I’ve had quite a few questions about how I made my first digital information product “live.”
It’s not really a simple process. Truthfully, my husband (I think most of you know “David Merrill 101”) did the bulk of the technical work, and I focused on actually creating the product.
Now that the product is “live,” I’m focusing on the marketing. But that will be another post altogether.
3rd Party Integration
First of all, my product is called “Blogging Magic”. I wrote about it pretty extensively in my last blog post, so there’s nothing more to say about the product here.
But here’s the mechanics of getting a digital product to go live.
We used what’s called 3rd party integration.
The 3rd party in our case is JV Zoo.
It doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of digital marketing platforms you could use to offer your product in the live marketplace.
Probably the one most people are familiar with is ClickBank.
It’s really just a matter of doing some research as to the terms and features of each platform. Then you make a business decision as to which one fits your needs and goals best.
For us, we chose JV Zoo.
Integrating With Your Product Site
Since I’m not technical, I’ll explain how this works from my perspective.
We have a product site that “houses” our digital products. It’s called WhirlwindSuccess dot com.
Here’s what it looks like.
When somebody buys “Blogging Magic”, they login credentials to access that product on the WhirlwindSuccess site.
Those credentials (username and password) are manufactured by our membership site plugin, and buyers are emailed those credentials immediately upon purchase.
So, that’s how the place they buy Blogging Magic” from (JV Zoo), gets integrated with the actual product. Remember, the product is not “on” JV Zoo, it is on our WhirlwindSuccess site.
There’s actually a second way a buyer can get access to the product site. JV Zoo immediately sends a receipt with their own access portal.
Either way, it works the same. Somebody buys the product via JV Zoo, which then integrates the purchase with access to our site.
Getting Buyers on Your Email List
When somebody buys your product, they also “tell” JV Zoo what email address they want to use to access it.
That email address is where they get their login credentials so they can use the product. It’s also, though, the same address the vendor (me, in this case) can use to send newsletter auto-responder messages as well as broadcasts.
That’s how you build your mailing list of “buyers”. It’s different than your opt-in email list, which is usually people who have no bought anything, yet.
How Do I Pay Affiliates?
This gets back to the 3rd party integration.
One of the big reasons to filter this whole process through JV Zoo is that they manage the affilates.
So, when a product sells, JV Zoo sets aside part of the profit for the vendor, and the other part for the affiliate. They then pay the affiliate directly and we don’t have to worry about all that 🙂
Vendors who choose to sell products on their own sites directly, must then handle all the affiliate payments themselves. There are plugins that are supposed to make that easy, but, hey… we’ve got enough to do with marketing.
It just didn’t seem like a good use of our time to spend it doing accounting. We’d much rather focus on marketing and building a community.
Just The Beginning
That brings me to the last point in this process.
Now that the product is done, and it is truly “Just The Beginning” for us.
The product is “done” means that it’s done from a production perspective.
But when people buy our product, they also enter our “community”.
We have standard support for them, of course. In addition, though, they get access to our closed Facebook Group, our Skype Hotline, our webinar trainings and even a live strategy session. We’ve even built some “done for you” bonuses into one of our back-end offers.
Finally, we will be building a membership community on the WhirlwindSuccess site, so that people can join for regular trainings and personal assistance.
So, believe me… making “Blogging Magic” live is just the beginning.
Now, it’s time to engage, get personal and build a thriving community.
I hope this answers a lot of the questions I’ve been getting from folks about just how we have gone about breathing life into a digital product, and delivering to the live marketplace.
Have you considered creating a product, but just didn’t understand how to make it happen in the real world?
I hope this has answered most of your questions.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and further questions in the comments section below.
I’d especially like to hear if you have thoughts of creating your own product?
Thanks for writing and sharing. I haven’t heard of JV Zoo before. Will check them out. I can only image the hard work you put in but as you say it’s only the beginning – even if it doesn’t feel that way. Congrats.
Thank you Clare.
JVZoo is used for affiliates. I like it because they do the work for me. They do charge a small percentage, but to me it’s worth it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
March 14, 2014 at 10:35 pm #
I know that many people find this process of making a product live fascinating, Donna, because most of them have never seen an info product back-stage.
It’s a process that people can duplicate, because it is fairly simple. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t take an enormous amount of work though, especially the first time around.
In the end, though, it’s about delivery. I know this product is uniquely positioned in the marketplace, not because it is unique, but because you have such a great gift for helping people move forward with their dreams. That will be the real backbone of this product/community.
I’m proud to play a role in it all.
David Merrill 101 recently posted..What Does It Cost To Run An Online Business?
What a pleasure it is to hear those words public David! I know you always tell me this, but seeing it in writing brought a tear to my eye!
Thank you so much for being that wonderful person I always dreamed about.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
March 11, 2014 at 10:13 pm #
Hi Donna. Just went through this. It gave me a brain cramp, but I’m really happy that I learned how to do it!
I am going through a huge renovation, and I can’t wait to see the results (just bit the bullet and got some help). When all the ducks are in a row, your new product will go on my site, and I’d like to do a webinar.
I’m so excited for you!
All the best,
Leslie Denning recently posted..Empower Cash System
Hi Leslie,
I first want to congratulate you on your new launch! I feel like we just graduated! 🙂
Yes, the only way to get things done is to get some help. If you try to do everything all by yourself, it would take such a long time.
I would be honored to do a webinar with you GF!
I am exited for you too!
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: gorringe
March 11, 2014 at 6:08 pm #
Hi Donna,
Your post is so dang inspiring. I’m inching my way, so closely to what you’re sharing about, and I’ve been debating weather to go the Gumroad, JVZoo, or DigiResults route. And, believe me… I know that one can waste a whole lot of precious time “window shopping” at all the options.
But I do like your whirlwindsuccess landing page too. Very nice. Was JVZoo your ultimate decision, just because of it’s affiliate option? Or do you like the “Shopper’s Experience” as well?
Thanks for sharing such awesome information!
Robb Gorringe recently posted..Fight for your Future
Hi Robb,
We chose JVZoo because we did that window shopping! Also have done much research in the marketing process.
Now some folks don’t like that platform because they do charge a small fee. But that small fee makes my life and business all worth it! I’m talking pennies.
Why be a penny pincher when you have to stand behind a product you create?
You want things to run smoothly for yourself and your affiliates.
So happy this has been an inspiration for you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: gorringe
March 16, 2014 at 11:53 pm #
Thanks for your feedback. It’s much appreciated!
Cheers to you & your business!
Robb Gorringe recently posted..Entrepreneurial Lessons from a Shaolin Monk
Twitter: sueken
March 9, 2014 at 11:29 pm #
I have bought things from JV Zoo and am an affiliate for those that I think worth promoting.
I had never considered the advantage of selling on JVZoo because of their affiliate management system. I should have put two and two together! Thank you for helping me add this up.
I built and ran a membership site for a marketing team I belonged to. I added an affiliate plugin but it was really hard to configure and I was not sure it was operating properly even after I had worked it out. It put me off building my own membership site but now you have given me a solution.
Although I have been blogging for a long time I need more help and resources for monetizing. The tools you are providing on your site sound wonderful and I particularly like the idea of the community you are building.
What is your link to sign up as a member?
Sue Bride recently posted..Multiple Uses for Subdomains
Glad you found some useful things for your business, Sue.
I’m actually in the process of figuring out where to put our subscription community. While working on that I’m sending folks to a page to get on the “coming soon” list, so I can notify them when it’s ready.
Here’s that link: http://whirlwindsuccess.com/vip-club-register/
This is all very exciting, although certainly challenging, too. I guess that’s what makes us crazy bloggers/marketers get up in the morning 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 WordPress Security Holes You Must Close To Protect Yourself Online
Twitter: melaniedyoung1
March 9, 2014 at 5:44 pm #
It’s so good to hear that all your hard work is coming to fruition! You truly deserve your hard earned success. Looking forward to hearing about you other ventures.
Hi Melanie,
Thanks so much girl. I like to share pieces of my journey so others can be encouraged.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: saraharrow
March 9, 2014 at 2:25 pm #
yay! well done Donna on getting your product online and up for sale. JV Zoo make it really easy to have affiliates for a product, and manage and track a lot of it for you. Whilst I’m a big fan of managing things “in-house” JV Zoo make the affiliate part so easy it’s hard to have an excuse not to put something up for sale.
I’d love to interview you about your launch experience if you have the time. Let me know.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..New Blog Case Study: Eunice Flynn
Hi Sarah,
JVZoo sure does make it so easy to manage affiliates. That’s why we decided to go with it.
It was a long journey, but we are just beginning…more to come lol.
I will get in touch with you for an interview. That would be awesome!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: GarSpecialties
March 9, 2014 at 10:53 am #
Hi Donna- I think what you have done is so impressive. I don’t think I could put my own product together and sell it. Then again you have to have a product that is of interest to others.
What has always impressed me about you is that you are willing to share with others. If one does create a product, you sit there and say it will never work because most people do not know what the process is.
I think it is wonderful that you work with your husband. What a great support team. You are both very fortunate to have each other.
Hi Arleen,
I like to share with others the process I went through. And this is just a tid bit of it all. There are so many parts to put together, many learning curves and technical issues besides the product itself.
But, just like anything else we aspire to do, once you start the journey, don’t give up…the goal will come true.
Oh, yes, I am so grateful for my husband and we have so much fun working together.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: thefoodcurator
March 9, 2014 at 7:08 am #
Wow Donna nice post! I love these ideas and will be looking into them in more detail. Thanks for bringing this angle into focus, anything which can increase revenue is always welcome 🙂
The Food Curator recently posted..How to make French toast
Hi Michael,
Glad you found this interesting. Yes, a lot of work to do, but sure worth it if that’s a goal of yours.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: martydia
March 9, 2014 at 3:23 am #
Thank you Donna – I’m curious about the process you used to select JV Zoo? Did you solicit referrals or did you find them some other way?
How did you make the decision whether to go with a fully managed solution vs . doing parts of it yourself?
When you haven’t been in the affiliate marketing realm it seems pretty overwhelming – thank in advance for any help and good luck with your new product.
Marty Diamond recently posted..An Overview of WordPress SEO by Yoast
Hi Marty,
I’ve done affiliate marketing in the past and it went pretty well for me. But David and I had a dream of creating a place (membership site) where people can come for learning curves. David used to teach and still has that “teacher” in him.
I wanted to do this for newbies as well as bloggers and marketers. The site will grow from 101 learning to advanced marketing.
As far as choosing JVZoo… it was pretty much a word of mouth thing, from talking with many other product creators we know who have products in many places. It just fit our business model best. We could have handled sales and commissions right from our member site, but we’d rather shop out all that to JV zoo and let them do all the tracking, analysis, payments etc.
Hope that answers your questions Marty!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: nickcatricala
March 8, 2014 at 8:04 pm #
ok I will compete with you now since you lay out all the secret avenues you and David used to do all this.. 🙂
CONGRATULATION my friends, I know it will be something great, but did not imagine it was this good and I truly love to congratulate you both for working so hard to get this going…
Success is a process and for sure you done that already.. now just keep at it and succeed even more, you deserve it.
Ok, I will not compete with you, not because I do not want to compete with you, but because I would have NO IDEA what to do ahhahaha 🙂
Enjoy all you d as always…
nick catricala recently posted..Can You Afford NOT to Earn More?
Hi Nick!
You are so funny! Yes, David and I wanted to share this side of the process because it was extensive. All the pieces of the puzzle we have been working on for almost a year.
In the middle of that we moved, so we had to stop for a while. But got right back to it. It was one goal we wanted to achieve, now more work ahead!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: cheryschmidt
March 8, 2014 at 7:04 pm #
Hello Donna and Congrats My Friend! Sure does look like you have done your home work on all of this, sounds pretty darn confusing to me. You are certainly blessed to have that hubby of yours working with you.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us I wish you and David huge success. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Do You Have A Social Media Strategy Plan?
Hi Chery,
It may sound confusing, but it took tons of learning curves to compete it. I wanted to share my journey for this in particular because many of my long time friends are at the stage of creating their own products.
Yes…lots of time doing homework lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: LeslieLDenning
March 8, 2014 at 11:22 am #
Hi Donna. Congratulations on getting your product out there. I’m launching mine on Monday, and I think JVZoo is a great choice. Clickbank is very complicated, in my opinion, and I love that affiliates get paid instantly with JVZoo. And I know that you’re married to the right guy to have those sales come pouring in!
All the best,
Leslie Denning,The Home Biz CEO
Leslie Denning recently posted..How’s the Economy Working Out for You?
Hi Leslie,
Can’t wait until Monday! Your last post was a cliff-hanger! I’m sure you will be successful. I’ve know you since you were teaching music…guess we go back a long way don’t we?
It seems to me like our old crew have made the leap this year with new and innovative products and services. It makes me feel like we should have a virtual graduation party!
Yes, I like working with JVZoo. Had some tweaking because I was using Get Response. But I’ll tell you all about that in my next post with my special guest Kumar!
All the best to you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: Daringblogger
March 7, 2014 at 12:43 pm #
Thank you for sharing this, Donna 😀
Not a lot of people actually share stuff like this, most of the successful guys just share their experience (not much about the process itself…I think we need both – experience and the steps you took to achieve the goal :D).
Anyways, I have planned to launch a product for the future (I haven’t decided what). Right now, my plan is to start with advertising and affiliate marketing, then niche sites, an eBook and then writing/consultancy services.
My initial plan was to use the eBook as my product, but I might change that (I don’t know, eBooks are too common. I want to do something else, something unique and not that time consuming – especially after the purchase, I can’t afford to spend too much time because of my studies).
Hopefully I will figure something out (I did get a different idea a few days ago, a website actually…sort of like a free service for bloggers). Monetization limited to advertising and donation 😀
Anyways, thank you again for sharing this! Hope you are ready for the weekend!
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted..I’m loving the ideas!
Hi Jeevan,
An ebook is good lead in. It can be a free product to capture names for your list. Whatever your plan is, work backwards! Yes, that’s the beginning of a sales funnel. Think of the primary goal of which you want to sell, then think of all the steps it takes at the lower end to produce.
As for marketing with a small budget or free…Study Facebook marketing. There are many ways you can do this. I just finished three courses on it and I am wowed!
If you ever have any questions when you start your project, FB message me my friend and I’ll be happy to answer questions.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: brotherbillamis
March 6, 2014 at 5:15 pm #
This is truly a great way to get the word our to all of us. The best method is “Word of Mouth”.
You both are amazing using the format that has been proven in the “Affiliate World” and taking it to your advantage. This is true imagination at work.
I have seen lots of people attempt this with just giving the same products of others and never helping themselves achieve greatness. You have found how to do it right with making the end result of supporting others needs with something you have created.
Thank you for inspiring all of us and continue to show us greatness!
William Earl Amis, Jr. III recently posted..Getting Started – First Fundamental Activity
Hi William,
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we didn’t want to just create a product, drop it in people’s hands and run. It is just not the way we like to do business.
This is why the most important part of the product is the membership site. We want to work with people, answer questions, have on-going trainings as they grow, etc.
That was our dream….our goal. The product is great for newbies and also bloggers that need to know what and what not to do on their blog and social media.
I never liked the drop-and-run products I’ve purchased. Even very high ticket products that we have bought and then got left out in the cold.
If one provides a product and/or service, one needs to have the marketing edge that provides people with support.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: brotherbillamis
March 15, 2014 at 4:37 pm #
Yes, very needed is giving a lifetime bonded support to all who have joined you in someway. Most will want to become a part of your team later from just being a customer.
The Affiliate part is a natural added part of products. You have to grow and the more people who have an insentive to share the product the right way the better.
Great idea to keep a relationship interaction from first contact through life. It is never been done with much success. Sooner or later the company changes and most stop. That is the hardest part when a business starts online.
So many new online companies jump aboard yet most never make it even five years. That is the time I know to join forces with any support they need. They are going places and it is an honor to give the a hand. We know from our company how hard it is online and offline.
Thank you for being the one with a strong leadership in place. I look forward in the future where I can be used to support your company.
William Earl Amis, Jr. III recently posted..Mental Challenge of Leadership
Twitter: lisamagoulas
March 6, 2014 at 10:13 am #
Hi Donna,
I actually purchased your program but haven’t had time to look at it yet. I figure once I graduate next month, that should free up some time. I’m really looking forward to it. I can tell how much work you’ve put into it. I actually want to do an affiliate program for my coaching programs. It’s on my to-do list to figure out how to do it. 🙂 Glad you gave me a heads up. Thanks for all you do, Lisa
Lisa Magoulas recently posted..Mushroom Risotto
Hi Lisa,
I did see that you have purchased Blogging Magic and thank you girl! I know you have your hands full now and need to tie up all your loose ends.
Once you get into it, grab your lunch…there is about 7 hours of videos there lol.
I am sure it is a great fit with your coaching programs. It will alleviate all those questions people ask and teach them what to do and what not to do along the way.
Don’t forget….call me anytime when you start affiliating this. We are here to help you succeed with it.
Thanks once again,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: suejprice
March 6, 2014 at 1:53 am #
Hi Donna
Thanks for sharing this process with us. I sort of new how it worked but you have filled in a few gaps.
I admire you so much for having done your product. Maybe I will one day but I have no clue what it might look like. 🙂
It is great that you have David with his knowledge and that you have worked together with such complimentary skills. Great team.
Thanks for the info Donna and I know it will go well for you.
Sue Price recently posted..Good Books to Read : Part 2
Hi Sue,
Yes, I had to fill in some gaps here that people were asking me about.
I think if I put it all on one blog it would have been over kill lol.
I am grateful that I have David with all his knowledge working side by side with me.
Thanks again!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: kgauraw
March 5, 2014 at 10:51 pm #
Hi Donna,
This is definitely a great beginning! Blogging Magic is just getting started and so are you! I am absolutely sure about that.
Your story inspires many people and provides the insights people need to know when they plan to launch a new product. Thank you for sharing your story.
I came to know about JVZOO because of your product and glad to know that I am considering them for some of my affiliate programs as well. So, thank you for sharing about them as well 🙂
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..Are You Excited About Getting Some New Domain Extensions?
Hi Kumar!
Yes indeed it is a beginning and is growing so quickly.
I am glad that you have been inspired by some things we have to do once a product is created.
Also happy about the fact that you were introduced to JVZoo. Some don’t like to use it because they charge a very small amount. But, considering that small percentage and what they can do, it is worth it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Hey Donna, hopping over from Not Now Mom’s Busy. Great post on how to bring a product “to life” in the digital world. Quite different than how we brought products to the market in my former life as a medical device product manager, yet lots of similarities. Customer service is key! And your Blogging Magic sure sound like something I could have used awhile back when I got started in this world of blogging.
Carol B recently posted..Cave Tubing and Monkeys Oh My! Belize Family Vacation Travel Series 3
Hi Carol,
Welcome to my blog! I could imagine there are lots of similar things that you have done in your “other” life bringing products to the marketplace.
Yes, Carol Customer Service is the key for an ongoing product. Blogging Magic was created for so many that are coming into the blogging world and also those who already are bloggers, but want to pump it up!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: Lisapatb
March 5, 2014 at 6:27 am #
Donna, thanks for sharing how you did this – the technical stuff that we all don’t LOVE 🙂 I hadn’t given it much thought yet but in the future will have to remember this post. Very good to know. I like how they take care of the affiliates for you – keeps it simple and we all love that. Best of luck with this new product Donna!
Lisa recently posted..Why I Won’t Use Shareaholic To Share Your Posts
Hi Lisa,
Yes, people will be naysayers about JVZoo because they do charge a small fee…a very small fee! But we have to pay to play out here. The service they provide makes it so simple to use. And I’m not a techie, so even I understand it he he he.
Thank you so much,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
WOW!!! Love this post on how to get a digital product live and ready for purchase. I have purchased items from people that have used JV Zoo…this is a great platform to use. Thanks I will keep this in mind when I get my products completed! I will have to check out our past post on your product! Please let me know how I can be the best resource for you!
Barb Sibbing recently posted..3 Tips For Creating Powerful Headlines
Hi Barb,
Welcome to my blog! Once you get your products completed, then comes the marketing curve to learn. That sales funnel and such.
I chose JVZoo because they manage the sales flow from one product to another because this is a sales funnel and not an individual product per se.
And to manage the affiliate program. Now some people are not in favor of JVZoo because they charge a few dollars to do this. But gosh…it’s a service!
Thanks again,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: marquitaherald
March 4, 2014 at 6:37 pm #
This is great Donna. So you haven’t created a typical information product because the majority of people who do that simply set the product up for people to buy and download and that’s it. Your product is a tool to build a community and that’s awesome. I can see where having some experience developing and selling digital products first would be beneficial. Thanks so much for sharing your process!
Marquita Herald recently posted..Detachment is the Key to Achieving Emotional Balance
Hi Marty,
Yes, I didn’t want to create a product that would just drop in people’s hands and run.
I wanted it to be a continuous process that they could benefit from. Oh it took a long time and much training to develop this, but it was all worth it.
Phase two is teaching others how to do it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: JacsHenderson
March 4, 2014 at 4:58 pm #
Donna, that was amazing – and how co-incidental that I’ve just done my affiliate marketing blogs – this just fits perfectly … in fact perhaps I could link to your blog here, so anyone interested in taking the next step could be guided by your JVZoo experience.
What do you think?
Sounds like you and David make a good team – and Congratulations on getting your membership site set up. A fabulous achievement and a huge stepping stone to launch your own product.
Jacs 🙂
Jacs Henderson recently posted..The Affiliate Marketing Guide #2 The 6 Key Step Success Cycle
Hi Jacs,
I love what you are doing teaching people about affiliate marketing. I’ve been to your blog and it is excellent information you give.
Of course you can link to this blog girl! I would be honored if you did.
The membership site was our end goal. We worked it backwards with trainings so that people can learn, get to know us and then be part of a membership site where there will be more and more learning modules.
Now…to do some webinars!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Hey Donna,
Again I tip my hat of to you. This was definitely a great lesson for me because I have thought about creating a product besides doing Affiliate Marketing all the time. I just didn’t know what steps to take. I did become a member of Clickbank but never really did anything with it. For now i’m just promote 1 product.
I really like the fact that you went through the steps you took to get your product out there. I like the fact that JV Zoo handles all the payments to affiliates since I also like more of the marketing side of business.
I also have to agree with Carolyn on the social support. I’m definitely impressed with this by giving them a couple of options to get into contact with you online. The fact that people have the apps on their smartphones makes it even better!
I’m glad that you shared this with us! This definitely gives me high hopes to create a product!
Hi Sherman,
Yes, I wanted to create not only a product but a continuity product as well. It took tons of training and lots of work putting it all together.
But I wanted to have a place where people go to continue to learn on this membership site. That was the goal! Everything leads to that place, where people can be part of a group, and will have continuous learning as I keep on developing modules.
And yes, I do want them to contact me on line because in order for me to help someone, I need to know where they stand and what is their goals.
Thanks for your lovely comment,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: msellithorpe
March 4, 2014 at 11:23 am #
Hi Donne,
I can’t tell you how happy I am for you and David that you have your product completed and on your way to promotion, etc.
I wish you both great success. I know how hard you both have worked on this.
Have a great day. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Searching Out Those Who Are Interested In What You Write
Hi Monna,
Thank you so much for your kind wishes! I sure do appreciate it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: wiarbu
March 4, 2014 at 9:04 am #
Hi Donna,
Congratulations. As you say, this is only the beginning. Thank you for explaining the process. You’ve both done a team-endous amount of work.
And, I must say, you’ve been very thorough as well.
One question I have for you.. Is Blogging Magic also a place for sharing posts?
William Butler recently posted..Loyalty: The Lifeblood of Everything
Hi Bill,
Always love your choice of words “team-endous” lol. Yes it is a tremendous amount of work, but when doing something you love, it becomes an exciting adventure.
David and I have always been entrepreneurs way before the internet. We work side by side so that we had the freedom of doing what we wanted to do in life.
Answer to your question: We do have a private FB group that buyers can join and share their posts, as long as that doesn’t get out of hand.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: jonrhodesuk
March 4, 2014 at 4:23 am #
Hi Donna. Congrats on creating your product!
I have created many hypnotherapy products that help people with all sorts of issues. The great thing is I run an affiliate program, so bloggers I know can recommend them, help out their visitors, AND earn a commission. I even give them help on selling them.
I have learned to make it as easy as possible for people to make money with with my products – there success is my success!
It can be difficult as first to recruit affiliate marketers that actually sell anything, but keep going and you’ll get there. Keep improving your sales pages so that they make more sales from their traffic – money talks!
Jon Rhodes recently posted..Comment on Why Do You Want To Earn Money Online? by Jon Rhodes
Hi Jon,
I’m taking things slowly because I’m doing this as an affiliate program too.
Thanks so much for coming over and for your advice! Yes the one thing I am currently doing is keep improving my sales pages.
Money does talk!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Hello Donna Merrill !!!
I love to visit on your Blog again & again ! I don’t Just wanna say ! I don’t visit daily on your Blog Blog Donna but whenever I visit, I mostly get unique & some interesting post Really Donna ! I appreciate this post which makes more interesting to keep visiting on this Blog for unique post’s.
Disha Sharma recently posted..Holi Wishes in Hindi / English- Happy Holi Wishes Messages in English Holi Wishes Shayari Jokes Holi Status 2014
Hi Disha,
Great to see you again. Just came off of your blog and wish you Happy Holi Wishes!
I am so glad you enjoy my blog. I too enjoy yours and just learned about your wonderful holiday!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: DrErica
March 3, 2014 at 11:52 pm #
I have had 2 products plus several books and ebooks available on my web sites, but have not yet explored the use of Clickbank and JVZoo. I have bought many products through JVZoo, though.
Whoever tried to convince us that marketing on the internet is quick and easy was lying. It requires a lot of creating, organizing,linking, setting up pages, providing followup emails, and offering quality training to the buyers and community. And gradually it can become evergreen.
I am thrilled for both of you that you have gotten your product ready.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..A Loving Relationship is NOT an Olympic Event
Hi Erica,
You said it! Whoever tries to convince us that internet marketing is quick and easy is a liar! It takes many learning curves, creativity, and so much more.
I like working with JVZoo because they provide an easy service for people who either want to buy it now, or affiliate it.
There were problems along the way integrating but that is another blog post he he he.
Thank you so much!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: harleenas
March 3, 2014 at 9:29 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thanks for sharing your journey and all the details with us 🙂
It must’ve been a real learning experience from the way it all seems and you have surely come a looooong way – so congratulations for that. Yes, without your partner beside you, it might have been tough, just as it gets sometimes for me too. I am so glad both of you are together in it.
I think having such a nice support group ensures there’d be no problems that wouldn’t be resolved, and that is of utmost importance. It’s good to learn and know more about how you did it all through JV Zoo, of course which is all new for me! I enjoyed your long video in the earlier mail to your new product site where you mentioned most of what you wrote here, and a pleasure to see both of you talk of it.
I wish you all the very best, and thanks once again for sharing all the details here with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..The Aha!NOW Chat With Neil Patel
Hi Harleena,
I like to share the journey so others can learn from the experience I am going through. Plus there were so many questions I received, I just had to answer them here.
If I didn’t have David beside me, this probably would never happen. The best thing I enjoy is waking up enthused about our business and talking about it over coffee. We always have, even when we first met. I had an off line business and we wrote books via snail mail.
Yes, I had to mention JVZoo because that was primarily the big question people were asking.
Thanks again for your supportive comment!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
March 3, 2014 at 9:24 pm #
I’m just so excited for you and your husband Donna! And I think it’s just awesome that you two work together as a team.
It sounds like you’re just off and running. And how awesome is it that you’re offering extra support, the webinar training is what I’d like to see.
Most of all it sounds like you’re having the time of your life!
Thanks for taking time to explain the process to us. I wish you all the success in the world with this product! And I can’t wait to be a part of a great team!
Happy Monday Donna!
Corina Ramos recently posted..I’m Every Woman Weekly Linky 03-03-14
Hi Corina,
Yes, although it is a lot of fun, we are still tweaking lol. It is a huge undertaking, but this was our goal. I am so blessed for a great husband! It took me 3 other marriages to get there he he he…but I finally met my best friend, business partner, and on and on I can go.
I had to do a little more recap on this product because the questions were flooding in. Heck, I didn’t even start to advertise this yet.
I am so grateful I can burst!
P.S. I just joined your “I’m Every Woman” gang and thrilled to be there…great going!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Donna it seems like you have done your homework. I am happy for you. I hope the product sells well.
I bet there is a lot of work that goes into this process.
I will be rooting for you.
Michael Belk recently posted..Ellen DeGeneres’s Oscar Night Selfie Breaks Twitter Records. (video)
Hi Michael,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. It is a lot of work and still is a work in progress….always lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: SusanPCooper
March 3, 2014 at 4:49 pm #
All I can say is WOW! It’s really fun to watch this all come together Donna. I know it hasn’t been easy but with the help of your husband you are getting there. I know it will be very successful my friend. I know it certainly fun to watch it all happen. 🙂
Susan Cooper recently posted..Wine Tasting Room Etiquette: #Wine
Hi Susan,
Last week when I put the product on my blog, I was surprised how viral it went. Then came many questions. That’s the reason I wrote this post. It’s happening, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed by it lol.
I didn’t do any marketing yet, but wanted to share the journey!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
March 3, 2014 at 3:15 pm #
Hey Donna,
As you know, I struggled with this myself on how to put a product together and the membership site itself totally freaked me out. Oh my goodness, it was going to take me months to figure this all out because it was not easy at all.
I know that you’re very grateful to have David there to help with all of this and as we both know, the friends we’ve met along the way.
I appreciate you sharing the process with us all Donna because we’re often told to create our product but no one tells us what’s all involved. I know you’ll do wonderful with your product.
Adrienne recently posted..Does The World Really Need Another…
Hi Adrienne,
The big picture of creating a membership site to support your product does take time, and lots of trainings. A huge learning curve. But putting it into action step by step, does get easier once you do it.
I know the struggles you had and I am grateful to David for doing that part of it. Gosh, it would have taken me years to do it all, or I would have walked away.
No, not an easy thing to do, but neither was blogging when we started right?
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers
Twitter: wonderoftech
March 3, 2014 at 3:03 pm #
Hi Donna, Wow, thanks for taking us on your journey with you. It’s fascinating to get an insight into what it takes to start a new business and it sounds as if you and your husband very every organized in knowing what you wanted and researching the opportunities available to you.
I’m especially impressed with the social support you have set up for your customers after they purchase your products. By providing them with a Facebook Group and Skype Hotline, you are showing you care about your customers by giving them follow-up service. Customers can also support each other in the Facebook Group, you’re really building a community in addition to a business.
Well done, Donna. I know that beginning bloggers will really benefit from the hard work you’ve put into this!
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..Nostalgic for Tech!
Hi Carolyn,
Thank you! We didn’t want to create a product that we dropped and ran from. The end game is that we want to build a community, slowly and surely.
We want to not only step up to leadership, but more than that, be a place of continuous education. That teacher in David lol!
Yes, we did work hard at all the components of it and there is still a lot of building blocks to do.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Blogging for Marketers