This post was most recently updated on October 13th, 2017
I want to introduce you to 5 wise bloggers who have been writing some really valuable articles lately.
I know each of these 5 wise bloggers very well and wanted to give them the recognition that they are so well deserving of.
More than that, since these posts are mostly about blogging, each one you visit will help you learn more about the art and business of blogging.
So let’s get acquainted with these 5 wise bloggers, and explore some of their recent works.
Wise Blogger #1 – Adrienne Smith
Adrienne recently wrote a fantastic article called “Why You Are Never Too Old To Blog.”
I loved this post because there are so many baby boomers that may be at that retirement stage of life, or others that have been downsized out of their job.
Even better, there are many who anxiously seek entry into the business of blogging, and have so much to offer.
This article hit home with me because I didn’t start blogging until I was in my 50’s.
I had an offline practice consulting at the time, and was seeing many of my clients losing their jobs and retirement plans.
I wanted to explore online opportunities for them, and started this journey by becoming a blogger.
As my blog has become so successful, I have been able to open doors into online business for those who have followed me, and walked in my footsteps.
So, I certainly agree with Adrienne that you’re never too old to blog.
Wise Blogger #2 – Sherman Smith
Sherman has written a really interesting post on “How to Make Blogging Less Time Consuming.”
Sherman gives 4 ways to make blogging less time consuming.
I was so compelled by this article that I just wrote a list of blog posts I plan to write over the next 3 summer months.
I plan to write them ahead of time and load them up as drafts. Then, all I have to do is press “publish” on their due dates, and spend more time at the beach!
There are some really great ideas here that will help bloggers to optimize their work time, while avoiding some of the all too common misconceptions that steer them off in the wrong direction.
If you’ve been finding blogging to be too much of a task for you to handle, yet you know how important blogging is to your online business success… this blog will really help you out.
I thank Sherman for the many great ideas he’s compiled in this article.
They are sure to help me, and all my blogging friends, to spend less time being busy, and more time being productive.
Special: Are You Sabotaging Your Blog Because You Were Taught The Wrong Way ? It’s Not Your Fault!
Wise Blogger #3 – Harleena Singh (Aha Now)
Harleena has written an article titled “Blogging Basics: CRUX of Blogging Tips for New Blogger.”
After 4 years of having an incredible blog, Harleena knows her stuff and she shares it with you in this post.
It’s an honest evaluation of what’s required to become a successful blogger, based on Harleena’s “in the trenches” experience.
As she points out, it’s no one thing, but a combination of many tasks.
New bloggers, though, don’t begin to know what these tasks are, or how to go about executing them.
No worries.
Harleena has laid it all out here in this post.
Wise Blogger #4 – Jens-Petter Berget
Jens recently wrote an article called “5 Most Important Reasons Why Bloggers Fail.”
In this post, he focuses on the journey of blogging.
I, too, consider blogging to be a journey.
Along the journey, there are attitudes and strategies that can serve you very well.
They can, in fact, help you stand out in the crowd.
They things that Jens talks about in this post are simple and straightforward.
Yet, they are powerful and insightful.
They can make the difference between struggling without clear definition of purpose, brand or “voice,” and presenting yourself in a way that is refreshing and inspiring to your readers.
These are the things that can really attract readers to you, and to your message.
Special: The Truth About Blogging (VIDEO Inside)
Wise Blogger #5 – Marquita Herald (Emotionally Resilient Living)
Marquita has been a blogging friend of mine for a very long time.
She always gives so much me so much value and peace of mind each time I read her blog.
Recently, she wrote: “Remove the Clutter to Find Peace Of Mind.”
This article is a real gift for bloggers.
Now, it’s not about blogging, per se.
But the concepts, tips and strategies Marquita reveals are critically important for every blogger to implement.
You see, to be successful in blogging, you must have a clear and focused mind.
One of your biggest enemies is confusion and overwhelm.
It’s all part of a mental apparatus that Marquita calls “clutter.”
It’s one of the main things that causes bloggers to fail.
In this post, Marquita explains exactly what clutter is and how to most effectively deal with it.
Believe me, this is an article you want to read very carefully if you aspire to be a successful blogger.
Hope you can visit these 5 Wise Bloggers because they all have helped me by reading their posts and I know they can help you too.
What are your particular challenges with blogging these days?
Are you a newbie, or have you been around the block a few times? (or more… lol)
Trying to build a list? post great content? interact on social media? get traffic? get past the “overwhelm?”
There are so many hurdles for bloggers, but here’s your chance to ask these 5 wise bloggers (and me, of course) some of your tough questions.
Dig in!
Twitter: thedigger0
July 28, 2015 at 10:40 pm #
Hey Donna,
Can’t wait to read the suggested posts.
I am new to blogging and have bouts of doubt and definitely feel overwhelmed at times. There never seems enough time in the day. My list of things to do is a mile long and I can often get caught up in a rush, rather than enjoying the process. Then of a night when I reflect my major issue is to slow down and enjoy the ride.
It appears every time I read a new post, I have another thing to add to that dam list. So my biggest hurdle is to stop feeling rushed. When I do, the day goes just as fast and I get a lot done but I have a satisfied mind.
Marketing for me is a new concept, so I am really attempting to work on that as I have come to learn just how important this process is and am trying to get a daily grasp on it.
But I am new and love the interactions with other bloggers, I enjoy the challenge and am eager to stop the rush. Thanks for the post, I am sure I will read the other five posts suggested and go back to being rushed.
Hi Rachel,
When you are a new blogger it does get overwhelming! I suggest you make a list and prioritize what you need to do.
There is never enough to learn. Just set up a goal then take baby steps to complete it each week.
Do the most important thing first (i.e. eat the frog as we call it) then the rest of the day will be easier.
Make a list of things you need to do during the day and never forget down time! That’s when you can spend time learning.
Hope this helps.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Great Blog Posts August 2015
Twitter: pvariel
July 7, 2015 at 1:31 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great list here!
Yes, The first 3 personalities and their pages are very familiar to me and often i visit and air my feedback, The rest 2 are unknown to me and will surely look into their pages,
You very wisely selected these wise bloggers!
Of course, and am sure there will be more numbers to be added to this list!
No doubt you did a wonderful selection! They are too eligible for it!
I appreciate their relentless service and support to their fellow beings, especially to the fellow bloggers.
Their wonderful creations are classics!
I appreciate their valuable efforts they share with their community people through their pages!
May their tribe increase!
Keep sharing such valuable, worth readable information to your readers.
Keep going
May you have a great week ahead! 🙂
~ Philip
Philip Verghese Ariel recently posted..13 Reasons Why Writing Is Great – A Guest Post By Chrys Fey
Hi Philip,
So glad you enjoyed this list of bloggers. I know you are familiar with many of them. Indeed, they are amazing, and I do follow them all the time.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Great Blog Posts August 2015
Twitter: OrganizedLunacy
June 29, 2015 at 12:08 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great list!
I am familiar with Sherman and Adrienne – and yes, really helpful bloggers.
I have yet to check out the rest of the people you mentioned.
As a new blogger, I am on the lookout to experts who provide valuable content, whom I can learn from and thank God you created this post!
Thanks and have an awesome day!
Luna Darcy recently posted..When Life Hits You Hard: 5 Things To Remember And 5 Verses To Live By
Hi Luna,
Indeed, Adrienne and Sherman are very helpful especially when it comes to blogging.
Being a new blogger, it is always good to connect with reliable people. Wishing you all the best on your blogging journey,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Make YouTube Cards
Twitter: kelliclaypool
June 28, 2015 at 9:38 pm #
Thank you, Donna, for the list of bloggers. I haven’t heard of most of them, so I appreciate the introduction. Two of my very good friends, Lynn Terry of and Dan Morris of, are professional bloggers who has a plethora of knowledge around the topic of blogging. If you don’t know them, check them out. 🙂
Again, thanks for sharing!
Kelli Claypool recently posted..10 Things that I Love About My Husband
Hi Kelli,
Good to know you liked the introduction of these blogging friends of mine. And thanks so much for mentioning Lynn and Dan.
I will check it out.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Make YouTube Cards
Twitter: glennshep
June 28, 2015 at 7:59 pm #
Hi Donna,
I love these sort of posts because I think it’s a great way to help give other bloggers a bit of a boost and it helps to make bloggers aware of some other bloggers whom they may not have been aware previously.
I know the first four very well and know that they always publish first-class content. I would highly recommend them (along with your good self, of course! 😉 ) But I haven’t come across Marquita before, so I’m looking forward to heading on over to her blog and checking it out.
I hope you’ve had a great weekend, Donna. Have yourself a great week ahead! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted..Are You an Expert in Your Field?
Hi Glenn,
I like to do this type of post once in a while because of the many great bloggers I encounter. I want to share them with my readers, especially if they don’t know them.
I wish I could make a list of all my blogging friends, but I like to introduce about 5 at a time to keep things simple enough for others to visit.
Glad you enjoyed this and I’m sure visiting Marquita’s blog will be a pleasurable visit.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Make YouTube Cards
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
June 25, 2015 at 3:27 am #
Hi Donna,
Thank you for sharing this round up. It was a great one! 🙂
My biggest challenge in blogging these days is more about passion that fluctuates. Sometimes I get too excited, and sometimes I’m lazy for blogging. 😆
I’m trying to get my passion back by read some articles that motivate and inspire me. I have also made a round up post in my latest article for it..hehe 😉
I can not say much about Adrienne, Harleena and others. I also follow their blog, so I had to read the article. But, I just found out about Marquita. After I finished leaving a comment here. I’m off to visit Marquita’s blog. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this with us, Donna.
Keep up the good work. Do have a wonderful week ahead!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..9 Must-Read Articles When Your Passion on Blogging Down
Hi Nanda,
I just finished reading your last blog post and it was fantastic! You are not alone. So many people feel this way in the blogging world. But you have found some wonderful people to keep you going.
We cannot be passionate all the time. We will have our down days and when we do, we have to pay attention to them. Are we down because we want to change a niche? Or maybe we want to find a way to monetize all the work we put into blogging?
Every time I feel that way I like to sit myself down and start writing a list. Eventually I get to the reason why I feel that way. A while ago it was about monetizing so I created a product. From there, I keep on creating products and problem solved.
We cannot depend on anyone else but ourselves and the wonderful bloggers we connect with.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: herbertkikoy
June 24, 2015 at 9:20 pm #
My personal favorite on the mentioned name above is Adrienne Smith.. I am an avid follower of her awesome blog 🙂

Herbert recently posted..Meet Your Match: Finding Your Target Market on Social Media
Hi Herbert,
So nice to know you are an avid follower of Adrienne Smith. She is a very good friend of mine. We met a few years ago, through a mastermind group and we formed a great relationship since then.
I love that gal!
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: nishapandey510
June 24, 2015 at 12:03 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow, You have done a well research about wise blogger, and provided a best list of world’s 5 wise blogger. I am agree with you and your list of wise blogger. In this list one Indian blogger, Harleena Mam, happy to see Indian blogger in this list.
Thank for sharing this awesome post. Have a nice day!
Hi Nisha,
Good to see you again. Glad you liked this round up of bloggers. There are so many I know and I had to keep it to only 5 for this post.
Harleena does so much for all of us and of course she had to be included. The great thing about blogging is that we get to know each other from all over the world.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: krsaurabht
June 23, 2015 at 12:47 pm #
Hey Donna ma,am
This is my first visit to your blog and I must say it will not be the last. Thank You so much for providing such a wonderful Round up post in a very simple way. In this list I knew Only Harleena Ma’am but definitely read other post as well as contact them soon.
Thank you again for sharing great blogger list.
Hi Saurabh,
Welcome to my blog. I like to keep things simple in every post I do. This way it is easier for the reader to take-away something.
I’m sure you will like the others on this post….they all provide great value.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
June 22, 2015 at 9:12 pm #
All of them are super wise Donna.I have followed each for years; they know their stuff. Love these round up posts because each intro’s us to so many established bloggers online. I haven’t seen Marquita as much recently; thanks for giving me a reminder to pay her a visit 😉
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Download 12 Tips to Sprint from Employee to Entrepreneur for Free (Limited Time Offer)
Hi Ryan,
Yes, it was time for me to do a round up. Each one of these bloggers are so great as you know. I’m glad I reminded you about Marquita. She is going strong on her blog and I know you will enjoy her latest post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: themesmob
June 22, 2015 at 2:03 am #
Hi Donna,
So glad to see your list of wise blogger. Adriane, Sherman, Harleena all are famous blogger in the world. There content are highly informative and attractive. So many blogging tips i catched from there.
Thank you for your awesome content on wise bloggers.
Kind Regards
Yasin Rishad
Yasin Rishad recently posted..Best WordPress Theme Sites Choose Amazing Template from Here
Hi Yasin,
I see you know Adrienne and Harleena. They sure are awesome bloggers. The rest of the list are just wonderful too.
Thanks for stopping by and nice meeting you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: jenniryan
June 21, 2015 at 9:44 pm #
Thanks for sharing this list Donna. I am going to check out the post on how to make blogging less time consuming.
Hi Jenni,
Good to know you found something that resonated with you on this list. You will certainly enjoy that post on how to make blogging less time consuming.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: chats4hours
June 21, 2015 at 9:01 pm #
What a wonderful idea to feature the wise bloggers. Hats off to you Donna. Great stuff.
Liz Delaney recently posted..How to Easily Add Plugins to a WordPress Site
Hi Liz,
Featuring bloggers on your blog is a great way for people to connect to others. When we are blogging this is one way or having a guest post.
This sure does bring a lot of juice to your blog.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: tigerlilyva11
June 21, 2015 at 7:26 pm #
Hi Donna,
This is a great review of incredible bloggers. There are a couple I haven’t visited like Sherman and Jens. I’ll definitely have to visit and check them out.
Thank for sharing,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted..5 Ways to Create Visually Appealing Newsletters {and Why It Matters}.
Hi Lillian,
I’m sure you won’t be disappointed visiting Sherman and Jens. It’s all part of connecting with others when we do a round up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: WillenaRose
June 21, 2015 at 7:21 pm #
I was 50 when I started blogging, but it’s only in the last 5 years or so that I’ve been blogging with any kind of business in mind. This is a great list of blogs, and I’ll be visiting every one of them to gather tips I can apply to my own blog.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..A Big Day
Hi Willena,
I find that more and more people 40 and over are coming into the blogging world. I see that you have found your niche, as a writer whenever I visit your blog with lovely short stories.
I’m sure that visiting these blogs, you will find some great tips.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: JacsHenderson
June 21, 2015 at 6:08 pm #
Loving the Blogging Stars here Donna…
I have to say that Adrienne, Sherman and Marquita are regular haunts of mine and I hugely applaud them all for their incredible branding and consistency on the technical side… and their value and absolute ‘just what I wanted to hear’ words, even though they are all so totally different.
I am familiar with Harleena, but it’s been a while (must put that right!) and Jens…. well he will be new discovery of the week 🙂
What a generous tribute to some fantastic bloggers
Thank you for describing their posts and adding your personal story for each of them… beautifully written
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Are You Missing This Surprisingly Useful Branding Option On Your Facebook Page?
Hi Jacs,
Good to know you are familiar with these bloggers. I just had to put some personal notes about each specific post because they moved me.
I have to say that each one that I chose has given me the AHA moment.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
June 21, 2015 at 6:03 pm #
Hi Donna,
Wow, what an honor to be mentioned here and thank you so very much my friend.
As you know I’m working toward being much more clear on my message lately and my heart goes out to those who start their blogging journey at a much later age. I too came online at the age of 49 but didn’t start blogging until I was also in my 50’s. It can be a lonely place at first but when you align yourself with the right people who can help you learn the necessary steps to take it can cut out so much time. I appreciate you sharing my message.
I have not read any of these others posts but I have them all loaded up so that I can visit them next week. As you know though I just returned from a weeks vacation so I’ve been pretty busy this week getting caught up so I could leave and not worry but also finishing up some client sessions as well.
Looks like I have some really awesome content to absorb though and I definitely know that whatever Sherman, Harleena and Jens crank out is awesome. I haven’t visited Marquita in quite some time now so it will be fun stopping by her place too. Thank you so much for sharing all this great content and I’m eager to read them now.
Hope you’ve had a marvelous weekend and looking forward to what this week will bring as well.
Thanks Donna.
Adrienne recently posted..Your Coming Dilemma in Online Marketing
Hi Adrienne,
Welcome back! I’m so glad you took that cruise and cleared your mind. I loved your last post that I put here because there are so many people coming online that are older.
When I first started it was all about the young generation. Now it seems to me like it’s balancing out through all ages.
Loads of my clients and friends are 40 and over, so they need the support. Because of the financial status of the world at this time, it is important to have either “something on the side” or go all into marketing online.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: inspire2success
June 21, 2015 at 5:32 pm #
Hi Donna,
Interesting list. I am familiar with Adrienne and Sherman and visit their blogs often. I felt motivated by Adrienne’s post about age not being a barrier to blogging. And I do enjoy Sherman’s practical advise and his way of weaving in his personal experiences into his articles.
Aha Now! is another blogger blog. I am a member of that community and I do love Harleena’s voice that resonates in her articles.
I have never met Jens-Petter Berget and Marquita Herald, but will be checking their blogs out due to your recommendation. I especially am fascinated by the idea of finding peace and removing confusion and clutter from my daily activities.
Thanks for sharing this roundup, Donna. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂
Chioma Anozie recently posted..Facebook Rejected him but what happened next will shock you.
Hi Chioma,
It is great to know you are friends with some of the bloggers I’ve mentioned. I’m sure you will love to connect with Marquita and Jens.
I too love the idea of removing clutter. It can be the clutter in my mind, as well as the clutter in my home. But I’m a minimalist and don’t like any clutter around the house. 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: lolette_and
June 21, 2015 at 10:46 am #
Hi Donna, I sincerely enjoyed this post very much. It always helps me to look at the style and way that other bloggers present their information. These 5 bloggers have definitely got it going their way….just like you !!
Lolette Stephenson recently posted..Staying Up To Date With SEO
Hi Lolette,
Glad you enjoyed this and like your take on it. It will help you to look at the style and way that other bloggers present their information. These are top notch bloggers and you won’t be disappointed connecting with them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
June 20, 2015 at 10:36 pm #
This is a wonderful group of bloggers that you’ve highlighted, Donna.
I know they each have impressive blogging credentials, but more than that, they all strive to reach out to their readers by with value.
When you get right down to it, that’s what is most important.
They are all really good at building relationships with their readers, and engaging them in what’s most important to them. They possess a natural empathy, and are masters at demonstrating to their readers that they really care about them… each in their own unique way.
I think that’s what really lies at the heart of great blogging, and it’s the reason that this is such an impressive group of bloggers.
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Getting Quality Backlinks To Your Blog
Hi David,
Even though these bloggers have great credentials, it is so true, they do strive to reach their readers with value. And yes..that is so important.
They also build relationships and have natural empathy. Thanks for your kind words describing each and every one on this list.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: sueken
June 20, 2015 at 3:11 pm #
Thanks Donna, I’m always on the lookout for excellent bloggers to follow. and you’ve introduced some new to me here. I’ll subscribe to their feeds straight away.
Sue Bride recently posted..Free Trials for Online Marketers
Hi Sue,
It is always great to find new bloggers that are giving good value such as those mentioned above.
Good to know you are taking the opportunity to connect with them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: MarketingKM
June 20, 2015 at 10:37 am #
I am digging in Donna.
I know some of the bloggers you mentioned, but not quite all of them.
My niche is women bloggers or small business owners, who’s ages tend to
be the older crowd. Something to do with maturity and experience.
I have bookmarked this article to dig into this week. Thanks so much!
Kathryn recently posted..Social Marketing Campaigns
Hi Kathryn,
It is always great to connect with new people. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed with these fab bloggers.
I like your niche because there are more and more older people, especially women coming into the marketplace.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
June 19, 2015 at 11:36 pm #
This is really a great list and I know Marquita ,Sherman ,and saw Adrienne’s and Harleena’s
blogs ,all great bloggers, #4 I did not see yet ,but will visit.
And if you say we are never to old to start blogging ,I started with 63 and no good english ,but with the encouragement of Lesly and Monna and later PAC ,I kept going ,still not easy for me to write what and how I really want ,but will continue learning .
Thank you for introducing the 5 wise bloggers 🙂
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted..Fear – Schedule Your Fear
Hi Erika,
No we are never too old to start blogging. I know how difficult it is for you writing because English is not your first language. You keep on going at your own pace and I know you will be helping so many people (per our conversations lol)
You inspire me all the time Erika with the work you do and how you never give up!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: joantruesuccess
June 19, 2015 at 10:33 pm #
Hi Donna,
What an incredible list of very wise bloggers indeed!! I would have to 100% agree with you on your choices! Nice job 🙂 I especially love Adrienne Smiths blog and that fantastic post about never being too late to learn 🙂 I can totally resonate with that big time, as I too have started a little later in my life to pursue my dream of being my own boss and finding financial freedom doing what I love…………..blogging and sharing content that is easily implemented 🙂
Thanks for sharing these incredible bloggers and a little story about them on how important they are to you!
Great post 🙂
Joan Harrington recently posted..Are You Aware Of These 7 Conversion Killers?
Hi Joan,
So good to know you liked these bloggers. I do love that article Adrienne has written because many of us are in that age group. I too started later in my life only because the power of the internet came at that time lol…
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: A_BEveryday
June 19, 2015 at 7:01 pm #
Hi Donna,
I’m glad to have come across this post. Over the last few months I’ve been reading your blog posts, and so far I love what I read.
Looking at this post, I can say you’ve gone a step further to tap into this type of networking. I’ve also been a strong believer of networking because it’s through friendships that businesses thrive. And this is the same for bloggers and their blogs. If you are too much of an introvert, you are more likely to lose. No one will know if you exist, and better yet, your blog will forever look like a ghost town – deserted with no single soul visiting.
All in all, I’m happy for your efforts, especially for this post, and I’d say keep up the good work.
Hi Enock,
Welcome to my blog. It is so nice to know you like what you have been reading on my blog.
Yes, this is a good post to network with others. And networking is one thing we all need to do as bloggers.
Thank you so much, I’ll try to do my best keeping up with my work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: miriamslozberg
June 19, 2015 at 2:02 pm #
These bloggers are great Donna, thanks for sharing. I need to go read their latest stuff, and I hope to reach to their level one day. Just haven’t had the energy for it (working mother wearing a thousand hats), like Zac on my podcast said, a little time spent each day adds up. I need to be patient.
Miriam Slozberg recently posted..An Overview of Entrepreneurs and Self Worth with Alicia Cramer
Hi Miriam,
Wearing many hats is difficult but you sure are doing a fantastic job! It is so true that a little time each day will add up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Hi Barbara,
I was so inspired by Adrienne’s blog too. It is about time we acknowledge people that are older who are online blogging and marketing. Maybe it’s me, but I’ve been noticing more and more people in this age bracket.
Sherman is always teaching us something and Harleena has done wonders with her community.
I’m sure you will like Jens…pure and simple and honest. And Marquita will bring you peace of mind.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: BarbaraCharles
June 18, 2015 at 8:44 pm #
Hi Donna,
Definitely an ‘A’ list of bloggers! I know all but 1 of these bloggers so that attest to the fact that you have picked some awesome people who blog and who can help many people.
I loved Adrienne’s article for the same reason you mentioned. There is the baby boomer bloggers important as many of us fall into that category. Sherman has lots of great info and is always providing very useful info that we can implement right away. That’s what I like about his blog. I love Harleena’s community as well as her blogging. She always seems to know the right thing to say. Way to go Harleena for making Donna’s list. I don’t know Jens that well but have been to his blog once or twice and I’ll have to check out Marquita.
Great A list and can’t wait to read more of the other two and get to know them.
Thanks for sharing.
Barbara Charles recently posted..How I Increased Visitors To My Blog By 30 Percent
Twitter: berget
June 18, 2015 at 10:02 am #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for including me. This is an honor. This made me smile. Thank you!
The other bloggers are awesome. The only one I’m not familiar with is Marquita, and I’ll stop by her blog now.
I hope you’re having a wonderful week.
Jens-Petter Berget recently posted..Never grow up
Hi Jens,
I loved your blog post that you did that I linked here. Your blog is always a refreshing place to go to. This is why I just had to include you on this round up.
I’m so glad it made you smile!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: rrwebdesign
June 18, 2015 at 6:53 am #
Hi Donna,
What a great round up of bloggers. I do know Adrienne Smith, Sherman Smith , and Harleena Singh. I have read Adrienne’s and Sherman’s articles, but missed Harleena’s article.
Thank you for introducing Jens-Petter Berget and Marquita Herald as I haven’t had the chance to read these articles. I will stop over to these articles as well as Harleena’s, “Blogging Basics: CRUX of Blogging Tips for New Blogger.”
Again, fantastic post, Donna. I will be spreading the word. I hope you are having an amazing week!
~ Robin Strohmaier
Robin Strohmaier recently posted..7 Secrets to Boost Local SEO
Hi Robin,
I’m sure you are going to love Harleena’s latest article. She has quite the surprise there.
The other bloggers here that you don’t know yet, will soon become your friends because they are excellent and do reciprocate.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ShobhaPonnappa
June 18, 2015 at 5:39 am #
Hey Donna,
Excellent mentions, surely Adrienne and Herleena are the top bloggers, no list can be complete without them.
Completely agree with Adrienne, there’s no age issues with blogging – and good for us, when we grow old we don’t have to retire!
Have read Sherman and Harleena’s posts as well on their blogs earlier this week. Now it is time to read the other two posts that I have missed somehow, thanks,
Shobha Ponnappa recently posted..“Intelligent content? What is it and how do I create it?”
Hi Shobha,
I second that point that Adrienne explains there is no age issues with blogging. It is good for the young as well as the older people. So much so, I’m seeing more older people get into blogging and marketing. Years ago young people were all that I knew. I’m seeing even people that retire step into the blogging world.
Glad to know you will be connecting to others,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
June 18, 2015 at 5:32 am #
What a totally awesome line up of all star blogger and marketers Donna!
I know and respect each and every one of them!
And I’ve got to check out both Jans and Harleena’s latest post!
But I see my Coach and Mentor Adrienne Smith heading the list!
And the ever so talented Marquita Herald!I simply can’t get enough
of her wisdom and extremely powerful and helpful insights!
And it seems like every time I read a blog or two over at Sherman Smith’s
totally awesome blog, my head literally explodes from his keen insights, simplicity and creativity!
That guy is a freaking genius! I put him on par with Enstine Muki!
And there simply aren’t many out there today, that can come close to Enstine’s
pure genius!
But I’d definitely say Sherman does!And the fact that all of them are being featured on your
That’s sort of the icing on the cake!LOL! Of course I might have thrown in still another extremely worthy marketing/blogging genius named David Merrill!LOL!
But that’s just me!Awesome job as always Coach! Thanks!
Mark recently posted..Online marketing:Why Local Businesses And Service Providers Definitely Need Email Marketing!
Hi Mark,
Indeed, Sherman is amazing and Marquita blows me away and keeps me centered. I’m sure you will enjoy Harleena’s latest post. There is a “surprise” in there …
Thanks for mentioning that other great person: David Merrill lol. It is a great compliment you have given him and of course I’ll be the first to agree that he is a marketing genius. I don’t know what I would do without him.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: missmyrka
June 18, 2015 at 2:19 am #
Hi Donna,
I don’t know all those bloggers, but I already know Harleena and Adrienne. Both are role models who I follow for quite some time now. I went to read Marquita’s post on removing the clutter to find peace of mind and I loved it. I’ll certainly check out the two other bloggers.
Thanks for allowing us to meet those amazing bloggers. Hope you’re having a great week! 🙂
Nataly Auger recently posted..Let Zakia’s Moroccan Ghassoul Clay Pamper You #Review #Giveaway
Hi Nataly,
You can’t go wrong with Adrienne and Harleena! I am so glad to know that you visited Marquita and loved her blog. I always find her posts being a way to apply things to my life.
I’m sure you will like the others.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: suejprice
June 16, 2015 at 10:13 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you for sharing these posts. I am familiar with all the bloggers you have mentioned but the only post I have read here is Adrienne’s.
I have Sherman’s open ready to read next. The title got me in as I am yet to master the art of being more time efficient with blogging. I will visit the others as well.
I love your idea of writing your posts in advance and loading them as drafts. I have been thinking of doing that one as well.
Thanks for another great post Donna.
Sue Price recently posted..Does the Quality of Your Blog Comments Matter?
Hi Sue,
So good to know you will be connecting with some of these great bloggers.
With Summer approaching here in the U.S. there is so much going on that I have been working on writing posts in advance. I do have to work in “batches” so I can enjoy traveling and most of all the long walks on the beach.
Thanks so much for coming by.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
June 16, 2015 at 8:03 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great list you’ve got here. Proud to see that I have read and know most of the bloggers. They are certainly wise and their content is very valuable, they supply some great tips.
Congrats to my friends that have made the list!
Lea Bullen recently posted..Why Gamble With Your Life? 7 Good Habits for Guaranteed Success
Hi Lea,
Isn’t it great to see a round up and notice they are mostly your friends? I am so proud of them also.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ikechiawazie
June 16, 2015 at 7:13 pm #
Hi Donna
What a great post and a great list. I have read all the posts and they are so awesome.
All the posts where thought provoking. Adrienne was right about never being too old to blog. She and you are an example of bloggers that have made a difference.
Shermin’s post was thought provoking. Harleena really nailed it with her CRUX concept of blogging which I know will benefit so many newbies. Beget’s post was spot on and reveals a lot on why bloggers fail.
Thanks for sharing. Have an awesome week.
Hi Ikechi,
I’m so glad you have read all the posts. You know, I was actually going to put you on this list, but because you will be my guest blogger in a few weeks, I just figured to give you a big spot light. lol
Thanks so much for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ikechiawazie
June 18, 2015 at 10:31 pm #
Hi Donna
You are right. So true. Thanks and do Take Care
ikechi recently posted..Why You Are Confused About What To Do in Life
Hi Ikechi,
He he… I cannot wait until you are my guest!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: cheryschmidt
June 16, 2015 at 2:48 pm #
Hello Donna, Love your list of wise bloggers my friend! I have personally visited and commented on all these awesome bloggers sites but one. And now is time for me to go and learn more about Wise Blogger #4 – Jens-Petter Berget!
Thanks for the wonderful share.
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Get On The Road To Financial Freedom By Taking Responsibility
Hi Chery,
Now I know you my friend and you always are connecting with people. I’m sure you will make good friends with all these bloggers.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: usmile
June 16, 2015 at 11:20 am #
Hey Donna,
I could not have picked a better selection… Marguita Herald has one of the most visually, beautiful blogs. Love reading her posts and seeing the image gallery. I know she’s worked carefully to choose and create the best images that reflect her posts. Sherman is awesome to – I’ve learned much from him and he’s a really cool guy too. Had the pleasure of speaking with him one on a call. The others I’ll have to visit.. wonderful thing to do. I am right behind you in highlighting awesome bloggers … thank you 🙂
Lesly Federici recently posted..How Following Can Screw You
Hi Lesly,
Each time I visit Marquita’s blog I am always inspired and relaxed after I read her posts. Sherman is also a great blogger and you can learn a lot.
The others are “wise bloggers’ that I know you will love to connect with.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: NTPInfo
June 16, 2015 at 4:44 am #
It’s great connecting with the ‘wise’ bloggers you have mentioned here…
I’ve read the entries of the first 3. However, the last 2 are completely novel to me. I guess it’s time to do some real connection and interaction – the prime essence of blogging.
Do make the day great!
Akaahan Terungwa
Akaahan Terungwa recently posted..Mini Importation Business In Nigeria: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Hi Akaahan,
I love doing some round ups like this so that many people could connect with others. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed when you check the bloggers you don’t know.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: emebless2
June 16, 2015 at 3:36 am #
Hi Donna,
Certainly I do not know all of those bloggers you listed herein, but I am sure those posts of theirs are indeed great and are all valuable contents.
However, I know Adrienne very well, a no nonsense blogger and teacher.
Thanks for sharing.
Emebu recently posted..Best Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Monetizing Your Blog
Hi Emebu,
Adrienne is a no nonsense blogger and teacher. I know her very well. I am sure you will find the other bloggers here with the same ethical manner.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: enstinemuki
June 16, 2015 at 3:02 am #
Hi Donna,
How are you dear friend?
I read Adrienne’s, Sherman’s and Harleena’s posts and of course, these are all great friends. Now, I’ll discover Jens-Petter and Marquita. Being your friends, I’m sure these are great bloggers too.
I hope you are having a great week 😉
Enstine Muki recently posted..New job for bloggers: Get Paid $50 to $100 for Promoting Yourself
Hi Enstine,
Been a while hasn’t it? I’ve been so busy with the marketing aspect of my business, that I’ve not been blog hopping as much as I have in the past. But it is so good to connect again.
Now you will have the chance to meet more friends and I’m sure you will like them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: harleenas
June 16, 2015 at 1:33 am #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for this wonderful honor to be included in this awesome list, along with other blogging friend’s, whom I know so well 🙂
Yes, I’ve read all of these posts, except for Marquita’s, though have visited hers earlier as we share the same Tribes on Triberr and are on Twitter too. Must check out Jens, seem to have missed this one.
Loved the title of this post, Donna – as Carol mentioned, simple and so effective I’d add.
Biggest challenge presently is taking out time for starting my new blog, and that’s why I’m taking a few weeks off, as I start my blogging ‘work’ break, though still have a lot of pending comments on my blog to catch up with. And that is going to be a lot of focused work!
Thanks once again, so appreciate the kind mention. Have a nice week, and we meet now once I’m back with more surprises, if not earlier. Till then, take care and be well my friend 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..Blogging Basics: CRUX of Blogging Tips for New Bloggers
Hi Harleena,
Yes…I keep things simple and effective like Carol had mentioned. I do try to do that with every post so that it is easy to follow and my reader’s can get something to take-away and apply action.
I cannot wait to see your new blog. You have done such a great job with AHANow, building a large community and so much more. I love what you have done and am anxiously awaiting to see how your new blog will be so wonderful…I just know it will.
Thanks so much,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ppk_law
June 16, 2015 at 12:03 am #
Wise bloggers. That’s something to aspire to. It’s amazing how the internet has put people in control of information sharing. Thank goodness for good bloggers.
Zach recently posted..Are Overnight Visits Recommended for Infants with Visitation Schedules?
Hi Zach,
That is a great take: It does amaze me too how the internet has put people in control of information sharing. How wonderful technology is!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: marquitaherald
June 15, 2015 at 10:15 pm #
What an honor to be included in this prestigious group Donna, and what a great format to share specific posts! I am very familiar with Adrienne’s wonderful blog and follow Harleena over on Triberr. Sherman and Jens-Petter are new to me but I plan on changing that post haste!
I also have to add my own thanks to YOU for the marvelous work you do here. You never cease to inspire me and I always learn something with each new post. 🙂
Marquita Herald recently posted..Why We Sometimes Struggle to Feel Gratitude
Hi Marquita,
Looks like you are the talk of the town here on the above comments lol. Some of my readers don’t know you but I’m sure they will be visiting you. Your blog always makes me feel calm and happy and directs me to be “In Check” with my inner self.
I am so happy that I’ve inspired you my friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: DrErica
June 15, 2015 at 9:53 pm #
You have selected some wonderful bloggers to highlight. I have loved the writings of Marquita Herald, so emotionally soothing, and Harleena Singh, so knowledgeable. And Sherman and Adrienne write with clarity and authority. I have not yet read any of Jens Petter-Berget’s blogs but if you recommend it I am sure it is worth reading.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..What are the Benefits of a Long-Term Business Relationship?
Hi Erica,
Good to know you enjoy these bloggers and are familiar with most of them. I included Jens here because not only is he a “wise blogger” but this particular post goes in line with all the others and is very helpful.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: bgjen
June 15, 2015 at 9:52 pm #
Hi Donna, I also started blogging 4 years ago in my 50’s, but have been all over the map with trying to figure out what to blog about. First is was books, internet marketing and then poetry and then this and that. I find myself becoming really bored quickly with trying to keep people up to date on information that I don’t find appealing myself, even when I know that it’s needed. So, after all of these years, I’m still a work in progress and reinventing myself. I will definitely have to go read these blogs…we can never have too much wisdom. Thanks for sharing these 5 wise people. I’m really interested in learning what they have to say. Great post.
BG Jenkins recently posted..Webinar Fushion Pro Re-Launch
Hi BG,
It is quite common that people enter the blogging world, and do go all over the map. I started in a direction I no longer take myself. Guess it is why I always call blogging a journey. As long as we “brand” ourselves, our readers will follow us through the many phases we go through.
Once we find what we are really passionate about and get that clarity, there is never enough of stuff we can write about that specific topic.
As bloggers, we are always a work in progress. I write mostly about blogging, but it is also connected with marketing. So from this standpoint, so many other factors I can bring in from a step by step process, to something that is of personal growth. It all ties in when it comes to using our blogs for marketing purposes.
As long as you keep on growing, you will do fine.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: joyhealey
June 15, 2015 at 7:36 pm #
Hi Donna,
Well – Marquita’s article about removing clutter has certainly come at the right time for me as I’m in a de-cluttering phase myself. And even just being part way through the process I am starting to feel the benefit.
In line with de-cluttering Sherman’s post about saving time blogging was also very relevant to me too. It’s one of those articles, together with the one by Jens, that I wish I had found a few years ago – instead of the “teachers” I did have!
Harleena’s and Adrienne’s posts I had already seen and enjoyed, but thanks for introducing me to the three other wise bloggers.
Have a great week, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted..Quotes About Dogs
Hi Joy,
I am so happy to know that Marquita’s article came just in time for you. And Sheman’s ppost about saving time blogging kind of go hand in hand for you.
Don’t we all wish we knew what Jens’s advice was when we first started lol.
I am glad to know that you have gotten acquainted with some bloggers you didn’t know.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Hey Donna,
First off thanks for the mention! I’m glad that the post was helpful and I’m sure it will activate some brainstorming on prioritize management as John C. Maxwell says.
I’ve read all the posts here except for Jen’s and Marquita’s posts. I’m quite familiar with Jens but not with Marquita which will give me the opportunity to get acquainted. Thanks for sharing and have a great week Donna!
Sherman Smith recently posted..How To Make Blogging Less Time Consuming
Hi Sherman,
I wanted to shout out this post you have written especially for those who are spending too much of their time blogging. You sure have written a helpful post for them all.
I’m sure that you will like to get acquainted with Marquita. I’ve known her for such a long time that I cannot remember when lol.
Have a wonderful week.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: Carol_Amato_
June 15, 2015 at 4:04 pm #
Hi, Donna,
LOVE the simplicity of this title and format, because it’s chock full of Value and easy to consume. Love it!
As you know – I resonated with Adrienne’s article also and featured it in Carol’s Cut recently. I’m not a bit surprised folks are sharing it so much because the message is so relevant to what many of us are going through – simply excellent!
Just finished enjoying and commenting on Sherman’s wonderful post, wow, he really outdid himself on this one. Great takeaways.
Just commented on Harleena’s site, but have not seen this particular article yet, so will check it out, thanks for the heads up – sounds intriguing! Also was just on Jens’ site, but missed this one – will have to make sure to read, thanks.
I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Marquita Herald yet, so will have to make time to check out Remove the Clutter article, sounds like what I need!
My blogging challenge has been, as you know, playing a bit of catch up due to some personal health issues, but happy to say I’m almost completely caught up! Yeah!
Awesome post, Donna – spreading the word…
Take Care,
Carol Amato
Carol Amato recently posted..Carol’s Cut – Best of the Month 2
Hi Carol,
Good to know you are on the mend. Playing catch up is difficult so take your time my friend.
I’m sure you will be surprised reading Harleena’s article I mentioned here. And Meeting Marquita will be a pleasure for you.
I know her since forever! Her blog always brings me peace, and I’m sure it will do the same for you.
I like to keep things simple as you know and hope that my readers get in touch with each other.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: RenardMoreau
June 15, 2015 at 4:00 pm #
[ Smiles ] I am quite familiar with most of the five bloggers that you mentioned; however, I am not familiar with the writings of Marquita Herald; I will have to check her blog out.
Also, thank you for highlighting theses bloggers.
Renard Moreau recently posted..The Zen Blogger: Living A Life Of Equilibrium
Hi Renard,
I’m sure that you will resonate so well with Marquita. She writes “Emotionally Resilient Living” and you are the Zen Blogger. I sure do believe that you will enjoy connecting with her.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: atishranjan
June 15, 2015 at 3:30 pm #
Hi Donna,
I am known to the first 3 bloggers, Harleena, Sherman and Adrienne but the 2 new are quite new to me. However, I have heard their name somewhere but not familiar.
Such lists are always good because we get some new name to get into contact with.
Glad you shared this post. 🙂
Atish Ranjan recently posted..GetResponse Vs MailChimp Vs ConstantContact â Whichâs the Best?
Hi Atish,
This is why I like to do round-ups once in a while. It is a great way for my readers to find new people to connect with.
As bloggers, it is always wise to reach out to some people we don’t know, especially when seeing a round up by a “trusted” blogger. Hey, I think it is how I met you!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
June 15, 2015 at 3:09 pm #
Hi Donna,
I certainly know all of those bloggers, but I have not read all those posts, but I’m sure they are all valuable content.
I did read Adrienne and Sherman’s post, and I know I need to get back to more blog reading as I used to do in the past 🙂 I’m just so busy these days.
Thanks for sharing.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Are A True Leader
Hi Sylviane,
I sure know how busy you are these days. I am loving the pictures you are sharing on Facebook as you travel. So many wonderful places that you are sharing with us! Makes me want to switch my vacation to Europe instead of Seattle this year lol.
But I’ll get there….I sure miss eating in Italy!
You will soon get into your pattern of blog hopping again, meanwhile enjoy.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: msellithorpe
June 15, 2015 at 1:06 pm #
Hi Donna,
What a great group of bloggers to share with everyone. Adrienne and Sherman I know quite well. I have visited Harleena and Marquita’s blogs at times and need to get them on my list. Jens-Petter Berget is a new blogger to me that I will most definitely visit.
Thank you so much for sharing the works of these wonderful writers.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Meet a New Blogger Everyday
Hi Monna,
This sure goes with your latest post Meet a new blogger every day! Now you can meet Jens lol.
Glad you enjoyed this.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: donpurdum
June 15, 2015 at 11:32 am #
Hi Donna,
Thanks so much for creating a great list. I really enjoyed both Adrienne’s and Sherman’s as well. I referred both those articles to some people I personally know who would benefit from them.
I haven’t read the others so thanks so much for the introduction. I love this style of online networking!
Have a great week Donna!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..How Networking and One Blog Article Can Put You in a Fortune 500 Company’s Blog
Hi Don,
Once and a while something just hits me during the past week of certain blogs people have written that will enhance my own readers.
As you know Sherman and Adrienne well, those blog posts were wonderful. Check out the others because they are all on point with blogging.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog