The Art of Active Listening
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014I was in a “Listening” group today, applying the principals of the Art of Listening. We paired in twos. Partners had to share statements that they found helpful in stressful situations. When I am stressed I use a breathing technique. I count from 1 to […]
Mari Smith and Guy Kawasaki March 28th Event
I love Social Media. Because of that, I follow the top Social Media Gurus. My Favorite is Mari Smith, because she has taken Social Media to a whole new level. That’s why I was so excited when I heard about the Mari Smith and Guy Kawasaki March 28th Event next week. The event is actually […]
Love And The Entrepreneur
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014For many years, I have been doing psychic readings. I built up an awesome professional practice as a psychic consultant in Nyack, New York. “Mind over Matter”, as my practice was called, caught on so fast that it became a 7 day a week undertaking. When […]
LinkedIn – My Secret Weapon
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014LinkedIn is my secret weapon I used to call LinkedIn my “Secret Weapon” for my business. I am glad to see more and more people using it regularly. I find that the platform on LinkedIn is more business-like compared to Facebook. To me, […]
The 30 Day Expert
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014How to become an expert in your field in 30 days? You can do it by following this simple formula In order to attract a following on your blog, or your Facebook Fan Page, or anywhere else online… or even offline for that matter… YOU must […]
Success Is Built On Encouragement
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014I‘m visiting my step daughter and her new baby this week. It is a quiet little New Jersey neighborhood where most of the homes are filled with young families. As I was sitting outside this afternoon getting some vitamin D from the sun, I watched a […]
Why is Self-discipline important to your Business?
Wikepedia states that “Self-discipline can be defined as the ability to motivate oneself in spite of a negative emotional state. Qualities associated with self-discipline include willpower, hard work, and persistence”. Negative Emotional states will arise. Some examples are: Why am I working so hard, when money is not coming in fast enough? Maybe I should […]

Prosperity Mindset
This post was most recently updated on July 28th, 2019What is prosperity to you? Think about it. If you had all the money you have ever dreamed of what would you do? I’m sure you are thinking, buy this, buy that, etc. But that’s not what a “prosperity mindset” is all about. I want you […]
No Blog Comments? Don’t Cry
Pro Bloggers Don’t Cry It has come to my attention this week that people are complaining that their blogs are not getting enough comments. There may be several reasons to combat this problem. Are you writing good content? Comprising good content, you must remember that you are writing to readers in your niche searching for […]
Find Your Passion | Key Lifecoach Strategies
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014When several of my internet marketing clients struggled to define niches for themselves this week, I was compelled to write about passion. Passion is the first step for ANY business. If we are passionate about what we do, we are excited each and every day to […]
A Day In The Life Of A “Life Coach”
This post was most recently updated on June 19th, 2017As a “Life Coach”, I often work with clients who are struggling in various Network Marketing businesses. This week, I worked rather intensely with a couple who are internet newbies. Among other issues, they wanted me to show them how to use the internet to “quickly” […]
Eliminate Email Overload In 10 Mins Or Less Per Day
This post was most recently updated on February 23rd, 2014If you’re like me, you probably get off track easily because of a well-known online villain called Email Overload. I finally got this problem under control because of my friend, Gavin Mountford. I’ve worked with Gavin on several projects, and he’s become a trusted mentor of […]