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- and remember… please “whitelist” me in your email settings to be sure you’ll get my emails. Basically, that means adding me as a “contact”. If you need any help with that, just ask me.
- if you don’t see the email from me (“Donna Merrill”), check your spam box (sometimes the first email you get from somebody goes there)
- Let’s Do It!
… and this, from the “Desk of Donna”… lol
Thank you for joining me in my latest adventure!
We’re going to have some fun, so keep your eye out for my emails. In fact, my first one has already arrived at your inbox.
Make sure to open it right away.
You will see “SPECIAL THANK YOU From Donna” in the subject field.
Just give David that code when you schedule your next reading to get your discount.
Be sure to call me if you have any issues with any of this.
Thanks for joining me in my “Psychic Inner Circle”.
It’s going to be fun!
Dedicated To Your Personal Growth & Development,
Mind over Matter