This post was most recently updated on July 31st, 2016
Learning how to make YouTube cards is a task well worth the time if you are a blogger, networker or internet marketer.
In my last post I talked about ways to get free traffic by implementing a consistent YouTube strategy.
One of the keys to making this strategy work is by using the “YouTube Cards” function that is now available to you.
You see, until recently, about the only way to get people to visit your blog from your YouTube video was to put the link to a post in the description box beneath the video.
Now, though, when people click that link, they don’t get taken directly to your video.
Special: Mastermind With Me… On The “VIP”!
They are taken first to a YouTube “confirmation page” that asks them to confirm that they really want to leave YouTube and be redirected to your blog post.
This is similar to the double optin process that most auto-responders put subscribers through.
Like the double optin process, the YouTube confirmation will make a substantial percentage of people who clicked the link to go to your blog, change their minds and not click through to your site after all.
But now, YouTube has developed “Cards” that allow you to take people straight from your video onto your blog.
Here’s how it works (in less than 7 minutes).
One of the really nice things about using “Cards” to drive free traffic to your blog is this.
When you put your videos on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere, people can click on the cards embedded on your video, rather than a separate link that might accompany it.
This really helps send more traffic your way.
Just keep in mind that you are limited to 5 cards per video.
That should be more than enough, though, for most of your videos.
I actually recommend you use only one call to action per video, though you can have multiple cards with varying “teaser text” that all give the same call to action, such as “click here to learn more (on this topic).”
I’m sure you’ve already thought of some cool ways to use this feature.
I’d like to hear about some of them in the comments below.
I’m also interested to know how you’re using video marketing to drive traffic to your blog, or what other methods you use.
Please leave me a comment, and share this article on your social sites.
Twitter: mrsdeegee
November 15, 2015 at 9:16 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thanks to your video, I just made my first Youtube card!
I loved your tutorial, and I can always appreciate a simple breakdown of what to do without having to spend a lot of time learning, if at all possible.
I have to mention that your smile is heart warming. It’s obvious that you enjoyed putting this together.
Thanks so much for everything you do to help the rest of us learn to become better and more efficient bloggers.
Dana recently posted..How I Overcame My Eating Disorders
Hi Glenn,
YouTube Cards I find work pretty well, especially when people are searching for something. I was playing around with it at first, then looked up some keywords and started to see more action on older blogs I had videos on.
Pretty cool stuff!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: glennshep
July 16, 2015 at 8:24 am #
Hi Donna,
Believe it or not I hadn’t even heard of YouTube cards until I came across this post! Basically, they seem like the next step up from Annotations. In our increasingly visual world it certainly makes sense to make good use of this stuff. I’ll be sure to look into cards further and try them out for myself.
Thanks for sharing this great info! I hope you have a great weekend ahead. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted..Not Getting Results? Focus on the NEGATIVE!
Wonderful idea Donna, thank you for sharing!
Will be checking them out for sure, they look like lots of fun 🙂
Emi recently posted..Giving – Receiving
Thanks Emi,
It is great to know that you enjoyed this. It sure is a lot of fun!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: iavinashpatel
July 9, 2015 at 4:19 am #
Ho Donna,
Your blog got my attention as you are using cummentluv plugin. I am creating a list of websites which provide dofollow link in comments section… Although you are using cummentluv but seems they are nofollow links..
PLease let me know if allow dofollow links so that I can add you blog to my list.
avinash Patel recently posted..Transfer GoDaddy Domain To Another Account
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will see why this is going on.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Keep Your Blog Going When You Are Unplugged
Twitter: CopyWarner
July 6, 2015 at 8:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
Great post. I never heard of Youtube cards before … primarily because I’m not on You Tube at the moment .. but t seems interesting.
The video you created showing how to create these things was really good. Keep up the great work and I’m looking forward to getting on YT and implementing ALL of these things.
– Andrew
Andrew recently posted..How To Increase Your Email Conversion Rate On Opt-Ins [Case Study Results]
Hi Andrew,
Every time I put a short video on my blog, I see greater results. I’ve done many Youtube videos and now with their “cards” it works well.
When people search Youtube for a specific answer to a problem, I see more coming to my blog.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: CopyByTom
July 6, 2015 at 3:16 pm #
Thanks Donna! This is some super information you give here. I’m definitely going to be checking out Cards on Youtube and how to use them in my videos on my channel.
They offer some real added value to the recent branding opportunity Youtube gives too, I think.
What’s your thoughts on that?
Your idea for using this to revamp old posts is a brilliant idea. Keep ’em coming.
Hi Tom!
So great to know that you enjoyed this post. Yes, using these cards via YouTube will give you more branding opportunity. When you think of how Google and Youtube work hand and hand, you just cannot go wrong.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
July 6, 2015 at 3:37 am #
Way cool Donna!
I’m exploring more ad options on YT. Frankly, I am doing so little on the network and I have 1080 HD videos from paradise to share, and they are eye popping. I am open to using Cards and other approaches to drive traffic and to boost my readership.
Thanks for the helpful share 🙂
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Do You Want to Build an Online Empire? Download this Free eBook (Limited Time Offer)
Hi Ryan,
I’m sure using Youtube Cards will do a fine job to drive traffic for your readership. Gosh you do have an impressive amount of videos my friend!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: andrewrlockhart
July 5, 2015 at 9:38 am #
This is really cool stuff now I am going to have to go investigate this. More homework for a Sunday!!
Andy Lockhart recently posted..How do you manage your Instagram Followers?
Hi Andy,
Yes sir..more homework but well worth it! It is pretty easy to do and when done, you will notice that you will get better “action” on some of your older posts!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: rrwebdesign
July 5, 2015 at 7:29 am #
Hi Donna,
I’m just getting back from being out of town and spotty Internet connection. I read this earlier and wanted to let you know that I absolutely LOVE this post and tutorial!
Your video tutorial is very easy to understand and follow. I will be going back on my older posts and try adding the cards.
Thank you for sharing such a valuable post – as always, my friend. I hope you are enjoying the weekend!
~ Robin

Robin Strohmaier recently posted..SEO & SMO: The Dynamic Duo – Star Trek Version
Hi Robin,
As of this writing, I’m traveling also. I was unplugged for an entire week but am peeking in and out for the next week.
I am so glad you like this tutorial. I try to make things easy to do whenever I can. Now you can go back to some of your older posts and create some cards …. woo hoo
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Twitter: sueken
July 5, 2015 at 3:05 am #
YouTube cards are new to me. I knew about the annotations but when I last checked they weren’t available in Australia (It’s quite a while since I checked).
I’ve been reformatting my PC and on discovering that I hadn’t associated my blog with YouTube I downloaded the verification file. Then I realized that I hadn’t installed my FTP client to upload it. I installed and transferred my backed up settings but none of them work so I can’t connect. to my server. It’s OK I’m laughing and not YET frustrated by it 🙂
Thanks for your clear instructions, Donna, and thanks to Jacs for her idea too.
Sue Bride recently posted..Do It Later Note-Taking Systems
Hi Sue,
I’m a mac gal and David is a PC guy. He didn’t have any trouble on his PC, but I guess it all depends where we are…some countries don’t even allow YouTube…
I’m laughing with long as you don’t get frustrated lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Most Common Excuses For Not Being Listened To
Twitter: JacsHenderson
July 4, 2015 at 6:56 pm #
Hello Donna, back again!
I just went back to YouTube to put some cards on my older videos… and I found a way to include some of my affiliate products.
You have to use your associated website as a base… and for blog post links work fine… so I looked at pages.I already had quite a lot of pages set up for products that I have used in the past in my top menu, but are not showing now…
So I tested it out … and you can still link to them!
So for example if you set up a page to donnasblog/blogging-magic/ and forwarded the page link to your capture page… then you can use that for the Card. (couldn’t use the proper link, comment was rejected!)
The pages don’t have to show in your blog menu to work.
Hope this makes sense… just nipped back to let you know, but if it’s mumbo jumbo I can surely explain better!
This is a gem system 🙂
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Your Attraction Marketing Business Blueprint…
Hi Jacs
Thanks so much for your feedback. Some pages we can connect to .. if it is a sales page on a managed host it is fine.
I did find that affiliate links work well too as long as they are owned by us.
It sure does make sense to me and I appreciate you coming over to let me know.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Most Common Excuses For Not Being Listened To
Twitter: saraharrow
July 3, 2015 at 2:43 pm #
Thanks for the video Donna, and the instructions on how to use the You Tube Cards. I never even knew they existed! I hope this is part of your You Tube challenge! I love how the cards go wherever the video goes, making them a video must-have. Thanks once again for sharing such a valuable post x
Sarah Arrow recently posted..How to use buying guides to make money from your blog
Hi Sarah,
I have done a Youtube Challenge years ago. Thank goodness because all my products are digital ones and some face to face videos especially on the sales pages. So I can do videos with ease now.
The YouTube Cards make it so easy for search engine results. As long as they are attached to a website or blog…we are good to go.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
July 3, 2015 at 2:18 pm #
I love this Donna!
I’m glad I came by because I didn’t know about YouTube cards.
You’re walk through was very helpful. It looks easy to create and I love that, I don’t like techy stuff, hehe.
I can’t wait to start making videos so I can add these card to them. I’m getting more excited about doing videos….oh and I did start my 30-day challenge :).
Thank you for always teaching me something new! Have a great weekend and happy 4th of July!
Corina Ramos recently posted..Work-from-Home Job Lead Round Up
Hi Corina,
I am the last person who likes techie stuff lol. But this is so easy to do I just had to share, especially for people who aren’t using them.
So glad to know you are doing your challenge. When you put your video on your blog, make a card for it and watch it gain traction.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Hey Donna,
This is a great way to kill two birds with one stone!
I’ve heard of twitter cards but I never heard of youtube cards. I use to wonder what were those popups that you see on twitter and how did they set them up. I thought that it was possibly another external plugin I had to purchase in order to put them up on youtube videos.
But now I know it’s all integrated and also a lot simpler to set up than what I thought. You did a great job in explain what youtube cards are and how to easily set them up to link back to your blog. It’s definitely better than the old way of doing it!
Thanks for the share Donna! I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend!
Sherman Smith recently posted.. Empower your blog with these 5 must have wordpress plugins
Hi Sherman,
Glad you found this useful. I had the same thoughts until I looked into this and found YouTube cards to be so useful. I started playing around with an old blog post that was connected to a short video. Put a “Card” up with a good keyword and am having loads of visitors there.
As YouTube is owned by Google, it does help with our ranks. It is so easy to do!
Enjoy your 4th of July,
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Hi Kathryn,
It is very easy to do. If you follow this video step by step, you will be up and running in no time.
Glad you are thinking of working with video and your blog in a different way. Putting even a one minute video on your blog – telling people the time of it – will not only have people staying on your blog longer, (decreasing bounce rates) but also will help with that know like trust factor.
But the biggie here is the search engines. Having a video on your blog will sure make a difference.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: MarketingKM
July 2, 2015 at 5:26 pm #
Easy Peasy Donna. Very interesting. I have never seen this before.
You made it look easy. Gives me some ideas for working with videos and
my blogs in a whole new way. Thanks my friend, you are so always finding
new ideas.
Kathryn recently posted..I joined the Female Entrepreneur Association
Twitter: MarySloane10
July 2, 2015 at 4:19 pm #
This is great information Donna
Finally really makes sense to do some more videos.
I intend to really start putting this strategy to good use!
Mary Sloane recently posted..Law of Attraction in Marketing
Hi Mary,
It sure will help doing more videos either by face to face or if shy, a screen capture or anything else.
As long as you connect it with your blog/website, YouTube has no problem with that. Creating Cards, and putting a good title on them will boost your search.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: miriamslozberg
July 2, 2015 at 2:22 pm #
Thanks so much for another great tidbit!! I am going to check it out!
Miriam Slozberg recently posted..Business Owners and Depression
Hi Miriam,
It is pretty easy to do, especially if you have some older videos on YouTube. If you create a new one just stick a card on it because it is amazing how many people use this to search.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: bgjen
July 2, 2015 at 10:58 am #
Hi Donna! Wow! Thank you! You took all the hard work out of it for us. I’m very excited to get going with this now. I will definitely share. Thanks again!
BG Jenkins recently posted..Inspired Thoughts
Hi BG,
After my last post about YouTube cards many were asking me the “how to” so I just had to create this video to show the step by step process which is pretty easy to do.
Have fun with this!
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: msellithorpe
July 2, 2015 at 10:31 am #
Hey Donna,
This is so cool. It looks like I might have to resurrect my YouTube account and start adding cards. I had no idea about this.
Thanks for sharing and showing us how to do it. 🙂
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..Join A Community That Is Your One-Stop Place
Hi Monna,
If you have the time, it is great to resurrect your YouTube account and add some cards to your videos you have done in the past and also are doing now.
When you think of all the people using YouTube as a search engine, and you have cards attached to it, well…need I say more lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: usmile
July 2, 2015 at 7:25 am #
Awesome Donna!!
I did not know this! What a great little, easy, teaser thing to do! LOVE it! Thank you my friend …
Lesly Federici recently posted..Breaking The Cycle Of Stink
Hi Lesly,
It is pretty cool way to drive more traffic to your blog when you put a card up on Youtube. When you think of so many people using Youtube as a search engine, you never know when new people will find you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: leadingedgeadv
July 1, 2015 at 9:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
I haven’t started using video marketing yet. But it is something that I would consider in the future.
Nice tutorial. I had no clue about the card either.
This is a good way to promote your stuff again or even link related topics, like series.
Lea Bullen recently posted..Why You Have to Stop Judging Others to Make a Breakthrough
Hi Lea,
Videos are great not only for marketing, but to have on our blogs. Sometimes a one minute video can be a nice “virtual handshake” to others. Seeing the person behind the words.
Even if we do some kind of tutorial, or just about anything we create, we can then use Youtube Cards to get more visitors to our blogs.
Pretty cool way to get more visitors.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: enstinemuki
July 1, 2015 at 5:05 am #
That’s an exciting video Donna 😉
I’ll keep learning these Youtube stuffs until I get the right Internet Connection to allow me work on it.
Thanks for teaching another new stuff today. The week is pulling great 😉
Enstine Muki recently posted..The Shocking meaning of the word “NO” This will change your life!
Hi Enstine,
As long as one has access to Youtube, this sure works well. I even went back to some older blogs that had a short 1 minute video on and put “cards” on them. People started to roll in. lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: atishranjan
July 1, 2015 at 3:25 am #
Hi Donna,
This is interesting. Nicely made video as well. Thanks for letting us know about the Youtube Cards, and how to make them.
I will try using it to learn it practically. Thanks
Atish Ranjan recently posted..SEO Tips: On-page Optimization Explained
Hi Atish,
Many people were interested in my last post, so I just had to put in a little video of the How To make them.
They sure work well, especially when they are linked to our blogs.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: ikechiawazie
June 30, 2015 at 11:00 pm #
Hi Donna
Wow! A great tutorial. I love the tips you share on the video and did not think about using keywords for the CTA and teaser.
I posted some of my presentations on YouTube as you suggested and played with the Cards on YouTube. However, I am going to try using keywords that are Google friendly.
Thanks for sharing
ikechi recently posted..Be An Inspiration: A Cartoonist Turns 609 Rejections into A Success Story
Hi Ikechi,
Indeed, play with those keywords. I’m still doing that on one post of mine as an experiment and found that tweaking the keywords, brought in more attention.
I’m finding this a heck of a lot of fun to play around with to get it right. I’ve seen some new visitors on some older blog posts of mine and have to attribute that to the Youtube search they have done.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: cheryschmidt
June 30, 2015 at 10:39 pm #
Hello Donna. Easy Peasy is right! Well now that you showed us how it is! You’re The Best! Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..Grab The Magic Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Hi Chery,
Once seeing how it is done it sure is Easy Peasy Chery!
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
June 30, 2015 at 8:53 pm #
What a really awesome tool Donna!
And it flat out makes sense!And it’ so versatile as well!
This really makes Youtube even more atrractive to potential marketers!
i don’t where they got the idea for this, but it’s definitely a good one!
Mark recently posted..Increase Sales:Why It Often Doesn’t Cost More Than A Mere 67 Cents Per Lead To Do So!
Hi Mark,
Using Cards sure is a great idea from Youtube. It does make perfect sense, especially for all the videos we have done on our blog posts. Just go back and put a card on them and watch the engagement grow.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: metrojamen
June 30, 2015 at 6:22 pm #
Hi Donna,
Excellent video, straight forward and to the point. I have not been using video marketing a lot but now that I have seen this cool feature, there are ideas popping in my head. It really would be better than the link in the description of the video which is ignored most times anyway. While this is not up in your face, it does provide onscreen interactions with the option of exiting the feature.
Thanks for sharing this article.
vinton samms recently posted..Guidelines for participation in FB Challenges, Groups, ETC
Hi Vinton,
Great to know you have ideas popping in your head from this post. Yes you have full control when you want to card to pop up. It could be in 10 seconds or longer. That is another cool feature.
As long as your video is linked to your website…you are good to go.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: lisalisathom
June 30, 2015 at 4:55 pm #
Hi Donna, thanks for this how to video! I have several videos although they are not directly from my blog. I can still relate them back to topics on my blog though. Is it okay to use the site home page as the link? LOVE this feature.
lisa thomson recently posted..In Praise Of Older Women, With Younger Men
Hi Lisa,
Glad you are loving this feature. As long as you use your site home page that is congruent to the video you are good to go…..unless Youtube changes the rules 🙁
Whenever we are on social sites it is so important to keep up with the crazy changes.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: joyhealey
June 30, 2015 at 10:44 am #
Hi Donna
That’s great – I’d never heard of YourTube cards – which isn’t surprising because I don’t “do” videos. I know I should, and I’m working round to it, but I just have a compete mental block on it. Ones where I appear have only ever found their way into the bin.
Anyway, I have a few alternative methods planned, but – as ever – it’s trying to fit something new into my day!
When I get round to it I’ll be sure to use your method, and have saved your post.
Thanks for the tip, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted..When I Needed The Best Hosting Company Support
Hi Joy,
Lots of people have that mental block around doing videos. It is just another learning curve. But whenever you do get on this bandwagon, give yourself a challenge.
I couldn’t do videos at all myself, especially face to face! I was terrified. But then I gave myself a 30 day challenge. I would look at that camera and pretend it was a friend of mine. I did trash the first 10, but after about 20 days, things started becoming easier.
Since I have been using video a lot, I did notice an increase in readership and sales when I do promotions.
The Youtube Cards work so well….at least at this
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
June 29, 2015 at 4:54 pm #
Hey Donna,
I’ve heard about video cards but hadn’t looked into what they are, how they work or even how to create them. Yeah, haven’t been doing a lot of videos which is probably why.
Love your tutorial so thank you for taking the time and making this easy for us. Now I want to go and shoot a video just so I can create a card. Might have to go play with some of my older videos too.
Thank you my dear, you’re the best.
Adrienne recently posted..Magical Monday: Vision, Clients, Comments, Influencer Marketing, Successful Blogger
Hi Adrienne,
Good to know you want to play with some videos after this tutorial. The cards are great even to get some old blogs going. I played around with it and had people come into older blogs.
Other times, I had them go to my other blog to pump that one up. I find that people will stay longer on the post also when doing this.
So lets have some fun!
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: marquitaherald
June 29, 2015 at 3:43 pm #
Awesome Donna! I just published a trailer for my new book this morning so I’m definitely going to do this. I actually jumped over to check it out while I had your video going but I don’t see there’s any reference to image size for the card and my blog banner is the wrong shape for this so I’ll have to work out something special just for YouTube. Thanks!
Marquita Herald recently posted..Your Journey to Resilient Living
Hi Marquita,
I am so excited for your new book. Doing a card for the trailer is an excellent idea. Hope it works out with the sizing.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: RenardMoreau
June 29, 2015 at 11:32 am #
[ Smiles ] I am not into making YouTube cards. However, this information would come in very handy for the day that I decide to do some YouTube videos of my own.
Renard Moreau recently posted..These White Beauties Are Captivating!
Hi Renard,
When you decide to do some YouTube videos this will sure come in handy. It would be great especially if you embed it on your blog posts.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: donpurdum
June 29, 2015 at 10:37 am #
Hi Donna,
YouTube cards are AWESOME! There is one other way to embed text links to your approved site through the annotations, but the problem is they are not optimized well for mobile at all and they are just text links.
What I love about the cards is I can time them to show up and drop down the image briefly with a call-to-action in the video.
It’s powerful, engaging and I’ve seen the conversions from YT go up as a result.
This is a must use tool for those of us who utilize YT for our marketing.
Fantastic post Donna!!!!
Have a great week.
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..You Are Not Your Ideal Customer
Hi Don,
You Tube Cards sure are Awesome! Yes, thanks for that mention of timing them. We can put it on the first 10 seconds, or whenever we want. I love that part of it.
I’m so glad they came up with this rather than the old text links. It’s quick, easy and a good way to engage too.
As for marketing, I would use it sparingly. If I wrote a specific blog about a product or service I would soft sell it with a card.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
June 29, 2015 at 9:36 am #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much. I love this so much that I’m about to try it now!!!
I can link some of my posts to my travel videos. Very cool, indeed!
Thank you so much for sharing this and will share this it in turn as well 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How I Landed A free Apartment In London For 2 Weeks
Hi Sylviane,
I’ve seen so many of your videos in the past and I’m sure if you go back and put a card on them, it will fire up anything you want!
Glad you enjoyed this.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: ntizuchi
June 29, 2015 at 12:46 am #
This is the coolest thing I’ve learned all month! I’m going to immediately start using cards! Thank you, thank you, thank you Donna!
NT Izuchi recently posted..The 3 Laws To Keep People On Your Website…Forever?
Hi NT,
I just read your latest blog post with your wonderful video in it. I loved every second of it and said to myself…I wish he had a Card there lol.
You talked about how important it is to have a video on your blog to keep people on it so the bounce rate wouldn’t be low. Indeed!
Your latest blog goes so well with this one.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
June 28, 2015 at 9:40 pm #
This is a great demo, Donna, of a really important feature in YouTube.
It almost forces you to put your video on the platform because it’s just such a great way to drive new traffic to your blog.
I put my videos on Vimeo, and most of them are for private consumption only.
But when I have one that’s useful to bring people into my business, or over to my blog, then I always duplicate the video on YouTube.
Let’s not forget though, that YouTube is fickle and they pretty much own your videos when you host them there exclusively, If they ever decide to squash your channel, you will lose all your videos. This happens a lot more than people think, and for reasons that often you’ll never even know.
That’s why I think it’s best practice to have your videos in at least 2 places that you can rely on.
All that aside, I don’t see how you can go wrong by learning to market with YouTube, and the “Cards” is a great idea.
Glad you showed us HOW!
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Getting Quality Backlinks To Your Blog
Hey David.
Vimeo is where we do put most of our private videos, but sometimes if we take a bit of them and put it on Youtube, it does work well.
Good point you brought up that You Tube is fickle and they can squash our channel at any time. Yep, I’ve heard many people that had this problem. This is why I keep them it 2 places.
I’m loving playing with the cards. In one week I had so many people coming to my old blog I was playing with.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: tigerlilyva11
June 28, 2015 at 9:28 pm #
Hi Donna,
I just started using YouTube cards and I think it’s a brilliant idea. I was wondering if doing all 5 would be spammy. I only use 1 right now because it’s a super short video. What are your thoughts?
Take care,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted..5 Ways to Create Visually Appealing Newsletters {and Why It Matters}.
Hi Lillian,
I only use one too. I think five is getting off track for me. I played with doing two and that went well. But yes, I do think 5 is pushing it. And yes, it does look spammy.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: jenniryan
June 28, 2015 at 8:48 pm #
Awesome! thanks Donna I am going to check it out.
Hi Jenni,
Yes, check it out especially if you do videos. The cards do help bring more juice to your blog.
Donna Merrill recently posted..YouTube Marketing Drives Free Traffic
Twitter: JacsHenderson
June 28, 2015 at 5:34 pm #
This is sooooo Exciting Donna!!!
Just had to watch your tutorial, even though I made one earlier after your last post! I didn’t know you can do 5 per video… will go back to play more! Wise words regarding the CTA and Teaser Text
I think this is much better than people clicking a link under the video, and what is so fantastic, is that the card stays when you share the video on social media!!
Now that IS Awesome … and somehow makes video sharing more attractive for marketing your blog 🙂
Loving it… Thank You!!
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Are You Missing This Surprisingly Useful Branding Option On Your Facebook Page?
Hi Jacs,
I’m so glad you are loving this Jac. I can feel your excitement about it lol. Now that you know how to do it, whatever blogs you have done in the past with a video on, you can put a card up, combine it with a little SEO and BAM!
It sure is AWESOME to do. And you have started right after the first post lol. Yes, video sharing is more attractive for marketing your blog.
I just pumped up an old blog with a product and ba bam…getting opt-ins already.
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