This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014
Does it look empty and lonely with too few comments?
Comments are absolutely necessary in order to get some social juice to your blog.
If your blog looks like a Graveyard… and you want to get more comments and social buzz, then here are some things you can do.
Blogging Groups
There are many types of groups where bloggers come together to help each other get social proof and a steady flow of comments to their articles.
Here’s a short list of these groups:
- Blogging Communities
- Blogging Alliances
- Tribes
- Facebook Groups
- Google+ Communities
- Forums
All of the above will have certain rules to follow. If you cannot commit yourself to the time involved, then that group is not for you. But, if you are looking to get more comments to your blog, you may want to think twice and find the time to join.
Good groups usually have the rule of reciprocity. The rules are usually posted above the group so you can get a good idea of how much time you have to invest.
Reciprocity rules are the guidelines for sharing and commenting. Some Facebook groups, for instance require that you visit two blog posts written by other members of the group, comment on each of them, then like and share those posts on your social sites. After fulfilling that requirement, you are able to post a link to your latest article on the group site, so others can reciprocate likewise.
Some groups work on a point system.
There is a Blogging Alliance I belong to that has a wonderful rotation system that minimizes your visits to the same people over and over again. They rotate groups, so you can go to blogs that are different each week.
The point system goes something like this: The more people you visit, the more points you get. Yes, you can extend yourself outside of your group and visit just about everyone if you like, giving you more points. Then you get “rewarded” by being a top visitor. This means the entire group has to visit your blog.
Nifty isn’t it!
When joining a new blogging group or community, the first thing you want to do is check it out.
Say, for instance, you see a great group on Facebook.
Look and see if people are active there, or if they are just dropping their links and flying out. “Link dropping” benefits nobody. It’s all about reciprocating at the same time that you are sharing your link with others in the group. Everyone else agrees to do the same for you.
Groups rooted in good reciprocation rules and efforts will be strong. That’s where the good bloggers are.
I have to say it again.
It’s all about reciprocity!
When you find a group where everyone is visiting every blog posted for that week, and syndicating them… you know you are in the right place.
It is a commitment you choose to make, but for me, it is a great one!
As one man wisely said: Eighty percent of success is showing up (-Woody Allen)!
Mastermind Groups
Now let me not forget yet another place you can work with other bloggers… Mastermind Groups.
In Mastermind Groups, people get together for a common purpose. For bloggers, this would mean, sharing ideas they find are working for getting more comments, better comments and a higher level of social engagement.
Masterminding is great to improve and test your own techniques and strategies.
Again…follow the rules.
If the Mastermind group is meeting once a week, ask yourself if you can really do this. You don’t want to join just to be a drop-out. It will get you nowhere, and you’ll start to give yourself a reputation as being unreliable.
Masterminds groups can be really good places to gain essential skills, practices and strategies that can take your blogging from average to expert. People in these groups often get together to critique one another’s posts, design and traffic strategies.
You will receive lots of encouragement and insider methods in mastermind groups.
The best part is, you will get closer to people in the group. That means you will start building alliances and friendships with people who might become future guest bloggers on your site, or might joint venture a business or product you are promoting.
There’s no telling where a mastermind group might lead you, but if you’re a serious member who strives to help others… you will build solid and long term relationships here that can pay off big over time.
To get the most out of a mastermind group, get over any fears you might have about speaking up and asking for help, or even giving help to others.
You may not know anything about a particular topic on the agenda at any given time. That’s okay as long as you make it your business to learn. So ask a question, or 2 or 3!
You’ll find that your mastermind friends just love to answer questions. Don’t ever feel like you are asking a silly one. Nothing is silly so get over it now.
Get up the nerve to ask a question and you will be surprised how many people are willing to hep you.
And don’t forget, people in your mastermind group will get to know you and go to your blog. If they find you interesting or you make a good connection with them, they’ll start to comment and share your posts to all their friends in their own social circles and sites.
Beyond Groups
Now there is another way to get your blog out of the Graveyard.
That’s by using strategies that you can implement independent of joining groups, communities and masterminds.
This is not for everyone, though. Most bloggers that I’ve worked with, especially newbies, do best in groups. It gives them structure and sort of a forced routine to work with.
If, however, you are truly and independent worker who can set up systems for blogging, syndicating and social sharing on your own… and stick to it… then, here’s my advice.
Find other bloggers in your niche and treat them as if they were in your blogging community, even though they’re not.
In other words, visit them on a regular basis, leave good comments, share their posts on your social sites, and expect that they’ll reciprocate eventually.
There’s actually a rather detailed strategy I teach in my “Blogging Magic” course that goes over this in quite a bit of detail. I discuss things like where to find these bloggers, who to syndicate and who not to, how many of these bloggers you’ll need to put on your syndication list, for how long and how to build serious relationships with them.
Again, I don’t recommend this for everyone.
I advise most bloggers to join formal groups that can quickly help them build up their blogs into social buzz sites, filled with the comments and social shares that Google loves almost as much as your target audience does.
What methods do you use to build social engagement on your blog? How’s that working for you?
I’d love to hear your comments below.
Twitter: charm_ap
May 5, 2014 at 1:26 pm #
Well, actually reciprocity can be attained easily if your blog has a maintained frequency of blog spot and how actively you are interacting with others to keep yourself updated and live.
Charmie recently posted..DigiHawker Review – The Right Strategy To Make Money Online
Hi Monisha,
I’m glad you are pumped up from this post and our recent conversation. Your blog is great, we just have to work out some kinks and get you out there! lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: 344pmstyle
March 27, 2014 at 2:00 pm #
Hi Donna,Thanks for this fabulous post!! As a \\\”sort of newbie\\\” this tips are easy to follow and straightforward. Reading this post has me pumped and ready to blog!! :)Thank You!Monisha
Great advice, Donna.
Where I have a hard time is when I train a new blogger to do just that – find other bloggers, join communities, comment regularly. Someone suggested there is fear in moving forward. I remember when I left my first comment; I wasn’t even blogging yet. It did feel strange.
Leora Wenger recently posted..Making Contact: Contact Form Plugins for WordPress
Hi Leora,
Welcome…. Yes, there is that fear factor when you are new at it. When I train my newbies, I tell them they just have to get out of their box of fear and go for it!
Just like anything else, new things are difficult to do. But it is necessary when being a blogger.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
March 24, 2014 at 3:59 am #
Hi Donna,
Excellent! This is something that newbies are missing out 🙂
I’ve seen so many bloggers into reciprocity through groups / communities and involved in Mastermind groups 🙂 Followed by rules and easier to be focused.
Yet what some missing out is self-promoting isn’t the thing to attract others, but giving out. However I’m bit against with the ones that follows blindly, which just focused on numbers not value and relationships they build.
I think I’m fitting to the set of “Beyond Groups”, you mentioned 🙂 Limited time and focused on limited but favorite blogs like yours, which I really enjoy being there grasping the knowledge and experience shared, and talking to. I do go for a extra mile when I can afford and feel trustworthy about the person behind 🙂
Talking about comments on my blog, I have very friendly and loyal bloggers who always leave their thoughts when they read my posts. Yet my first priority is offering solutions for those who need, hence they can figure things out by following my tutorials. However, I don’t know why, some readers comment only if they found problem following steps or prefer not to comment but message / email though.
I believe your product will definitely gonna help bloggers who struggling out there dear 🙂
You have a wonderful week, Donna!
Mayura recently posted..Protect Your Facebook Account with Bitdefender Safego
Hi Mayura,
Thank you for your fabulous input! I too don’t like numbers, but rather a good comment, like you always give lol. If you had a peek in my back office you would see that about one third of comments never make it to my blog.
They are there with “good post” or something irrelevant to what the post is about. Even worse, they try to drop links which is so unethical!
I love visiting your blog for all your tutorials and also the answers you give to your commentors. It brings the topic alive!
Thanks again!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: atishranjan
March 23, 2014 at 7:17 am #
Blogging groups are good but I think you the best way to get comments on your own blog is to be active on fellow bloggers by commenting over them and sharing their posts on Social media. You must be getting so many comments on your blog posts.
Thanks for sharing!
Atish Ranjan recently posted..Essential things to do after setting up your wordpress blog
Hi Atish,
Absolutely! We must be active on blogs by commenting and sharing their posts. Once we do, others will come to our blogs and reciprocate.
Thanks for stopping by!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: bihar
March 22, 2014 at 2:11 pm #
Hi Donna
Although comments are not necessary for a blog but it looks nice in the eyes of others. Also it helps to show that you are a popular blogger and you have active blog. I am not in any commenting group but if have a group then please do add me in that group as I would like to be a part.
I like the tips and I can see that you are great blogger as you get lots of comments.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..My new India travel guide book now on Amazon
Hi Shalu,
Comments are great for your blog because of more exposure. That, plus being active on social media gives you a chance to get more readership.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Hey Donna,
reciprocation is key! I like that you mentioned this here. This is talking from experience. The more I visit, share my comments, and share my post with serious bloggers, the more i will get in return.
And I especially love that you mentioned joining blogging groups. This is where i got my jump start. I learned so much from this groups as well as befriended a lot of people. What I love most about it is all the support you get, especially for the fact that they are from all over the world. I like the fact that not only do we engage about blogging, but we all engage about other topics outside of blogging and business. Sometimes they’re silly but that lets you know that you’re part of a big close-knit family. That’s the blogging community for you!
Thanks for a great post Donna!
Hi Sherman,
You said it all when you referred to a blogging community as a family. That is exactly the way I feel too. Getting to know people is fantastic.
It’s all about sharing and caring. When it comes down to it all we support each other and yes, Reciprocity is the key!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: Daringblogger
March 19, 2014 at 11:56 am #
I have been part of many blogging related tribes, but right now, I am working alone 😀
You know, the independent tribe 😀 I think it’s best that I work alone (at least for now…Studies are becoming tougher, and I definitely don’t want to join a tribe and not be active).
Independent tribe, on the other hand, gives me that freedom. I don’t have to meet anyone’s expectations (of course, people might still expect me to visit their blog and comment…and I do it, eventually).
But, like you mentioned, tribes do have great benefits; we can’t necessarily slack off since that makes us seems like unreliable slackers (and we definitely don’t want to come off as those guys, especially to other bloggers).
Reciprocation…I love and hate it at the same time (In fact, I just wrote a post about this last week. Haven’t published it yet; I will probably publish it tomorrow, or on Fri :D).
Anyways, thank you for the wonderful post, Donna 😀
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted..Want to be more Creative? Just be bored!
Hi Jeevan,
I remember you coming to my blog before you put yours up. That’s reciprocity my friend.
They are some groups that don’t expect you to comment on just about everything.
Try to find some loose ended groups that you can go in and out of if that fits your needs.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: suejprice
March 19, 2014 at 5:00 am #
Hi Donna
Awesome post and yes the graveyard says it all.
I am so glad I started in a group. I did a course with Kimberly and Jodie Thompson and we were put into syndication groups. That first group I was in lasted for a couple of years. Then some people moved on from blogging but we are all in touch and friends.
I am not sure I would have lasted solo trying to find my way.
Mastermind groups are great too even when they just become friends supporting each other 🙂
Reciprocity is key of course. We have all had the experiences where we comment and people do not visit us but that is part of life and business really.
Awesome post Donna and it sure is not a graveyard here. 🙂
Sue Price recently posted..Surf Festival : Including Surfing Dogs
Hi Sue,
I remember back in the day when I first came on line and found TSA. Now that it went through changes and Kimberly runs it, I’m still there.
And yes, we can still be friends when a group breaks up. It’s that old consistency thing!
Thanks so much for your great comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: gorringe
March 19, 2014 at 3:54 am #
I just love the title of your article! And Oh so haunting too!! 😉
I’ve really been thinking about joining a mastermind group lately, and I know it’s going to come about at the right time with just the right people. Because it can be hard to go it alone. (…spooky ghost noises…)
I consistently blog every week, but it would be interesting to be a part of some sort of group. One of the ways I make sure my blog isn’t a graveyard, (besides posting it it on social networks) is by visiting different blogs, getting to know the blogger by reading their stuff & then simply posting a comment.
All the Bloggers I’ve come across are so awesome!! And I gladly share their articles as well. Thanks, Donna!
Robb Gorringe recently posted..19 Ways to Get the Girl of Your Dreams
Hi Robb,
Joining groups is one sure way of getting more people to your blog. Also, when you visit a blog with tons of comments, look at those who you can resonate with. Visit their blog and introduce yourself…..”Hi I just read your comment on so and so’s blog and it was fantastic, then leave your comment”
That works pretty well!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: shivkumarlohar
March 19, 2014 at 3:51 am #
Hello Donna,
First of all, it’s a nice and great tips for a newbie from this page.
Your post title attracted me and I click to see how can one’s blog be a graveyard. And yes the reason you have listed is really acceptable. Blog post without comment is really a graveyard.
And about social engagement, can you give some more ideas or guide us to ‘How to engage in relationship with the blogger who don’t even response to our message of comment?’
Thanks in advance. And thanks for sharing this.
Shivkumar recently posted..Managing all email ID is now easier using myMail Android Application
Hi Shivkumar,
Hey, how did I miss your comment? Sorry about that!
I do work with lots of newbies, so I’m trying to teach them how to blog the “right way” so they can get more social interaction.
As for your question, look at what I’ve just done…I let a week slip by before I found you. But this was due to my transition of my blog ((sorry!)) Just had my blog re-vamped and there was much confusion on the back end. But I’m here.
Some bloggers won’t respond…it is just their choice. But if you are on a blog that does, and notice they did not respond, a quick message on Facebook, or email, would probably be welcomed. I know I would have liked it if you messaged me and said “Hey Donna…I left a comment and you didn’t respond!” I would appreciate that because I don’t like it when I miss a comment.
Also, I could have explained to you that my blog was down for a while because it was being re-vamped. Just a suggestion!
Thanks for coming by and sorry for my late response to you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Updating Your Blog Is Important
Twitter: shivkumarlohar
April 1, 2014 at 10:51 am #
Hi Donna,
No problem! I can understand your situation, sometime it’s really headache to deal with backend.
I am very happy to know that you help newbie for their blog. I hope to get in touch with you on social media.
I will remember your word which you have said above to message the person on facebook, twitter about comment. Once I thought to message that person but then I thought I should not force anyone to approve my comment on their blog, After all, it’s their blog and they can welcome to whom they want.
But glad to know that you were expecting message from me. thanks you! 🙂
Shivkumar recently posted..How to install and customize WordPress offline on localhost?
Twitter: FollowNateLeung
March 19, 2014 at 12:35 am #
Hello Donna,
I agree with everything you said in this post! Newbies do very well in blogging groups. I wish when I first started that I knew about this! Blogging groups help newbie bloggers get their feet wet and also at the same time connect with other bloggers in the same space. It’s been awhile since I’ve been here. Hope all is well!
Nate Leung recently posted..10 Biggest Myths About Being An Entrepreneur
Hi Nate,
Everything is swell Nate! When someone is new to blogging it is so important for them to put their foot forward and join groups and syndication tribes.
It’s the only way to get some juice to their blogs!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Hi Donna thank for all the teaching. I start blogging last years and I know about reciprocity this is very important . I first learn with Lesly Federici in Facebbok The power blogging tribe and then I decide to start blogging in both languages FRENCH and ENGLISH this is quite a challenge because even if I do speak both the readers don’t So…I like to belong to a group because of the structure Thank again for all information it will be helpfull to…
Helene Martin recently posted..After 14 years Yves got the JOB….
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
March 18, 2014 at 8:13 pm #
Hello Donna,
While I was reading your post I was thinking about some of the blogs I’ve seen that have no comments but they have thousands of followers. I’m trying to wrap my head around it but I’ve not figured it out yet.
Although that blogger may not be missing the comments I think it’s the lack of connection that they’re missing out on.
I used to worry a lot about comments wondering when I would get to be like Harleena or Adrienne. But I’ve since realized I’ve got to do it at my own pace and one day I’ll get there :).
I belong to some Facebook groups and I use Triberr as well. I’ve also joined some Google Communities as well. :). The key for me is to be proactive and get out there and start commenting more myself.
Thanks for sharing these great tips! I hope you’re having a great week! See ya in the socialverse :).
Corina Ramos recently posted..Giveaway #Blogger Opp: Sign Up For The Mother’s Day Kitchen Aid Giveaway
Hi Corina,
Well you sure answered your own question. The key is to get out there and comment on more blogs.
Sometimes when you see a blog with lots of followers, it can be because that blogger is engaging with their readers on a list instead of a blog post.
I don’t like that school of thought because a blog is a place for engagement. If I had thousands of comments, I would have to answer them, or get some help to do so.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: Jeanne_Melanson
March 18, 2014 at 7:25 pm #
I’m in several FB groups and I host two of my own as well. I am also in a few in G+ and a couple of other places as well. Phew. It sure keeps me busy. But it pays off in the end. My Alexa ranking was really done well over the months. Thanks for this post. It is very information and will help so many people to ‘wake up’ and get the comments. 😉 Peace out.
P.S. Hmm … That Blogging Alliance. Any chance I can get in on that?
Hi Jeanne,
You have been a busy bee girl! But that’s the way to do it. We need to get out there and join groups and get to know people on social sites.
Hey, that’s where I found you…on Facebook!
I do hope people who read this will realize how easy it is to get comments just by go-giving!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: GarSpecialties
March 18, 2014 at 3:15 pm #
Donna- I had to learn the hard way but today I have several blogging groups, get responses on Linkedin and Google+. Yes it is very time consuming but it is also very rewarding. I now have a following which makes me feel good. I can’t agree with you more that the most important thing about blogging is to reciprocate, but you do not have to wait for someone to reciprocate on your blog. Go out and support your group.
Arleen recently posted..A Winning Online Marketing Strategy
Hi Arleen,
Absolutely! We can join many groups, but it is up to us to get out there and visit blogs….as many as time allows us to.
I am so happy for you having a great following. I just came off your awesome post and loved it. I see how fast you are growing! Horrayyy!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: coachgladyd
March 18, 2014 at 2:44 pm #
Hello Ms. Donna
I hope you are well.
I love the title of your post. It made me to start thinking right from the start about my blog.
Currently I belong to a FB Comment group which I am grateful for because I have met you and other great people.
I also belong to two more and I am trying hard to visit them often, but sometimes it just seems impossible.
When I first started blogging, Ms. Barbara started a newbie mastermind and I met DeeAnn, Lisa, Dawn and others, but it folded and I have missed it, because Barbara and Dee Ann are great in helping us newbies.
At this time I am seeing other people outside of the FB Comment Group visit my blog. I am happy!
I am so thankful for those that share some of my post and I am learning to do the same.
Thank you again for a great post.
Gladys posted Life Lessons I’ve Learned Up To Now
Gladys recently posted..Life Lessons I’ve Learned Up To Now
Hi Gadys,
Well you were blessed to start with some wonderful people! Even though some groups die out, you can still visit them if they are still blogging.
I’m sure other people came to your blog just by your wonderful comments!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Hi Donna,
Love to comment in your precious post as it is my digging deep pleasure to read your post.
I did also write my last post over the comment issue but your post is awesome and more appealing.
I want to express my post in your way. I wish I could be more tricky in generating ideas as you do in your blog.
I really feel that when my post remain unnoticed and don’t get comments irks me lot. I will definitely join few groups as you mentioned.
Thanks for the information and please do share such amazingly good post.
Hi Shiwangi,
The only way to get comments is to go over to other blogs and comment. Most of the time, people will reciprocate. When you do, connect with them on the social sites too. Introduce your self: Example Facebook you can “add as a friend” and ALWAYS message that person saying something like “I read your blog and commented it was so helpful…..anything like that and ask to be their friend so you can share their blog on Facebook.
You can do this on all social media platforms. As long as you are sharing people’s posts, they will eventually share yours.
Be Blessed,
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: GeriRecommends
March 17, 2014 at 11:48 pm #
Hi Donna,
That is exactly what I do, as far as, treating a few bloggers like they are in my blogging circle.
Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. I’m sure you know this. 🙂
I find myself wanting to swear because of the time constraints but, it’s Lent and I gave that up. 🙂
Great post Donna and good info.
Have a Blessed day,
Hi Geri,
He He He…you gave up swearing for Lent? That’s a good thing Geri!
I know time can be a “enemy” but try to turn it around to be a “friend” By this I mean, create your DMO Daily Method of Operation. Write it down and do the most difficult task first. Then look at your time limits. If it is one blog a day, or more….things like that. But don’t forget to get on Social Media to share!
Hope this helps, and good luck with your swearing lol! I should have given that one up too! Hey, it’s not too late!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: kgauraw
March 17, 2014 at 7:12 pm #
Hi Donna,
If not for the blogging communities and Facebook groups we share, I wouldn’t have met you and probably I wouldn’t have got a wonderful hosting client and incredible human beings like yourself and David.
So, Inwould say that what you said here is absolutely important and every serious online entrepreneur must pay attention to these things and work towards increasing engagement on their blog.
Thank you for sharing.
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Blazing Fast And Secure Website Using MaxCDN And CloudFlare [Updated]
Hi Kumar,
Exactly the point of getting on groups, plus getting out of your niche! If I wasn’t in a group, If I only stuck to my niche, we would have never met.
I am so happy with your service and more than that, the connection David and I have made with you my friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: Lisapatb
March 17, 2014 at 6:44 pm #
Hi Donna, great post. I like the group on Facebook “Blog Comment Group”. Other than that I use the other advice “Find other bloggers in your niche and treat them as if they were in your blogging community, even though they’re not.” I also use Triberr and try to comment on some bloggers there that I don’t come across on other networks. I find I can only handle so many groups – time is so short!
Lisa recently posted..Can Tweeting Make You Happy When You Are Feeling Down?
Hi Lisa,
Girl, you are pretty active out there! You are on the right track and no graveyard issues for you.
Thanks for your comment…Using Triberr is a great thing to do!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: wonderoftech
March 17, 2014 at 5:44 pm #
Hi Donna, I completely agree, a blog without comments seems very lonely. I joined a commenting tribe on Triberr but even the tribe chief didn’t participate so that didn’t work out, though I still like the tribe.
I am part of a FB commenting group. I like that it’s reciprocal so that those who participate are rewarded and those who don’t aren’t. I had a very busy start to 2014 with family stuff and the harsh weather here so I was still commenting on some blogs but not as many and didn’t have a chance to visit the FB group. But now I’m back and not only happy to be commenting but happy to be part of the community again!
I am a member of a mastermind group but it has nothing to do with blog commenting. Hey, wherever you can get support that’s great! I like the idea of your blog alliance that awards points. That empirical analysis is very useful to make sure that those who participate are rewarded!
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..Is Amazon Prime Worth $99 for You? Here’s How to Decide!
Hi Carolyn,
I see you on the FB commenting group. I was wondering why you weren’t so active…but when family stuff happens…that comes first. But you do a pretty good job girl. Glad you are back and raring to go!
I am also a member of a mastermind group that has nothing to do with blogging. We don’t post our blogs there, but rather talk about health and wellness. It’s awesome and keeps me on my toes eating well and getting out there to do my exercise!
Thanks for your great input,
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: wiarbu
March 17, 2014 at 3:25 pm #
Hi Donna,
Ooh, what a spooky title. Thanks for raising my spirit 😉
I guess you really know your blog’s a graveyard if you have leaves blowing across your laptop.
I recently became involved in more groups and it all takes time, but anything worthwhile does. I really appreciate learning about Blogging Alliance.
Keep up the good work. Gotta go now. Sir Graves Ghastly reruns are on now. 🙂
William Butler recently posted..29 Ways To Perpetuate Peace
You are so funny. I received that Facebook Youtube thing you sent me via this comment. I was laughing so hard. Where do you come up with these things?
I just had to write this one because I’m meeting some great bloggers that are not on social media. So I cracked my whip and showed them how lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
March 17, 2014 at 1:34 pm #
Hi Donna,
What great advice and suggestions my dear.
I would much rather visit blogs that have some interaction in the comments then to visit those that don’t. To me it says that the blogger cares about his readers and what they have to say about what they’ve shared.
Although it’s not a necessity in order to have a successful blog like you mentioned with those that have high PR ratings, I believe that since last year we’ve been leaning much more toward communities and if people are smart about it, those are the people who will be sharing your content on a regular basis and helping spread the word. That’s where the friendships and relationships are formed and we all know that word of mouth is better than anything else.
You’ve shared some great ideas for those who aren’t quite sure how to get started because I’m almost certain there are plenty of blogs out there in specific niches and this is a great way to help find them.
Thanks Donna for making this clear and so very helpful. Enjoy your day young lady.
Adrienne recently posted..Repurposing Your Content – The Swiss Army Knife of Blogging
Hi Adrienne,
Well, your blog is certainly not graveyard, but a party my friend!
It is surprising to me that I find fantastic bloggers out there that haven’t gone the next step….social media.
I just had a strategy session today with an intelligent man with a fantastic blog content. Its funny but I wrote this post, then talked to him.
Now, he is learning how to get out there and engage! It is so exciting to watch folks grow.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: lisamagoulas
March 17, 2014 at 12:39 pm #
Hey Donna,
I love being in a blogging group. I’ve met so many amazing people. I was overwhelmed with reading all the posts, but I’ve just narrowed it down to reading one every day. Only once I read a post do I share my own. Even though most of them aren’t in my niche, I enjoy reading them because it offers me a variety of information. I have been in a couple master mind groups, but I’ve been so busy, I’ve had to back out of them. Once I’m done with all my classes, I’m hoping to focus on engaging in a group to keep me on focus of my goals. Thanks for the great tips. Have an awesome day. Lisa
Lisa Magoulas recently posted..Why are smoothies important for breakfast?
Hi Lisa,
I know how busy you are with school. But once it is over…you are going to rock it girl.
Yes, being in groups can be overwhelming, but reading one post a day will get you the mileage you need.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: MyGrlyPrts
March 17, 2014 at 12:34 pm #
Ahh Donna, this is great! So many ways to get your blog seen but not everyone utilizes them, for whatever reason. I use Triberr to help out and the tribes there. I also use FB groups but am not that active. My own FB group has no restrictions on mandatory visiting. It’s more of a Support Community than anything. Other than that, I rely on Twitter, Tumblr, FB, and G+ to get my blog seen. If I had more time to put into it, I might look at other avenues. But you know as well as I do, time is of the essence.
Great post Donna!
Bren recently posted..Do You Remember Life Before Mobile Phones?
Hi Bren,
I think you are very visible Bren on the social sites. Using Triberr is a great way to connect.
Now your blog is so not a grave yard girl! Your FB community Rocks!
There is only so much time one can spend on Social media. We do have to choose which ones our peeps hang out in and focus on those.
Thanks for your awesome comment.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: saraharrow
March 17, 2014 at 4:30 am #
Find other bloggers in your niche and treat them as if they were in your blogging community, even though they’re not. <— that's great advice and the thing is you won't know how to manage and handle your community until you become part of one.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..Using USPs to capture your audience…
Hi Sarah,
I usually tell people to get out there and find at least one blog a day that you don’t know. Something that interests them. Read carefully, comment carefully and connect to their social share buttons.
If they don’t respond, move on to another one. But they usually will.
This is how to expand readership of our blogs.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: harleenas
March 17, 2014 at 1:19 am #
Hi Donna,
You are SO right when you said that a blog without comments seems like a graveyard – the apt words 🙂
Yes, there are many blogs I visit that have no comments, even though they are high in their ranking or PR etc. But the interaction or liveliness is missing from such blogs, or perhaps such bloggers don’t have the time for comments and aren’t interested in building relationships with other bloggers – they are missing out on so much I feel.
I’ve joined a lot of groups and share my posts there, and I’m glad we are part of a few same ones too. Reciprocation works best, whether you are in a FB group or G+ community, though it works well even if you just keep visiting those people who visit your blogs, and you can easily make out the regulars from the link-droppers, isn’t it? I don’t join only groups where you have the reciprocation working as it’s tough to visit all the blogs, but some that even just make do liking each others posts, once they read and comment about it on FB, so it’s a combination of all kinds. I still have to join forums – once I can make time for that 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..3 Secrets to Winning a Writing Contest
Hi Harleena,
Yes we are in similar groups. And the one FB group we are in (you know that one) it seems like you and just 3 others are active.
I’m an admin on that particular group and did have to kick some link droppers out. he he he.
The rules are posted on top and I have to always remind them to follow. But if they keep dropping and running…you will notice they have gone. Secret’s out…its me..the bad guy he he he!
I’ve seen so many great bloggers with no comments at all. Now that I’m coaching more and more people, this is one of the problems. So, I gave them a DMO (Daily Method of Operation) so they can get out there on some social sites.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: cheryschmidt
March 17, 2014 at 1:04 am #
Hello Donna! Wow what an awesome title “Is Your Blog A Graveyard?” Of course no one wants their blog to be a graveyard but it does take a lot of work and consistent action to get visitors HUH?
I love the idea of a mastermind group and would love to join one, any suggestions here GF?
I have joined a FB group and am trying to keep up with this as well as B3. I do have a set time for this one as you well know I have been active for a year now.
I love your blog and all the value you give, Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Accept Responsibility and Take Control Of Your Future
Hi Chery,
Our mastermind group is closed right now …sorry 🙁 But, can ask the admin of our Blog Comment group on FB to get you in if you want. There are many people there you might know, and some you may not.
If you are interested just FB Message me. I can’t believe how fast you have grown Chery! Woo Hoo
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: cheryschmidt
March 17, 2014 at 6:30 pm #
Happy St Patrick’s Day Donna. Thanks for getting back to me, I do have a lot on my plate this month, but I will be sure to get a hold of you soon. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Accept Responsibility and Take Control Of Your Future
Hi Donna,
Love the graphic on this one…will share it on my Fan Page!
Hope you thaw out soon.
Hi Tonya,
Thanks so much! I make my own graphics from pictures I take and an application called Pixelmaker. Have fun doing it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online