Taking Time Out
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 The beginning of the new year is here and I chose to take some time out. 2014 was plenty busy for me. My first digital product “Blogging Magic” was released. My members only coaching club, the “Whirlwind Success VIP Club” went live. I started the […]

The 10 Best Ways To Blog in 2015
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 Today I want to give you a checklist of the 10 best ways to blog in 2015. While this is not a complete list of the things you need to do, I hope it will get you asking yourself some questions about how you are […]

Blogging In 2015
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 Blogging in 2015 will be an exciting adventure for those of you who are ready to answer some basic challenges. Many of my clients, readers and subscribers will be working toward a major blogging goal in the upcoming year… Turning their blogs into a business, or at least a better […]

How Bloggers Gain Authority
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 Bloggers are always looking for ways to gain authority with their readers. If you’re a blogger, I’d say you’re already on the right track. I mean, just by the fact that you operate a blog means that you have some notion of the value of […]

Learn To Blog The Right Way
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 You can easily learn to blog, but very few bloggers ever learn to blog the right way. Most of the bloggers I work with, mainly want to promote things. Sometimes they want to brand themselves. They might want to sell their products and services, or maybe the […]

Luck Is Not The Same As Success
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 Some people have told me I’m pretty lucky to have reached such a high level of success online. But I don’t believe in luck. In any event, luck is not success. It takes hard work to build a business. It takes a fire and passion burning within you. […]

15 Reasons Why Blogging Sucks
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016 Yes, my loyal readers I am here to tell you that blogging sucks! Let me show you why. 1. It takes so much time to write a blog post… doesn’t that suck? 2. After you’re done writing, you have to purchase or otherwise find a […]

Blogging For Network Marketers
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016I’m often asked, how important is blogging for network marketers? Well, if you’re a network marketer, you were most likely trained to go to your warm market, and then reach out gradually into the cold market. A typical cold market plan set forth is to make a goal of talking to 5 […]

Ready For Success?
This post was most recently updated on July 29th, 2016Are you ready for success? Sometimes success comes slowly to you. Other times it is like the flood gates opening and it just pours out right into your lap. I know what you are thinking. Yea… bring it on I’m ready for success! Some people reading this […]

The Perfect Blend
This post was most recently updated on July 28th, 2016 As a child growing up in an Italian American home, every Sunday I would wake up to the sweet aroma of a fresh sauce cooking slowly on the stove top. My dad loved to spend Sunday mornings creating that perfect blend for his pasta sauce. It was quite a labor […]

Build Your Brand
This post was most recently updated on July 28th, 2016 The first thing to do with your blog, new or old, is to build your brand. I’ve been doing a lot of individual and team coaching since the release of my new Whirlwind Success VIP Club. I’ve been talking to a lot of new bloggers, […]

Joint Ventures
This post was most recently updated on July 28th, 2016 I know many bloggers who have done joint ventures with each other at critical stages in their professional development. One of the more common types of JV partnerships I’ve seen involves bloggers who want to create a digital information product. Maybe they want to sell a […]