Bloggers find their passion in various ways.
You may have heard it said that unless you blog about something you are passionate about, you will likely fail.
That may be so.
But you don’t always have to know what you’re passionate about from the moment you decide to start blogging.
In fact, the majority of bloggers start blogging to make money.
Either they look to make money directly from their blog, or they blog in order to attract people to their business or profession.
In those cases, their real passion is profit.
So you might say that they don’t blog for passion, they blog for profit.
But many bloggers actually find their passion only after they’ve been blogging for a while.
This is true even if they only started blogging for profit at the outset, with no regard to their passion.
So how do bloggers find their passion?
This is an important thing for you to consider.
That’s because you are not very likely to be a successful blogger until you find your own unique, personal passion.
Blog about what you do
Writers are told to write about their own lives, not some abstract imagined life.
Well, that’s pretty much the truth for bloggers, too.
Blog about what you do, not what you intend to do.
So the first place bloggers find their passion is by looking at what they are doing.
How do you spend your time?
And even more importantly, how do you spend your leisure time?
You see, what you are doing right now with your time is an excellent indication that your passion lies there.
The reason it’s especially crucial to examine your leisure time activities is that leisure time is almost always spent in doing things you enjoy doing.
If you hate fishing, for instance, you’re not likely to look forward to a leisurely weekend of fishing.
But if you love fishing, then you might very well look forward to doing just that.
When you carefully examine what things you actually spend your time doing, without being forced or obligated to, you’ll start seeing the things you have a natural attraction to.
And that’s exactly where bloggers find their passion.
Don’t worry about profit
Now, even though you may want to make money blogging, don’t think that’s where you’ll find your passion.
You may think of your passion as being making money.
But really, you can make money doing just about anything.
The key is to look for profit blogging about something you’re really passionate about.
Profit is just a result you’re looking for.
But blogging is not just about results.
Forget about profit for now.
Don’t even think about it.
A good place to start looking for your true passion is by considering this.
What would you blog about if you were giving absolutely no thought to profit or income?
Don’t concern yourself with results or anticipated rewards from blogging.
Consider only what topics you find fascinating and rewarding, just because you had great interest in them.
Those are the kinds of topics that will lead you to your true passion.
Defy failure
When bloggers find their passion, failure is hardly even a passing thought.
Are you afraid of your blog failing?
Or do you get most of you motivation from your desire to succeed?
If either of these things define your blogging efforts, then you probably have not yet found your passion.
When bloggers are highly passionate about what they are doing, they give little regard to either failure or success.
If you’re truly passionate, then you’re perfectly willing to fail.
As a result, you strip failure of it’s power over you.
You don’t struggle to overcome it.
And you don’t give in to it.
You simply defy it, thus rendering it meaningless.
The fact is, failure is inevitable.
Just know it will happen, accept it, and move beyond it when it does.
Bloggers find their passion when they stay focused only on that, and ignore everything else, including failure.
Stay on track
If you are really pursuing your passion, you will be able to stay on track.
Your energy, enthusiasm and efforts will all be aligned with your single passion.
That’s how you maintain focus
Don’t allow yourself to give in to diversions of any kind.
Something better
You will recognize your passion by the way you deal with distractions.
Bloggers who have not yet found their passion, will easily get off track.
They will pursue many paths that seem like a “better way.”
But bloggers find their passion when they stop pursuing distractions, even if they seem better at the moment.
Have you ever gotten off track to pursue things that steer you away from your passion?
Perhaps you’ve gone after something you thought could make you more money, or deliver more traffic to your blog, or help you build a big social media following or email list.
These are all distractions that keep you from finding your true passion.
Something easier
Another common diversion is to look for shortcuts to success.
It may seem like it’s a lot of work, for instance, to connect with other bloggers.
You have to reply to their comments on your blog.
Then you need to go to their blogs, read their articles and leave comments of your own.
It’s important to do some social sharing of other blogger’s articles.
But all this takes time.
Yes, it’s tempting, for instance, to just grab a cool social media sharing tool.
Set it up so your sharing is done automatically and you can pretty much forget about it.
But it’s not nearly as effective as when you are involved directly in conversations about those articles.
Sure, it takes longer, but when you find your passion in blogging, you won’t mind the extra effort and time.
It’s when you haven’t yet found that passion that it seems burdensome and overwhelming to keep up with.
Expend tireless effort
Bloggers find their passion mostly by working tirelessly.
You have only so much energy and time to put into your blogging business.
If you spend half of it worrying about failure, looking for shortcuts and easy ways out… that only leaves you half that amount to dedicate to blogging.
If all you ever think about is how to make money blogging, or how much profit you did or did not earn last month, last quarter or last year… you’ll have little gas left in the tank to get you over the next hill in your business.
Here’s the thing.
To be honest, you need to give all your effort all the time.
You need to find your passion, not just about your niche, but also about your entire blogging business.
And you need to persevere through the ups and downs, expending all your effort on doing the work of blogging.
That means writing, researching and promoting.
Until you find your passion, blogging may just be too complex, time consuming and difficult for you to grasp.
But when you do find your passion, your work will be exciting, satisfying and seemingly effortless.
Finding, or not finding your passion blogging, makes all the difference in the world.
How bloggers find their passion
Bloggers find their passion in various ways.
They do it by looking beyond the results they may desire, like profit and success.
Instead, they stay focused on turning out an excellent product in the form of the blog posts they publish.
They find their passion by maintaining a healthy and positive mindset, and avoiding defeatism and overwhelm.
And they constantly move forward with their task at hand, giving little regard to possible failures.
They don’t give in to temptations like shortcuts and easy ways around the difficulties and challenges they will inevitably encounter along the way.
When bloggers find their passion, they look forward to every task and challenge because their work truly becomes a labor of love.
Now, I’d like to hear from you.
What is your blogging passion?
Have you found it?
Or are you still searching for it?
And how do you believe that bloggers are most likely to find their passion?
PS: Don’t forget to share this article on your favorite social sites. Much thanks 🙂
I began with the express goal of determining what was in it for myself. How can I monetize my blog? Instead, a blogger should concentrate on what he or she is offering to the audience and how they are finding the information beneficial. I believe that a shift in thinking and emphasis will lead to passion, which will go a long way.
Twitter: brpraveen
September 28, 2022 at 12:52 pm #
Hi Donna,
I started off with the sole intention of what is in it for me? How do I make money from my blog? Instead a blogger should focus on what is he/she contributing to the audience, how are they finding the content useful. I think a shift in thinking and focus will lead into passion and that goes a long way.
Praveen Rajarao recently posted..How To Clean A Coffee Maker With Baking Soda
Twitter: fetchprofits
September 19, 2022 at 9:55 pm #
You won’t believe why I even started a blog in the first place.
I started out as a freelancer, created an agency (ran it for a while), and then fell back to being a freelancer. For all of that time, I wanted to blog because I wanted to practice what I preach as clients ask, “why bother with blogging for a business? We are not a magazine or an online publication. We are a business”
I started a blog to prove them otherwise, as a proof of work, and also as proof that blogging is indeed profitable.
It’s incredibly hard to keep that passion alive, to keep going when the whole world seems to have gone to….[Insert issues here].
But you are right.
Ryan is right. “Not worrying about turning a profit…” and “when you love the process, the outcomes take care of themselves”.
Ash recently posted..Payhip Vs Podia: The Hard Comparison, That’ll Remain Hard Forever
Twitter: imblog101
September 14, 2022 at 7:05 pm #
Hii Donna!
I totally agree with you. One of the best ways I’ve found what I’m passionate about is by trying everything. Now, I’m not suggesting to be all over the place, but that’s just my experience. I feel like sometimes you go out of your comfort zone and do things you’ve never done before to learn what you’ll be passionate about. Life is a never ending discovery journey. I have built blogs in different niches, from memory improvement tips to car battery tips, and eventually I’ve learned what type of content I like to create and blog about. It does take passion to build a successful blog, that’s for sure.
Thanks for the great content Donna!
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
September 14, 2022 at 6:33 pm #
Not worrying about turning a profit keeps you focused on the process. When you love the process you trust that outcomes take care of themselves. This is why blogging your passion is beyond key. Passion fuels bloggers for a long haul journey. Excellent points Donna.