In my last post I wrote about how everything I was visualizing was falling into place. I explained how the Law Of Attraction was working for me. I found that through comments and messages people gave, I had to continue to share my story. I also learned how sharing experiences is the best way […]
Archive | Personal Growth
The Law Of Attraction – How It Worked For Me!
The Law Of Attraction – How It Worked For Me! For almost the past two weeks, I haven’t gotten to my blog. It was The Law Of Attraction at work. Sometimes, when you open yourself up to change, it happens more than the conscious mind can deal with. But, keep in mind, when working with […]
Fear – Don’t Let It Stop You
As I was laying down on my acupuncture table and meditating, a message came to me. “What Do You Fear?” Hmmm … that’s funny I thought to myself. Then I thought of things that might be hindering my business. I realized, while I was in a total state of relaxation, that a fear that slows […]
Why is Self-discipline important to your Business?
Wikepedia states that “Self-discipline can be defined as the ability to motivate oneself in spite of a negative emotional state. Qualities associated with self-discipline include willpower, hard work, and persistence”. Negative Emotional states will arise. Some examples are: Why am I working so hard, when money is not coming in fast enough? Maybe I should […]

Prosperity Mindset
This post was most recently updated on July 28th, 2019What is prosperity to you? Think about it. If you had all the money you have ever dreamed of what would you do? I’m sure you are thinking, buy this, buy that, etc. But that’s not what a “prosperity mindset” is all about. I want you […]
Reflecting On Lessons Of 2011
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014Reflections on 2011 will be manifested in 2012
Power Person | Living Your Life In Power
A power person lives in the Universe of power and accomplishment, not weakness and passivity.
Develop Your Power – Part 3
Develop Your Power to create a successful business and happy life for yourself.
Develop Your Power – Part 2
To fully develop your power… you must take firm command of your self-esteem. You can blame low self-esteem on your upbringing, your surroundings, your parents, friends, teachers, the Church, television or anything and anyone else. To fully develop your power, however… you must abandon the blame game. You cannot be a victim while you […]
Develop Your Power – Part 1
You have the power to accomplish anything you want. You may not believe this. You don’t have to. You only have to develop your power, use your power, and you will then know how truly massive and undeniable it is. Develop your power and enjoy a whole new sense of being. It may feel alien […]
Are You Focused?
This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2012In order to get your work done you need to focus. Find how to focus!
Do You Believe In “The Power of Prayer”?
Whether you do or do not believe in the power of prayer, I can tell you that prayer in my life has set the universal Law of Attraction into immediate action over and over again. Did I hear someone ask me to give an example from my own life? Here’s one. You can attract […]