How to make money with a blog for beginners
There are lots of things to know about how to make money with a blog for beginners. First, you need to consider if your blog is even able to make money. The best way to figure this out is to list the things you intend to promote or sell with your blog. If they are […]

Why should you start a niche blog?
Why should you start a niche blog? Well, there could be many reasons. Maybe you have a special interest in a niche. Or perhaps you have reason to think that it’s a “hot” topic to pursue. Someone might have told you that the way to profit from blogging is to offer products to a very […]

How to build a good reputation fast as a new blogger
To understand how to build a good reputation fast as a new blogger, you need to consider two things. First, why do so many bloggers fail? Second, how can you avoid their mistakes? There are so many new blogs being created every single day, yet the vast majority of them simply wither and die. New […]

How to get your blog visitors to become clients – Part 5
To get your blog visitors to become clients, you must earn their trust. The best way to earn that trust is to help them solve their problems. And if you can do it with empathy and understanding, they will surely want to become clients of yours. First, I am going to show you how to […]

How to get your blog visitors to become clients – Part 4
Here’s what I’ve shown you about how to get your blog visitors to become clients. In part 1, I talked about how to use your blog to appeal to your unique audience, and draw them into your sales funnel. We learned the importance of integrating landing pages into your blog, in part 2. This is […]

How to get your blog visitors to become clients – Part 3
One of the best ways to get your blog visitors to become clients is to pull them into your sales funnel. In part 2 of this series, I showed you how to create landing pages to set up your funnel. Now, let’s take a closer look at how your sales funnel works. And how you […]

How to get you blog visitors to become clients – Part 2
Get your blog visitors to become clients by getting them to a landing page. This is how you move your blog visitors into your sales funnel. Sure, your blog is the “opening” to that sales funnel. We discussed that in part 1 of this series on getting your blog visitors to become clients. But the […]

How to get your blog visitors to become clients – Part 1
Get your blog visitors to become clients or else all the website traffic in the world is pointless. That’s from a business perspective, anyway. Too many bloggers get caught up in the time consuming job of developing great content. But they forget that the overall purpose of their blog is to create a business, not […]

How to build a hyper targeted email list with your blog
One of the biggest reasons to blog is to build your email list. That’s because you want to keep in touch with your readers and prospects on a regular basis. And because you want to deepen your relationship with them. In this article I’ll show you how to build an email list that will deliver: […]

How to Strengthen Your Brand’s Content Marketing Strategy
This post was most recently updated on March 3rd, 2019Bloggers work hard to build their brand. I believe that the single biggest benefit to blogging is to develop and showcase your personal brand. The success of your blogging business depends largely on the strength of your brand’s content marketing strategy. So I’ve invited a special […]

The Unconventional Guide to Increase Blog Traffic
You probably know about many ways available to increase blog traffic. And the first one that comes to mind is usually Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But in this article I want to show you a way to increase your blog traffic without having to suck up to Google. Usually, increasing blog traffic begins with SEO. […]

How to Share Your Unique Voice to Write Popular Blog Posts
Have you learned the secret to blogging in your own voice? This is something that top bloggers do pretty well. It’s what can help you to write popular blog posts on a steady basis. So, what is your personal, unique voice? Well, I think you’ll have a pretty good idea after reading this article. And […]