This post was most recently updated on August 6th, 2016
I’m going to show you my private 4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster.
I’ll even throw in a quick little bonus tip.
I decided to put this information into a blog post because I know it’s a big issue for bloggers who have to juggle the writing of blog posts along with other writing commitments.
Many of them have email newsletters to write, eBooks, maybe even information courses.
In addition, they get asked to contribute other blogs as a guest, or to do a written interview response and so forth.
On top of that, they have to write social media posts on many platforms and may even contribute to forums regularly.
That doesn’t even address the issue of all the writing you do just in commenting on other blogs every single day.
It all adds up to a lot of writing.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
If you’re a blogger, or a prospective blogger, you’ve got to learn to get all this writing under control.
Otherwise, you can easily feel overwhelmed real quickly.
If you can’t find a solution to the overwhelm, you may end up either dropping your blog, or just allowing it to be poorly maintained, sporatic and unprofitable.
Here’s 4 ways to avoid that.
1. Don’t Procrastinate
So, the first thing I have to tell you is that most “writer’s block” or “productivity” problems point squarely at procrastination.
I do it, others do it, it’s just the way life is.
We like to put things off.
The difference between being a successful blogger and someone who runs “just another blog” is how you handle your human fraility, here.
It feels good to procrastinate.
We can do stuff that’s fun instead of work.
Why not?
Well, of course, the more you love your work, the more you’ll reduce that great divide between fun stuff and work.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
Now, I coach a lot of bloggers and those who really love what their blog is all about, they have less struggle with overcoming procrastination.
When I ask a student if they finished the 3 articles they told me last week they were going to write, I expect a “yes.”
If I get the all too familiar “not yet,” I know it means straight, flat out “no.”
“Not yet” may sound better to you, but it’s really just a yes or no question.
So, why don’t bloggers get those schedule articles done?
Here are some typical excuses, masquerading as explanations:
I just couldn’t find my inspiration
Understand that you never will.
Writing does not come from inspiration, no matter how much you dream for that magic moment.
You’ll write more blog posts, better and faster when you set a schedule for writing.
Your “work hours” could be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
That’s just an example.
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Write in bunches…
- Monday… emails for the week
- Tues… funnel pages (sales pages, squeeze pages and the like)
- Wed… blog posts
- Th… coaching correspondence
- Fri.. social media and forum posts
You’ll find writing much easier when you have a regular time to do it, and you sit down and don’t get up or get distracted no matter what.
It’s almost always more productive to set up your schedule around batching your efforts as illustrated above.
If you have 3 blog posts to write this week, maybe one for yourself and 2 guest posts… it’s a lot easier to do them all in one day than one a day for 3 days.
If you don’t believe me, it’s probably because you’ve never worked that way.
Try it.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
I think you’ll find that not only do you get far more done this way, but the quality of your writing will be much higher.
It’s all about being in the flow, building momentum, and staying in stride.
There’s a lot of other excuses, but I can’t detail all the solutions, here.
- not enough time
- nothing new to say
- not enough material to write about
- too many other writing commitments
You’ll have the time if you set a work routine and stick to it.
You’ll never have anything new to say, but if you’re a writer, you’ll always find a new and interesting ways to say it.
As for finding material/topic and managing other writing commitments, re-purposing is your best strategy.
Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
2. Re-purposing
Every time you do something, do it 5 times.
If you do a video telling people how to do something, write 5 article topics from it.
So, let’s say you put a video on YouTube telling people how to write a good sales letter.
The moment you’re done with your video, write down 5 key points to the video (or 3 or 4, whatever you come up with).
Now, next time you sit down to write blog posts, you have 5 topics to pick from.
In fact, you can even put the YouTube video in one or two of the blog posts related to it.
But we’re not done there.
You have to write email to your list.
When you do, keep a list of your email topics.
Here are more blog posts for you.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
Just keep a desktop folder filled with topic documents.
Every time your write a Facebook or forum post, add that post inside of the corresponding topic document in your Topics folder.
When you have to write a blog post, you not only have a whole bunch of topics inside the folder, but you have some actual things you’ve already written on the topic.
Now, just re-purpose a Facebook post you wrote about writing sales pages, for instance, and you’ve got some basic structure for a blog post on that topic.
You can also re-purpose your writing by setting up content themes.
For instance, if every Friday you send out an email to your newsletter about “other blogs I love”, you’ll have a familiar structure set up.
Your email subscribers will know what sort of thing to expect, and you’ll have an instant frame of reference to just plug in your updated information for the week.
Then, you can re-purpose some of your newsletter content by writing one blog post a month dedicated to reviews or shares of other blog posts you love.
When you re-purpose your written content from one platform (like emails or Facebook) to another (like your blog posts), you develop a steady stream of related content.
People start reading your blog posts, your social posts and your emails and see a pattern emerging.
You are saying the same or similar things in different contexts and through different medium on a consistent basis.
Everywhere people turn, they see you talking about certain topics in a certain way that starts to develop your unique “message”, in your specific “voice” and in such a way as to build your personal “brand.”
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3. Delete Writing Tasks
When writing blog posts becomes an overwhelming task, you can also just cut back on the amount of writing you commit to.
But don’t just eliminte things thoughtlessly.
First of all, you could start by cutting out some of your non-writing projects.
Which ones?
The ones that you’re not getting adequate return from.
If, in addition to all your writing, you are posting one YouTube video a day, then assess the value of that activity.
- Are you getting a lot of leads from you YouTube videos?
- Is the strategy driving considerable traffic back to your blog?
- Is this high-converting traffic, meaning, are you YouTube viewers subscribing to your email list and buying your products and services?
If the answer to all those things it “yes” then you don’t want to cut back on your video submission strategy.
Use this same litmus test for you LinkedIn posts, forum interactions and the like.
You’ll undoubtedly find that you’re doing a lot of things, implementing many different strategies that are not improving your business.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
They are just taking up a lot of your time.
When you stop doing some of these under-performing activities, it will free you up to do more more writing instead.
You can also streamline your work day by strictly limiting the amount of time you do thinks like reading emails and interacting with folks on social media.
You may think these things are important, but do them AFTER you’ve completed your writing projects scheduled for the day, and not until.
That will usually result in you spending far less time browsing through emails and social media posts, and much more productive time writing.
Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
You can also learn to power of “no.”
I have people asking me every single day to write guest posts or contribute to expert and round-up posts, for instance.
It’s okay to say no sometimes.
I know these are important writing activities, but only accept them if you really have the time, and if they are returning measurable results for you.
Otherwise, do them, but cut the frequency of your acceptances.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
4. Use A System For Writing Blog Posts
Don’t just sit down to a blank white page and start writing without any structure, or any clear direction.
It may feel like you’re writing, but you’re not.
You’re just typing.
Here’s one of my secret systems.
Write Tiny Little Posts
Don’t sit down to write a 1,000 word blog post.
Sit down to write a 10 word post.
Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
It goes like this.
Write a 4-step outline…
4 Steps to running Facebook ad campaigns.
1. Objective
2. Audience
3. Creatives
4. Posting schedule
That’s it.
That’s your blog post.
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Okay, it looks like it’s 12-words instead of 10, but you’re in the right range anyway.
Now, don’t think you have to fill in all kinds of information under each of your 4 “steps.”
You only have to write 3 sentences.
So, sit and write 3 very boring, dry statements about your Facebook ad campaing “objectives.” If you get stuck a bit, do some quick Google research or turn to your Topics folder for some help.
Do this for each step and you’ll have 12 sentences.
Next, just give some examples, explanation, perspective to each of your 12 sentences.
Now you’ve got 12 paragraphs.
And continue from there.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
Maybe you’ll add a few paragraphs here and there once you get on a roll.
Maybe not.
When you’re all done with the Body of your post, write the Summary, then the Intro paragraph, and last… the Title.
Do things in this order because you’ll develop your ideas for the summary as you go along.
Your Summary will essentially tell the reader what they just learned from you.
Now, go back to your Intro and tell people what they’re about to learn from you.
It’s just a quick re-write of the Summary.
Once you’ve done everything, step back to see what you’ve created, what you’ve taught, what ideas you’ve shared most prominently.
That will help you write a good Title.
Blog post done.
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Now this is a formula.
It’s to help you be productive.
You can use a different system and formula, that’s okay.
The point is to have one on hand to get you into the flow, even when you have no idea of where to start.
I use this formula.
More often, I try to, but my thoughts run away with me and I start free associating all over the place, and well… my writing tends to be more fluid than what I’m suggesting here.
But it’s a great frame of reference, and a lot of people set up a system like this and are perfectly comfortable to always color inside the lines.
Whatever works.
Special: Start Your New Blog Today… 3 Easy Steps
5. Unannounced Bonus… Swim, Walk, Ride a Bike and Wash The Dishes
That’s just a partial list of things you can do to get your hands off the keyboard.
I didn’t say get your mind of your writing.
When I’m swimming in the pool or walking, or even cooking or washing the dishes… I come up with lots of great ideas.
I keep a little notebook and pen (remember those retro items?) next to me when I can.
I jot down ideas.
If I can’t, I store them in my mind and the moment I can, I quickly write them on a notepad or word doc.
Then, when I get to sit down and do some serious writing, I’ve got some great ideas to work with.
I can’t tell you how much I accomplish when I’m nowhere near my computer.
Just keep your mind open.
By the way, I’m not even saying these ideas come because I’m focusing on them.
I’m usually not even thinking about writing when these ideas just come to me when I’m doing something totally repetetive or mundane.
Once you get in the flow of this mind-state, it just seems to get more and more routine that you develop great ideas when you’re not even trying.
PS: I hate bike riding and never do it. I don’t know why I used that as an example. hehe
Now, I’d like to hear from you.
Do you have your own private methods for writing productively?
Have you found something of value in reading through my 4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster?
I’d love to read your comments below, and please share this article on your social sites.
Twitter: blogginglift
September 3, 2019 at 12:02 pm #
Hi Donna ma’am,
Great Post. From a long time, I’m struggling to create new contents for my readers. But after reading this article, I got some awesome ideas and I’m going to implement it.
I hope that these tips will work for me.
TWEETED this awesome article.
Sumit Sao
Sumit Sao recently posted.. How to Write a Well Researched and Good Blog Post in 9 Easy Steps
Hi Sumit
I’m glad you got some ideas for improving your content…
and doing it faster, or course 🙂
Bloggers must write a lot of content to start building a following and a network.
And if you can’t get it done fast, then it becomes more of a “job” than a business.
Good luck with it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The only bloggers Achiever Guide
Donna Merrill,
I call you the mummy of blogger.
This post is very awesome honestly i had found this tips so much helpful, i have been a tech guy for flat 4years now and wanna move to blogging to teach guys some stuff i’m good at, pertaking to I.T and programming and hacking, and i had setup the blog but still, i find it difficult to providing good developed content for the blog but by now you have take me a complete course to developing and setting setup my career in blogging and as a blog writer.
Hello Donna,
Thanks for this wonderful post!
I loved the tips for writing blog post, specially re-purposing works great for me, I usually recycle my content 3-4 times.
As a blogger, Many times I run out of the topics that now what to write. After reading your tips I Can manage good content on my blog.
Thanks for sharing amazing tips!
Pranay Khatri recently posted..How to Find Low Competition Keywords Like a Cake Walk
Hi Pranay,
Good to know you got some good ideas from this post. Sorry for the late reply … I didn’t see it there.
Bloggers often run out of topics, but there is always something that can just hit us at a moment. It is always good to write it down for later use.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You A Blogging Zombie?
Twitter: cheryschmidt
May 16, 2016 at 3:36 pm #
Hello Donna, Wosy How the heck did I miss this post! Good thing you reminded me with an email LOL
I loved all your tips my friend. And do know that sometimes I also get frustrated because there is just so much going one. But just like you said, walk away, find something else to do..Yes even washing the dishes will help get your mind cleared and back on track.
Loved this post..
Thanks for sharing
Chery :))
Hey Chery,
Glad I reminded you of email. It is an important part of our business structure.
I know that there are so many things to do in just one day it can make your head spin. But sometimes even washing dishes can put you in a good mindset.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You A Blogging Zombie?
Twitter: vanmarciano
May 11, 2016 at 6:26 pm #
Hey Donna, lovely article. I’ll admit, there’s been times that I’ve struggle to meet my writing quota for the week. But I have been doing a lot of number 2 on your list. I love repurposing stuff, especially if a post takes off really well.
If I’m doing a review I’ll most definitely repurpose it with a video and an eBook perhaps.
As for procrastinating, I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s guilty of this. The internet is one huge procrastination magnet isn’t it just? I mean the amount of times I’ve gone onto Facebook to schedule some posts, and have ended up spending 5 minutes staring at my news feed lol.
Anyways, great list Donna, hope you’re keeping well. All the best for now.
Fabrizio Van Marciano recently posted..100+ Magnetic Blog Post Headline Ideas For Small Business Bloggers
Hi Fabrizio,
I do believe we all struggle at times to come up with ideas for the week. I do many times and had to find ways so I won’t have to waste time banging my head against the wall.
I think we all procrastinate from time to time. As long as we don’t spend too much time doing it, we are fine.
I find that when I have my days scheduled for various tasks, it does help me not to procrastinate. When Monday rolls around, I know my blog post must be published, and so on. But I do look forward to My Day…the time I can procrastinate lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To The Next Level
Twitter: rachellavern
May 10, 2016 at 11:55 pm #
Great article with useful solutions Donna.
I related with the writers block. I faced the same problems with my post and article writing. I had writers block and sat staring at a blank computer screen too long waiting for an idea
to hit me. I dreaded trying to write an article/post because I kept getting stuck for inspiration. All the while, kicking myself mentally because I knew consistent article marketing was the
easiest, quickest way to market my business to greater exposure and profits. So I experienced first-hand exactly what many bloggers are feeling (and what so many other article marketers and online business owners are feeling right now!) Now, I write much less and it is usually on whatever I am dealing with (or what my clients are dealing with) at the time.
Rachel Lavern recently posted..How to Select Your Ideal Clients
Hi Rachel,
Writers block is something we all go through. I usually get my ideas from the questions my clients ask or what we are working on just like you.
There are so many people who have the same question. It’s like when you are in school, have a question but are too shy to raise your hand. Then someone asks a question and you are delighted.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To The Next Level
Twitter: CopyWarner
May 10, 2016 at 4:14 pm #
Hey Donna,
Great post and information.
I do struggle from time to time with writing content. Mainly because I spend so much time on one piece of content and researching it to death, etc.
I like your tip to focus on one aspect each day … Emails Monday …blog posts another…ill try that because as long as it takes me to write content, it’s even longer to write emails in my autoresponder.
So I’m eager to try your tips to see if there’s an improvement.
Have a great day.
– Andrew
Hi Andrew,
Spending too much time researching can cause a struggle. Although research is a great thing to do, we cannot get lost in it. I know…I’ve done it myself and came up with so many ideas I couldn’t put it in a post.
Yes I do focus on one aspect each day and since I started to do that, life has been easier. i don’t forget to write in a Donna Day! That’s when I can just do anything I want and not feel guilty.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To The Next Level
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
May 10, 2016 at 1:42 am #
Hi Donna,
Very good tips here.
I really like your point about recycling a piece of content 5 times. I’m trying to do this more and more as much as time permits.
One thing that I’m starting doing is using a blog post or a Linkedin article to create a SlideShare, that’s very easy and pretty fast to do.
Yes, we all procrastinate, and I do too. It’s just something that humans do, but the more I watch animals the more I’m aware that we are animals, and animals do procrastinate too. I watch cats a lot, and you’d see them doing something, like washing their face, and suddenly they look up and get distracted for a few seconds to a minute, and then they resume they toileting again. We do that too with our work.
Thanks for the great tips.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..Are Blog Posts Useless Self-Promoting Content?
Hi Sylviane,
What a great idea of using a blog post to create a slide share!
I like the way you are studying animals and seeing them procrastinating. We, are animals too and have to accept that part of us will be drawn to procrastination. But it has to be limited, otherwise we can get stagnant.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To The Next Level
Hi Joy,
I’m glad you got a bit of insight to jog your methods a bit.
Here’s another one, since you seem to have the “perfection” issue.
I tell my students, whether they’re creating a full info product with video, graphics, audio and the whole bit… or whether they’re writing a blog post… give yourself a limited amount of time.
For a full training course, maybe you have 5 modules, with 4 section in each module. Let’s say you product one section each of 20 consecutive days. Then your project is done.
Now, give yourself 4 hours to complete each of the 20 sections… or 2 hours, or whatever seems feasible. Then each day, sit down at the same time, and don’t get up until your time is up.
The real trick is, do it even if it’s not very good.
The key is not to make it good, but to get it done in time.
If you’re not done and the clock runs out… you’re done.
The next day you move on to the next section, not backtrack to the one you think is “unfinished.”
In 20 days, your training course is done. Give yourself 3 days to rework it to your heart’s delight, then let it go.
Publish it, market it, and start your next project.
Never look back.
If it wasn’t as good as you’d have liked, make your next one that much better.
Don’t look back, don’t try to perfect it.
Let it go.
Make the next one better.
Over time, each project gets better, and they start getting done faster.
What took you 20 days will take you 5.
And it will be better.
The same method applies to writing blog posts, only the time limitations are different, like maybe 2 hours for a blog post, then you’re done. Period. Publish. Do the next one.
Good luck, Joy, and hope this helps you get more done in less time.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To Know Your Target Audience
Twitter: joyhealey
May 8, 2016 at 6:03 pm #
Hi Donna,
I was just about done with commenting for the day – when I spotted this title and had to come by and read it!
Procrastination is no problem for me. My bigger problem, as a part-time blogger, is that I don’t have a “Stop” button and will fine-tune and tweak for ever and a day. It’s not the initial writing that delays me – it’s the images, and forever re-wording.
Sadly I have had to start saying “No” to things I would like to do, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day, in parallel with my off-line business.
It’s interesting what you said about batching – I normally write one post per week and it usually takes me the biggest part of Friday or Saturday. However I’ve just had the need to write five posts all at once – and I did them in a batch and got them completed in two days. I couldn’t believe I’d done them so fast.
When I started blogging a few years ago I couldn’t imagine what I was going to say, but now I have a stack of ideas…. on notepads in the bedroom, but mostly as draft posts right there in WordPress waiting for me to flesh them out.
My favorite of your tips is the 10 word post. It would apply nicely to an eBook too – which brings me to the confession that I am SO BAD at repurposing. That must be my next challenge. (Although I did once write an eBook out of an amalgamation of old blog posts.)
Thanks for some great tips,
Joy – Blogging After Dark
Joy Healey recently posted..Time Management Tips
Twitter: erthorpe
May 8, 2016 at 10:43 am #
Hi Donna,
Good ideas about writing.
I think it’s especially important that novice writers work from a formula that includes an outline – gives them an anchor, and confidence. A good place to start would be the suggestions within your point #4: ‘Use A System For Writing Blog Posts’
Good job. I think I learned something, but I won’t know until I try it…
Edward Thorpe recently posted..Can A Positive Lifestyle Lead To Negativity?
Hi Edward,
All writers have their own special methods that work best for them.
I don’t really think it’s a matter of being a novice or a pro, but what method works for you. You’ve just got to get out there and try a few things until you find your own way.
As you say, you never know until you try something.
Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
Twitter: learn_to_blog
May 8, 2016 at 9:20 am #
Hi Donna, I love point 5, in fact when I was writing my dissertation I used exactly that technique whenever I hit a road block!
Enjoy the journey!
Hi Mandy,
It’s true. Sometimes we need to just get away from our work to bring it into better focus.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Drive Traffic To Your Blog For Free
Twitter: bloggingdock
May 8, 2016 at 1:06 am #
Hi Donna,
Wow! awesome tips indeed. Thanks for the tips as I am very slow in writing and posting blog posts regularly though I am working on that a little harder now.
I would also want to concentrate on that point of repurposing the content.
Thanks again for sharing this wonderful post. Have a great day!!
Gurunath recently posted..Temok Hosting Review: Affordable Premium Web Hosting and Domains
Hi Gurunath,
If you’re a slow writer as many people are, developing a system will definitely help.
Also, using a variety of media sources like video and slide shares will lessen the burden.
That’s a particularly nice route to go because then you can use your blog as the basis for your other content pieces.
Donna Merrill recently posted..4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
Twitter: yonderwillow
May 7, 2016 at 7:22 pm #
Hi Donna. I am definitely a fan of repurposing content. We spend a lot of time and energy creating our posts and would seem a waste to only be able to use it once and have to let it go.
I think the best piece that you shared was #5. I remember that you shared on Facebook a while back how you were ready to work on a post and your internet connection went down. I never want my internet to go down but I always enjoy it when it does because it forces me to work offline. I get to pull out a pen and notebook and brainstorm post ideas without being distracted by any of the online world. It is a completely different energy when you work with pen and paper.
Ben recently posted..How Important Is It to Get Enough Sleep?
Hi Ben,
Blogging is such an adventure, isn’t it?
We never know what to expect, be it a power failure or a brain freeze, ha ha.
But through it all, we do find a way to move forward, and it can be very rewarding when we do.
Thanks for stopping by.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Build Momentum And Ride The Wave
Twitter: AlmostPractical
May 7, 2016 at 8:57 am #
Hi Donna,
You have hit on a topic that confounds every blogger – so much writing and so little time!
I have been very sporadic with my writing in the past, but I have found your point #4 – creating a system to be so valuable.
Now when I have an idea for a post, I write out the points that I want to make – that step alone, makes the writing process go more quickly – and it keeps me from going off on a tangent.
Hi Neena,
There is a discipline involved in writing anything, and blog posts are no different.
Without structure and some kind of a method that works for you, the job becomes much bigger than it ought to be.
I’m glad you got a few insights into the process, here.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing
Twitter: TalwarSonal
May 7, 2016 at 5:15 am #
Hi Donna
Awesome post!
Loved the way you have described each point. I feel the greatest obstacle for most of us is procrastination. The time we do away with it, everything will be sorted out.
Thanks fro sharing such an informative post. will definitely follow all your points.
Hi Sonal,
Indeed, the greatest obstacle is procrastination. I had done a course on it years back because I see that it is the most common obstacle.
Glad you enjoyed the post,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: joantruesuccess
May 6, 2016 at 7:21 pm #
Hey Donna 🙂
Excellent tips on writing blog posts better AND faster! Having a schedule is so important and re-purposing content is something that I do from time to time 😉 You have given me some excellent ideas for my own blog, thank you!
Great post!! Tons of very simple ways that any blogger can implement easily 🙂
Joan M Harrington recently posted..Are You An Entrepreneur Who Believe Your Dreams Are Worth Chasing?
Hi Joan,
The faster we can write ’em the better lol. We do need a schedule however in order to do so.
You know me…love to make things simple for others to follow. And I’m so glad I’ve given you some ideas for your own blog.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: BAMoneyBlogger
May 6, 2016 at 2:28 pm #
Hi Donna
I saw this post on social media on Monday but owing to its attractive title and subject matter I planned to read it whenever I have ample time to read its each word very carefully because I so many time face same problem of writing better and faster at a time.
The first point is the most effective and you are very right that there are two types of bloggers; one type is of successful bloggers and other one is of those who just have another blog.
Without following a proper schedule regularly and punctually we can declare ourselves a blogger but the world would never accept us as a successful blogger unless we deliver to it something valuable and worth keeping. This could be done by completely shunning the procrastination and never compromising on quality.
The method of writing a post you mentioned is one of the most effective methods I ever tried and you are right that while writing a post we must not let its topic ride on us and instead we should ride on it to take it wherever we want.
The bonus tip is just amazing and I have personally experienced it. After coming from one hour walk the level of energy and productivity I find in myself can never be defined in words and I try to do the most challenging blogging jobs at that time.
Many thanks for sharing these very valuable tips to become better and prolific writer by following them.
Have a great weekend ahead.
Mi Muba recently posted..20 easy and fun ways to become incredibly a creative blogger
Hi Mi Muba,
I’m so glad that this information resonated with you.
I know you’re a very highly accomplished blogger, so it’s valuable to have you add to this particular conversation.
Yes, getting away from our computers is very empowering and opens up those creative flows, doesn’t it?
Yet, we need to remember that blogging is first and foremost a business. And we have to treat it like a business if we want to be running a good and a profitable business.
That means, we have to show up each day during our specified work times and get our jobs done.
If you were to open a shoe store and only show up once in a while when you feel like it, with not regular posted hours for when you’d be open… you probably wouldn’t have a very successful business.
Blogging is not much different when you get right down to it. It’s a different type of business, but it’s still a business that requires our continual attending to.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Ways You Can Market Online
Twitter: kim_willis
May 6, 2016 at 1:41 am #
Hi Donna,
Fabulous post!
My comments on each point are as follows:
1. Don’t Procrastinate
I love this: write in bunches. I call it ‘blocks’, but ‘bunches’ is better. What doesn’t work is to be like a proverbial butterfly – flitting from one thing to another. We have to focus on one project for a period of time, then move t something else.
Yep, for sure. Sometimes I will come up with a simple email idea. I write the email, send it out, then think ‘hey, this could make a good blog post and video for YouTube’ So I expand it a bit for the blog post. The YT video is simple – I just talk about the key points in the blog post. Too easy
Delete Writing Tasks
For sure. This week my list showed eight videos that I had to create. By last night, I thought ‘hey, this is way too much and is stressing me out’, so I just deleted 4 of the less relevant topics.
Use A System For Writing Blog Posts
That’s how I do it. Thinking of writing a 2,000-word post scrambles my brain. But focusing on getting to a few hundred words is easy. Everything flows from that.
Unannounced Bonus… Swim, Walk, Ride a Bike and Wash The Dishes
Right on! I like to change locations. The funny thing is that when I move from the lounge to the bedroom or the balcony, the change of scenery gets my creative juices going.
Thanks, Donna – you rock!
Kim Willis recently posted..Blogging Nightmares and Other Horror Stories
Hi Kim,
You’ve give a lot of great feedback here.
I think one of the most important things you mentioned is how you cut your “8 videos to do this week” into “4”… simply by deciding to cut down on your work load.
Too many people drive themselves crazy trying desperately to keep pace with unrealistic task rolls.
Simply, tighten your work load and you’ll feel less overwhelmed and much more likely to maintain a higher level of performance.
It’s not always what we choose to do, but just as important is what we choose what not to do.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Ways You Can Market Online
Twitter: mitch_m
May 6, 2016 at 12:57 am #
I have to admit that this is definitely a different way of looking at things. The only one of these I’ve ever considered is the one about re-purposing, and even then only during my LinkedIn tests last year. When I come close to doing it I’ll link back to the original article and come up with a different story to help both articles along.
I do like the bonus though. I never have writer’s block but I do have those times when I just don’t feel like writing. So going off and doing something else makes a lot of sense… that and I end up with a clean kitchen. 😉
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..How Are You? Life And Blogging
Hi Mitch,
It’s all about the clean kitchen, isn’t it? ha ha
So, if you think some of these “different” ideas sound interesting, give some of them a try.
I’d love to hear how they work out for you.
I like that your re-purposed projects end up looking like totally different ones. That’s a nice piece of re-purposing, and it’s really the best form of it. We strive to make all our re-purposed projects as unique as possible at the end of the day. It’s really only the subject matter that needs to be re-purposed… the content can be highly unique each time, each project.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Getting To Know Your Target Audience
Twitter: stellachiu97
May 5, 2016 at 11:16 pm #
Hi, Donna
This post is full of great tips.I totally agree with you that we got to get all the writing under control because I seemed losing control and feeling a little be overwhelming lately.
I take one of two actions if I can’t write a word on the blank paper in front of me: I find any useful information from the folder or completely walk away from it and do some house work.Some good ideas form during these kind of activites.
I haven’t try to write in bunch yet. I will implement them shortly and will let you know how they are going for me.
Thanks for the post.
Stella Chiu recently posted..The Mystery of the Law of Attraction
Hi Stella,
We all get overwhelmed and distracted.
That’s why it’s so important to have stable “work hours.”
When we have a job, the boss doesn’t say “come in when you feel inspired to work.” haha
That might sound nice, but truth is, not much would get done.
Now, one of the nice things about working online is that we don’t have to be “on the job” from 9 to 5 with one hour for lunch.
But we still have a job to do, and we need to have specific hours to do it, or guess what… it won’t get done.
And the more it doesn’t get done, the more overwhelmed we get, then throw our hands up in the air in dismay and say “I can’t do all this.” The trick is, you don’t have to do everything, you just have to apply yourself in a highly focused and purposeful manner during your daily office hours.
Try it for a while and let me know how it’s working out 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing
Twitter: TecheismCEO
May 5, 2016 at 11:28 am #
Good one, Donna Ma’am 🙂
I am a bit slow in creating content but I am trying to focus on how to write better and faster.
Thanks for sharing!
~ Ahmad
Hi Muhammad,
I think that writing better and faster comes through developing better systems and adhering to a more stringent, highly focused work routine.
I hope some of the ideas I’ve shared in this article will be helpful to you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How I Come Up With Blog Ideas
Twitter: ikechiawazie
May 4, 2016 at 10:14 am #
Hi Donna
Wow! What great tips that you have shared. This is a timely post as who cannot relate to the volume of writing that bloggers must do every week.
When it comes to procrastination, I working hard to avoid this so much but as you shared, I have allocated a time schedule to do my post . Thanks for this tip.
You know tip 2 was a breather for me. I do repurpose content most times but I never knew this could be a technique for bloggers. I thought it was for lazy ones. Did I get a shock.
No 3 is so necessarily. I have been working on some website projects which are somehow affecting my blogging so I would have to cut down on some of them.
I love No 4 and bonus tip and it is a great idea which makes writing a content so easy. Thanks Donna for such an awesome post. Take Care
Hi Ikechi,
I like hearing how this article relates to your business and your struggles to stay on target with your goals.
I think everybody struggles with procrastination all the time, so we all need to address methods to stay on track and keep moving forward every day.
Part of this is what you suggested, too… cutting down on some of the projects that are sidetracking us, and just not contributing in a real way to our biggest goals.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Ways You Can Market Online
Twitter: jennifergiacop2
May 4, 2016 at 5:44 am #
Hey Donna,
I would have to be a bit naughty here and say I get inspired to write. But I am like you in the sense that we set ourselves up for inspiration. It comes to me when I am doing the meditative things like-washing up, hanging out washing, going for a walk. And then it comes in waves too, so I write my topics down.
I loved all your ideas you suggested,you were so generous to share them, they were good and abundant. I think if anyone reads this post of yours they should not fail at blogging. No wonder you have such great success.
I must say it comes easier when you plan and planning really puts me onto other thoughts for other ideas.
I think you have actually inspired people on how to become inspired. – Ilove reading your blogs they are always so good and nurturing-you have a knack for that too and I guess it is because you love what you do. Thanks for this great post -Jennifer
Hi Jennifer,
I think it’s great to work from a point of inspiration, and it’s wonderful to be able to drudge it up as often as possible. It’s just that few of us can be inspired every day, yet we must continue to move our business forward every single day.
The funny thing is, the more you stick to a routine for working on creative aspects of your business, the more inspiration seem to creep into those tasks and juice them up in ways you didn’t think possible when you fast sat down to crank something out.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your inspiration… It’s contagious I think 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing
Twitter: mrsdeegee
May 3, 2016 at 2:17 pm #
Great tips Donna.
I have repurposed material and it sure does come in handy.
I don’t necessarily look for an easy way out, but it helps to take something I have written before and elaborate – sometimes with additional perspectives or examples that may have taken place since I had written it originally.
It’s very easy to get caught up in a variety of different activities when it comes to writing. With so many techniques to build your blog and audience, you do so much to reach out to connect with others. You have to sit back sometimes and ask yourself whether it’s working to build a foundation – or just draining you.
This is where I’m at now.
I love the idea of stepping back from the keyboard. I came up with one of my best posts while I was cooking. Another one came while I was working out. Others have come from conversations, etc.
Helpful as usual Donna.
Dana recently posted..When You Change the Way You Look at Things…
Hi Dana,
I don’t think that re-purposing content is any kind of “easy way out” in terms of effort.
It does help, though, to be able to use a topic you’re fully immersed in across various mediums.
So, if I’m working on an article about Facebook marketing, it’s probably a good idea to do some videos on the topic, write a LinkedIn post or two, a blog post, maybe an additional guest post, possibly an ebook or full blown info course… all on the topic of Facebook marketing.
All of these re-purposed creations require plenty of effort and work, but you don’t need to re-invent your unique perspective on the topic.
So, from that perspective, it does make sense to work within themes or topics from a wide diversity of mediums and platforms.
It’s primarily a matter of maintaining focus and exhausting methods of expression before moving on to the next topic.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Build Momentum And Ride The Wave
Makes a lot of sense Donna, thanks for sharing with us. It reminds me of when I woke up early today (around 5 am) and just decided to start writing an article that was on my mind. I just stuck with it and continued writing until all 2,000 words were done and everything was ready to be published.
Sometimes I think you just have to finish what you start, it’s much easier to continue writing when you start than it is to stop and start. Just create some momentum and you’ll be able to pump out articles in record time.
Hi Timothy,
You are right that completing a project in one sitting is an excellent way to take advantage of building and maintaining momentum.
This is partly why I like to stick to one type of project on any given day.
So I might take Tuesday to write 3 or 4 blog posts for various purposes. I find this easier than writing one blog post a day for 3 or 4 separate days. Like you said, it’s really all about taking advantage of momentum.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: enstinemuki
May 3, 2016 at 3:57 am #
Hey Donna,
Thanks for sharing these secrets with us.
The truth is we write a lot and for most of us, our blogs take more of the writings in 2 different ways:
1 – Creating of the posts
2 – Replying to comments
And for bloggers who ain’t full time, it becomes more daunting.
I have those drafts hanging there on my dashboard and most of them are short notes and guidelines. That’s why for a long time now, I have not spoken of running out of ideas. They are just there flowing and I have to submit some to guest posts 😉
Helpful points here Donna and I’m off to sharing them
Enstine Muki recently posted..3 Foolproof Steps to Affiliate Marketing Money no one is talking about!
Hi Enstine,
Keeping notes is an excellent way to stockpile ideas for future blog posts.
In the course of blogging, commenting and researching topics, so many things come to mind that we might write about. If you don’t create a sticky note for the topic, it will vanish. Then, when it comes down to writing your next blog post you’ll have to start in all over again, trying to think of great topics and related information.
Take a moment while you’re on a particular path or thought flow to document it.
As you point out, this is why you never have trouble coming up with new blog post material.
Thanks for telling us one of your little secrets to blogging excellence,my friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing
Twitter: harleenas
May 3, 2016 at 2:43 am #
Hi Donna,
You are SO right about all that you mentioned – I was nodding in agreement all through 🙂
#1 – The biggest excuse for bloggers and writers, indeed! Nothing helps other than getting down to write, and once you are in the flow, it’s tough to stop yourself. I know it happens with me, and being a writer, I need to watch my watch to keep getting up between work. You are right, the moment will never be right or perfect, nor will you find inspiration out of thin air – you need to set schedules, as you mentioned, and learn to follow them religiously, or you’d never get anything done.
#2 – You are a pro in that, Donna! I still have to try my hand at videos, but this sure is a brilliant idea.
I agree with #3 too, and by doing this you’d be much more purposeful and productive to do things that need your attention.
#4 – I use a variation I guess, between long and short posts, depending on which ones need what kind of content, and of course, a lot depends on the research the posts require also. But yes, a brief structure is needed before you really start off, as it makes things simpler, or else you edit as you write every new headline.
You’re a lot like me where #5 is concerned too! I guess most women are, as we also have to take care of our homes and families, besides other chores, so ideas come through in any forms, at any such break times too. I usually sit to write during the morning hours, once my kid’s are away, it’s the quietest and most productive time for me. Then I take a break to clean, chop, and do some chores around the house – pre-lunch prep too. Again, sit to write, and that perhaps completes one post or commenting or writing for clients etc. Then another break for making lunch, and then back to work etc. I guess each one of us have our own way of working, isn’t it? Chalking out what works best is what makes it all happen.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..Missinglettr Review & Guide: Creating Social Marketing Automation For Blogs
Hi Harleena,
Wow…is your day full, not only with writing but having a family to care of also. I’m pretty lucky because my child and step kids are grown and out of the house. But, David and I still have obligations like taking care of my mom and our two little dogs.
I think my biggest distraction is wanting to be on the beach all the time. If it’s not that, it is the yearning to go somewhere or eat out someplace.
But the one thing I’ve learned is to keep a schedule and stick to it. You know I’m a fan of baby steps, so every time I completed a small task when I began, I gave myself a treat. It could be as small as a cup of coffee.
Now, with product creation, talking with clients and marketing on top of two blogs, I have a tighter schedule. If I didn’t have one, I couldn’t accomplish anything.
But the treats I do give myself are much more extravagant. Sometimes I have to record two hours worth of teaching….then doing other things. By the end of all that, I’ll go out and purchase a pair of fabulous shoes….or a new sweater (I love to shop)
If it is a huge launch…I know at the end of it I will have a day at the spa scheduled.
All this keeps me going!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: indianmagz
May 2, 2016 at 10:21 pm #
Interesting and Useful tips. Planning and Scheduling is important before doing any task. The idea for writing long post is really good and i am also following this method. But sometimes i get blocked, i overcome this by diverting my mind to listening songs or watching movies or by playing with my son.
Thanks for sharing this awesome write up Donna.
Raaja Anandhan recently posted..24 Surya Tamil Movie Latest Updates
Hi Raaja,
Thanks so much. Indeed we need much planing in order to run a business. I would say work on your time management skills. Take time out every day with no distractions. Watching movies and listening to songs can be don AFTER you do a task. But playing with your son is the most difficult thing to stop doing for a while…:)
Have a designated playtime with him. Maybe you can do your work while he is sleeping.
Hope this helps,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: marquitaherald
May 2, 2016 at 7:53 pm #
Great tips Donna. I have a system for blog posts, in fact, I have more ideas than I can ever realistically get around to. The one area I seriously need to work on is repurposing content so I’ve made notes on your suggestions. I started last month with my cornerstone pages, but now I need to work on social media. For example, I want to create several new SlideShare presentations – plenty of material – just have to do it. The thing is I am a slow writer and on top of that continue to battle with the urge to keep going back to “fine tune” articles. I’m certainly better than I used to be when I started, but it’s something I need to stay on top of. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!
Marquita Herald recently posted..10 Surprising Ways to Create a Fresh Start
Hi Marquita,
Some people are re purposing their blog posts. I didn’t get to that one yet. But like you, I repurpose many things like slide shares, or even I can take an idea and get a product done….only if I block everything else out lol.
See…that’s the thing…we just have to do it. David and I developed a pretty good system for all the things we have to do and create. Every day there is something to be focused on. Blog writing day, marketing day (that’s a dilly) Production Day and so on.
It seems to keep us on track and we can repurpose many things that way.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: marquitaherald
May 5, 2016 at 9:55 am #
I don’t have a problem fitting all the other stuff in, it’s the writing which represents the bulk of my work, but I have a plan. I’ve set a goal to publish an article every day this month. Some will be new, many repurposed and I’m spreading them across different websites and platforms, but the point is to push myself through the habit of over analyzing every article. Should be an interesting experiment. 🙂
Hi Marquita,
As a writer…I’m sure the writing does take the bulk of all your work. This sounds like a very interesting experiment. If you stop over analyzing every article, I could just imagine you will be a writing machine :_
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: HelpStartMySite
May 2, 2016 at 4:01 pm #
Hi Donna!
Great methods here, glad you included getting away from the keyboard. My thing is going on long walks. It first turned out to be a coping mechanism for loss I’ve incurred recently, but I found the peaceful nature of the walks makes a great opportunity to come up with ideas and make important decisions. So many of my ideas have come from these walks.
I try to write primarily on topics I have a lot of intuitive knowledge of so the hardest part is coming up with the ideas. Usually once I have an idea, I can get it done pretty quick, but sometimes I’m torn on which topic I want to write about at the time.
However I do try to write when I’m most fired up and really am excited about the topic at hand. My best articles in my opinion are the ones that come straight from the heart and are published short after so I’m still fired up when answering comments. However, it’s not always like that and I don’t think we can rely on inspiration as you said. I think the act of pushing through and writing something even when we don’t want to actually makes us better writers anyway.
James McAllister recently posted..What Starting An eCommerce Business Taught Me About Blogging
Hi James,
For me, I don’t have a problem with coming up with ideas. My problem is I come up with too many ideas and confuse myself lol.
Nature is a great place to quiet the mind. So taking those walks are a sure fire way to get your thoughts together. Sometimes I take my walks on the beach, even in the winter…I do have gear.
And pushing through…sometimes I need to do that. I may be involved with marketing and my head is all wrapped up in that. When that happens I just take some time and write only to push through.
Most of my ideas come from morning coffee with David. For years we wake up and talk about business stuff only because we love it so much and it is our life.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: atishranjan
May 2, 2016 at 3:20 pm #
Hello Donna,
What a nice write up this one is. Great. I loved the post and liked all the 4 ways you have described in details.
The biggest enemy of writers and bloggers is Procrastination. Once you get off from writing for a few days, getting back in rhythm is tough.
I liked the point where you have said write small posts every day and then make it a big post. I used to do it when I have to write a 2000 words long post, I start writing 200-250 words every day, and when I am done, I mix them up and do editing to shape it to make it a complete blog post, and it does work well with me.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..TunesGo: All-In-One Music Downloader from Wondershare
Hi Atish,
Good to know you liked this and the way I described things.
Indeed I too think the enemy of writing is procrastination. It is a huge problem to so many people. That reminds me…I have to dig up the Procrastination I had done a few years ago as a free opt-in. The sound was terrible then, but I could have it transcribed….hmmmmm
Yes, writing little at a time can progress into a pillar post. I like to keep a document open all the time on my desk top just for this purpose.
Enjoy your week,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
May 2, 2016 at 2:50 pm #
Thanks for sharing such an awesome four step process Donna!
And while I definitely like all five of your suggestions, I gotta say
for me personally, # two (re- purposing) by far is my most favorite
and the strategy that gives me the most marketing leverage
and inspiration!LOL!
And I’m quit certain, if your audience will learn to embrace it, it will pay dividends, of all
kinds, for years & years to come!
That is such an incredibly powerful & potentially profitable concept!Thanks so much for laying out an extremely powerful & practical strategy for utilizing it!
Mark recently posted..So What Potentially Profitable Marketing Lesson Can Tiny Little Birds Teach Savvy Entrepreneurs?
Hi Mark,
Thank YOU for adding value to this post. Repurposing….You know I haven’t done that yet. I have so much in my mind I can’t get it out fast enough.
What I am repurposing is blog posts to more value of the subject on my email list, and then on the membership site hours of value….so it is kind of a repurposing I think
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: RenardMoreau
May 2, 2016 at 12:55 pm #
[ Soft Laughter ] I love your method, Donna.
Continue doing what works for you.
In my case, I listen to electronic dance music while I write; it breaks down the inner tension, enabling me to write articles with ease.
Hi Renard,
Nice to see you again. I know how much you love that music…especially electronic dance. That kind of music sure does get up in an uplifting mood.
Thanks for your input.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
Twitter: blogrankseo
May 2, 2016 at 11:51 am #
Hello Donna Sis,
It’s My first Comment Your Blog, And Excellent Article, Step Writ Blog post-Faster, Keep Sharing, have a Great Night,

Muhammad Tabish recently posted..Complete Step By Step Guide: AdSense Page Level Ads Monetization For Mobile Site
Hi there and thank you for visiting my blog!
Glad this was of interest to you and come on back every week. I’ll be here lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event