This post was most recently updated on July 30th, 2016
You’re about to discover why you must make “the shift” in marketing. First, though, I want to take this time to introduce my friend and colleague Don Purdum. He has written a wonderful book called “The Shift” and when I read it I was so excited to share it with you, my friends and readers. So the best way I could think of doing it was to invite Don here, and to let him tell you more about it in his own words.
Take it away, Don…
I want to take a second to thank Donna for reaching out and asking me to share my views on a topic near and dear to my heart!
Donna is an inspiration and a blessing to me and I consider it a great privilege to count her a friend!
What is the number one reason your business is not getting views, prospects and sales on your website or social media?
Is it because the technology is failing you or because you are failing the technology?
Just a few days I was talking with a business owner named Joe who has a profitable business but none of his business is coming from the internet and he can’t understand why.
He has a website and all of the social media pages that many businesses have.
“Don, I know I have a great business but I can’t think of one person who has contacted me or bought from me that said they saw my website.”
When I looked at his website I was stunned. Here is a very successful person who has grown a great business. But after some probing I figured why he was so successful.
Those who do business with him absolutely love him and the culture his business has created. People freely share his business with family and friends. He has a word-of-mouth machine!!!
That is awesome! That’s the way it should be.
But, he knows it’s not enough if he wants to really grow, scale and be in a position to work regularly “on” his business instead of “in” his business.
That led to another thought.
If Joe is So Successful Offline, What’s Holding Him Back Online?
Just glancing at his website it was clear that Joe had fallen into the trap that 90% of business owners and marketers fall into.
His website says nothing, means nothing and helps no one. It’s boring, plain, and uninspiring.
His business has been positioned just opposite of what it is offline.
Offline his business is fun, entertaining, and has a culture and people loving Joe!
But online no one knows who Joe is and no one cares.
His business has been positioned as a commodity and commodities are only bought and sold based on how much in demand they are. Once demand has been established then you talk about price.
If you’re going to make money online you are going to have to figure out how to get out of being a commodity based business that relies on a commodity based provider to help you make money.
My definition of a commodity is simple: If someone buys a product or service from one company and that same product or service can be bought from another without the consumer being able to tell the difference in result, experience or quality… then, it’s a commodity.
Commoditization occurs as a product, service, or industry loses differentiation in the eyes of the consumer.
If and when people arrive at Joe’s website, it doesn’t look any different or say anything different than anyone else’s.
Why is Joe’s Website Positioning His Business as a Commodity?
The absolute biggest reason is because Joe has never done the hard work of learning how to distinguish his business as unique, relevant or inspiring.
More on that in a moment.
Business owners and entrepreneurs are not trained in marketing.
They may have a skill or training in an area that allows them to create a business that fills a need or offers a service; but they are not trained in marketing.
Marketing is the life blood of every company. Without it we will never get a sale (let alone sales) and we don’t get a sale when have nothing to offer.
It’s that simple.
Business isn’t hard; but it is demanding and there is a lot to continually learn.
Business owners value sales but I’m not sure they value perfecting their craft as business owners. This is the most important thing you will do in business next to sales.
If you don’t create the opportunity to sell something as we established you will either own a hobby or go bankrupt building a hobby.
If someone who doesn’t know Joe visits his website and all he does is speak about himself or “buy me,” he is telling his customers unintentionally that he cares more about himself than he does about them.
When a business talks about the business or product and just says “buy me” all of the time, it ultimately positions itself as a commodity and commodities that are not high in demand are cheap. Which is a nice way of saying Joe will have to compete on bare bottom prices and suffer profits for sales.
A Mass Marketing Mindset is to Blame
Mass marketing has been with us since the printing press.
Newspaper ads in the U.S. can be traced to the mid 1700’s and were the predominate mode of advertising for nearly 175 years.
In the 1920’s radio became mainstream and advertisements on air became prevalent as psychologists in the 1930’s began learning how to use words to inform the way we think and feel about a brand and it’s products (which could be branded).
By the 1950’s and 1960’s TV took over and now we could see and hear from advertisers.
By the 1980’s magazines and other forms of print like direct mail began to have a strong influence.
The 1990’s saw the incorporation of mass telephone marketing.
And in the 2000’s we have seen the internet supplant all three.
Today the web is revolutionizing industries and in the near future no one will be unaffected by its influence.
Unfortunately, many businesses still today see the internet as a mass marketing tool. They want to reach as many people as possible in hopes that a few will buy.
The Problem with Mass Marketing and the Internet
Hasn’t that been the promise of the internet for over a decade now?
Yet, I don’t see many business owners getting rich from the internet today because it’s not the pioneer it once was, even though it’s still a very young and evolving tool.
For too long, businesses have been focused on technology as the solution to their marketing problems instead of looking deeply into their businesses.
Their focus is in the wrong place.
The technology is just a tool. It cannot answer the fundamental reasons why someone is in business or why a prospect would be inspired to buy.
The problem is that businesses tend to see the internet through a mass marketing mindset and until we see what that means and what the difference is, not much is going to change in the results.
Here is how many are still using the internet hoping for results in a fast paced environment that has shifted on them:
- Websites exist to prove a business is legitimate or is nothing more than a flashy brochure that talks about the business and its products or services.
- Keyword research is embedded in a website and social media platform to drive traffic to a website.
- Authoritative links are used to prove to a search engine that a website is legitimate and authoritative.
- Social media pages are full of text and pictures that communicate benefits and features and “buy me” posts.
What happens when you don’t get results?
Do you blame the technology for the problem?
Please understand, the perceived marketing problem is almost never the real problem.
All the tools and “how to” websites in the world are not going to help you learn the technology better to get the results you’re looking for because the problem is not the tool or the platform.
The Shift – The Fast Paced Transition from Mass Marketing To Context Marketing
I wrote my eBook “The Shift – The Fast Paced Transition from Mass Marketing to Context Marketing” to help businesses understand why their marketing is struggling online and how they can lay the foundation to solve this problem forever!
A lot of business owners and entrepreneurs are asking themselves and those they seek advice from, the following questions about online marketing:
- What should I be doing online?
- Why should I be doing it?
- How will it help me?
- What will my return on investment be and will the profits be substantial?
The focus of the questions is in the wrong place.
Yes, I get it. You’re a business and you’re in it to make money.
But I believe the real issues that business owners and entrepreneurs struggle with are in their mindset.
Mass marketing has taught us that if we just throw money at advertising then the masses will come and make us rich.
That is no longer a winning recipe online.
The real problem is the lack of clarity the business owner has around his or her business.
In the book I cover:
- What business you are “really” in: How do you communicate your business clearly, persuasively and in a way that resonates with any individual who is a prospect or customer from their point of view?
- What problems are you passionate about? It’s more than just a business…
- What problems do you “really” solve?
- What tangible values do you provide?
- What can people expect if they buy from you?
- Who do you “specifically” solve problems for?
“The Shift” reveals how 300 years of mass marketing has affected our mindset and habits; and how we ought to view marketing.
It asks business owners to focus on the needs of others over self.
I will take us on a journey with Chuck Ware, the owner and founder of The Academy Warehouse.
You will see how Chuck learned to transform his marketing into a persuasive, relevant, compelling and inspirational message that resonates with his audience.
Chuck learned how to stop talking about his business both offline and online and learned how to focus on the needs and problems of those who need his service.
“The Shift” is for those business owners and entrepreneurs who know that something is deeply wrong with your marketing but are doing everything you are told to do to be successful, except for one thing… learning your business so well that you know what business you’re “really” in and learning to speak the language of those who are ready to buy from you.
If you are like Joe and you know something is wrong, then I urge you to get a copy of my book today.
Get a jump start today on learning how to make “the shift” before your business is no longer relevant online… Get your copy of “The Shift.”
–Don Purdum
PS: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed Don’s encouragement to “shift” your business forward.
I encourage you to check out his book using the above link (not my affiliate link). I’ve read it and it really got me thinking.
How about you?
I’d love to hear your comments below.
Twitter: MarySloane10
October 25, 2015 at 3:28 pm #
Hey Donna
A brilliant article and such a vivid description of what it really takes to be successful in business and then in business online
I’m definitely going to link to this article to share it with others
I’m also going to go back and grab that little ebook. It should be required reading for anyone going online
Mary Sloane recently posted..Can you really get FB to Give you Views for $0.0003?
Hi Mary,
Indeed, go back and grab that book my friend. Don sure has come a long way and is always out there to give us help.
Donna Merrill recently posted..What’s Your ROI?
Twitter: saraharrow
April 13, 2015 at 3:08 pm #
Don, Donna, where do I start? A commodity is a race to the bottom, yet so many of us do this with our websites, it’s incredibly hard to get people out of the commodity mindset, so this means a shift in their mind, which no doubt they will understand when they visit your blog, read your book and watch some of your fabulous videos!
My question for you is this, when helping a business owner shift their mind and stop commoditising their business, what do you think is the second change they should make?
Sarah Arrow recently posted..50 tips to help you have more marketing fun with Pinterest
Twitter: CopyWarner
March 31, 2015 at 8:48 am #
Hi Don,
Great post here on Donna’s blog.
It’s interesting that so many small businesses go through that. They’re dominating offline but as soon as they get online, they slip into the shadows. And it’s primarily because of what you said. Their website says absolutely nothing. And if it does that, it’s not going to appeal or draw any online people to want to take action.
Online is a completely different ball game and entrepreneurs need to take it that way.
Great story here.Learned a lot of great stuff from it.
Hope you both have an awesome week.
– Andrew
Andrew M. Warner recently posted..3 Optimization Experiments To Growth Hack My Blog (and Why You Should Do Them Too)
Hi Andrew,
So good to know you enjoyed Don’s post here. So true that an off line business can be great, but once they get online, they don’t know what to do. This is Don’s specialty and he has brought so many off line businesses online.
Well…on line correctly!
Donna Merrill recently posted..9 Best Affiliate Programs For Bloggers
Twitter: donpurdum
March 31, 2015 at 2:33 pm #
Hi Andrew,
I appreciate your kind words. Unfortunately, I think many offline businesses are struggling more than ever. I did an article today on my blog about the lack of priorities or business start-ups having the wrong priorities and that’s why they fail so quickly.
I found this quote in my research for the article:
“People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan” certainly holds true when it comes to small business success. The failure rate for new businesses seems to be around 70% to 80% in the first year and only about half of those who survive the first year will remain in business the next five years.”
The internet will only make things worse because the real problem is the lack of clarity followed by the pursuit of the wrong priorities.
Thanks for sharing Andrew!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..Starting a Business and Building it for Success
Twitter: IrishCarter1
March 27, 2015 at 12:33 am #
Hi Donna. Hi Don,
I’ve got some catching up to do over here for sure. Thanks for introducing us to Don. I find what he shares here to make a lot of sense. I think if businesses (more than what is online advertising now) would get on board and realize what hiring someone to maintain their online marketing and sales, they would really improve their sales and profits. My bet is this is what we are going to see as our next historical marketing movement. Your timeline was so right on up to our present time.
I’m off to read the other article here Donna. I am currently reading to professional development books right now. Once I finish them up, I will have to check out Don’s teachings. = )
Irish Carter recently posted..Dedicated 2 Life’s Passionate People of 2015 Campaign Begins! Who Gets Your Vote?
Hi Irish,
So glad that you liked Don’s guest post. He is one go getter kinda guy and also very professional.
I’m with you when you mentioned that if businesses would get on board realizing what hiring someone to maintain their online marketing and sales, business will improve.
It’s a new world and people need to jump on board.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 31, 2015 at 2:30 pm #
Hi Irish,
Thank you for the very kind words. I was just thinking today that it’s interesting where marketing is at and where it is headed as I was listening to Seth Godin.
He said something very interesting that caught me ear and forced me to perk up: “I believe this is the golden age of target marketing. It’s not hard today, but it’s going to be in the future.”
I think this puts the thoughts in my book into an even clearer perspective. More than ever, we have to have clarity if we are going to be successful.
I do hope you’ll stop by and check out what I’m sharing these days on my blog.
Have a great week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..Starting a Business and Building it for Success
Twitter: maxwellivey
March 23, 2015 at 10:51 pm #
hi donna; thanks for sharing don and his message with your site. Have been flowing him for a while and always come away feeling like i had an aha moment. hi don’ thanks for reminding us what is important. i was sitting here thinking about how i could improve the home page or about me section of my site to encourage more people to want to work with me as a coach and mentor. i think i have mentioned to you before that when it comes to the amusement equipment sales site i never wonder about who i am or what the message is. this is because its ingrained in my DNA. 🙂 but the idea of being a coach mentor speaker author are all still very new. thanks again and good luck, max
Maxwell Ivey recently posted..2 Contests and 2 Chances to Win A Signed Copy of My Book Plus 1 Hour of Coaching
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:25 pm #
Hi Max,
What an excellent comment!!! Yes, because the one business is ingrained in you, it is you, it’s a part of who you are it is so much easier.
It takes time to allow that new thing to become part of who you are, but I have no doubt if anyone can do it, it’s you!
I’m excited by what you are doing and where you are at. Keep on moving forward.
Thank you for your encouragement as well, it means a lot to me!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Hi Max,
I too get those AHA moments from Don all the time. I have no doubt you are on your way since the release of your fantastic book.
Yes, it must be in your DNA my friend because you are all over the place these days and you deserve it.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: Blog_Techniques
March 23, 2015 at 3:14 pm #
Hey Donna & Don,
Don .. Nice to see you here on Donna’s blog. I haven’t much experience in marketing and don’t know the cons and pros of marketing. But, Just want to say thanks for featuring this and giving away free copies of this great book.
I am going to get this copy now and I’m sure after reading this book I also get my self on track to know something about mass marketing.
Thanks once again for this great gift!
Mustafa Gaziani recently posted..Case Study: How to turn Your Search Traffic from Blah into Fantastic in 2015
Hi Mustafa,
If you haven’t much experience in marketing, Don can give you a good perspective with his book. No it is not free (sorry) just a very low price at 2.99 lol.
I am sure you will obtain great value from it…I did!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:22 pm #
Hi Mustafa,
Thank you for taking a moment to drop us a line and share with us where you are at. I appreciate that!
I hope you enjoy the book and have a great finish to your week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: brotherbillamis
March 23, 2015 at 11:02 am #
You have made it easy to understand. We may want to revisit our purpose and values. Once we have these two. We can grow to have clarity. We can then shape our future with moving forward. Having a plan that we can look at from time to time.
Thank you for your continued support with usable information. Rarely found.
William Earl Amis, Jr. III recently posted..Purpose and Value = Clarity
Hi William,
Oh yes indeed, we need to know our purpose and value in order to have clarity in what we are exactly doing. Then, when people ask us what we do, we have the clarity to tell them.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:21 pm #
Hi William,
I just did video today discussing the importance of clarity, what it really is and how to discover it… I have found many businesses believe they are clear but the truth is they are not.
I appreciate your comment and I hope you have a great finish to your week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: tigerlilyva11
March 22, 2015 at 10:31 pm #
Hi Donna & Don,
This book looks like a fabulous tool for small businesses who want to bring their businesses online. It is very hard to market online when you’re so used to word of mouth marketing locally.
I’ll keep this book in mind for the local businesses who plan to go online.
Take care,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted..A Beginner’s Guide To Pablo – A Quote Image Tool by Buffer
Hi Lillian,
This book sure is a great tool for small businesses who want to bring their business online.
For only such a small price, it is great to have on hand. The knowledge you will gain from it is incredible.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:19 pm #
Hi Lillian,
Thank you so much for commenting. The truth is that it’s for every business; and every business today is online in one way or another.
The concepts in this book will also challenge one to think about their offline messaging, marketing and advertising.
I hope you have a great finish to your week and thank you so much for commenting!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: WillenaRose
March 22, 2015 at 8:12 pm #
I wonder if a lot of people have trouble designing good, inviting websites, because they have trouble visualizing or real-izing their audience. There’s a wall there that makes the audience invisible, and that wall has to be ignored.
Your book looks interesting, Don, and you’ve packed a lot of value into your article.
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Week 22a – Silence
Hi Willena,
I like the way you use the phrase “real-izing” our audience. Once we know our business, and what we want to set out and do, we can target our audience.
Yes, Don’s book sure is interesting!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:10 pm #
Hi Wllena,
I think you’re partially correct, and the reason I say that is because I don’t think most businesses really understand or can communicate who their prospects and customers are, what they are concerned about, the problems they have, or why the customer would buy something from them.
I really enjoy the study of psychographics; that’s learning as much as you can about the profiles of your customers. It can really inform you as to why someone would choose to buy and then it opens the doors for us to get out of the customers way and allow them to buy without them feeling they’ve been sold.
I appreciate your comment Willena!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: usmile
March 22, 2015 at 7:09 pm #
Hi Don and Donna,
The “shift” is really a mindset one. I remember when I started on line i was trying to figure out the best way to promote my business – at the time it was Childbirth Education. After some time, I now know it’s really about people and focusing on what they need fist. That’s the shift, being able to switch your brain to thinking about your clients and customers before yourself or how much money you’ll make …
Lesly Federici recently posted..Youzign Review
Hi Lesly,
Yes, you are right on the money. I do remember the days when you first started and wrote about childbirth education. Although it was enjoyable to read, I did see you make a huge shift in your business.
Now couple that with the Power Affiliate Club you run and it’s a winner! You sure did make a Shift in business. And yes, it is being able to shift your brain thinking of your clients before yourself and the money you will make.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:04 pm #
Hi Leslie,
You’re spot on! So glad you get my point. When we start putting the focus on others they will start putting the focus on us. When we meet their needs they reward us financially and meet ours.
So glad you commented!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: andrewrlockhart
March 22, 2015 at 5:13 pm #
Very interesting, I am going to have to grow read your book. I know plenty of business owners in exactly the position you talk about. Some of it comes I believe from the mass website producers, no offense, but generic websites are exactly that and don’t get across what is unique, entertaining and fun about a business. More importantly what would compel you to do business with them.
Great article.
Andy Lockhart recently posted..How to Get What You Want in Life
Hi Andy,
So glad you enjoyed this article. Oh yes, by all means Andy, the book is great. Indeed there are so many business owners in this position. I too think it comes from the mass producers.
We do have to know what business we are in, say it in our own voice, and most of all stand out of the crowd.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:02 pm #
Hi Andy,
I couldn’t agree with you more. Mass marketing is not helpful to the internet at all. That mindset is hurting businesses who think we can just bombard people and hope that they will read all we have to say and then buy from us.
Because the internet is so targeted; mass marketing is a business killer online.
I appreciate you and I do hope you’ll get a copy of the book.
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: dreamtripscda
March 22, 2015 at 4:33 pm #
As always it is a pleasure to stop by your blog so informative. Sometimes I tell myself there is still so much to learn. We are only getting warm up as it is.
I will be sharing this article with a friend of mine. She will get some great value with it, in the area of marketing.
Thank you.
Christine Adindu recently posted..These Facebook Marketing Tips Can Really Make Your Business Take Off!
Hi Christine,
It makes me so happy when someone learns something from one of my blog posts. Oh dear there is never an ending when it comes to learning!
Learning gives us the edge on any market. Thanks for stopping by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 2:00 pm #
Hi Christine,
Thank you for encouraging me by sharing that the post was helpful and valuable to you. I hope it helps you immensely!!!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: siphosith
March 22, 2015 at 3:35 pm #
What a great post full of nuggets for today’s marketer. Your book comes at the right time Don to enlighten business entrepreneurs about the “shift” in marketing. I like the way you show the different eras of marketing and what was successful at that time . And that now it is the digital era where we have to focus not on mass media marketing but on context marketing.
The mindset is a very interesting aspect of how we market our business, and unless we take time to educate ourselves and gear for change we never move forward, but can be stuck in the previous era.
Great lessons learnt. Thanks Don and Donna.
Siphosith recently posted..Building Your Own Mailing List
Hi Siphosith,
Don sure gives us a lot of information when it comes to making that shift from focusing from mass media marketing but on context marketing.
It all starts in our mindset and that is why this is great information I wanted to share with my readers.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Blogging Entrepreneur
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:58 pm #
Hi Siphosith,
Thank you for the very kind words! I chose to take the route of sharing how we got here to add perspective. Though the transitions were slower, people still have them for the last 300+ years. We can and ought to learn from them as we go through our own transition.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Fantastic information Donna Merrill, great pointers to always be thinking about in terms of marketing and overall content on your site. I think this is where video clips of what you do and how you can help with your product or service or both can make a difference. And I don’t mean an infomercial type thing. But rather something sincere and from the heart just as if you were talking to someone in your shop. I will be looking at that book the shift.
Lawrence Bousquet recently posted..Just do good
Hi Lawrence,
You raise the issue of video clips and that sure helps. It is great for our clients/customers to see us, who we are….our personality, etc. All part of branding ourselves. And oh yes, being sincere is a must, just like we are talking to someone in our own shop.
Good to know you will be looking at Don’s book “The Shift” because it does give such great information for such a low price.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:56 pm #
Hi Lawrence,
I agree 100% about videos. In fact so much so that just today I started creating videos that are educational with slides, etc…
It’s a great way to share with people for sure.
I do hope you’ll look into my book.
Have a great second half the week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
I find it strange how “brick and mortar” business owners think they actually have an online presence by simply putting up a website and then they almost forget about it. It’s like when so many people say “just build it and they will come!” Even if McDonalds built one of their stores out in the middle of nowhere where’s there’s absolutely no traffic at all, no-one would go. I hope you were able to educate this business owner Don – there’s so many who won’t listen to experienced marketers.
Hi Julieanne,
I like your analogy! So true. One cannot slap a website online and expect people to start working with them.
Yes, Don is a busy man educating many off line businesses to come online and build an effective business there too.
It is well needed in today’s marketplace because lets face it… everyone is online!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:54 pm #
Hi Julieanne,
On the surface I completely agree with you. However, as I was thinking about a number of conversations I have had with business owners from all types of industries I realize they all have one thing in common: they are not marketers.
They are told what they need and then they determine whether or not it’s true and a good place to spend their money.
They have no way of knowing if a person is legitimate or not outside of listening to them and what others say about them. Then you get people trying to sell a website, social media services, search engine optimization, video, email marketing… the list goes on and on and can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
The problem is all of the people telling them what they need who themselves have no real clue… they are just trying to sell something and make money. I can’t tell you how many clients were hurt, angry or disappointed when I was in web development and had to break the bad news to them that they got ripped off, most of the time unintentionally.
My point is that it’s easy when we have skills and experience and understand their situation. But if we remember, as I say in my book, that we were once inundated with a mass marketing mindset ourselves. It’s a process of education, training, awarness and acceptance that what we have isn’t enough and doesn’t work. Coupled with what works today will not tomorrow.. that’s a massive paradigm shift for many who still think it’s 2005 when a website was just enough.
People honestly don’t know… I’m having fun teaching them!!!
Thanks for such an insightful comment Julieanne.
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: 344pmstyle
March 21, 2015 at 11:26 pm #
Hi Donna and Don,
Thank You for this very insightful post!
It’s so true that the online customer connects more with engagement than mass marketing.
I’m in the midst of re-vamping my website now so this information comes at a good time for me 🙂 All wonderful actionable points. I’ll definitely be checking out the book!
thank you!!
Hi Monisha,
Because I know you such a long time, you have the experience of that off line world. Then coming online you did make that “shift” in your blog and marketing.
I am so glad you are re-vamping your website. You have so much to offer in your niche and I know it will become more successful.
You do have your feet in both offline and online work. Before I every purchase anything when it comes to your niche, I always check your blog out to see what to do.
Best wishes,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:28 pm #
Hi Monisha,
That sounds great that you’re working on your website. I checked out what you have and I can definitely see a lot of good things happening and few areas that you might consider changing up a bit.
I would focus the banners on emphasizing high quality pics of women being fashionable. I love this line on your about page: “dress your style”
There is a lot of opportunity in this marketing… the one glaring thing I struggled to identify was your core, specific audience who would be ready, willing and able to buy from you.
If I’m struggling with that, they may as well. It needs to be extremely clear right upfront so that you attract the right people.
Just some constructive feedback for your new site… I hope it helps.
Have a great 2nd half of your week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: msellithorpe
March 21, 2015 at 7:37 pm #
Hi Donna and Don,
I enjoyed reading your post. Good information for making the transformation from offline to online. It is very easy for someone successful offline to believe it’s going to be an easy task online because that’s what the “gurus” tell you.
Thank you Don for writing this great post and thank you Donna for inviting Don to your blog.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..My Secret Weapon For Increased Traffic
Hi Monna,
Yes, there is a huge transformation for those offline to going online. Indeed, people will tell you it is an easy task. But just like anything else in business, there is a learning curve and there is a good way to do it, and also the bad way.
To get offline peeps online, they do have to really make that “Shift” in marketing.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:10 pm #
Hi Monna,
The transition for many can be very painful from the offline to online world. Everything feels foreign and everyone is coming at them from different angles.
One guy says you need your website, another a blog, still another says video is the answer; and what about social media and search engine optimization?
Before you know it, you’re being told you have to spend $10,000 – $20,000 or more to be successful online.
Many business owners feel they will have nothing to show for it. It’s a magazine ad, or newspaper and there is a perception if it’s something you can see and touch people will see it.
So, we framed from a different point of view it makes some sense why they are hesitant around something they don’t understand but people say they need to spend all this money for.
I hope you have a great end to your week Monna!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: joantruesuccess
March 21, 2015 at 6:34 pm #
Great post Don! Yes, you definately need to make this shift if you want any kind of success in marketing 🙂 You can not MARKET to everyone, as that will not get you anywhere…….must know your target audience 🙂
Joan Harrington recently posted..How To Utilize Affiliate Sales On Your Blog
Hi Joan,
Indeed, without knowing our target audience, we will go nowhere. That’s what many people need to realize.
We first must know what business we are in and define it clearly. From there, we can target our audience.
P.S. It was great chatting with you on PAC Google+ Hangout!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:05 pm #
Hi Joan,
Thank you, I appreciate your comment! Indeed, if we are trying to reach everyone will in turn reach no one. It really is simple to understand but in practice it can also be a challenge until you train your mind to think differently about your audience.
I hope you have a great 2nd half of the week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: andrea_ansari
March 21, 2015 at 12:55 pm #
Hey Don, great writing style!
Defintely the shift you need to make. If you try to market to everyone, you will reach no one…
Never thought to compare business with Commodity, great metaphor.
Andrea Ansari recently posted..CASE STUDY: Want To Become Sought After Overnight? Try THIS!
Hi Andrea,
Oh yes, Don surely has a great writing style doesn’t he? Absolutely, we cannot market to everyone because yes..we will reach no noe.
Aha you caught that great metaphor! Glad you enjoyed this.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:03 pm #
Hi Andrea,
Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words!
As business owners, we risk turning ourselves into commodities if we are not careful. I’m excited that you got a new perspective and that you enjoyed the post!
Have a great second half of the week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: atishranjan
March 21, 2015 at 6:15 am #
What a post Don! Great! I just simply loved the post and I love more about the Joe’s example. A lot to learn from you in marketing.
Looking forward to read your book “the shift”.
Thank you so much Donna for bringing Don on your blog. I loved reading the post.
Atish Ranjan recently posted..How to Brand Yourself as a Professional Writer?
Hi Atish,
So happy you enjoyed Don as my guest. It is good to know that you are grabbing a copy of his book “The Shift” I’m sure you will love it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 1:01 pm #
Hi Atish,
Thank you for the very kind words! I do hope you’ll jump over and get a copy of the book.
I hope you have a great week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: DavidMerrill101
March 20, 2015 at 11:23 pm #
Great guest topic for this week’s blog, Donna.
Thanks for bringing us up to date on Don Purdum’s latest project.
Don, this is a really interesting topic.
I agree that there’s a major shift afoot online.
Smart operators are moving away from investing resources into mass marketing. It doesn’t fit the online business (especially small business) model to target “the world.”
Far better and more effective to target increasingly smaller, tighter audiences.
With the kind of marketing tools available, like targeted ads, custom audiences, retargeting and email marketing, we need to be looking to smaller rather than larger audiences.
We need to find people that are deeply interested in our niche, better yet, in our micro niche, and most specifically with our particular leadership role within that micro niche.
From there, we have to make our business relevant and engaging rather than a mere commodity, as you explain in this article.
Again, lots of insight here, Don, and because I’ve already read your book, I can say it truly lays out an important concept for entrepreneurs to understand.
Thanks Don, thanks Donna… fascinating discussion, here.
David Merrill 101 recently posted..Building An Online Business
Hey David,
Like the way you put it when you said ‘Smart operators are moving away from investing resources into mass marketing. It doesn’t fit the online business (especially small business) model to target “the world.” Far better and more effective to target increasingly smaller, tighter audiences.
With so many ways to target a fine tuned niche market, one can easily find customers today online. They just need to know how to do it.
It’s kinda fun when we run ads like that. I do enjoy finding a super niche to market to.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 12:59 pm #
Hi David,
Yesterday I interviewed a really interesting Lori Volkman and she had some really interesting insights around corporations and how many of them are starting to make the shift.
As I thought about it I realized we didn’t even see a Coke commercial, Southwest Airlines commercial… all the old favorites; during the Super Bowl.
What does that say? Hum….I think they are starting to figure it out.
As you said the internet gives the ability for a business to engage with those who are able, willing and ready to buy from them right now as well as in the future.
There is a massive savings when we can find the avenues to engage with our prospects and customers.
I read recently one advertising executive who said they know that for every dollar they spend in tv commercials they are losing upwards of .85 cents in hopes of making .15 cents.
I appreciate you and hope you’re having a great week David!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
March 20, 2015 at 10:41 pm #
This is a very good article and I wish many business owners would read this.
Many of them are scared to use the internet because they do not understand it.
I know somebody with a huge email list and does not use it because he heard
the laws changed.He told me it is not allowed anymore, unbelievable
But he is scared and does not trust it because of not enough knowledge.
They are rather ready to pay for advertising in the phone book nobody
is looking at anymore and want to save money,.Many businesses struggle
because they do not use the Internet ,at least in my area here.
They do not realize that today the customers search in the internet for what they need.
Some have Websites but like said here, no value and not attractive.
It really needs a shift and another mindset.
Thank you for the insights
Hi Erika,
Gosh, that person you know sounds like one that is the explanation of fearful! Maybe even paranoid lol. There are certain laws and regulations to follow online and they are pretty simple. I even know a successful MLM gal that won’t use the internet because she is afraid to put her picture up. In her mind, if she gets online, she will have an old boyfriend contact her. This all sounds like pretty good excuses to me!
As for the Phone Book? I haven’t seen those around in years!
It’s so true, Erika, people do not understand how the internet works. I’ve had many encounters with some small local businesses who didn’t understand and just hoped their traffic came from the sidewalk.
With just about everyone on their phones today, and computers, it is imperative to have an online presence.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 25, 2015 at 12:46 pm #
Hi Erika,
Thank you for such an insightful comment! Over the years I have come across a number of business owners are scarred to death of all the negative things that could happen online to their business.
The sad truth is if it’s going to happen it’s going to happen with or without you; so why not be a part of a constructive solution by being aware.
I have recently had a few phone books dropped off at the front door, but every time it seems smaller than the time before. Like you said, in today’s world that is not how people are looking for even phone numbers. My 86 year old grandparents even go online to get phone numbers now.
That kind of scarcity will you referred to will definitely mean the business will struggle at best.
Like Donna said, with technology being what it is every business needs to learn how to utilize the tools where their prospects and customers are at.
I hope you have a great week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..3 Ways to Separate Yourself From Those Who Sell the Same Thing You Do
Twitter: harleenas
March 20, 2015 at 9:26 am #
Hi Don, and welcome to Donna’s blog 🙂
So good to see you here, on the other side this time, with such a wonderful post 🙂
Though I’m late to the party, but straight off to the point that you make – marketing is the life blood of a business. That’s true and you need to make special efforts to be distinctive and special, or a face in the crowd.
Your explanation of commoditization is interesting. I agree that technology is a tool, what we need to change is the mindset and think in terms of helping and solving problems to win the trust and heart.
It is, in fact, the real manifestation of the statement – customer is the king! As a blogger, my audience is the king, I call them gems, and I’m in constant touch with them by interacting and discussing problems.
I find that my personal, direct, and selfless help and engagement has helped my blog grow. I guess the businesses owners and entrepreneurs too should tow the same line as better detailed and mentioned in your book.
Thanks for this insight on the difference between mass and context marketing. Thanks Donna for having Don over! Have a nice weekend, both of you 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..11 Powerful Blogging Tips To Help You Become A Successful Blogger
Twitter: donpurdum
March 20, 2015 at 10:40 am #
Hi Harleena,
I was so excited when Donna reached out to me and asked if I would be open to contributing and sharing my book with her audience. YES, of course, lol…
If you step back and think about it, the internet has been commoditized by Google, Facebook
Apple and others.
But we are now going through a massive transition and shift and that means we are on the verge of something big. Those of us who are positioned for The Shift stand to gain while those who are stuck in mass marketing do not. That’s the reality I believe we face.
I love what you are doing Harleena at your website and blog!!!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Hi Harleena,
I just love the way you call your audience gems! We as bloggers and/or marketers must treat our audience and/or clients as gems because they truly are.
As Don stated above we are going through a massive transition and shift and as long as we know that, we too can be on the verge of something big.
We do have to be positioned for that Shift.
Thanks so much for coming by, I always appreciate you wonderful input.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: vanmarciano
March 19, 2015 at 8:38 pm #
Hi Don and Donna, Don mate you’re everywhere, you’re rocking it big time mate love it! Loved your post here too, very true as well, businesses venturing into the online world need to look beyond the conventional methods of promoting their products or services, the online world is a little different from the offline world, things are definitely done very differently in terms of marketing to a target audience.
These days folks want to know how their problems can be solved and how you can help them, like you say ‘how we can make a difference for them in a positive way’, they’re not remotely interested in hearing how wonderful your company is or how great your products or services are. I wish I had known that 6 years ago when I was running an online art business.
I’m glad I got my hands on a copy of your book, which reminds me, I must make the time to read some more of it.
Thanks again mate, and thank you Donna for publishing another great post.
Fabrizio Van Marciano recently posted..Your Blog’s Homepage Design Really Sucks, Here’s How To Fix It
Twitter: donpurdum
March 20, 2015 at 10:32 am #
Hi Fabrizio,
Thank you! I was excited when Donna reached out to me last week and asked if I was open to contributing to her blog.
I would love to hear your story! Perhaps we can connect on video Skype or a Google Hangout?
I look forward to your feedback on the book and I’m so grateful you received a copy.
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Hi Fabrizio,
Good to know you have a copy of Don’s book. Indeed, marketing today is quite different. We have to educate ourselves constantly don’t we?
There is so much to learn and it’s never ending. Sometimes when people as me what are my favorite books, it is all marketing ones.
No matter what business we are in, it is imperative to be online in today’s market.
Thanks for visiting!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Fantastic guide and it’s very reliable sources article. It’s very helpful and useful on Why You Must Make “The Shift” In Marketing. Glad to read this. Thanks for sharing this article. Great post!
Dylann Andre recently posted..5 Retail Marketing Ideas
Hy Dylann,
Glad you liked this and found it helpful to you. Check out the book if you like it is a very low price and worth so much more!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 20, 2015 at 10:29 am #
Thank you so much for commenting Dylann. I appreciate your feedback and your encouraging.
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Twitter: nkeriakos
March 18, 2015 at 2:44 pm #
Hi Don and Donna,
It’s so nice to see you here at Donna’s place with such an amazing article as always full of golden nuggets.
I am one of those marketers that need to make the shift in my marketing and I loved Joe’s example but I know we can’t do it on our own, we need guidance from experts like you and Donna to help us craft the right message for our audience.
Thanks Don for the enlightenment and for your thought provoking posts. Thanks Donna for having Don over to write such a powerful post for all of us to learn from.
Donna and Don, enjoy the rest of your week.
Be Blessed,
P.S: Don, I tried to buy the book several times, it keeps sending me an email to confirm the subscription and I did but never takes me to a billing page to buy it. Am I doing something wrong??
Neamat Tawadrous recently posted..3 Ways To Manage Insecurity In Leadership!!!
Twitter: donpurdum
March 19, 2015 at 9:27 am #
Hi Neamat,
I am so excited for you. Being honest with yourself is the first step to getting onto the road of success.
I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!!!
I messaged you on Facebook about how you can access the book. Others are getting it through that means but if one person is having an issue that’s one person to many. I’ll take a look and see if we can make it easier.
However, in order to get the link you do have to confirm the list and then it will email you the link and roll it over to the link on the site to Amazon. I did say that right next to the form.
I hope you have a great weekend Neamat.
Thank you!!!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Hi Neamat,
Thanks Don for explaining how to get your book.
I had to invite Don here firstly to introduce him to some of my readers that don’t know him. And then to invite you to purchase his new book, which is fantastic.
After reading it myself, it reinforced my perspective on marketing. When it comes to marketing, there is never enough to learn. For me, it is an ongoing learning curve. When we ourselves are in the marketplace, we have to know the many different aspects of it.
Hope all is straightened out now so you can have access to the book.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: glennshep
March 18, 2015 at 11:57 am #
Hi Donna and Don,
Don, I’m so glad you highlighted the folly of having the view that mass marketing is the be all and end all to success. That’s not to say that it doesn’t work, but I’ve always said that adopting this as a surefire strategy is very shortsighted. If that was all it took then we wouldn’t be seeing huge brands plummeting into difficulty and disappearing.
My focus has always and will always be on quality. That’s not to say I know everything or get things perfect, because that’s simply not true by any stretch of the imagination! But I always strive to connect with people and put the emphasis on the end-user experience. As a result, I find that my conversion percentages from warm leads are through the roof! To me, that speaks volumes.
It sounds like your book will be right up my street. I won’t get it just now simply because I already have too much on my ‘to read’ list and I want to remain focused on what I’m doing right now. I’ll keep a note of it though for sure!
Thanks for a great post, Don and thanks, Donna, for inviting Don over to your blog. 🙂

Glenn Shepherd recently posted..Can You Really Make Money Blogging?
Hi Glenn,
Indeed, I like to treat people like people and not numbers. Engagement is key! Being an entrepreneur off line before I came online.. my motto was “slow and steady”
Being online, the same applies. When we look at our Business…we need to see it as such and welcome each and every person that either reads our bog posts to opting into an offer.
Through engagement with others, we can build a strong, long lasting business. That’s how I see it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 19, 2015 at 9:23 am #
Hi Glenn,
Keep focusing on quality and the results will come. I’ve been on your blog a few times and I like what I see; you’re doing a very good job of giving your audience a reason to engage with your content!
I totally understand about time constraints. I appreciate your honesty.
Have a great finish to your week Glenn!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Twitter: RyanBiddulph
March 18, 2015 at 7:48 am #
Good stuff Don and Donna!
I fell swiftly into the mass media problem/wave 7 years ago when I went online. I had no clue how to market and ran across a shady mentor, or a mentor who wanted to make money off folks, and didn’t care much for his mentees 😉 Well, after some opening up, and getting clear, I saw that holding a helpful, inspired intent would both improve my life and help me make a greater impact on each person I came across. That realization took a while to embrace but once I did, I too made The Shift.
Having read this book, it’s pure gold folks. I even shot a video endorsement from here in Bali, in paradise, for Don because I believe in him, his brand, and his sensational book.
Buy it folks!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..10 Tips to Be an All Over The Place Blogger
Hi Ryan,
Thanks so much for your kind words and endorsement for Don. I did a video too for this book. It really does help make that Shift we need to understand how to market in today’s world.
I do remember when you made your “shift” and since then you have been “all over the place” (yes I just read your incredible post)
This book is pure gold!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 19, 2015 at 9:21 am #
Hi Ryan,
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your friendship and support. I’m very grateful to Donna for her willingness to promote me and the book, she is such a blessing!!!
I believe for almost every business owner or entrepreneur that there is a defining moment when there is a realization that something is wrong and that the message isn’t working.
Sometimes it happens fast and other times it’s very slow!
I’m sorry to hear about your experience, but I’m delighted with the result you achieved nonetheless!
Hope you have a great finish to your week!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How to Use Social Media Marketing and Online Networking to Grow a Business
Twitter: nishapandey510
March 18, 2015 at 1:35 am #
Hi Don and Donna,
I absolutely love this post. I’m for sure looking forward to the book. I strongly believe that in today’s world people do not buy products anymore, they simply buy experiences.
The same product is available with ‘n’ of sellers and what really makes the purchasing decision is the experience you get while purchasing the product.
A website being the extension of the business has to portray the same to become successful.
Thanks for the great post. Have a great day both of you.
Nisha Pandey recently posted..Speakol: A Commenting tool with a difference
Hi Nisha,
So happy that you love this post! It is so true, a website is an extension of a business. And it has to be online today.
Although there is a plethora of things in the marketplace, one needs to have a good understanding of how marketing works.
I believe it all starts in our own mindset. I hope you will pick up a copy of Don’s book it is a low price and has lots of value.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 18, 2015 at 12:03 pm #
Hi Nisha,
Thank you so much for the very kind words; and I do hope you will get a copy of the eBook.
You are absolutely right to point out that businesses today have a lot of competition for the same products and services?
How will you stand out in a crowd if we are all saying the same thing? Great question Nisha. In fact, it was so good I chose to make a short video to answer your question.
It doesn’t look like CommentLuv will let me share the link, though. Oh well, I know you’ll find it on FB and G+
Thanks for a very insightful comment!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Twitter: notnowmomsbusy
March 17, 2015 at 10:43 pm #
Hi Don and Donna,
Don, it’s so nice to meet you. I have some marketing experience from my old job but I know there is a lot more to learn about the matter when it comes to online marketing. I never tried mass marketing only because I didnn’t have the budget for it so I had to get creative. 🙂
You ebook sounds like something I can benefit from. I’ll be on my way to get my copy.
It was great to meet you Don. I’ll be by your blog as well. I think I can learn something from you :).
Hello Ms. Donna…thanks for introducing me to Don…I say that because a lot of folks who commented knows who he is :).
I hope you both are having a great week!
Take care,
Corina Ramos recently posted..Infographic: 14 Technologies To Keep Your Kids Safe
Hi Corina,
Great to know that you are grabbing a copy of Don’s book. Plus, going over to his blog because there is always something you can learn there.
Don’s a great person. I recently done a podcast with him and after that we talked for a while.
Could you believe that his blog is so new and gets so many comments it’s crazy!
Don does have a lot of experience under his belt and I know this book will help you out, plus being a follower on his blog.
Have a wonderful week,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 18, 2015 at 11:05 am #
Hi Corina,
It’s nice to meet you as well! Online marketing is not for the faint of heart; nor is for those who don’t know what business they are “really” in. As business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers we have to be so clear that anyone on our sites, social media or wherever they may find us knows exactly how we make a difference for them.
I do hope you will get a copy of the book. It will help you gain an understanding of the clarity you will need to be successful online, and offline as well.
I hope to see you my blog soon. Until then, I hope you have a great week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Hi Mark,
When I had the pleasure of asking Don to come on over to my blog, I thought of YOU!
You are always giving us great content on your blog, especially when it comes to off line businesses.
I don’t know if you picked up a copy of Don’s book yet, but I’m sure you will love it. It is such a low price for so much value and I can just see you resonating with it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
March 17, 2015 at 2:08 pm #
Thanks Donna & Don!
Don you really did such an excellent job (as usual!) of laying out the case of how far too many of us simply drop the ball online, by not being able (and or) even realizing that our
marketing messages are simply out of touch with our particular target audiences basic needs.
And as you pointed out, one of the absolute worst things we can do is to bring our mass media marketing mindset, to our online presence!
And I also love where you so skillfully pointed out, that far too many of us (for whatever) reasons, are under the mistaken impression that it’s somehow simply enough to have access to the very latest modern technology and that somehow, this will miraculously translate into business!
If only!LOL!
And another incredibly crucial point you shared, is how far too many extremely talented, gifted and totally dedicated entrepreneurs, confuse being great at what they do and know, with that somehow automatically qualifying them to be good or great at marketing their extremely valuable products and services etc!
And sadly, it does not! Thanks Donna for featuring this extremely brilliant and incredibly practical, master business building strategist!
And thanks for freely sharing your extremely valuable and practical knowledge and advice Don!
Mark recently posted..How Top Local Businesses Rock Email Marketing Without Relying On Their Websites To Do So! Part Two
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 3:18 pm #
Hi Mark,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and digest my article. It really shows!!! What I wrote here is a very small sample of the content that you will get in my book.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to read and to tell me what you gleaned from the article.
Thanks my friend!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
March 17, 2015 at 12:46 am #
Hi Don,
Glad to see you at Donna’s blog.
This is a great insight for every business owner, both small business and large business.
I agree with you. I also often see many offline businesses that do not understand how to do marketing online. They only know how to maximize their offline business. It is an opportunity for online businesses or business consultant to help them achieve success in the online as well. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Don.
I will share this to spread the knowledge. Success for your book. 🙂
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages from iPhone with Vibosoft iPhone Data Recovery
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 9:57 am #
Hi Nanda,
Thank you for sharing your perspective and your experience. I see the same thing every day myself.
Thank you for sharing and taking a moment to comment!
~ Don
Hi Nanda,
I too see so many offline businesses not doing anything online. It is such a shame because in today’s world, every business needs to be online.
When I’m in a new place and need something I pick up my iPhone and ask “Siri” Where is Italian restaurant” or anything like that. Even on Foursquare…gosh I can’t seem to find what I need, especially when traveling
Imagine, today’s market where everyone is on a smartphone looking for something and you are an off line business with no presence? Oh boy are they loosing out.
Hope you grab a copy of Don’s book…it is such a low price for so much knowledge.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: lisalisathom
March 17, 2015 at 12:33 am #
This is a very interesting perspective! Great pointers. Of course, with the saturation of online businesses it makes sense that we have to try to stand out from others in some way. To begin that process, we need to look at our customers’ needs. This all makes great sense. I will check out your book, Don. Thanks, Donna for this interesting post. Very thought provoking.
I started my blog in support of my book (in hopes to sell my book) but it’s turned into more of a community than a sales site. The blog has taken over the book LOL. Some of my book buyers join in the blog and that’s rewarding for me.
lisa thomson-the great escape recently posted..Divorce Savvy Quiz
Hi Lisa,
Welcome! Indeed, with so many people online today we do need to stand out of the crowd some way. And yes, it is o important to look at our customers’ needs first.
Thanks for coming over and I’m so glad you will check out Don’s Book. For such a small price it will rock your world.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 1:58 pm #
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for your comment and I do hope you’ll grab a copy of the book. I guarantee you that there is something in there that will change the way you think about your business forever!
That actually seems like a good thing that your blog has gotten that strong and if that’s the case you have a great platform to share your book!
I appreciate your comment and I hope you have a wonderful week!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Twitter: Carol_Amato_
March 16, 2015 at 11:17 pm #
Hello, Donna and Don,
Donna: What a nice surprise to see Don at your place, thanks for having him share his awesome message!
Don: Joe sounds like a lot of people I know. They definitely need guidance, that’s for sure.
Thing is, you only know what you currently know, and it’s a constant process to grow in knowledge. Some people seek out the right people to guide them down the correct path of truth, and others don’t.
When I read your statement: business owners and entrepreneurs are not trained in marketing, I thought to myself – “I don’t agree with that because I certainly was!” – but of course, you’re referring to SOME business owners and entrepreneurs…It all depends on background, training and what type of coach they had.
I am super stoked about The Shift, Don, as you know I bought it and am greatly looking forward to reading it this coming weekend! Have heard so many good things about it. 🙂
Will be in touch – hope you continue to have an awesome week.
Carol Amato recently posted..How To Stop Thieves Dead In Their Tracks
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 9:40 am #
Hi Carol,
What a blessing it is to be here!
There are an incredible amount of Joe’s that are out there and I am excited about the prospect of helping those who want it!!!!
I’m really glad you don’t agree with me about this and we can have some fun discussing it.
The thing I learned for myself a long time ago is to not contextualize everyone’s experience with mine. In my blog article yesterday I mention my friend Tim Kerin. He has built 7 multi-million dollar businesses and owns an incredible company where he mentors business leaders who run multi-million dollar companies that are funded with venture capital.
Guess what; NONE of them have any training or experience in marketing.
Tim himself has no idea how to use the internet for marketing as all his business were built on networking. That is how he secured large contract with the Washington Redksins, Fedex Field, Boeing, Lockheed, and many more companies. The good news is he is learning and exciting to watch and be a part of it.
Statics from universities and the Small Business Administration all point out that most business owners start businesses because they have a specific skill, product or service they believe the market wants or needs. They have a dream that they can make money from it and do what they want with their lives.
The majority have no idea all that is required to build a business which is why 75% of businesses fail within 5 years and of those nearly 75% will fail in the first two.
Guess what it all has to do with: MARKETING and sales!
They can’t generate the cash flow to sustain the business and it fails. That’s 90% of business failure, or more.
They don’t have the training or experience and it’s a real issue. Tim see’s it all day long, I know speakers and website owners who see the same theme all day long. I see it all day long at events and in consultations.
Then when you talk with them about websites, blogging, social media, search engines, podcasting, video, email… they shrink up and feel immediately overwhelmed.
Then they will decide they have to do something so they do what they know… blast everyone and talk to no one.
It happens all day long.
So, while I know you and some may have had some exposure and training in marketing, it’s by far not the majority and the statistics of business failure point this out.
Regarding coaches, most business have never had a coach or a mentor.
That’s why Tim was hired by the SBA to lead the Emerging Business Leaders class in Washington DC because of this exact issue. Business owners and entrepreneurs are struggling and are not getting the right help from the right people and are ignoring coaches and consultants for many differing reasons.
Well, that’s my position and experience. I’m on a mission to solve this problem and I’m enjoying being aligned with others who are as well.
Isn’t this exciting Carol!!!!
I so appreciate you and all you bring to the table. You are an amazing person, business person and marketer.
I hope you have a great week Carol.
~ Don
Hi Carol,
Great to see you here! I’m sure this weekend, reading Don’s book will have a strong effect how we look at marketing. I just love the way he starts out and gives us a bit of history so that we can understand the entire concept.
It brought my mindset up a few notches lol.
I like what Don has replied when hey says “Then when you talk with them about websites, blogging, social media, search engines, podcasting, video, email… they shrink up and feel immediately overwhelmed.”
I find that so true when I’m in that same spot. They look at you like a deer in the headlights. It is difficult for those that have no idea how to market online.
Good thing you have marketing experience under your belt.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: ikechiawazie
March 16, 2015 at 7:53 pm #
Hi Don
I remember you talking about this subject on your blog and I remember how I was interested in this topic because you really revealed some fact so today reading about it in this post, I still agree that we need to change our mindset from mass marketing and delve more into context marketing. Besides, trying to sell a product to the masses without showing your customer how such product can solve his problem is not appealing and looks selfish.
So what an informative post and I am off to get the book.
Hi Donna
Thanks for inviting Don to share a revelation and a revolution in marketing that could change the way we sell on our platforms. Thumbs up Dear. Have a nice week.
Hi Ikechi
I do believe that marketing today is all about changing our mindset from mass marketing and yes, delve more into context marketing.
We can show someone a product to solve a certain problem, but have to remember one size does not fit all. Whatever we sell, we need to have a relationship built into it.
Glad you liked this and happy that you are purchasing Don’s book!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 9:24 am #
Hi Ikechi,
I’m excited you’re going to buy my book, thank you! I hope the principles I outline in it will help you reach your audience no matter where you are at and that your business will be more profitable!
One’s mindset is critical to our success. If we realize the massive transition we are going through then we will understand how that transition can either help us or hurt us. But the transition is there…
Thanks again Ikechi!
~ Don
Hey Don and Donna,
I have noticed that there has been a paradigm shift since the advent of the internet. When i first started a home business I had the “Mass Marketing” mindset of if I get a lot of eyes on my products and company, then I’ll get a lot of sales.
Well I brought that online, and you know what? Everyone was marketing like this. And you know what? More than likely they were not getting as many sales than they hope to be.
So what did we all do? We put pressure on people on social media. And if they didn’t buy from us, then we tell them off LOL.. well I got told off a couple of times which I looked beyond that of course. But the point is that these people, as well as me, needed to change their perception on marketing. People are a lot more aware and have more resources to do research on now. You can just come out of the blue and convince people online to do business with you.
It is best to figure out what business you’re in and then find out who are already interested in what you promote, which you don’t need a massive group to gain success. Once you find out who they are, you want to build a great reputation and rapport with them. Yes this may take some steps to do, but it’s well worth it. This is how you, your brand is built, and your great reputation is spread bring you more customers.
Great post Don and thanks for sharing! Thanks Donna for inviting him! You two have a great rest of the week!
sherman smith recently posted..Thrive Leads Review: The Unprecedented List Building Plugin
Hi Sherman,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Oh boy those days where everyone was pushing products yuck! I could never purchase anything that way. Offline or online.
When I’m offline, if someone in a store pushes me to buy something I get so angry I walk out never to return. The same feeling online.
We have to know our business and when someone asks us what do you do .. we need to know the quick answer. That is one thing.
So true when you mention that to build a good brand, we need to have a great reputation and rapport with our customers. Our reputation is everything. And word of mouth still exists out there to spread more customers.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 8:52 am #
Hi Sherman,
As I was reading your comment I can remember a time not too long ago where the three most prominent forms of marketing for businesses catagorized as small business by the SBA were telemarketing, direct mail and walk-in solicitation.
How many people got yelled at, hung up on and chewed out royally for calling during dinner? LOL… Intrusive marketing does not work as people discovered through the 1990’s – 2010. I’m personally glad those days are behind us.
The truth is if we don’t make “The Shift” and the transition through it our businesses may not make it. Like Blockbuster vs Netflix or today Uber vs. Taxi’s… the internet is changing everything!
Either we change too or we risk being where none of us really want to be.
Have a great week Sherman!
~ Don
Twitter: HelpStartMySite
March 16, 2015 at 5:21 pm #
Hi Don and Donna!
It’s so crazy how things have changed just in the past 10 years, with more people than ever spending time online. I can’t understand why people would try to use the same marketing techniques online as they would offline, when the internet is such a different place. As you pointed out I suppose a lot of people just do not know any better.
At the click of a button anybody can travel to any one of the hundreds of millions of websites out there almost instantly. If you can’t connect with the individual visiting your website, they are only a second away from landing on a site that will. That’s great news for everybody involved, because it sets new standards.
In the end the websites that cater to the individual visitor will end up retaining them, and the sites that try to cater to everybody will end up retaining almost nobody. That’s the way it should be right?
– James
James McAllister recently posted..What To Expect From Me This Year – Courses, A Podcast, And More!
Hi James,
It blows my mind why offline businesses are not online. The smart ones are of course, but there are so many others that are really missing the boat.
For instance, when I’m traveling, I want to know what offline business I can go to. If they are not online, I’m at a loss.
An example of this is one David had shared on a recent podcast we have been on at Don’s. We were looking for a heating service as we moved to a new area. We got online and seen the same old bla bla lba. Then one website had a man with his dogs…several of them. He went on about his service but the fact that he had dogs and we are dog lovers got us. We signed up with him because he stood out of the crowd. We didn’t give a second thought about anything else.
Now it is a good thing we did because he has an online presence and emailed us before a blizzard, told us what to do and gave us an emergency number.
Of course it came on a text on our phone and we immediately had to clear out a vent. We thanked him and had a bit of texting going on.
The KLT factor is there and I am his loyal customer. That’s a fine example of how offline businesses need to be online.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 8:48 am #
Hi James,
For people that are acute and used to technology is hard to make sense of it. But, there are an amazingly high number of people at all ages who have studied other things, learned other things, and perfected other things other than technology and marketing.
There really is a whole different world out there.
I interact with business owners all day long. Sometimes online and sometimes offline at all kinds of events. I can tell you that many of them have no formal training in marketing and they understand how to use the web for their personal lives but they have a complete fog when it comes to learning websites, search engines, social media, email, blogging, podcasting, video…
They hear this and they are immediately overwhelmed and they just shut down and go back to what they know and feel comfortable with.
Yet, they also know that things are changing and they sense and feel it and the urgency is there. So, we have to help them through the transition.
That’s what “The Shift” is all about.
Thanks for sharing your perspective James. I hope you have an incredible day!!!!
~ Don
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
March 16, 2015 at 5:03 pm #
Well look who is over at Donna’s home today! Welcome Don, so great to see you doing your thing over here and teaching Donna’s readers all about what you do.
There are SO many Joe’s out there online today Don. Everyone knows that people who are in business are not knowledgeable in all areas. We certainly aren’t marketers which is why there are so many of people not having the type of success they had hoped. Doesn’t mean they aren’t good at what they do, their company is amazing and their products are top notch. We don’t know how to get in front of people which is why most people hire marketing firms.
For the small business owner though starting out as a one man/woman show we’re in even deeper mess not having the resources to get the help we need. It’s people like you that can educate us and as soon as that starts to happen then it’s like someone turned the light on and we had our aha moments.
When I first started venturing out and commenting on other people’s blogs I had no idea where that would lead or the direction it would take me. People are the ones that are going to help you with that word of mouth but when the visitors start showing up you better have it all together. Most of us don’t unfortunately which is why your eBook is a must.
Great share Don and thanks Donna for having him today. You guys make a pretty good team I must add.
Have a great week you two.
Adrienne recently posted..How Understanding Your Readers Can Lead To Improved Business
Hi Adrienne,
I wanted Don here to teach my readers how marketing is done from his perspective. That “mindset” we all need to achieve marketing skills much needed. In his book, he takes us back in time to the present day showing us how to make that “shift” we all need when in the marketplace.
Indeed, when people start showing up to an offer, we have to know what we are doing. Having studied marketing for a long while now, it is a must. Don’s book is one great way to get that “marketing Mindset”
Thanks for stopping by my friend.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 17, 2015 at 8:42 am #
Hi Adrienne,
What a great blessing Donna offered me. We really are a good team aren’t we?
I couldn’t agree with you more! Many business owners start businesses because they have a specific skill, product or service they believe the market wants or needs. They have a dream that they can make money from it and do what they want with their lives.
The majority have no idea all that is required to build a business which is why 75% of businesses fail within 5 years and of those nearly 75% will fail in the first two.
A businesses clarity around their message is THE most important thing in my opinion before one does anything else? As I say; technology will only expose you or help you but it can’t help you if you first haven’t helped yourself.
Thank you so much as always for such an insightful comment!
~ Don
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
March 16, 2015 at 3:49 pm #
Hi Don and Donna
Excellent post full of nuggets as always.
As you explained in details here, the reason why so many marketers are still confused as for what they need to do online – how they need to present themselves and show what service they serve. How they help people… is that’s not how people used to do business for these past 150+ years until the last decade.
Frankly, you are the first person I’ve EVER heard say the phrase “what business are yo in” none of the so called experts I’ve learned from have ever told me that before.
So, I can only imagine, and it’s only normal I would say, that so many people still don’t have a clue.
I am myself working right now on my marketing avatar, and the purpose of my business. I’m trying to make it crystal clear about what I do. What problem I solve.
The difficulty is NOT in not knowing what we do, but how to explain it clearly enough that shows right away to people landing on our site.
I feel that the ones who will be able to do that will be the winners in this decade and the ones to come.
Great job, Don and nice to see you at Donna’s.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How To Write Magnetic Content For Your Target Market
Twitter: donpurdum
March 16, 2015 at 4:40 pm #
Hi Sylviane,
Thank you for the incredibly kind words. I don’t think the majority of businesses out there really have any idea about what business they are “really” in.
They have never been trained to think that way either directly or indirectly as a consequence of mass marketing’s effects on our thinking and habits.
How many people spend a lot of time and money on a logo that won’t help them if they don’t know what business they are “really” in? Far too many are putting their focus and attention in the wrong places.
I hope it goes well for you. I will be honest with you and say that your endeavor will be very challenging to do on your own. For one, you only have your way of thinking and yourself to bounce it off of and those who you may be talking to may not know what questions to ask in order to help you.
It’s just a very difficult thing to do without the experience and training.
If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
I hope you have a great week ahead!!!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Hi Sylviane,
Glad you enjoyed this post. I remember when I was working on my avatar. I did a blog post about it. Working on it sure did help me in so many ways. After making all the lists and doing a lot of research, I made her in a little cartoon character.
Although things have grown in my business, I still look at her sitting on my desk top wondering what she needs today for me to give her. Ergo..a blog post, a Facebook Page update, A tweet and so much more.
It ground me all the time.
And yes…as solopreneurs it is YOU.Inc. all the time. So we need to have that mindset.
Thanks for coming by,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: BAMoneyBlogger
March 16, 2015 at 3:21 pm #
Hi Don and Donna
So great to see you here and good to know your frequency of posting at your own blog and other blogs as well is increasing consistently. That shows your passion for benefiting more and more people with your expertise.
Thanks a lot Donna for featuring such a wonderful marketing professional on your awesome blog.
I want to ask just one question before sharing my views on your wonderful post. The question is; who are the people online. Obviously they came from offline world but now their focus diverted into this world and they talk, interact, decide following the norms of this new world where everything is possible with a click of the mouse.
Keeping this question and its answer in mind now it is better to discuss why most of the businesses remain proud of their offline success and don’t bother to make a try in online world.
They wrongly assume they need to make a lot of investment for doing so. Secondly with the words digital, technology, online, cyber and blah blah they get confused and take it as rocket science to get into the online world.
Its another reasons is because of those also who are associated with online marketing. They are so enthusiastic and overambitious that instead of sending a pitch advising the businesses to grab an unexplored market they advise them overhaul their website to get more customers. So the businesses get an invitation of more spending with that selfish type of sales pitch and avoid accepting it.
So it is must to work from both sides i.e to inculcate the businesses that online world can never be approached offline and marketers should highlight benefits instead of introducing any expansion plan to already new investment-averse businesses.
Thanks a lot for sharing your views and so glad to see big success of your ebook and hope it will reach the height of success.
Mi Muba recently posted..You And Be A Money Blogger
Hi Mi Muba,
I understand your point, that offline marketers are not exploring online solutions to their business because they feel like they’re business is good enough without it.
That’s true, and people get comfortable in their situation and don’t want to go on a campaign to learn new things if they don’t feel like they need to.
With that in mind, probably the businesses that aren’t doing so well are more likely to turn to internet experts for help. They need to boost their business.
When you’re dealing with that group of clients, I totally agree that you need to really work reasonably with them, and not try to change their world overnight just so you can bill them a lot for your services.
That way, you’ll build a more respectable business with a bigger clientele that even the successful businesses would do well to engage. After all, established businesses have the budget for your services, and may be persuaded to move forward in new directions, like online marketing.
Thanks, Mi Muba
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: marquitaherald
March 16, 2015 at 1:07 pm #
Thanks Donna and Don (hum) for an inspiring and insightful article. I live in a rural area where tourism is king and it never ceases to amaze me how many of the local businesses either have websites that are poorly designed with outdated information or ignore the online opportunities all together in favor of just letting the tourists find them when they arrive. A good friend of mine owns a local ad agency and we’ve talked about this a few times and she says it’s tough enough just to get most local businesses here to consider advertising let alone the notion of growing an online presence. Fascinating topic and I’ll be sure and forward this article to her. Thanks again!
Marquita Herald recently posted..Is Resistance to Change Creating Your Future?
Hi Marquita,
I too live in a tourism place and am always amazed how business owners rely just on several months of tourism for their businesses.
Now you know me, and my big mouth lol. I have suggested to some that I feel comfortable with that they need to get more traffic to their business on the off season. Surprisingly a few listened.
Each one wanted a different approach. One just wanted a Facebook Page to interact with their customers, later they called me and asked me all about blogging….on and on we went and to make a long story short, their business is thriving all year round now.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 16, 2015 at 4:32 pm #
Hi Marquita,
What they unfortunately fail to realize is that their business is exposed to a massive threat. The internet can and will shake up every single industry. Just look at Blockbuster or the taxi cab industry as an example.
If it can happen to them, it will happen to us all eventually. You can fight it or lose to it.
What happens if someone realizes their is a tourism gold rush and moves in and uses all the marketing power at their disposal?
Better yet, I learned a long time ago in business you better have multiple streams of leads and income or you risk being at a disadvantage in the marketplace if one area of the economy goes bad.
I do understand them, but I also understand they are being foolish and their mindset is completely wrong.
But, it’s not our job to change them either. I’m looking for those who know things are changing or something is wrong and they are determined to find a way!!!!
Thank you again Marquita for a great comment.
I hope you have a great week ahead!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Twitter: donpurdum
March 16, 2015 at 11:54 am #
Hi Donna,
I want to thank you for the opportunity you offered me on your blog! What a blessing and thank you so much for your friendship, encouragement and even for a few mentoring moments. You have a become a dear friend!!!!
I hope you have a great week and I’m looking forward to conversing with your readers!!!
~ Don
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Hey Don,
I am so happy that you are here, especially for my readers that may have not known you.
I am grateful that we have met and became friends. This is what it’s all about Don. Making connections with people and sharing their expertise with others.
I know my readers will get so much value from you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?
Twitter: aurelie_chazal
March 16, 2015 at 11:12 am #
Always happy to read an article from Don :).
I absolutely love stories about small businesses going online because they are so passionate about their product, they just need guidance on how to communicate this passion online. I agree with how mass marketing affects how people think they should market their product online. They often don’t realize they are better at marketing their product than 90% of marketers simply because they know their business, they know their customers and they know how to talk to them.
I love helping small business owners build their website because they have such an interesting story to tell.
Aurelie Chazal recently posted..Negative Customer Feedback: How to Tell Haters From Helpers
Twitter: donpurdum
March 16, 2015 at 12:00 pm #
Hi Aurelie,
Thank you for your kind words and for the encouragement!
In my opinion, mass marketing is no friend of business to the internet. It is keeping businesses from reaching their audiences and expanding their businesses!
It really does require a massive shift in our thinking if we are going to be successful online. Google expects and to be honest so do our readers, prospects and customers.
I agree wholeheartedly; there are some amazing businesses with incredible stories, but unfortunately few are telling their stories in a way that is inspiring people to take notice and want to do business with them.
Thank you again for commenting on my article and I hope you have an incredible week!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..How Do I Separate the True Experts from the Pretenders?
Hi Aurelie,
I am sure glad you enjoyed this post by Don. When small businesses go online, they sometimes don’t know where to begin and do need guidance.
It is also great to know that you are working with small businesses and helping them get on line
Everyone has a story and it is so interesting when we start to work with them.
When it comes down to it all, Don is on target….we all need to make that shift in marketing and have that in our mindset.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Are You Reaching Your Goals?