This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014
Whether you’re trying to promote your blog or company site, develop a personal brand or share valuable content…developing a social media campaign will put you miles ahead of the competition.
I’ve created many social media campaigns to bring attention to things I’ve done. I’ve certainly used it to brand myself and my blog.
I always advise my clients to use social media campaigns as the preferred organic method for driving traffic to their sites, or gaining recognition for themselves.
The challenges of developing and sustaining a social media campaign, though, are not insignificant.
That’s why I asked Rebekah Radice to share some of her expertise in this area. I am grateful to her for putting together a great summary of the challenges and solutions that she’s discovered in developing her own social media campaigns.
Why Rebekah Radice?
I’ve known Rebekah for a long time and have admired her work on social media.
If you’re not familiar with Rebekah, it’s time you get to know her.
She has been listed in the list of “Top 100 Social Media and Technology Leaders” several times, and was one of the Top 40 Social Media Professionals of 2013.
She says her online mission is to “Help You STOP Time Sucking Activities and Maximize, Prioritize and Monetize Your Online Efforts!”
“Throughout the years,” she ponders, “I found myself often wondering, ‘isn’t there an easier way to manage my day, my time, my to-do list, and stay active within social media?’”
Because Rebakah manages social media on a daily basis, and has extensive experience in developing her own online strategies and keenly executed social media campaigns, she was the perfect candidate for writing this post.
So here’s a peek at how Rebekah helps her clients “capitalize on the power of an integrated social media campaign in a specific and strategic way”.
Take it away Rebekah!
In thе еvеr-evolving social media landscape, knowing how to make the most of your time spent online can be confusing.
Below are a few tips thаt аnуоnе, whether new or seasoned, саn apply tо their social media strategy.
Stop spinning your wheels and make the most of your time spent online!
1. Get Your Profiles in Order
When was the last time you checked out your social media profiles? Now is the time to dust them off and make sure all of your information is up-to-date.
Thіѕ includes:
• Adding your latest professional photo
• Adding your correct website links
• Sharing links to all of your social networks
• Updating your bio, keywords and tagline
Social media profiles are an excellent way to highlight who you are, what you do and what makes you and your business special.
Don’t miss this opportunity by leaving your profiles in disarray.
2. Share Valuable Content
Now that you have your profiles tidied up, begin to share relevant content that your industry will find valuable.
Social media is an excellent way to:
• Respond in real-time and build relationships through actual conversation
• Share up-to-date content that is informational and useful
• Answer questions, share tips and give freely of your knowledge and expertise
• Remind people about events such as speaking engagements or webinars
• Create a sense of urgency around your products
• Offer your unique insight and perspective in and around your industry
3. Cross Promote Your Content
Social media is an excellent way to cross-promote your content, no matter if it’s online or offline marketing.
As you publish your latest blog post, make sure you share it across all of your social channels.
Find opportunities tо add links to your social profiles, online bookmarking sites and within your online bios and email marketing.
Adding your latest blog post and social links to your email signature is an often-overlooked opportunity. Use a tool such as WiseStamp to automatically add this information to every email communication you send.
4. Create a Memorable Experience
Creating a memorable experience allows customers to emotionally connect with your business.
Take a moment and think about the last experience you had with a business or brand. What stands out in your mind and how did it make you feel?
Take all of the unique goodness about you and your business and translate it across your social media channels.
Make personal connections that matter and your clients will stick around. Leave those connections to chance, and you may end up with less-than stellar results.
I’d love to hear from you! What’s your top social media tip to optimize your time online?
thanks for giving meaningful information about social media campaign your article is very informative and knowledgeable thanks for sharing it
Twitter: MarketingKM
July 24, 2015 at 7:49 pm #
How nice to see Rebekah on your blog Donna.
Love her articles on social media.
Stop spinning your wheels – I like that –
Get your profiles in order. Share More Content. Cros Promote ,Create a Memorable Experiences.
My top tip to optimize my time? Use a timer – helps to concentrate your efforts.
Thanks Rebekah and Donna
Kathryn Maclean recently posted..Blogging School
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
February 22, 2015 at 10:38 am #
Thank you for sharing Rebekah’s proven expertise with us Donna!
Staying on top of your proven social media marketing campaigns,
is sort of like keeping your car fine tuned.
There is always something that needs to be looked after or replaced!LOL!
And if you’re lucky, you’re always an evolving work in progress.
Thank you Rebekah for sharing your proven social media marketing formula!
And thank you Donna for showcasing her proven expertise!
Mark recently posted..Why No Matter What The Local Or National Economy Is Doing Real Entrepreneurs Will Always Thrive! Part Two
Some great guidance from Rebekah. Very useful. Thanks Donna for having her share her knowledge.
Twitter: suejprice
February 3, 2014 at 2:57 am #
Hi Donna
First I was not familiar with Rebekah before so thanks for introducing her here.
Rebekah thanks for the great information.
I am getting better at being more consistent on the main social media platforms. I have just recently updated all my profiles and links. I have it in my diary to check them monthly.
The one thing I struggle with is being in real time. I am an Australian and when most of the world is awake we are sleeping. I get to connect with Donna as she is a night owl 🙂
I have started getting online early and connect with the people from the USA early in my day. I can do the UK at either end of the day but it is not easy.
Thanks for the great info.
Sue Price recently posted..Baby Boomers : Solution to Retirement Concerns
Twitter: saraharrow
February 2, 2014 at 4:28 pm #
Having just updated my own profiles for the first time in three years I can see how easy it is to forget it, especially if we are spending more time on one site than we think! A lovely read as always Donna, and something here for all of us 🙂
Sarah Arrow recently posted..10 Writing Mistakes [Infographic] – Which ones are you making?
Hi Sarah,
I’m working on mine! Yes three years is a long time because of all the changes we go through. Mine hasn’t been updated in the same amount of time either!
What a great reminder Rebekah has given us!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: DrErica
February 2, 2014 at 12:59 am #
Thanks for sharing Rebekah’s perspective. She provided some valuable suggestions. I never heard of WiseStamp and will certainly check it out.
It is so important to make your blog posts a memorable experience, to touch your readers’ emotions and tender spots. It is also important to teach what you know, be a resource and a friend to your online acquaintances. Once you have a clear brand, it is also important to be consistent, to post blogs and share on social media consistently to build your following. Both of you have been doing an excellent job of that.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..The 10 Relationship Powers You Need
Hi Erica,
Glad you enjoyed this post by Rebekah Radice. Indeed we have to touch our reader’s emotions and have a clear sight of our brand. You do it so well!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: DrErica
February 2, 2014 at 5:05 pm #
Thank you Donna. You have such a wonderful way of supporting others and it shows so clearly in the proliferation of positive comments on your blogs.
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..The 10 Relationship Powers You Need
Awww, Thanks Erica,
I’m honored!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: Daringblogger
January 31, 2014 at 3:15 pm #
Hey Rebekah,
Good to see you here 🙂
I am still working on my social media strategy. I am still tweaking it. I need all the free time I can get; I don’t want to spend too much time focusing on building traffic to my blog.
I wasted too much time and effort with my previous blogs – did the wrong things and didn’t focus on what’s important, so I want to speed up the process with the new blog 😀
My suggestion would be to dedicate a time slot for social media, like 1-2 hours everyday or something along those lines.
We could also include 5 min blocks every hour, for replying to tweets, updates and so forth. But, we have to focus. It’s really easy to be distracted by social media, right?
Thank you for the tips, Rebekah 🙂 And thanks to Donna for having you here! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted..Social Media Strategy, Tips/Quotes and Socializing!
Hi Jeevan,
Now that’s a great suggestion! Time management is the key and looks to me like you are on the right track. Focusing what’s important is so valuable when it comes to time.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: GarSpecialties
January 31, 2014 at 11:32 am #
Interesting that I just read another yesterday that suggested updating your profile. I did the time out to look at mine and boy does it need help. What I think is important to come up with a theme that makes you recognizable. What makes you stand out. I love analogies and have created a blog site around things that happen everyday and how it relates to business. Those that know me now have been responding with I love the way you relate your posts to business.
I left a comment on a site and here was the reply. Thanks for dropping by. I see that you’re blogging about one of your favorite topics again (dogs). I’ll have to check it out to see how you’ve related the Westminster Dog Show to marketing.
Donna’s blog stands out with her lust for life and positive attitude. I love her tips to help us with internet marketing. Building a niche and relationships is key.
Hi Arleen,
Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I too need to brush up on my profile. I’m changing a lot this year and must have written out 10 different profiles on a draft.
I’m still not satisfied lol. But that’s not stopping me. Once I get it out, all I have to do is copy and paste to all the sites I’m on. Guess it’s the perfectionist in me. I know it’s not procrastination, because I’ve been working on it!
Oh and BTW yes, dogs are my passion too Arleen! I love the Westminister Dog show.
Thanks so much!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: bloggingconsult
January 31, 2014 at 6:34 am #
Hi Donna and Rebekah,
I’ve learnt a lot from the blogging community I found myself, and that is the community comprising of Donna, Rebekah, Adrienne, Sherman, Enstine, Barbara, Sylvianne e.t.c.
I absolutely agree with Rebekah on the first point, her point coincides with what Kim Garst said on building an active social media presence on twitter. Creating and maintaining a top notch profile, with good and latest picture is the most important step to take.
Thanks for sharing and do have a nice weekend.
James recently posted..7 proven steps to get more twitter followers like katy perry
Hi James,
Oh I love following Kim Garst! I read your last post and it was a great way to pump up our twitter account.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: simpblognetwork
January 30, 2014 at 2:01 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you for introducing me to Rebekah. Some very sound advice. I particularly like the idea of emotionally connecting with your audience. This is really crucial and can really change your business.
It’s great when the people on your list and reading your content, feel that they really know you.
Beth 🙂
Beth Hewitt recently posted..Exercises for Bloggers
Hi Beth.
Yep…it is great when those on our list are reading our content. That’s the first step getting to know them. Then, of course we reciprocate!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Hi Beth,
Absolutely! We do need to connect as much as we can with our audience. Once we do on our blogs, then it comes to our list where we really have to go above and beyond don’t we?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: Lisapatb
January 30, 2014 at 6:55 am #
Hi Donna and Rebekah, thanks for sharing some great tips with us. I find it difficult at times to promote my own stuff, I’m always in fear that I will go over the 80/20 or 90/10 rule 🙂 I just updated on of my profiles since I no longer work on/for a website. I bet if I dig deeper into profiles I will find more that need udpating as well, great reminders for us! I’m also hoping to get an updated photo this year. I’m not a fan of my own photos 🙁
Lisa recently posted..How Tweens Can Point Us To The Future of Social Media
Hi Lisa,
I have some digging to do also! As for my pictures, I am not a fan of taking my pictures either! But hey, we gotta do what we gotta do right?
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
This is a great idea, I need to do this for myself. Great tip Donna.
Kareem Williams recently posted..Stupid Ass Brandi Glanville From RHOBH Claims She Was Ghetto Rich
Hi Kareem,
Glad you enjoyed it and hope you apply it lol.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Thanks for the awesome info Rebekah!
I really liked the tips on cross promoting on social media channels! You had mentioned in there that we should be using social bookmarking platforms, I would love to hear some suggestions about which ones you recommend, right now I am only using stumbleUpon!
My top tip to maximize time online is to set a timer and do work! While the timer is ticking I’m 100% tuned into the work at hand!
Thanks for the info,
Zach recently posted..Healthy Vegan Desserts and Snacks
Timers work well Zach
Glad you enjoyed Rebekah’s tips.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Hi Rebekah and Donna,
You know what I took from this? Just be social! Yes we want to grow our business and be serious about what we do, but the best way to attract people is to be on their level and when time is right for them to open up, then provide them with the solutions they may need.
By the way, I seriously need to update my photo as well! I’ve had the same picture for 3 years and I think I changed a bit 😉
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sherman,
You got it! Just be social! And I see you are when I look at your Facebook updates. You are doing a great job engaging with others from what I see.
Ahh….the picture! If it’s 3 years old, it’s time for a change.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: kylenelson24
January 28, 2014 at 6:46 pm #
Hey Donna,
This post could not have came a better time for me. I have recently re-launched a new blog, changing my brand and made some news social media pages for a fresh start! These tips will come in hands when i need them most 🙂
Kyle Nelson recently posted..Easy Tips on Writing A Great Blog Post
Hi Kyle,
I’ve just seen your new blog and it is awesome! It is clear and concise, but most of all the content is great.
What a fun adventure! I’m happy to know that Rebekah has helped you on this one!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: wiarbu
January 28, 2014 at 2:43 pm #
Hi Donna 🙂
Greetings Rebekah!
Thank you for the awesome tips. It did not occur to me to add my post to my Email. Just proves that:
1: You can teach old dogs new tricks
2) No one can think of everything
3) Collective wisdom is far better than any one of us.
Okay, so I’m not real old or a dog, but you get the point 😉
I am, however, a willing learner, and am grateful for the table scraps.
Woot! Woot! or is that Woof! Woof!?
Kindest Regards,
William Butler recently posted..Perception Deception: Are You Falling For This?
Hey Bill,
Sit..Stay…Good boy Woof! You have a great sense of humor and make me chuckle all the time. Thank you for that.
There is always something to learn every day. The thing is that we need to apply it. That is one thing I am guilty as charged with. Even when I write it down on my to-do list, I forget to do it.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: saha_sourav
January 28, 2014 at 2:38 pm #
Excellent post Rebekah & Donna! Truly most people miss out on the first point you’ve mentioned i.e. creating a complete social media profiles. It’s not always necessary to be in all social media platforms…as they say “Go where your customers are”.
But I would like to add one point to this i.e. before you build a social media campaign point out the goals. What you are expecting from the campaign. That should be SMART objectives. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. As an example for a campaign you can set a goal “increase brand awareness by 10% in the next six months”

Sourav Saha recently posted..Getting Started With Google Analytics Remarketing
Hi Sourav,
Yes indeed, go where your customers are is where to start.
I want to thank you for contributing SMART objectives in your comment because that will increase your ROI.
So glad you came over to my blog!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
January 28, 2014 at 11:29 am #
Hey Rebekah,
Great to see you here at Donna’s home and thank you so much for sharing these tips with us. She is right, you are the woman to listen to when it comes to getting things in place for social.
I know that from time to time I’ve had to go back to all of my profiles and update my information. As time changes and we evolve our profiles can become rather stale and we often times forget to update those. That’s where people on those other platforms are finding you so don’t be embarrassed when they approach you and you forgot to mention you’re not providing that service any longer. Oops.
Organizing your time for social is a huge thing for most people so these tips will be very handy for everyone, even me.
Thank you for taking the time to share this with Donna’s readers and again, it’s lovely to see you here.
You ladies have an awesome day and a fabulous week. Be sure to stay warm.
Adrienne recently posted..How Bloggers Help Bloggers Increase Their Incomes
Hi Adrienne,
I love that…OOOPPPSS! Happened to me too he he. We do need to update our profiles.
Just think of all we done in one year! It’s certainly time for me to do it!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: harleenas
January 27, 2014 at 10:03 pm #
Hi Donna and Rebekah,
Oh yes…I’ve read so many of Rebekah’s post, ever since I came across her on a few common tribes on Triberr, and she IS wonderful for the posts she shares. Not to mention the awesome images that go so well with all her posts 🙂
I agree with all that she’s written – having your profiles set up and having a strong social media presence are things every blogger needs to do. I’m still guilty of not being on some of the bookmarking sites, so this post comes as a great reminder for me.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..Get Online Help for Your Problems at Aha!NOW
Hi Harleena,
I see that you are familiar with Rebekah. Yes, I too love her images. I know she is a Pinterest Queen!
The last time I set my profile up was last year. Many things have changed and it was a good reminder for me too!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: kgauraw
January 27, 2014 at 8:55 pm #
Hi Donna,
I admire Rebekah’s knowledge and appreciate you for bringing her wisdom to all of us through your blog. Thank you for doing that.
These 4 tips are the real things most people miss out in hurry of making it happen. On the other hand, those who pay attention to these elements, do the right thing and eventually build a brand they can be proud of.
Great tips and thank you Rebekah for sharing these pearls of wisdom with us.
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Why I Use And Recommend Aweber For Email List Building
Hi Kumar,
You are spot on when you said that those who pay attention to these tips will eventually build a great brand.
I am glad you enjoyed the post!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Hello Donna,
Rebekah and I follow each other on Twitter but now I’m going to make sure I don’t miss her post, I added her RSS feed to my HootSuite stream.
Hello Rebekah,
I definitely need to work on my profiles beginning with an updated picture. It’s just with all the other things going on that always gets pushed back. :).
Thank you for sharing these tips Rebekah and Donna thanks for letting her share it here with us!
Have a wonderful night ladies.
Corina Ramos recently posted..Monday Madness: New Work-from-Home #Job Leads 01-27-14
Hi Corina,
I’m glad you subscribed to Rebekah’s RSS feed! She has wonderful information on her blog.
There is one thing to tweet, but another to get on to someone’s blog and roll up your sleeves and learn from it.
Glad you 2 got connected.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: SusanPCooper
January 27, 2014 at 7:41 pm #
I do many of these thing now. I do need to look at other more affective ways to do more with less time. The email touch by adding the latest blog post is a great idea. I do the other stuff but that never occurred to me. Thank you for that.
Susan Cooper recently posted..Idaho Wines: The Snake River Valley and Beyond
Hi Susan,
So glad that you picked up some good information from Rebekah. I too was slacking off sending my posts to my list. Always a great reminder!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
The best secrete I’ve learned is to keep busy…
It’s easy to get burned out and stop doing all the little things that keep you in the public eye.
I say post, post, post, comment, comment, comment… and then do them some more.
This always leads to making lasting connections and meeting influential people.
Remember they call it “social” media for a reason and nothing makes it over time better than being social and involved as much as possible.
Frank Woodman recently posted..Is Your Accountant Current or are They Sadly Behind the New Regs.
You hit the nail on the head Frank!
Post and comment, rinse and repeat as much as you can is the best way to be social on all platforms.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
January 27, 2014 at 6:56 pm #
Hi Donna and Rebekah,
I’ve seen you around a lot, but I don’t think I’m familiar with your blog,yet. I should start visiting you there.
How happy I felt reading this because I’ve just updated my Linkedin and Twitter profiles yesterday. Put a more professional looking picture and changed a few things in the content of my profile as well.
I’m not the best social media person, but it’s mostly due to my lack of time. However, I know that’s not an excuse so I’m striving to improve this.
Thank you for these great tips, Rebekah and thank you Donna for this prestigious guest 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..5 Ways To Promote Your Business Like A Pro
Hi Sylviane,
I just saw your Twitter profile and it is so awesome! These are things we tend to push aside.
We have so much to do at hand, we do need to think of these tips.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: Barbara Charles
January 27, 2014 at 6:43 pm #
Hi Donna,
Excellent tips for a social media guru. I particularly noticed I have not updated my profiles so that is really important for me to do. Everything is good advice and I’ll do my due diligence to stay on top as per her suggestions.
Thanks for having Rebekah provide us with some valuable content.
Hope you feel better. I got that darn flu on Thursday and just out of the bed yesterday evening. I hate winter. 🙂
Barbara Charles recently posted..Over 50 Entrepreneurs
Hi Barbara,
I too have to update my profiles! With so much to do, I got lost in that shuffle and am glad to be reminded to do so.
Feeling better now and thank you,
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: rachellavern
January 27, 2014 at 2:21 pm #
Hi Donna,
This is a timely post for me as I just added ‘create social media strategy’ to my project management software on Friday. I enjoy reading Rebekah’s blog and the tips she shared here are invaluable.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..How to Start a Booming Online Business Checklist
Hi Rachel,
I too always love to visit Rebekah’s blog because it’s full of great content when it comes to all the social media aspects.
Here, she has created a good strategy for us to follow.
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook
Twitter: rebekahradice
January 27, 2014 at 2:11 pm #
Thank you so much for allowing me on your blog Donna! I am an enormous fan of yours and have been for years. You have such an engaged audience and that has everything to do with how engaging you are!
You freely share your knowledge and experience and truly walk the talk you preach here on your blog. I am inspired by you daily!!
Rebekah Radice recently posted..3 Steps to Being Unforgettable on Social Media
Hi Rebekah,
For years I have been a fan of yours too my friend. I was so happy when I asked you to be a guest on my blog.
You always deliver great content and help people understand how to use social media effectively.
Hugs to you!
Donna.Merrill recently posted..The Shocking Truth About Facebook