Pinterest is a great social media site for driving traffic to your blog, and into your business.
I don’t currently use Pinterest, but the more I hear about it, the more curious I am to try it.
Now, it makes perfect sense that it’s important to find your most popular pins on Pinterest.
After all, those are the ones that will drive your most traffic.
Those are the ones to concentrate on and share most aggressively.
The very fact that they are popular indicates what your followers are interested in.
That’s your biggest task online.
Find out what people want, and then give it to them 100 times over.
Special: FREE Guide… 4 Things I Did To Build My Blog Using Only Free Traffic
In this article, you’ll learn how to find your most popular pins on Pinterest.
My guest author for this training is Susan Velez.
She has a great blog that I highly recommend you visit.
Susan has been working hard on Pinterest for a while now, and has gained some keen insights that you can truly benefit from.
So, let me turn it over to Susan at this time.
How to Find Your Most Popular Pins on Pinterest
by Susan Velez
As bloggers, we all want traffic.
This means that we have to get off our blogs and learn how to drive traffic to our site.
In this tutorial, I am going to walk you through step-by-step on how to find your most popular pins on Pinterest.
Then I’ll show you what I do once I locate and find my popular pins.
Feel free to follow my strategies for your Pinterest marketing.
If you don’t think it’ll work for you, just use what you want and ignore the rest 🙂
Before I show you how to find your popular pins, you first need to make sure that you have Google Analytics installed.
If you’re trying to learn how to create a profitable blog, you need to learn which marketing methods are working and which ones aren’t.
Especially, if you’re planning on using Pinterest.
Google Analytics will help you improve your Pinterest marketing because you’ll be able to find which pins people are loving.
Yes, you can use the Pinterest Analytics.
However, I prefer using Google Analytics to help me find my popular pins.
My Pinterest Background
You’re probably thinking that I’ve been using Pinterest since it first started in 2009.
Well, the truth is that I’ve actually only been using it for about eight months.
However, for the first 6 months, I had no clue what I was doing.
All I did was set my pins up in an automated scheduler and I let them run.
I never took the time to dig deep into the platform and really learn it.
That is until about 2 months ago.
I finally decided that I needed to focus on just one social media platform and really learn it.
After all, you can’t learn how to really use a social media platform if all you do is just use an automated scheduler.
While I don’t consider myself a true Pinterest expert, I am learning more day by day.
As bloggers, most of us have to learn everything from scratch.
When we start our blogs, we don’t know anything about marketing, fixing errors on your blog, networking, video creation and etc.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed online.
It just means that you’re going to have to work harder than the people who already know how to do what you don’t.
If you don’t know how to do something, you have to keep practicing, that’s the only way you’ll ever get better.
Just ask my friend Ryan Biddulph.
He will tell you that the only way your writing will improve is if you learn how to write 1,000 words every day.
If you’ve considered getting started with guest posting, I recommend reading his 5 tips for successful guest posting.
Now that you have my disclaimer that I’m NOT a Pinterest expert, let me share one of the biggest tips I’ve learned.
How to Find Your Most Popular Pins on Pinterest
Once you’ve been pinning for a while, you’ll be able to start using Google Analytics to find out which pins are the most popular.
So let’s head on over to Google Analytics so I can show you how to find out this important information.
I like to set my custom date range for the last 30 days or longer.
Log into Your Google Analytics
Once you’re inside of your Analytics dashboard, you’ll want to head on over to Acquisition >> All Traffic >> Referrals >> Pinterest
You’ll want to ignore the very first result that shows /.
We’re just looking for our pins that are driving the traffic to our blog.
You’ll start to see your most popular pins under the first result.
I recommend checking out that pin by clicking on the little arrow beside the pin.
This will show you which pin it is.
Make sure that you grab that pin URL by highlighting it and pasting it into a notepad.
You’re going to want that URL for later.
Repeat This Process
I make it a point to go through and find my top 10 pins that are getting the most shares and repins.
Once you’ve taken the time to find the top 10 pins that are getting shared, it’s time to start promoting those pins on Pinterest.
How to Promote Your Most Popular Pins
I personally like to make a spreadsheet on Google Drive and keep track of my most popular pins.
After all, these are the pins that people have shown that they love.
They are the ones that are getting the most love on Pinterest.
It’s your job to keep that momentum going.
You need to keep putting these pins in front of your audience.
This is what I use Group Boards for.
I am currently a member of 10 group boards.
I’ve seen some bloggers say that they belong to 50 or more group boards.
If you’re completely new to group boards, here’s a great article that will explain them in depth.
It’s going to take some time to join group boards.
I know that it took me a long time to join the ones that I belong to.
The main thing is that you start reaching out and joining a few.
Should I Use A Scheduler?
I am a big fan of Tailwind and use it to help me automate my pinning.
There’s no way that I could write guest posts for Donna’s blog or focus on other promotional strategies if I spent all day pinning.
As you can see, Tailwind is set up and I have scheduled 26 pins today.
So yes, I recommend and use social media automation.
Now, I don’t let the scheduler pin everything.
I make it a point to schedule a few of my own pins and other people’s pins throughout the day.
I usually pin at night on my iPhone when I sit down to watch my Blue Bloods reruns on Netflix.
Should You Pin Manually?
I truly don’t know if pinning manually has helped me improve my blog traffic.
I can say that by logging into my Pinterest account on a daily basis, I was able to see that someone had stolen my pin.
If I hadn’t been logging into my account on a daily basis, I would have never found out about the stolen pin.
Keep Pinning Your Best Pins
While you don’t want to spam Pinterest or your Group Boards, you do want to keep getting your most popular pins out on Pinterest.
As you start paying better attention to your pins, you’ll start to notice that maybe 10-15 pins will be the ones bringing you the most traffic.
When I look at my popular pins, it’s sad to see that only a handful are the ones responsible for my blog growth.
Why weren’t all my pins successful?
- Maybe my pin wasn’t pretty enough?
- The image I used confused people?
- Maybe they didn’t like the font?
- The colors that I used for the font didn’t vibe with people?
- Maybe ____________ put your reason here.
I truly don’t know what it takes to create an awesome pin that people want to pin.
I’ve just been testing things out and seeing what works best.
As bloggers, that’s all we can do.
Test things out and see what works.
Once you find out what actually works, then you can run with it.
Create New Pins
Another thing that you can consider doing is creating some new pins based off of your popular pins.
As content marketers, we know the importance of piggybacking off of our popular posts.
Whenever we find a post that is already popular we write another blog post based on the same topic.
You should consider doing this for your popular pins.
They’ve already been proven to be successful.
Why not create another pin for it?
You could try changing up the keywords and see if the new pin can beat out the old pin.
I’ve found that there is tons of information related to Pinterest marketing.
The only thing you can do is get out there and test things for yourself.
It’s the only way that you’re going to find what actually works for you.
Unfortunately, there is no proven step by step system that you can follow to get the same results.
What works for me, may not necessarily work for you.
Give It Time
I know you’re probably thinking, how long does it take to see traffic from Pinterest?
I’ve been using the platform for about 8 months.
I’ve finally started seeing my Pinterest traffic pick up.
At times I felt like giving up because I figured what was the point.
I was pinning my content and other people’s content.
Yet, nothing, nada, no traffic just crickets.
However, I had heard so many bloggers talk about the power of Pinterest.
So I kept pinning without expecting anything in return.
While waiting for Pinterest traffic, I spent time commenting and guest posting.
After all, we all know how important it is to NOT put all your eggs in one basket.
It’s important to get blog traffic from more than one place.
Now, while I don’t get 100,000 page views per month, I have noticed that more of my pins are getting repinned.
I’ve even been approached by people to join their group boards.
Keep Pinning
Whatever you do, just keep pinning.
Be sure that you are pinning your most popular pins more often than you are your other content.
Always pin your new blog posts.
You never know if one of them will actually turn into one of your most popular pins on Pinterest.
Only time will tell.
Believe me, it does take time.
Don’t expect to pin something today and then start seeing a flood of traffic.
You might get lucky and have a pin go viral.
But that hasn’t been the case for me. Instead, I’ve experienced slow growth.
It does take a while to learn how to use Pinterest.
However, I do believe that it’s worth considering the fact that they’ve now crossed the 200th million active users.
If you can learn how to get your pins in front of just a fraction of those users, I have no doubt you’ll be sitting pretty 🙂
Learn More About Donna’s Popular Top Tier Coaching Program for Bloggers
Final Take Away
Learning how to grow on Pinterest is going to require you to get off your blog and get into the platform.
You can’t learn everything just by setting up your pins on an automated scheduler.
Spend time on the platform.
Find out what the popular pinners are doing and see if you can pick up some techniques.
Don’t be afraid to invest in your online business.
Sometimes it requires us to hire coaches or invest in products that can help cut our learning curve in half.
I’d rather spend money on my online education than spending years trying to figure out things on my own.
Let me know, are you using Pinterest for your blog?
If so what tips can you share with Donna’s readers?
Maybe I missed something that can help us improve our Pinterest marketing?
Please leave me a comment below, and share this article with your friends on your favorite social media sites.
About The Author
Susan Velez is helping new bloggers start, grow and monetize their passions through blogging.
She loves helping bloggers with the techie side of blogging.
Visit Susan on her blog (Susan Velez dot com) and follow her on Twitter @SusanWPTutorial.
Twitter: MosClement
May 10, 2018 at 8:31 am #
Hi Susan & Donna,
Being able to identify your popular pins on Pinterest is phenomenal. Because i will put you in a position to know the pins that resonates with your audience. Pinterest analytics works similarly to Google analytics. From the Acquisition tab you move forward and find you popular pins. The best part is that, you can recreate or repurpose your popular pins for more engagement.
Thanks for sharing, Susan. And thank you too, Donna for publishing.
Twitter: NaveenTemok
February 26, 2018 at 2:27 am #
Hi Susan and Donna,
Great article. Very useful tips on pins. Using google analytics to find the top pins is something that would not strike us easily! And you have given us tips on how to put it to good use.
This article also goes on to give some more great tips about pinning including how to automate it and make the most of the process. You have given very clear guidance about that platform.
Thanks for sharing these great tips with us. Have a great day!
I noob in pinterest.. this post really help me to learn lots of thin..thanks for sharing good article.
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 19, 2017 at 1:04 pm #
HI Elise,
I’ve actually been manually pinning some of my pins. Like you, I think it’s worth it and it gives you a chance to get familiar with the platform. After all, like you said, it’s impossible to really learn a platform if all you do is automated pinning.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..Black Friday Deals for Bloggers & Cyber Monday Deals Up to 50% Off
Twitter: askdrho
November 19, 2017 at 12:17 pm #
I think that manually pinning (in addition to automated) is helpful to building your Pinterest. This is true if for no other reason then you are usually interacting with the most recent pins and also something that may excite you differently then something you automated.
Elise Cohen Ho recently posted..Thanksgiving Traditions Are Important
Hi Elise,
I always think manual interaction is preferable to automated.
On Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook or anywhere else.
I understand people don’t have the time to do everything.
But I’m also convinced that spending more time personally and manually returns greater results in the long run than just auto-blasting a lot out there on the social channels.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Too Busy For Personal Growth?
Twitter: ravishingravism
November 18, 2017 at 7:47 am #
Hi Susan,
Pinterest is something that adds some severe number of traffic to my analytic report. I have been using it for a long time and I must say it is something that every blogger must use.
Thanks for sharing.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted..All You Need to Know Before Getting a Certification in Digital Marketing
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 19, 2017 at 1:02 pm #
Hi Gaurav,
Glad to hear that you’ve already been using it. I agree it’s a great platform for bloggers to invest some time learning.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..Black Friday Deals for Bloggers & Cyber Monday Deals Up to 50% Off
Hi Guarav,
I rarely hear of anybody who doesn’t rave about the traffic they get from Pinterest.
Not only that though.
Pinterest is such a powerful search engine in and of itself.
It has its own built-in community which is very active and passionate within the various niches.
Good strategy to pursue.
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Blogging Commitments Guaranteed To Boost Your Business
Twitter: ravichahar27
November 17, 2017 at 2:35 am #
Hey Susan,
It’s good to see you here.:)
I am not a Pinterest user so I never thought to find the popular pins. But I know many people who create their images just to get the higher pitch on Pinterest.
Using Google Analytics can be a great way to do so. I will definitely forward this. Glad to know more about this.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Enjoy your weekend.
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 19, 2017 at 1:01 pm #
HI Ravi,
Yeah, Google Analytics provides such a wealth of information.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..Black Friday Deals for Bloggers & Cyber Monday Deals Up to 50% Off
Hi Ravi,
There so many social platforms that you can use and Pinterest is only one of them.
But people are certainly having some wonderful results with it, so it’s worth checking out at some point.
I’m still on the sidelines myself, but I’m really getting inspired by what I’m seeing here.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Start Making Money With Your Blog
Twitter: Louise_Myers
November 16, 2017 at 12:08 pm #
Hey Susan,
Thanks for the link! Pinterest has so totally blown me away over the past year that I can barely force myself to spend time on other platforms. One million site sessions from Pinterest in a year! I totally encourage any online marketer to get on board.

Louise Myers recently posted..How To Explode Your Pinterest Reach With Tailwind Tribes
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 19, 2017 at 1:00 pm #
Hi Louise,
I am still trying to figure it out and like you said, it does take time to learn. That’s why I’ve made it the platform that I am investing most of my time into.
Glad to hear that you’re getting such great results.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..Black Friday Deals for Bloggers & Cyber Monday Deals Up to 50% Off
Hi Louise,
Great to see what wonderful results you’re having with Pinterest.
Keep up the good work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?
Twitter: wonderoftech
November 15, 2017 at 10:22 am #
Hi Susan, Thanks for showing us this. I am a huge fan of Pinterest and have been using it since nearly the beginning. When I went to Google Analytics I was surprised to discover that Pinterest was my #1 source for referral traffic, guiding over 50% of my referral traffic to The Wonder of Tech.
I knew how to check Pinterest analytics, but I never thought to check Google Analytics for my most popular pin. Thanks for sharing that.
One question, and perhaps I missed this in the article, you said, “save the URL because you will need it for later” but I missed where you said what to do with the URL. I tried adding it to the end of but that didn’t work.
Carolyn Nicander Mohr recently posted..Pros and Cons of the iPhone X – Is This the Best Phone for You?
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 16, 2017 at 8:36 am #
Hi Carolyn,
Once you find your popular pin, what you’ll want to do is share that same pin that you find inside of your Google Analytics. I’ll copy the pins I find inside of Google Analytics on a text document and keep sharing that same pin with the exact URL I found in my Analytics.
I’m not really sure if this makes a huge difference, but since that pin has been proven to be popular I make sure that I keep sharing that same pin at least once a week.
Hopefully, this answers your question and good luck with your Pinterest strategy.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..New Bloggers Struggle With These WordPress Mistakes
Hi Carolyn,
It is a good idea to keep repurposing popular pins.
After all, people always want to know what their readers and followers are most interested in.
Your popular pins pretty much tells you that doesn’t it?
I’d even say to take the theme of that popular pin and repurpose it.
Maybe make it the theme for a video or your next article on the topic.
Once you got a Hot Topic… run with it.
Pinterest Plus Google analytics is a great way to figure that out.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Be A Genuine Blogger Who People Love
Twitter: Lisapatb
November 14, 2017 at 8:37 pm #
Hi Susan, nice to see you here on Donna’s place 🙂
I have been using Pinterest since the beginning but here and there. I recently started using Tailwind and joined boards via it, love it! It’s already making a difference. I also used to just pin one pin to one board but now I am pinning a pin to several boards, is that A okay?
I also use ViralContentBee with Pinterest. It works with Twitter, FB and Google Plus as well.
Thanks for all these tips Susan. You are right, we have to learn by trial and error and those Google Analytics can always provide us a wealth of info.
Lisa Sicard recently posted..Twitter 280 Character Count is Now Here For All To Tweet Away
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 15, 2017 at 4:37 am #
Hi Lisa,
Yeah, it took me a while to join Group boards as well. Once I joined them I started noticing a difference as well. Yeah, it’s okay to pin the same pin to several boards.
Glad to hear that you’re using ViralContentBee to help you out with your social media platforms.
Yup, Google Analytics definitely provides us with a ton of information, we just have to keep testing things out.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..New Bloggers Struggle With These WordPress Mistakes
Hi Lisa,
As Susan said, you just have to keep trying things and see what works.
I don’t use Pinterest a lot myself but I know it’s a really great tool to get traffic.
And it’s really like a search engine on its own, much like YouTube is.
Seems like posting to multiple boards is an efficient way to get it done, so hey… make it happen 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Connect With Your Blog Audience
Twitter: hassaankhan
November 14, 2017 at 3:38 pm #
Hi Susan,
I’m one of those people who made their Pinterest account a while back but didn’t continue using it. Nowadays, I hear a lot of buzz around Pinterest, and I’m thinking about it again. Maybe, I need a better plan to pull this Pinterest thing off.
You’re right that it’s going to take some time to understand the platform. In the beginning, the same thing happened with Instagram – things were just not getting picked up. One day a randomly found a combination of hashtags that started attracting the eyeballs. Now, I’m very focused on Instagram.
I validate your point of trying things out and see what works for you.
Thank you for this guest post.
Hassaan Khan recently posted..Why a Winning Mindset Will Make You Successful
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 14, 2017 at 4:29 pm #
Hi Hassaan,
Glad to hear that you were finally able to figure out Instagram. I’ve personally found it easier for myself when I focus on just one platform at a time. I need to really get in there and learn it to understand it.
I haven’t made my way to Instagram yet, but I hear a lot about it.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..New Bloggers Struggle With These WordPress Mistakes
Hi Hassan,
I too was on Pinterest once but now focused on other platforms. With time constraint, I couldn’t pick up this particular learning curve at this time. This is why I had asked Susan to cover this issue. It is one I’m weak at myself and I want my readers to get the best of all the social sites they can.
Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Connect With Your Blog Audience
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
November 14, 2017 at 11:42 am #
Hi Susan,
Thanks much for the shout out 🙂
I am so much of a newbie Pinner, but totally vibe with the advice that ya gotta keep putting those Pins out there. This applies for so much of what I do online; if you keep Pinning, and promoting your products and services, and creating helpful content, and connecting, you will see success through so many online channels it will make your head spin.
Finding your popular Pins and spreading the word also plays to your strengths, which is a smart way to grow your presence online. Gary Vee was talking about this on LinkedIn recently. Many people work so hard on improving their weaknesses that they waste years, when they could have been playing to their strengths and succeeding more quickly. Where your attention and energy goes, grows.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..How To Get Blog Traffic: 11 Techniques
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 14, 2017 at 12:28 pm #
Hi Ryan,
Yup, you’re right, it just requires us to keep taking the same action day in and day out and stay consistent with it. Just like growing our blogs, it just takes time and it’s not going to happen overnight.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment on Donna’s blog.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..New Bloggers Struggle With These WordPress Mistakes
Hi Ryan,
I’m not on Pinterest because of time factors but that is why I invited Susan here. I want my readers to get a wide range of professional help and I personally am weak when it comes to Pinterest. Susan has written so well on this subject that I just had to invite her here.
Thank you Susan and Ryan,
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Connect With Your Blog Audience
Twitter: shantanusinha83
November 13, 2017 at 11:46 pm #
Hello Susan,
Good to see you here on Donna’s space 🙂
I know how you are engaged with high amount of traffic to your web site through Pinterest. Indeed one of the most effictive
social media platform when it comes about getting traffic to our web site or blogs.
Indeed working with Pinterest needs to be acted smartly so that it drives out the positive results to us.
Just keep on going with the automated scheduling is not going to help us all together.
Great to know about that Google analytics can be helpful in getting us the popular pins on Pinterest.
This is of such a great help as I have alwasy struggles with my Pinterest and this would help me in get going.
Thanks for the share.
Shantanu Sinha recently posted..Why use Twitter for marketing your small business
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 14, 2017 at 4:29 am #
Hi Shantanu,
I am actually still trying to figure out the ins and outs of Pinterest, it’s just one of the traffic sources that I am trying to learn. Just like everything else online, it just takes consistent practice.
Google Analytics is amazing of the information it provides us. You should definitely start using it to help you find your popular pins. Then get those pins out in front of people.
Eventually, you’ll start to see the traffic from your hard work.
Thanks for stopping by Donna’s blog and leaving a comment.
Hope you have a great day 🙂
Hi Shantanu,
Using Google Analytics surely helps when finding out what pins are working better than others. As Susan suggests: “You should definitely start using it to help find popular pins.”
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Connect With Your Blog Audience
Twitter: corirams
November 13, 2017 at 10:56 pm #
Hi Susan!
It’s so good to see you here on Donna’s blog!
Thanks for showing us how to find our popular pins. I had no idea I could do this – which goes to show I need to spend a little more time on Pinterest! 🙂
I love Tailwind – especially the tribes. As a matter of fact, I think we are in a couple of the same tribes. 🙂
Great post Susan! No doubt I’m passing this along!
Have a great night ladies!
Cori Ramos recently posted..Food Blogger Pro Open Enrollment Starts 11-14-17
Twitter: SusanWPTutorial
November 14, 2017 at 12:01 pm #
Hi Cori,
Thanks, I am glad to be here.
To tell you the truth, I had no clue about how to search for popular pins either. It wasn’t until I really started digging into Pinterest and really using it to help me grow my blog that I learned about it.
Yeah, Tailwind is awesome and I have seen you in some of the tribes.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by Donna’s blog and commenting and sharing, I appreciate you.
Have a great day 🙂
Susan Velez recently posted..New Bloggers Struggle With These WordPress Mistakes
Hi Cori,
I have to dig into Tailwind myself when I get back on the Pinterest boards. I appreciate you stopping by.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Connect With Your Blog Audience