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Everyone gets stuck from time to time, not quite mustering the energy they need to push forward with their job, relationship or project.  This is often just a little bump in the road, a rut or a brief detour.  But sometimes it can take you down a dead end, and totally terminate your journey. Negative […]

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Is It Crazy To Talk To Yourself?

This post was most recently updated on January 17th, 2013 My mother used to walk me quickly through the subway station so I wouldn’t be exposed to the “crazy” people talking to themselves.   Get on the D-train, but they were still there.  She’d move our seat. Get a transfer uptown, get out and walk […]

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How To Condition Yourself

We all hit those roadblocks where we find ourselves overloaded.  Sometimes we lose energy and burn out from completing even our simplest daily tasks. We may even lose our desire for success.  Once that happens, you’ll find an instant drop in your self-confidence level.  To prevent this downward spiral, there is a solution:  Condition Yourself! […]

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Success Quotes

My last post was about “Fear of Success” and I wanted to list some quotes from great people for you to ponder. Quotes sometimes can be affirmations.  Weather you have a fear of success or not, the following quotes are some food for thought.  If one particular quote speaks to you, use it as a […]

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Fear of Success

It’s not uncommon for me to consult with a client hampered by a “fear of success”.  Your knee-jerk reaction could likely be this… “What?  Why wouldn’t anyone want success?”  But so many people this tendency, that I wanted to address the issue. Why would a person reject success, so much so, that they actually fear […]

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The Inner Marketer Day 4

Raise Your Standards! Recently, I watched a video by Anthony Robbins in which he talked about raising your standards.  It made me think of the mindset we develop somewhere along the line, and how to expand it into new realms of promise and growth. So, my friends let me ask you these simple questions: Are […]

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The Inner Marketer Day 3

“Code Blue” Breakthrough Strategy for Crippling Doubt You have your business plan in order, you are following your daily operations procedures to a “T”. Your ads are running, your list is growing, people are opting in and clicking “Buy Now”…. Then you hit a block.  You can’t seem to figure out a technology glitch, or […]

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The Inner Marketer Day 2

The Inner Marketer Day 2 PROCRASTINATION To be a good marketer, it helps to put all the pieces of each “daily puzzle” on the table, when attempting to solve immediate problems, or organize daily tasks.   Once everything is in place and you’re looking at your vision board and plotting your success strategy… there is one […]

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The Inner Marketer Day 1

The Inner Marketer Day 1 What better way to start the new year with a new slate.  If you are an Internet Marketer or have your own business, you know that there are so many different parts to the “big machine” that you are accountable for.  You follow your guidelines to your financial goals, communicate […]

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A 30 Day Blog Challenge

When my great blogging buddy Beth Hewitt contacted me several weeks ago about the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, I was hesitant to even read about it.  What came to my mind was “Another thing to do?”   But what happened was this kept tugging at my mind.   Well, If you know me, once I get […]

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Blog Review Of 2012

I reviewed my blogs for the past year to see what was the strongest and weakest blogs I’ve written.  I like to measure it by reading the comments that I have received on a particular subject.  My readers will actually read the post!  They will comment and sometimes add to the content to the post. […]

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Inspirational Quotes

I have used these inspirational quotes on Twitter and had many re-tweets and replies.  I wanted to share them with you for your own use.  Even if one quote resonates with you, keep on saying it to yourself to accomplish a new mindset.       My Quotes: Fear and Doubt open up negative energies […]

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