Best bloggers to follow in 2021
The best bloggers to follow 2021 are those who can best help you. If you are a blogger, you want to build your own blogging business. So it makes perfect sense for you to peek at what other bloggers are doing to build theirs. But how do you know which are the ones you should […]

8 ways to build an email list for your blog
This post was most recently updated on November 30th, 2020There are many ways to build an email list for your blog. I’ve listed 8 of them below. Any one of these methods will help you build an email list for your blog. Of course, you could put all of them to work. But I don’t […]

Why you need a blog
You need a blog if you want to connect with people online. Sure, you can just go out on social media sites and leave comments, likes, up-votes and the rest. But if you really want to connect with people, then blogging could be the perfect thing for you. Here are some of the reasons. Your […]

How Pinterest grows your blogging audience
Pinterest grows your blogging audience in many ways. I will show you a few here. So, first, let’s understand something. Every blogger needs to grow their blogging audience. That’s the only way to get readership. And readership means a profit base. As critical as it is to grow your blogging audience, you may just get […]

Get great Instagram traffic to your blog for free
There are many ways to get Instagram traffic to your blog. For bloggers, one of the best methods is to add what I call “blog post captions.” I’ll tell you what I mean by that in a minute. But first, let’s talk about some Instagram basics. Instagram for your personal blog Okay, first of all… […]

How to get high quality traffic to your blog with LinkedIn
This post was most recently updated on October 26th, 2020 You can get high quality traffic when you blog with LinkedIn. Sure, everybody wants to get free traffic from Google. That’s why most bloggers focus their efforts on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). They figure, with the right keywords and other SEO tactics, they’ll rank high […]

The most effective way to monetize your blog
The most effective way to monetize your blog is to move readers through a sales funnel. It’s not complicated. In fact, it’s really simple. But there are two things that stop most bloggers from doing this. First, they don’t really know what a sales funnel is. And they don’t know how to put one together […]

Grow your blog with Facebook
You can grow your blog with Facebook very effectively. I recently posed the question, do you need Google to get people to your blog? The short answer is no. You don’t need Google… even though it can send tons of free traffic your way. But there are alternatives to ranking high in Google search. Special: […]

Do you need Google to get people to your blog
Do you need Google to get people to your blog? Let’s face it. Most bloggers put a great deal of effort into trying to get Google to rank their blog posts high in the search results. Why? Because they figure that’s the way to get their blog noticed. And it’s free. Special: Join Donna’s Free […]

Make your roadmap to successful blogging
To make your roadmap to successful blogging, you need to know where you’re heading. Just think if you jumped in your car to start a road trip. If you didn’t have any idea where to head, then you could end up just about anywhere. Everything would be left up to chance. The same thing with […]

13 Sure ways to build an awesome blog following
You can build an awesome blog following by sticking to some proven methods. Bloggers typically try to build a following by getting lots of social media followers. That works well, but there’s more to it than that. One of the most reliable methods is to build an email list of you readers so you can […]

Is your blog getting results?
Is your blog getting results? I mean, the results you want. That’s not the same for everyone, of course. So, first thing… think of what kind of results you expect from blogging. Profit Recognition Social Following Special: Join Donna’s Free VIP Blogging Club – Free Now… Free Forever Monitor your results Whatever your end game […]