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Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses

This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014In a recent post by my friend Sylviane Nuccio, I was reading of how to plan for success.  One of the things she had mentioned was to know your strengths and weaknesses.  Well it got me thinking all day long about what I am weak at […]

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Clear your mind

Organize Your Space, Clear your Mind

This post was most recently updated on March 27th, 2014Can organizing your office space actually clear your mind?  Are you ready to De-Clutter? There are so many ways you can improve your focus and be more productive without any distractions.  One way is to organize the space in your physical environment.  This will go a […]

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Basic Bloggin

Basic Blogging

I was compelled to write this post because I had so many people asking me blogging questions this past week. They wanted to know how I was able to kick out a blog and get so many wonderful comments. Well, it is fairly easy to do when you know a few simple rules.  I have […]

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5 Personal Development Blogs

In this post, I want to introduce my readers to some wonderful people, some of my fellow bloggers who write about personal development and growth.  I’ve known these fantastic people for a long time now, and enjoy their work. So here is a list of my friends and fellow bloggers that are in write in […]

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What’s Your Why?

When I first start working with a client who wants to take their business on the internet, my first question is   “What’s Your Why.” We all have a main reason why we blog, or sell products and/or services via the internet.  But before you write another blog, before you put up your first or your […]

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Things Go Wrong

What is “personal development” anyway?   To some degree, it involves growing through adversity instead of shrinking from it. I want to share what happened to me last week when EVERYTHING went wrong!   It started when people were telling me that they couldn’t comment on my blog.  I checked it out and I could […]

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Mastermind Groups

For the past two months, I have met with a group of people on Google+ Hangouts.  We first met in a blogging community and ended up getting to know one another so well, it evolved into a mastermind group.   We started out introducing ourselves and revealing what we were doing on a weekly basis […]

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