This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2018

Clients often ask me “how can I break through endless failure?”
Many people simply cannot seem to get past certain obstacles that have been holding them back.
I’ve listed three of the main issues they have to deal with before they can create a breakthrough.
Fear in general is a major issue, here.
People are afraid of many things.
In the case of someone who has a well defined history of failures, the fear is actually confirmed by their experiences.
But the root of the fear is usually a fear of failure.
It can so hamper their ability to take positive and sustained action, that they’re really doomed to failure before they even get started.
When they force themselves to take steps forward to reach their goals, those steps are timid, haphazard and unsustained.
That’s because they’ve already bought into their fear of failure to the extent that their actions only reinforce their conviction that they can never succeed.
So their serial failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The J.O.B. Mindset
Another common issue I see is in people held back by what I call a “J.O.B. mindset.”
These folks want to be entrepreneurs.
They want the freedom and financial rewards they know are possible.
They see other people enjoying this lifestyle and they want in.
The problem is, they’re emotionally invested in their job or career.
That means that even though they want to break out of the “rut” they find themselves in, they also are totally comfortable with being told what to do, when, and for how long.
In other words, they like somebody leading the way. They have an innate inclination for being followers rather than leaders.
But to be an entrepreneur, you really need to take responsibility for your own actions, and for the results whether they be good or bad.
For those with a J.O.B. mindset, though, taking that kind of responsibility causes great anxiety and stress. They’d rather do what they’re told for 5 days, and pick up a check on Friday for the time they put in.
The last thing they want is to tie their earnings into the results of what the work they performed.
So, the problem is… you can’t have it both ways.
If you want the freedom and unlimited earnings/profit potential, you must accept the full responsibility of achieving it.
Too many people want the internet lifestyle, but without taking the necessary risks.
So their attempts to “succeed” online just lead to one failure after another.
“What If” Paralysis
Other people worry themselves into failure.
They won’t finish the ebook until it’s perfect because “what if” somebody doesn’t like it.
They won’t put up that new blog because “what if” they can’t drive traffic to it.
They never get around to doing that video because “what if” they look foolish.
There are many things that can go wrong when you’re running an online business.
But if you focus on all those possible problems, issues and failures, you can’t develop the vision of success that really shapes your online destiny.
What you believe is what you get.
Or, as I like to always say, “believing is seeing” (a quote from a movie called “The Santa Clause”).
If you can’t believe you will succeed, then you probably won’t.
When you focus on “what if” scenarios, you are just making excuses for inevitable failure. That’s what you really believe, so that’s what will materialize from your efforts.
How Can I Break Through Endless Failure?
So is there any way that people so subconsciously intent on failure can ever break through endless failure?
I say that because I’ve helped many clients do exactly that.
The key is not the system or method they’re using.
All of them will fail if they continue to be locked into a belief that “they just can’t do it.”
The first thing they need is a new mindset.
I call it the “Breakthrough Mindset.”
I’ll be presenting a training on exactly how to do this.
If you’re interested in achieving some real breakthroughs in your business, or even in other areas of your life (relationships, health, career, etc.), I’d love to show you the way.
You can register here for my premium training event….
“Breakthrough Mindset”
Now, I’d like to hear from you.
Have you struggled repeatedly to reach a new plateau in your business or life?
Have you repeatedly failed to get to “the next level” of success?
Everyone experiences failures in their lives and business.
Indeed, failure is the path to success when you learn how to overcome them.
I’d like to hear what steps you take to overcome your failures.
Please leave your comments below.
Twitter: missmyrka
August 30, 2015 at 3:48 am #
Hi Donna,
Great post! Fear of failure held my back all my life, and it took me a long time to admit it. At one point, it became so bad that I preferred not doing the things that I wanted to do than having to face defeat. Today, I don’t get stopped by my fears, and I do it anyway. To be honest, I still get a little bit afraid, but it doesn’t stop me like before.
Of the three main issues you mentioned, the third one was exactly me. The “what if…” paralysis. It’s like when I wrote my first short story. I wanted it to be so perfect that it took me a long time to publish it. What if nobody liked it? But surprisingly, people loved it, and it gave me the courage to pursue it. Today, I just write what I want to write!
Thanks for a very inspirational post! And I loved the video. It’s always fun to see and hear bloggers on top of reading them! Have a great Sunday! 🙂
Nataly Auger recently posted..How Listening To Music Can Affect Your Productivity (INFOGRAPHIC)
Hi Nataly,
I am so glad you resonated with this post. I too was fearful when I was younger….I call them the dark days lol. It wasn’t a happy life.
Zoom up to the present and boy have I grown too! It is so liberating isn’t it?
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Great Blog Posts August 2015
Twitter: SMITdebtb
July 31, 2015 at 5:39 pm #
It says a lot about your business success Donna when I have to scroll and scroll just to leave a comment! 😀
Another great and revealing post. Mindset is extremely important and directly related to success. If a person cannot break through their failure or fear mindset they will never succeed. How can you succeed at something if you have no belief that you can? You will sabotage your own efforts.
Thank you for the way you presented this post and the important points within. I enjoyed following your link to your Penny Traffic Buzz post as well.
Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s working!
Deborah A. Ten Brink recently posted..What To Do After You Install WordPress
Hi Deborah,
Going out and reading blogs and commenting and sharing them does bring in a lot of reciprocity, ergo all the comments on this post lol.
Indeed, Mindset is related to success. The more we build on it an work on it, the better we get. I work on mine all the time. It’s never enough because there is always growth ahead.
Great to know you followed that link to “Penny Traffic” I’ve been away for a while and have not kept up with that blog, but it is really for people who are doing their own products. When they do, I sure like to interview them…only if I know the product is a good one!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Boost Your Blog With Social Media
Twitter: usmile
June 21, 2015 at 6:52 pm #
Hi Donna,
Sometimes I think it’s breaking through a “trained” mind. You and I grew up in an era where that was the thing to do .. go to college, get a job, retire, grow old. Thank goodness it’s not like that anymore. There are so many opportunities if you look for them. So all of a sudden you can create your own job and no ones there to tell you what to do … so it’s breaking away from that and cultivating a new mindset of being the boss … it can be done folks … great discussion in the posts …
Lesly Federici recently posted..How Following Can Screw You
Hi Lesly,
Guess I was always the “rebel” when I was young growing up in those times. I quit college, got a job, and then quickly became an entrepreneur. I should write a book on how I survived lol.
I learned early on that I can break all the rules, and yes, I did fail and fail again, but kept on going. Family and friends drifted away from me because I was so “different.” But I sure picked up great friends along the way.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: CopyWarner
June 17, 2015 at 10:52 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great post here. And excellent topic to talk about.
Fear is a major thing indeed and two things I want to point out:
1. Many people are scared to leave that j.o.b. lifestyle because they’re afriad of the unknown. They’re afraid of not getting that paycheck each week, or two weeks. And they’re afraid of just taking that risk. But as an entrepreneur, you HAVE to take risk in order to eventually be rewarded.
2. In order to truly succeed you HAVE to experience failure. You can’t learn anything from success. You can only learn from the failures you make and get better as a result.
But people will never get over their fears UNLESS they take action. That’s the main thing.
Great post once again.
– Andrew
Andrew M. Warner recently posted..6 Practical List Building Ideas That Generates Amazing Results
Hi Andrew,
Indeed, so many people are afraid to leave that steady paycheck from their j.o.b. The unknown is always a scary place, but the entrepreneur knows this. It is all about taking risks. I myself must have been born an entrepreneur, so it came easier for me.
I went through that job thing many years ago, but felt like a wild horse in a barn. Only being able to run when I was allowed to. There was that yearning deep inside of me to take risks and have things my way.
And yes, one will experience failure, but that cannot stop us. I have so many stories of things I so called “failed” at, but I didn’t see it that way. I seen it as a learning lesson. Never to go down that road again.
We can’t get over our fears unless we take action.
Thanks for adding so much to this blog post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..5 Wise Bloggers
Twitter: usmile
June 14, 2015 at 5:50 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great post. I learned some time ago that fears, like the ones you mentioned, and those not mentioned (because fears vary and are unique to individuals) that fear is just a way to get you to make a decision, or choice… to either move ahead, or stay where you are. There is more suffering and regret when you allow perceived fears to run your life. I’m still exploring, but I handle my own fears better than I used to. I ask myself “Is that really true?” , “What’s the worst that could happen?”. I look for my own solutions … it’s taken me a while to get better at it … thank you and appreciate you 🙂
Lesly Federici recently posted..Affiliate Marketing Sucks
Hi Lesly,
Fear is an emotion that can stop you in your tracks, can grip you with so much confusion attached to it. But once we do recognize it and acknowledge the fact I’m fearful of x, then we can tackle the problem.
To me the worse kind of fear is the one that is not recognized. We find that in our repeated behavior of avoidance, procrastination, etc. When this happens it is a sign that it is deep in our subconscious minds.
Sometimes we can work it out by different things like affirmations, hypnosis, etc. Other times it can be worked out with a professional. I like the later. Did it myself and became pretty fearless.
Donna Merrill recently posted..5 Wise Bloggers
Hi Becky,
That’s the ticket! Never give up!! Just keep on working your business with no fear and it will take you on the journey of success.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: BeckyWillis
June 9, 2015 at 12:25 am #
Always enjoy you sharing your knowledge! I am working hard to take a bigger leap of faith in my business and although I have a good ways to go. I will get there and be glad I didn’t give up!
Thank you !
Becky Ryan-Willis recently posted..Kiss Naturals Giveaway (ends 6/14)
Twitter: DrErica
June 8, 2015 at 10:43 pm #
I have been there, done that. Fear of looking foolish. Fear of not knowing how to do it. Fear of nobody showing up. Fear of not enough people showing up. Fear. Fear. Fear.
And then, I just do it. I created 12 Kindle books. Then I joined Ryan Deiss’ Number One Book Club and was told by one person that the covers were awful – not vibrant and clear. And I was told by another person that the formatting was terrible. In the meantime, in spite of those flaws I continued to sell some of my books. Then I had the cover images changed, slowly. Then someone graciously helped me to fix the internal formatting. And voila. All my books were fixed. However, if I had not created those less than perfect books while waiting for just the right person to help me do it right, they never would have gotten published.
The key to success is to be willing to put yourself out there, just do it, fail as often as is necessary, fail your way to success. Over time you fail less and quickly succeed more easily because you learn what works and what doesn’t work. But you can’t know that until you start doing it.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted..What are the Benefits of a Long-Term Business Relationship?
Hi Erica,
Many thanks for your wonderful share! Yes, those feelings can pop up and we can be fearful, but they are only emotions.
What you have done is wonderful. You took action and created books. People came and have given you some of their ideas. But it was constructive and you had the necessary people around you to fix them up and make them perfect.
Yes, the key to success is to be willing to put yourself out there. We sure can fail our way to success, but to me failure is one of the best lessons of all. It motivates us to do it better!
Thanks so much,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: atishranjan
June 8, 2015 at 12:55 pm #
Great article!
If you ask me, I don’t think of failure or success at the beginning of anything. I do only those works which I love to do and thus when I start, I focus only on working more and making things better. Success or failure is for later! This is the reason I don’t get frightened while starting any new thing.
Though, when you start a business you need to keep profit and loss things into consideration but if you have too much of fear in your mind, you won’t be able to start anything.
There are many guys who don’t start blogging or IM or any other work because they have fear whether it will work or not.
Recently, I have left the day job without any fear! and I think I am doing better what I was doing with a day job.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..What is Responsive Web Design and why it is so important?
Hi Atish,
What great news! You left your day job and good for you. I wish you many blessings in your business.
I recently read a blog post about Fear from one of my blogging buddies and he put it this way: False Emotions Appearing Regularly
There are too many people with this in their way. It is the greatest thing that keeps people from trying new things.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: lisalisathom
June 8, 2015 at 12:27 pm #
Hi Donna, I’m a little late to this party 🙂 Fear of failure has been a huge thing for me. I have to say I’m over coming that way of thinking. I can give you an example; I love to paint (art) and have for years. I used to fret during the process that the painting wasn’t ‘turning out’ the way I imagined. I was fearing it would be ugly or I would fail as an artist. Today, when I pick up my paint brushes I don’t really care abut the outcome. I enjoy the process instead. This has freed me to create some pretty nice paintings. Attitude is everything. Confidence as well. Thanks for this reminder and the links are excellent resources.
lisa thomson recently posted..Best Divorce TV Shows
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for sharing a fine example of how you overcame your fear. Being in the moment and not caring of the outcome is wonderful.
It is about attitude and I’m sure your confidence is building every day.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
June 8, 2015 at 12:10 pm #
Hi Donna,
Love this post.
Fear and the relieving of what we already know, as in what we’ve already experienced is what stops us. This is actually going to be the subject of my next post.
When you take the plunge, when you go for it, you would actually discover that doors are opening and things will be happening for you, but as long as you are scared that won’t happen.
Sorry for being so late on this post, but I’m glad I finally made it. Will share.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How To Engage And Build Trust With Your Audience
Hi Sylviane,
Glad you made it here as you enjoy your travels. Oh that inner fear can stop us in our tracks. But you know all about this topic as a self development coach. I am looking forward to that blog you will be writing.
Yes when you do take the plunge many doors become open.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: tigerlilyva11
June 8, 2015 at 1:42 am #
WOW! Donna, you have really hit this pain point for a lot of people. I remember my 1st year of business for myself was pretty disastrous because I was in the JOB mindset. I didn’t know what it took to be an entrepreneur and I was stuck in employee mode. I chose a niche that was just like my old job and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get clients. When I did get clients I hated it because I was in the niche that I was trying to dig myself out of. Silly, right?!
So many great points in this post!
Thanks for sharing,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted..How to Boost Your Visual Marketing with the Canva Course for Business
Hi Lillian,
I can see how that JOB mindset didn’t fit in the first year of business for yourself. Plus you chose a niche like your old job.
I think we all start in our comfort zone that way. But the good thing is that you grew. Not silly at all, you started out. Then realized you niche, which is fabulous I have to say!
Now look at you and how much you have grown. You are teaching us so much and I thank you for that.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: JacsHenderson
June 7, 2015 at 5:29 pm #
Such a real post Donna!!
I can understand the fear of failure, having been brought up to fear the circumstances when I was below par in any part of my life… it is a hard emotion to deal with
then the J.O.B mentality (and boy was I just over broke!) ..
Again, this was always where I was headed from my education and parents background…
and then… “What If…”
well, guess what?!… I was always told I was mega conscientious at school, and getting something perfect just is what I have to do, perhaps as a result of my up-bringing
Having said all this… I so recognise myself… but I have changed
I have embraced the entrepreneur mindset, and it is like a new brain!
Like I can’t believe how I was so narrow minded for so long, stuck in my rut of what seemed normal thinking to me.
My partner has always worked for himself, and it was fascinating to see how one operates in that world.
Now, it’s been a journey, (and still is) but reading your post and looking back I can now relate to the 2 me’s.
I’m learning to ‘fail fast’ now… creating, testing and ditching or expanding depending on the reaction…. no more long ‘perfect’ projects!!!
… they don’t usually get finished anyhow!
This post is an absolute Gem Donna 🙂 🙂
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Are You Missing This Surprisingly Useful Branding Option On Your Facebook Page?
Wow Jacs,
Thanks for this lovely share. I think most of us were brought up to excel. To do our best…bla bla bla.
Then get a good education, please our parents and teachers, then go out to a JOB…more people to please.
How wonderful that you have embraced the entrepreneur mindset…yes it is like a new brain! I know that feeling quite well….what was normal isn’t anymore when you achieve the mindset of knowing your self and doing what you want to do.
It sure is a journey, but perfect isn’t part of it. lol
Thank you for your great share,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: WillenaRose
June 7, 2015 at 5:21 pm #
Miss Perfectionist here, who is far too easily influenced by any suggestion that she “can’t” do something. There comes a time when one has to push through and do it anyway. 😉 I will never live up to my perception of perfection. Never.
Doing Sarah Arrow’s 30 Day Blogging Challenge has been really good for me, because some days I just don’t have time to agonize over a post. I write it anyway, and I may not be happy with the results — yet from the comments I see over and over that it doesn’t have to be good in my own eyes to be a blessing or a benefit to my readers.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..First Dream
Hi Willena,
So good to know you are doing Sarah Arrow’s 30 day Blogging challenge. Being a perfectionist will sure get you out of that slump.
As you mention, not agonizing over a post, you write it anyway and the comments you see have been great.
When we are trying to get things perfect, it just makes us procrastinate. You are a wonderful writer and if I had half the talent as you, I would consider myself “perfect”
Be well,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: WillenaRose
June 12, 2015 at 9:54 pm #
Thanks for that, Donna. I’ll take it as both a great compliment and the kick in the pants I need! 😀
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Prolific Authors
Hi Willena, is a compliment because I admire how great you write and a kick in your pants to get you going lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
June 7, 2015 at 5:04 pm #
Great post ,Donna
and something which causes many more failures,
the fear.” What I feared has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me”.
I wonder we read so many quotes about the law of attraction,
Do people only read them or do they not think about them ?
The same with being responsible and taking risk.
I know for may it is the lack of support and the need for guidance.
There are so many really excellent people who would get to the goal.
Letting go of the old mindset is required.
Thank you
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted..The Magician Parastu – A Story Of A Dream
Hi Erika,
Thank you for that wonderful quote. It sure enhanced the message of this post Erika! I too wonder how many people read so much about the law of attraction but never put it into action.
I like to take one thing and apply it. It may take up to 30 days to stick into my subconscious but it sure makes a change.
Especially when it comes to fear. There are so many fears I have overcome and I know there will be more as I grow in all aspects of life. Once I get that feeling the red flag rises in my mind and I know I have to do something about it or I’ll be stuck.
Being stuck is the worst of all!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Hi Merle,
Our mindset is so important as our starting point. We have to make sure we are in the present. Focused and clear on what exactly it is we want to do.
From there, we put our blinders on. We choose a niche in business and only purchase things that will help us like trainings, and put them into action. We may fall on our knees but cam bounce right up with determination to get to where we want to go.
See you there.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: merle30
June 7, 2015 at 12:37 pm #
Excellent article Donna and this is one I can relate to. I have failed many times and even with a change in mindset telling myself I can do it this time I still don’t seem to get anywhere !! I love what I do and love connecting with like minded people so I suppose it is because I am subconciously telling myself or asking myself why I am not getting anywhere. Looking forward to your Breakthrough Mindset.
Merle Gibbins recently posted..Basics of Affiliate Marketing
Twitter: ShobhaPonnappa
June 6, 2015 at 3:47 pm #
Hey Donna,
I guess fear is the main enemy – failing isn’t really a bad thing, sometimes – to fail, is to learn more. But if that creates some sort of fear in the mental state, then that surely is a big issue.
That is an interesting 9-5 mentality you mentioned. “They will be happy to collect a check, rather than get paid for what they work”. It will be tough breaking that mindset, however one can’t achieve anything as an entrepreneur thinking like that.
Shobha Ponnappa recently posted..Case studies: how well do they work for your brand?
Hi Shobha,
True, fear is the main enemy but it can be faced and fixed. Once acknowledged, we can find ways to overcome fear.
Failing is but a learning lesson as long as one doesn’t take it to heart and give up.
Yes that 9-5 mentality is sometimes difficult to break. It can be so deep rooted, that we have to work on our mindset in order to achieve the “entrepreneur mindset”
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: joantruesuccess
June 5, 2015 at 9:36 pm #
Hey Donna 🙂
Really enjoyed your post! As a marketer and blogger, I admit that I have had so many moments of doubt and fear, and have wanted to “quit” more times then I can count. But I have come to realize that yes indeed it is so important to have the RIGHT mindset if you want to succeed online.
Just as important is when you learn something you MUST implement and take action, either by sharing on your own blog or commenting on those blogs that inspire us to be better.
I have to say that since I have made up my mind to change my mindset and stay focused, I have found a purpose in each and every blog post that I share, in hopes that what I put out that others may resonate and find valuable enough to share and utilize for themselves 🙂
Thanks for sharing your awesome knowledge and valuable tips to help get a break though to finally have success no matter what!
Big Hugs my friend! Always enjoy your posts and find so much value that I can implement and share!!
Joan Harrington recently posted..How To Create A Profitable Webinar
Hi Joan,
Oh boy..Fear and Doubt! Those two feelings can strangle us and take over our mindset to the point of leaving what we set out to do.
I find that these are the two feelings that make things in our lives so negative it rips us down. But you overcame that! Bravo!
As we run our own business, it is difficult and we always can count on new learning curves, and roadblocks along the way. But as long as we forge ahead, each and every step we make to breakthrough these feelings we sure need to pat ourselves on the back!
Thanks for your kind words,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Hey Donna,
That mindset, I tell you!
It can hinder you or it will help you progress, but you have to decide on what you feed it.
What do I mean?
For me it was one book! Yep that’s it! Out of all the books I read on personal development and mindset, one book did it for me.
I believed i mentioned it to you before but it was “The Secret Code Of Success” by Noah St. John. In fact it was once section about afformations that did the trick, and basically instead making affirmations which is to make positive statements, you turn it into a form of a question.
instead of saying something like “I will make 2500/month.” you will ask yourself “Why will I make 2500/month?”.. and the funny thing is that you’ll automatically start coming up with answers. As simple as this was for me when I first heard it, it was the craziest thing to me at the time.
it’s one thing about making positive statements and yet not believe them which was happening to me, but it’s another thing when you ask positive questions and affirm yourself by automatically coming up with positive answers.
I guess it’s that innate positive energy that a lot of us ever so often overlook often and using a strategies like afformations can get us to connect and engage it!
Thanks for sharing Donna! Have a great weekend!
Sherman Smith recently posted..How To Make Blogging Less Time Consuming
Hi Sherman,
Thank you so much for sharing how you keep your positive mindset. Sometimes a book is all it takes, but you put it into action and that my friend is the breakthrough.
I love affirmations also. Thank you for showing us how you do it! Sometimes we start and really don’t believe it, but as we do it over and over again, it sticks into our subconscious and we can make that change.
I still do affirmations. They change all the time depending on what I want to achieve, or sometimes a block comes and I get that “answer”….
I find that if I do that 30 days straight it flips the script in my mind. Then if I get a “trigger” thought, it is so easy to replace it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Hi Chery,
You got it…Mindset and taking action is what we have to do no matter what! And when that word fear comes up we have to punch it in the nose don’t we?
Thanks for coming by my friend,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: cheryschmidt
June 4, 2015 at 9:05 pm #
Hello Donna, What a great post and video my friend! Oh yes Mindset IS HUGE! I also thinks we all need to just get out there and just DO IT!
Way to many people over think things and then that old killer word FEAR pops up.
I guess I need to send them here to read your post. LOL
Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..My Online Success 12 Step Daily Action Plan
Twitter: msellithorpe
June 4, 2015 at 6:26 pm #
Hi Donna,
I believe a lot of people let their lack of confidence or self-esteem keep them from moving beyond certain points and doing certain things.
I suppose I can say one good thing about getting older is that I have gained more confidence than I have ever had in my life. I still have to talk myself into doing some things that are uncomfortable for me, such as making videos but I’m doing them.
Great post and my suggestion is to just “Do It.”
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..5 Ways To Increase Your Social Engagement
Hi Monna,
I have witnessed you stepping out of your comfort zone since I met you. Yes, we shared fears, but you did it. You do things that may be uncomfortable like making videos, but it has enhanced your business…
Yes your suggestion is spot on “Just Do It”
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: miriamslozberg
June 4, 2015 at 6:26 pm #
Great post Donna. I used to think that failure was a terrible thing and took it very personally. The fact of the matter is, we all are going to fail at something, and that is the only way we learn. Failure is part of success because it is a building block. But the key thing is, you cannot allow fear and insecurities get into the way or else you will end up giving up from experiencing failure. If more people understood that every successful person has failed to get where they are, they may be more gentle and patient with themselves.
Miriam Slozberg recently posted..Pleasing Your Client is Crucial, and so is Setting your Boundaries
Hi Miriam,
So true! We cannot allow fear and our insecurities to get in our way. It will only lead to giving up.
Whatever it is, we do need to acknowledge them, and try our best to fix it. Yes, if you dig in to anyone who is “successful” they will tell you that they had many fears they had to overcome.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: donpurdum
June 4, 2015 at 5:17 pm #
Hi Donna,
WOW! You really nailed it in this one for me. It’s interesting because even the most confident among us sometimes have mindset challenges.
I have had a lot of success in a few areas where I know I accel and a few failures in areas just because I half heartedly did something and then “hoped” for a different result.
Allow me a few examples:
Webinars and online training products – I have heard so many horror stories about webinars gone bad or they went well and then the product sucked and people felt like they were taken.
I’ve resisted doing webinars for that reason even though I know I’m extremely good at them because of my limiting mindset around other peoples experiences. The truth is, it doesn’t matter so long as I do a great job and exceed my customers expectations.
Ultimately what others have done wrong should have no bearing on what I do right.
So, I’m putting that behind me and I am working on my first live webinar. YEA! This is going to be a lot of fun. I’m a little nervous but I have a plan for six months and I’m sticking to it no matter what.
Email – we’ve had this conversation and I’m making strides forward. I just haven’t taken the time to make it a big priority to this point though it is on the radar hard with the webinar now. I think those two things together are powerful.
I am thinking about creating a weekly email that is unique and my own ideas or thoughts on a topic you can’t get inside a blog article, podcast or video. I just want to start adding some real value for my readers.
What do you think?
Donna, I absolutely love how you are optimistic and inspiring. While I felt the whipping it was one I was all to glad to take.
Great post and I hope you have an incredible weekend!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..Marketing without Vision Sucks and Why It’s Obvious You Don’t Have One
Hi Don,
There are different kinds of webinars. The most popular thing when that word comes to mind is that you sit for about an hour and learn a thing or two and then there is a sales pitch at the end.
That product better be great or else people will throw tomatoes at ya lol. I frequent these webinars even though I know there will be a sale at the end because I can pick up a trick or two up my sleeve. And when doing this kind of webinar, the wise people will tell you up front they do have a product to sell you, but also will give you value during the process.
Then there is the webinar that is for training purposes only. I use that one and do charge for it. Some folks purchase it along the way. However, it is FREE for those who are in my Whirlwind Success VIP Club. See the value in that? It is also followed by weekly Q&As
Then there is the webinar where it is interactive. I’ve been on those too and learned a heck of a lot. The “No Pitch” Webinars: My Facebook friend Bradley Waldrop does this almost once a week. It is free and people can participate.
So you see, webinars can have that “bad name” for those who misuse it just like anything else. I know you will knock it out of the ball park Don.
When it comes to emails, indeed, put them into motion. They don’t have to be long. Remember that people are bombarded with them. If you want to give some value. Focus on one simple thing that your subscribers can put into action right away. Works like a charm!
Yes, your plan sounds great! Sorry about the whipping, but sometimes one needs tough love lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
June 4, 2015 at 4:25 am #
Hi Donna,
Insightful article, indeed!
Yes, everyone has experienced failure in their lives, including me. I have failed several times to achieve my goal, but I assume that it is a lesson for me to get better results. 🙂
Oh yes, I often see people with “what if” mindset. They just stuck in their own minds without doing anything. They will get different results from what they imagine if they prefer doing than get caught up in thinking “what if”.
I once read a quote the words of wisdom which says that: “if you do something, then there will only be two results; you success and you learn” 🙂
If we take a lesson from the failure, then we will realize that it was teaching us something. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this inspiring post with us, Donna.
Hope you are having an awesome week ahead!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..THANKS To My Comment Authors ~ May 2015 Engagement Report!
Hi Nanda,
Thank you so much for enhancing this post with the quote you have given: “if you do something, then there will only be two results; you success and you learn” Now that is Powerful!
Failure is a funny thing. We can use it as an “excuse” to give up. Or we can take it as a lesson and grow to heights unknown.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
June 3, 2015 at 6:41 pm #
Hi Donna,
Once I saw the title I immediately thought great topic. I know there are a lot of people out there that feel like it’s impossible.
I know exactly what you mean when you talk about the failure becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. My father used to say something like that all the time. It’s true sometimes you’re driving yourself to that extent.
I think the JOB mindset can also be lead by fear. It’s kind of a scary thought to be in complete control of your career (future of your business). But you have to remind yourself that it’s nothing new. After all, you’re in control of your life.
You’re right, your mindset definitely has to change to get over this hump.
Glad you decided to write on this topic. Good Stuff!
Lea Bullen recently posted..They Lied To You, Why You Need To Be Selfish
Hi Lea,
Thanks and I’m glad you enjoyed this topic. What prompted me to write about is my clients. That’s why I even had to put together a training on this topic.
We can learn all there is to know out there, but when it comes to applying, I see too many wonderful talented people come to a full stop. Why? It all gets down to mindset.
There are fears that are so deep rooted sometimes people don’t even recognize it. Most of us have grown up to believe that having a job is a safety net. Well welcome to the 21st century! It is not!!!
If someone chooses to start their own business, it only can work if their mindset is clear of fears and what ifs.
Thanks so much,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: worthblogger
June 3, 2015 at 11:25 am #
Hi Donna,
Happy to be around again after a long long time 🙂 Wow! I have really missed much of your goodies…
This post is straight forward and also has a knowledge rich tips to get people out of their comfort zone. Reading this post reminded me of an article I wrote months back on fear. This is indeed one of the major tormentors people have in life.
Everyone is afraid to fail and so living with this mindset keep the monster “fear” long in the game. I like that you wrote extensively on this and my hope is that more people get a hold of this post and start acting accordingly.
The era of living in fear is gone, now is the time keep a strong mind, make strong decisions and stand by them against all odds.
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful article Donna. I really appreciate my friend!
Do have a wonderful week ahead 🙂
Jackson Nwachukwu recently posted..Looking For Blog Post Ideas? These Tools Will Help You!
Hi Jackson,
Good to see you back! Fear sure is something that I do believe we all have to face from time to time. As we grow in our business, we find things that need to be done. New and uncomfortable places. Some fear videos, some fear success, some fear the what if’s.
No matter what….it has to be addressed, and then faced to overcome. I find that when working with people, I can give them the “blueprint” of what they need to do, but have to get them to act upon it.
This is where fear creeps in sometimes and if I ask “why didn’t you do xyz” They will tell me that they couldn’t because of endless excuses of procrastination. And the bottom line of that is their fear.
Yes, we need to keep a strong mind, and make strong decisions and stand by them against all odds.
Have a great week!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: joyhealey
June 3, 2015 at 11:03 am #
Hi Donna
The point that really hit home for me was the “what if” one.
“What if” someone has already written an ebook on this topic, “what if it’s better than mine” – and my most common one “what if I left a spelling mistake in my blog post” – oh no, must proof-read it again and again or they’ll think I’m useless! LOL.
I’m afraid videos are a complete no-no for me (seriously, tried them and ALL in the recycle bin), but I promise to try and work on the other “what ifs” that are holding me back!
Enjoy the rest of your week, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted..Thanks To My Comment Authors In June 2015
Hi Joy,
So you have the What ifs! That is something that can really slow you down Joy. I am sure if you wrote an ebook there are many others just like it. It is just the way it goes. The information you share in your experience and your voice is the best you can do. What if someone prefers someone else’s? So what?
What if you made a spelling mistake on your blog? No one will ever think you are useless. The attitude is that is what they put erasers on pencils. lol. I had that happen to me and people told me I mis spelled something. Hey, at least I knew that person was actually reading my post!
Whenever you think What If, put an international NO symbol on that thought. Flip that script and replace it with “How To” Start doing it and see what happens.
As for videos, they are powerful in getting our message across. But it takes a while to get up that courage. A 30 day video challenge for yourself will make a huge change. When you are ready.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
June 2, 2015 at 9:06 pm #
Hey Donna,
Fear is a horrible horrible thing. It can prevent people from moving past where they are into their future where there is so much potential.
It can be anything really holding them back or like you said also, stuck with that employee mentality. I’ve had to face a lot of my fears head on whether I liked it or not. Luckily for me, even though I had always been an employee, I have a high work ethic and I’m not lazy or afraid to take charge. I knew it was up to me if I wanted to have success so I just jumped in, figured it out and went to work.
I’m glad you’re offering a training on mindset because so many people still need that. I think once they make that shift then things will change for them. The rest is just getting to work and of course choosing the right tasks to do.
I’m glad you brought this up, wonderful post. Hope you get lots of people on that training sessions Donna.
Have a great week my friend.
Adrienne recently posted..Why You Are Never Too Old To Blog
Hi Adrienne,
I know you well and you do have a take charge personality. You are a person that likes to get things done in a consistent way. Your work ethic is valuable so you are not fearful to take charge.
Even though your past was an employee, I couldn’t imagine you working like a zombie doing only what was given to you he he he.
It does all start in our mindset and many students of mine have given me the idea to write this and to do a training for it. I’m excited to do it because I get so passionate when it comes to this.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: Carol_Amato_
June 2, 2015 at 4:19 pm #
✿ Hi, Donna,
Sorry I’ve been absent for a while – hadn’t been feeling well and was in the hospital, but am definitely doing much better and glad to be back on track, and it’s good to be here!
Boy, what an awesome topic for discussion, and oh so needed! Feeling like a failure, and actually failing at things we attempt is so much a part of online business (especially when starting out) that it’s a real issue that needs to be addressed.
You make some excellent points, and you’re absolutely right, fear is a major issue, and fear of failure paralyzed me from doing many things in the beginning of my online business.
Self–sabotage was part of my weekly business routine until I got the book ‘The Power Of Story’ by Jim Loehr. That book is amazing and helped me to tune into the self-dialogue going on within me. Fear is real, and when we dealing with it head on, a wonderful and positive outcome can be enjoyed.
You’re spot on, Donna – it does all begin with mindset. I neglected this important area at first for such a long time. I was amazed a few years ago when I started focusing on improving my mindset, to make it positive and to create an actual plan to achieve the things that I needed to work on. Love your short and spunky video.
Yes, the ‘What Ifs’ are plentiful, especially in the beginning. We waste so much time contemplating failure, that if we just spend that ‘worry’ time taking action moving forward, we would increase the percentage of our success so much that we would never have to worry about failure. LOL
Excellent article, thanks so much for sharing this.
Have a wonderful afternoon, and I’ll be sharing this out…
Carol Amato
Carol Amato recently posted..How to “SEO” Your Blog Post: A Simple Step By Step Guide
Hi Carol,
I didn’t know you were ill. I hope this finds you well.
I had to bring up this topic because we can learn all those to do’s, take courses and even apply them. But we need to go deeper within ourselves all the time.
Fear is like a demon! No matter whatever we are fearful of, we need to address the issue and then move forward. Sounds easy hugh? Usually not. Sometimes a book like you mentioned will inspire us, or sometimes we need to reach out for help from someone to guide us and help us get out of a deep subconscious fear that we may not even be aware of.
Oh those what ifs! That is one thing we need to delete from our thoughts and words. It only slows us down.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience to enhance this post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: SusanPCooper
June 2, 2015 at 4:19 pm #
Hi Donna, this is a great post and boy, did it hit home. This sounds a like like the way I used to be, as far as being used to having the security of a JOB and the paycheck that comes along with it. You are right, it is scary to step out on your own and trust in your own decisions, abilities and work to provide. That’s why so many people muddle through, content to be told what to do every day, day in and day out. It takes a special personality to be an entrepreneur. Or someone who is finally so sick of the grind that fear is no longer an obstacle and holding them back and they have that change in mindset.
Hi Susan,
I think we all have that job mindset that has been part of our past and our parent’s past and so on deeply within us.
I happened to be born an entrepreneur and never seen the security of a job. I had to do things on my own from a very young age. Crazy? Fearless? I don’t know, but what I do know is that’s just the way I am.
Yes, it does take a certain personality to be an entrepreneur, but more importantly people who are sick of the grind that fear is no longer an obstacle holding them back.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: mitch_m
June 2, 2015 at 1:52 pm #
I thought I’d commented on this story already; I guess I just shared it on G+ instead. lol
Talk about having to break through failure, or as I like to call it “experimentation”… I’m the poster child for that. I hit my 14th year this month and at times it’s been wonderful while at other times it’s been crushing. If I allowed my mindset to wallow in the bad part the good part would never come around; can’t have that now can I?
I wish you well with your event; I know it’ll be successful.
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..The Early Marketing Of My Book Leadership Is/Isn’t Easy
Hi Mitch,
Experimentation is a great way to look at things. When running our own business, we have those ups and downs. If we give in to those “crushing” times, we are in dead waters.
You wouldn’t be here after 14 years if you had given up. We cannot allow our mindset to get the best of us. Staying positive and keeping at it is all part of the business.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
June 2, 2015 at 12:51 pm #
Well wasn’t this perfect timing on my part!LOL!
Such a timely “evergreen” subject Donna! And one we always have to constantly be aware of!
Otherwise one of the three mental stumbling blocks you mentioned will show itself
and the detour will start all over again!
I think # two is really prevalent as well, especially with lots of first time online newbies.
Because nobody (or very few) people have actually shared with them exactly
what it’s going to take on a daily basis, in order to succeed online.
So they cling to the employee mindset and they’re not developing the mental skills and way of thinking of a successful person in general and or a successful entrepreneur!
So as you pointed out, they cling to the ever growing false security of dead end job employment!
Thanks Donna, this is truly one of those all import ever green subjects! That simply
can’t be stressed enough!
Mark recently posted..How To Get Highly Targeted Traffic To Your Site Without Relying On Search Engine Optimization!Part Two
Hi Mark,
Oh yes Mark #2 that JOB mentality is so difficult for many to deal with. It is so ingrained within most of us that it can bring up emotions like fear, guilt, and even low self esteem.
Once we “flip the script” in our mindset, we can go on with our own business. I have found working with many clients that this is one of the most difficult of all because family, friends, and even a spouse can interfere with our daily chores being in our own business.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: marquitaherald
June 2, 2015 at 11:44 am #
What a great subject Donna! As you’ve illustrated so well the whole fear issue is so much more complicated than it appears on the surface.
In general I consider myself to be a relatively ‘fearless’ person, but I realized a long time ago the connection between my perfectionist tendencies and fear of whatever. And what I’ve found is that even when you recognize it you always have to be on guard to keep from slipping back into hold habits. Just this weekend I caught myself about to redo several things I’d just finished – just to make them a l-i-t-t-l-e better. Then I realized the real issue was the next project has a LOT of unknowns and I was stalling. Busted!
Marquita Herald recently posted..10 Simple Ways to Gradually Expand Your Comfort Zone
Hi Marquita,
If anyone knows about this topic it is you! You are always giving such great advice to improve our lives. Indeed, fear sometimes can be more complicated than what is on the surface.
I like the example that you have shared as a perfectionist. You know and have dealt with it, but these things do come up like catching yourself making this a “little” better.
You realized the real issue and that is what counts.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience to highlight this post.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
June 2, 2015 at 10:19 am #
Hi Donna,
I love this post. Fear is the one thing that I have been working on. I’m slowly getting there but I still have bouts of fear whenever I’m thinking of a new project or idea. Yes, fear of failure is what holds me back.
I think the J.O.B. mindset is also attributed to the security of income and nowadays medical benefits. I know that’s what kept me at my job. I was always ready to quit but as soon as I started thinking about the bills and the stress that would fall on my husband to be the main breadwinner, I would back out and convince myself that my job situation really wasn’t that bad, but I was only kidding myself.
I love when you said “what you believe is what you get.” That is so true. I believe we attract the energy we put out and if we’re negative, that’s exactly the return we’ll get. I’m sure it wouldn’t shock you to say I can relate, LOL.
I am glad to say that I am slowly overcoming these issues. What helps me is reading posts like this and Sylviane is awesome at writing motivating posts as well. It’s your suggestions that I put into practice that works. What I lack is consistency and I’m going to work on that.
I wish I could join your webinar, it sounds like something I need to be a part of. I hope you’ll have a part two for those of us who can’t make it this time around :).
Thanks for this post. I needed to read this.
Have a great day, week, and here’s to a fabulous, successful June!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Making Money from Home as a Freelance Writer
Hi Corina,
Well, you just took the first step of fear…recognizing it. At least you have weighed the options. We do have to be realistic. We have to sit down and figure out our finances. If we need to keep that JOB, we can work on our own business, until we can afford to replace it. It is a valid point!
I can understand your issue. But that will only give you more incentive to figure out how to replace that job! And I know you will.
Yes what we believe is what we get. I’ve lived my life this way for a long time. Family and friends have drifted away, or look at me strangely. But that’s the crowed that believes in the job mentality. I just couldn’t.
I made my way through off line and now online too. Where there’s a will there’s a way. I’ve even juggled 3 businesses at one time. I found the passion I had with those so strong that it kept me supporting my family.
I do think I will be talking more about these issues because I find that when working with clients on a one to one basis, I need to “clear” out these issues.
Thanks for sharing,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: harleenas
June 2, 2015 at 4:20 am #
Hi Donna,
Wonderful post indeed 🙂
Yes, most of us have unseen fears, we just assume most of them and that’s what stops us from proceeding further. The first step is always the toughest one, but once you take it, the rest comes easy.
Nothing works better than breaking through your fears by taking the leap forward – and for that, you need to fight your fear, no other way! They say, you need to do just the things you are most afraid of…like you don’t like the dark, then learn to go into it to overcome the fear, and it works wonders. We too had fears about whether a particular niche would work on our blog or not, being a multi-niche one, but we just went ahead after we saw what our readers wanted, and then the creation of the ABC etc….so unless you don’t move forward and take up the challenges or fight those fears, you really cannot progress.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..How To Crack The Code Of Life And Achieve Happiness
Hi Harleena,
If I made a list of all the fears I had, It would be a very long one. But like you mentioned in your example…if you fear the dark, push yourself into the dark. We all have to face our fears.
“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” is one of my motto’s – I was terrified of lightning storms at a time in my life. I had to get over that fear and although I understood why, I just couldn’t find a way. I went for help many times until I overcame it by rapid eye movement therapy.
Now, I can not be paralyzed by a “would be” storm coming. This is an example of keeping at it. If we can’t do it ourselves, get someone to help.
In business, we all have to make decisions. Some will work, some may not. But never let fear get in the way!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: berget
June 1, 2015 at 11:38 pm #
Hi Donna,
I have also talked to clients about this, but most importantly, I can relate it to my own experience from when I started as an entrepreneur and when I launched the Vegetarian festival in Norway. I had no idea what the outcome would be, and I was fearing what people would say and think about it if I failed. I wanted everything to be like it had been for years, I wanted to be invisible. But, by being invisible nothing would happen, so I just had to make a decision to go for it, no matter what and keep hustling until I made it. That’s what I did. Deep inside I knew that if I just worked hard enough and was focused on a goal, I would make it. And, if I hadn’t, I know that I had done everything in my power to do it and that was good enough for me.
Jens-Petter Berget recently posted..5 amazing tricks to be creative and stay creative
Hi Jens,
Bravo! Thanks for sharing your experience. I can resonate with your attitude. Do everything we can about something we are passionate about and not to worry about the outcome because if it works fine, but if it doesn’t we know that we have done everything in our power. And that sure is good enough for me too!
But you knew deep inside that if you worked hard enough and focused on your goal you would make it. That will always do the trick. As long as we don’t put a strong time line on it.
I find that happening to me too. Sometimes I work hard at something and it doesn’t catch on immediately, but later on. Funny how that happens!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: ppk_law
June 1, 2015 at 9:41 pm #
One thing I do is redefine what failure is. If I think only a new client is a success, and anything short of that is failure, then I am setting myself up for disappointment. But if I consider just getting to know a potential client as a success, then even if they don’t sign up, I have succeeded.
So I measure success in speaking with x number of people a week rather than getting y number of clients. Because I can control how many people I speak to, even if I can’t control who signs up.
Zach recently posted..I Was Hit by a Drunk DriverâWho Can Be Held Liable?
Hi Zach,
I like your take on redefining failure. Just getting to know someone is potential success even if they don’t sign up. I too feel that way.
When looking at success the way you mention, it sure is a positive reinforcement. I don’t look at numbers either….just keep going on and feeling good about the people I connect with.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: tjthomasphoto
June 1, 2015 at 4:22 pm #
Great post Donna. One of the best books I ever read was “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers. I read it during a point in my life when I didn’t have the self-confidence to defeat the “I will never be good enough to succeed on my own” mentality. It takes courage to move through the negative voices and continue to put your work out into the world. It definitely takes a change in one’s mindset to continue to strive for success even when failure crosses your path.
Tracy J Thomas recently posted..Birch Bark – The Gifts of a Fallen Tree
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for mentioning that book. I need to get a hold on that one. You have taken action when there was a point in your life that you thought you weren’t good enough to succeed on your own.
Buy picking up a book, you started that mental shift. Goes to show we can either choose to be in our own pity party or step up and take charge.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: siphosith
June 1, 2015 at 4:16 pm #
Thanks for sharing this very important post Donna. This is so true with so many marketers, fear and job mindset. I also find that, “wanting to make money for doing nothing” mindset. I find that without developing the right work ethics and also not willing to help others hinders the breakthrough to success.
Siphosith recently posted..Using WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast Doesn’t Have To Be Hard
Hi Siphosith,
I like that point you have brought out when you mentioned that you found the “wanting to make money for doing nothing” mindset. It does take developing the right work ethics plus having the attitude to help others.
Without that, one cannot go forward.
Thank you for your thoughts on this,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: HelpStartMySite
June 1, 2015 at 3:57 pm #
Hi Donna!
You know, I am so glad I never had much of an opportunity to develop that employee / follower mindset because I have witnessned first hand how hard it is for somebody to break it once it’s ingrained deeply in their minds. From my experience it’s the exact opposite of what you need to do as an entrepreneur. Employees value security and are supposed to do what their told without taking risks. Entrepreneurs have to find their own path and usually have to figure things out on their own.
It took me several years before I started seeing any sort of reward for my hard work and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel discouraged at times. However, as soon as I realized that all of the big names who were making lots of money were no different than I, I knew that I too could one day live the internet lifestyle. Everyone is born knowing absolutely nothing about marketing. These days I just look as failures as something to learn from and a way to grow as an entrepreneur.
By the way, you may enjoy the book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill if you haven’t already read it. It’s a classic, and probably the single best book on mindset I’ve ever read.
James McAllister recently posted..Kindle Publishing – A Step-By-Step Guide To $5000+ A Month! [New Course!]
Hi James,
I love the way you mentioned that employees value security and are supposed to do what their told without taking risks. I know so many people that have jobs and are afraid to even speak up or give an idea out for fear they will loose their “place” in the corporate setting.
Yes Entrepreneurs have to find their own path and figure things out on their own. But the great thing is to me it is an adventure. I’ve always had the entrepreneur spirit and put it into action once I started working on Wall Street. Yuck! I knew there had to be a better way.
Indeed, there are the “big names” out there but they are no different than anyone else. I know, I interview them all the time lol. They are regular folks that have persisted in marketing. I’ve known many people from actors to marketers that I have either worked with off line and online. At the end of the day, they are mostly kind people because they had to work hard to achieve what they did.
Oh yes, I read “Think And Grow Rich” many eons ago in High School. I went to a prep school and they bombarded me with all kinds of stuff to prepare me for business in the world. I just couldn’t buy that crap. So I turned to that book, never telling any teacher of mine and just developed my own mindset lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
Twitter: Virtual_Bren
June 1, 2015 at 3:05 pm #
Hi Donna,
Awesome post! I think everyone has a fear of not being good enough or not having what it takes to accomplish their goal. Once we get set in our mind that Failure really isn’t a word and that it’s “Just Practicing”, they can get past that fear. I’ve had fears of creating new blogs. Some of failed. I “tried” them out and it just wasn’t working for ME. I had to get over my fear of publishing short stories. They aren’t great. I even had a few bad reviews but guess what, I continued to write a few more because I wanted to. We can’t allow the fear of anything to stop us. There is always a way to get passed they fear IF we get the correct mindset.
I love this post Donna, it’s very inspiring. Definitely passing it along!
Brenda Lee recently posted..Making Happiness No Matter Where You Are
Hi Bren,
Glad you found this post to be of inspiration. There are so many kinds of fears and some are fears of success.
Failure to me is just a way to re-do things. I do believe it is a state of mind and one that we all can overcome.
I am so glad you got over your fear of publishing short stories. Who the heck cares about reviews? You just keep on writing girl. Never let anyone stop you. You are writing from your heart and sometimes bad press is good press lol. Some come from jealousy or trying to put you down to pick themselves up.
Yes, we have to keep working on our mindset because as we grow to new endeavours, we must push on.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Internet Marketer Lifestyle