If you are trying to build a clientele, I can show you 7 Proven Ways To Sell Services On Your Blog.
You can sell your own services, or those of other people.
To make this article read more smoothly, we’ll assume you are selling your own services.
Keep in mind, though, that the same methods apply if you are an affiliate for someone else’s services… with some minor tweaks, of course.
Who Are Your Prospects?
First, you will need to know who your prospects are.
Each of the methods described below requires that you are putting together promotional campaigns for your most targeted audience.
What Services Do You Offer?
The services you offer should be for things that are relevant to the needs of your target audience.
If you are blogging about SEO strategies primarily, it would make perfect sense to offer SEO services.
It would not make sense to promote your services as an email marketing coach, for instance, if your blog is written for people interested in learning about SEO strategies.
Special: Learn To Blog (my video inside)
7 Proven Ways To Sell Services On Your Blog
1. Describe Your Services
This is a straight forward method.
Simply write a blog post describing the services you offer.
You can put a Paypal button right on your blog post and people can pay for your service.
Or you can build a sales page and link to it within your post.
Variations of this approach include putting banner ads on your sidebar or within your post.
You can also create a special “work with me” or “my services” page on your blog.
Use these to describe your services and payment procedures.
2. Review Your Services
You can write about your services as an objective reviewer.
Describe what you have to offer and compare it to similar services offered by competitors.
Explain why people should hire you instead of your competitors.
Write a “comparison” post where you describe the “best resources” for people who are looking for your services.
Make it clear why choosing you to provide the service is their best choice.
Special: Learn To Blog (my video inside)
3. Demonstrate Your Services
Showcase your services.
If you do web design, show some samples of work you’ve done.
Offer some testimonials of people you’ve provided your service for.
If you coach people to develop a mindset for success, show your readers what that coaching looks like.
Give them some case studies so they can get a feel for how you work.
Let people “see” what you do through a live demonstration right on your blog post.
Embed a video or images to bring your services to life.
See How Minuca Elena Does This…
Minuca recently wrote a blog post called The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post.
Now, if you don’t know Minuca, she is a very talented blogger who offers a specialized service.
At the end of her blog post, she tells you exactly what that service is…
So, now a reader searching for how to write a “perfect blog post,” will get great information on that topic, and at the end of the article will see that Minuca can actually write one for him/her… an “expert round-up” post.
The featured image to this blog post includes this…
So, there’s no doubt about the fact that Minuca is an “expert in influencer roundup” blog posts… and that she can write one for you.
If you scan her blog’s header, you can find samples of her work that demonstrate her expertise (see Expert Roundups), and a way to actually hire her to do an expert roundup blog post for you (see Contact Me).
Minuca has put together a pretty well thought out, professional strategy for introducing people to her professional service, don’t you think?
I bet you could, too.
Special: Learn To Blog (my video inside)
4. Event Invitation
A great way to get people to sign up for your service is to invite them to a free event.
This could be a webinar or teleseminar that you host.
Make sure to use the event to show exactly how you can help people.
Develop the same kind of demonstration as I described above in #3.
Give samples, offer testimonials.
Use the event to show people how they can benefit from hiring you.
You might even offer a discount for new clients who have attended your webinar just to get things rolling.
This is an excellent time to integrate another effective approach… the free consultation.
Off event attendees a free phone, Skype or email consultation so they can actually get to interact with you one on one before paying for your services.
Remember, most services are not physical entities.
People can’t see and touch what they are about to buy, so being given an opportunity to communicate directly with you can be a very effective way to make them comfortable with you as the “right person” to be hiring.
Special: Learn To Blog (my video inside)
5. List Building
A more indirect way to sell your services is to use your blog to build a list of highly targeted prospects.
If you are a copywriter, develop blog posts about good copywriting techniques, common challenges people have writing sales pages and so forth.
Ask people to join your email list to get all your updates and maybe some free training on how to write great sales copy.
People who join a list like this, to get those specific benefits are certainly highly qualified prospects for your services.
At strategic intervals within your email sequences, offer your paid services.
Offer them repeatedly so people know where to turn when they need your services.
6. Joint Ventures
Another good way to use your blog to sell your services is to do a joint venture with other bloggers.
Offer to promote their products or services in your blog posts, in your “resources” page, or in banners or links.
In exchange, they’ll do the same for you.
Don’t, of course, use this method to joint venture with someone who is a direct competitor.
If you offer a service to set up websites, don’t joint venture with someone who also provides that service.
On the other hand, don’t joint venture with someone whose services are totally incongruent with yours.
If you offer a service to set up websites, you might want to joint venture with someone who creates graphic images for bloggers, or freelance blog writing services for instance.
Special: Learn To Blog (my video inside)
Those are different services than yours, yet they are congruent with yours.
If you joint ventured with someone who offers marriage counseling, for instance, it would be totally incongruent with your website development service and would make no sense to your readers.
That sort of joint venture would help neither you nor your JV partner.
7. Build An “Army Of Affiliates”
Another way to promote your services is to set them up as products on an affiliate site like JV Zoo, Warrior Plus, Clickbank or DealGuardian.
You can then offer to let affiliates promote your services.
This is particularly nice for bloggers who can build an “army of affiliates” among other bloggers.
This is similar to the joint ventures, except you don’t need to be reciprocating other people’s offers and services.
They’ll be willing to promote your service in order to receive an affiliate commission.
If you build up a big enough “army” of such blogging affiliates, you should find new clients without doing a lot of the promotional work on your own.
As with the joint venture method, you want bloggers who are in your niche, but don’t directly compete with you, to affiliate and promote your services.
One of the best ways to monetize your blog… to “make money blogging”… is to offer paid services on your blog.
If you don’t offer any such services, think of how you can develop one or two to develop a source of blogging revenue.
If you need help creating such a service, you might want to consider one of my services… coaching bloggers just like you.
Meanwhile, I’d like to have your feedback.
Have you used any of these 7 Proven Ways To Sell Services On Your Blog?
I am curious to read your comments below, and appreciate you sharing this article on your social sites.
Yes Ma’am, you said right here, I agree with it.
It is true Ma’am. When we showcase or demonstrate our professional services on our blogs and websites.
It directly impacts our clients’ brain. If we showcase our testimonials and sample works in front of them, it is more likely to buy our professional services from us.
Really it is an amazing post and expanded my knowledge.
Best Regards
Twitter: DrErica
September 5, 2018 at 9:08 pm #
Hi Donna,
Vacation time has done you well. Another amazing blog post. I love the way you have provided 7 simple suggestions that can be implemented immediately. And within each tip, you link to another article of yours or someone else’s to clarify and give more insight into what you have just suggested. Such a wealth of important suggestions presented in such a clear and easy way to understand.
Twitter: tusharsoni05
July 12, 2017 at 12:24 pm #
Thank you so much Donna! I came to your blog by mistake, but I’ve found amazing information.
I have a programming blog and now I am definitely gonna apply all these techniques and let’s see how it goes! Thank you so much!
Tushar Soni recently posted..Euler’s Method C Program
Twitter: santhoshveerece
December 5, 2016 at 12:13 am #
Thanks for this awesome post Mam
Mostly I describe my services and add some attractive taglines on my services page but after reading your post I got new ideas for selling my services.
Santhosh Msk recently posted..3 simple methods to Generate Secure Passwords on Ubuntu
Twitter: lydiajbrown
November 6, 2016 at 6:20 pm #
Thanks Donna, I need to add a services section on my blog. I do a lot in my niche and so used to getting clients by word of mouth I forgot to include this. Thanks for the heads up.
Lydia recently posted..Senior Citizen Gambling is a Serious Problem
Twitter: darrellharris41
September 24, 2016 at 8:33 pm #
Hello Donna
Great post! Very insightful and helpful. I think anyone who wants to know the ins and outs of monetizing a blog should do exactly what you stated. As you wisely pointed out without trust people will not buy anything from you. Again thanks for this value -packed post that has me thinking how can I elevate my business. Take care and have a super weekend.
Darrell Harris recently posted..19 Proven Ways to Make Money Online While in College
Hi Darrell,
Trust is what its all about. A friend, or a friend of a friend. The “word of mouth” still exists all over the place lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Workspace Design For Bloggers
Twitter: mrsdeegee
September 21, 2016 at 9:35 pm #
Hi Donna,
All wonderful ideas.
I have a few things on my blog – the wellness coaching, freelance writing and my book. But I’m always open to other ideas.
Great example you used with Minuca. I’ve never been to her blog, so I’ll have to visit her soon.
I love the joint venture and event ideas as well. Definitely something to think about.
Dana recently posted..The Butterfly Effect – Why Everything We Do Matters
Hi Dana,
There is so much to think about with our businesses! I am glad to introduce you to Minuca…you will love her stuff.
Joint Ventures are always great….as long as the person is lol.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: joyhealey
September 21, 2016 at 1:07 pm #
Hi Donna,
As always lots of great ideas triggered. Including one I’ve kept meaning to do – but I really have so much on my plate already I think I’d better keep it on the back-burner LOL.
No more ideas please 🙂
Back to what I already do…. because I offer both affiliate marketing and network marketing services I offer a free consultation so that I can talk to people before they plunge into something that may not be right for them.
I’d rather miss a customer than have an unhappy one.
I’m also “list-building” from my blog – and that’s going on steadily.
Joy – Blogging After Dark
Hi Joy,
I just read your recent post and your comment here makes so much sense lol. “No more ideas” he he he.
It is always great to either talk to a person first or have a specific outline of “general rules” about business BEFORE we work with someone.
I too would rather miss a customer than have an unhappy one. That money back guarantee is there for a reason.
It is great to know your list-building from your blog is going on at a steady pace. Whoopie!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Hi Donna,
You nailed it. You have clearly explained how to sell services through a blog and how to get help from fellow bloggers.
Nowadays, intermediate bloggers have started selling their experience like SEO, writing, link building and all.
I feel that we could make a passive income by selling our own services and I’ll implement it very soon.
Thanks Donna for sharing some proven strategies to sell services on the blog.
Nirmala S recently posted..InMotion Hosting – Fastest & Affordable Hosting (Unbiased Review)
Hi Nirmala,
I’ll be so happy to see you implement some service/s on your blog.
You do such a great job with site setup and maintenance and all that techie stuff that I know so little about. A lot of bloggers would be happy to have someone help them out and that’s exactly the way to go about creating services for you blog.
Just do a post explaining to your readers how they can do (DIY… Do It Yourself) something technical on their WP site, and at the end of the article, offer to do it for them (DFY… Done For You).
Now, you’re in business 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..3 Ways To Build A Massive Blog Following | Lessons From Jon Morrow
Twitter: HustawSEO
September 20, 2016 at 4:35 am #
Hey Donna,
Awesome post!
Monetizing the blog is actually an art and only few bloggers like you and Minuca do it perfectly. In all these ways we should first establish an important, that is the visitor trust, once gained, all these ways will work.

Hussain Omar recently posted..Top 150 Evergreen Niches: The Ultimate List!
Hi Hussain,
You’ve highlighted the core to monetizing your blog… the core ingredient that will make the services and products you offer actually convert into sales, clients and customers.
That core ingredient is, as you point out… Trust.
Nothing happens without that.
It doesn’t matter how many services you have, or products, or what kind of affiliate offers you have or discounts or promos or ANYTHING… people won’t buy from you until and unless they Trust you.
Everybody talks about trust, but really… it requires all your effort, design, heart and commitment to make it happen.
Thanks so much for underscoring that.
Donna Merrill recently posted..How To Start And Run A Blog By Yourself
Twitter: enstinemuki
September 19, 2016 at 6:47 pm #
Hey Donna,
Before and after Minuca, I don’t see anyone doing what she’s doing. She’s taken that service up and established herself as an authority.
Now, here is the 8th way to sell your services on your blog:
Offer a phase of your service (or a related service) for free
John chow for instance will setup your blog and install some great plugins for free if you buy hosting on his affiliate link.
Offer a 15 minute consultation for free and many will end up hiring you for one hour.
Free is a great way to sell your services on your blog
How about that?
Enstine Muki recently posted..Thrive Themes FocusBlog theme Review ~ My new Premium Theme!
Hi Enstine,
Thanks for #8 and it is true.
Offering “free” services is a great way to build enough trust that people will then pay for more of your services.
The problem I often see (from my own coaching clients) is that once they offer “free” they don’t know how to transition to “paid.” It’s something I really have to work with people on because they just keep giving and giving until they’re ready to go out of business …
But if you have control of the process, and your “free” blends seamlessly into your “paid”… then you’ve got yourself a great lead magnet. That’s a product!
Love having your insights, Enstine.
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 Top Sources Of Blog Traffic That You Are Not Using
Twitter: atishranjan
September 19, 2016 at 4:00 pm #
Hello Donna,
That’s pretty neat and exactly to the point post. I really enjoyed it. Liked how you showed about Minuca’s selling strategies.
Though I don’t create products, and working as affiliate mainly I can get some more help from this.
However, while promoting some electronics products on my site, I try to target the profitable keywords which has good search volume and fair competition. If I succeed to rank that post with those keywords, I get a huge number of sales.
2-3 of my such posts ranks on top pages and I am able to sell more than 50 products without doing anything now. Worked once for writing, little bit of SEO, and ranked. Now the posts are performing well and sales are happening.
Keyword research plays the most important role in such type of product sales.
I have learned many different things from your article as well. 🙂
Atish Ranjan recently posted..15 Best Wireless Headphones in India
Hi Atish,
I understand that not everybody thinks they need to create products, for instance… if you’re an affiliate marketer… you should be building a list.
Do it with your OWN free product. If you affiliate cell phones, give a free guide to the best 4 cell phone plans on the planet, etc.
It makes YOU the authority on the topic, and when people join your list, don’t you think they’ll be more likely to buy your affiliate products if they perceive you as being an expert?
So, yes, keep ranking with SEO, keep getting people to your blog, but once they’re there… Let the know that YOU are the authority so they’ll (1) subscribe to your list (2) open your emails (3) trust you enough to buy from you.
Thanks so much for sharing your business model. It’s a good one, just know that it will be all the better if you’re using your own product to build your own list.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Blogs can be great converters of traffic when done the right way!
You point out some great tips here…
Hi Matt,
Glad you liked the tips here and yes our blogs can be a great way to convert.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: coachtocoachguy
September 19, 2016 at 1:13 pm #
Thank you for sharing another truly outstanding post Donna!
And it is literally loaded with so many extremely helpful and practical
and clever marketing ideas!
And I love the expert bloggers service you featured! It’s so incredibly practical and
It seems like a marketing ploy right out of your playbook Coach!LOL!
I will definitely check her blog and services out!Your outstanding blog post
would also make an awesome free bonus giveaway, step by step how to guide.
Or even a great 60 -90 minute free webinar, coupled with some awesome paid
one on one coaching from you & David on the back end!
Thanks for sharing another fabulous post!I’ll definitely need to read this a few
more times, so all this creative marketing info really sinks in!LOL!
Mark recently posted..Affiliate Marketing: Five Things Serious Newbie Marketers Definitely Needs To Know!
Hi Mark,
Looks like you’re getting some pretty quality ideas to me.
I like how you picked up on the fact that this blog post can easily be a free product to use to build my list.
Just capture it, convert into a pdf with a cool cover image… anyone of Fiverr could put the who thing together quickly. I could even do it myself, but not everybody can, I understand.
It just highlights the fact that it’s so easy to put products together.
Your idea of a webinar is another one.
Do you think I could make a pdf of this very post, build a list with it, and then sell a paid training to the very same people, using the very same items in this post as the main slides to expand on?
It doesn’t stop, does it?
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 Top Sources Of Blog Traffic That You Are Not Using
Twitter: ryanbiddulph
September 18, 2016 at 10:47 am #
Hi Donna,
Minuca is a fab example. She clearly shares her service, how it benefits bloggers and shows off her work via fab expert roundups.
Ya gotta be clear to sell services. If you are clear, you can sell regularly. Clarity is huge though, as is persistence. I once offered something that went a LONG time before I made a sale. Just taught me to get clearer, and to keep persisting, because if you’re clear and persistent, you’ll make the sale near or long term.
Ssssshhhhh….Me and a certain Mrs. Cooper-Biddulph may be acting on Tip 6 really soon……Sssshhh not building buzz yet 😉
Thanks for the super share!
Ryan Biddulph recently posted..Download How to Become a Successful Freelance Writer
Hi Ryan,
Indeed, Minuca is amazing. She is clear in her message and she always gets the job done efficiently.
Hey…I cannot wait until I get the scoop on #6 from you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Why Create An eBook | Advice From Ryan Biddulph
Twitter: ikechiawazie
September 18, 2016 at 7:33 am #
Hi Donna
As you shared, it is great to put a package so that people can pay for your services. I love the 7 methods you shared to promote services on the blog and I also believe that there are other methods to get your service to your audience.
For me, even though I do web design as part time venture, I am thinking of how I can promote this service. Your post has sparked up so many ideas
Hi Ikechi,
I’m glad you gotten “so many ideas” from this article.
I wrote it for exactly that reason.
Too many bloggers have only a vague notion of how to monetize their blogs, and I hope this helps others to get clarity on that, like it has done for you.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Grow Your Blog Organically
Hi Donna,
It was a really nice post on ways to sell services on my blog… I always wanted to conduct some kind of small “Online Workshop” on the procedure of buying a domain, hosting server and installing WordPress and all.
But I was stuck, was wondering, how to do it, where and when. I had a lot of questions, and I could not even start.
Well, the points and steps you have mentioned here are all awesome… I can’t wait to try those….
A great share….. Thanks….
Ugyen Dorji recently posted..SMART blogging plan
Twitter: AmarTemok
September 17, 2016 at 1:39 am #
Hey Donna,
Before you start writing, take a minute to consider your target audience. Picture your ideal client and write strong, actionable content that they can use.
If you’re a blogger with a high-traffic blog and an engaged audience, you can sell your services as a blogging consultant.
If you’ve done well with yours, this shows that you’re an expert. Another way to share your expertise is to offer seminars and webinars. Announce your webinar on your blog and explain the benefits to your readers. Then promote it in other arenas, like social media, your email list and so on.
Affiliate marketplaces such as those mentioned above are the best places to start your affiliate marketing research. You can browse your niche and see the top performing affiliate programs. Thanks for sharing your worthy information with us.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Hi Amar,
You’ve got a good grip on the various ways to bring your services to your audience.
From this point, you’ve just got to keep the ball rolling, letting everybody know what your services are, how they can benefit from them and what action to take next to get started.
This is one of the best methods for monetizing your blog by attracting new prospects and clients for your services.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Use Your Blogging Skills To Make Money Online
Twitter: SMITdebtb
September 17, 2016 at 12:16 am #
I think what stands out to me the most, Donna, is clarity.
You have to be clear with your blog visitors right up front about who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. 🙂 Which of course, you do very well!
I love the free event idea. I’ll have to think about that one more.
Thank you for all of the great ideas you listed. Very helpful to many!
Deborah A. Ten Brink recently posted..Lift Up Your Eyes & Heart [poetry] [painting]
Hi Deborah,
The clarity is from proper branding. When people understand who you are in the context of your “personal brand”… then you’ve already pre-sold them on your services.
Then it’s just a matter of presenting them in the proper format for your particular audience.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Your Blog Is A Sales Funnel
Twitter: learn_to_blog
September 16, 2016 at 3:43 pm #
These are great tips, Donna. It is important to get your package in place so people know what you are offering and how much it will cost them. We all have so much to offer and it is a great idea to get your services listed on your blog so people can see who has what available. I really love your outline of how to promote your services too, very good!
Enjoy the journey!
Hi Mandy,
For many people, the whole purpose of their blog is to promote their services.
That’s a very compelling reason for blogging.
You need to learn how to do it right, though, in order to make blogging effective for this purpose. That’s why I’ve tried to give some proven promotional ideas here.
I’m glad you found them valuable.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Grow Your Blog Organically
Twitter: changeworldmktg
September 16, 2016 at 12:26 pm #
This is an important issue, because once upon a time, creating content by writing blog posts was enough to get organic traffic, but I’ve found that this is harder now and so your blog posts have to do double duty — offer good content and also make offers. I have 2 websites and the older one has a lot of straight content (no offers) and that brings a lot of traffic, but the newer one just doesn’t work that way.
Twitter: iamumeshsingh
September 16, 2016 at 4:52 am #
Hi Donna,
Great post! Making money from blog is essential to keep a blog alive and if someone has something to sell online nothing could be better than blogging.
Thanks for let me know about joining ventures, I wasn’t aware about that. I am building my email lists once it will be good enough, I will apply other techniques which you have described here.
This is good idea to tell your audience about products so they can take wise decision why buying your product.
Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh recently posted..The Secret Recipe for The Perfect Viral Share
Hi Umesh,
You’re right… we must find ways to build revenue from our blogs in order to make them viable.
Selling your services is not the only way to do that, but it’s probably about the simplest and easiest to put together.
You must, of course, have a valuable service that really can help people in order to make this work.
Donna Merrill recently posted..Create Your Own Product To Sell Online
Twitter: ravichahar27
September 16, 2016 at 1:07 am #
Hey Donna,
Nowadays bloggers are selling the products related to the niche of their blog. You have mentioned it right that if people are writing about blogging and SEO then they should sell the products related to those only.
If you demonstrate the product so that your clients get an attention then only you can sell it.
Affiliate marketing is increasing day by day and people are reviewing more products.
Thanks for providing the guide.
Have a great day.
Ravi Chahar recently posted..How Can You Show Current Date In WordPress Website?
Hi Ravi,
Affiliate marketing is a mainstay of blogging revenue, of course.
You don’t have to just review other people’s products and services, though.
You can also do a review of your own services. This is especially effective when you compare your services to those of others.
Donna Merrill recently posted..7 Proven Ways To Sell Services On Your Blog
Demonstrating services is the one that resonates with me the most, Donna.
Back when I did offer services, establishing my expertise and giving people a taste (more like a good spoonful) of what they might get was all I needed to do to recruit more clients I could handle…
Then I realized I really disliked talking to people… huh! Not a good candidate for a consulting business! 😉
Hi Ana,
Actually, a lot of people are not thrilled with talking to people, haha, but they still make great consultants… go figure.
There are so many ways to craft a consulting program that I think just about anybody can figure out one that they can resonate with.
It does take time and intensity though, and I certainly understand the “more clients than I could handle” syndrome.
Another hurdle to clear, but the rewards can be great 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..Use Your Blogging Skills To Make Money Online
Twitter: KathieMac
September 15, 2016 at 4:30 pm #
Nice image!!! Great article Donna
I was just going to put a work with me page up.
Your services should be things that are relevant to your target audience. I liked the straight forward method myself. I will try try it. Maybe a paypal button or a link to a sales page. I also liked the featured image banner that was shown. Joint ventures with someone in a similar niche might also be a good idea. Thanks so much for this!
Kathryn Maclean recently posted..Harmful Stress In Your Life Now And What To Do About It
Hi Kathryn,
Glad you like the image 🙂
I have fun doing my own images instead of always modifying stock items.
I look forward to seeing yours when it’s published.
Also, let me know how some of those joint venture projects pan out!
Donna Merrill recently posted..Use Your Blogging Skills To Make Money Online
Twitter: MinucaElena
September 15, 2016 at 4:19 pm #
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for thinking of me! This is a wonderful post. You outlined all the essential steps bloggers should take to successfully sell their services online. I now want to focus more on building a larger email list of subscribers. You know how it is: The money are in the list.
I’m glad you enjoyed my post!
Hi Minuca,
Hope you find success with building your list.
Yes, “the money is in the list”… but only if you have things to sell that will resonate with the people on your list, and only if those things have a high likelihood of converting to sales.
I don’t suggest that bloggers get too deeply involved in building a list or in driving traffic to their blogs until they have a good monetization framework in place.
The best way to do that is to offer your own services, like you do so well yourself… which is the reason I was happy to feature you in this article… so people can learn from what you’re doing successfully 🙂
Donna Merrill recently posted..10 Top Sources Of Blog Traffic That You Are Not Using