge and it’s always been there. It didn’t go away but sometimes it seems like it did because we have shifted to the internet for marketing. Your post is a reminder for me to re-consider offline possibilities. I think Meet Ups are a great alternative for online marketers to stay in contact with the offline world.
I know peace and serenity is on the horizon soon when you two get settled in your new home. Thanks for another wonderful post!
Raena Lynn
Raena Lynn recently posted..Skype Basics Showing How To Get Started
Thank you Raena.
Yes there are always people out there, but since I started working on line, I forgot all about them he he!
Years ago when I was in Network Marketing, everything they taught was too pushy for me, so I didn’t talk to anyone about it. But that was then and this is now.
Now I have a better understanding of marketing and how I can coach the network marketer, affiliate marketer or a newbie coming into the fold.
I’m juggling these days but I always have my marketing hat on he he
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Hi Donna,
What a great story and post! Congrats on getting 5 new customers by socializing offline! Some of the best customers I have gotten have been by socializing at the Farmer’s markets and supermarkets. When I talk to people about how to chose produce or ways to cook what they are buying it leads to them asking about what I do and then wanting a business card. Many of these encounters have turned into clients so I know that all the points you are making are really valid. Thanks so much for telling your story and I hope your move goes well.
Shelley Alexander recently posted..Grilled Summer Vegetable Quinoa
Hi Shelley,
Well, If I met you in the supermarket I would love to pick your brain! You know so much about cooking and eating well.
I would certainly take your advice!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Hi Donna,
I enjoy reading your story and how you can easily turned your conversation around to suit your clients needs. All these while, I know that you are a super lady with great communication skill. I must admit that I admire you for being able to make friends with people and able to turn them into your clients as well as teaching them to find a direction to build online business and not being pushy.
You are excellent, Donna 🙂
Thank you for your encouragement and I look forward to read more from your post 🙂
Pearly Quah
Pearly Quah recently posted..Using Kangen Water® In Cooking
Thank you Pearly for your kind words!
I do find it easy to talk to people. I guess I have that “gift of gab” as they call it.
I can walk into anywhere and start talking. I just figured in our conversations that there was a need and I had some information to fulfill it.
We are having a blast since then.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Twitter: martydia
July 14, 2013 at 1:21 am #
We have several very active meet-ups here in town and although it takes time to get to know everyone we’ve started getting referrals this year and have referred several people to local colleagues.
It’s also just good to get out and meet people face to face – to have a group where you can test your ideas and get their feedback/reaction.
The great thing about meetups is that you can find ones that meet your needs/desires – I’ve never enjoyed networking – so none of these are networking groups per se – they’re run more like mastermind/discussion groups which is just what I really like.
Marty Diamond recently posted..3 Reasons to Love Visual Website Optimizer for A/B Testing
Hi Marty,
Oh meetups are great! Been to a few myself a while back and made tons of connections.
I will start that up again once the summer bonanza is over!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Hey Donna,
Yes I lot of us like to stay hidden behind our computers. I know I do LOL. I find it more convenient. But there are times I do go out and meet different people. I’m not the most social in the world, but I do engage offline from time to time.
And you’re correct about getting others to talk about themselves. It definitely works quite well, while you stay quiet and listen. Then you’re considered a great conversationalists. It’s an oxymoron but a good one! It’s amazing how much you find out about people as you did about the lady who knew everything about glass!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sherman,
Absolutely! We are considered a good conversationalist when we stay quiet and listen. Yes, It is an oxymoron at that, but the more we listen and learn, the better we can communicate.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Marketing Lesson From Get Response
Hey Donna,
all the great stuff that have been going on with having fun moving, making new friends, picking up new clients and having a ball doing all that…it could not happen to a nicer person 🙂
I was so excited to read your post… and I keep saying to my self, Go Donna, Go haha 🙂 I cannot wait to hear more of these wonderful natural and true life stories that make others happy while having fun your self.. this is GRAND my friend…
So now, keep going and share all with us.. we are waiting for your new and exciting win-win story haha 🙂
nick catricala recently posted..Overcoming Pressure… the how-to
Oh Nick,
I can tell many stories about this move! All I know is that I must be perfectly aligned because everything I need is at my disposal.
I have such a long story to tell about a man who was really in need, and we gave him all the rest of our “stuff.” He is a very spiritual man and is so grateful. We are also grateful to him because he is taking everything we need to get rid of.
Now I will move with the most simple things. That my friend is my goal.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hi Donna,
great example of practicing what you are suggesting.
Starting conversations with people has been something I have occasionally practiced when I felt capable.
Having grown up with very little contact I am probably doing a lot of it for my gauge, but for someone else it probably is only scratching the surface. I am good at the active listening part and I am learning to set boundaries so I don’t get ‘swamped’ with their ‘story’.
You strike me as a natural social and maybe even extrovert person.??
Have you always been like that?
Thank you for the great post!
Yorinda recently posted..Alzheimer’s Neurodegenerative Diseases and Coconut oil
Hi Yorinda,
I used to be introverted as a child, but once I was on my own, it took me time, but I learned how to speak what was in my heart.
Now I’m a blabber mouth lol. I can walk into a party where I don’t know anyone and come out with so many interesting people I’ve connected with. We even exchange numbers some time because there is a little bond created.
Yes, I would say I’m an extrovert all the way.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hi Donna,
I loved your story!
I do declare ( I’m from the south ya know) you are having way too much fun with this moving thing!
So happy for you.
Sometimes we just have to shake things up in our lives and then unexpected results appear.
You are definitely on the right path with all the positives that are popping up!
Congrats and keep that energy going.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Tonya,
I love that “I do Declare!” It rings in my head! lol
Yes we are being blessed in so many ways just keeping a float and doing our business.
The energy is awesome. Thanks!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: deeannrice
July 11, 2013 at 7:32 pm #
How great it is that you have found a way to network offline to build your online business. It is very inspiring to me. I loved the story. I just sat here and smiled as I read it.
This is actually what we all should be doing. I know that when I have talked to people offline about what I am doing online they are all really interested.
In the past I was always really good about striking up conversations with people and I have not been very good about that recently but after reading your post I am very inspired to work on that.
I have also been thinking about getting business cards and never have gotten to it. So now I am going to do it.
Great post!
Dee Ann
Dee Ann Rice recently posted..Can You Navigate Triberr?
Awesome Dee Ann!
I didn’t have business cards either and like Marquita above had to write down my information on a piece of paper (oh what a bad business woman I am lol)
The more I talk to people, I find them so interested in what I do. Teaching 5 of them in the middle of packing to move and holding up the fort online is a true blessing to me.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: lizmcgee
July 11, 2013 at 12:16 pm #
Hi Donna,
I can so relate to your story.
I’ve done the same thing with offline personal friends and helped many of them get started online. The problem with many folks though is they don’t have the confidence to start an online project. They don’t think they have the marketing or writing skills. But honestly, unless you simply hate working on computers there’s a world of free training and help out there for anyone who wants to start a blog. And with all socialization sites it’s not as lonely as it use to be either. I have so many great friends that I’ve never met in person and I love connecting with them each and every day.
Great post Donna,
Liz recently posted..Stop Making These Silly Business Blogging Mistakes
Hi Liz,
I know ….. so many people fear anything doing with the internet. But with a kind helping hand, we can make it possible for them to get online.
Keeping it simple is my motto! If someone has no experience at all, and is interested, I take it down to 101 training. From there, we can fly.
As for my online friends all I can say is I’m truly blessed meeting such wonderful people all over the world!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hi Donna!
This is solid advice. We need to be selling offline as well as online and selling means socializing.Socializing is fun. I’ve always wanted to be in a Mastermind Group. I have been wondering about doing this online. Maybe in the fall.
Good for you Girl!
Lori Gosselin recently posted..Are You Normal?
Hi Lori,
Oh mastermind groups are awesome. I’ve been in a few and now am in one that we meet each week.
It’s great to connect in a mastermind not only to learn from one another, but also to have a good support group around you.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: nkeriakos
July 11, 2013 at 12:58 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow! What an inspiring story! Congratulations on the clients you connected with. Connections are great to make offline but we tend to forget ourselves hiding behind our computers and there are lots of people out there and close by who can make use of our help and all they need someone to listen to their needs and point them in the right direction.
Questions are the best to break the ice and as you said, people like to talk about themselves and what they do and it is great for us to listen attentively to pick something from what they said and use it to pique their interest in what we offer and what they need.
Thanks Donna for a great inspiring post. Have yourself a great rest of the week.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat.
Yes, being a novice at this, I find that I am having great fun stepping out of my box and taking business off line. I did a few small businesses in the past because they asked me what do I do and were interested.
5 clients in one weekend in the middle of moving out of town is amazing. With all that is going on, I just corralled them into a local coffee shop and got started…Two more meetings before I get out of town and we can all meet on line.. That’s my goal. Phew!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: cheryschmidt
July 11, 2013 at 12:58 am #
Good For You Donna! I Love your story and I am going to start to take my business offline. This is something I have been thinking about doing Now you have given me a few idea’s. Thanks for sharing. I have always been a pretty social person but never really talk about my online business to much.. Chery 🙂
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Do What You Do!
I never talked about it either Chery!
Now It just flows out of my mouth he he he! I know I’m not pushy or bothering people, all I do is suggest to them what I see in them.
Some are great at sales. Some tell me they love to write, whatever it is, I like to encourage them.
5 clients in one weekend was pretty darn lucky for me. It came at a time where my life is upside down, but hey, what can one afternoon hurt?
I’m having a blast!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
I totally agree with you, there is no difference between online and offline business and both are based on connection between people.
Sadly enough people are coming online with a big wish in the heart… they wish they can hide behind the keyboard and make money. It can work for some degree but if one wants to expend he must get social.
Great story Donna thank you for you for sharing. Have an awesome week.
Hi and welcome Brian,
Yes, sad but true….some do think they can get behind the computer screen and create quick cash…NOT!
There is no free lunch. We need to work hard at it and give it our all.
It is easy when you are enjoying what you do because it is not “work” at all, but rather a labor of love.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: GarSpecialties
July 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm #
HI Donna,
You idea of getting clients offline works. I sold real estate for 25 years prior to getting into the promotional products business and those face to face contacts can bring you new clients. Being in the imprinting business I wear clothes that has my logo on it. First question I get, what do you do, what does the G stand for. The ice has been broken. Most people like to see their name in print so it is not a hard sell, or I will hear I know of someone who is looking to their logo imprinted on something to giveaway for a fundraiser and so on. Offline marketing is valuable as the person can see and meet you and a bond can be made immediately. Congratulations on your new clients and I am sure that there will more.
Arleen recently posted..Alternative Fundraising Ideas Inspired by Buffet
Many thanks Arleen!
When I was in Network Marketing, I used to wear my promo shirts all the time. It was a catchy phrase and people would come over and ask me about it. It’s a great way to break the ice!
With all your experience selling real estate, I’m sue it is second nature to you to strike up a conversation and do a lot of off line business.
Go Girl!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: FollowNateLeung
July 10, 2013 at 2:44 pm #
I prefer to engage in the real world but I know that as busy as I am, I use the online world to leverage alot of my communication. With that being said where sometimes if people would fly into my city or meet up a local coffee shop, I usually share my ideas and don’t hold back. I may have paid hundreds and thousands for these nuggets but in the end, I am creating and giving value to the marketplace.
So with local and offline entrepreneurs I give ideas on how to build a business online. Figure out their needs and wants and deliver based on those requirements.
I feel that it’s pretty simple when you know how and it’s easy to break down for those who never done the online thing before.
This applies to any niche or industry, so marketing is a challenge the most people struggle with. They may be experts in their field but the marketing aspect is what they lack the most.
Thanks for sharing your input Donna!
Nate Leung recently posted..Why Do Masses Think That MLM Network Marketing is a Pyramid Scheme?
That’s awesome Nate.
It’s so true. We meet with people and introduce them to a whole new world. Some like it and some won’t but it doesn’t hurt to tell them your ideas of how they could reach financial freedom online. Or just use it as a “side job.”
I was so shy of doing this until lately and the appreciation of these people I meet is a wonderful exchange!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hi Donna,
actually, you have perfectly summed why I love social media so much! The blogger community has changed during the years, some bloggers only write for the search engines with specific keywords and phrases without any valuable content, and I bet it works for them (unless they won’t be payed for their work). But in social media, you MUST write and post for your audience; it’s all about the trust you want to build up and engage your users/fans/likers/potentional customers. I totally admit your points, and I’m going to apply some of your useful tips in my online marketing strategy as well, thanks for sharing them;)
Peter recently posted..Some facts about the most common 3D printing materials: PLA vs. ABS
Hi Peter and welcome!
It is nice to hear that you have gained some inspiration from this post!
We do have to be social online as well as offline. And yes we MUST be writing for our audience.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hey Donna,
What a great story. Doesn’t it always seem to come back to that golden rule (or rules!) to Build Connections with people, and to always be Interested, not Interesting?!
While I have exactly zero interest in depression glass (whatever that is), we all have passions that someone else is interested in. A twist of offering your expertise to help others share their passion is just an embolding story!
As, regarding one of the other comments below, this whole “Interweb” and “Blogging” thing? Just a fad, don’t think it’ll ever catch on! 🙂
Jon Patrick recently posted..Top Tips for Proper Sampling
Thanks for enjoying my story Jon.
Yes it does go back to that golden rule…..”No Rules” lol. And Yes, to build connections with others we need to be interested not interesting!
As long as we reach out and share with others, to me it is a win win situation.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Your online and offline marketing should go hand and hand. I agree that we need to be more social and talk to and about the people we are talking to. People really enjoy talking about themselves and love it when others listen. Too often on things like Twitter and Facebook people have the me, me, me factor. Listen pay attention and help others. There are a lot of ways to help others and get business at the same time. Thanks for pointing this out and good luck with the business. Sounds like the offline marketing for the online business is going great.
Thomas recently posted..June Stats, Updates, Goals, and Future Plans
Hi Thomas and welcome!
I was so conditioned to keeping my business online that I didn’t get out of my box to socialize with people offline and tell them what I do.
It’s working like a magnet! Woo Hoo
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
July 9, 2013 at 5:50 pm #
I am not surprised at all Donna that you got 5 new clients out of that but I am surprised that you have the time for them right now with all you have going on. You are a social butterfly missy and watch out Maine! Donna is coming people!
As for me the only time I’m really around other people anymore is when I’m with family or friends and they all know what I do and aren’t interested. Even when we had this going on for Mom we hired someone to do it and he already had a website and blog.
I do open myself up though when talking to people about blogging but I’m just not meeting a lot of people right now who aren’t doing this already. Most of the people I chat with are already online as you know. Great to keep our options open though and thanks for sharing this great lesson with us all. Way to go Donna.
Adrienne recently posted..Customer Service Nightmare: Why You Lose Business
Twitter: marquitaherald
July 9, 2013 at 4:41 pm #
Great story Donna, and you really got me with the business card reminder. I’ve had “business cards” on my task list for months but it keeps getting rotated to the bottom of the list in favor of bigger stuff. The point is, you are so right, at least 2 or 3 times a week someone (outside in the non-virtual world) unprompted will ask me about my blog or where they can buy my books, and I have nothing to hand out so I usually grab a piece of notepaper and scribble down the information. BAD MARKETER! Okay, I am jumping from here to my list of goals for the month and will get those cards done. Thanks!
marquita herald recently posted..Only You Are in Charge of Your Reality
He He Marty!
I am designing my business cards as I write because I do exactly the same thing (bad marketer too lol).
But as I meet people in my journey they ask why I don’t have a conventional j.o.b. Then I start to yackity yack. They are so interested that I have to find paper and pen to write my stuff on.
Yes, my business cards were low priority until the Universe hit me in the head lately! This is why I wanted to share this opportunity on this post.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Wow…that is amazing Donna!
You know I can picture you striking up a conversation with people. You have a warm presence about you which is why people will open up to you…even those shy folks :).
I do have a success story as well. I was in the market and on way out this lady was taking down my information from my car decal. We started to talk and she was unsure about working from home.
After telling her how far telecommuting jobs have come and shared my own personal experience she became my client and is trusting me to find her a work from home job 🙂
So yes, it pays to be just as social offline as well 🙂 Have a great day Donna!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Monday Work from Home Job Lead Madness 07082013
How truly inspiring Donna! I’m so happy for you. Unfortunately, I live in the land of “what’s a blog?”; and “what’s twitter?”. If I had the money and time to go out and educate the people in my area, state for that, I’d be rich! You don’t know how many times I’ve told people “You should check out my blog. There is some really helpful information there regarding your dog.” And they are just like “What?” Egads!
Power to ya gf! You’re truly rockin it!
Bren recently posted..My Quest Has Officially Ended
You are so funny! I can’t imagine living in the land of “what’s a blog” and “what’s a twitter”
I guess I’m pretty fortunate that I’m surrounded with people who use mobile phones to find everything!
I just love your blog, especially when you write about dogs. Girl you gotta move he he he
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
July 9, 2013 at 7:41 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow, that’s really great. I know we tend to forget sometimes that some folks out there still have no idea that they could BLOG about their knowledge.
I know a guy who knows a lot of handy things and when I told him he could blog about all the stuff he tells me he looked at me like I was from Mars. We know we can’t save them all can we :)?
It’s so great that you are out there helping people this way. Keep up the great work.
Wow, I wish I was up there and see your collections. I would love to buy a piece or two 🙂 I love old stuff!
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How To Sell Your Art On Fine Art America
Hi Sylviane,
Yes, sometimes people look at me like I’m from mars too. But we can’t win them all can we?
We can only suggest to them how they can come into this market. I was pretty lucky this week because I met many talented people. An artist, a stay at home mom, an eye doctor that wanted to find out all about blogging.
It was such a great experience and I cannot wait till next week when I round them all up at a local cafe.
Oh I wish you could have come because I would have given you whatever you wanted.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
July 9, 2013 at 7:11 am #
Hi Donna,
You are always looking for an adventure, eh? 😉
I think you mentioned the best part there ~ “As long as you are not pushy” 🙂 I’d feel bad if I’ve been pushed too.
I can recall the first day I got to know you 🙂 At Adrienne’s place. You mentioned how your helped a woman to get started online and expand her offline business to reach more customers. Now you are doing it all over again and building more relationships offline too 🙂
It’s kinda funny when you get to know a person and end up with a business deal or something like that 😉 Like they were waiting to meet us. So far, I have got 2 clients from my offline connections and it’s just the first time I met ’em too 😉 It’s cool, when you think about it.
Wish you all the best and have a GREAT week there dear! 🙂
Happy Dancing 😀 lol…
Mayura recently posted..5 Social Media Mistakes You Weren’t Aware Of
Hi Mayura,
What a great memory you have! You remembered my comment on Adrienne’s blog lol.
It is great when things just happen just from talking to someone.
I used to keep my on line business just on line. Now that it is so much a part of me, each person I meet, I would like to help them, especially in this economy.
It is great to know that you have picked up two clients from your off line connections. Isn’t it a blast?
Have yourself a great week too!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Hi Donna,
Your posts become more and more interesting each day. I’ve got the idea. Go offline, engage people and send them to the online world. Nice. It seems you are constantly wearing your internet marketing hat.
People like to talk about themselves… . What a golden key! Not so easy to learn, though. It is difficult to get rid of “you” and focus on other people instead.
I once read a book about this. It was written by Dale Carnegie. He explained patiently what many people don’t want to know or don’t want to believe. It’s kind of shocking but people are never interested in … you. They are always interested in … themselves. What a huge finding. Needs a serious change in mindset. If you start from them and find what is bothering them, you can build a very successful business.
Well Donna, the only thing that upsets me is that, for the moment, I don’t have the money to take some one on one business sessions with you. I am certain I would learn a lot of things. But it will come. I’m sure.
Have a nice day
Silviu recently posted..Are you Afraid of Social Media Automation?
Thank you Silviu for you kind words.
Yes Dale Carnegie was spot on when he talks about people are really only interested in themselves. Shocking as it may seem, most people are like that.
When we understand that, we can reach them at a comfortable level and start a conversation. Then ask if they are happy in their job. Usually they are not. You get to find out their interests and then bang! Introduce them to a whole new world of freedom.
By the way, Once I am all settled with my move, my product will be coming out and you will learn so much. Then following my blog you don’t have to pay anything now do you? he he he
I am so glad we have connected,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: suejprice
July 9, 2013 at 4:18 am #
Hi Donna
That is an awesome story. Congratulations on your new clients.
It is amazing how we meet people and what it can lead to if we are willing to have conversations and listen.
The elevator pitch has been around for probably longer than network marketing. I heard of it first in marketing at Uni in the 70’s and it was in a conventional pitch. Knowing how to say what you did succinctly.
I remember when I first did workshops with Robert Kiyosaki and some of his other teachers they were teaching how to perfect them many years ago.
Questions are amazing Donna. Too many people just dump their story or pitches but asking questions as you did when you asked if she ever wanted to blog about it is much more fruitful.
Awesome story Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Do You Know Your Why?
Thanks Sue,
I do believe that questions always spark a good conversation. It is funny how people love to talk about themselves. When we give them a chance to do so, and really listen to them, we can find a solution to their problem.
It can be anything at all. But having that marketing mindset and asking them “Did you ever think of …..” usually gets them out of their box.
If not, it’s fine because we can’t win them all.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: Lisapatb
July 9, 2013 at 4:07 am #
What a great inspiring story Donna. Sometimes I do the same but don’t realize it until I read your story. Being social can be done online and offline pretty much the same way, by asking questions and listening. I think one must be interested in people. I’ve always been. Fascinating to hear the different stories. I’ve done a few websites and Twitter lessons from the same type of experience. One was a person who owned a local restaurant and was reading my blog daily – I had not idea, that blew my mind. Sometimes you never know Donna. Have a great week and best of luck with the rest of the move.
Lisa recently posted..How Top Internet Marketers are Using Social Media For Business
I think that is so true Lisa!
One must be interested in people to be social. I always had that trait since I was a kid.
I was always interested in who people were, what were they doing, etc. I can remember sitting on the subway in Manhattan as a kid and looking at everyone wondering what was their story.
Maybe that’s why I’m in the people business. lol
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize
Twitter: harleenas
July 9, 2013 at 12:18 am #
Hi Donna,
Ah…vintage collection! That’s awesome indeed, and your hobby is so much like my Dad’s who just loves to collect old things – his house is a mini museum 🙂
I can well imagine the amount collected as I see it each time I visit him and the maintenance it all requires as well. After my Mom it became a little tough for him to maintain it all and he too has had a few sales to lessen it all down now and make great connections, just like you, but those are just for mere friendship sake.
I totally agree with you – you can make a lot of friends and socialize offline as well, which is something we online people seldom do, unless we are confronted with a situation or attend some meetings, seminars, or make that effort to go out and meet people.
Speaking of myself, we have a few friends and they are working in the normal offline jobs like everyone else. Most of them don’t have an idea about what a blog is or how the online world really works. During our talks and even our visits to various places as we sometimes do, we get talking to people and when they ask us what we do, it mostly lands up people asking us to write for their business – being professional freelance writers. And now that I’ve started maintaining a blog or two, that’s another thing I’ve been telling people to do, those who have something to share or say, and even my aunt who is a great cook – I made her open her own blog and she loves sharing recipes there, though still needs to get the full hang of it.
I think if you know a skill, you must share it with others. I’ve never thought of making money through all of this, but one can never say what the future holds, and any change made for the better is always welcome – isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..How to Rise Up Every Time You Fall
What a great share Harleena!
Isn’t it something when we work on line and meet someone with a talent and just want to help them move forward to the on line world?
I just love doing that!
Being a professional freelance writer, it is so great to get someone going using your talent. Maintaining blogs is a great business.
Sharing our skills with others is a must. You just never know where it would lead.
Also thanks for sharing your parent’s story. I don’t blame your mom for getting after him. If you are a collector, things do pile up quickly!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..Socialize