Are you going through the motions in your business
Are you trying to build a business by carefully going through the motions? Think of your normal way of doing business. Do you focus on doing the same things every day? You could say it becomes very mechanical. It’s called a “routine.” Yes, entrepreneurs must settle into routines. Brick and mortar business Think if you […]

Is online business worth the risk
When you start an online business, there are certain risks you will have to take. That’s always the way it is when you are an entrepreneur. If you’ve been running your online business for years, now, you’re pretty familiar with all the risks. But that doesn’t make you immune to them. Every day, there are […]

Do you have the determination to succeed at blogging?
Sheer determination makes some people persist, when others would just quit. If you don’t have the determination to succeed at blogging, you are facing an uphill struggle. So whether or not you have the determination to succeed at blogging is a question you must answer for yourself There’s no doubt that determination is the key […]

6 online businesses that sorely need effective email marketing
Anyone doing business online needs to rely on effective email marketing. Sure, people spend lots of time on social media these days. But don’t be fooled by that. Most people are keenly aware of what’s in their email inbox. And they especially keep close tabs on those people that they value. So, if you become […]

How to build an online following in 2021
Since the internet became “a thing,” it has been used by people to build an online following. Internet marketers and affiliate marketers want to build an online following of buyers and clients. Bloggers want to build an online following of readers and fans. Network marketers want to build an online following of people to join […]

Do your online prospects trust you?
This is the first question to ask yourself. Really, do your online prospects trust you? If they do, your online business has unlimited potential for growth and prosperity. But if they don’t, then you are doing some things seriously wrong. And you have to get them straightened out before you can reach your goals. Trust […]

How to get visitors to your blog for free
You must improve the visibility of your blog in order to expand your business. But at what cost? Let me show you how to get visitors to your blog for free. That way, you can expand your business while preserving your budget. Marketers call this growing your blog organically. That means, growing it by using […]

3 secrets to being a productive blogger
Blogging involves many different activities. To overcome confusion and overwhelm, you need to become a more productive blogger. Now, that doesn’t really mean you need to keep kicking out blog posts. Keeping busy doesn’t make you productive. It keeps you, well… busy. Special: Join Donna’s Free VIP Blogging Club – Free Now… Free Forever By […]

How to get amazing blog post ideas
If you want to build an audience, you can’t be run of the mill. You need to know exactly how to get amazing blog post ideas. But you may not know where to start looking. You open a blank page and wonder what to write about. Maybe you write about something that interests you. But […]

Best Cloud Storage for Bloggers in 2021
So why is cloud storage for bloggers different than for anyone else? Well, it’s not really different. But bloggers typically approach the whole idea of storing data with a little bit different perspective than casual internet users That’s because they are usually running a business online, not just browsing and socializing. What is cloud storage? […]

How blogging gives you freedom
Blogging freedom comes in many sizes and shapes. It means different things to different people. One person’s freedom could be another person’s imprisonment. There are two things I hear most from bloggers searching for freedom. They want blogging to give them financial freedom. Special: Join Donna’s Free VIP Blogging Club – Free Now… Free Forever […]

How does your blog solve problems
You must ask how your blog solves problems. Or even if it does. Because really, the only way you will ever run a successful blogging business is if you are in the business of helping to solve people’s problems. How can you be a problem solver? You can help people avoid pain. That’s always a […]