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Guest Lesly Federici

Guest Blog Post | Lesly Federici

I’ve known Lesly Federici for a long time.  Besides business buddies, we have become friends.  Lesly has a knack for helping others.  She recently started a community of bloggers, which I was happy to join.  Not only is it a  syndication group, but Lesly takes it the extra mile with weekly Google+ Hangouts, learning modules, […]

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Sidebar Blindness

As a blogger, I’m sure you are busy reading many blogs.  My question to you is do you have sidebar blindness?  Or…do you read everything on a person’s sidebar when you visit their blog?  Do you actually go to them?  Sign in for newsletters?  OR…have you developed a blindness when it comes to all those […]

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Engagement Blogging

This post was most recently updated on June 25th, 2014There are many styles of blogging. Many people blog in order to build authority in a certain niche.  Others try to introduce their product or business, promote affiliate offers, or share their expertise on a particular topic.  There are still other reasons people blog.  I’ll bet […]

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4 Essential Steps Of Affiliate Blogging

This post was most recently updated on October 7th, 2014Many bloggers try to develop income as affiliate marketers.  It’s a good strategy, but not nearly as simple as it might seem. So, here’s the simple plan. You grab an affiliate link for a Clickbank product, or maybe a cool WordPress plugin you just found out […]

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Blogging For Network Marketers

This post was most recently updated on October 7th, 2014Network marketers need to build teams.  Teams of customers, but even more importantly, teams of sales reps or organization “down-lines”. Team building is why they’re be engaged in network marketing to begin with.  Yet, they’re frequently content to settle for a company website or the “company […]

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Entrepreneurs Have Holidays Too

 How does an entrepreneur handle holidays? Being an entrepreneur and running a blog, or any online business for that matter, requires a consistent effort and a lot of your time.   But what happens to an entrepreneur when a holiday rolls around?  Do you continue your business, or take a break to enjoy your family […]

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Marketing Your Blog

This post was most recently updated on May 24th, 2014I’ve been marketing products and services online for quite some time now. My gosh, there are so many aspects to it, doesn’t it just make your head spin sometimes? It doesn’t have to be confusing, though, you just need to get the right strategies to move […]

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Persistence For Online Success

I’ve spoken about the importance of developing the right character traits required to achieve online success. One of those traits is persistence. I’ve worked with a lot of people online who have had varying degrees of success, and persistence is a character trait that every one of them developed. In this article I’ll explore a […]

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Have You Come A Long Way, Blogger?

In my last post, I celebrated my 200th blog post.  I had listed bloggers that I’ve known for a long time.  It made me think of how far so many of us have come with our blogs and online businesses.  So I’ll ask you this: have you come a long way, blogger? Then I received […]

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