3 Steps To Selecting A Blogging Niche
This post was most recently updated on August 2nd, 2016The “3 Steps To Selecting A Blogging Niche” I’m about to share come as a result of years of experience. In other words, they didn’t come from my conference notes, and they’re not a condensation of the first chapter of a “how to blog” course. This was […]

10 Ways To Make Your Blog Social
This post was most recently updated on August 6th, 2016I will give you “10 Ways To Make Your Blog Social.” Blogging is, first and foremost, a key part of social media. It is a platform for meeting people, engaging with them and building relationships. Your blog is where people come to meet you on your […]

Run Your Blog Like You Would Run A Store
This post was most recently updated on August 6th, 2016You really should “Run Your Blog Like You Would Run A Store.” As someone who been both a blogger and a brick and mortar shop owner, I can tell you that the concept is the same. First, you “set up shop.” Like a shop owner has […]

Getting To The Next Level
This post was most recently updated on August 6th, 2016Wherever you’re at with your online business, you must focus daily on Getting To The Next Level. You see, if you’re not stretching to reach the next level, then you’re shrinking into complacency. I’ve seen many entrepreneurs come online to set the world on fire. I’ve […]

4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster
This post was most recently updated on August 6th, 2016I’m going to show you my private 4 Ways To Write More Blog Posts, And Write Them Better And Faster. I’ll even throw in a quick little bonus tip. I decided to put this information into a blog post because I know it’s a big issue […]

Anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event
This post was most recently updated on October 1st, 2019 I am outlining the anatomy of a JV Giveaway Event here, not just so you’ll understand how it works, but so you’ll get involved and implement this powerful marketing strategy. A JV Giveaway Event is a wonderful way for you to grow your email list, but […]

Getting To Know Your Target Audience
This post was most recently updated on August 2nd, 2016Getting To Know Your Target Audience is the surest way to build rapport with them, and better serve their needs. You might think that you already know what your target audience wants. The truth is, you probably know some of what your audience wants, but you’ll […]

7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing
This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2016I have found that there are “7 Things Top Bloggers Never Stop Doing.” This is a brief checklist of those things. This is a very simple list, and I doubt that any of these are new to most experienced bloggers. Here’s the thing, though. While the […]

SEO Basics | And Beyond
This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2016The SEO basics you need to know are really very simple. I do not pretend to be an SEO expert, but I guide my students through the essentials on a daily basis. I also apply them on this blog, as long as my green light (for […]

Build Momentum And Ride The Wave
This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2016Your online business can become a crushing success when you learn how to “Build Momentum And Ride The Wave.” The problem many people encounter is that they do a few things and then sit back and wait for things to happen. They actually stand by and watch, hoping […]

7 Ways You Can Market Online
This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2016In this article I will share 7 Ways You Can Market Online. Now, these are not the only ways to market online, but I consider them to be the 7 most effective ways. Marketing online consists of several components. First, you need to have a clearly […]

Dress Your Blog For Success
This post was most recently updated on August 1st, 2016Dress Your Blog For Success, hidden keyword is impress. Yes, yes, yes. You want people to be happy when they find you. You want them to say “this is what I was looking for” “this is what I needed to hear” “this is exactly the information […]