How to do explainer videos
Do you know how to do explainer videos? I talk a lot about doing live video to build your blog, your audience and your business. But not everybody is on board with the move toward live video. So what’s the alternative? Or what other things can you do to build interest around your blog, your […]

How to effectively grab attention to your blog
You need to grab attention to your blog in order to have a successful business. The problem is, so many people are blogging these days. So why would anybody stop to pay attention to your blog, when there are so many out there? Now, what I’m about to share with you may change the way […]

How to crush your goals
You want to crush your goals. But you’re not quite sure where to start. Right? So let me show you where to start, when to get moving and how to crush your goals. Here’s where you start. Determine what your goal is. What is it that you want to achieve? Construct Achievable Goals Wanting something […]

Simple sales funnels for bloggers
There are several types of simple sales funnels for bloggers. I’ll show you one in this short article that you can use starting today. If you are trying to sell something with your blog, or get people to hire you for your services… you should pay attention, here. Sure, you can just throw up links […]

How to make money giving away a free offer
Do you know how to make money giving away a free offer? I’m going to show you how. But understand first, that this is only a good strategy if you have found a high quality free offer to promote. I’ll show you one high quality free offer today, so you can see exactly how this […]

7 Ways to Sell Affiliate Products on your blog
There are many ways to sell affiliate products on your blog. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your blog. I’m going to show you my 7 favorite ways to make sales from blogging. Each one has delivered proven results for pro bloggers. 1. Using your SIDEBAR I have a sidebar on […]

Starting a Network Marketing business online
Starting a Network Marketing business online requires two things. First, you need to have a strategy. Second, you need to convert that strategy into daily action. In this article I will give you the basic strategy that you can use to structure your own Network Marketing business online. Then I’ll show you how to convert […]

How to promote your blog on social media
Do you know how to promote your blog on social media? Most bloggers I talk to say “yes.” But when I ask them how they promote their blog on social media, I usually get confused answers. That’s because, it turns out that many bloggers simply publish a blog post, grab the link and post it […]

Why you will succeed despite setbacks
Find reasons why you will succeed despite setbacks. I’m not talking about how you plant to succeed. But rather, why you will succeed. And to do that you have to think first of why you failed. Blaming others One of the first reasons you might think that you failed is because somebody let you down. […]

Why you need an ebook for your business
You need an ebook for your business to drive more traffic, leads and sales your way. Are you a blogger? Or maybe you’re using a website as a business builder. Either way, in order to get new prospects, clients and customers, you need to be actively engaged in content marketing. That means that you need […]

How to write an ebook fast while working at home
There are many good reasons to learn how to write an ebook fast while you are stuck working at home. If you are a blogger, like me, you might have thought about writing an ebook for a long time. I say that because so many of my blogging students and clients tell me they want […]

How to make a work at home schedule
I’ve worked from home for many years now. And I have many friends that have done the same thing. We have all had to devise some kind of a work at home schedule to keep ourselves productive and on track. Whether you’re a work at home pro, or are just getting started working at home, […]