Storytelling is an amazing strategy for bloggers to use.
I’m going to show you how to use storytelling in a way that can result in
- more customers and clients
- brand recognition
- evolution of your core message
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More customers and clients
You don’t use storytelling just because it’s interesting.
Yes, it will get the attention of your readers.
But there has to be a point to it.
Learn to use storytelling properly, and you can use it to pull more customers and clients into your business.
Now you should definitely make it a practice to use storytelling often in your blog posts.
Read the full article on Yoast…
How to use storytelling in a blog post
The stories can be about how a product, method, training course or whatever… created some kind of breakthrough moment in your life.
Or in your business, career, profession… you get the idea.
Make your story compelling, maybe even fun or entertaining.
But most of all, use it to let prospective customers and clients see that you are vulnerable, just like they are.
Yes, you’ve struggled with the same problems they do.
Solutions were available, but you couldn’t see them.
At some point, you had a breakthrough moment or experience that helped you solve your biggest problem.
That solution is available to your readers, too.
But they need to act on it.
They need to buy, join, sign up, hire you… or whatever other call-to-action you are using to pull more customers and clients into your business.
Brand recognition
Now, don’t misunderstand me, here.
Not every blog post or social media share should be spun into a call-to-action story.
In fact, only do that occasionally.
Otherwise your entire “brand” will become associated with sales pitches.
Nobody wants to just read your sales pitches every day.
People have problems, remember?
You want them to come to recognize your brand as providing solutions to those problems.
If your business is to help people buy their first home, then you want to give them great tips and information to help them do that.
Sometimes, you can use a story.
But that story doesn’t always have to be positioned as a sales pitch.
Just give them some good information…
- How best to use a home inspection
- The danger of variable rate mortgages
- What to expect at closing
These kinds of things help inform them.
If you can use a story to make your point, that’s great.
But the brand recognition you want is to be a solution to their problem (i.e., how do I buy my first house).
That’s first and foremost.
Using the 80-20 rule, make 80% of your stories purely informational.
Then 20% can be tied to a sales, like “use ABC company to do your first home inspection.”
My story
Here’s a little story I put on my blog a while back that really had no direct sales pitch, but helped me build my brand.

Evolution of your core message
To build a blog, a business and a brand… you need to have a core message.
That’s what distinguishes you from all the other bloggers in your niche.
Have you clearly defined your core message?
What do you want to be known for?
Another way to say it is this…
What is the first thing you want people to think about when they think of your blog, or see a link to it on social media?
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In the above example, you might want people to think “this is a blog where I can get help in buying my first home.”
Now, the same blog might do other things, too.
It might show you how to negotiate for a good mortgage.
Perhaps it tells you how to get buyers home title insurance.
But the core message, the core to your branding in the above example is… “I help first-time home buyers.”
Now to make that point real, you should develop stories to demonstrate how you can help.
And demonstrate exactly the kinds of problems you can help them solve.
Do a good job, and your stories could even go viral.
Read the full article on Jeff Bullas…
The Viral Power of Storytelling in Content Marketing
Going viral is the top level in the evolution of your core message.
That’s when you start reaching top-tier status with your blog.
Clearly, that’s the greatest power of storytelling for bloggers.
The power of storytelling for bloggers
Storytelling on your blog should be used for
- more customers and clients
- brand recognition
- evolution of your core message
It doesn’t really matter if you are a niche blogger, an e-commerce blogger, or someone who uses a blog to build a business or professional practice.
Storytelling is a powerful tool to develop.
So please, leave me a comment below.
Are you using storytelling on your blog?
I’d like to hear your story 🙂
PS: I would also greatly appreciate you sharing this article on your favorite social media sites.
Hi Donna, My friend and mentor Glenn Shepherd recommended I visit your blog, and I am so glad I did.
There is so much information, I now see where I was going wrong with my blog. I appreciate your work and information
and hope to emulate your success, one day!
Hello Donna,
Brilliant post not surprisingly. It is completely evident that a narrating is one of an extraordinary technique for a few bloggers. As we realize that numerous clients and perusers consistently lean toward the long narrating kind of substance, while utilizing the long narrating sort of substance give great favorable circumstances. As it assists with creating more leads, pull in and connects more perusers and crowds and increment the efficiency level.
Narrating is a fascinating procedure not just in light of the fact that it will give more customers and client however will likewise expands the brand mindfulness and brand acknowledgment. Embracing the tips will totally give great outcomes and advantages.
Extremely supportive post for bloggers and a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.
Twitter: Lori10572LSW
March 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm #
This is a great article and teaches us how to research and use the appropriate ways to tell a story in a blog. This is one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your work !
Lori English, MSW, LSW
Hey Donna Merrill,
Great post. Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks (storytelling) for bloggers. I am a begineer in these topics but to be honest I got a very useful ideas through which we can captivate our viewers and readers. Keep up the good work. All your hardwork is much appreciated.
Twitter: MosClement
February 1, 2020 at 5:46 am #
Hi Donna,
In some of my posts, and on my blog, I have always hinted at the need to utilize storytelling. Stories are so compelling because they can move the reader to accept things he would not have otherwise. An incredible story captivates the reader enables you to keep him long enough on your page. This can result in quality lead and paying customers.
Moss Clement recently posted.. How to Write a Blog Post That Goes Viral In 9 Easy Steps
Twitter: Lisapatb
January 23, 2020 at 5:51 am #
Hi Donna, I’m not using as often or as in depth as I should be. I am thinking about one as an example of what I’ve done for a client. I’m trying to decide whether or not to mention the client in it to give them recognition etc for it.
They probably would be okay with it and I’ll ask before doing. I may start on that day after reading this post. See Donna, you have INSPIRED me! Thank you and I hope you are doing well. Hope to see you this winter!
Lisa Sicard recently posted..Creative Keyword Research- How to Find New and Exciting Topics to Write About (Easily)
Hi Donna. I first came across the concept of Storytelling from a training from David Sharpe and it said something that strike me. He said “Never tell a story without a message and never tell a message without a story. It’s a striking realization for me because looking at it, stories has a message embed in it and it always make the message stick and relatable. Thanks for sharing because story indeed helps one evolve his/her core message.
Twitter: mahomudulrubel
January 20, 2020 at 4:25 am #
The story is a magnetic way to powerup any blog writing. But Story Works best when it comes to selling. If you tell an effective story that relevant to your products, It works very wonderfully.
Thanks, Donna for your massive value
Twitter: ravishingravism
January 18, 2020 at 11:08 am #
Hi Donna,
Storytelling is the art that one can learn with practice and patience. The art of delivering the message in the form of an interactive story can make a huge difference.
To become a great storyteller, one should also develop the habit of reading. the more you read the more you learn.
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Twitter: guestcrewstaff
January 16, 2020 at 6:25 am #
Hey Donna Mam,
Excellent post as usual. It is absolutely true that a storytelling is one of a great strategy for several bloggers. As we know that many users and readers always prefer the long storytelling type of content, whereas using the long storytelling type of content provide good advantages. As it helps to generate more leads, attract and engages more readers and audiences and increase the productivity level.
Storytelling is an interesting strategy not only because it will provide more clients and customer but will also increases the brand awareness and brand recognition. Adopting the tips will absolutely provide good results and benefits.
Really helpful post for bloggers and thanks for sharing.
Aadarsh Roy recently posted.. 101 Experts Share their Top Link Building Techniques
Twitter: marquitaherald
January 15, 2020 at 4:49 pm #
I use storytelling quite a bit, particularly in my cornerstone posts and reference library. The story you shared about your experience with the Law of Attraction was great Donna – though I’m sorry about your injury! The funny thing is that old saying, “Be careful what you wish for!” has always been one of my favorites. Thanks for the great advice and examples. As always, you inspire me.
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