A tip to ground yourself is to take a quick break.
Go to a quiet place, and stand closing your eyes. Imagine that there is a red ball of fire in the center of the earth. Take that red energy and visualize it on the bottom of your feet. Then slowly bring it up through your legs, up your body to your head. Stay there for a moment. Realize that you are grounded. It is so important during your busy work day to re-focus your energy. It is like taking a power nap!
So give yourself a break today from all the hectic energy, ground and you will be refreshed and have a clear perspective on the rest of your day. Blessings, Donna
Thanks Christy,
What you don’t know is that this was crawling with spiders….Ewww The sacrifices we need to take to make a point. lol!
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..Ground Yourself Once A Day! =-.
Love your connection with the “roots”. It is so important that we find a way to “ground” ourselves, keep things in perspective and go forward with the right kind of energy and focus.
Good share!
.-= Christy Dutilly´s last blog ..What Your Well Meaning Upline Isn’t Telling You! =-.
Aloha Donna,
Oh I love the red ball of energy! What a great quick way to get grounded fast! I love it! Thank you so much for this great tip!
Oh, and my dear you look lovely in your beautiful dress! It almost looks like a very nice Hawaiian “muumuu”!!
Much love,
Kellie 🙂
.-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..Do You Know That Paying It Forward Is Your Formula To Freedom =-.
Thanks Kellie, I know You would understand this!
.-= Dona Merrill´s last blog ..Ground Yourself Once A Day! =-.
Thanks Val, I am trying to do more than one post a week. Yet another discipline to follow tee hee!
What an interesting switch on grounding. I had learned it a bit differently, yet the end result is still the same. I love the big, narly, inviting tree roots you are sitting amongst. What a great emphasis for your grounding technique,
Val 😉
.-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..What’s Your Focus =-.