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3 Productivity Hacks To Be A Top Blogger

3 Productivity Hacks to be a Top Blogger

This post was most recently updated on December 9th, 2018I’m going to give you 3 Productivity Hacks to be a Top Blogger. They are probably things you’ve heard before, but maybe you haven’t actually put them into practice. Being a blogger is pretty simple stuff. But being a top blogger requires that you master a […]

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gain massive traffic through Pinterest

How To Gain Massive Traffic Through Pinterest

You can gain massive traffic through Pinterest when you put a solid plan into action. Now, who doesn’t need more traffic, right? Yes, there are some insider secrets for getting traffic to your blog that you should learn about. Effectively marketing your content through social media is one of them. And Pinterest is certainly one of […]

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When Bloggers Should Not Follow their Passion

When Bloggers Should Not Follow their Passion

There are actually times when bloggers should not follow their passion. Has anyone ever told you that you should follow your passion when you are blogging? Well I’ve heard it many times. And I’m sure you have. In fact, I have always followed my passion in my own blogging business. So sure, it’s good advice […]

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Perfect Client for Your Blog

Who is your Perfect Client for your Blog?

Until you answer the question “Who is your Perfect Client for your Blog?” you’re not ready to make money with your blog. That’s because you have not yet learned how to identify your target audience. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t promote products and services to people. It means that until you have a crystal […]

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How To Go Live on Facebook

How To Go Live on Facebook

I want to show you exactly “How To Go Live on Facebook” to build your audience. Why? Because your blogging business depends on building an ever-fresh, loyal and targeted audience. Facebook Live can help you do exactly that… for free. I recently did a brief training (more about that in a minute) about how to […]

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Manage Expectations in your blogging business

How do you Manage Expectations in your Blogging Business?

How do you manage expectations in your blogging business? This is really important when you understand that your expectations shape the success or failure of your blogging business. So how do you manage those expectations? It’s really pretty simple, actually. Special: Join Donna’s Budget Coaching Program You Get What You Expect You see, when people […]

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