This post was most recently updated on July 30th, 2016
The internet marketer lifestyle is a wonderful one.
Being an internet marketer does take work. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
There is so much you need to do in order to make your online business work.
It requires full time solopreneurs to be online many hours each and every day.
Even when we have an assistant, a well planned time management schedule, and lot of cool technology… it still requires work.
Let’s face it, the online world is where many people come to play, but where internet marketers and other solopreneurs show up to put in a full day’s work.
You may be at the very first stage of marketing or perhaps you’re a master marketer.
But wherever you stand at this moment, I’m sure you’ve learned that your consistent and focused presence online is required to become successful.
To make marketing profitable, you could start with a simple blog. From there, you learn to build an email list.
To make marketing profitable, you could start with a simple blog. From there, you learn to build an email list.
You may have several niche sites.
You may even have your own product you are marketing.
Whichever way you look at it you are spending most of your time with your readers, followers, other marketers that are in your niche and so on.
You work hard to leverage all these relationships into a growing business.
But what about the rest of your life? Your kids, pets, family? How much time are you spending with them?
But what about the rest of your life? Your kids, pets, family? How much time are you spending with them?
And when you do, are you feeling anxious about getting back in front of your laptop or answering your phone whenever it goes ding?
Sometimes you have to ask yourself… “why?”
Why are you here, in this sometimes crazy, always hectic world of Internet marketing?
The answer for most people is… the freedom it brings.
But my question to you my dear readers is are you using that freedom? Can you tear yourself away and truly focus on your freedom, when you are taking a walk, spending time with your kids, and so forth?
Or are you just forcing yourself to take some time off while you’re mind is still on the job… thinking about your next blog post or Facebook ad campaign?
Enjoying The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
I would like to share with you a little story.
About two years back, I would drive myself crazy if I had to leave my business. I got the “What If’s.” The anxiety of peeking into my phone “just to see” what is going on used to over take me. I wanted to be connected at all times.
Over the past two years, I did have to address this issue when I asked myself “what the heck am I doing this for?”
About two years back, I would drive myself crazy if I had to leave my business. I got the “What If’s.” The anxiety of peeking into my phone “just to see” what is going on used to over take me. I wanted to be connected at all times.
Over the past two years, I did have to address this issue when I asked myself “what the heck am I doing this for?”
I think we can agree on that. But what kind of freedom is it if we cannot switch ourselves off?
Now most of my loyal readers know that I live in “vacation land.” The southern beaches of Maine are full of vacationers most of the year, especially during the summer.
Now most of my loyal readers know that I live in “vacation land.” The southern beaches of Maine are full of vacationers most of the year, especially during the summer.
But the particular weekend that just passed, was a three day Memorial Day (U.S.) holiday. People came up in droves.
It was the traditional grand opening of summer!
But I had to travel away from vacation land.
My daughter, Julia, had decided to go back to her religion and renew her commitment by receiving confirmation. It was important to her to be focused on her spirituality.
My daughter, Julia, had decided to go back to her religion and renew her commitment by receiving confirmation. It was important to her to be focused on her spirituality.
It was a special day for her.
She wanted not only the spiritual celebration, but also a time to reconnect with family. She wanted to have all of her family together at one of my favorite restaurants for a gathering to follow the formal ceremony.
I do have to admit that a 7 hour drive to New York wasn’t a pretty picture, and I did peek into my Facebook now and then.
I do have to admit that a 7 hour drive to New York wasn’t a pretty picture, and I did peek into my Facebook now and then.
But, eventually, I let go.
I was enjoying every moment of the trip. David and I stayed at a hotel on the beaches of Brooklyn. The ocean air was different than it was in Maine, but it was familiar from my childhood, and made me feel like I was home.
The “big day” arrived.
The “big day” arrived.
I had to get to the church early in the morning (not my favorite time of the day).
What a grandiose building it was.
If you never heard this, Brooklyn NY is often called the city of churches.
The ceremony was amazing.
I was focused totally on Julia’s happiness.
It was the first time in many years I saw my ex’s family.
It was the first time in many years I saw my ex’s family.
What a joy it was to re-kindle with my sister in law and her two sons. I only knew them as babies.
More to focus on.
I didn’t even give a thought to my business.
The dinner lasted 5 hours.
The dinner lasted 5 hours.
That’s how we do it in Brooklyn… Italian style lol.
I just had to take a picture with Chef Tommaso.
I just had to take a picture with Chef Tommaso.
I have been going to his restaurant for years and it sure beats every high priced restaurant in Manhattan. I’ve been to them too.
For me, though… there’s nothing quite like Tommaso’s in Brooklyn.
So here is me and the chef!

Now this restaurant not only has the most incredible food, but live opera and show tunes are performed at your table side while you eat.

Now this restaurant not only has the most incredible food, but live opera and show tunes are performed at your table side while you eat.
The same piano player has been there since I can remember. I was so surprised.
The Aftermath
We left the restaurant and went to visit my husband’s ex wife. We stayed at her house over night. She is one of my best friends and I had a blast seeing her after a year.
We talked into wee hours in the morning.
We bonded like sisters, as we usually do.
Then the trip home.
Then the trip home.
As tourists were backed up for 25 miles, we were headed back home to our “vacation land” with smooth sailing… traveling “against the grain.”
I enjoyed every minute of my little trip and actually gave no thought to my online chores, home awaiting my return.
I enjoyed every minute of my little trip and actually gave no thought to my online chores, home awaiting my return.
The Internet Marketer Lifestyle
It’s all about freedom.
Being an internet marketer requires long hours and hard work.
It’s not a get rich quick scheme.
And there are many, many pieces to the puzzle called “online success.”
It’s not about finding an automatic fix, or a “silver bullet” software that will put your business on auto-cruise.
It’s not about finding “your own ATM.”
It’s about building a solid, sustainable business, one brick at a time, over period of time.
But if you love the freedom, like I do…
If you love the idea of creating your own vacations, getaways and family visits anytime you want, without anyone’s permission, and without having to lose your “regular pay” while you’re gone…
If you love your personal freedom, like I do…
You just may find that the internet marketer lifestyle is worth every bit the effort.
Twitter: MarketingKM
June 14, 2015 at 3:50 pm #
I loved the back ground story about your daughter’s communion. I had seen the pics on fb but didn’t understand really what was going on.
“Being an internet marketer requires long hours and hard work.
It’s not a get rich quick scheme.”
I do agree with that. I work every day at my computer or laptop or phone. It’s work of a different kind, creative and inventive. Using your imagination. I just love it. Being able to take time off when you want to though, is so great.
Hi Kathryn,
Just getting back from a few weeks vacation and catching up. Indeed, the best part of this virtual business is to use our laptops or phones to keep up. Taking time out of our day for ourselves whenever we want.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Boost Your Blog With Social Media
Twitter: JacsHenderson
June 7, 2015 at 6:58 pm #
How wonderful to hear more about your Memorial Weekend fun Donna!
I visited Brighton Beach in Brooklyn last year and walked the broadwalk and explored the area. I love to travel around and we do a fair bit of that, sometimes 1 or 2 days and sometimes longer.
I have learnt to give it my all until we go… then enjoy my time away. One thing I will say from my old lifestyle of having a JOB is that I love to set a deadline, work like crazy… then enjoy Free Time.
We drive through Europe too, and are able to connect to phone networks in some countries, so can see emails, but cannot ‘tether’ laptops, so have to wait till we hit the hotels and wi-fi. But like I say, I do all I can creative-wise before I leave, and get to check in at some point each day to catch up on e’s, messages and update statuses etc.
I guess I have an Online Travel Plan!!
It is so easy to get swamped with work, and with both our businesses there is always too much to do… and some things have to give… But, that’s where the choices come in, and taking time out is Very Important.
Most of our trips are business orientated, but we take time to relax too, and visit sights and restaurants and me to visit the shops!! I love taking photos on our adventures.
What’s great is that tomorrow Bernard is 60… so we are taking the day off and going to play in London (hence the late night tonight)… just a few more parcels to pack!!
That’s the beauty of planning one’s time around Events involving family and friends, and being able to say ‘YES’…
Loved your post and your message 🙂
Jacs Henderson recently posted..Are You Missing This Surprisingly Useful Branding Option On Your Facebook Page?
Hi Jacs,
Ahhh..Brighton Beach, I remember that place so well as a child growing up. Not too far from where we were staying.
As David and I are planning a trip to the West Coast soon, we aren’t sure if we will be online much. We are seeing family, but also taking a hike up Mt. Renier. No wifi there lol. We will be visiting his grand children and phones will be turned off at that time.
Now that we have planned it all, we are writing our blog posts for the entire Summer. One day at a time. When we are away 2 blogging friends will be holding down the fort, by guest blogging for me.
The rest of the Summer I want to enjoy the beaches where I live. So we are working like busy bees writing our posts for the next two months. All I have to do is push publish an keep up.
Donna Merrill recently posted..The Nature Of Your Blog
Twitter: WillenaRose
June 1, 2015 at 11:11 pm #
Donna, what a great reminder of how important it is to keep in mind WHY we do what we do. It’s no good if it becomes a chore or a burden… or if it takes over our lives. Thank you for the little glimpse into your life. 🙂
Willena Flewelling recently posted..Have Thine Own Way
Hi Willena,
Yes…it is important to keep in mind the WHY we do what we do. We only need to apply it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How Can I Break Through Endless Failure?
Hi Donna,
I am so glad you took time off for your daughter Julia’s big event! Being in business for yourself and working online does provide freedom but you also can get so involved with it that you forget to find time for family and friends. I have finally learned this year to take more time off and it has made me so much happier and more balanced. Thanks so much for sharing your personal story and the pic with you and the chef is great!
Shelley Alexander recently posted..Apple Lemon Ginger Infused Water
Hi Shelley,
It is so good to know you have learned to take more time off for yourself this year. It does make us much happier, and balanced.
When we return, we get more productive.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How Can I Break Through Endless Failure?
Hi Houda,
The internet lifestyle comes with hard work, endurance and lots of learning curves. It doe pay off when it is done correctly.
Freedom comes with that because a we work, we are passionate and then we can put in some time of ourselves.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How Can I Break Through Endless Failure?
Twitter: diviedaz
June 1, 2015 at 12:29 pm #
Hi Donna!
The internet marketing lifestyle is a wonderful one; however, it doesn’t come easy as you said. With that said though, every bit of work that you put in pays off; provided that you’re going in the right direction of course.
In my case, I love it because it allows me to do something that I love and that I’m passionate about and that pays me at the same time 🙂
HoodaK recently posted..Where Have I been And What Are My Plans? Let Me Tell You…
Hi Erika,
I just had to put those pictures up on Facebook! Wanted to share the joy lol.
I am glad you liked this story. Just sharing a real life experience so that others can be able to unplug too, without anxiety.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: ErikaMohssenBey
May 31, 2015 at 9:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
I saw you pictures on Facebook and I am happy you
had a great time with your daughter and family.
I think no need to worry about being away from the internet ,
everybody waits for your coming back ,this is the marketer
freedom ,Thank you for the nice story ,the restaurant seems to
be very nice with chef Tommaso and you look great 🙂
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
May 31, 2015 at 12:44 pm #
So really cares how hard you have to work to enjoy that type of freedom Donna!LOL!
First of all, that restaurant just sounds like both the food and atmosphere are nothing
short of amazing!
And it must of have been so rewarding to be able to be there for your daughter!
I know she treasured that!
And I had never heard that Brooklyn is also referred to as “The city of Church’s!”
All in all, I’d say the Internet marketing lifestyle is definitely worth the effort i takes!
Thanks so much for sharing some of your experiences!
Mark recently posted..How To Get Highly Targeted Traffic To Your Site Without Relying On Search Engine Optimization!
Hi Mark,
I must say that restaurant is my favorite one in the world. Now I’ve been to those class act ones in NYC….two of which I was invited to dinner for 4 and the bill was 2K. Believe me, it sure wasn’t worth it at all.
But I digress….the world of internet marketing is one that gives us freedom. I learned just 2 years ago, it is not about the money at all…it is about the lifestyle itself. Living that lifestyle….the money follows.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: sueken
May 31, 2015 at 12:23 pm #
For quite a while I was spending all hours online because I wasn’t focused enough. I started to consolidate and reduce the amount of things I was involved with but even then I got sidetracked. There was always something new to learn or explore.
It’s as if I had blinkers on and didn’t see anything past the screen. Apart from times when I felt overwhelmed by all I’d taken on, I enjoyed every minute of it, especially interacting with others online.
Having had an enforced break because of house renovations, overseas visitors etc the blinds have been taken off. I think I’m now working smarter and less hours to achieve the same results.
One of the reasons I can do this is because of the amount I’ve learned now. I’d do it differently a second time around though. I’d invest in some good training right from the start. I wasted so much time not doing so.
Next week, my daughter, who lives a long way off, is visiting for the first time in 4 years. It’s two years since I flew over to stay with her. It;s both our birthdays while she’s here. I’m taking the week off and work will be the last thing on my mind.
Sue Bride recently posted..Free Trials for Online Marketers
Hi Sue,
I sure know what you mean..I have gone the same route as you have in the past. I spent countless hours in front of my screen. But the more we learn, the more we can work smartly.
You sure have a lot going on in your personal life with house renovations, and overseas visitors that require much of your attention.
Now your daughter is coming to visit for the first time in 4 years? I sure would unplug for that! I’m so happy for you and being with her is more important than giving your workload a second thought.
Enjoy your time and blessings to you,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: wpblogging360
May 31, 2015 at 1:43 am #
Hi Donna,
Your Internet marketer lifestyle is very motivating for the newbie bloggers.
Everyone is saying, and I must also admit that, FREEDOM is the most important thing to continue in this space. I have been in the 9-6 job for years, definitely I was earning money without much hassle. But the actual hassle is from inside. I was feeling guilty of not giving enough time to my kid, not being able to be there when he says “don’t go today”. When I need few days leave to take my parents for medical attention, my official work gets hampered.
Obviously internet marketing has its own hurdles as it takes longer time & patience than a regular job. The earning is not constant or I must say much uncertain in early days. But…. Money is not the true motivator to work. The content faces of the members in the family gives me huge strength.
Thanks for the article which makes my path clear, what it will be in the long run. Definitely it is too lucrative to imagine 🙂
Manidipa recently posted..11 Point Checklist before Publishing Your Blog Posts: A Beginners Guide
Hi Mandipa,
Welcome to my blog. Having a family and working a 9-6 job is very frustrating, especially when your child is begging you to stay. Then we have our family to take care of….medical attention comes up and does hamper your job.
Having a job requires a certain amount of time one can take off for their own needs. That is the most painful part of it all. This is why I had to start my own offline business years ago to grow up my child, and have the opportunity to be with my family.
But many have to keep their jobs and work on the internet until they can make enough of money to quit. I’ve seen many people do it! But it does take time. Working on the side, giving as much time as you can to your own business, and never giving up will eventually work. But in the meantime, the reality is you need that job sometimes in order to survive.
Yes, Internet Marketing does have it’s own hurdles. Any self business does. But when you get used to it, you learn how to handle the money coming in…and save some for the times it doesn’t.
I am sure glad this made your path clear and wish you all the best,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: denseymour
May 30, 2015 at 12:30 pm #
I have to admit, I continued with IM solely because of the freedom.
I knew the potential and all that but the freedom it gave was what I always wanted. I knew right from high school that I wasn’t going to go for a corporate job. I knew I was an entrepreneur since I was 8 but I didn’t find what I wanted until much later when the internet started to blossom 🙂
Love the story Donna!
Dennis Seymour recently posted..Local SEO Schema and How It Helps with On-Page SEO
Hi Dennis,
How wonderful to know that you knew you were an entrepreneur at 8 years old Dennis!
Back in my day with no computers, it was more difficult, but inside me I knew I was a round peg in a square hole when it came to that job mentality. I seen my parents work hard doing that with not much reward.
I did enter the corporate world for about 3 years. In a way I’m glad I did because a taste of that just reinforced me to get out on my own. Which I did with an off line business.
Now, here on the internet, we have limitless ways to support ourselves. Have the freedom to unplug when we want and live that life of freedom from the beginning.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: rrwebdesign
May 30, 2015 at 10:26 am #
Hi Donna,
First, congratulations to your daughter, Julia, for renewing her commitment by receiving confirmation. What a wonderful thing for her to do, and I know you wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I saw the photos you posted on Facebook. Julia is beautiful! You and David must be so proud of her!
Your article hit home with me. I absolutely love what I do. It is amazing that I can actually “work all over the world”.
You are so right in everything you said. Being an Internet marketer does take time and commitment. I’m so glad that you were able to take a break and come back refreshed. I need to follow your example 🙂
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Robin Strohmaier recently posted..How to Preserve Social Shares When URLs Change in WordPress With Digg Digg
Hi Robin,
Thanks for your kind words. No I wouldn’t miss that event for the world! She took it upon herself to get back to her religion and since the has been more peaceful. Something she really needed in her life.
Indeed, being an internet marketer takes our time, commitment and persistence. But the great thing is we can take time off when we want to.
I have applied taking breaks a while ago. Now all anxiety is lifted and I can be able to unplug with ease. All I have to do is notify my clients in advance…sometimes sending 3 emails lol….. and I am OK.
Glad you liked my story,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: joyhealey
May 30, 2015 at 6:10 am #
Hi Donna
What a wonderful occasion you have had – I saw the pictures on Facebook, and yes – having the freedom to “take off” is certainly what most of us are seeking.
I have just had to take time off for a very bad reason, Mum’s death, but at least I could do so without worrying if my “job” would still be there when I got back. Sorry not to have kept up with your blog for a few weeks now, but I know you’ll understand that my Dad had to come first. I have a huge backlog of off-line work to catch up on too – but at least I can do it in my own time, and my clients have been very understanding.
On the nicer side of freedom, what I tend to do is take time of during the day to do things I enjoy and then work into the wee-small hours when I’m unlikely to be disturbed.
So – I’m not completely “there” yet, but working at it!
Have a good weekend, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted..Getting Paid To Blog
Hi Joy,
I was so sorry to hear about your Mum. You sure needed time for yourself and for your dad. That always precedes business. The good part is that you didn’t have anyone to answer to – You took as much time well needed.
People are so understanding when things like this happen and that is one thing I too am grateful for.
I don’t know what I would do if I had a job and they gave me only a few days to mourn and have to return to work or else! I cannot live my life that way.
Take your time getting back into the groove of things. We love you and support you Joy.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: cheryschmidt
May 29, 2015 at 4:39 pm #
Hello Donna, I loved how you shared your story with us and what a Cute picture of the chef and you ! LOL
I also like to get away and do find it hard for me NOT to get online hehe I will be taking a few weeks off this summer and wont have internet.. I’m sure it will be a challenge for me
Happy to see you had a great time.. Thanks for sharing…Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted..How Important Is Starting A Home Based Business To You?
Hi Chery,
I just had to take that pic with the chef. I’ve been going there for so long and compared to many top notch restaurants in NYC he is the best yet!
I used to be a wreck not being online, but little by little I got so used to it and it s a breeze.
I’m sure you will get used to it too when you take a few weeks off this summer. Just stay focused on what you are doing when you are away.
I can imagine the great ideas you will come back with.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: msellithorpe
May 29, 2015 at 1:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
What a great time you had getting away and for such a special occasion. I find myself when I do get away, I’m still thinking about what I need to do as soon as I get back, etc.
I do try now to turn it off. No internet connection on my phone unless it happens to be a free wi-fi connection from somewhere.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip with us.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted..What Is Your Earning Motivator?
Hi Monna,
I used to feel the same way Monna…thinking about what I needed to do when I got back. But practice makes perfect lol.
Now, I can get away with ease and a clear mind. I do find that when I immerse myself in Me Time….even if it is a part of the day, not thinking about what I have to do is a pleasure.
I get back with a fresh perspective.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: NTPInfo
May 29, 2015 at 3:22 am #
Hi Donna,
Nothing beats the internet marketer’s lifestyle. Nothing!
If I ever had doubts about this, the immediate past two weeks have corrected that: losing my mother in law, the woman I had loved and cherished like my own biological mum, I had to go completely offline to comfort my wife and run around in preparation for the funeral.
For two weeks, no new post on my blogs and no update on Twitter or FB. Nothing.
But, you know the amazing thing? I still made money during this period and used a substantial chunk in running around. Now, what manner of business model can guarantee such freedom and flexibility?
Simple – none!
Enjoy the day!
Akaahan Terungwa
You were mentioned in my last entry at my blog…it’s virtually impossible ignoring your posts – you write damn too well!
Akaahan Terungwa recently posted..May NTP Blog Hop: Email Lists, Sponsored Posts, Success And Blog Traffic
Hi Akaahan,
I just read your post that I was mentioned in and I thank you for that. My goodness…you sure had your share of difficulties during the month of May. I so sorry for the loss of your mother in law.
I’m sure you had to console your wife and that does take time. We need that time to mourn our loved ones.
And all the other things that have happened. But what inspired me the most is that you did not give up!
Many thanks and be blessed,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: marquitaherald
May 28, 2015 at 3:21 pm #
Wow can I relate to the challenges of living in “vacation land!” There is no place to hide from the tourists on my little island. But more to the point – occasionally I look back and have a good laugh at myself because the one thing that held me back from becoming a full time writer was simply that I wasn’t sure how I’d do without the constant pressure to perform that comes from the corporate world. Well, I didn’t have to worry because as a full fledged Type A workaholic I discovered that I need absolutely no external pressure to work my buns off – the difference is I love what I’m doing now.
That said, I will also admit I’ve failed miserably on one of the goals I set coming into 2015 and that was to hire a virtual assistant so I could enjoy more “free time” – hasn’t happened and I have no one to blame but myself. I can afford it now, but I’m just too driven and having too much fun. I think maybe what I need to do is set a non-work related goal that has to do with the one other thing I really love – travel. Maybe it’s time to get serious about that trip of a lifetime thing – Machu Picchu via the Orient Express. 🙂
Marquita Herald recently posted..Are You Settling for Less?
Hi Marquita,
I sure resonate with you. I used to be that type “A” personality…driven and so focused. It did catch up to me and I crashed and burned out. A good thing it did because I found out so much about myself.
I remember the day my hypnotist asked me “If I visited your house and asked for the mustard, what would you say?” I told him exactly where it would be. As we delved into other things I was so regimented about, I was hypnotized to let go.
As a changed woman, even though I love my business, I know now how important it is to step back. When I do I come back so refreshed and with a new outlook.
I do schedule time out every day in my appointment book. It may sound silly, but the more I train myself to do something for ME, the better I get at it.
I am planning to be away the first two weeks of July to travel. Not sure if I’ll completely unplug or not but as the time gets closer, I’ll make that decision.
Go on that trip my friend…it sounds like a dream come true.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: lisalisathom
May 28, 2015 at 2:48 pm #
Hi Donna, I enjoyed reading about your trip and the experience of disconnecting with the internet and connecting with family and friends. It’s a nice change of pace, I’m sure. Freedom is certainly something I appreciate. I wouldn’t call myself an expert marketer, that’s for sure. It is a slow process that takes dedication. Nice to visit you here now I’ll check out your other site. 🙂
lisa thomson recently posted..Dear Lisa, Reader Question
Hi Lisa,
So nice to see you. Marketing is a slow process and requires dedication and many learning curves. But once we achieve that, or in fact, any business we own, freedom comes with it.
But freedom also comes with responsibility. As a solopreneur, one must have things in place and notify clients and readers that we will be off line for a while.
It is like putting a “closed for vacation…will be back on ____” on a shop keepers door.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Hey Donna,
I remember when you took the trip a couple of years ago and you saying that you didn’t give the internet or business a second thought. That’s what the internet marketing lifestyle does for all of us solopreneurs!
We all want to build a sustainable business where we could take trips and vacations like that. There’s no feeling like the feeling where we can leave our businesses for a week or two and come back to it where not much has changed.
This is the feeling that we all one. Time Freedom for me is the most valuable. I just love the idea of taking a break to dpend time with friends and family while still getting paid. It is definitely posSibley and I look forward to getting to that point in my life!
Thanks for sharing Donna! I hope you had a great Memorial day weekend! Take care!
Sherman Smith recently posted..7 Ways On How To Define Your Target Market?
Hi Sherman,
The first time I unplugged, I was full of anxiety and my mind kept going to all the what ifs. It was a red flag for me. I had to sit myself down and realize exactly what I was doing. Creating a business for freedom.
It took me a while to get it through my thick head, but ever since then, I can unplug and enjoy what is most important in life. My family! I must admit I peeked in Facebook, but that was it.
It is the greatest feeling to be able to walk away, and then come back with a new fresh perspective on things. Guess that is why people with jobs have “vacation time” he he he
But as an internet marketer, we can do it whenever we want.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: donpurdum
May 28, 2015 at 8:07 am #
Hi Donna,
How exciting!!!! I’m so happy for your daughter and what an incredible journey she must be going on; and to have the support of her family is nothing short of AWESOME!!!!!
I get exactly what you are saying. For years I had to constantly check on things and it becomes not just a bad habit but a bad lifestyle.
We are made to disconnect just as much as we are to be disconnected.
Personally, I took 4 days off and it was a GREAT decision!!!!
I’m working right now on working through some options that I expect will give me more freedom than I have ever had by giving people an option to buy in a way I’ve never offered before, In turn, that will mean a little more time for me and hopefully a lot more money in my wallet, lol…
We’ll see.
I so appreciate your story and perspective and I’m glad you got some much needed time for both yourself and your family.
Have a great end to your week Donna!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum recently posted..The Buying Process is Reversed but You Don’t Know It – Learn How You can Increase Sales
Hi Don,
I’ve seen that you too have taken time off this weekend and caught up with our status on Facebook. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
Once we break through that “checking in” and can unplug, we sure can enjoy the things we well deserve working so much on our own business.
Plus, we come back and don’t have to be in a frenzy about it. Just take our time to catch up and people do understand.
It sure was great seeing my daughter choose her faith. I had left that decision up to her as a child because she just wanted to do it for the party. Since she began learning more deeply about her own spirituality, she has a new job and loves it. She is finding her way. It is a great joy for me.
Getting together with family was a great experience. Also going back to where I grew up made me realize how far I’ve come with my own life’s decisions.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: NandaRahmanius
May 28, 2015 at 7:27 am #
Hi Donna,
It looks like I missed some of your articles. I’ll try to catch them soon. 🙂
Well, this is an interesting article. You know, actually I want to know how the lifestyle of a blogger or internet marketer. Why? It was interesting. 😀
Blogger and Internet Marketer is unusual profession in my country. So, I really want to know about it. And I’m glad you wrote this article. 🙂
I strongly agree with you. Internet Marketer has a very busy life. I admit it. I even felt 24 hours a day is not enough. 😆
But indeed, I want freedom. If I have a conventional work, then I can not manage my time as I wanted. 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Donna.
Hope you are having an awesome week ahead!
Nanda Rahmanius recently posted..18 Top Networking Sites for Startup Founders
Hi Nanda,
Sometimes as an internet marketer/blogger we want more than 24 hours a day. But that can be counter-productive.
When we consider time management…get the most important work done first, and then the rest. Then we do have to write in time for ourselves.
We can choose our work to own us or us to own it!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: berget
May 28, 2015 at 6:46 am #
Hi Donna,
I still do a lot of work offline (mostly speaking), but like you said, freedom is a big reason why I keep doing what I do. I really enjoy adjusting my schedule and working with different clients on different projects and to able to work when and where I want to.
I am now focusing on the results and the process, much more than how many hours I’m working, and that’s made a huge difference for me.
Jens-Petter Berget recently posted..What have you done for your city lately?
Hi Jens,
It is great to adjust your schedule working with clients when you want to. Clients will always be there, but it is up to us to schedule them to fit into our life style.
I can see how you focusing on the results and the process more than the time you are working made a difference to you.
We do have to look at things that way!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: AdrienneSmith40
May 27, 2015 at 6:48 pm #
Hey Donna,
I’m SO glad you had such a great time seeing everyone and I know that Julia loved you and David being there for her big celebration. Sounds like so much fun.
I use to do what you did, feel guilty for being away from my computer and not online responding to people or making those necessary connections. I felt that’s where I needed to be and I wasn’t where I needed to be at that time.
I had to finally take a step back like you and realize what the heck I was even doing this for. The freedom that it gives me to take off and go enjoy life or in many of my cases lately, be there to take my Mom to appointments.
I no longer feel guilty although I will admit that I miss everyone. Yep, I confess… I LOVE all my connections I’ve made online and it’s like not talking to a good friend for too long. Like you though, I’ll be taking much needed time off next month and will totally unplug. Not taking my computer with me at all. I’ll regret it once I get home of course with all the backup I’ll have to deal with but that’s okay. We all need to unplug.
Thanks for this message and again, glad you guys had fun and are back home safely.
Adrienne recently posted..Magical Monday: Honoring and Celebrating
Hi Adrienne,
I think at first when we go off line for a while the guilt creeps in. So does the anxiety. But we are here in our own business to have to freedom to do what we want.
But once we do it, it gets easier and easier. I remember a while back I had written a blog post somewhere that the more work I was doing, the more I was taking time off for myself.
It is all about balancing our lives. I know that we do miss our buddies online when we do, but we need to immerse ourselves in the most important aspect of life….our loved ones and our selves.
It will be great for you to be unplug and not taking your computer with you. I will be doing the same in July. Two weeks on the west coast! A well needed time to connect with family and I don’t want to be distracted.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: sylvianenuccio
May 27, 2015 at 3:00 pm #
Hi Donna,
That’s right! I can’t agree with you more.
It’s going to be soon a month that I finally quite my boring job to live my full time online life, while I’m sightseeing Scotland 🙂
Yesterday I visited the majestic city of Edinburgh, capital of Scotland, and I went on the top of the 882 ft mountain called Arthur’s Seat where I enjoyed and meditated on my new life. There’s nothing like it.
I’ve seen your beautiful pictures of you and your daughter on Facebook, and you both looked gorgeous.
I’m glad that your trip inspired you to write this.
Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..How Do You Know What Type Of Life Coach You Need?
Hi Sylviane,
I am so glad you made the choice you did. Here you are in Scotland, having more time to relax and dedicate to your work without the distraction of the boring job you had.
That job took so much of your energy. Now, living so free, your business will boom as your life is balanced.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: davidhartshorne
May 27, 2015 at 1:47 pm #
Hi Donna
This a lovely story you’ve shared to illustrate a very important point. It’s all too easy to become self-obsessed with ones own business. I’ve done it. I still do sometimes!!
I find you only get a complete break when you remove yourself from normal surroundings like Harleena mentioned.
Having the freedom ‘to choose’ is the big bonus of working for yourself. BUT you have to choose rest as well as work. Having a rest often means you create your best work afterwards.
Thanks Donna!
– David
Hi David,
Because we are in a business that absorbs our time and energy, we all need that break. One without guilt!
Indeed, when we do break away from our daily surroundings, we do come back refreshed. And many times have a new perspective on our business.
As we do have that freedom to chose as a bonus to work for ourselves, we must also include the time to choose to give ourselves a rest.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: Virtual_Bren
May 27, 2015 at 10:26 am #
Thank you for sharing such an important part of your life with us, Donna. I saw your pictures on FB and your daughter is just as beautiful as you.
I don’t know if I want to live the life of an internet marketer, but it would definitely be fabulous to be able to work from home doing “something”. I’m still trying to find out what my “something” may be.
Have a great hump day!
Brenda Lee recently posted..Open Your Heart so You Can Love Again
Hi Bren,
Thanks so much for the compliment. Julia is my only biological child. It was worth the 7 hour drive back to the Brooklyn lol. It also was great to see the long lost ex family members.
The life of an internet marketing is great! Once you find your “something” and slowly replace that with your job, I know you would love it.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: harleenas
May 27, 2015 at 4:25 am #
Hi Donna,
You’re right about all that you wrote – I can SO well connect with it 🙂
Being online and working, whether you are a writer, blogger, or entrepreneur means you have to work round the clock to make it all work. But you also have the freedom to take the little breaks each one of us needs!
I love the way you and David take off so often, as you share your wonderful pictures on Facebook, and that’s exactly how it should be – being in the moment and enjoying life, besides working to only earn money. Both the things have to go side by side.
Enjoyed your lovely pictures and family reunion- and I am sure Julia would be so thrilled to see you too. As parents, we have to think of our families, and they come first, no matter what!
You know I always take it off once a year, and this year too, I’m going to take a nice long break for Summer very soon now because my kid’s already started their vacations, and there could be no better time to be more with them, than now.
Yes, I tried last time, and totally disconnected with the online world, as I’d mentioned in last years post, if you remember, because we were travelling and wanted to have fun being together, thus there were NO posts for a month on the blog. I am so glad I took that break and came back all rejuvenated.
This time I’m not going anywhere for long, but would be working behind the scenes as there’s a lot of pending work to be done on the blog, The ABC, interviews to be done up for people and what all not! One doesn’t get time away unless one takes a break for work, and of course, with the kids on vacation, a little travel might be on the cards too.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted..How To Use Twitter To Build Your Blog Audience [Infographic]
Hi Harleena,
You said it all when you mentioned that taking your time off and coming back made you feel
rejuvenated. Feeling this way gives us the important perspective in our business. We can take time off without guilt or anxiety, and when we come back, we can see our business in a new perspective.
The first time I took time off I was full of guilt and feeling like everything will go down the drain. But once you make that step and realize everyone is there when you get back, it becomes easier.
The real reason why we work like we do is for freedom. And the most important part of it is to be with our families.
We can keep in touch via Facebook and share our adventures and people do understand.
Thanks so much and have a lovely time with your children.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: atishranjan
May 27, 2015 at 12:28 am #
Hi Donna,
I am enjoying blogging, internet marketing lifestyle as I have so much of freedom which I never had when I was doing day job. Even when I have to do some personal offline stuff, I can get away and do it without asking for leave to anyone.
I am my own boss!
Liked your story very much. 🙂 God bless.
Hi Atish,
That is it in a nutshell…..I am my own boss! We can take time off whenever we need to. Not like having a job and they will tell us when it is appropriate to take our time.
This is what I enjoy the most also!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: lolette_and
May 26, 2015 at 8:46 pm #
Hi Donna, yes someone who works from home is doing so for the freedom. I can totally agree with that. But, as you pointed out, there are many things that have to be done. For every occupation there is a pay-off. Until the day when I can painlessly stay at home and work a business, I will trudge to my “job”. Hopefully when I retire, I will have put in enough brain equity to have a nice income. Keep up the good work.
Lolette Stephenson recently posted..New Segment Being Added !!
Hi Lolette,
Being an entrepreneur for most of my life, I will never forget when I had a “Job” and I was a round peg in a square hole.
I just couldn’t fit into any kind of work unless it was from my own doing. Yes, there is a trade off. I won’t have a pension, nor anything else for that matter.
But I had to create that “safety net” by myself with other investments. I love working from home with my husband.
There is a lot of responsibility doing what I do, but the freedom part is something I couldn’t trade in.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List
Twitter: ikechiawazie
May 26, 2015 at 6:43 pm #
Hi Donna
You asked a very interesting question. I sometimes wonder what I am doing online; with my phone, laptop and tablet but you gave the answer and that is Freedom.
I guess there is Freedom as an Internet marketer although I am not yet one but I do have a glimpse of the benefits of being an online marketer. I love your pictures and reading your post, even though you were so vigilant of your business, eventually you had so much fun with your family.
This is the beauty of having an online business. Even though there is so much work, there is also so much fun and freedom. I love your this statement ” It’s about building a solid, sustainable business, one brick at a time, over period of time.” as it resonates with my goal.
Thanks for sharing. Have a swell week. I hope I am the first to make a comment. Lol
Hi Ikechi,
Yes, you are the first to comment! I was a little late in posting this week, but I’m only human lol.
There are times when we need to be with our family…an occasion, a get together. Whatever it is, I chose to be an internet marketer to have this freedom.
It was difficult at first. I used to unplug and nagging thoughts filled my mind. I need to write my blog on time, I need to keep up with my friends, I need to check what is selling and what is not…..
Now it is a different story. I can walk away with ease. I came to the point in my business that I need that me time and family time. This is the why …..why I chose to do this in the first place!
Thanks so much for your input,
Donna Merrill recently posted..Shrink Your Email List