How To Share Your Blog Post On Social Media
So you want to know “How To Share Your Blog Post On Social Media.” Of course you do. Because you know how important social media is to the success of your blog. And you know that all the talk about “content marketing” means that you need to know how to use social media platforms […]

Your Guide to Creating a Social Media Sales Funnel
This post was most recently updated on February 4th, 2019 Bloggers often overlook the value of creating a social media sales funnel. They consider their blogs to be the opening of the funnel. You write a blog post about a topic and then try to find people who would be interested in it. The idea […]

How to Blog Like a Pro in 2019
If you want to know how to Blog like a pro in 2019, listen up. In this article I’m going to show you quick steps to blog in the right niche build your blogging audience give yourself the best shot at making a profit And as a bonus, I’ll even show you my shortcut to […]

Top 5 SEO Strategies To Boost Your Traffic In 2019
I know you’d love to know the “Top 5 SEO Strategies To Boost Your Traffic In 2019.” Building a blogging business that actually results in profit can be a very demanding task. And at the heart of that task is driving traffic to your blog. Without that, you’ll never be able to get the results […]

How To Easily Use Video With Your Blog
This post was most recently updated on January 11th, 2019 When you learn how to easily use video with your blog, you can quickly grow your audience. It’s no secret that video is one of the most compelling ways to get people’s attention. And it’s one of the best ways to get people to want […]

Make 2019 Your Best Year For Guaranteed Big Blogging Success
Just imagine if you could figure out how to make 2019 your best year for guaranteed Big Blogging Success. This article has been updated from last year, because I had such a great response to that one. And, of course, you should always be updating your Blogging Success. So I want you to see how […]

3 Reasons You are Blogging Wrong and How To Fix It
You should know 3 reasons you are blogging wrong and how to fix it. I know you want to be a great blogger. Nobody creates a blog to just be mediocre, right? You do it because you hope it will help you be unique, a voice that can be heard above all the noise of […]

Welcome – How Is This Blog Different?
This post was most recently updated on January 7th, 2021

How to Find People Interested in What You Do
You need to know how to find people interested in what you do in order to build your business. This is the only way to put your blogging brand in front of a new crowd. In this article, you are going to learn where to find those people. Then I’m going to show you how […]

Decide Now if you want to be a Good Blogger or a Bad Blogger
You have to decide now if you want to be a Good Blogger or a Bad Blogger. Why now? Because you are blogging now… today… every day. You may not even realize it, but you make decisions every day based on the little voices in your head. Those are the voices of the “Good Blogger” […]

How to Accelerate Your Productivity in 2019 to be a Top Blogger
I will show you how to accelerate your productivity in 2019 to be a top blogger. This will require a few simple things on your part. But it won’t be difficult to massively accelerate your productivity once you get these things together. And then, of course… you’ll need to put them into action. Because really, […]

What is the Best Way to Make Blogging Easy?
What is the best way to make blogging easy? Every blogger wants to know. But you really don’t have to struggle hard. First of all, though, I should say that blogging is not easy. It definitely requires a what I’ve called a blogging success mindset. But still, the truth is that making any business successful […]