Do You Own Your Business or Does It Own You?
This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014 So you started an online business. You put endless hours into it, and you enjoy doing so. You have submersed yourself in free and paid tutorials. You work harder than anyone you know, even though you may not be making money. It has become a […]

This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014I’m sure you have heard the term “Go-Giving” many times in the internet marketing world. It is usually referred to as taking the first step to engaging others. But this is not about how to go-give in business, nor is it a lesson on marketing. Rather, […]

A Calm Voice Can Claim Power
This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014Many clients of mine have the problem of a co-worker or family member that is argumentative and confrontational. “What do I do?” “Do I get a new job?” “Should I move away from this neighbor?” ” Should I never talk to my sister again?” […]

HuffPost Stress-Less Challenge
This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014 Stress: We all have it in one form or another, and it comes at us from virtually every imaginable direction. At least some of it is getting internalized and making your life a living hell… at least some of the time. Now, wouldn’t it […]

30 Day Challenge
This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014 “If you want to do something bad enough you can do ANYTHING in 30 days” – Matt Cutts I am a strong believer in 30 day challenges. It can be anything from riding a bike instead of driving a car; to changing your mindset […]

U Smile Radio Interview | Lesly Federici with Donna Merrill
This post was most recently updated on March 26th, 2014I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lesly Federici on her radio show on “U Smile Radio” recently. I have known Lesly for a few years now. We went from blogging buddies to Google+ Hangouts and so on. Lesly has done such wonderful work with […]

11 Limiting Beliefs
This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014Limiting beliefs can stop you in your tracks as you trudge along on your personal journey. Sometimes you may not even be aware of thoughts that run through your mind that will limit you in believing what you can accomplish. It is amazing how […]

10 WaysTo Set Coaching Boundaries
This post was most recently updated on June 19th, 2017If you want to be a coach or mentor in your field or niche, the first thing you need to do is set up boundaries. This will brand you immediately as a leader. You may get all excited with your first coaching clients and spend extra […]

Plan Your Day
This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014 If you wrote down each task you did in one day, you would be surprised how much you had done. When running your own business, there are hundreds of things you are doing without even thinking about it during a course of a day. But […]

Internet Marketing Bashing
This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014 I must have had my head in the clouds for the past two years. I have spent the past two years blogging passionately. I love the community I am in with other bloggers and internet marketers. I’ve enjoyed such positive energy and have made so many […]

How To Tribe
This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014As you may have noticed, I have the word “tribe” in my blog title, right after my name: donnamerrilltribe! People have asked me why? Why do you tribe? And the biggest question of all is “What is a tribe?” This all started with Seth Godin’s book […]