When you hear the term “updating” what is the first thing you think of? Probably updating your plugins or updating to the newest version of WordPress. But it goes way beyond that. Now I am not a techie, but noticed there were some things about my blog that needed re-vamping. Here is a list that of things you may or may not be aware of. know of why it is so important to change things up on your blog if you are blogging for a while.
Themes: As a WordPress user, you may equate your theme with the design of your blog. I did, until I realized that a theme is not only a “design” but like a plugin, it needs to be updated regularly. If it is not, then you will be susceptible to security hacks, which could be devastating. I had a theme that the developer no longer worked on, so I never got any updates. So I switched themes. You might want to consider that, too, if you have a theme that the developer has abandoned or is not actively updating.
Plugins: There are many issues with plugins, too. They have to all work together like a dance. Sometimes one plugin you update will conflict with another one. It is like dancing with someone stepping on your toes. Now, I don’t know about you, but I just cannot keep up with all the changes of plugins and security issues. I’m not a do it yourself kinda gal, so I had this all done for me by my new hosting company (which I’m loving).
Read-Ability: Are you satisfied with the way your posts look on your home page? I wasn’t. I wanted to change it up a bit so I went for a “magazine” style theme. The first three posts are listed in 2 columns and the rest are one column. So it is easier for my readers to scan through if they see something interesting.
Optin: What sort of opt-in form is on your sidebar, header or footer? How old is it? An opt-in should be “ethically bribing” your visitors with a free offer in exchange for them opting in to your email list. Building an email list is one of the most important functions of your blog. So, when was the last time you updated it? Is it working well? Do new people continue to subscribe to your list? Or, has it become stale, out of date or just not the lead magnet it once was.
Now, my free offer was doing just fine and I was getting lots of opt-ins on a regular basis. But it was out of date and the video quality was poor for some reason. Plus, I grew… I released my new product and needed to have a targeted opt-in that would be congruent with it. So, it was time for a new opt-in form. Yea!
“Connect With Me” buttons: You want it to be clear and easy for your visitors to find your social site connections on your blog. Did you ever go to a blog and got so impressed by the author that you wanted to connect with him/her in every social media? I have. And sometimes I cannot find those buttons. Grrrrr Make sure it is visible and easy for your readers to find. If not, get a new one!
“Social Share” buttons: If visitors can find your share buttons easily, you are doing well. Plain and simple is the name of the game. After reading a blog, right after you comment, the first thing you want to do is share it on your social media sites.
If those buttons don’t look immediately familiar to people, or they are hidden somewhere beneath an obscure link, the reader is not going to share it no matter how good your article is. Did you ever come across a post and had to spend time figuring out where the heck those buttons were? Frustrating isn’t it. I bet you never shared it!
“Counters” on your Social Share Buttons: Some people don’t like counters. It’s great to have when someone scans out your blog and sees how many social shares you have on your posts. It’s a “wow” factor that gives you immediate social proof and authority status.
When I was making my theme switch, I chose a new Social Share button. Those counters could have been lost, and I agree to that because my old share button was causing too many problems. I leaped for joy when the numbers actually did migrate over. I know Mr. Google knows how many shares I have and factors it into my ranking, but I wanted my readers, especially new ones to see those shares!
Head shot on your blog: If you notice, mine didn’t change yet… but it will soon. Mine is 4 years old and I do have a different look than I did four years ago. Just waiting to get a professional head shot done. But this is important, because you want to look like who you are NOW! Did you ever go to a blog for a while and thought that person had a specific appearance, then come to find out, they didn’t look like that at all? Be who you are! Remember, one of the biggest ways you will ever attract people is by being authentic… not a fashion model… just an honest and authentic person.
Title and Sub-Title: The Title and Sub-Title in your header tells your readers (and search engine bots) what to expect on your blog. It’s your brand… Who you are and what you do. I still call myself “Donna Merrill Tribe” because I know it takes a tribe of people working together to make your online business successful. I branded myself this way from the beginning. The Sub-Title tells the reader specifically what to expect on your blog. In a sense, it announces your “niche” to the world.
“About Me” page: This needs to be updated as you grow. Make it somewhat personal and tell a bit about yourself. Even better, put a short video on it to really build some rapport with your readers. (I’m working on that one myself… lol)
These are some of the things you should consider updating, if you’ve let your blog get stale, non-secure or you just want to give it a facelift! Now here is a little video I did for you… don’t worry its short!
Hi Donna,
you are giving some great reasons for a ‘blog-face-lift’!
I like the new look.
How do you find the social media buttons you are using now.
Do you use a plugin for those and would you mind sharing which one?
I have been thinking of moving away from the digg digg plugin, especially since it had some loading issues.
Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!
Yorinda Wanner recently posted..Empowering Questions help getting more Results we want
Hi Yorinda,
The answer to your question: We had replaced dig dig with “flares” on my blog. Now, how to do this, I have no clue because I had it done for me.
I too was running into issues with digg digg pluin. So check out Flares!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Marketing Your Blog
Twitter: WellGal
May 5, 2014 at 1:03 pm #
Hi Donna. These are all really good tips for updating your blog! I’ve always thought about switching my theme or even test marketing different lay-outs, but was worried about losing the social share buttons and counters, so I’m glad to hear they transferred over in your case! Do you, by chance, know if that’s the case when you switch between Word Press themes?
Karen Peltier recently posted..Go Ahead, Drink that Cup of Joe! It’s Good for Your Eyes
Hi Karen,
Oops, I lost you here sorry for the late reply. I don’t know exactly how that works. I had mine done for me. I was worried about by social shares, but some of the one’s on my older blogs had been lost in the transfer.
I changed my WordPress Themes because mine was so outdated and I was heading for trouble. I had it done by Kumar, Krishna World Wide. They did everything to keep my social shares up to date.
In my case, most of my social shares did transfer over. But how I don’t know 🙁
Donna Merrill recently posted..Marketing Your Blog
Twitter: cheryschmidt
April 17, 2014 at 2:07 pm #
Hello Donna! Your Blog Is Awesome just like YOU! I do agree that we all need to keep our blogs updated. I also know that I need to work on getting an opt in on my blog, but there is so much more to it then just thinking about it HUH? I am thinking I may need some help with all of this. perhaps you could give me a shove in the right direction.. LOL
Thanks for the great article.. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Impatience? Feeling The Need To Control?
Hi Chery,
Thank you for your kind compliment. Yes, an opt-in is one of those things that are necessary for you to build your list. They are the most targeted audience you can have.
If you need any brainstorming with this, please contact me via Facebook and then we can talk it over by phone or Google Hangout.
Donna Merrill recently posted..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Twitter: saraharrow
April 7, 2014 at 9:46 am #
Another great read Donna, and I love the new look – it’s totally you – sleek, yet powerful. WEll done on the refurb, and for sharing your tips, it’s a great resource.
Sarah Arrow recently posted..So exactly how does content build your business?
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for liking this new look. So I’m sleek and yet powerful? ((blush)) I appreciate it coming from you!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: brotherbillamis
April 7, 2014 at 2:21 am #
Donna, we have to be consistent with taking care of our blogs. The more you think everything is alright without you testing links, buttons and pages. The faster you will be of loss with a connection somewhere. I have found that out the hard way with letting it go for a while. When I was able to return to my blog. The updates were in bad shape and had allot of activity that had lapsed.
I will not stop checking all my links and other areas on my site each week. I believe you do not have to overdue it. Yet, just keeping up with updates is not enough.
William Amis recently posted..Transparency Today!
Hi William,
We have to keep those updates running and make sure the plug ins we have work together with it all.
It is something that is good to do for a weekly check as you mentioned. I need to get in the habit of that one!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Hi Sue,
So happy you like my new look! It is so much more clean and most of all is great for mobile.
I had no idea how important it was to update themes. Guess I’ve been reading so much about plug-ins that didn’t run into any education about Themes.
But now I’m up to date!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Twitter: sueken
April 6, 2014 at 6:47 pm #
I agree that this is a great looking theme,Donna, clean and clear and ideal for mobile devices. I desperately need to update the theme on my main blog as it is old. I created it myself and the and although I have made alterations to it relatively recently, the basic theme does not get the updates like ready made themes do.
When I do update I will use a pro theme that I know will be updated and edit it using a child theme.
Sue Bride recently posted..How To Encourage Pinterest Pinning
Hi Amiti,
It was time for me to change things up a long time ago. Now I have a better understand of why things need to be updated all the time.
Yes that “about” page…still working on it lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: amitirothstein
April 6, 2014 at 5:30 am #
Hi Donna,
Great pointers, and I liken the new theme. I think that changing things up once in a while is a great idea, and can make you a more admired and professional blogger in your niche.
I’m with you all the way regarding the “about” page.
Amiti recently posted..Albert Einstein would Thrive at Publishing Content
Twitter: charm_ap
April 5, 2014 at 11:53 pm #
Indeed a debatable topic. Actually the worst thing which I have seen at times is that people run a responsive blog of their own but they do not either have any contact us page or if they have it is not easily reachable to your readers. Even at times I do not find any email ids to contact those people running those blogs and at times this is highly irritating.
Updating is indeed an ocean to understand but yes the key points you have mentioned here can help us run definately a healthy blog.
Charmie recently posted..Listen, Learn and Lead : 3 Step to an Inevitable Blogging
Hi Charmie,
Welcome to my blog. Yes, it is so important to have a page on our blogs for people to be able to contact us. It is irritating when we go to a blog and have no way of contacting that person!
Yes, I agree that updating is like an ocean of understanding, so that is why I could not take up that job. Instead give it to someone else to do, so I can go about marketing my business.
Thanks for your great comment and coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Reginald,
You are so great at what you do and understand the how-to’s when it comes to Themes. I, on the other hand tend to ignore all this stuff.
That’s why I had to go through a total re-vamp on this blog.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: Reginald_Chan
April 5, 2014 at 6:20 am #
Hey Donna,
Thanks forbthe lovely write up. Well, I think I am the extreme kind. I often change my theme too much!
As a Genesis pro user, being spoilt with themes is a bad thing. I tend to change faster than I can stick to one (if you get what I mean).
But hey, you stated some great points up there and keep it up!
Reginald recently posted..X Theme Review – Is It REALLY The Ultimate WordPress Theme?
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 5, 2014 at 7:03 pm #
Yeah. Anything more than 5-minute video is too long. In fact, In Udemy, I have been taking a couple courses there now and some of my course have like 10-20 videos? and each is only 5-minute long. guess that’s long enough for a tutorial video. some of my tutorial videos are longer than 5-minutes, tho. still need to perfect ’em.
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 3
Hi Reginald,
Oh boy you are quite the extremist. But it is your passion that is why you keep changing things. You know how and know what is required.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Take The Next Step
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 5, 2014 at 4:32 am #
Hey Donna,
I absolutely love your new blog! 😀
So you are using Genesis frame and on Magazine Pro child theme. I love Magazine Pro, I just purchased this theme for my new niche website (lovesexmarriage.com) and I’m planning in installing the same thing to a client’s blog as well. You can’t beat white background, it’s the best.
Also, I love your video!! Seems like some of your posts have a short video included…AWESOME!!!! I’m planning in doing the same thing.
Everything you have mentioned here in regards of updating your blog, I cannot agree more. If something is nit getting updated, it is a loophole for a hacker. You don’t want them to give them any chance even to a smallest opening because FREE themes or themes not being updated are very dangerous. The price is too high.
Anyway, its getting late here and I’m trying to catch up with all my friends, I’ll catch you later. Have a wonderful Sunday!!
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 3
Hi Angela,
Glad you liked the new look of my blog. Yes, putting in a short video is a great idea. I know you are doing your Video Blogging Challenge and been following you there…you are already doing great.
The trick with putting videos on your blog is to make them short and sweet. Unless you are giving a screen share tutorial.
Who has time to listen to you for 5 minutes? Make it short and congruent to the blog post and it will spike your blog post up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: angeld0ve
April 5, 2014 at 7:04 pm #
Yeah. Anything more than 5-minute video is too long. In fact, In Udemy, I have been taking a couple courses there now and some of my course have like 10-20 videos? and each is only 5-minute long. guess that’s long enough for a tutorial video. some of my tutorial videos are longer than 5-minutes, tho. still need to perfect ‘em.
Angela McCall recently posted..Video Blogging Challenge 3
You have mastered videos! The smaller the better. We have to take into consideration that people do not have a huge attention span.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Take The Next Step
Twitter: sheshnath08
April 4, 2014 at 3:52 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thanks for this very informative article about updating blog.!
I have been blogging from past two and half years, but I have never thought to add social share counter to my blog, Because it will overload the blog and its loading time will increase. Should I add it ?
Sheshnath recently posted..How to schedule your Emails in Gmail?
Hi Sheshnath,
Absolutely! Gone are the SEO days! We need to be on the social platforms. This way people can see what we are doing.
Now, I find that lots of people check numbers on our blogs. If the see those counters with a large number of shares, they are more apt to join in with comments.
Just my observation!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Donna,
I really liked the new look of your blog . I am also thinking of doing some twist and turns with my blog. The presentation is awesome and the WordPress theme is always workable. I don’t know much about techno stuff but seriously some pluging can make your blog look apart from others
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
shiwangi shrivastava recently posted..Freelance Writing: Much Ado about Nothing
Hi Shiwangi,
I don’t know about Techie stuff either. This is why I had Kumar do it all for me, from Krisha World Wide.
Too many people I know were fooling around with their themes and plugins and turns out they were conflicting and their blogs went down. I just don’t want that to happen to me.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: ColeWiebe
April 4, 2014 at 2:43 am #
Hi Donna,
Great reminder for your readers. It’s so important to freshen things up and give the site a tune-up regularly.
For themes, we’re putting our clients into Genesis or Thesis these days. The security, automatic updates and SEO features are hard to beat. As a content marketing company, good design means a problem-free content platform. Same goes for hosting. Good hosting is the kind you totally forget about until next year’s invoice.
Ask most bloggers, what is their favorite WordPress feature is, and they’ll tell you it’s the cool plugins. Ask them what is the very worst thing they’ve experienced with WordPress, and that answer is also likely to be related to plugins.
– As you pointed out, plugins often work against each other.
– They can cause the dreaded white screen of death.
– They can become such a resource hog the site ends up suspended by the host.
– If you’ve never had a caching plugin go totally renegade and break all the site’s URLs, you simply have not lived on the edge. I hate those 7:00 am calls, “Our website is broken. All the links and buttons bring up 404 pages.”
– And nothing can lower a site’s GTmetrix scores more effectively.
With plugins, less is definitely more. We recommend WordPress site owners ask their web developer is there’s any way to incorporate the desired feature without using a plugin. Often, just fifteen minutes, pasting in a snippet of code, accomplishes the very same thing.
– Cole
Cole Wiebe recently posted..Reactive Marketing, and Pulling Out of the Dreaded Downward Spiral
Hi Cole,
Thanks for your informative comment!
I find that so many people get into trouble by adding too many plugins. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing, they can work against each other.
Then there is the theme! Again, another thing that can effect the working of the blog.
I used to have my blog hooked up to shared hosting, but I didn’t like my hosting company. So I chose Krishna World Wide by Kumar, a trusted friend. He not only put this blog together, but was there with great customer service.
For a gal like me who doesn’t want to bother with all the tech stuff, I chose to have someone do it for me. This way I can keep my eye on the ball, which is the marketing I’m doing.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Rachel,
Thanks so much for the lovely compliment!
I’m sure glad you are working with a branding coach. We need to work with others in order to achieve what we want. I’m not a do it yourself kind of gal. I like to have professionals work with me so when all is said and done, I don’t have to keep re-dong things.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: rachellavern
April 2, 2014 at 4:21 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great coverage of what the awareness a blogger needs it have.
My latest blog was one year old last Thursday. I started revamping it while working with a branding coach, but sure it will be time to make more changes within a few months. I like to keep things fresh. Still working on that blog at a much slower pace since my offline business is keeping me hopping.
I would say ‘congratulations’ on your new blog; however, I do not recall what your old one looked like. Now don’t get offended 🙂 … I only notice that type of thing when a blogger makes an improvement on what I considered an awful blog. So this means that I thought that you did a good job on your prior blog.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..How Finding and Attracting a Niche Increases Productivity
Twitter: GarSpecialties
April 2, 2014 at 9:40 am #
Donna- Your blog site looks wonderful. It is easy to read and I am happy you removed the green. Today the newspaper look is more attractive as it is easier to read.
It will be a year in April that I put up my blog site. It is hard for me to believe it has been a year already. What I love about the blogging groups as I was able to hire someone to help me do the site. There is really a lot to learn and as you say keep it updated.
Arleen recently posted..The Importance of Packaging
Hi Arleen,
I appreciate you liking the way my blog is set up! Yes I too like “newspaper” look too. Plus it IS easier to read.
Wow..a year already? Yes, I love blogging groups because they will help us to keep things updated and help us with our site.
There is always a learning curve because things happen so quickly in the internet world.
Thank you for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: marquitaherald
April 2, 2014 at 9:11 am #
Great advice and list Donna – especially about the theme. I think a lot of people forget about that one. I just launched a new blog so everything is shiny new, but when I purchased the theme one of the deciding factors was support – oh and mobile responsiveness. That’s another thing many people miss out on when first setting up a blog. When I saw that 40% of my readers were accessing my old blog via mobile devices I knew the new one had to be a responsive theme. Thanks so much for this terrific article!
Marquita Herald recently posted..What Does Emotional Resilience Mean to You?
Hi Marty,
Oh that theme! That’s what inspired me to change everything up. I too noticed that many were reading from their mobile phones and my old blog was not working well with it. My floating social share buttons were covering the text.
Yikes…I had two people that were kind enough to tell me that. And when I found out my old theme was in danger…boom…Here I am.
I just love the new look of your blog too!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hey Donna,
I love the new look of your blog! You definitely did a wise thing here!
As for me I’ve just been what my dad calls “Shucking and Jiving” lol… The only thing that I’ve been consistently doing is update my plugins. Other than that, it’s the same ole blog from last year.
This is definitely a great reminder that I need to get up on my toes and make things happen! I got to get rid of the free theme, update the about me, and I want to put up a more detail summary of me at the bottom of each blog post! So I have my work cut out for me!
Thanks for the reminder Donna! Have a great week!
Hi Sherman,
Your blog is only one year old and mine was 4 years. So I think you are doing just fine. But… as a regular visitor to your blog, I’ve seen so much growth you have done in each and every post.
Time to Pop Your collar! (just read that post and it is awesome)
However, I would check out that theme. I recently have learned themes play an important role just like plugins. You need to protect your theme! That’s why I wrote this post because whatever I learn, I do pass on.
I still didn’t get around to many things on this blog, but will take it step by step!
Enjoy your week,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: gorringe
April 1, 2014 at 4:16 pm #
Hi Donna,
Speaking of updating, I really love the new website! AND… your hairstyle in the video looks even more awesome. [winning]
Your article really inspires “freshness”. I know for us as writers and bloggers, it’s easy to feel like we’ve spent so much time on developing a good opt-in offer, and crafting our About page, but (like you said) the years can pass by, and it’s like… Hello? It’s time for an update. 😉
I didn’t realize that having a theme that updates often might be a good way to keep my site secure. Thanks for these great blog updating tips. AND… we’re all looking forward to seeing your newly updated picture on your header & profile!
Robb Gorringe recently posted..Embarrassing Moments To Inspire Personal Tweaking
Hi Robb,
Thank you! Yes, that short doo is outdated. I change my hair a lot so, I do have to keep my pics current.
I had my old opt-in so long…it bored me to death, but people liked it. Now It is a whole spank’n new one where I offer my own product.
It came as a surprise to me too about the Theme! Ergo…this post!
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Shivkumar,
You can just optin on this blog on the right hand column…It’s called “Blogging Fever”
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: shivkumarlohar
April 1, 2014 at 11:51 am #
Hi Donna,
For updating the blog means to me was to add new post, update plugin, theme and replying to comment. But today on your this page I got to know more about basic thing which I was missing yet. I got to know about the importance of social sharing buttons, titles, sub title etc.
Thanks for such a descriptive tips for updating the blog.
By the way, this new look of your blog is awesome! Really, I think I should also work on my blog design.
Shivkumar recently posted..How to install and customize WordPress offline on localhost?
Hi Shivkumar,
There is always something we learn as bloggers isn’t there? Those social share buttons are so important so the reader can just press a button and syndicate easily. Also the title and sub titles have to be well thought out. Good to know you came away with some information.
And thank you for liking the new look!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: shivkumarlohar
April 1, 2014 at 1:31 pm #
Yes, there are many thing to learn as a blogger.
I have been learning from the day one and still learning many thing day by day.
Shivkumar recently posted..How to install and customize WordPress offline on localhost?
Absolutely Shivkumar learning never ends as a blogger. That’s why I love teaching it so much. Also that’s why I created my product…Its all about blogging and social media..what to do and what not to do.
I can remember the confusion in the beginning so I didn’t want anyone to leave the blogging world because of that. Also, for bloggers, there is always need for improvement.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: shivkumarlohar
April 1, 2014 at 2:14 pm #
Sorry! Donna but I am not aware about your product.
I think I am late, but can I get a link for your product? I would like to go through your product to learn something more about blogging which is very vast.
Shivkumar recently posted..Does your Android Smartphone says, âYou are now a developer?â
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
April 1, 2014 at 10:42 am #
Hey Donna,
Yep, I do believe it was time for an update my friend and although I did like your older theme I do know that some things were pretty outdated and needed to come into 2014. LOL!!!
I agree that you can’t go wrong with a clean white background and although I’ve had mine for a number of years now I still love mine and yes, my theme does get updated. I just updated all of my opt-ins this past weekend and added a little face lift to my sidebar as well. Still have another addition coming and might change a few things but for now I’m happy.
So you know I’m going through B-School with Marie Forleo and she shared with us how your “About” section should be now so I just changed mine this past weekend as well. We’ll see if I do any better with this one because I had an opt-in box on that page and no one has ever opted in from that one so that lead me to believe no one reads it anymore. Probably not, who knows.
Overall I like the face lift Donna and I’m sure a few others need that reminder that it’s time to update if you haven’t already. Forgetting about your theme is a BIG mistake.
Have fun with it.
Adrienne recently posted..How To Create Images That Stand Out
Hi Adrienne,
I often heard you talk about your theme, plugins and all that stuff that always goes over my head he he he!
You are one gal that’s on it! However, you know me well enough that I’m not. So I did have to re-vamp everything. It really started when I had to change my opt-in box and then just figured everything else had to be new and fresh.
I always liked the way your blog looked with a white background. Then looking into stats, I found it rings true that white does best. So I went with that.
I’ve seen some changes you made on your blog and it’s AWESOME!.
Still have some work to do here. My About Me Section needs a video. Gotta get my hair done! Plus that goofy pic that doesn’t match up with my new hairstyle on all the social sites has to go!
Yes, Forgetting about our theme is a BIG mistake! Thank goodness nothing happened in the past 4 years with my old one. I am grateful for that!
Still having lots of fun!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: TemplatesCrunch
April 1, 2014 at 6:10 am #
With regular updates and participation you learn the new things as well as it increase visitor’s trust on your site/blog. Also search engine offers you better ranking. So regular updates boost your traffic.
Cheenu Lott recently posted..27 Best Responsive WordPress Video Themes For Video Blogging
Hi Cheenu,
Welcome to my blog. Indeed, increasing updates and participation does help. Regular updates on the mechanics of the blog is also a great way to increase participation.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
April 1, 2014 at 5:01 am #
Hi Donna,
I heard a lot about you from my blogger friends. And now, I finally get here. It was great! 🙂
Indeed, updating is very important for a blog. From this article, I can see update that you mean is updating for the overall blog. Honestly, the first time I saw the title of this article, I think it was about post updates.
So, your blog has a new look. Awesome! 🙂
When timing was right, I will also update my blog look.
Thanks for sharing and good luck for you.
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..5 Facebook Marketing Goals for 2014
Hi Nanda,
Welcome to my blog!
Many people thing that updating our blogs mean the very same thing you have thought. But it goes deeper than that.
Now, I’m not in any way a techie, and kind of know a bit about updates on WordPress, and some plugins. But when it came to my attention that my old Theme was in danger, I just had to do the entire blog!
Some of my blogging buddies have had trouble in the past because of all this. I also went with a private hosting company.
All of this was done by Kumar of Krishna World Wide!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: wiarbu
April 1, 2014 at 4:21 am #
Hi Donna,
There is always something to consider when running a website and keeping it updated is important, not only for security reasons, but for your readership to be in the know. As for the opt-in, it’s probably time for me to offer a new ebook. One other thing I think people need to keep updated are their replies to comments. There are a few websites I’ve commented on that have never replied.
All the best!
William Butler recently posted..Helen Keller: A Rich Legacy of Wise Words
Hi Bill,
Yes, when updating, people don’t think of that theme, or certain plugins that don’t work well with each other. Unless one has a total understanding of the back end of their blog. But that’s not me. he he
Oh those comments! I have had some people visit older blogs and I am guilty as charged. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes I miss a beat.
Otherwise, answering comments, and going to that person’s blog and reciprocating is so important and I’m on it 99% of the time.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: suejprice
April 1, 2014 at 3:50 am #
Hi Donna
I love the new look. It is fabulous. I love seeing you on video too so loved that. And your hair that color is the best one yet since I have known you in my opinion 🙂
Oh but Donna I was reading and realized just how much I need to change on mine. I have updated my theme but to the same thesis.
My picture needs updating and so does everything else.
Isn’t it amazing how the years can tick by and all of a sudden 4 have gone. I just did a count and I started my blog 4 years ago as well. Mind you the first year I did not know what I was doing so I did not even think of myself as blogging 🙂
Love you new look Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Internet Traffic Formula Review
Hi Sue,
Thanks so much! Just have to update that picture because I look like a different person than 4 years ago due to my hair! lol
Yes, I didn’t realize these things either….I know how we both never think of this stuff he he.
But I needed to write what I had learned so that no one else can run into a problem. That Theme thing really got me going!
It is amazing how 4 years passed by so quickly!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: Barbara Charles
March 31, 2014 at 10:32 pm #
I love, love, love the new look. So funny as I was thinking of doing the same thing. Seems like other people are doing so as well. Already picked out my theme but just haven’t found the time yet. That’s on pint for this week-end.. It’s one of the things I decided to do to get myself back on track.
I also think my theme is out of date which may be why I’m having so many issues with my posts; some of them throwing 404’s where I can’t seem to find the problem. Everything points to my theme being out of date. Looks like there’s a new one, but similar. Something has changed so I agree we have to keep our theme updated.
Thanks for the encouragement. Now I’m more anxious as yours looks soooo great! I’ve got to get to it.
Great job Donna.
Barbara Charles recently posted..How To Create A Signature For Your Blog
Hi Barbara,
I had no idea how our theme can effect our blog. It was not until Kumar pointed this out on a guest post he did for me a few weeks back.
I had him working on the back end of my blog, then decided to go all out and get everything changed.
Would you believe my theme was 4 years old and never updated? Of course…you know me well enough to know I don’t monkey around with those things.
Good luck with everything you are doing!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
March 31, 2014 at 8:36 pm #
Hi Donna,
Love your new style!
Yes, a blog never stays still. There’s always some things to update and change around, and at times when it comes to the look of things we just get tired and want something different.
I’m glad that you are also going to update your head shot, that’s really going to look great, with your new look.
I had an exhausting day, but wanted to make sure I check you out before I retire to bed, and it’s not even 9 PM yet 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..What Prevents You To Make Great Money As A Freelance Writer?
Hi Sylviane,
Oh…you have been working so hard lately! I appreciate you checking in here.
Yes, a blog never stands still. I don’t like to mess around with all the back end of plugins, themes, etc. Plus, I was having hosting problems that’s why I turned everything over to Kumar and his company.
Oh yes, that head shot is horrible! I don’t even look like that anymore he he he. I’m sure that once I get one up with my new hair style, I’ll probably change my hair again he he he!
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: coachgladyscruz
March 31, 2014 at 7:27 pm #
Hello Ms. Donna
How are you?
I love the new face you have created for your blog. It is a squeaky clean look.
Ms. Corina said it well… we get caught up with the content, we forget the trimmings of the blog.
Your picture is beautiful… why change it?
I too am in the process of changing many things, (well it is Mr. Kumar) I love his service and his professionalism.
My pic is gritty so I need to change that and I want to remove the teal color and make it black and white with some trimmings in red.
All in all, thank you for your great checklist.
Gladys recently posted..Smart Ways To Handle Crisis
Hi Gladys,
I have to update my pic because it’s 4 years old. All my pics are gritty and need to make time for a professional photographer to snap some nice clean shots. My hair is different all over the social networks and not congruent with the blog…so, that’s why I need to change it.
So good to know you are using Kumar! He has been a blessing for me with his services. He even suggests things I forgot to put in. You are in good hands with him!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
March 31, 2014 at 4:44 pm #
Hi Donna!
Sorry it’s taken me so long to get here. I love the new look! Like you said in your video it’s fresh and clean…yes a white background does give that affect.
I love how you said you revamped a lot of things in your life. Sometimes we need to do that to flush out the old and start new, right?
Thanks for sharing this checklist with us. We get so caught up with the content that sometimes this takes a backseat…at least for me it does, he, he he :).
Love the new look Donna! Kumar did a great job :).
Happy Monday, hope you’re enjoying it!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Picking Up Cleaning Products? Don’t Forget These Coupons!
Hi Corina,
Oh you are not late girl! Yes, revamping a lot of things in my life right now in the business sector. Since my product rolled out, I’ve become some kind of marketing madwoman lol.
I needed to change so many things and to put it all into action. Phew…
Yes, I was caught up in content too for a long time, and not keeping my eye on the end game which is ROI. But I’m re-vamped and feeling good!
Glad you like the look and good to see you here,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: atishranjan
March 31, 2014 at 3:48 pm #
Most of the newbie bloggers take “updating” as just posting new articles on daily basis but updating means a lot of things as you have mentioned in the post. I love to do something new on my blog by tampering in CSS.
And a Good news for me is I am now being trained in PHP at my office so I would be better in customizing as well because wp is coded into PHP.
And Yes, I am always searching for new plugins to do something new!. Liked the post.
P.S. The new look of your blog looks neater. the older one as no attraction at all but this seems great. Congrats for this!
Atish Ranjan recently posted..Things to do Before Writing a Post
Hi Atish,
Yes, most newbies think that updating a post is writing a new article. lol
It’s great that you are being trained in PHP at work!
Yes, I am in love with the look of my new blog, thanks for liking it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Susan,
Wow..you too? Seems like we are all shaken and moving around these days. Working on updating your current blog is a chore! Hey, I’ve just been through it lol. Decisions Decisions!
Yes, we always have to keep ahead of the curve don’t we?
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: kgauraw
March 31, 2014 at 1:05 pm #
Hi Donna,
Well, this is an excellent post with a lot of great info about what needs to be done on a regular basis to keep our website’s up-to-date.
Speaking of social counters, it’s not that I don’t like them, I just didn’t have a choice while using “ShareThis” as my floating sharebar. They didn’t have the floating bars with counters and I loved their cute little buttons so much that I was willing to sacrifice the counts for that 🙂
I am still exploring for a better solution and one day, I might opt-in the one you have on your blog now
Thank you for sharing and yes, I do love a clean white background design on your blog. Thank you for providing your constant guidelines while we were working on this redesign.
Kumar Gauraw recently posted..How To Become That Engaging Brand Your Target Market Loves
Hi Kumar.
Of course you love it…You did it for me he he he! And I often shout this out because if it wasn’t for you, I would have been procrastinating. When you did that guest post for me a few weeks ago and mentioned about updating Themes….I knew I just had to call you up that day and say “Let’s do it”
I appreciate all you have done for me and David. I love Krishna World Wide Hosting! I owe it all to you my friend.
As for the counters on the social share buttons – lots of people look at that to see how “popular” you are. So indeed, it is a good idea to have those numbers show up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: jonrhodesuk
March 31, 2014 at 12:05 pm #
Great post Donna. I sometimes update my more popular blog posts. I work on improving my writing all the time, so when I revisit something I wrote a while ago I’m usually horrified!
It’s good though because it shows me that my writing is getting better.
Jon Rhodes recently posted..Comment on Top SEO’s Secrets To Social Media by Jon Rhodes
Funny you should mention that Jon,
I revamped all my photos due to the image war going on with legalities. I went to my first post and had to laugh out loud!
Progression is the only way! We improve our writing skills as we go.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: jonrhodesuk
March 31, 2014 at 5:20 pm #
One of my old posts was soo bad (it was really boring!), that I actually added a warning at the beginning telling my readers not to bother reading it! It was so bad that a few tweaks couldn’t rescue it!
Jon Rhodes recently posted..Comment on How To Redraft Your Article Into A Masterpiece by Jon Rhodes
Twitter: bihar
March 31, 2014 at 4:57 am #
Hi Donna, your new theme looks pretty good. Although the previous one was nice too. I’ve had mine for some time now. You are so right on updating, its important that that you keep an eye on updates and update them as soon as possible. I can’t remember if you had the connect with me buttons in the previous theme but it looks good too. Overall, I would give it a thumbs up.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..My new India travel guide book now on Amazon
Hi Shalu,
Thanks so much. I did like the previous one too, but went with a basic white background because all the stats I’ve researched concluded that it was the best way to go.
Yes, I did have the connect with me buttons on my old blog but it didn’t show as well as this one.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: MayuraDeSilva
March 31, 2014 at 3:04 am #
Hey Donna,
Wow… Here you are with the brand new look we were awaiting for 😉
I love the clean layout and changes around here! Especially, now you have MORE on your homepage. Isn’t it? If I may, I’m kinda missing the old header though.
I like how you pointed out different sections on blogs and how important they are to be up-to-date. You are absolutely right about the theme as it can be the one thing makes our blogs vulnerable. Well, I’m looking forward to the new head shot with your stylish hair 😉 If you could change the header as you try new styles? Ha ha… Then I bet you have to take head shots frequently 😉
Sounds you really love the new hosting plan. I think over time most of your readers would love to know about it as I find many bloggers switching their hosting partners frequently.
Talking about updates, it reminds me of app / game / software updates 😉 Actually, I love updating though. You know, as I’m not on WordPress, I don’t have any plugins nor updates to apply. But I do update the template and make necessary changes to the look and feel.
Enjoy the new updates and hope this post will come as a reminder for other bloggers too Donna 🙂
You have a successful week dear!
Mayura recently posted..Show Related Posts on Blogger with LinkWithin
Hi Mayura,
I also like the fact that it shows more on my homepage with this new look! Oh that headshot…..you know how I always change my hair he he. But that is one thing I have to do. Thank goodness I have a photographer in the family. I just have to get the time to meet up with him.
Yes my hosting plan is wonderful. It was time to get off that “shared” plan and go with Krisha World Wide by our mutual friend Kumar.
Thanks to Kumar’s guest post a few weeks ago on my blog, I’ve been alerted that my Theme was in danger! So I needed to change everything up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: monika1185
March 31, 2014 at 2:14 am #
Off course Donna, “Why Updating Blog Is Important” Blogging has been become a important & valuable part of everyone ! There are many Blogger those do Blog posting each day but this is also a big fact. Blog Updating makes smooth relationship & look between Bloggers & audience so Updating Blog Is Important!
Monika Sharma recently posted..Constructive Link Building Through Clients (Except Guest Post)
Hi Monika,
Yes we do have to keep our blogs up to date and make sure that everything is running fine. I’m not one to blog every day, but every 5 days. That’s all I can handle.
It all gets down to relationships doesn’t it?
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: takechargebecc
March 31, 2014 at 1:42 am #
You need to continually evolve your blog as with everything. It is hard to keep on top of sometimes, but it is worth it in the end.
Becc recently posted..Are You Meeting the Trifecta of Healthy Living?
Hi Becc!
Absolutely! A blog is not a stagnant thing! We have to keep on top of it all the time.
When we do it IS worth it in the end.
Thanks for visiting,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Donna, there certainly is more to updating than first springs to mind. Your point on Themes is very important as I have a retro theme that probably has the issues you highlighted. I will certainly use this post as a checklist for my first update. Thanks !
Paul Graham recently posted..CANADA’S ANTI-SPAM LAW
Hi Paul,
Good to know you got some ideas from this post. Yes, Themes are so important, but I didn’t know that until recently.
Usually I just update to a new version, update plugins, but things get so cross-wired sometimes, I decided to do the entire thing!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: SusanPCooper
March 30, 2014 at 8:28 pm #
I really like your new look. It’s so funny that you should write about this now. I’ve been working hard on my new business website and it’s done. We are in the process of updating my current blog site and hopefully it we will have it done in the next few weeks. All that said, I agree with your thoughts. There is always something to think about and do to keep out ahead of the curve, isn’t there?
Susan Cooper recently posted..Winery Marketing, A New Phase: #Wine
Hi Susan,
Thanks for liking the new look!
Oh girl I know what you are going through working on your new website and updating your current blog. There are so many decisions to make, it is crazy! Good luck with that.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: Daringblogger
March 29, 2014 at 11:41 pm #
Loving the new look, Donna 😀
Feels clean and fresh!
Wow, 4 years with the same design..now, that’s consistency. I am quite the opposite..with my first blog, I used to change the template every 3-4 months (I liked the fresh new look). Yeah, I had read about others advising that we should be consistent, but I didn’t really care – my blog, my rules.
Things are a lot different now..but I still tweak my blog design (change the font..background). That being said, there are a few things I still need to take care of, like the optin. I did redesign my form, but I still don’t have any incentives.
I don’t want to offer any eBooks..since that is too common. I am working on a few ideas, hopefully I will finalize something soon (I really need to take care of this soon….regardless of the list size, it takes the same amount of time/effort to write the emails. So, smaller list for longer time means I am potentially ‘wasting’ my time).
Good luck with your about page 😀 I use a video on my page…and I think it really works well. Helps to establish that connection (Should be much easier for you since you are already a pro at video blogging!).
I noticed Kumar’s company in the footer…thanks to him too – for helping you out and providing an even better experience for all of us 😀
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted..4 Steps To Better Researching!
Hi Jeevan,
Your opt-in is one of the most important things you need to think about! The money is in the list…so create one! I don’t mean to sound harsh, but this was one of the things that I didn’t know when I first started blogging.
Whatever you choose, make sure you are branding YOU. I’m sure you will find a great idea to have a wonderful optin!
Yes, without Kumar, I don’t know where I would be. I needed not only a new blog but a new hosting company who will take care of me. And that is Krishna World Wide! I am ever so grateful for this. My old hosting company treated me like I was a number, not a person. And I had some trouble with them. I’m glad I made the switch!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: MyGrlyPrts
March 29, 2014 at 7:12 pm #
Hi Donna!
These are super awesome tips for all bloggers! Your new theme is so crisp and clean looking! Makes me want to redo my again and I just did it! I think sometimes bloggers forget to update these plugins or double check their themes and, as you said, leave themselves vulnerable for viruses and hacks.
Thanks for sharing these fab tips Donna!
Bren recently posted..Accept Your Past Mistakes
Hey Bren,
I love the new look to your blog! As for updating plugins and themes I’m guilty as charged!
This is why I just have to have someone do it for me. My workload is very busy with marketing these days, so I need to pay to play lol.
Actually I am so looking forward to getting back into Twitter. Hiring a VA for that one!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: leannechesser
March 29, 2014 at 11:21 am #
I love your new look. It’s always great to update things, clear things up and make things fresh. I like keeping things updated regularly. I’m always messing around with stuff :). I only keep my connect with me buttons on my contact page, though. My desire is to draw people to my blog and keep them there, not send them away to my social sites. I used to have my buttons in more places, but I decided to change that last year. There are pros and cons to both ways, but I’m doing it this way right now. Anyway, I agree with you about updating your blog.
Leanne Chesser recently posted..Shh! The Real Secret to Success in Your Business Revealed!
Hi Leanne,
Thanks for liking the new look!
After people read your blog they will go and comment. From there the party begins with social sharing. That’s the best way to get the “word out.”
Social share buttons are a must! Especially now because Google just loves us being authentic and social. Mr. Google likes to see us sharing other people’s content.
So don’t worry, they won’t go away girl…they will just come back for more of your good stuff!
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: msellithorpe
March 29, 2014 at 11:19 am #
Hi Donna,
Your new blog looks absolutely fabulous. Mine is not that old but I may look into changing it some too.
Have a great day. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Create Yourself Writing Workshop Inspiring New Writers
Hi Monna,
There is always changes to do on our blogs. Especially when it comes up updates and plugins. Phew….it never ends lol.
donna merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: 344pmstyle
March 29, 2014 at 8:00 am #
Love the updated look of your blog! Thanks for the tips, as always- spot on advice!
Even though I just launched, I’m going to update my “about me” with a video. You make a really good point that videos do help build rapport.
The few videos that I have done so far have done well when I look at the analytics.
Thanks again for the tips and congrats on the new blog look Donna!
Twitter: Lisapatb
March 29, 2014 at 7:59 am #
Hi Donna,
Love your new look – nice and clean! You just reminded me to change my social icon colors, I try to change them monthly and sometimes forget. I also update my pages with newer posts related to each of my pages topics. I haven’t changed my theme yet and have thought about it. It seems so overwheming to do. But I do update plugins daily if needed and other routine changes. Update old posts too in time. I do add to my about page when I get new reviews, etc. Thanks for the reminders and I love your video too! Kudos on it!
Lisa recently posted..Oh No Twitter Not the Hashtags & Other Twitter Changes
Hi Lisa,
Updating things just drives me crazy! I never knew a theme worked somewhat like a plugin! That certainly made me get right on it because mine was 4 years old.
You know me well enough that I cannot keep going back and fool around with plugins. I did that once and almost broke my blog.
I know my limitations so that’s why I turned it over to my new hosting company so they can do it for me.
I rather put my energy into marketing these days and not to worry about my blog.
Thanks for stopping by and up date your theme girl lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Twitter: harleenas
March 28, 2014 at 11:18 pm #
Hi Donna,
Your blog is looking AWESOME! 🙂
I am SO thrilled to see all the new changes around, and I think it’s a very good decision to do so, especially with your new product launch.
And I can also see Kumar’s contribution in doing up this website as I see it mentioned in the footer area- great going indeed!
Yes, one’s got to be so careful about the plugin installed and that we don’t over do them because every small addition affects the load time of the blog too. Also the social share buttons need to be apt, working well, and with your right handles mentioned, especially in the tweets. Readability and font size are other things of concern – wide, white spaces are best I feel, just as your blog 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂

Harleena Singh recently posted..The Aha!NOW Chat With Ana Hoffman [Interview]
Hi Harleena,
I want to thank you for always being first to comment on my blog! I’m glad you like the changes. Kumar has helped me so much, it’s incredible.
Yes, with the new product launch, I did have to change the optin form. And when Kumar mentioned in his guest post a few weeks ago that our themes have to be updated, I got right on it. I know I’m in good hands and am so grateful.
Oh those plugins. It is enough to drive you crazy. This is why I leave it up to him so there is less worry and more time for me to focus on marketing.
Thanks so much and have a great weekend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week