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Become a highly influential blogger fast

influential blogger fastWhy would you want to become a highly influential blogger?

Think this through with me for a moment.

You have a blog.

So you’re already a blogger.

But maybe your traffic is not so great.

Or maybe it is.

But way too few of your visitors become your customers, clients or email list subscribers.

Here’s the thing.

If your blog is sluggish and simply doesn’t get you the results you want, you need to step up your game.

Making yourself a highly influential blogger can breathe new life and activity into your blog.

So let’s see how you can make that happen fast.

Blog networking

Networking with other bloggers is a pretty simple thing to do.

And you can very quickly become a highly influential blogger by doing it.

But it requires consistency.

Networking now and then, here and there, doesn’t do much for your influencer status.

And, by the way, if you want to become an influential blogger, you should be networkng to a large extent with… that’s right… other influential bloggers.

It gets back the old saying… “show me who you hang out with, and I’ll show you who you will become.”

Hanging out with influencers will go a long way to making you an influencer in your own right.

Here are some ways to start networking with other bloggers.

Find blogs to follow

Create a list of top bloggers in your niche.

Then make it a habit of visiting their blogs routinely.

Here is a short list of just a few of the bloggers who I follow on a regular basis:

Keep reworking your list.

Drop those bloggers you find are not worth your time to follow, and add others who are.

Connect with other bloggers

You should also find ways to connect with these top bloggers.

Send them an email or hit them up on their “contact me” page.

Find a way to start having conversations with them.

How to Share Your Unique Voice to Write Popular Blog

Again, keep working with those who respond to you, and drop those who don’t.

Meanwhile, keep looking to make new connections that might bear fruit.

Share on social media

Share new articles of bloggers in your network.

Same thing goes for their videos, podcasts and whatever other content they are putting out.

I don’t care how big a blogger gets, everyone wants people to promote their work.

It’s good for their business, and for their ego (they’re only human, you know).

So they will appreciate you if you share and promote things they do.

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Slowly, you can work your way into their circle of influencers.

Then, some of that influence will head back your way.

It’s kind of like the reason high school kids all want to hang out with someone popular.

When they do, some of that popularity rubs off on them too.

Do interviews

Bloggers like to be interviewed.

When you interview an influential blogger, you will be on their radar.

And you don’t have to make it complicated.

Yes, you can do a video interview on something like Facebook Live.

But you don’t have to.

You can simply send them half a dozen questions to answer, and put that interview on your blog.

That will send some of their followers to your blog, to see how the interview went.

Get interviewed

Sometimes, you can even set up an exchange.

You interview an influential blogger, and in return, they can interview you.

That way, you both benefit from promoting each other.

And when you get interviewed by an influential blogger, people see you as someone equally influential and authoritative.

Blog commenting

Bloggers often overlook the value of blog commenting.

Yes, it’s a method that’s been part of blogging for a long time.

And the reason is… it works!

You can become a highly influential blogger fast, simply by leaving high quality comments on some of the big blogs in your niche.

That’s because they get lots of traffic.

And they have lots of authority and influence.

So when your name and comments start popping up on their blogs, you get noticed.

Guest posting

Ask some of the bloggers you follow, if you can do a guest post for them.

Make it about something you want recognition for.

If you blog a lot about YouTube, then write a guest post about some aspect of YouTube.

When you get it published on a popular, influential blog, you will help yourself attain some of that “highly influential blogger” status for yourself.

You can also invite some of the bloggers you follow to submit guest posts for your blog.

This works nicely if your guest bloggers are already influential.

That will bring their audience to your blog, and thereby increase your own influence.

Roundup blogs

Another thing you can do pretty quickly is to submit short snippets (usually around 300 words) to bloggers hosting “roundup” posts.

These are the blog posts that will say something like “20 Experts Share Their Advice About …”

This helps you build your brand and start gaining recognition.

And you are often positioned among some of the best bloggers.

When you participate in enough of these, readers, as well as your peers, will begin to regard you as a highly influential blogger.


There are so many ways that YouTube can help you out, too.

You can do videos about other people’s blogs.

Or you could review bloggers products and services.

Then just send a link of your video to the blogger you just reviewed.

Believe me, this will get their attention.

How To Easily Use Video With Your Blog

Also, you can embed in your blog posts, any videos you publish on your YouTube channel.

And, of course, you should make it a practice to post links to your YouTube videos on your social sites.

Tag other bloggers when they are mentioned or even featured in your video.

Continue this practice consistently.

It will put you squarely on the path to becoming a highly influential blogger.

Leverage your blog

You should use your own blog to build those key relationships that will quickly make you an influencer..

Link to other blogs in your niche frequently.

Bloggers should start noticing that you are a good source of traffic for their own blogs.

Special: Join Donna’s Free VIP Blogging Club – Free Now… Free Forever

And they should regard you as a valuable “cheerleader” or ambassador for their blogs.

This is the sort of thing that can make you an influential blogger fast.

Also, give mention to other bloggers.

Give credit to something they have written.

You could even do a review of one of their blog posts, or even feature them in a blog post of your own.

The point is, find a way to give a shout out to other bloggers.

Let your readers know about them.

Tell them why they should follow them and their blogs.

Why promote your competition?

Now, to many bloggers, this may seem counterproductive.

After all, you are trying to become a highly influential blogger, right?

So why plug your competitors?

Well, think about it for a minute.

You are accomplishing two things simultaneously when you do this.

First, you are giving value to your readers.

You should only give recognition to bloggers who have really good information that can help your readers.

When you do, you are helping your readers.

They, in turn, will be thankful.

And they will look to you as a trusted resource… an influencer.

Second, your competition will see that you are sending folks their way.

So, they too will be thankful, and will also start to look to you as a valuable influencer.

The more you continue on this path, the closer you get to becoming a highly influential blogger.

Become a highly influential blogger fast

A powerful strategy for making your blog more popular, is to position yourself as a highly influential blogger.

You don’t do this by standing on the sidelines and watching a parade of other successful bloggers pass you by.

You do it by jumping into the action.

By jumping into the conversations that other key bloggers in your niche are having.

I have just given you some proven methods for making this happen.

Top Tier Coaching

Now, I’d like to hear from you.

Are you using any of these methods right now?

Which ones do you think are most effective?

Or what additional ones would you recommend?

And how important do you think it is to become a highly influential blogger fast?


PS: Don’t forget to share this article on your favorite social sites.

I appreciate it 🙂

Donna Merrill
Donna is a well known blogger and creator of "Blogging Magic" - an intensive guide to blogging. "Blogging Magic" is for beginners who are trying to figure out how to bring their blogs to life with tons of visits, comments and social media interaction. It's even for advanced bloggers looking to reach new levels of authority and engagement with their audience.

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3 Responses to Become a highly influential blogger fast

  1. Moss Clement
    April 14, 2021 at 6:02 am #

    Hi Donna,

    The value of blog networking can never be over-emphasized. It makes sense why several bloggers wrote content around this point, which involves following bloggers in your niche. In fact, it was through networking and blog commenting that I landed a lucrative writing gig and a guest blogging opportunity on an authority website. While some might not be open to promoting their competitors, your pointers for doing so are profound, and t’s a win-win for all. While promoting a competitor, a site owner reached out to me via Facebook and asked if I could create similar content for his blog. You guessed right; I did. I have received several emails from potentials clients and fellow bloggers who read the posts I shared from the competitor’s blogs. So while one may think that it’s not a productive idea, keep doing it. It’s a win for you as well.
    Thanks for sharing, Donna, and I’m most thankful for the mention as well!

  2. Lisa Sicard
    April 8, 2021 at 6:39 am #

    Hi Donna, Yes, all of your reasons do help to become a more influential blogger. I love blog commenting and sharing other bloggers’ content on the web. I have been doing much better with video this year between YouTube and Rumble. I have been embedding more videos in my blog posts.
    I’ve been avoiding Facebook and not using Twitter as much but using other alternative social media sites which are starting to show traffic growth. It’s been an interesting year on social!
    But sticking to the basics of your blog is #1. I also update old blog posts, just today I updated one from 2012. I could not believe it hadn’t been updated in that long and that I’ve been at it that long too 🙂 LOL.
    I think getting back to basics of blogging with your blog and other’s blogs is #1 and there are too many shifts with social media today.
    Enjoy your day Donna and I’ll be a Mainer full time soon!
    Lisa Sicard recently posted..Is The Twitter Like Button Too Easy For Us and Will It Disappear?My Profile

  3. Ryan K Biddulph
    April 7, 2021 at 3:52 pm #

    Sensational advice Donna. The only reason why few become influential fast is because they resist or avoid doing these things from a generous energy. Anyone can write blog posts persistently to gain true. From there, genuine blog commenting and collaborating with pros in your niche helps one gain influencer status. Amazing how simple blogging is yet bloggers struggle for fear of doing simple things persistently, when bloggers do not seem to progress much and uncomfortable feelings arise. Thanks for the shoutout!


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