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How much time should it take you to write a blog post

time to write a blog postOne of the biggest concerns among my blogging students is time.

“How much time should it take you to write a blog post?” they want to know.

So, I usually answer their question with another… “How long is it taking you now?”

I get a wide range of answers.

Anything from 30 minutes to a week, or even more!

It’s very important to have a clear notion of the time it takes you to write a blog post.

Blogging is a business.

It’s your business.

Maybe it’s your full-time, all-in business.

Or, sometimes, it’s only part of your online business.

For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, and have a website promoting your services.

You may very well have a section of your website dedicated to your blog.

That’s where you post information articles about graphic design.

In either case, it’s important to know how much time it takes you to write a blog post.

Once you’ve figured that out, you can allocate a specific block of time each day or week toward the creative aspect of your business.

master the business of bloggingThat means, of course, the actual writing and composing of your blog posts.

Types of blog posts

Mini blog posts

I will estimate that a mini blog post (up to 1500 words) will take about 2 to 3 hours to write.

These are rather short, punchy, simple articles.

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You should be able to write these pretty quickly.

So if you are blogging every day, or several times a week, you’ll probably be writing a lot of these.

Regular blog posts

I call 1500 to 3000 words a regular blog post.

That’s because this is probably the most common length for blog posts.

They should take you 4 to 8 hours to write and process.

Pillar Posts

Pillar posts are long-form articles that can be anything over 3000 words.

And they will typically take you at least 8 hours to produce, or even more depending on the length of your article.

A pillar post is usually a very thorough treatment of your topic.

They try to be a “complete guide,” or “all you need to know” about your topic.

So they require a lot of work, research, and periodic updating.

What kind of posts do you have time to write?

Bloggers are rightfully concerned that they just won’t have enough time to write blog posts according to the schedule they set.

This is an important concern.

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If you just randomly choose to write a blog post every day, you might soon find that you simply don’t have the time necessary to stick with that publication schedule.

I often find that bloggers who bite off more than they can chew, are the first to nosedive in their business.

They are the ones that usually roll up the carpet and leave blogging altogether.

At least, that’s what my experience with my blogging students has taught me.

Writing for ranking

I’ve also found that bloggers, both experienced and newbie, get easily caught up in trying to keep posting long-form pillar posts of one sort or another.

Anyone that’s been around blogging for a while has heard, repeatedly, that long blog posts of 3,000 to even 10,000 words or more, are the key to high Google ranking.

Now, that may be true.

But I certainly don’t teach my students to focus on Google or Bing or any other search engine.

Do you need Google to get people to your blog

Your focus should be on giving good value to your readers.

And frankly, many readers prefer short blog posts.

The time factor

I think the most important thing to consider when mapping out your blogging schedule, is the time factor.

Incredible pillar posts that are throughly researched and developed are wonderful.

Using amazing graphics and even video is a real bonus.

And linking out to authority sources is something that can really help improve your reader’s experience.

But that all takes a lot of time.

Most of the top bloggers you are trying to compete with (usually for Google ranking), don’t do this all alone.

They have a team.

It includes researchers, writers, graphic designers, videographers, marketers and others.

So sure, they can put together fabulous long-form content rapidly and consistently.

And they do.

But can you?

Do you have a team, or are you blogging as a solopreneur?

Most of the bloggers I coach are solopreneurs.

That means, the time factor is critical.

take to write a blog post

Above image from Knowledge Enthusiast, where you can read Matthew Royse’s article:
How long should it take to write a blog post?

If it takes weeks to put together a pillar post, how often can you do that?

You must figure out how much time it will take you to produce mini, regular or long-form blog posts.

Then decide how much time you can actually afford to spend on your blogging business.

Don’t just decide on a blog content schedule you will stick to, until you have a very clear notion of how much time you can realistically commit to.

How to get the time to write your blog post

It clearly takes a lot of time to write blog posts consistently.

Especially if you are writing high quality blog posts… and I hope you are.


You settle on a schedule that you think you can stick with.

Now, you have to figure out how to create the time for it.

Here’s a few ways you can create some time.

Have a strict production schedule

Almost always, people who don’t have enough time to write blog posts, don’t have a production schedule for writing.

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That almost always results in feeling crushed by the realization that it takes so much time.

But how much time does it take?

If you broke down a 2,000 word blog post into time chunks, you could probably write it in four to eight 15 minute chunks.

That total 1 to 2 hours, depending on your topic and speed of writing.

Now if you figure it would take you 2 hours, for example… you have to set aside a 2 hour slot for writing your blog post.

But that could be tough to do if you have a lot on your plate.

Even more, it could pose a mental challenge to have to sit and write for 2 hours.

So you’d probably keep procrastinating.

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If you’re writing one blog post a week, it’s easy to put off the task of writing.

Maybe tomorrow.

Or the next day.

Until you get to the time when it MUST get done to keep on schedule.

If feels right, then it is

So even though you may have plenty of time to write your blog post within a 7 day period, it never seems like the RIGHT time.

It feels like it’s just so hard to do.

It feels like it takes so much time to write a blog post.

But if you worked on it for just two 15 minute chunks a day, you’d have the whole thing written in at least four days.

That feels a lot better.

And when it feels better, you’ll work more efficiently.

Prosperity Mindset

Then it really will start taking less time to write your blog posts.

Here’s why.

You have far more intense, focused energy when you work for a 15 minute chunk than a grueling, 2 hour segment.

Over a 2 hour time period, your mind wanders, you get interrupted, and you will probably get bored and tired.

It’s only human.

Sure, you can tough it out.

But you’ll be far less productive when you’re fighting with yourself to stay on top of your game.

So it really will take less time to write your blog post when you work in small chunks

And the quality of your work product will be so much better.

Work at specific times of the day

Another way to control the time it should take you to write a blog post is to carefully pick the times you write.

The best time of the day to do creative work like writing is usually early.

So if you are going to work two 15 minute chunks on a given day, I would suggest you do something like your first one at 9 A.M. and your second at 10 A.M.

If you were going to do four chunks, I’d say to do one each at something like 8, 9, 10 and 11 o’clock in the morning.

Now, you might think that you’d like to spread them out.

One in the morning and one in the evening, for instance.

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I like to keep my writing chunks relatively close in time.

For two reasons.

First, as I said already, it’s best to do creative work early in the day when you’re sharpest and still energetic.

By the time you get to mid-afternoon and evening, your focus will typically be slacking because you’re tired.

Now, this depends on you, of course.

But I always recommend you work your hardest in the earliest part of the day.

The second reason to keep the chunks close together is that your mind gets in a groove.

By putting your writing chunks close together, you will easily remember where you left off, and what you wanted to add to your article.

With too much time lapse, you’ll have to spend extra time and energy just refreshing your memory on what points you were trying to make.

So things flow better by keeping your work segments close together.

A good flow of energy and ideas will always reduce the time you take to write a blog post.

How much time should it take you to write a blog post?

It should take you as much time as needed to write a valuable blog post.

If you’re just duct-taping stuff together in order to meet your publication deadline, then you’re missing the point.

You need to focus on delivering value.

Value means anything that will benefit your readers.

Not anything that will benefit you.

You might have a goal to kick out a certain amount of content with specific regularity.

When you hit the “publish” button, that may help you stay on track.

But if your article isn’t helpful or valuable to your readers, then stop!

Rework it until it is.

Forget your schedule and time-clock.

Because really, you need to focus purely on delivering quality content.

Not on trying to get a lot of production in the least time possible.

Top Tier Coaching

So what do you think?

Leave me a comment below.

How much time do you think it should take to write a blog post?

In answering that question, be mindful of these things.

Are you focused on delivering quality?

And have you learned how to do that within your personal time limitations?

Have you worked out a good routine for getting high quality blog posts completed on schedule?

Finally, how much time does it take you to write a blog post?


PS: Please share this article on your favorite social media sites.

I greatly appreciate it 🙂

Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

12 Responses to How much time should it take you to write a blog post

  1. Sumit Sao
    June 24, 2021 at 11:03 pm #

    Hello Donna,

    It takes me around 3-4 days to publish a 4,000+ words article.

    1st day: I select a topic and do keyword research to find some good long-tail keywords.
    2nd day: I do my research on top 10 ranking articles and try to build a better article outline.
    3rd day: I write my article in Google Docs and then I optimize my article for important TF-IDF terms using Frase.
    4th day: I collect all the screenshots and publish the article.

    Thanks for sharing some helpful tips like working at specific times of a day. I’ll try it.

    TWEETED this amazing guide.

    Sumit Sao

    Sumit Sao recently posted.. How to Start and Scale an eCommerce Business using Fiverr

  2. Ash
    April 19, 2021 at 1:02 pm #

    Hey Donna,

    How have you been?

    It takes me anywhere from an hour to 4 hours (depending on the size and how I intend to structure it)

    — adding images, videos obviously takes more time.
    — adding links (in and out) takes time
    — now I started using anchor links for extra long posts (3000-5000 words) and that takes time.

    But it takes forever to promote these posts though ?

    Ash recently posted..What Is The Best Landing Page Software (2021)?My Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      April 22, 2021 at 10:18 am #

      Hi Ash,

      Nice to see you here.

      It does take time to construct a blog post. And especially when we add links and images. When it is all done and we push that publish button our work is not over. We have to promote our latest blog post on social media channels. Moreover the very best way to get your blog recognized is by visiting other bloggers like you have done here, give a good comment like you did and reciprocity kicks in. I just came off of your blog post and it was quite interesting. I tweeted it out to my crowd and it sure will peek some interest.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Easy ways to teach an online courseMy Profile

      • Ash
        April 22, 2021 at 10:27 am #

        Hi Donna,

        Thank you for the reply 🙂 I know how busy you can be as well.

        The work never ends, this much I know. I just do what I got to do. My issue is that I also have to write for clients (for now, until I find my way out if it) — so that takes up almost all day. Writing 3 posts per week for myself is extra work (but I just treat myself like another client who barely pays).

        I know. Reciprocity is good. I actually learned that from you a long time ago (I am also on your email list, so I keep learning from you). Of course, Ryan’s inputs keep helping me as well.

        Ash recently posted..Video Marketing: How To Make The Most of ItMy Profile

  3. Gaurav Kumar
    April 19, 2021 at 12:29 pm #

    Hi Donna,

    I never rush to write articles. It takes time. The total time depends upon the topic, research work and competition analysis. There are times when I write a post within 30 minutes and there are posts that took me more than 18 hours.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Gaurav Kumar recently posted..Latest Technology Continues to Grow in the Betting SectorMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      April 22, 2021 at 10:20 am #

      Hi Gaurav,

      I know, there are some blog posts that will take some time to put together, especially if we need to do some research. Otherwise, there are times when our fingers are busy with the keyboard and we fly through. It’s all part of our blogging journey.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Easy ways to teach an online courseMy Profile

  4. Lisa Sicard
    April 18, 2021 at 11:45 pm #

    Hi Donna, Interesting as some posts do take a lot longer than others. I think the ones where I need to make a lot of screen shares (for how-tos) tend to take a little longer than most blog posts. Others I sometimes add video within them.
    I like the idea of breaking up the time into blocks. Something I need to try more often as I procrastinate writing the longer ones. Thanks for the tips Donna.
    Lisa Sicard recently posted..The Race to Post, Comment and Share To Success of Your BlogMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      April 22, 2021 at 10:22 am #

      Hi Lisa,

      Indeed, when I put in screen shares and other links, it is more time consuming. But it is well needed especially if we are doing a how-to post.
      Glad you like the idea of breaking up the time into blocks. I had to do that myself otherwise I get lost in the process and tend to waste time.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Easy ways to teach an online courseMy Profile

  5. Erika Mohssen-Beyk
    April 17, 2021 at 7:51 am #

    Hi Donna,
    you give good advice and outline how to work for people who start blogging or do it for business. For me, it was always difficult to start in the morning with writing. Usually, I do this when I am inspired and most of the time later in the evening. I am a night owl 🙂 I think it works best and with less time if we are inspired and passionate about the subject. of the post. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes days. But people are different and your post gives good suggestions on how to accomplish writing in a limited time and give value to the readers.
    Thank you

    • Donna Merrill
      April 22, 2021 at 10:25 am #

      Hi Erika,

      Inspiration can come and go, so when I get inspired I will sketch out an idea and then leave it alone until I can get back to it and make a blog post out of that idea. I used to rely on inspiration, but had to add discipline to my blogging journey.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Easy ways to teach an online courseMy Profile

  6. Nate Leung
    April 15, 2021 at 9:04 pm #

    Hi Donna!

    I think it all depends on what we are trying to accomplish.

    Back in the days, where I used to blog almost daily, I would write for hours.

    Nowadays since most of my work has paid off, I just allow the blog posts to do most of the heavy lifting for me.

    Now a day, I have moments and seasons in my life where I write when I am inspired.

    When I am inspired, it doesn’t feel forced and the writing happens organically.
    Nate Leung recently posted..Becoming Wealthy – The Slow And Steady WayMy Profile

    • Donna Merrill
      April 22, 2021 at 10:50 am #

      Hi Nate,

      When inspired writing does happen organically. Wow..you used to write one blog post a day? That’s a lot to keep up with. I get so many ideas, jot them down, and then go back to write a blog post. All of which inspire me. I love blogging but I only have time to do so once a week. The other part of my day is all about marketing and taking care of clients.

      Donna Merrill recently posted..Do your online prospects trust you?My Profile

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