This post was most recently updated on September 27th, 2016
There are many reasons Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own Products.
I know.
I coach many bloggers who want to create their own products.
Typically, they start creating a product, they work way harder than they need to on it, and eventually put it on the shelf for “another time.”
Whenever a client tells me that they’re going to “get back to it” later, I pretty much know it will never happen.
When you create your own products, you’ll be regarded as a person who has real expertise in their niche. It’s probably the best thing you can do to gain street creds.
Special: Start Your New Blog in 3 Easy Steps
In the world of blogging, we call it personal branding.
Once you’ve achieved this milestone, the trust factor associated with you and your blog and your business will skyrocket.
People will want to interview you, write articles about you, make videos telling people about you and they’ll want to be part of what you’re doing.
You’ll start getting invitations to write guest posts, do podcasts, and joint venture.
Yet, so most bloggers never create their own products.
Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own Products
Here are some of the reasons, in my coaching experience and in my own product creation experience, that I’ve see for this.
- Procrastination.
Some bloggers have just developed the bad habit of putting things off forever.
- Lack of Expertise.
It’s common for people to believe they are not “expert” enough to create their product.
- Lack of Proof.
I have clients tell me all the time that they can’t “prove” that they’re the best person to teach something, so they don’t.
Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic
- Insufficient Knowledge.
Many bloggers I’ve worked with firmly believe there is some invisible level of knowledge on their topic that they must attain before going forward.
As they reach one level, they think they have to get to yet another… and another and another.
- Not Enough Time.
People complain that they don’t have enough time to create their own products.
This is very common, even among those who have absolutely no ideas how much time the project will take.
Overcoming All Objections
The list of “reasons” or “excuses” I’ve just given you can all be overcome quite easily.
Legendary product creator, Jeff Walker, hits on this perfectly in his recent blog post entry.
The title of the post gives away the secret:
See Jeff Walker’s video blog entry
As Jeff reveals, the antidote to fear, procrastination and hesitation is to
- commit to taking the actions necessary to create your own products
- break your projects into achievable chunks
- set deadlines to complete each chunk
- set a deadline for the completion of your project
Something magical tends to happen when you set deadlines for yourself.
As you meet one deadline after another, almost without knowing it, you complete your project.
Don’t wait to be “inspired” to create your own projects.
Inspiration is not what makes it happen.
Taking action to meet one deadline after another will result in your completed projects.
Now that you know Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own Products, I’d like to hear if you are ready to schedule your first, or your next one.
Please leave me a comment below so can talk about it.
And do share this article with the people on your social sites who might like to know Why Most Bloggers Never Create Their Own Products, and how to overcome those obstacles.
Twitter: askdrho
October 30, 2016 at 7:14 pm #
I reflect on this post, and even on the title, and find I must evaluate where I stand on products and what trajectory I wish to take with them. Thank you for this insightful post.
Dr. Elise Cohen Ho recently posted..Enjoy Great Times at Laguna Canyon Winery
Twitter: mitch_m
October 20, 2016 at 12:38 am #
I’ve never let fear stop me from doing anything I wanted to do. So I have products; 1 self published book, 2 ebooks, a leadership seminar series, a manager training manual and an employee evaluation module. The thing that may hold us back is wondering just how good these things are when we go to sell them and they don’t sell all that well.
Some folks say we should create products that we believe people want to buy. The thing is, what if the product people want to buy is something about how to train dogs and you don’t know anything about dogs? Some other folks say we should pay someone else to create the products for us so we can put our names on them and sell them; I personally find that disingenuous and abhorrent.
Yet… I personally feel that whether or not the products sell all that well, just the creation of the product and the guts to put it out there increases ones bonafides by showing an expertise in something. It could lead to bigger and better things.
Thus, we have to believe enough in ourselves to create something. After that… the only promise is that you’ve done something that few others will actually do. 🙂
Mitch Mitchell recently posted..My End With Commission Junction – B&N And Franklin Covey’s Fault
Hi Mitch,
You said it! Indeed, we have to believe in ourselves and create a product that we know so well like second nature. One that works for us and have that feeling it will work for our friend. -Friend being others- That’s how I see it.
I also feel that way when it comes to affiliates….I can’t ever even write about one that wasn’t working for me.
When creating a product just for the sake of others it is like your analogy of not being a dog trainer and trying to train a dog.
Guess the saying people buy people come from the creation of products people make. They put themselves in it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Blog
Hi Louis,
It’s natural to fear something new.
With time and experience, confidence grows, and then it’s a matter of moving on to the next level.
I have a feeling you’ll be there sooner than you think 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Ways To Build A Massive Blog Following | Lessons From Jon Morrow
Twitter: brokenbarcode
October 14, 2016 at 1:09 am #
It’s true that most bloggers afraid to create products but is it necessary to create a product at all? Creating a product is defintiely something that I’m personally afriad of to do which definitely need improving on. Great post.
Louis recently posted..How To Build an Email List of Subscribers, Overnight? #3 List Building Strategies
Twitter: yonderwillow
October 8, 2016 at 10:42 am #
Hi Donna.
In my opinion, 3 of the “excuses” that you offered are really the best reasons to create the product. Doing the research and creating the product will give you the expertise, proof and knowledge that you seek. The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else.
As far as not having enough time, deadlines can be one solution. That one doesn’t work for me because it doesn’t change the amount of other things I have to do during the day with home schooling 2 kids in addition to my online business. What works for me is just making progress every day, even if it’s just 5 or 10 minutes. The trick is to make sure that you get something meaningful done on the project every day.
Ben recently posted..Why Water Is Important
Hi Ben,
We all work at different paces and with different goals in mind, of course.
I can tell you, though, that to complete a specific project i.e., product… nothing is more effective than a production schedule.
If you have 10 minutes a day, then schedule how much of your product can get completed in that time. Of course, it will take a long time to complete in that limited time, but the point is… know what you can do, how much time you can devote, map it out… the do it according to the schedule you’ve devised.
My experience, for myself and my clients, is that little gets accomplished unless you do this.
Thanks for your valuable input here. I appreciate it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Workspace Design For Bloggers
Twitter: trafficcrow
October 6, 2016 at 12:31 pm #
Creating a blog itself is a great thing that I could say. But most bloggers never create their own products it is due to their thoughts.
There are some of the reasons for the bloggers who never create their own products i.e is the lack of expertise , lack of experience etc..
Many people always think negatively so be a positive thinker. There is the word which I inspired of that is “IMPOSSIBLE”. Mostly every one of us read this word as such given above. But when we think in out of the box we can also read that as” I’m Possible” ( I can ).
Think what you learned from yourself and from others and try to think about it and implement it. So think about your next steps and build your product on your own and get success.
All information given is very useful for me and even for others to create our own products.
Thank you….
Sathish Arumugam recently posted..TCBI 04: Interview With Anil Agarwal From Bloggers Passion
Hi Sathish,
I really appreciate your thoughts on this topic.
It is true that many people don’t have the knowledge or tech skills to create their own product… but that is easily and quickly attained.
The biggest hold back is, as you say… they are convinced that it’s just “impossible”… beyond their reach.
It is not.
Thanks for your inspiration, here.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: 42A1avl
October 4, 2016 at 8:52 am #
Well you just told my story Donna.
I went through them all when I first started.
But I was committed to learning and that allowed me to gain more confidence.
You must stay focused on what you’re trying to do because there is so much to blogging.
The key is to never stop learning and keeping on trying regardless.
Hi Vernon,
That is so true…the key IS to never stop learning and keep trying. Blogging can take up so much of our time, but if we want to create a product, we have to spend more of our time and energy on that than we can on our blogs.
It can be done. Like anything else in life, once you try, confidence follows.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Workspace Design For Bloggers
Twitter: lisalisathom
September 28, 2016 at 7:07 pm #
Ah, yes…my next one. I must set a deadline to complete the editing. I’ve been distracted with legal matters and have put it on the back burner for far too long. I’m almost finished it, too. Thanks for this motivation, Donna. My website will be the perfect place to promote my new ebook and do some giveaways. I will definitely read that blog post that you mention. Thank you!!
lisa thomson recently posted..Who’s That Girl?
Hi Lisa,
With things like that going on in your life, it is difficult to keep up a steady routine. But because you are almost finished, I’m sure it will get done soon.
Happy to know I motivated you!
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Hi Donna,
I never had my own product in my blogs. I was fearing that someone might crack a joke about it, My products won’t be a worth for others, I don’t have enough knowledge to have one, such negative thought was overruling me until now.
Your reasons on why most bloggers do not create their own product, all I can say is, I am awaken now. A great post and surely I will start to create one right away….
Have a nice day…..
Ugyen Dorji recently posted..How to earn from Facebook.
Hi Ugyen,
I hear this time and time again. Never fear what someone else would say about you. That will hold you back. If you have knowledge about something…and I’m sure you do….you can put it into an ebook or digital product if you like.
Whatever you choose, go for it. It may not be great at first, but once you do it, the rest comes easy just like anything in life. It is like riding a bicycle. At first you wobble…fall, but then you master it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Hi Donna. Very true that having your own product is way better than being an affiliate for others. You’re doing all the hard work anyway, so why don’t you want 100% of the benefits, instead of 5 or 10%? The only thing I was searching for in this post, which I didn’t find, was about what kind of product options you have as a blogger. I did click-thru to the other post that talks about how to create your own product. I have a better idea now, but I would still like to see you write a post about what product options bloggers have as an online species. 🙂 Thanks again for bringing up such an interesting and relevant subject that will benefit all the bloggers who visit your site.
Anand recently posted..Interview with Sales Acceleration Expert Jeb Blount
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
September 27, 2016 at 4:26 pm #
Hi Donna,
I just created a blogging product in 4 days. I started it on Thursday. Finished it on Sunday. Proof read on Monday. Published today. It’s easy. Really easy. WHEN you set deadlines. If you don’t set deadlines you will suffer and struggle horribly to publish. Because your ego will list all self-sabotaging excuses which take/talk you out of creating a product.
Take it from a former pro in that department 😉
Now I get an idea and run with it, set deadlines and I ship.
126 eBooks.
2 products (Will create regularly going forward).
Just keep creating and deadline those products and you’ll let loose energy which lends itself to creating products. Because most of us have the energy thing down. We know how to create a product, and have the info, but just self-sabotage with piddly excuses.
Great advice Donna.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs (Blogging Course)
Hey Ryan,
I know from all those books you have written that you have set your deadlines well. You are organized and once you do one project, the rest comes easy doesn’t it?
We can sabotage ourselves with so many different excuses. We do have to toss them aside and roll up our sleeves and just do it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
September 27, 2016 at 2:39 pm #
Great post Donna!
I tend to put things off too and it’s one of the reaons that you listed here – not enough time. With my second eBook – I worked at night while everyone was asleep. It was the only way I was going to get it done. It was an experience to say the least. 🙂
I’m working on a new project that involves video. With the grandkids living with us, there is no quiet time. And now that I’m watching my mom in the mornings time is limited too. So, I decided to push back the date I had in mind to launch and told the hubs we need to stay in a hotel for the weekend so I can get them done. It’ll be a double treat – I get the videos done and I get to run away for a little while. 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
Cori Ramos recently posted..Make Money from Home: Work-from-Home and Blogger Jobs
Hi Cori,
I love to work when everyone is asleep. Even if all is quiet in the house, my mind goes elsewhere.
You do have so much on your plate right now between the grand kids and your mom. Time IS limited and it is find to push that date back.
Going to a hotel is a great idea!
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: AlmostPractical
September 27, 2016 at 2:17 pm #
Hi Donna,
You have me pegged.
Lots of good ideas but waiting for that one thing to get started.
One more reason to hold off is feeling like it’s already been done or looking like a copycat.
Thanks fir the kick in the pants. 😉
Hi Neena,
Never feel like a copycat. If you want to create something, you can guarantee it has been done before. But the difference is that you will do it in your own unique way thereby attracting people to you and your style.
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: mrsdeegee
September 27, 2016 at 10:35 am #
Hi Donna,
I love it.
I’m in harmony with the idea of creating your own products. I feel it’s a form of creative self-expression.
I’m currently working on one, but I’m always open to insights. I know all too well what the self-doubt can do, so it’s great you discussed it here.
As with my first book, and every new endeavor I’ve taken on…
I may have had no idea what I was doing, but I did it anyway 🙂
Dana recently posted..Navigating Through World Chaos
Hi Dana,
Good to know you loved it!
I am thrilled that you have done your book. Indeed, self doubt can be a killer. It can stop you from moving forward not only in business, but also in life….but you know that lol
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: enstinemuki
September 27, 2016 at 2:23 am #
Hey Donna,
This reminds me of a conversation I had in the past with one guy who had written quite a couple of beautiful and actionable blog posts. His problem simply was he never thought he could create a product.
He’s well trained and knows his thing. He started blogging by accident and when I spoke to him about putting up some training platform, it was like a huge spark of light into his mind.
Weeks after, I made him and found he had that issue of lack of proof. He had the fear people may not trust his product because he’s got no successful past online. Well, I simply told him there is always a moment to start something and if he doesn’t start now, he’s never going to have that successful past in the future.
I think it will be great for him to read this post so I’m going forward to send this link to him.
Thanks for another beautiful post. I hope the week is going good.
Enstine Muki recently posted..The Secret Path To $5000/m With 1000+ banners on 1 blog! Never talked about!
Hi Enstine,
You gave great advice… and a push off the edge of the cliff to your student.
Here and now, today… that’s where to start.
The worse that can happen is total failure which gives such a perfect basis for improvement and excellence.
Thanks for letting us in on this very strong advice and clear insight.
Twitter: AmarTemok
September 27, 2016 at 1:35 am #
Hey Donna,
I have been blogging as my main source of income for the past years. It has been a long hard slog but in the past years I have managed to launch successful blog after successful blog which have meant that I can quit the 9-5 and spend more time with my family & building a lifestyle I am happy with.
It’s worth bearing in mind that trust and familiarity are important in business and that people often choose to work with people they know, even if they’re not the best at what they do, purely because they know them. Eventually, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Hi Amar,
It is so great to hear that you quit that 9-5 and are doing so well that you can spend time with your family and have the lifestyle you wanted.
I love a good success story!
Indeed, trust is the most important thing in business. When we can achieve that the rest is easier.
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel
Twitter: marquitaherald
September 26, 2016 at 6:59 pm #
There is so much truth to this post Donna! Judging from the number of bloggers who struggle just to post regularly I can’t say I’m surprised that so many don’t get to the point of creating their own products. Time is an issue for us all, but of course, that always comes down to priorities.
I just finished creating several new motivational products for my online store. That project was originally much lower on my task list but I kept seeing sales come through for products I hadn’t even promoted and had no visibility on my website (duh!) so finally I set everything aside and finished the work. Today there are already sales for the new products. So that was a valuable lesson – this is something with growth potential so I’ve made a commitment to add at least two new products a week building up for the holiday season.
Marquita Herald recently posted..Reflections On Our Need For Approval
Hi Marquita..
What fantastic news and thanks for sharing that. I’m so happy that you have made the commitment to add at least two new products a week…building your online store especially for the holiday season.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
September 26, 2016 at 5:27 pm #
Well isn’t this a familiar tune Donna!LOL!
I guess there are any number of reasons why bloggers
don’t or won’t create their own products or services.
But I’m happy to report, my long awaited ebook is now
98% updated coach!
And I will definitely be forwarding you a copy to review
very shortly!
My editor -unfortunately- suffered a semi serious fall recently
and after recovering, I decided to add a few last minute changes again!LOL!
So once those new last minute changes are added! It’s a wrap!
But I can certainly relate to the hopefully, action inducing advice
you have shared here! Thanks!
Mark recently posted..Coaching: Three Potentially Profitable Reasons You Might Benefit From Some!
Hi Mark,
What wonderful news! An eBook can be used for many reasons from a lead magnet to the KLT factor to a best seller.
Indeed, send me a copy and I will look through it. Excited to see it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Proven Ways To Sell Services On Your Blog
Twitter: Virtual_Bren
September 26, 2016 at 9:56 am #
Woohoo!! Hey Donna!
I’ve been guilty of putting it off a bit, but have made it a goal for October for a new “thang” I’m putting together. Not matter how big or small the product, if we’re “creating” it’s good, right?
You’re always an inspiration and bring out the best in me. 😉
Happy Monday!
Bren Pace recently posted..5 Things I Absolutely Adore About Fall
Hi Bren,
So true, it doesn’t matter the size of the project, as long as you get it done in your own timeline.
It’s great to set a date. This way you become accountable. Can’t wait to see what you are up to.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: harleenas
September 26, 2016 at 9:27 am #
Hi Donna,
Happy Monday 🙂
You’re absolutely right about all that you mentioned! More than anything else, either it’s procrastination or uncalled for fears about the unknown. Talking about ourselves, we are nearly there as well, and in our case, it was the lack of time, due to several reasons, but yes, those shouldn’t stop you, though they sometimes do! Looking forward to completing ours very soon now!
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..16 Effective Tips on How to Reward Your Blog Readers
Hi Harleena,
It usually is the fear of the unknown. But sometimes it is credible like in your case with the lack of time. Or something tangible. We have to look into ourselves to find the truth.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: ravichahar27
September 26, 2016 at 8:56 am #
Hey Donna,
I agree with your point of view. When our clients say that they are going to do it later, it means never.
I have talked to a few bloggers asked me about starting their another blog with their real interest. But they delay it.
The product creation takes dedication, the deadline can work. It is dependent on the blogger.
Thanks for the motivation.
Ravi Chahar recently posted..How To Add Author Name And Date Under Post Title In WordPress?
Hi Ravi,
When someone says later…It usually means never. If one wants to develop a product, that comes first and foremost before a blog post, a social site or anything else.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: Lisapatb
September 26, 2016 at 6:42 am #
HI Donna, I’ve done two but really need to update that eBook and wanted to do it this year. I started to but never got back to it. I hope I can break it into chunks in the 3 remainding months of this year. I found it hard to do both, keep up blogging and writing eBook at same time. I should just give myself an extra 15 minutes a day to complete it. Thanks for the inspiration with this one Donna! Have a great day and last week of September.
Hi Lisa,
As we approach the last quarter of the year, I’m sure that if you put your mind to it, you will finish that ebook and it will be beneficial to many of us. Think of that…You Owe Us your knowledge 🙂
Put the ebook first on your list of your Daily Operations and I’m sure you will get it done and when you do…please let me know.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: ChrisDeeWaard
September 26, 2016 at 12:26 am #
Hi Donna,
You hit the nail on the head with this post.
I can honestly say that the first four reasons truly do pertain to me.
I am probably what some would call a “master procrastinator.” That’s always been a big part of my lack of success in many things.
I do believe that I don’t have enough expertise to be able to put a highly valuable product out there. Anything I would put out there, that I know, would pretty much just be a rehash of what’s already out there. That’s what I think, anyway.
I think a lot of the “proof” people think they need is just to keep from feeling like they are “faking it until they are making it”, which can be a valid reason. I know I can’t justify telling people to do something that has worked for others, when I haven’t tried it myself. We should be providing solutions based on our own experiences, to be fully honest with our readers.
I know I have knowledge, to an extent, but, again, it’s what I’ve learned from others and haven’t implemented a lot of it. I want people to know me as someone who isn’t just a parrot, repeating what I hear. That’s where really fine-tuning who I want to serve can help me to truly provide solutions to problems I have encountered, which I’m sure many others are struggling with now. I hope that makes sense.
I have plenty of time on my hands (not always a good thing), just not using it wisely.
Anyway, thanks for this eye-opening information. I’m sure many will learn from it, including myself.
Have a great week……Chris

Chris DeeWaard recently posted..Affiliate Marketing Basics
Hi Chris,
I know you well enough to say that if you put a product out there it would be wonderful. You have been around the block many times my friend and have experience.
All information out there is rehashed. But…it is the way we explain things that will help others. People can hear over and over again the basics of x. Some want the theology, some want to see dollars flying from the air with a big red car, others want it straight out. There are so many ways to explain to others any topic. Just look at your last blog post…I know it was basic, but I did have an AHA moment or two while I was there because it was the WAY you wrote it.
See what I mean? So stop procrastinating and if it is something that You want to do…just do it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: ChrisDeeWaard
September 26, 2016 at 1:04 pm #
Thanks Donna.
If I can give you an AHA moment, there’s still hope for me. Lol.
I know I try to avoid the fluff when I do write posts, even the story-based ones.
I’m thinking of taking one of my posts, and add more to it and put it out there as a training series. The post explain, in some detail, the basics, but the videos would show people how I do what I’m writing about.
The mental juices are flowing now. I’ll let you know what comes of it.
Talk soon…..Chris
Chris DeeWaard recently posted..Affiliate Marketing Basics
Hi Chris,
You don’t necessarily need the fluff or the story.
You have great information on your blog and if you take one of your posts and add more to it….put it out there as a training series, I see a winner!
Donna Merrill recently posted..35 Best Types Of Blog Posts To Get Free Traffic | Neil Patel